Rudy Giuliani: "Who was it called by?"
Media: "All of networks."
Rudy Giuliani: "All the networks!"
— CSPAN (@cspan) November 7, 2020
Giuliani and Trump have been running buddies in the ‘not prosecutorially corrupt’ NYC version of Ankh-Morpork since at least the 1980s; it’s only fair (to the narrative) that he now plays the Fool to Trump’s King Leer…
Rudy Giuliani shouting outside an adult store is exactly how we saw this ending.
— The Mary Sue (@TheMarySue) November 7, 2020
What in the actual…
— Richard Hall (@_RichardHall) November 7, 2020
An answer to the Four Seasons Total Landscaping mystery: the company told me the Trump campaign contacted them today out of the blue ahead of the Giuliani presser and said their location was close to an exit on I95, and was secure, and that’s why they wanted to use it.
— Daniel Bush (@DanielBush) November 7, 2020
when the scriptwriters get really high
— kilgore trout, tucker carlson’s mailman (@KT_So_It_Goes) November 7, 2020
trump is out of money and on a suicide mission. these are the only people and locations left he can book
— kilgore trout, tucker carlson’s mailman (@KT_So_It_Goes) November 7, 2020
I didn't know SNL did remote locations for their skits.
— Peter (@widsss) November 7, 2020
News filtering through here that the race has been called. Some press are leaving.
— Richard Hall (@_RichardHall) November 7, 2020
Absolute scenes. A woman celebrating Biden’s win, cheering Black Lives Matter, just drove past Trump supporters gathered outside.
— Richard Hall (@_RichardHall) November 7, 2020
Fact check: Four Seasons Total Landscaping where Rudy Giuliani gave a speech is NOT between a crematorium and a dildo shop.
The crematorium is across the street.
The dildo shop also has "viewing booths" for anyone who may need to "tuck in their shirt"
— Christoph? (@Staycation2020) November 8, 2020
— Brendan Nyhan (@BrendanNyhan) November 8, 2020
these guys are like the japanese soldiers who crawled out of the tunnels 30 years after the war ended but if they wore clown paint and were fighting for mcdonalds to keep the mcrib on the menu year round
— kilgore trout, tucker carlson’s mailman (@KT_So_It_Goes) November 7, 2020
Jerzy Russian
I know this is real since it is too dumb to make up.
Ending in farce, while Trump golfed. Seems appropriate.
As I told my friend in New Zealand who just learned of this, I’m kind of glad the writers for 2020 decided to turn to farce for the finale.
haha – oh my god, these people…
@Jerzy Russian: Trump’s Razor: the stupidest explanation is the correct one.
So I’d have to go with “announced it was at the Four Seasons before booking it, ” because “we needed somewhere cheap and close to the highway” actually seems less stupid.
This is the weirdest thing in a year of being weird.
There’s been a lot of speculation on Twitter about HOW and WHY it happened. But the crazy thing to me is that once it was clear what was GOING to happen, they went ahead and did it anyway.
David ?Booooooo!? Koch
the adult book store will be the site of Dump’s library
they won’t even change the contents
At the landscaping company.
Late arrival: “Where’s Giuliani?”
“Over there. See all the bags of manure?”
Late arrival: “Yeah, but which one is Rudy?”
There is no way anyone with enough sense to come in out of a blizzard would believe this without video and the last 4 centuries of the shitforbrains maladministration.
From Giuliani’s words through the tweet from KT_So_It_Goes and on into the comments — maybe I’m just punchy, but I haven’t laughed so hard, or for so long, in months.
KT’s collection of nyms is priceless in its own right.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Georgia on my mind…
I look forward to Senator Loeffler explaining to us that she’s far too rich to need to break laws for a piddling $18M
Al Z.
@Jerzy Russian: Actually I’m now convinced more than ever that we are living in a simulation. Dumbest Simulation Ever.
Emma from FL
I can just imagine a young historian a hundred years from now facing his dissertation committee. “Mr. Jones, unless you can find at least four independent corroborating accounts, you will have to start all over again. This is simply too impossible to accept as true without them.”
