Fun to think about how we learned today that Trump and Barr did with Turkey the exact thing Trump and his fans are falsely claiming Joe Biden should be in prison for doing, and it’s just another wild story of Trump doing crimes that won’t break through
— ? Endless Zoom Meeting ? (@AdamSerwer) October 30, 2020
The iron rule of Repub propaganda is that it’s always projection, but this particular saga is particularly ripe…
This story is one huge five alarm Trump corruption scandal with individual acts of corruption by Barr, Whitaker, and Mnuchin.
— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) October 29, 2020
Committing actual journalism at the NYTimes — “Turkish Bank Case Showed Erdogan’s Influence With Trump”:
Geoffrey S. Berman was outraged.
The top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, Mr. Berman had traveled to Washington in June 2019 to discuss a particularly delicate case with Attorney General William P. Barr and some of his top aides: a criminal investigation into Halkbank, a state-owned Turkish bank suspected of violating U.S. sanctions law by funneling billions of dollars of gold and cash to Iran.
For months, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey had been pressing President Trump to quash the investigation, which threatened not only the bank but potentially members of Mr. Erdogan’s family and political party. When Mr. Berman sat down with Mr. Barr, he was stunned to be presented with a settlement proposal that would give Mr. Erdogan a key concession.
Mr. Barr pressed Mr. Berman to allow the bank to avoid an indictment by paying a fine and acknowledging some wrongdoing. In addition, the Justice Department would agree to end investigations and criminal cases involving Turkish and bank officials who were allied with Mr. Erdogan and suspected of participating in the sanctions-busting scheme.
Mr. Berman didn’t buy it.
The bank had the right to try to negotiate a settlement. But his prosecutors were still investigating key individuals, including some with ties to Mr. Erdogan, and believed the scheme had helped finance Iran’s nuclear weapons program…
Let’s not argue about ‘oo bribed ‘oo!…
… The president’s apparent eagerness to please Mr. Erdogan has drawn scrutiny for years. So has the scale and intensity of the lobbying effort by Turkey on issues like its demand for the extradition of one of Mr. Erdogan’s political rivals, a Turkish religious leader living in self-imposed exile in the United States. Mr. Erdogan had a big political stake in the outcome, because the case had become a major embarrassment for him in Turkey.
At the White House, Mr. Trump’s handling of the matter became troubling even to some senior officials at the time.
The president was discussing an active criminal case with the authoritarian leader of a nation in which Mr. Trump does business; he reported receiving at least $2.6 million in net income from operations in Turkey from 2015 through 2018, according to tax records obtained by The New York Times.
And Mr. Trump’s sympathetic response to Mr. Erdogan was especially jarring because it involved accusations that the bank had undercut Mr. Trump’s policy of economically isolating Iran, a centerpiece of his Middle East plan.
Former White House officials said they came to fear that the president was open to swaying the criminal justice system to advance a transactional and ill-defined agenda of his own…
And everyone around him was just FINE with that.
Criminal investigations to clean up the mess these goniffs leave behind is gonna take years — and make a lot of prosecutors’ reputations.
the contrast between the Obama and Trump administrations in this story is stark. Erdogan asks Biden to fire Preet Bharara in 2016 and Biden says no. In 2020, Barr fires Bharara's successor Geoffrey Berman after failing to get Berman to soft-pedal the case.
— Quinta Jurecic (@qjurecic) October 29, 2020
It’s always projection with Republicans. An enterprising reporter could go look at Republican accusations against Democrats, especially the QAnon stuff, make a list, and start investigating Republicans for those things. There will be plenty to find.
Hunter Gathers
Polls show Trump heading for a loss on Tuesday. Members of this Ohio Klavern aren’t so sure.
Qanon is the mirror reflecting everything going on in the GOP
@Wag: QAnon is the GOP’s future. It’s a stupid af cult but it’s real and it’s going to affect all of us. There are a few Q people who will win seats in Congress this election. It’s just going to get worse from here.
When the Trumpies want to accuse someone of corruption, they go to what they’ve just done for reference. Not so much projection as stupidity and limited behavioral repertoire.
Can someone with a WaPo account see if the actual article supports the headline? It sounds very promising.
First few graphs:
Humanities Prof
@Yarrow: Eh….yes and no?
Parts about Georgia and Arizona are more or less faithful to what’s in the story. Alaska, less so.
The story doesn’t suggest that Trump is in any danger of losing Alaska (and I don’t think he is, either). It’s a reference to the closer-than-it-should-be Senate election there. IMHO, they’re relying on somewhat outdated data there. Recent polling suggests Sullivan will probably pull it out, though not by huge numbers.
Mallard Filmore
@Yarrow: Using Firefox with “NoScript”, I can see all the text. Only the accompanying photograph is blurred.
@MattF: No, it’s projection. The defining characteristic of Republicans is the lack of empathy. It also happens to be a feature of narcissists, or at least they are unwilling to empathize. Projection is used by these people because they can’t look at their own issues or failings. Link.
Seriously, investigative journalists could just make lists of everything Republicans/Q adherents accuse Dems of and start investigating them. They tell everyone what they do. It’s not hard to figure it out.
Dorothy A. Winsor
My absentee ballot is now listed as “good and will be counted.” Yay!
@MattF: @Humanities Prof: Thanks. That’s pretty much what I figured. At this point it’s all about turnout.
@Mallard Filmore: Thanks for the tip. I don’t have that set up on Firefox but will look into it.
e julius drivingstorm
I’m sure someone by now has forwarded the NYT link to Jack Nicklaus?
