I wanna screen the Squatter-in-Chief entering his next rally for these cats:
well, obviously, because this is catsation, not causation https://t.co/sR1iBmYcLd
— GET FUCKING MAD ABOUT IT MACHINE (@golikehellmachi) October 29, 2020
Also, cats don’t change much, and neither do the people who love them…
anyway i'm obsessed with this diary entry the 9th-century Emperor Uda of Japan wrote when he got a cat at age 17 https://t.co/5uLeuQqGM4 pic.twitter.com/VT3BurZF0i
— Rave Sashayed (@_sashayed) October 26, 2020
It’s real, though I can’t confirm that translation. This is the text of the diary entry from a researcher specializing in AI reading of ancient texts https://t.co/xWoR2FawG5
— ???????????????? (@juncassis) October 27, 2020
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
Megan Rapinoe pops the question to Sue Bird (photo)
Oh happy day!
There’s no cat but there is a Labradoodle and a righteous dude.
Someone was asking the other day about the distribution of COVID cases on a county rather than state level. The Post today revisited that analysis. Bottom line, since early September, there have been more new cases of the disease per week in Trump-voting counties than in Clinton counties. Since late September, more deaths per week. So, at this point, Trump’s dereliction of duty literally is killing his supporters.
Bruce Springsteen.
There is no art in this White House.
I was reading the celebrity assessments that HHS compiled for their 300 million dollar feel good publicly funded PR campaign/slush fund for Trump’s re-election. Some of the great tags “Not a trump supporter” “advocate for voting” “expressed disinterest in Trump”
Rob Gronkowski (who has been vocally pro-trump and attended televised trump events)- No specific criminal or political notes
Samuel L. Jackson- Has criticized Clarence Thomas
Billie Eilish- stated Trump “is destroying our country and everything we care about.
The real kicker on this great celebrity political assessment paid for by our own government?
Kim and Khloe Kardashian- Christians, to appeal to other Christians.
Refuse to entertain the thought I’m alone in having initially read that as
Late Night Open Thread: Castration!
You weren’t.
Billie Eilish recently turned 18. I did not realize she’s just a kid. That’s a lot of success at a young age. Good for her.
@NotMax: You were not alone.
eddie blake
“dude knows his cats”
i said, but fucked up my nym with a typo.
eddie blake
hi catie!
(as both of my cats curl up besides me.)
eta-once upon a time, i was SO not a cat-person.
that ship has SAILED.
(also, tang the conqueror’s enemy list is HILARIOUS.)
@HumboldtBlue: Holy s*** that video is good. I wish I could find a non-Twitter link to it. (When I try to share to Facebook for instance, it seems to break.)
Another day, another Florida story
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball: Democrats Poised to Make State Legislative Gains
Catsashion? Well, of course.
He says, reclining with the senior and boss cat’s furry ass shoved up against hip.
So many of my cats convince me they are superior to all other cats. It must be a kind of quantum thing.
Try this, unless you already found it
@HumboldtBlue: I just found it, too. THANK YOU!
@CaseyL: Congrats to you all. Flipping two letters and adding another. You have envious skills. :)
Speaking of Florida (far from humorous), the ratóf*cking is rampant.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Imagine actually being an Hispanic supporter of Trump and the levels of self-loathing and cognitive dissonance that would require
“Mexican rapists!”
You gotta separate the families
Babies in cages
Where the hell is our trophy?
Should read: ratónf*cking
The coveted Golden Tater?
I’ve linked to Michael Myers of Decatur, Indiana before, and here he is ready for the Halloween dance party.
Practice makes prefects.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): For better or worse, that’s like accusing an English Brexiteer of “self-loathing and cognitive dissonance” for the bad things they say about Polish immigrants because they’re both Europeans.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Something from within the article which stuck out (emphasis mine).
What was his expectation, plaudits and a shower of rose petals? Idiotus supermaximus.
Get your coat.
Trying this again.
Should we vote for Kamala?
@NotMax: Practise.
@Winston: It worked! (and ripped a hole in the spacetime continuum). And yes, we should vote Biden/Harris.
Emma from FL
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You really are amazingly ignorant, aren’t you? There is no such thing as Hispanic, much as there isn’t such a thing as an European. Germans aren’t Irish aren’t Swedes. Much the same Mexicans aren’t Cubans aren’t Argentinians. Different histories, different points of view, different beliefs. You expect to be recognized as separate people when you come from different cultures but to you everyone is a Hispanic. Christ. We got idiots and bigots just as you Europeans do. Surprise.
@Emma from FL: I guess if you don’t live here you don’t get that Florida is a mass of diversity. Much like California. And will just get moreso. Well said.