@Al Z.
Written and directed by Ed Wood.
When he’s having an off day.
Roger Moore
George W Bush famously said, “That was some weird shit” to describe Trump’s inauguration. It’s only gotten weirder since.
Amir Khalid
This baffles me. Trump still has that hotel in DC, right? Couldn’t his campaign have booked a room there and spared itself this embarrassment?
Rudy – an assclown until the bitter end. SAD!
@Amir Khalid:
There isn’t a close enough dildo shop to that hotel. Besides it’s rudy.
The only person in the world as dumb as his pal, shitforbrains.
It’s easy to kick trump supporters when they’re down but please remember it also doesn’t cost anything.
@Al Z.:
Simulation constructed by a high school D-student higher being throwing together a final project the night before it’s due.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: Donald would have demanded that Donald pay.
Oh, come on! Even Trump is not this stupid. Is he? It’s worse than I’d imagined from earlier reports.
This press conference was the second best thing to happen today. If I wasn’t already grinning ear to ear because the election was called in favor of Joe, then this would have had me laughing all day.
@Amir Khalid: Spared themselves the embarrassment?
Do you usually try out new material at 2PM on a Sunday?
I hope the journalists track down what the hell happened and let the reich wing morons know how stupid their “leaders” are. LOL.
I’ve been seeing this all day and wondering what it was about. Thanks to ace reporter, Anne Laurie, I now know. I’m laughing so hard, I’m sneezing.
I always liked King Lears fool. Giuliani is not Lears fool, more like one of the mad, cruel husbands of the cruel and vicious daughters.
@Al Z.:
My wife and I and were discussing that very recently. It is hard to reconcile what we observe and make sense of it. Maybe impossible.
OT: this SNL episode with Chapelle is crazy as hell. Dave did about a 15 min intro, some funny and a lot not funny. A bunch of N-bombs. Was there a backstory here that I missed?
Mary G
I thought that was a prank, but no. I can just imagine Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Amy Covid Barrett seeing this. “We’re supposed to pretend to believe that this clown crew has a valid legal argument for overturning the election? Shoot me now.”
@Amir Khalid
At this point the campaign can’t afford the fee.
@Kelly: FTW!
Call me crazy, but I think you might be a Soviet shitpile mobster conman when our country’s allies celebrate your impending demise.
Jerzy Russian
@Al Z.: Even if we were in a holodeck simulation, someone would have to program it. It is too dumb to program, especially for a computer like they have on the Enterprise.
@Neldob: Trump’s no Lear either, Lear’s articulate.
Maybe closer to Dogberry and the ilk, only utterly without their usually good intentions.
In one of those weird coincidences, the crematory across the street from the Four Seasons landscaping was where we had services for my aunt. I hope her spirit helped influence the timing of the election results.
The inner circle were always running down brown bags at small operator shops.
Did y’all see the questionnaire (I won’t characterize it as a poll) the Dolt 45 dumbos sent out on Saturday morning?
Not a satire site, BTW.
Thor Heyerdahl
Comedy sketch “I work at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in PA”
@Jerzy Russian:
Beta program. Just let it run and see where it ends up. Then fix it.
Thor Heyerdahl
And a serious one – “This is how Ireland [RTE] ended its newscast tonight”.
It hit me right in the feels.
@NotMax: I thought we’d reached the “Man yells nonsense on street corner” part of this shitshow a long time ago.
And yet…
That is insane.
ETA – I bet he tries to fleece his Trump trash supporters when his millions of loans come due.
HAH! No, he’s in the porn shop “tucking in” his shirt.
Joe and Kamala’s flow had a little Obama vibe to it.
Some rhythm.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
oh my god, I just played the video in the Richard Hall tweet. They have a flag of trump as Rocky Balboa
It’s reversal day.
On this day in 2020 the United States rejected fascism.
Exit, pursued by a bear . . .
West of the Rockies
So what IS the explanation for this nonsense? Did they think they were booking The Four Seasons restaurant? Were they turned down by The Four Seasons and had no choice because Trump already announced it?
