I think I need to start posting his daily briefings to balance out the firehose of garbage from the Impeached-Forever-Lame-Duck President we seem to have to suffer through on Twitter/FB/Media.
Open thread
by TaMara| 235 Comments
This post is in: Biden-Harris 2020, Election 2020, Open Threads
I think I need to start posting his daily briefings to balance out the firehose of garbage from the Impeached-Forever-Lame-Duck President we seem to have to suffer through on Twitter/FB/Media.
Open thread
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Incidentally: Costco has priced Forever President Obama’s memoirs at $24.99, vs. $27 for Amazon. For your reading and gifting pleasure.
So the Trump campaign is too cheap to pay for a full recount in Wisconsin and only is paying for ones in the counties where African Americans live in great numbers. Ummm hmmm.
TaMara (HFG)
@Elizabelle: I’m going to gift myself an audible subscription to buy it. I need that soothing Obama-cadence to get me through the next few months. LOL
@Peale: odds are that the result will be finding a few extra votes if anything, so I’m fine with that.
TaMara (HFG)
Biden coming in with the compassion and understanding for the frontline workers. Good man through and through.
@Elizabelle: Hmm, I know some full Qanon and MAGA relatives who could use a copy…
If it’s not a burden or PITA, I’d love it if you could do that! Thank you.
I’m reading it now, on Kindle. You can feel his soul and intellect and honesty come through with every sentence. Just a glorious read.
Me too. I’m hating almost every other thread because it’s always about doom and gloom and what evil super geniuses the GOP and Trump are and how, no matter what we do or what happens, they will win and we will die. Sick of that shit.
It would do them good, but I can’t imagine they’d even open the cover, let alone actually read it. Give them socks and underwear.
@Peale: As I noted a couple threads down, they lost those counties by a total of nearly 365k votes. They’re likely going to be hyperaggressive trying to challenge and toss loads of ballots. They’re going to have to come up with roughly 21k votes for Trump to prevail.
@zzyzx: I’m not. Recount the whole state. No discount for only wanting to recount certain people’s votes after a close election. Wisconsin is going to be close at least for the next few cycles. The idea that the loser gets to challenge black voter’s preferences, after all the stuff the GOP did to make it difficult for them to register and vote, and whatnot, is just not cutting it. Here is another new extra hurdle for Milwaukee voters! We don’t trust them and every election we’ll be scrutinizing their votes extra carefully. You know how shifty those voters in Milwaukee can be.
I know. It’s one thing to be clear-eyed and realistic about the challenges we face, the better to prepare for them. It’s quite another to take the attitude that things are going to be challenging, so we might as well give up now.
@geg6: Complaining about complaining is so META!
@Gravenstone: but they can’t do that now. The ballots are disassociated with who cast them. Once they’ve been opened and counted, there’s no way of knowing which ballot belongs to which person.
@geg6: What’s dumb is that they’re not supergeniuses and there’s no cause for doom and gloom.
What we do have should be concentrated in two areas:
* Amusement and schadenfreude that they’re failing so badly in their attempts to sabotage Biden and overturn the election.
* Intense anger at the fact that they’re openly sabotaging Biden and trying to overturn the election.
@Peale: Does Wisconsin law actually allow for that?
@Peale: It has been pointed out that this is what the Supreme Court put a stop to in Bush v. Gore — selective recounts.
@Peale: Al Gore did the same thing in Florida in 2000 only he chose his own counties in hopes of getting more votes. The irony is that the press did the recount themselves after the Supreme Court stopped it and it wouldn’t have helped, but if he had done the whole state he might have found enough votes.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
Don’t ever go to LGM. I know I went through a phase, but that place is on a whole other level. Matt McIrvin actually said he was the optimist over there now
It’s interesting that the immediate post election Joe Biden takes all underestimated Joe Biden. Wonder of that will stick thru his whole Presidency. It’s not necessarily a bad thing- might even be beneficial to him:
I’ve never had a loser mindset in my life, but some of these people are driving me to it because they are so relentlessly pessimistic and just pound away at the idea that only Republicans have agency and we Dems are helpless and shouldn’t even try in the face of conservatives’ totally awesome magic powers.
This is why I keep considering staying away from BJ until 1/20.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
It’s like some twisted, racist version of preclearance
That’s pretty much where I am. But I don’t see much of that here on BJ lately. I really think I need a break.
zhena gogolia
No, please stick around. I think it will die down.