This is completely anecdotal. Had to go to our PA house today. (From very Biden NJ-land). Very Trumpy land. Lots of Trump signs but many of those houses had them up two years ago. The big interstate billboards were mostly Biden…a couple were “I’m a Republican and I’m voting for Biden”. The sparser the population, the more Trump signs. In our town the local diner had Trump signs but the pizza place next door – and they have the best pizza, better than what we get in NJ – had a Biden/Harris sign. In front of the strip mall nearby was a sign that said, “Help Save America-Vote for Joe Biden”. So I have hope even though lawn signs mean shit.
@Emma from FL: True, but a little harsh. Coulda skipped the first sentence but I understand it based on pissoffitis.
Emma from FL
@Winston: It’s getting very interesting. I work with a fairly conservative not-Trumper descended from Scotsmen who swears up a storm in colloquial Cuban Spanish without a trace of an accent. My younger sisters speaks Spanish, English, and Korean. One of my co-workers is a Lebanese refugee fluent in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish. The cultural blender is turned up to 11. And yet, we all carry our cultural prejudices with us.
Moreso among Cuban-Americans one needs to look at additional breakdowns. First generation, second generation, third generation.
Emma from FL
@frosty: True. Goku is not a bad sort. He just caught me at the end of a bad day.
My experience also.
Emma from FL
@NotMax: Plus those of us who were not Miami settlers. Cubans are fairly clannish but those of us that were not raised in Near-Cuba (aka Hialeah) are considerably different both politically and culturally.
Territorial marker so the MSM knows where to go to interview the true salt of the earth ‘Murkins.
@mrmoshpotato: The lesson is copy the URL code, not the Embed code. I posted this on FB with the embed code; it worked. I copied that with the URL code to here. Should Balloon Juice tech be updated? I don’t know. Why can’t jackals just post the videos like every blog in the top 10,000?
This pretty much sums up the latest election season.
Trump trying to dance with lessons learned from Elaine.
@NotMax: true.
It slightly slows up the loading time enough when a front pager inserts a video into comments. Multiply that by 10, 20, 30 commenters doing the same.
@Emma from FL: I lived in California for 15 years from 1980 to the mid 90s in the Bay Area. Every year I was able to hire a more diverse staff and every year it paid off. I was very proud of that. Our division was called the “little united nations”.
@NotMax: Maybe in West Virginia.
Amir Khalid
@NotMax: w4
Americans need a song about Cletus safaris, I think, perhaps to the tune of The Beach Boys’ Surfing Safari. And I do believe that you’re just the person to write the lyrics.
I figured out why Tucker Carlson suddenly dropped the Tony Bobulinski attack on Hunter Biden. I think Tony B is a Borat plant!! You heard it here first.
@Amir Khalid
Hm. Perhaps more along the lines of a lament. Let’s see…
Heartland Diner scans exactly with Old Man River.
” Refuse to entertain the thought I’m alone in having initially read that as
Late Night Open Thread: Castration! ”
You were correct to refuse. I proceeded with caution. But, it’s a cute post.
Edit: I’ll probably get banned for breaking BJ rules, but even though this is not an official respite post, thanks for the respite.
Full disclosure: Personal prejudice may be creeping in as my singing voice is bass.
@frosty: @Emma from FL: Goku has been pulling that aw, shucks wide eyed naivete routine for years now.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You are using Hispanic people interchangeably. I think that Americans from both Peru and Cuba tend to be more likely to be Republican.
Photo from over 100 years ago.
A reporter named Roger from Salon texted Tucker. Tucker said something like “I think they’re tapping our phones!” and the reporter realized Tucker thought he was communicating with Roger Stone.
Especially after Tucker said “Wait, which Roger is this?”
I don’t have a link to the Salon story, but it appeared yesterday I think.
@Emma from FL: The cultural blender is turned up high, and marriage across ethnic lines will only increase. I can imagine a gathering of the Koch chemical industry clan in forty years. The remainder of pure Western European descendants will be a minority, and as such will be the butt of good natured humor.
Uncle Cosmo
@satby: Keep in mind Goku’s “aka” name is “American baka” – and baka is Japanese for “fool” or “idiot”. Self-selected, or self-confessed – you pays your money, you takes your choice…
J R in WV
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
There are a great many Hispanic folks living in the Southwest whos families were living there centuries before there was a United States.
They are not Mexicans, their families have not been Mexicans for many generations, they never moved from Mexico to the US, and evidently in many cases agree with Trump about illegals and Mexicans.
@Winston: Have you considered how impossibly slow the blog would be if everyone could embed photos, videos and tweets?
And how unreadable the blog would be?
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Sorry, I don’t know everything I guess?
@Emma from FL:
I know full well “Hispanics” aren’t a homogeneous group. I know they have different histories. I’m not that fucking stupid.
I would just think that Cuban-American Trump supporters, etc would be smart enough and have empathy enough to understand Trump doesn’t have their best interests at heart
I just love how everybody jumped on my one throwaway comment and didn’t even bother with my positive one further up
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
@J R in WV:
I knew that already