And, omg, Guiliani is like a burnt-out community college instructor who was last interesting and informative in 1973 but just won’t quit (and is now just angry and boring).
You make me smile :)
Not that I wish harm upon anyone but it would be be quite the plot twist for the handful of members of the Patriotic Iron Jellyfish Brigade who can manage to find it to storm Fox News HQ.
So what’s the actual story? Their credit card was declined at the real Four Seasons? Someone booked Four Seasons Landscaping without checking that it wasn’t the hotel? Rudy wanted to get in some shirt tucking before flying out?
James E Powell
Have to say that over the last week or so and especially over the last three days, the American press/media has not been shy about saying straight out that Trump and his people are lying, ridiculous, and no class people. What pisses me off is that Trump and his people have all been that way the whole time and it’s only when they were pretty sure he was going down that they had the nerve to say it out loud.
I don’t normally listen to any cable shows. (People here are very generous in sharing excerpts and summaries. Thank you.) But starting Sunday night, because of the election, I’ve had my TV on one channel or another for most of the week. Even the best shows are shit.
Today’s consensus? Great job Joe! Now it’s on you to soothe the feelings of people that would destroy the country just to show how much they hate you. Now it’s on you to work with people who refuse to work with you. Now it’s on you to figure out & solve why the country is filled with racist assholes who live in a sick, dark fantasy world. Don’t any of them ever consider that America is the way it is because of the way they are?
That’s all I got. I’m fucking celebrating alone. I had a dinner of a filet with bleu cheese & spinach salad, downed a bottle of Taittinger, and now I’m having a few glasses of red wine before calling it a night. Thanks to everybody for putting up with my bullshit throughout this campaign season.
West of the Rockies
@James E Powell:
I suspect that collectively this week, jackal alcohol consumption has risen several units.
@West of the Rockies:
But I think they are broke and cheap, and only intend to pay money to Trump properties and other authorized grifters. And no decent venue will allow them to book w/o seeing money up front, because the campaign owes cities and facilities all over the country. This is at least the 3rd story that’s been offered as cover for the desolation that’s about to be the only remaining image associated with the Trump brand.
Mike E
@Punchy: Watch his George Floyd special… it’s less than 30 mins and it might catch you up
I don’t know if you’re making that up with the BoogaBooga Boys being a real hate group.
Time for sleep.
This feeling of relief is so foreign after 5 years.
@Mary G: It’s funny that they’re threatening a legal assault that would need a team of powerful lawyers when they can’t or won’t pay for even one legitimate legal brain, from the looks of it. I bet they’ve asked around but had no takers.
West of the Rockies
It’s got to be that they discussed where to hold their presser. Someone suggested TFS and Trump tweeted it prior to confirmation. The real Four Seasons said no, so they scrambled and made do. But this today was beyond farce.
I hope that from now on when Guiliani or Lewandowski hear “The Four Seasons”, it’s like Larry and Moe hearing “Niagra Falls.” Hopefully, Kushner is in the Curly role.
“Whaddaya mean every lawyer you called has to wash their hair?”
“Um, coincidence?”
@NotMax: The last line is probably a request for money.
@NotMax: “Are you trying to tell me Baker didn’t work pro bono for Bush and Cheney?” (Jared probably)
West of the Rockies
Curiously, these twits are incapable of realizing how ridiculous they look.
@James E Powell:
I just spent two hours on a zoom meeting with friends and I voiced the same frustration. But I also realized that I’m gonna celebrate until January and be positive until January because once the calendar turns the hardest work becomes the focus.
So for tonight and next week and the week after fuck McConnell and fuck Trump and fuck the GOP let’s dance.
What did they announce? Why did they hold the press conference at all?
with a new DOJ can we dust off the Mueller Report and start investigating all the money trails that Rosenstein forbade?
@James E Powell:
The simple answer, no, they don’t.