@Goku (Amerikan Baka):
I read some of their front page. I learned years ago that I really am not interested in the comments there. Too many there are too impressed with themselves and, even in the best of times, it’s always been doom and gloom 24/7/365 over there.
@zzyzx: A fair and valid point. Which means they just set fire to $3M. That should piss Donnie off.
@geg6: You seem really unhappy and if BJ is really the reason that’s makes it pretty simple doesn’t it?
@Goku (Amerikan Baka):
Never do, never would. I have no desire to converse with Martians :-)
@Gravenstone: yeah, that’s why this doesn’t scare me at all. Like 10 votes might register differently and Donnie “One Term” Trumpson will have even worse optics claiming its stolen after his selected county recount falls short
Yup, I need a break. I’m very unhappy that there is very little sunlight here lately. Yes, we have an out-of-control pandemic and yes, the asshole squatting in the White House is making our country even less safe on top of it, but good things are happening and no one seems to care or pay attention to any of it. Maybe I’ll just come around for cultural, cooking, pet and respite threads.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Kay: This may be the way it is for the foreseeable future.
I said to my wife, and also here I believe, that it felt a lot like 2018. Right after election day it felt like the results were kind of meh. Over the course of weeks, the news just kept slowly getting better and better.
I find that I still have a capacity for outrage, and certainly considerable worry about McConnell keeping his majority and the damage he can do, but mostly I am in a happy place right now.
@geg6: I think between winter and Covid, people just don’t have our usual resiliency. So it can get hard to not freak when someone tries to make us do so.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@geg6: I didn’t expect all would be peaches and unicorns by Nov. 4, but that was an important first step. There are others between now and Jan. 20.
Mark Kelly taking his seat is the next increment as far as I’m concerned. Then the certification of the election Dec. 13. Then the swearing in of the new Congress on Jan. 3, followed by the GA senate elections on Jan. 5.
One step at a time.
I guess I’m saying you don’t have to check out till Jan 20 to look for signs of hope.
@geg6: I’m with you about LGM. Many of the posts are great. The one on Weber the other day was so fine. And Dan Nexon and Farley…. But the comments section are basically unreadable. An occasional witty item, then mean.
TaMara (HFG)
Alright, I’m here for ya! As long as I’m working from home (ha!) I should be able to do it. I do occasionally have to poke my head out to see a client…but otherwise, it should happen.
Oh God, can you imagine hearing Trump read the audio book?
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I don’t have a firm idea on how it’s going to go. I don’t think anyone really does. But so far I think it’s fair to say that Biden has been consistently underestimated.
@geg6: Hang in there, the morning isn’t nearly as bad except for the covid thread (which is much needed.)
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: So on January 6, if I’m reading this right, GA will have one less Senator (Perdue’s term is up) but Loeffler is still in? Or is she also only appointed until this Senate ends?
I suspect Kemp will just appoint them both if they expire, but if he doesn’t — 48/48 Senate. With lots of sick RS.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
See, this is what I mean! These are all good things, as are the people Biden is putting into place. And the margin of Biden’s win keeps expanding and expanding and expanding. And my Lt. Governor has become a media darling. And even some GOPers like Raffelberger (sp?) and Krebs are standing up for what’s right. We should be celebrating all of this, but we don’t. We mention it in passing but then it’s back onto the doom and gloom and Republican super villains.
And with that, I’m done on this subject.
TaMara (HFG)
@geg6: More puppies, ducks and kittehs seems to be in order. I’ll try that, too.
Although next on my list is a Climate Solutions (see how I title those) post and a “How do I cook my half a turkey this year?” post.
Cheryl Rofer
@geg6: I asked a person on Twitter not to respond so negatively to my threads yesterday. She had been frequently responding with downers.
It’s been found that the comments influence how people take a post, so I’ve been quite annoyed when she would dump on a tweet that I intended to start people thinking.
It’s a difficult time right now, and it’s easy to emphasize the negative, or, worse, comment that things will never be good ever again.
I’m starting to come out of the funk I’ve been in for the last however long I’ve been beat down by the inevitable focus on Trump in the media. That’s beginning to turn around, and, within myself, I find I can once again think complex thoughts. What’s even better is that we’re starting to get some things about which it’s worthwhile to think complex thoughts.
And, oh yeah, I don’t read all the comments here. Just dip in from time to time, like now.
@TaMara (HFG):
I heart you.
One of the things I really hope Biden will continue to do as President is to have a sign language interpreter present for all of his public appearances.
I don’t know ASL myself, but I love that signing is gradually becoming normalised. Many state governments provide this service routinely. It’s high time the presidency recognised the hearing-impaired as part of American diversity. Please keep this up after the transition, Joe.
