Seems we might need a bit more thread.
So here’s some news from the Hub of the Universe to kick off a new round of chat.
There’s an event going on in (virtual) Boston just now, a “Summit” sponsored by STAT–the Boston Globe biomedical news spinoff that’s been doing great work covering the pandemic.
Anthony Fauci was the big get today, and he both admitted to error and gave a hint of how things will improve on January 20th.
The error first–a big one. Fauci acknowledged the consequences of failing to test adequately early in the outbreak…
“Community spread doesn’t stop spontaneously unless you do something about it,” Fauci said in an interview with STAT’s senior infectious diseases reporter, Helen Branswell. “It is easier to stop when the level is relatively low. The only way that you can get at community spread is that you need to test people who are without symptoms, in order to show what the degree of penetrance of infection is.”
This, of course, didn’t happen in the United States. The primary reason is that Trump and his inner circle didn’t want it to happen. But Fauci feels he could have done more:
Fauci said he raised the idea of mass testing early in the U.S. response, but that his message was not heeded. He acknowledged, however, he could have tried harder.
“Deep down, perhaps I should’ve been much more vocal about saying, we really absolutely gotta do that,” Fauci said.
“I said it, it went nowhere, and maybe I should have kept pushing the envelope on that.”
I don’t know if it would have made a difference. Trumpian disdain for anything that does not directly, materially, and obviously benefit him is a tough nut to crack. But I weep for the loss and pain that still flows from that failure, and it’s clear to me that Fauci has real regrets here.
Looking forward, however, I think that Fauci thinks we’ll have a chance–though not before the current crew digs the pit two-months-worth deeper.
Here he is on the incoming administration.
Asked about his experiences working with President-elect Biden, Fauci said the former vice president has a “considerable, in fact, if not profound” grasp of and appreciation for science, though he said the two have not spoken since Biden left office four years ago.
And finally, he had cautious and minatory optimism on the vaccine news. The money graf:
“A vaccine should not be considered as a total substitute at this point for public health measures,” Fauci said. “In my mind, it should be an incentive for people who have Covid fatigue and are really tired of public health measures to say, you know there is light at the end of the tunnel, help is coming, let me hang in there a bit longer.”
That should be the one message every voice in the old and new administration delivers. It isn’t. And folks will die because of that lapse. But good on Dr. Fauci for trying.
Talk about that, or anything else.
Image: Albert Bierstadt, Among the Sierra Nevada, 1868.
Only sorta O/T: Chuck Grassley (87) has tested positive for Covid-19.
Tom Levenson
@SiubhanDuinne: I wish him as speedy a course through his affliction as he gave to the Garland nomination.
Patricia Kayden
Hell naw
@Patricia Kayden:
I take it he asks nothing of Trump.
ugh…what da hell Feinstein.
She doesn’t even appear to have one around her neck…smh
Victor Matheson
I love Bierstadt, btw. He is the also the only artist who has a fourteen thousand foot peak in Colorado named after him.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Patricia Kayden: Trump don’t need no stinkin’ Democrats. He’s going to pardon himself.
@SiubhanDuinne: I will send thoughts and prayers.
Cheryl from Maryland
RE Dr. Fauci admitting he could have done more. It takes a confident and accomplished person to admit regrets. For me, such an analysis only increases my trust. We are fortunate to have him.
@Cheryl from Maryland:
I could have done more.
Salsa: hot or mild?
@Patricia Kayden:
I would phrase that just a bit more forcefully and somewhat less family orientated. Or as the 5 year old asked his mom, “If trump is gone are you going to say fuck any more?”
@Patricia Kayden:
Michael Conway? What an odd way to spell Kellyanne.
She’s only what, 8000yrs old?
Maybe she forgot…..
Another Scott
@Patricia Kayden: The good lawyer seems to be someone who fights the good fight when it comes to things like lawsuits against newspapers, but general Constitutional balance-of-powers type things seem to be outside his work.
Hillary worked on a Watergate committee, too, but that doesn’t mean that her opinion on pardons these days should be given special weight.
I’m not inclined to click over and read the NBC piece, myself.
@Tom Levenson: Now, Tom. It almost sounds as if you are a little bit vindictive.
@lamh36: It takes a certain arrogance to not give a shit about the people you have worked with for decades.
Meanwhile, in Wayne County Michigan,
I fucking hate these people. From top to bottom, with only a few notable and honorable exceptions.
@lamh36: I voted for Feinstein last time she came up for election, sort of grudgingly, but knowing her seniority might be helpful. Now, I don’t wish Covid on her, but if her foolishness takes her out, at least California can put a younger, more forward-thinking person in her seat.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I guess the Williamsport Tavern mixes a mean lunchtime bloody
@Patricia Kayden: Oh that would unify alright.