@Yarrow: I’ve been wondering how many QAnon idiots that are so concerned about child abuse are conservative Catholics. You know, people who are members of an organization that covered up child abuse for decades.
Amir Khalid
@e julius drivingstorm:
For all his money, Nicklaus is a Deplorable. He won’t be swayed by even the most damning evidence against Trump.
Mallard Filmore
@Yarrow: Oops. I forgot to mention I looked at the article in a Private Browsing window.
Trump is not losing Alaska. Biden is down by 8 in 538’s polling averages. But there are few reliable polls in Alaska.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Good, good!
So THAT was what the Berman firing/not firing was about!
Whether Trump does or does not take Alaska is completely irrelevant.
The Senate race is another matter. Alas, polling indicates Sullivan will be re-elected.
e julius drivingstorm
@Amir Khalid:
Nicklaus says he doesn’t personally know anyone who supports Biden, so there’s no one in his circle to unskew his perspective. It’s like I tell my republican friends it’s not their fault – they’ve been misinformed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Humanities Prof
Watching college football today (I’m an addict, sue me).
I don’t understand Republican attack ads. Caught one targeting Gary Peters during a commercial break. Republicans might buy that electing Peters will “empower the radical left” (although I don’t think Peters is known as a flaming lefty).
But the next line is that he’d “force Medicare for all.”
I….question the timing of this particular line of attack. How is raising the possibility that the government would give people health care coverage in the middle of a global pandemic supposed to make those same people feel threatened?
You heard the man
One thing missing from this turkish tale of treachery so far is rudy giuliani. It would be irresponsible not to speculate one will turn up, even though no evidence of duch has surfsced (not quite yet, anyways)
Uncle Cosmo
Disagree. The dark energy that fuels Trumpworld – I’m speaking of their voters here – is grievance at the absence/disappearance of status. The Trumpista stance is to snarl at their opponents (who, in their own eyes, routinely mock them for their crudity and classlessness), You’re no better’n I am!** So when they concoct some despicable (illegal, immoral, unethical, fattening, etc.) maneuver to benefit their
sidetribe, they naturally presume their overedjumacated egghead opponents not only have thought of it but have already done it. Because we can’t be any more moral, ethical, or law-abiding than they are. We just can’t. By definition. Otherwise the epistemic cloture*** of their braincase collapses, and they got bupkis.(ETA: Yarrow’s post at #10 supra is also part & parcel of Trumpism, for which I salute him.)
** At best. Usually it’s You fancy-pants ain’t even as good as I am!
*** Sixty (marginally-)functioning synapses required to stifle debate.
Sister Golden Bear
@Calouste: Interesting question. As well as how many potential pedophiles are in the QAon ranks.
Sort of like how fundamentalists think about gay sex a lot, far more than I do—and I’m actually queer. I’m willing to bet there are a number of repressed gay/bisexual folks in their ranks.
Although I lean more towards the theory, that it’s less conspiracy thinking, and more of an excuse. I.e. if you believe people you dislike are pedophiles, that justifies whatever actions you take against them. One reason that pedophilia has been one of the bible thumpers go-to demonizing attacks of LBGTQ people.
I’ve been thinking about this R political tactic of projection lately. (My thoughts are likely boring or obvious, and naive. No harm in skipping. )
It’s one of those low down Republican tactics that in the past never occurred to me could be a conscious strategy by a giant political organization in cahoots with big media. They’re aware of something criminal or immoral on their side, and know it’s a political weakness. Old fashioned political strategy: keep quiet about the whole general issue in hopes it won’t come up. Today’s Republicans: accuse Democratic candidate of it to neutralize the power of the truth to hurt the R candidate. Individuals who are abusers do the same thing to their victims, though it’s not always clear whether it’s conscious or unconscious projection. But on this larger scale it also works to corrupt what’s socially acceptable, not just to voters.
Maybe it comes from those dishonest tactics that twisted unscrupulous lawyers have long used to downplay and confuse the truth. It’s a shame that it’s now considered acceptable training by big reputable law firms, and in politicians’ tactical use of the internet and msm. Especially because it seems to be leaking into regular people’s ‘social discourse’ and is sometimes accepted, even on the left, instead of being called out as a tactic of abusers. I really hate to see the distortions of logic that some lawyers are trained to use being treated as acceptable in discussions on the internet or face to face.
(This isn’t an attack on lawyers. [The ones I know as friends are good fair people who’re more dedicated to service than I am.] I’m forever grateful to the lawyers in the U.S. (and this blog) for their clarity and commitment and example of decency during the last four years.)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Heh.
Amir Khalid
@e julius drivingstorm:
Nicklaus is a rich and well-connected man. I’m not sure how much slack we should cut him, if any, for living in a Republican bubble.
Trump sounding very low energy in MN. He even dragged out the big beefy guy with tears in his eyes whopper. He’s got two more “rallies” to go today. “We’ll see what happens.”
@Yarrow: I will say this: someone at WaPo is being funny. Intentional or otherwise remains to be seen.
@Yarrow: @Uncle Cosmo:
I guess what bothers me is that ‘projection’ is not supposed to be a conscious behavior. How can anyone be so unaware that they are using their own bad behavior as a reference for accusations towards others? Isn’t that a puzzle?
@Uncle Cosmo:
@e julius drivingstorm: Yeah, what’s up with this. I can understand other sports figures endorsing Trump (not surprised about Favre) but am genuinely disappointed with Nicklaus’ endorsement.