“Loeffler’s appointed term ends when the special election winner assumes office in January 2021.”
@germy: While he clearly likes talking about himself, I imagine the ghost writer(s) would use far too many big words that he could never manage to pronounce. Plus, he’d likely get bored after a page or two of script and go wander off to fling shit somewhere.
@TaMara (HFG):
I’ve always said, you are a wonderful person.
Alec Baldwin’s out of their price range, eh?
Yeah, I learn a lot of things there and I, too, loved the Weber post. I like the Erik Visits a Grave posts a lot, too. I often learn something I didn’t know from them and sometimes they prompt me to dig further into the person. But read the comments there? *shudder
Mike in NC
Oh, Yeah! In that sniffy monotone voice of his. It’s just as bad as his bloated, ugly orange face.
@TaMara (HFG): my family does a veggie thanksgiving. If anyone’s interested I’m happy to pass along some awesome vegetarian/vegan recipes that we’ve found over the years!
Citizen Alan
I don’t think the Republicans are super-geniuses. I just fret about the incredible structural advantages they have that were literally baked into the Constitution at the drafting stage in order to advantage the slaveholders, advantages of which the GOP takes ruthless advantage. Short of increasing the size of the House to something like 2000 representatives, I don’t see a solution to the Electoral College problem. The red states are never gonna sign the Interstate Compact nor will they ever vote for a Constitutional Amendment.
Amir Khalid
Then get Gilbert Gottfried to read the audiobook. After all, he did such a great job on the Fifty Shades of Gray audiobook, and he’d be just the guy to read a Trump memoir.
The Moar You Know
@germy: Not the worst part. I have worked some tough recording and editing sessions in my day, but recording that would be a next-order-of-magnitude nightmare. You literally couldn’t pay anyone enough to engineer that session, because every minute would take hours of edits (as opposed to the usual recording industry ratio for low-rent music projects, which is one hour of studio labor for every minute of music produced)
It is very similar to the battered spouse syndrome. Or a beaten dog. Trump and the GOP have been abusive for so long that people just automatically cringe when he gets close. It’s a learned behavior and needs to be unlearned.
The degree of righteous outrage shown last night in Detroit is the correct response.
@raven: Tanks, mon
But Perdue is Perdon’t at the end of this Congress?
@TaMara (HFG): Sorry, most excellent front-page poster, we are going with Peking Duck (not turkey) this year.
@geg6: Yes, the grave posts are Erik’s best work. But sometimes it is clearly just some odd filler post. I wonder if he has a contract of posts/week? :-)
Your Lt. Governor is divisive. Sheetz and not Wawa? Does he even know there’s an eastern part to the state?
Edited formatting.
Wisconsin is what, 6 percent black? How could this ridiculous witch hunt make any real difference?
I will say it for the thousandth time. They will steal our joy and try to make us feel like losers even when we have clearly won. This is your entitled relative showing up at your wedding and crying the whole time because the venue is cold and the food doesn’t cater to their allergies and you totally stole the theme they had been planning for their wedding next year. Yes, I am angry.
@Mike in NC: I’m so happy his ugly orange face is appearing less and less often in my daily newspaper. I still take the dead tree edition and I keep a pen on the kitchen table to deface all photos of him. There are fewer and fewer now and more of handsome Joe.
@FelonyGovt: Handsome Joe.
Cuz he is.
There’s all sorts of good news to share
@Brachiator:Yeah, this is a cheap losing strategy by the Trump campaign. They shouldn’t have targeted blue counties as, if anything, they’re only likely to increase Biden’s margin. Like Gore, they should have targeted red counties. But that would have cost nearly 8 million dollars and Trump is too parsimonious to adopt the better strategy. I’m with Carville here – the more recounts there are, the more times we win. And recounts help legitimize the overall win.
@Cheryl Rofer:
“within myself, I find I can once again think complex thoughts. What’s even better is that we’re starting to get some things about which it’s worthwhile to think complex thoughts.”
Oh, Cheryl, I can so relate to this feeling. I am just now finding my way back to my writing after a long, dry spell.
I feel like a great weight has been lifted from me since Joe’s election. No one can steal my joy.
@geg6: You can often kind of tell which kind of posts are gonna elicit the Eeyore crowd.
Also, the pie feature works great for dealing with the overly negative or otherwise aggravating among us. There’s a toggle feature, so you can check on what they’re saying, in the event it’s helpful.