Steve in the ATL
@Tom Levenson:
That’s an early Bob Ross, right? And some people say I know nothing of art….
Patricia Kayden
Trump said straight up that he wanted no tests so there’d be no positives, even if it means an uncontrolled deadly virus. Fauci wasn’t going to win that one.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: They never do. Just like the demand that we reach out to hurting Trump supporters.
**rolls eyes
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: You know, I used to think tarring and feathering was cruel and unusual punishment.
Not for these jokers.
Dan B
@Ruckus: Feinstein’s behavior seems like early stages of some form of dementia. It reminds me of my mother once she passed her mid 70’s.
I think it’s normal for Fauci to feel he could have done more, but the fact of the matter is, the important people were in possession of all the facts, and latched on to the absolute worst one to guide all of their decision making: that the vast majority of cases are mild, and even asymptomatic.
We need to remember that the entire Republican Party was just happy as pigs in shit with huge case counts, huge numbers of deaths, and insisting that all that suffering and death was just a hoax intended to harm Trump’s reelection chances. They never so much as pushed back against *any* of Trump’s lies, much less pushed back on the notion that it’s okay if the federal government abandons people to their deaths.
Patricia Kayden
@Ruckus: ?
Someone wants to run for higher office in the Republican party.
Another Scott
@Dan B: +1. Was my thought as well.
I hope she has good aids, and that she listens (more) to them.
FYI, Señor Rainbow’s latest.
@Steve in the ATL:
Those are some damned happy mountains, my friend.
@dmsilev: There is a great treatment and I hope that he takes it. It’s called hydroxychloroquine
@Patricia Kayden:
To sum it up: please the voting minority by pissing off the voting majority, achieve unity.
Got it.
@dmsilev: I am livid. I don’t know what the remedy is, but I’m sure Big Gretch does.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: She seems to be exhibiting signs of dementia. There are other anecdotes to indicate it’s likely. This can manifest in behaviors that seem disrespectful but are as much about cluelessness and personality changes
At RBG’s funeral she tried to hug Kamala who extended an elbow. Feinstein stood there and looked confused. She doesn’t seem to be remembering recent events
Matt McIrvin
@dmsilev: And I just learned what a “writ of mandamus” is from discussion over on LGM…
@Patricia Kayden:
gmta….oh HELL no.
@Patricia Kayden: What exactly does that guy think Biden should pardon Trump for doing? Just a blanket pardon for breaking any and all federal laws up to now? When people say Trump will just pardon himself, same question. Is it just some crazy 3 Muskateers shit?, “By My Hand, and for the good of the State, the bearer has done what has been done.”
Jeebus, that just made me imagine how I’d be feeling today if those trials had come back with mixed or disappointing results. I really am sick of this, and I expect that somehow knowing it can be over within six months or so is going to make those months even harder.
It’s kind of like the way you can be very patient throughout a long process, but as the time near the end approaches you suddenly realize how much it’s been making you insane.
Yeah. Once distribution of the vaccine begins, people are going to get even more impatient.
White & Gold Purgatorian
Since this thread is open, I will just mention that the thought of Deb Haaland as Secretary of the Interior fills me with joy. Elections have consequences and this would be a damned fine one, for a change. She always seems so calm and thoughtful. And sane.
And had he done this, Trump would have sidelined him. Trump didn’t want to know the numbers because he was convinced they reflected badly upon him. Early on, that would not have been the case. The uncontrolled spread we see after his months of malign neglect, absofuckinglutely they now reflect badly on him. A shame he’ll never be held to account for the outcomes, because as multiple others here have pointed out, this is now a genocide.
@hitchhiker: I’m so short I could parachute off a dime!
Splitting Image
@Tom Levenson:
He’s 87. He’s more likely to get the speedy sort of course that he gave the Barrett nomination. And good riddance.
The audit is doing what it’s supposed to be doing.
I have had enough of their racist bullshit and their disparate treatment of Detroit compared to the rest of Michigan.
@lamh36: Senile?
ETA most olds are very cautious. I hope they aren’t letting her drive.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@craig: IANAL but I went back and read Ford’s pardon of Nixon, and it sure looked like a general, blanket pardon, if time-limited
trump will make sure Barr and Kellyanne work in the word “unfair” seven times, and at least one “witch hunt”, but I’m sure this will be the model
@Baud: i was thinking pardon him. Force him to testify against his fellow criminals. Convict him of perjury after the pardon.
Or throw him jail for contempt of court, if he does not testify.