The longer answer is that they only see the past, that racism is normal and proper. They see that America is not the country they think it should be because of all the people who don’t see racism as normal and proper. They elected shitforbrains for that reason, they hate because they can and because it’s the way they were taught by parent(s) or friends. This has been a racist country since before it was officially a country. And that racism has been used by conservatives, because it supports their political concepts and because they are shit people. It’s the last 75 yrs that we’ve been trying to erase that and that we’ve done this in baby steps, 2 forward 3 back, then 3 forward, what the hell… But we have also not wanted to go too far too soon and that has meant that we’ve lived with racism as a defining platform for a very long time. Some how we have to change that concept to the one the country was supposedly founded on, equality and not a government of by and for the privileged. I have no idea how we go about that after shitforbrains but I hope that we can find a way and get there.
@West of the Rockies:
Not a drop in this house.
@West of the Rockies: I can attest to that.
Hamburglar in the house
@Mary G:
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett have a huge problem after Trump’s and Giuliani’s statements.
@Ruckus: The reality that I am starting to see is there has been a coopting use of the term conservative. Hell I am conservative in that I don’t go leaping forward if I don’t see a place to land. These people today are confederate rebels wanting to fight the civil war all over again. We can’t let them do that. And they have duped 40% of the country.
That’s a given.
The SMB and PPP loans are a treasure trove, too. We could even go after Tucker Carlson, he got money from there.
@Sebastian: would you expand on that?
Pennsylvania grandmas, Mom-moms and Nanas know.
Patton Oswalt is to be commended for the ruthless precision of his description:
The Four Seasons thing is emblematic of the public face of the Trump Administration: dumb, mean, corrupt, and hilariously inept. If he didn’t have the mechanism of the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist (and Opus Dei, can’t forget them) actually doing the work, the entire four years might have been like this. A bunch of bigoted corrupt nincompoops whose only talent is grifting.
No One of Consequence
So… I’ve been unplugged a little while, taking it easy. Checking in, and trying to follow along with the Four Seasons episode. Jeebus.
Can we at least get an interception on The Football and get that into safekeeping please?
( Holy shit how bad the wheels are coming off. I loathe this man, but we can’t take our eyes off the ball here folks. This bastard’s dangerous, unhinged, drug-addled and vicious on a *GOOD* day. )
@CaseyL: And don’t forget the KGB. We beat them today, too!
I should be sleeping and I can’t stop scrolling.
A celebratory vamp, or as Ravel conceived it, one long crescendo, like votes rolling in:
@Kristine: Me too. I’m still so excited that I may be awake for a long time.
J R in WV
Just woke up to pee, thought to check for news, to see if anything was going on. Nope.
We had 2012 vintage French champagne with dinner, it was very good. Will go back to sleep soon….
Not sure if this is already posted somewhere but the Scots have come through again
Is it wrong t be dreaming up “Acting Attorney General Hillary Clinton”… if there’s one thing 45’s administration has taught me, we don’t need actual confirmed cabinet members. Acting members have been tacitly approved by Republicans.
@Thor Heyerdahl:
Me too ???
I realized recently how important it is for Pratchett readers to remember that Ankh-Morpork is social commentary about Britain. The casual racism, the idiot and greedy citizenry, the arrogant and vicious upper class, the frequent mentions of a lost empire – it’s all a Brit making jokes about Britain. Keep this in mind, and Brexit makes sense.
Similarly, Americans take for granted that the Voldemort thing was about racism, and it was a mind-boggling shock when She Who Must Not Be Named turned out to be a vicious and self-righteous bigot. It’s about social class, which in America is tightly tied to race, but in Britain has a long and different history tied to aristocratic family.
Idaho loves themselves some My Little Pony.
Sorry, just saw that now.
The Covid relief program and other handouts in hundreds of millions and billions, without any oversight whatsoever, have drawn attention. All sorts of “businesses” received loans and it seemed more like a slush fund to reward loyalists.
Kanye got a few million as did Tucker Carlson. It’s probably the most target rich environment of all. I am sure Senator Warren is all over it already.
YY_Sima Qian
How the f*ck did this pack of clowns do so much damage to the the US and the world in four years?!!!!
I know, enabled by the GOP at all levels of government, conservative media, and far too often MSM.
Nearly 6am. Have people stopped dancing in front of the White House yet??