Like my SO who is no liberal but did vote for Obama twice and Clinton in 2016 says, ” How could anyone who can see vote for Trump?” And we both remark when seeing polls,… “there’s no way Trump should have 43% of the electorate at this point.”
Are they so blind they can no longer see the truth? I guess the GOP ads painting all Democrats as evil socialists and communists gives me the answers to my own question. It certainly is proof that the entire GOP has lost its marbles.
Seems like it does say that. The violent path is a direct quote although the speaker, exec director of the Natl Repub Senattorial Committee, appears not to specify the particular kind of violence: “We’re in, we are in it. And we have a very distinct path, and it’s a good path. I mean, it’s a violent path; it’ll take a toll on all of us,” (Kevin) McLaughlin said.
The next round of GOP is going to be really fucking nuts … the current set of GOP will be replaced by even more crazy people. Eventually, the oligarchs are going to have no choice but to abandon the GOP.
Locking them out of the Democratic party though should be a thing. Given that fundraising by Dems is actually quite good – Dem politicians don’t need them anyways.
Amir Khalid
English Premier League: Liverpool fall behind 0-1 at home to West Ham United. We’re really feeling the absence of Virgil van Dijk and Fabinho.
They are fucked because the hospitals are filling up and even the blue states are having no place for beds. It will drive reality down folks like no other – the 2nd wave is here and just like history past – it will be devastating. Once again, Dems are called upon to fix a shit show that the Republican party has started due to its incompetence and corruption.
Let this goddam cycle end. I hope these GOP voting sons of bitches will get a dose of reality so hard that it is burned into their memories on who ignored this and let it run wild.
All of them, Katie
@cain: Unfortunately, that underestimates both the right-wing craycray and their lust for power.
@Uncle Cosmo:
How does that include the latino and black men who have come out for Trump? Is it loss of status as well?
Ice Cube and Lil Wayne are making all kinds of defense for their allegiance – fuck them – black and latinos are dying at higher rates than white people thanks to COVID.
Projecting like a supernova. Every single damn time. It’s unbelievable. Like I’ve said before, it’s virtually assured that Trump has spent four years using an unsecured private email server and was actually born in Kenya. Oh, and dollars to donuts Barr’s DOJ has found a way to “spy” on the Biden campaign.
I’m mostly thinking of the Fox News watching supporters who are in an information bubble. You can’t deny reality about COVID – you have Donald Trump Jr. talking about how cases are nearly at zero, but all around them they are likely going to see it is a shit show out there.
They likely won’t be as motivated to vote (I hope!)
@jonas: I’ve always wondered about that Trump Tower in Nairobi.
Uncle Cosmo
IMO the truth is more complicated. I believe human sexuality is distributed along the gay/straight axis (and probably along many other axes as well), and that very few people are 100% heteroerotic or 100% homoerotic. I conjecture that a lot of the more adamant religious homophobes draw their belief system tightly around themselves because they are terrified of their own homoerotic impulses, and only their God can rescue them.** Eventually those impulses erupt into the light of day and are acted upon flamboyantly – or tamped down by invoking even more self-destructive behavior (e.g., substance abuse, violence). /JMO
** Analogous to the first and second step of 12-step programs.
I’ve seen interviews with Trump supporters who have lost family members to COVID still expressing skepticism about the pandemic (“Well, the hospital *said* mom died of COVID, but who knows about those doctors. I think ours was from Industan or some shithole country…”). Nothing — NOTHING will move his hardcore base. He won’t get any independents, and that’s what I think will be his undoing on Tuesday, but these people will be on a ventilator gasping their last breaths and they’ll still be saying it’s all a hoax.
One perspective –
Seems like some overlap with white Trump voters. This could be the coalition for the repubs going forward.
@Amir Khalid: Exactly zero, in my opinion.
e julius drivingstorm
I dunno. Maybe Trump tells Nicklaus when they play golf what Putin will do to him and his family if he doesn’t run our foreign policy the way Vlad wants. I’m sure if you or I played golf with The Donald we’d also be persuaded whatever the real story is. Lindsey Graham had an amazing turnaround during just one round (well, amazing if he were a Mitt or a Jeb or somebody with some kind of a rudder).
Uncle Cosmo
My conjecture attempts to explain the phenomenon for the great majority of Trump supporters. It can’t explain them all.
I’d guess prominent Trump-supporting POC are voting their (large) bank balances, with a dollop of contempt for their brethren who never made it up from poverty (“I did it, why couldn’t you?” – overlooking, as the successful of all “tribes” so often do, the overwhelming factor of sheer luck in their success).
The manager of a grocery store where I often shop, AA in his (I’d guess) 40s, told me three years back that he’d voted for Trump. He said he wanted to “shake up the system,” put a “businessman” in charge. He seems to be a hard worker and a good manager. We don’t speak much these days, a nod and a hello … but if I see him in the next couple of days I might ask him whether he got what he thought he’d voted for.
That answer your question?
As someone pointed out on Twitter, that story was so corny (and transparently made up) it sounded like satire written for a Lincoln Project ad or something.
You find those people in the black and indian community as well. Heck, I would say I used to subscribe to that mentality until I realized that is just me supporting white supremacy.
It never made me vote Republican though.
Amir Khalid
Mo SaladMo Salah is fouled by a West Ham defender, and equalises from the penalty spot. Liverpool 1-1 West Ham.ETA: And they go in at halftime with the game delicately poised.
@cain: There’s another piece about white men that like Trump’s response to the coronavirus. Several different theories, but I found this one interesting.