@Patricia Kayden:the best way to unite the nation is for everyone to just sit the F down and shut the F up about anything a Republican does in office? Was Michael Conway born that stupid, or was he dropped on his head or something? (Oh, wait, this should have been my first guess: is he a bad faith actor, and a Republican (the latter of which assumes the former, of course)?)
Why do major media producers present propaganda for Republicans? I thought propaganda was supposed to be paid advertising, clearly marked.
@craig: He could consider pardoning him after a thorough investigation of the political and financial corruption that permeated his administration if Trump cooperates. He won’t cooperate.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: or make sure Pence pardons him for all past and future offenses, unlike Ford’s limp half pardon.
Dan B
@Sab: Nooooo driving for Feinstein. She doesn’t seem to be tracking or processing info about her environment.
When my parents moved from Ohio my mother drove us around our little town 5? stoplights. She drove through a couple stop signs. She’d lived there 23 years!
@Baud: Yeah, the screams of “but why are they* getting it instead of me?” will be fucking epic.
*with they being anyone not including the people doing the screaming
@Dan B: just today I saw a driver turn left into the left hand lane of the two lanes running opposite of his direction. Probably old.
@Ruckus: She is standing talking to people who have masks on!
O. Felix Culpa
@White & Gold Purgatorian:
Deb Haaland is all those things, and a good person to boot. Geminid was also suggesting her for Interior in the morning thread. While I would love the optics of her appointment, I demur, on the grounds that presumably the role requires significant administrative chops which I’m not sure she has. She was NM state party chair and rescued the organization from debt inherited from her predecessor, but I’m not aware of other major executive roles. I would prefer someone with experience running big bureaucracies. I’m tired of government as Amateur Hour.
@Gravenstone: Interestingly enough, all the Trump supporters I know say they will not take the vaccine. So they won’t be doing the screaming. Well, maybe from their death beds.
I think when it goes to frontline health workers first, they will get shouted down pretty effectively.
Once Trump is no longer president the people who refuse it because of Bill Gates and whatever QAnon lie, will be a larger group than those demanding it early.
Cheryl Rofer
@O. Felix Culpa: Agree. Also I want her to continue as our Representative.
Cheryl Rofer
The evening tantrum is in progress. Krebs has been getting out information about election security that contrasts with the Orange One’s ego. His firing has been expected, but it’s not good.
@Dan B: Right before my Mom died my Dad got lost driving home from a restaurant two blocks from their house. They had been eating there two or three times a week for fifty years. Left turn, next right, then left up your driveway to home. He went right while we all screamed “left”.
I had a friend whose very scrappy mother got lost on a similar trip and was found five hours later three counties over. When they finally got her home and said ” We are taking your driver’s license! ” she said “I would certainly hope so!”
O. Felix Culpa
@Cheryl Rofer: Yes, although technically she’s not “our” representative, unless you’re thinking in terms of the state delegation. :)
@White & Gold Purgatorian: It is a good pick, but if I were Biden, I would really be keeping count of congressional people he is putting in the Cabinet. It is quite possible that the Democrats come into the next session with only a majority of 3 or 4 – so taking out Richmond and Haaland makes that majority even smaller, at least until their special elections are held.
@NotMax: Hot.
@lamh36: And they don’t even have a pretense of actual evidence of any fraud. They just ‘know’ that ‘those people’ were up to no good, and that’s enough.
Cheryl Rofer
@O. Felix Culpa: “Our” as in New Mexico.
White & Gold Purgatorian
@O. Felix Culpa: Your (probably valid) reservations notwithstanding, Biden’s transition team is apparently vetting her for Interior. I am still joyful. Such a contrast to anything that would have been possible the last 4 years. Or forever, really.
Miss Bianca
@lamh36: What I’m wondering about is legal options. These fuckers getting hammered with lawsuits and getting dragged into a courtroom is the least I’d like to see happen to them.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Yes. This. People who get the big positions should be experienced and able to step in and take charge the first day. The Biden administration is going to inherit a complete mess. We need the most competent and experienced people possible who understand how these big departments work and can do what’s needed to be done to get them working properly again.
Same goes for any ambassador positions. No more donor appointments. Ambassadors should be experienced diplomats who understand the countries where they’re being appointed. Our international standing is in tatters and we need the best people we can find to help fix what we can.
@Patricia Kayden:
I don’t have an answer to “always this stupid/dropped on head” but I do have an answer to “bad faith actor”.
The money quote:
No one is *asking* for the prosecution of political opponents. They’re asking for the prosecution of *criminals*.
It’s the Republican Party who is trying to frame evidence-led prosecution as “prosecution of political opponents”.
So Conway is, in fact, saying “one rule for Rs, a different rule for Ds, suck it, libtards, y’all were dumb if you thought I was differe… uh, is this my out-loud voice?”