@YY_Sima Qian:
Malicious stupidity is great at breaking things, especially when you put it in charge. And more than half of whites, seethingly furious that a black man was a good president, specifically wanted malicious stupidity.
Little is know of Operation Mockingbird
Carla from Roxborough called looking for Uncle Joey and Jimmy D. They were supposed to going down to Penn’s Port on Delaware Ave for lunch. Seems they ended up going to the Four Seasons.
Probably overdone already joke: these guys are good at metaphors in their location choice: a bunch of dildos crashed and burned and now the country needs to be rebuild.
zhena gogolia
I woke up this morning and realized that I have more forgiveness in my heart for the man who murdered my mother than I do for Trump. This is not posturing, or an intellectual exercise, it is a visceral feeling I had as I opened my eyes this morning.
zhena gogolia
@YY_Sima Qian:
They could never have done this much without the complicity of Repubs and media.
The Repubs could have gotten him out a year ago — by voting the way they knew was right.
… ending not with a bang but with a trimmer…
@zhena gogolia:
I’m sorry about your mom.
Oh, my head!
Wow, super secure. Just like Half-Ass Nosferatu’s cyber security business that was hacked about 5 minutes after going online.
What section of Philly is the Four Seasons? NCAA men’s lax championship scheduled for Philly in ’21. If it gets played I’ll consider staying there. Only mildly familiar with the sports complex and Rittenhouse Sq.
@Angelwhine: Clinton was confirmed by the senate for SOS, so I believe Biden could put her in any position that requires confirmation. I think it’s only people who have not gone through any confirmation vote who have to be “acting.”
As delicious as it would be to see Hillary become AG, I think howls of “conflict of interest” would be picked up by the media. I’m sure there are others who would be effective, so all we’d have to listen to are whatever repubs flat out make up.
The amazing part of this fuck up is not that they booked the wrong Four Seasons.
The amazing part is that after they figured out they had fucked up, instead of finding another place they went ahead with doing it there anyway.
@J R in WV: Well, there’s still a pandemic rampaging, but other than that…
Bruce K
@different-church-lady: That seems to be a common thread with the 21st-century GOP: never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever admit that you made a mistake. That shows weakness (to their way of thinking) and a bully cannot afford to be seen as weak, lest he be brought low by people who suddenly realize they don’t have to be afraid of him any more.
It may explain why Murdoch held the line on Fox News calling Arizona – taking it back would be an admission that they might be wrong.
zhena gogolia
Thanks. It was 30 years ago, almost 31.
Citizen Alan
@zhena gogolia: I still don’t hate Shitgibbon as much as I do the people who voted for him. 70 million fellow Americans, and I would teleport them all into the heart of the Sun if it were possible.
GIF of the year:
@Emma from FL: “I can just imagine a young historian a hundred years from now facing his dissertation committee. “Mr. Jones, unless you can find at least four independent corroborating accounts, you will have to start all over again. This is simply too impossible to accept as true without them.””
Other way around – they’d only say this about normal, sane and decent things happening in 2020.
The legal challenges start Monday. Rudy Giuliani is spearheading the case in Georgia and already has his tickets for Tbilisi.
(Original to me, as far as I know.)
J R in WV
The pandemic, unfortunately, isn’t actually news any more. It’s just what is in the background of every decision you make.
Bill Arnold
@Bruce K:
It helps that their information system is so full of nonsense that they are always hair-trigger primed to make mock-able errors. It is fun to [try to] nudge them into making mistakes.
Miss Bianca
OMG. I am sitting on the couch here shaking with laughter. Yes, good going, 2020 scriptwriters! You finally came up with a couple of plot twists I am really, really loving right now!
What an inspired choice of location:
This American Life or some other media show/podcast needs to do a deep dive on how this happened. Step-by-step all the way to the moment the staffer realizes that it’s an industrial landscaping company, but the president has already confirmed it by tweet even as you scramble to get a hold of the real Four Seasons hotel to reschedule. This has to be one of the most absurd moments in American history.
Basically how Trump viewed the entire federal government…