@cain: Country Club/Chamber of Commerce types used to call the shots in the Virginia republican party, but this past decade they have been marginalized by a coalition of tea party cranks and evangelical dominionists. Eric Cantor lost his 7th Congressional seat in a primary in 2014. Two years later Congressmen Rigell of the 2nd and and Hurt of the 5th retired. They were both relatively young, but they both chose to return to their prosperous business instead of kowtowing to the radicals. The first two districts went Democratic in 2018, and it looks like the 5th will flip this year. And last year the General Assembly went blue, on a map gerrymandered by republicans. At this point the Chamber of Commerce types are hanging back, watching the train wreck. They may regain control after a couple more cycles, but it will be a hollowed out party. Republicans haven’t won a statewide race since 2009, and I doubt they win one this decade.
Amy Siskind (“The List”) on FB:
Amir Khalid
I suppose I can agree with the bolded part, but people who know anything about it know that everything Trump did got in the way of the fight against Covid-19.
happy blue moon, everyone!
@bluehill: Tom Nichols had an interesting piece in the Atlantic a few months ago on the seemingly paradoxical admiration by these “manly” men for Trump, who is transparently such a spoiled, fragile WATB. The problem is that their notion of manliness is less Gary Cooper or Sean Connery (RIP) or even John Wayne and more a noxious combination of stunted adolescence, military cosplay, and racial and economic grievance.
Joe Biden, by contrast, is a real man.
Kentucky Dems tend to cross-over in high numbers. Many of them are more historical Dems then modern-day Dems. I would love to be pleasantly surprised.
CNN had an Asian American reporter accosted by two white guys asking her if she spoke English.
She challenged them for racism.
I think a better approach is to ask them “Have you been drinking?”
Probably true and much harder to defend.
The Lodger
@bluehill: Oh, FFS. If these guys want to be heroes, they should join the fire department.
Humanities Prof
@debbie: What Baud said.
Democrats have had a big registration edge in Kentucky for a very long time, but it usually turns out to be a paper edge only. A lot of registered Kentucky Democrats are very loyal Republican voters.
I mean, the numbers are still nice to see, and all, but party ID in Kentucky doesn’t mean what it does elsewhere.
Come January [fingers crossed] the world’s autocrats are collectively going to wonder what the hell just happened with the US. Monster-embraces-monster will not be the State Department’s one and only marching order.
Well, yeah. Kim Davis.
“Do you think it’s sad when cousins marry?” is a good go-to. Yes, it will whiz right past their thick pates but is a handy deflection.
Okay, I liked the Connery/Bond movies as much as anyone, but his comments–multiple times–that it was okay to hit women really soured me on him.
I’d bet they think that if they are doing this, their opponents must be doing it as well, because if all the republican politicians they know are doing it, it’s impossible for them to know that they are corrupt and to think no one else is. Even as the basic premise of conservatism is to take away rights, labor and property from the “out” groups.
@jonas: That article was insightful, humorous and depressing. Seems like the freedom they want is to be an unchecked a-hole.
James E Powell
For all their Manly Hero mythology, those guys sure do a lot of whining.
Texas telling Navajos to “go back where they came from” is a state wide joke here in NM
@cain: M.D. Russ, made a scathing critique of the republican party under trump in an article for conservative internet magazine Bearing Drift, titled “Trump is the Republican President.” Examining the question, did trump hijack the republican party? Russ concluded no, “Trump just answered the casting call.” Russ compared the current party to the Israelites, condemned for their idolatry to wander the Wilderness until a generation had passed away. He was being metaphorical, but I liked the sound of that.
@The Lodger:
If they did join the FD I’m afraid we would see an uptick in arson.
Remember – you can’t spell “corrupt motherfuckers” without T-R-U-M-P.
ETA – or “corrupt mobsters”
Most of these admirers are much like Trump himself. Fragile, damaged souls who pretend a manliness that they do not really feel.
Trump attracts damaged people who want to be led as his staffers. The people who quickly resign are not perfect, and some of them are as repulsive as Trump, but most of them have more of a sense of self and are repulsed by Trump’s demands of loyalty and often mindless fealty.
Amir Khalid
Diogo Jota scores! Liverpool 2-1 West Ham!
Goal disallowed upon VAR review. Liverpool 1-1 West Ham. Feh.
@Amir Khalid: SAD!
Do we have a thread for the shit that’s happening in Texas? Can we please, I don’t want to bring this into the two BJ Pet Calendar and Charity posts.
GOP trying to invalidate 100,000 curbside votes in Harris Country. Drew notorious rightwing judge. Thread:
And then motherfucking Vanilla Isis swarmed Kamala’s bus with 20-30 Trump flagged pickups, trying to run the bus off the road. They rammed a staffer’s car. Cops outnumbered and refused to act. Blueline wearing cop said “not my jurisdictions”. There are a bunch of threads and vids.
Bill Arnold
If anyone does this, please do not stop once you’ve find one instance [of ?projected malfeasance? what to call it?); it is possible/likely that there are multiple instances, and the easy-to-find ones will probably be found first.
Amir Khalid
Diogo Jota scores — again! Liverpool 2-1 West Ham!
No VAR review this time! Yay!
They are idiots and morons and brutes.
We have always had them and we should accept that. But accepting their existence is not accepting their behavior and right now we are accepting it by denying that these people exist.
Uncle Cosmo
State license plates ought to read
(I grew up in one of them thar on-claves just beyond the Baltimore City line.)
How can you say that fund raising by dems is quite good? I mean ActBlue has only gone up about 125 million in the last couple of days – since I last posted how they are doing.