Central Planning
@Steve in the ATL: To quote somebody from a previous thread… you are en feugo tonight.
@dmsilev: Drop a fucking house on her! That is such bullshit!
Hey, why not just certify the Illinois counties that Dump won? Do the same for NY and CA! Hey look! Dump won CA, IL AND NY!
O. Felix Culpa
@Cheryl Rofer: I understand, although sadly our federal delegation will soon include that corrupt hack Yvette Herrell. :(
@White & Gold Purgatorian: It is indeed refreshing that the Biden administration is considering a diverse slate of candidates for top positions. I love the contrast to the outgoing administration, which can’t be outgone soon enough!
@Miss Bianca:
A follow on tweet says it goes to the state board for certification, where hopefully the GOP members have some integrity.
@dmsilev: I’m actually done thinking we deal with them nonviolently. They need to to face tribunals and firing squads for their malfeasance
You are funny tonight.
@Patricia Kayden: That is the dumbest of dumb ideas. It would blow up Biden’s presidency and instead of “healing the nation” would blow a hole wide open in the Democratic party. This guy claims he’s a Democrat but he’s got zero understanding of politics if he thinks that’s a good idea.
The GA SoS seems to have some. They’re rare, but they exist!
@Baud: That is true. I concede it is possible.
@Patricia Kayden:
‘The case laid out in the article fails to convince.
Miss Bianca
That “hopefully” is doing a lot of heavy lifting, there.
So I am now starting to get worried that the Michigan GOP is simply going to steal the electoral votes in the state. I am looking at what happens next, and the state board is also split 2-2. You can bet dollars to donuts they will vote against certifying, which will come up right against the certification deadline. Then what?? The state GOP legislature is going to simply appoint a Trump slate?
Fuck the GOP. Honestly. They deserve to be fucking burnt at the stake.
@Miss Bianca:
Nothing will stop Whitmer from sending Biden’s electors to Congress.
Almost all certification boards are split along party lines, I believe. It’ll be ok.
@craig: Mmmmm……3 Musketeers.
Big on chocolate. Not on fat.
@Gravenstone: I think the best route here is to basically just announce ahead of time who’s getting first whack at it:
Honestly, I’d love it if they were very clear that “customer service” positions are in the high-risk section and get preferential treatment.
We have a poster of this Bierstadt in our dining room! It’s a little much first thing in the morning, but my husband used to hike regularly in the Sierras and he couldn’t resist bringing it home.
Dan B
@lamh36: It’s amazing that the racism is so blatant from so much of the GOP. I remember an architecture school trip to Detroit in 1968. We ran around on the streets at night because there were zero cars. White flight in Detroit was the worst I ever encountered. I wonder if any of the burbs are getting more diverse.
@Baud: It makes me concerned. And the fucking NYT already reporting it as a ‘minor victory’ for Trump. NO, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES, IT’S A MAJOR LOSS FOR THE LEGITIMACY OF DEMOCRACY.
I hate the fucking media, treating politics like it’s a goddamn sport and NOT like it is something that actually affects people’s lives.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@PsiFighter37: The “Minor victory for Trump” is that a Republican Party apparatchik has said she’s open to just not counting the votes from a majority-black, majority Democratic city and throwing the election to Trump?
Yeah. That’s fucking repulsive. And completely damn disingenuous – you’re right, it’s a big fucking loss for America and Democracy.
Roger Moore
Also, apparently the governor has the power to dismiss members of the state board for malfeasance, which I think would be justified in this case. Just the threat of it should be enough to keep them in line, though.
@lamh36: I am feeling quite distressed about this news from Michigan. Am I the only one? Is it not as big a deal as I think it is?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Hope he dies, and that it’s painful.
Dan B
@Sab: My mother got lost on the 3 block walk to the grocery store in Seattle. A “very nice man” helped her get home. We put her in a nursing home while we went on vacation and that was it.
The NYT is garbage.
@O. Felix Culpa:
I like it!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: will the young Grassleys have to pull the plug on grandpa?
sorry, not sorry
@Baud: I am not up on the details. What role does the governor have with regard to electors?
editL Roger Moore sheds some light on this.
Mike in NC
And right on time, all the Debbie Downers surface again…
@PsiFighter37: This x1000.
The governor formally transmits the electoral vote to Congress.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
There’s a solution to the chair of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers – I wouldn’t shed a fucking tear if she shed this mortal coil, violently if need be.
@Baud: Between that and what Roger Moore said, that’s quite reassuring.
