Ahh. Let’s go back to last year at just about this time. Picture it, a young (sorta, if you squint) ingenue about to sign away their freedom – I mean, swear fealty to these United States of America that has nurtured and abused- trauma- wait, I gotta think. Made life interesting on a near daily basis for our person. Here’s pictures!
Well, I am pleased to report –
VOTE ACCEPTED BISHES! Eating a sandwich of RESPONSIBLE VOTING Santa Cruzing Golden Gating
Not a bad birthing day present, using my power to vote. I like to think of us as a million middle fingers raised in a salute to the GOP. And it all happened thanks to you curmudgeonly lot. Here’s an update & open thread. Don’t bust up the joint. Plus, here’s the obligatory smug cats pictures.
Hime is pleased to not live with one of Those humans. Odo is concerned you haven’t noticed how good looking he is.
Sister Golden Bear
Happy Birthday!
And just remember to feed Hime and Odo for they are but skin and bones and haven’t been fed in weeks, maybe months.
cool post
Ha! Great story, great pics. Congrats!
@Sister Golden Bear: maybe never, hard to remember it’s been so long
the pollyanna from hell
Every omen auspicious; you are bound to win.
Happy birthday.
Charlie Cook has some thoughts on Tuesday’s election.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Just got the alert for the latest Rick Wilson/Molly Jong-Fast podcast, entitled: “Chill The Fuck Out: This Isn’t 2016”
Anne Laurie
Thank you, congratulations, and many happy returns!
Most excellent birthday…and thanks for reminding me of why we worry and why we do as we do.
Hime and Odo rule, though they do appear sadly malnourished when they see themselves in the mirror.
Glad to have you as a fellow citizen ??
Lol awesome. I’ve never seen a hand holding BUSINESS REPLY MAIL look as much like a middle finger as before
Did nearly 830 phone texts tonight, so now I’m really annoying.
Happy Birthday!!! Hugs to you and to lively kittehs!
John Revolta
Also: My ballot got accepted today also too! YAAAAYYY!
Where’s my sammitch?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Hooray! Happy Birthday! Best Odo wishes and many Hime returns!
@Mel: “lovely kittehs”! Old eyes plus tiny phone = oops.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@John Revolta: Mine too! I ate a sausage to celebrate, which is maybe the culinary equivalent of a middle finger?
I got dozens and dozens of texts over the past few weeks and I made sure to respond to every damn one with a “thank you and I’m already on the team.”
You volunteers are appreciated, trust me, even if it doesn’t seem so.
Ignore this. Testing to see how/whether FYWP handles something.
☜ ☜
Mine’s tomorrow! We’re (almost) birthday buds!!!!
EDIT: お 誕生日 おめでとう ございます!!!
@Yutsano: YAY!
Congrats and happy birthday!
@HumboldtBlue: I’ve been getting a lot of nice responses to my campaign texts. There’s the usual scattering of people who are sick of the texts and asshole Republicans, but other than that, people are really psyched to vote and happy to share with someone when they have.
Mary G
Happy Birthday, fellow citizen! I’ve been to a couple of those swearing in ceremonies; it’s always very dusty in the room. Plus a sunny day in San Francisco and Santa Cruz, no better place to be on earth. It was so monumental filling in that Biden/Harris box and getting the text and email back!
@ruemara: New citizens are the bomb. Thank you for texting.
Yo, yesterday my kids and I carved Jack o Lanterns, cause that’s what we do before Halloween. We’re not letting them go trick or treating (kids, not jack o lanterns), because we’ve already got people posting in the community Facebook page that they’re coming to the door WITHOUT MASKS to hand out candy because THEY DON’T LIVE IN FEAR. It sucks. On Saturday we’ll go to the botanical gardens, outdoors with masks so the kids can strut their awesome costumes, then come home to some scary games and a pinata we’ve STUFFED with candy. We’re priviledged to be able to do this. Happy birthday and damn the GOP for fucking up Halloween
Happy day. Upbeat performance to celebrate.
Mary G
Happy Birthday, fellow citizen! I’ve been to a couple of those swearing in ceremonies; it’s always very dusty in the room. Plus a sunny day in San Francisco and Santa Cruz, no better place to be on earth. It was so monumental filling in that Biden/Harris box and getting the text and email back!
@ruemara: New citizens are the bomb. Thank you for texting.
Happy Happy Birthday, ruemara!
It’s not 2016, but the fuckery is afoot. If you requested a ballot by mail in MN, the instruction letter inside the packet says ballots postmarked by election day will be counted.
Now a three judge panel of the 8th Circuit has ruled 2-1 that ballots received after 8pm Tuesday (by mail, I guess they mean?) must be segregated, and that further litigation is anticipated. So, yeah, MN voters. A US Circuit Court says – with less than 5 days to voting day, “oopsie, change of plans, disregard the info *from your election officials*.