Cripes. Where was Secret Service during all that?
Bill Arnold
It will need to be disassembled/redirected, and this will not be easy; will require sustained effort for at least several years.
And also, global heating will start slowly breaking noticeable things this decade, like agriculture, and there will be other more acute fracturing events, and QAnon will need to [be helped to] adapt.
@trollhattan: Neither Biden nor Kamala were near the incident. The Secret Service doesn’t protect all campaign events.
@Sebastian: Some more from the thread you linked:
Thread also has links to articles.
Are you sure? I read Kamala was on the bus but it was Twitter so nothing official.
I also read that Kamala and Joe cancelled events.
@Aleta: Sorry I can’t edit out the redundancy that (don’t understand why) got copied in. Sorry.
-WG or AL — delete that comment if you can…. thanks
@Sebastian: I read about once cancelled event in Austin, but I don’t know if Kamala was attending.
Thanks, I didn’t want to post the entire thread because there was also the bus story.
Amir Khalid
Full-time score at Anfield: Liverpool 2-1 West Ham.
When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high,
And don’t be afraid of the dark …
Roger Moore
I think a huge part of the whole thing is that Republicans respond to external signals. They mistake bluster for strength, prayer for belief, and ostentation for taste. Is it any wonder they look at Trump and see what they think a rich, successful, manly man?
@The Lodger:
Do you think they would qualify for the fire dept?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It looks like that staffer’s car (white SUV) moved into the lane the truck was in. Otherwise, how would that truck have moved into the right-hand lane from the right? It’s a small shoulder and dirt would’ve been flying. We don’t see that in the video
Matt McIrvin
I’m struck by Republicans’ willingness to throw out huge numbers of ALREADY CAST votes on the theory that excessively late changes to voting laws are too confusing to voters.
OT National lockdown in the UK
Meanwhile, the the alternative universe known as Trump’s America, the Orange Menace insists that the pandemic is a hoax, no big deal, or a conspiracy between Joe Biden and China to hurt Trump’s supposed rescue of the US economy.
Despicable! Does this mean that the “drive-through” voters can revote in person on election day? I would think such a blatant, vote suppressing court order might very well backfire.
@Aleta: I guess the good news is that it must mean the repubs know it’s really close. I think Harris County was one of the county’s where Abbott’s one dropbox nonsense was going to have a disproportionate impact. The temporary county clerk came up the idea of drive-through voting locations throughout the county, which is probably a big reason 2020 votes cast has already exceeded 2016’s number. Dailykos has a writeup about him.
Bill Arnold
Some Republican operatives do use projection-based accusations (usually false) as a means of softening known, or known to be soon to be released, or at risk of being released dumps of true reports of Republican malfeasance.
If you spot this sort of projection, take notes of the people involved (or connected to them). They are the dangerous ones, with potentially some talent for mass manipulation. (They are at least following a playbook.)
Dan B
@bluehill: The irony is that policies supported by the Chamber of Commerce, and others, have made each generation less well off than the previous, and heroism used to encompass being a pioneer and entrepreneur. Instead they stick to what they’ve always known. On top of that their understanding of money is that there is a fixed amount. Therefore if someone “undeserving” gets some there is less available for everyone else.
They must be clueless about where all the tech trillions came from.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Uncle Cosmo: I’m going to throw in another layer of complexity. There’s a sexuality side of this, of course, but also a psychological one. We know that psychological symptoms are determined by culture. There was a fascinating New Yorker article some years back about how newly diagnosed schizophrenic patients who believed they were being watched were now reporting that their observers were part of a Truman Show/Matrix sort of panopticon, whereas therapists used to see C.I.A./Men in Black scenarios. Likewise, someone growing up in the evangelical churches has been hearing since childhood that they are evil
sinners. And that gays are evil. So if they feel some sort of inner turmoil, they attribute it to the devil and sinners and the gays.
So there’s not just gay, the sexual orientation, but “gay” the evil, sinfulness I’ve heard about my whole life and also how I’m a terrible, terrible sinner and going to hell.
Know an exfundie who went to Liberty College. Said it was a cesspit of undiagnosed mental illness that people were trying to pray away. I thing there is as much of that as there is closet cases.
Dan B
@jeffreyw: My little hometown had the world’s largest match factory, Ohio Blue Tip, and a fire department that set abandoned houses on fire for “practice”.
Ie: Your theory may be good.
@Roger Moore:
What I don’t get is how an incessant whiner can be misconstrued as strength-either manly or womanly.
@Brachiator: It’s England, not the UK. Wales is in the middle of a two week “circuit break” lockdown, which will end on 9 Nov.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Apparently the staffer was behind the bus. The truck was riding up on its bumper, so SUV went to see if they could pass the bus. There was room, but when they tried to get back in their spot, the truck shoved them out of it. Huge swarms of trolls trying to push the story you are telling.
@pamelabrown53: People are being forced to listen to his whining. That’s close enough to power for this bunch.
Yep. Fortunately, the quoted text says “England” and there is a link to the story itself. Northern Ireland and Scotland also have their own arrangements with respect to the lockdown.
Roger Moore
To pick a nit, it wasn’t idolatry that got the Israelites stuck in the desert for 40 years; it was lack of faith in God’s powers. Moses sent a scouting party ahead into Canaan to see what the place was like. The scouts brought back tokens of the land’s fertility, but also stories about how fearsome the dwellers there were. Most of the scouts said they would never be able to conquer the Promised Land. Only Joshua and Caleb said that the same God who had rescued them from Egypt would also help them conquer Canaan no matter who was currently living there. When the people sided with the rest of the scouts rather than Joshua and Caleb, God condemned them to spend the rest of their lives in the desert, leaving the conquest to the next generation. Only those who had retained their faith in God’s power would be allowed into the Promised Land.