The lengths the Rs are going in their attempts to steal this election are downright shocking. And I say that as someone who was pretty sure they would try to steal it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Just their way of pledging allegience to racist fuckery. So angry I need to do something else.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Chris Hayes leading with MI, if you’re interested
@PsiFighter37: Yes, it’s bullshit. Fuck the GOP.
Michigan’s SoS will certify the vote, and hopefully bash these fascist fuckers in the bones.
I hope our people don’t forget. We tend to have short memories.
I just saw this headline from Martin Longman at the Washington Monthly:
Biden’s Suburban Victory Should Worry Both Parties and the Country
I’m not linking because I’m not reading it, but what the hell happened to Martin Longman? That headline is NYT-worthy.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Guy on TV has a righteous rant.
Matt McIrvin
Which means that once they ALL get the idea they can really swing this by deadlocking…
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It is reassuring. Though the fact that a Republican Party apparatchik even said something like this is dangerous to democracy
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
In Eastern Kentucky, there was an unspoken adage in every murder case – did the victim need killing? If affirmative, the grand jury wouldn’t even return an indictment.
That’s how I feel about Ms Palmer.
@Matt McIrvin:
You don’t think they thought of that before?
But whatever. It’s their heads in the guillotine.
Omnes Omnibus
@Matt McIrvin: Jesus Fucking Christ!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Matt McIrvin:
I mean they could, but then they’d have to worry about being targets for the rest of their lives
I soured on him in the 2016 primary.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Not that I disagree, but didn’t TenguPhule get banned for this type of talk a year ago?
Wyatt Salamanca
Twitter Erupts Over Trump Firing DHS Cybersecurity Official for Comments Defending Election as Secure
With each passing day Trump’s batshit crazyness is escalating. All his fucking enablers will live in infamy. He’s clearly mentally unfit and should be admitted to a psych ward.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
What kind of talk?
Mai Naem mobile
@Patricia Kayden: Pardon Donnie for what? I thought Donnie was innocent of anything he’s been accused of and any accusations were democrat fishing expeditions. I am so confused.
Omnes Omnibus
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I mean, Amanda Palmer has been pretty awful in a lot of ways, but that’s a bit harsh.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
….Why would that be bad for both parties and the country?
@Baud: I don’t think we will.
It’s become clear that it’s the Dems who are patriotic and love their country, and this democracy of ours. I don’t see how anyone can forget how the Republicans are defacing our democracy.
To me, what the Rs have done – and are still doing – to steal this election in plain sight is absolutely horrifying. How could anyone forget?
The Pod Save America guys talked last week about having known how critical this election was but had come to a realization that we were ever closer to losing our democracy than we feared.
And last night I was finally able to listen to Garry Kasparov on Preet’s podcast – I was afraid to listen to it before I knew the outcome of the election – he tells some hard truths about how bad it has gotten.
I truly think we were on a hair’s breadth away from losing our democracy. That’s a very sad, and quite terrifying, thought.
patrick II
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I wonder if Lindsay gave them a call.
Yes, it is not as big a deal as you think it is.
@WaterGirl: Anyone familiar with how reactionary, racist and right wing the Michigan GOP is (and how much the Michigan GOP has infected every corner of Michigan state government, including its courts) is probably feeling a little nervous.
@Baud: I did, too, and I really haven’t read him much in years. But that title is NYT is garbage territory, even for Booman..
Roger Moore
Someone else mentioned giving high priority to people who participated in vaccine trials and either got the placebo or a vaccine candidate that didn’t pan out. That seems fair to me.
@Roger Moore:
Big Gretch with the big beatdown of the Michigan Nazi party!
@Omnes Omnibus: I think they come as a pair. Kind of a one-two punch.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Targets from what? Strongly worded letters from totebaggers to their local NPR affiliate?
She’s really awesome.
I suspect this woman’s life therein Wayne County is going to be a living hell soon. The entire city of Detroit is going to be fucking mad and I can easily see a full on strike and protests. Black people have fucking had it, and so have the rest of us. Fuck them.
@Roger Moore: Anyone who participated in the trails should go FIRST. Even before front-line medical people.
Mallard Filmore
@MisterForkbeard: I’m a very spry elderly, but I will only jump the line when normals are allowed to line up.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Well, violent rhetoric, I guess?
“It’s their heads in the guillotines.”
Can’t remember if you said it or not, but I remember reading, “Their guts will be exposed to the winter sky”, if R state legislators vote to overturn election results in the key states Biden won
@Matt McIrvin: Damn, you just can’t resist can you? Are you this way on Lawyers, Guns and Money blog?
@cain: Unfortunately, if past is prologue, folks will take to the streets – completely understandably – in their own backyard and not in the backyards of the malfeasors.