God damned GOP fuckery.
Oh, and it doesn’t escape notice that if you’re in line to vote at 8pm Tuesday, election judges have to let you vote and your ballot is not provisional. But if the USPS stops by at 8:01, into the boo-boo pile it goes!
Yup, that was me. If it came from a personal number with an introduction and name I responded warmly.
Mary G
Love this photo caption in the SacBee:
Bold mine. Thinking about putting it in a comment on Rod Dreher’s blog. He’ll either trash it or write 4,000-5,000 words on how it signals the doom of civilization. I kind of like having Doug Emhoff style himself Second Partner.
Mallard Filmore
About your cats …
Today is your birthday?! How awesome, today is my dad’s birthday! :)
I’m not voting for Joe Biden…
I love this post. Congrats and Happy Birthday!
Matt McIrvin
@HumboldtBlue: If Charlie Cook thinks a big win margin means an uncontested election, he doesn’t understand Donald Trump.
Congratulations on your gaining your citizenship and voting, ruemara! Several years ago, during the Bush II administration (shortly before the fees for various components of the process were raised), the spousal unit got her citizenship, and as I looked around the room, I saw a family who were likely Muslim refugees from the former Yugoslavia, a family that was likely from Indonesia or Malaysia, several people who were likely from Africa, as well as lots of Chinese and Hispanics. And I thought, pretty much every one of these few dozen newly minted citizens won’t be voting Republican. I called the local Democratic Party and left a message urging them to begin sending somebody to register the new citizens to vote, but I doubt anybody followed up on my suggestion.
Fair Economist
What a great birthday! So happy for you.
Happy B day, happy voting and happy citizenship.
It’s a screwed up place now, but most of us really want to make it better and make it worth your while to join us, and, thank you for helping to do that, by your joining us in being able and participating by helping to get out the vote.
I confess, I’m in a very strange mood, but the dropping of the ballot in the box brought a tear to my eye.
@RaflW: I learned in 2000 that a lot of those ballots that arrive late are from the military overseas. Why do Republicans hate the troops?
Ya-a-a-y! And Happy Birthday!
@tokyokie: When my wife became a US citizen, there were tables right outside the exit for folk to register to vote.
Happy birthday and congratulations on being able to vote.
Your photos of SF are beautiful, but you’d better feed those kitties right quick because they’re starving, probably.
Happy Birthday and congrats on your first vote. We need you!
re: military ballots
J R in WV
. HAPPY BIRFDAY ~!~!~~=!=
Congratulations on the newish citizenship, thanks so much for voting for Joe and Kamala. Looks like you had a very nice birthday/election participation celebration. San Francisco, what a town. I didn’t realize you were there. Maybe we can take you out to dinner in a year or two, after the Trump Plague is overcome.
Welcome to America ~!~
I know you’ve been here for a long time, but just wanted to let you know lots of Jackals are glad you’re here and joined up. Take care and keep in touch. The cats are really cute. Why don’t you feed them some tuna on us!!
Now belated Happy Birthday ruemara, and congratulations on your first vote as a U.S. citizen! The good guys need all the help they can get.
Do you live in Santa Cruz? The Mayor is a friend of my son’s (both of them, they all grew up together). So proud of what he’s accomplished.
Happy Belated Birthday and congratulations! As Victor Laslo said to Rick in Casablanca, “Welcome to the fight. Now I know we will win.”
Spanish Moss
Great post, and congrats!
I turned in my ballot at a drop box yesterday. While I am glad to know that it was in time to be counted, I really missed the in-person experience. Something about standing in line with my fellow citizens to fulfill this important duty moves me every single time. Makes me feel part of something bigger than myself or my family.
In 2016 I cried on the way home after voting, thinking that I had just voted for the first female president. And then I cried even more the next day. Hopefully I just voted for the first female VP.
Late to the party, as usual, but congrats on voting! Mission accomplished, new-ish fellow citizen!
Great post and great pics. Thanks for wanting to be an American!
Congratulations, and great pictures!!! Thanks for a lovely update. We are lucky to have you.
Belated happy birthday – and many happy returns. This post has all the feels; cats and ballots and Bay Area beauty. Also, a sammich. Thank you citizen.
Happy happy birthday to you, RueMara. and many many more !
Congratulations on your USA citizenship. We’ll all try to make sure you never regret it.
PS. Please pet the kittehs on my behalf
Happy Birthday to a fellow Scorpion! May all your sandwiches be RESPONSIBLE VOTING sandwiches!
Love Santa Cruz, years past there was a Santa parade the first Friday in December down N. Pacific – a very memorable experience. And some UC:SC students would do a-Capella carols in front of a building near Church Street. Just a marvelous time and place. I hope you enjoy it there!
Happy birthday and way to make this happen!! You did it!
Am moved and inspired by your example
Hope to follow in your footsteps when I trust our immigration bureaucracy again.