This actually seems like a more just punishment than many God meted out in the Torah. It wasn’t just condemning people with a random horrible punishment for some minor transgression. The people denied God’s power to get them into the Promised Land, and in return He refused to use his power to give it to them. Only the people who had faith in that power were able to benefit from it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Sheriff Jim Crow goes wilding
the story is very incomplete, but this is fuckign unbelievable
Dan B
@Bill Arnold: Agriculture is already in trouble in the plains states. A friend of a friend says that Nebraska has been underwater for much of the year – and there was that derecho. We’re not hearing about this between Trump and Covid there is no room for much else in the headlines.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That’s entirely plausible and probably what happened. I think a lot of people just accept what they see at face value because that’s what they want to see, which explains some the apparent bad faith BS on Twitter. Trump supporters also accept what they see on video because Trump good. If it were the other way around they would be making all sorts of excuses
The Onion is on it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’m reading that the Texas Supreme Court and the SOS said drive-through voting was fine, so wtf is their case?
Also this from that thread:
IANAL, so I wonder if this would work?
When he’s not whining he’s often a bully.
But we have all seen people, from pundits to regular folks downplay, ignore or excuse Trump’s misbehavior.
I was recently listening to a talk radio host clearly and with exasperation and some sadness lay out all of Trump’s lies about the pandemic and the Coronavirus. And even though he never said anything negative about Trump himself, one of the other on-air personalities fumed, “Well, you just hate Trump.”
@Dan B: I’ve long wondered how they continue to vote against their own interests. Same when I read stuff about minorities that support Trump. Actually that has me more confused.
I feel pretty confident that his middle class supporters have not seen much improvement under his leadership and probably could make a case that their lives are worse now. My guess is they a get a psychic benefit of feeling like their team is winning. Kinda of like obsessive sports fans. Added bonus with Trump is that he’s going to make sure that there’s some group that they can dump on, so they won’t feel like they’re at the bottom.
@Brachiator: The pandemic and the different approaches by the leaders of the various devolved nations in the UK have highlighted just how much Boris Johnson is functioning as the PM of England rather than of the UK. The devolved nations generally have had better results in tackling the pandemic. The crap handling of it by Johnson vs the better handling of it by Sturgeon seems to have increased support for Scottish independence.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I have the same question. You normally don’t get to have a second chance, but I don’t know if there’s something different here.
This judge is nuts, but ultimately it’ll be the appellate courts and the Supremes that will make the decision on these ballots.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Trump has his army and they’re dressed in blue. Blue lives matter flags have started supplanting U.S. flags at Trump rallies. Flag of the new confederacy.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): FWIW, This from the Statesman, published last night, explains a bit more about what happened. (Doesn’t answer the questions.)
Omnes Omnibus
@e julius drivingstorm: He chooses who he associates with.
@Roger Moore:
I don’t see this as just at all. And it reinforces the most noxious aspect of religion, believing in nonsense despite all evidence.
Also, I suppose, the 40 years of wandering in the desert lets a generation of doubters perish and ushers in a new generation with more true believers.
@Baud: FWIW, I heard a piece on the radio about this court challenge. They said it was using the same reasoning as the ones that got tossed out previously.
HAH! What a great reply!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I think the ‘argument’ is that while drive-through voting might be totally legal, the county clerk can’t make that decision and the Texas Legislature is supposed to do it. Therefore, toss ’em all.
Yes, it’s complete bullshit.
Yep. Boris Johnson’s bungling of BREXIT, which affects the whole of the UK, also seems to be intensifying desire for independence.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Don’t ask me why, but I have a feeling that birthday party line is gonna land
From the nyt
President Trump predicted on Saturday that the presidential election would not be decided on Tuesday, warning that “you’re going to be waiting for weeks” and suggesting — with no evidence — that “very bad things” could happen while states are counting ballots in the days after Election Day.
it’s not that he’s suggesting-with no evidence- that bad things will happen, it’s a threat that bad things will happen. The evidence is already there
tho I must admit I’m wildly optimistic. of early voters in Texas (more than all that voted in 2016) 30% are new voters. That is a really good sign
take care all!
Bill Arnold
Not counting votes is coup behavior. I hope that judge appreciates that. It will not be forgiven if he rules that way, especially if it helps the Republicans retain control.
Oh for fuck’s sake; in Texas there are drive through liquor stores. Drive through voting (which is what this is about) should be fine, in Texas.
Well, my city of El Paso just went into a 2 week lock down (curfew, masks and fines), plus the Convention Center has been turned into a field hospital.
I’m gobsmacked that anyone can ignore reality in favor of “you just hate Trump”.
Uncle Cosmo
@Feathers: Interesting. I’ll add your take to the others in my thought stream & see where it all leads. Thanky kindly!
@Brachiator: Yep. Two more months to go until Brexit is really going to hit. The UK has been in a transition period so far, where things mostly went on like they did before. But come 1/1/21, the UK is really going to be a third party as far as the EU is concerned, and as there still isn’t any kind of negotiated agreement, the shit is going to hit the fan.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Haha. I have to work so I’m missing the show.
I refuse to believe that a judge could be so partisanly corrupt that he’d invalidate voters’ votes without, at least a fig leaf of redress.