Which means riots in Detroit where it won’t do any good instead of riots in the backyard of GOP chair of the Wayne County election board.
@mrmoshpotato: I had never seen her until the get out the vote event with Biden or Harris where she gave a speech during that last week. Holy shit, she is awesome. And smart. And charming. And charismatic. And beautiful. And, like Kamala, she laughs and shows joy when giving a speech.
I’m not saying I have a crush, but damn, she is something else.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
We’re talking about the hypothetical overthrow of our democracy. Not an excessive capital gains tax cut. It will lead to violence if it happens.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: She’s no drunk Jennifer Granholm.
Roger Moore
I disagree. The people who participated in the trials weren’t asked to do anything extra risky as part of the trial. The only risk was in receiving the vaccine at all, and that had been vetted as well as possible in the earlier stages. In contrast, the front line medical workers are putting their asses on the line every day. The people who participated in the trials deserve to be pushed up in the queue, but the front line healthcare workers need to be at the front for very practical reasons. I will put need ahead of deserve.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
No, I’m talking car bombs. Shootings.
Illegally stealing an election so blatantly would piss a lot of people off. Not all of the left is “tote baggers”
@GoBlueInOak: That almost sounds like black people are so stupid and out of control that they loot and riot and destroy their own neighborhoods.
Please tell me I had totally misunderstood what you are saying.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: In other words, it okay to talk about violence in the streets when you are talking about violence in the streets.
@Omnes Omnibus: Michigan does have some great women politicians!
Don’t be mad, but I like Gretchen better than even drunk Jennifer Granholm, who was indeed a sight to behold.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Just saw that.
Clearly not sympatico with the Toddler in Chief.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: He’s a troll.
Miss Bianca
@Baud: They do?
Matt McIrvin
@SFBayAreaGal: I’m one of the optimists on LGM.
@GoBlueInOak: Apparently, one of the GOP certifiers was involved in an ethics problem of her own….
@Baud: Yes, but here she’d just be doing her most basic duty of defending democracy (and smacking some Nazi trash as part of the job.)
@Roger Moore:
I think this is where we differ. I think participating in a drug trial like that where they have no idea about possible side effects is one of the bravest things a person can do.
You make a good point, though, about need vs. deserve. And about the highest risk day-to-day.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: We can agree to disagree, but I am right.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Dial it back, please.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Maybe I’m just in a bad mood tonight, but I find scary “what if” hyperbole and talk of violence to be tedious.
@Steve in the ATL: That view doesn’t exist. The left side is based on Hetch Hetchy Valley with a lake added in but no high mountains are visible there. The highest mountain is similar to Cathedral Peak south of Tuolumne Meadows.
I’m fine with pardoning the shitgibbon for a list of crimes he has confessed to and well documented. Then used that list of evidence to prosecute his accomplices in those crimes, as well as himself for any crimes that can derived from that list but are not explicitly mentioned. For example, pardon him for violating election law by accepting contributions from foreign sources if he confessed to that. Then prosecute him for laundering money for those sources.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh, no! I hate it when Dad and Dad fight.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That’s what I thought was the difference. However, I do remember getting poohed poohed before 11/3 when I suggested mass demonstrations to overthrow the Trump admin and the GOP if they stole the election. Maybe because the possibility of the end of American democracy became more “real” (well, at least with much of the GOP refusing to recognize the election results), I guess? I’m not calling you out or anything, just thinking out loud
Not only tedious, actively anti-productive.
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: Are we sure that’s not DougJ’s “NYT Pitchbot”? It’s getting hard to tell, these days.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus:
OMG that was so awesome! I loves me some drunk Jennifer Granholm.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: No, I was saying it’s like Godwin’s Law. You can talk about Hitler and Nazis when you are talking about Hitler and Nazis.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’m not advocating these things. But like Baud says, if the R’s blatantly stole the election, I don’t think sternly worded letters would be written. People would turn to violence because it would mean the death of democracy. I don’t think it’s going to happen. I think the MI state board will certify the election
ETA: Why are you two picking on me about this?
@Steve in the ATL: I guess that means we can have a 4-way. Though I guess drunk Jennifer Granholm should get a say in the matter, so I shouldn’t presume.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Inorite?
Steve in the ATL
@WaterGirl: one of my lawyer teammates who lives in Ann Arbor and used to work for the NLRB assures me that Whitmer is simply a democratic version of trump. He’s still my teammate but is totally off my Christmas card list.
Amir Khalid
@Patricia Kayden:
As I understand, presidential pardons are traditionally given only five years after you’ve served out your sentence, and only if you have shown remorse for your crime(s). If I were President Biden, I’d wait at least that long to pardon Donald Trump.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You talk about that so often, Goku, that it makes me want to not read your comments. Just speaking for myself.
edit: Not that there’s any reason you should particularly care whether I read your comments or not.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: I presume we are talking about Cincinnati style chili, right? Right?