@Bill Arnold:
Drive through voting was approved the the GOP secretary of state in Texas and the Texas Supreme Court.
This judge is awful even grading in the GOP curve, but thankfully he won’t be the last word on the subject.
This one is. Probably the worst of the bunch that we have evidence of.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: this story’s starting to get picked up. Good.
@bucachon: “Bad things will happen”.
Like armed Trump supporters trying to drive the Biden/Harris bus off the road and causing a car accident. Oh wait, that was literally today.
@Roger Moore: It could be that M.D. Russ doesn’t exactly know Exodus. But it may be that the analogy of trump to the Golden Calf was just too good to pass up. Russ wrote a dynamite article, well worth reading. I’d link to it if I wasn’t a fat fingered digital dinosaur.
To be fair, The Ten Commandments didn’t explain that part of the story very well.
I live in Mountain Time and I am optimistic that at midnight, my time, Biden will have won.
Midnight champagne toast planned.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
is he trying to drive his howler monkeys over to Biden?
@Bill Arnold:
Exactly! In the (sort of) words of Gandalf: “This will not stand”!
@Yarrow: (This is the reporter of the Austin Statesman article, so similar to some points he makes at the end of that.)
Bill Arnold
I’d call that blue lives matter flag background color for the stars and dark stripes more gray. Gray, to be clear, was the color of the uniforms of the Confederate military.
(If that’s not what you were saying.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
TX state lege Rebublican
How can a Federal judge (is he Federal?) invalidate ballots that include state and local candidates? What am I missing? States Rights!!!
karen marie
Off topic – sort of – someone on twitter posted a GK Chesterton quote from The Man Who Was Thursday about Americans. I went to Librivox to see if they had an audio version of the book – they do! I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t hear the quote I had seen but I was doing other things and not really listening. I listened next – more closely – to Chesterton’s What I saw in America. Wow – the more things change, the more they stay the same. Published in 1922, it describes an America that is still largely recognizable. I was still doing other things and missed large swaths, so I plan to re-listen to it later when I have leisure to focus.
Trump is a fucking criminal. Unbelievable he has even a chance in hell of being re-elected.
@Aleta: “needless uncertainty Tuesday about whether 100,000+ should try to vote again”
Isn’t that possibly what Rs might want to do? Uncertainty can lead to discouragement or giving up. (Depending on the person.) Or to unrest.
Or is it a waste of energy to wonder about this?
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
The new case is in federal court. The Texas Supreme Court has been OK as far as I know.
but it sort of makes sense. They strongly want to continue the family tradition of whatever their father was doing – and are having trouble adapting. To their credit, the world has changed much more rapidly in the past 30 years than it has ever in the past and it’s hard for people to keep up.
I don’t know.
@Geminid: I never understood the chamber of commerce types – they should have been lobbying the feds to help small businesses, they should be actively going after McConnell – whta is the point of the chamber if it doesn’t represent small businesses exactly?
Is ideology so bad that they would not speak up for the primary constituency they represent?
I would also say the same for the members of the chamber, I would be pissed that they are not working on my behalf.
Worried MP: Boris, the shit is about to hit the fan.
Boris Johnson: No problem. Let me just pull over a bigger fan.
@Bill Arnold:
Two trucks just drove past my house. Gadsden flag waving, blue stripe flag (also known as the anti-BLM flag) and regular stars ‘n stripes.
Omnes Omnibus
@pamelabrown53: @Baud: The plaintiffs would have to allege a violation of a federal right occurring due to the state procedure.
@Aleta: All better.
I would prefer they never came back – just build a new party out of the Democratic party. The brand is soiled – a new party needs to emerge with a new name and a new attitude.
Omnes Omnibus
@cain: Chambers of commerce don’t really represent main street small businesses. This is especially true for big city and state-wide chambers.
@Sebastian: So they are cosplaying Mad Max, huh? Assholes. Of course the police are going to turn a blind eye, they are all in cahoots.
@Omnes Omnibus: And I’m wracking my brains trying to figure out what federal right they could possibly allege is being violated: the right to keep other people from voting?
Throwing out 100,000 already cast votes is a big fucking deal, as Joe Biden would say. That shouldn’t pass under anyone’s radar.
@pamelabrown53:”invalidate voters’ votes without, at least a fig leaf of redress.”
If the judge really does dare to invalidate the votes, is it possible he could order the county to make arrangements for people to vote again ‘properly.’
Unreasonable and nearly impossible to do on a short deadline, but GOP operatives would hope that the difficulty and confusion would reduce the number of Harris Cty votes. And perhaps they hope that the label of “illegal votes,” or else the confusing red tape to prove identity and voter registration and affirm that they voted once by drive through, would scare people from voting again.
Seems like voter confusion and tangled court arguments, rather than clarity, might be the goal if the GOP wants the Supreme Court to be involved in deciding the election.
@Matt McIrvin:
I so wish in the aftermath and when Texas moves blue that when they look at the votes thrown out it was mostly Republican.
Of course, without shame they would try to recognize it – and the judges would allow it. There will be no sense of fairness or justice, it is all corruption. That’s why their projection of “activist judges” without a trace of irony.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Omnes Omnibus
@Nora: The argument that they likely making is that the drive-up procedure somehow lacks protections that are present in other voting procedures. Thus they are more likely to be subject to tampering, etc. Therefore, people’s right to a fair and secure election is not being protected.
Note: I am neither making nor defending this argument.
@Roger Moore:
Jehovah seems like a dick to me.