Miss Bianca
@GoBlueInOak: For once, I actually agree 100 percent with everything you’ve said. Having grown up in MI among MI Republicans.
I look forward to ass kicking coming to the MI GOP. LOLGOP is gonna love it!
@Steve in the ATL: Can’t be. She has some basic competencies.
@Omnes Omnibus: I seem to have distressed you, so sure, yeah, absolutely, I was talking about chili.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’m not picking on you. I’m saying I find it tiresome and it makes me not want to read your comments.
I’m talking about how i feel when I read them.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I don’t actually, to my knowledge. I used to, but not much anymore
The truth is, I actually do care. I like people to read my comments and interact with me. I consider all of you to be my friends and I enjoy the conversations I have here very much for the most part. I apologize if my comments make you uncomfortable and I’ll try to not do it as much in the future
@Steve in the ATL: He’s off my Christmas card list, too.
Full disclosure: I don’t send Christmas cards, but if I did, he would definitely be off my list. Twice.
He’ll get a mainstream job though, unlike the Trump people who are all going to be on the Right wing grift circuit. He’s ethical and he has real courage. Legitimate employers don’t seek out and hire pathological liars and cowards. That’s why the low quality Trump hires are clinging desperately to Trump- no one else will hire them. They’ll behave exactly as ethically and honestly in their next job as they did while working for Donald Trump. No employer needs that problem.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@GoBlueInOak: A moral person would say burn Grosse Pointe to the ground – every fine home, every country club, every evangelical church. There needs to be genuine fear.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: It seems to me that he’s always been a bit of a contrarian, and seemed to drift farther that way over the years. I think his brother’s death (in late October 2015) changed his writing as well.
Just my $0.02.
@WaterGirl: You cannot be that stupid. Riots are what happens when the dispossessed have no other options except to rage. And the dispossessed in this case are not Republican suburbanites in Wayne County.
Every time there is a major riot, its in a city – its not out in the suburbs. Its not “black people are rioters” – its black people are the ones repeatedly getting the short end of the stick and black folks are highly concentrated in urban areas – especially in highly segregated places like Wayne County.
And people riot in their own backyard – where, frankly, it winds up doing little good. Rioters aren’t organized armies – its anarchy and emotion. When what’s really needed probably IS an organized army of Detroiters marching on suburban Wayne County where the Republican malfeasors actually live.
Steve in the ATL
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: what about the Ferrari dealership in West Bloomfield?
Omnes Omnibus
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: You picked the perfect person to have that asinine conversation with. Well done.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m never EVER going to forget Drunk Jennifer’s speech to the 2016 Dem Convention. Or was it 2012? I forget, but I’ll never forget it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Kay, have you read about the clusterfuck in PA with Giuliani? The man was a US Attorney and he was totally incompetent!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Hey, now! Dwight. Is that how you’re going to win friends with your shiny new handle?
Next Presidential election we need to remind voters that if they hire a Republican it is hell on earth to get rid of them. They’re like psychotic stalkers who will not go away without a restraining order.
We have two solid months left of this shit. CANNOT get rid of them once they burrow in.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: That is pretty much what I am saying. Wouldn’t even need to go that far to get to Grosse Pointe.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Oh FFS, are you really going there? REALLY??
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Right. Before the election, it was hypothetical and we had a different job to do rather than indulge in hypotheticals. Now we’ve done the job and the rest of the process should be mechanical, but the GOP is playing games with that process
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Hey, they’ve got a Maserati Merak for sale.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I think somebody needs to get the banhammer. Aren’t you GoBlue72? And I notice you never replied to my reply to you
@SiubhanDuinne: If the GOP actually are successful in staging a coup, YES. Are they there yet? Not yet. Have they just taken the first step. Yes they have.
If you can’t defend our democracy in the face of a coup d’etat except with sternly worded letters to the editor and a bout of the vapors, you aren’t much use when the shit hits the fan.
I no longer believe Republicans in Congress don’t support Donald Trump’s attempted coup. I think they’re hoping he succeeds but they’re such incredible chicken shit cowards they’re hoping Trump will subvert an election for them.
They’ll never intervene. They’re hoping he succeeds. They want the coup. They just don’t want their names on it.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: 2012.
@Another Scott: I didn’t click the link but I remember that post as if I had read it yesterday. Just remembering brings tears to my eyes. He meant so much too Booman. I cannot believe that was 5 years ago.
I didn’t notice the change right way, but by some point in the sunup to the 2016 election, I started reading more and more infrequently.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Liz Dye had a pretty sweet live-blog at Wonkette.
@SiubhanDuinne: I laughed out loud.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: In all fairness, maybe it was stupid of me to give him the benefit of the doubt. :-)
Another Scott
@Matt McIrvin:@Rokka: My dad had a framed “reproduction” of that painting. It’s quite a sight, especially once one realizes the high peaks would have to be about 50,000 feet high. Albert did take some liberties!Cheers,
One of the chickenshit cowards speaks! No matter. Everyone knows Republicans won’t defend anything or anybody.
Weak people who lack character. All of them.
Miss Bianca
@Matt McIrvin:
Club-goer to Townes Van Zandt: Play some happy songs!
TVZ to club-goer: These are the happy songs, darlin’!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Well, this is the same person who just had to shit on trans people few months back:
@Steve in the ATL: A Democratic version of a fascist?
Ok then!
@Omnes Omnibus: At first I was worried at how read her face and neck looked when I clicked the link just now, but then I saw that everyone in the audience had the same red color. whew!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Awesome. Seems like yesterday.
@Amir Khalid: “I pardon you of all of your Soviet shitpile mobster conman crimes, but HAHA! New York don’t give a fuck! Enjoying dying in state prison, fuckface!”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I apologize, WaterGirl. I’ll try to do better
She was wonderful.
The Republican Party is standing by and allowing all of this to happen. Day after day. It gets worse every day but none of them can find the courage to do anything. So they bleat weak excuses and allow Donald Trump to run roughshod over the country.
They refuse to defend the country from the reality tv show host they worship.
Miss Bianca
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Well, I don’t live there anymore, so go ahead.
Or actually, don’t. Because altho’ Grosse Pointe was a watchword for white privilege and red-lining when I was growing up there, the last time I spent any time there (earlier this century), it looked like it was finally integrating.
And my fancy private day school was, in fact, integrated, back in the 70s – which is more than could be said for GP public schools.
Re Feinstein: I wonder if she’s maybe not so much confused as cosseted. Maybe a combination. A lot of high-level pols seem to have an attitude that the bad stuff happens only to the little people. They are above it all at the Olympian heights. Even Pelosi was going to throw that dinner for the incoming representatives! Talk about clueless. What could possibly go wrong?! ?
P.S. I bet that Feinstein, like most VIPs, hasn’t driven herself anywhere in years, if not decades, so no worry on that point.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You probably won’t, which is fine. But then don’t get overly concerned if people push back at you.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Oh, yes. I recognised the style, the sentiment, and the thoroughly unconvincing attempt at a nym change.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, I will
Submitted for rotation.
Remember that archaic term “common decency”?
Gone the way of the antimacassar and the passenger pigeon.
Wyatt Salamanca
Forget it @jaketapper, it’s the 2020 Rethuglican Party.
Matt McIrvin
@Miss Bianca: Seriously, over on LGM I’m right now pushing back against the idea that they can throw the election to a state-by-state vote in the House (which Trump would win) by keeping enough states from certifying electors at all, so that nobody gets to 270.
This idea seems to be getting thrown around a lot, there and on Twitter and sometimes in mainstream media, and it baffles me, because as far as I can tell from reading the literal text of the 12th Amendment, this isn’t possible. You need a majority of the electors actually appointed, not a majority of 538.
Case law is weird and I guess judges might interpret “electors appointed” as “electors that could have been appointed”. But I don’t see how.
@Kay: The GOP worships a chickenshit coward who can’t fire someone to their face.
Well done!
@Another Scott: The proportions aren’t that bad. There are places like Little Lakes Valley that look like this without the waterfall and the deer pasted in.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’ll look forward to it!
Matt McIrvin
btw, the Wayne County board seem to have backed down on condition of a state audit of the unbalanced precincts, which is about as good an outcome as could be expected.
@Matt McIrvin: Fucking GOP idiots on the canvass board didn’t realize they’d become persona non grata in such a public fashion, so had to save face somehow. Morons.
Prompted me to go look and it turns out both antimacassars and Macassar oil are available at Amazon.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: I am surprised you don’t have such things readily at hand.
@Omnes Omnibus
Well, I do have a drapes over the back of the semi-reclining wing chair head cushion. Close enough?
@raven: My last month before retirement, I taped one of these up outside my cubicle every day. Did a little bit of research to find them — that was one of them. You short-timers waiting for the Freedom Bird had a lot of good ones.
Wyatt Salamanca
Chilling firsthand account of bullshit behavior from Michigan Rethuglicans on Election Day:
Should have paid Trump .02 cents for every mask sold, and a nickle for every test. We’d be swimming in them.