In contrast, I will talk of the Mahabharata – where Duryodhana the head of the Kauravas – can show you how you can follow all the rules of dharma but still be an utter dick. Petty asshole.
@cain: On twitter Stephen King suggested that Republican voter suppression could be countered if Democrats register as Republicans. I suppose to confuse the GOP’s use of computers to analyze gerrymandering lines (Wouldn’t really work but …). Also, won’t gerrymandering be in the hands of the Democrats this time? (I doubt he was serious.)
The English brexiters are gonna be pissed that they will need a passport to go to all the places that they went before. Meanwhile, more EU people will be happily be showing up and improving the economy while England stagnates. But hey, that’s what they wanted.. let England be England.
@cain: I am certainly not advocating for the Country/Club Chamber of commerce wing of the republican party. I’m just describing what I’ve seen regarding recent party history in Virginia.
@Baud: thanks.
@Bill Arnold:
Agreed. Like the seating of the Amy – people will not forget and there will be a political cost. I think it will make people even more angry and they will vote like hell in the midterms.
The state legislature should be very worried if that move is made because the backlash is coming. A lot of Republican votes were pulled as well. It will be even more if they find out that the judge caused a non-trivial votes that could have swung the election.
History will judge him and his family legacy.
Miss Bianca
@bluehill: I am so fucking sick of being asked or expected to try to “understand” Trump voters. I guess because I live surrounded by them, and familiarity really does breed contempt. They never, ever, ever, seem to be asked or expected to try to understand liberals.
I mean, I’m sure Arlie Hoschild, or whatever her name is, is doing work she believes in. but to me it’s just one step up from the Cletus Safaris.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
Moar “shy” Dump voters
It’s not a crazy possibility. It seems to me that drive through voting is something older voters are more likely to use, and they tend to skew Republican.
Clearly not a single Republican had a mom that taught them that if you have to cheat to win, you haven’t really won.
@WaterGirl: Unfortunately, when the prize is power, you actually have won even if you did cheat.
Miss Bianca
@Roger Moore:
Americans in general – but Republicans particularly – constantly, consistently, conflate symbol with substance. Thus flag worship = patriotism, etc.
karen marie
@cain: It sounds like you’re suggesting that the Democratic party turn over their decent reputation to the damaged Republican party and start from scratch.
Sounds nuts to me.
Let Republicans find their own way out of the wilderness.
Omnes Omnibus
@karen marie: I doubt he is saying that. I think he is advance a theory that is out there. That the GOP can just fuck off and the right and left portions of the Democratic Party split to form two parties with reasonably sensible views. Lefties could join the new Left Dems, and Never Trumpers could make common cause with the new Center-Right Dems.
I say, let’s drive the GOP into irrelevance, and then let any new alignments happen naturally. But let’s drive the GOP into irrelevance first.
Miss Bianca
@Brachiator: OK, that made me laugh. Not sure it should have, but it did.
@karen marie: I think he means for the Democratic Party to become so dominant that it eventually splits into two new parties, with the rotting hulk of the Republican Party wasting away by the side of the road.
Since the Republican Party will remain dominant in at least some parts of the country, I don’t think a new party is likely to ever rise from the ashes. But hopefully(!!!) the Republicans are looking at another long time out of power in national politics like after 1932. It’s well overdue.
This is my shocked face.
I am glad it’s in the open now and that they are all tagging themselves.
@Dan B:
You could have stopped there.
@Omnes Omnibus: The smarter progressives are advocating this. Destroy the Republicans first. THEN the politics will naturally become more progressive.
karen marie
@gwangung: “Progressives” are fucking morons.
@gwangung: I don’t think the republican party can be destroyed, except insofar as it it destroys itself. But I believe the Democrats now have a real chance to deliver good governance, and if they do, it’s possible the Democrats will hold Congress and the Presidency for the next twelve years, even twenty.
@Geminid: The idea of splitting the “progressive” and moderate wings of the Democratic is a dream of progressives, based on what I personally think is a misconception- that we can’t have needed progress because of moderates like Mark Warner and Chuck Schumer, not to mention Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin. This will be a big debate for the next the next few months if not years. But I think about numbers I saw in a Wason Center poll of Virginia registered voters last November. People were asked about issues before the upcoming General Assembly like the ERA, a $15/hr. minimum wage, universal background checks for gun purchases, and other issues. The first three had 75% or better backing. Also asked was self-described ideology. Of the three choices on the more liberal side, 7% self-described as Very Liberal, 13% self-described as Liberal, and 23% said they were Moderate, Leaning Liberal. I just don’t think Virginia Democrats will split, just because there really isn’t that much difference between Tim Kaine and Elizabeth Warren, or Mark Warner and say, Ron Wyden. On some issues, yes. On most, no. But it will be a vibrant debate, and we’ll see plenty of it in this forum.
@Geminid: Virginia is hardly typical as a state; there are more African Americans, military, civilian federal workers, 1st and 2nd generation immigrants, and more highly educated than average. But the same demographic and political trends that turned Virginia blue are manifesting themselves in states like North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas.
Here’s the real tell-
“At the White House, Mr. Trump’s handling of the matter became troubling even to some senior officials at the time.”
Ooooohh, even SENIOR OFFICIALS are horrified by Republican malfeasance? They had gotten used to the regular normal Republican malfeasance but EVEN THEY became troubled? WELL. That must have been some serious Matter Handling going on there.
Are reporters used to standard ordinary republican malfeasance as well, that they toss in this little throw away line here about corruption and possible treason? It would be irresponsible not to speculate…