Some threads end up with more pies and Eeyores than a bakery, and those are the threads it is a pleasure to FIDO.
Isn’t that likely to be a self-own when Biden ends with even more votes?
Ooh, Karine Jean-Pierre may be picked for Press Secretary. That would make me VERY happy. She’s wonderful and very deserving.
I might suggest that we have fewer dumbshit Trump threads and more technocratic Biden transition threads. Who is getting picked for the administration, what’s their 100 days agenda, etc. If nothing else, it’s a regular reminder that progress is being made for the better, and what our new normal is going to look like.
Dan B
@geg6: I’m not getting “only republicans have agency” from the commenters here. I’m hearing a lot of fear from you. It feels important to acknowledge our concerns. This country is at boiling point. We’ve allowed our media to become toxic. There are solutions – many are difficult. In order to be strategic we need to have free discussion.
It’s also important to remember that the challenges will not end on January 20. Believing that will threaten more despair. Our job is to plan for 2022.
TaMara (HFG)
@Immanentize: Don’t apologize to me…but Penelope would like to have a word with you. ??
@gene108: It’s been a while, but Wawa was the obvious choice back when I lived there. But I have heard Wawa is getting worse, and Sheetz better.
TaMara (HFG)
@Benw: Definitely share in the Turkey post I’m planning on doing this weekend.
Trump doesn’t have a strategy. There is no voter fraud. This whole thing is empty flailing. And now Trump’s people seem to be trying to attack black voters, using irrelevant irregularities as an excuse to set aside an entire state slate. Of course they could just go full racist and say that only white people’s vote should count. Still not sure that this would change Wisconsin results.
@TaMara (HFG): I think the word is, “QUACK!!”
I’ve never been to a Wawa. They simply don’t exist here. I’m pretty sure that Sheetz is available statewide. Therefore, Sheetz wins. ;-)
@Gravenstone: @Peale:
To overturn the election results, Trump needs his maneuvers to turn at least three states out of Wisc, Mich, Pa, Az, Ga and Nv.
Mi, Pa, and Nv are now beyond any long-shot possibility, without some sort of bogus SCOTUS intervention. However, if they managed to flip Wi AND Ga, they could get to a 269-269 tie if they could also flip Arizona. Those three specific flips are what their remaining long-shot hopes of actually winning by electoral vote count + congressional tiebreaking resolution hang on – as opposed to their other long-shot goal of so discrediting the election as to get away with a coup by refusing to acknowledge its validity and refusing to leave om jan 20th.
Or even if Trump is forced to leave Jan 20th, so sabotage and hamstring and obstruct the Biden Admin to pave the way for Trump’s return victory in 2024.
Im doing just turkey thighs. My favorite part anyway.
@Martin: Wawa and Sheetz? It’s like you PA folks are speaking a foreign language.
But I actually like that this country still has some regional variety and flavor.
She is terrific! She’d be an excellent Press Secretary. I hope this is true!
@Martin: Based on my experience, it would be nearly impossible for Sheetz to get worse, at least insofar as food is concerned.
@Dan B:
Fear? From me? HAHAHAHAHAHA! I’m not the fearful one around here. But thanks for completely misunderstanding pretty much everything I’ve ever said.
@Martin: Not sure who’s telling you that. Maybe someone without a sense of smell/taste? That could be it. Recently had Sheetz for the first, and last, time. #TeamWawa
@Kent: What? My experience mostly revolves around supercharger locations, but there are Wawas and Sheetz all the way up and down the east coast. Probably not in NJ, where you still can’t pump your own gas.
@Leto: Right. Definitely our experience as well.
@LuciaMia: I always buy the smallest turkey I can find and then spatchcock it to leave room in the oven for the dressing and casseroles.
I was going to try doing a rotisserie turkey using the gas grill on the deck but then I realized that roasting a turkey on the grill means no drippings from which to make gravy.
@Kent: from the Wawa homepage:
Sheetz I think it just a regional way of saying “shit”, which is what their food/coffee tastes like.
OT: I started watching The Crown – because of the positive posts here! Thank you! I watch a couple of episodes, then I have to do some research on King George V and others depicted in the show. Let me tell you, the Duke of Windsor is a real piece of work (on the show, and then reading about him). Lucky for England he abdicated; and supposedly his dad didn’t think too highly of his future king skills. Now, apologies to our English readers here, you have more knowledge about your rulers than this American – the last time my ancestors were living in Britain was the late 1700s, give or take. Well, not sure my Irish/Scottish forebears would claim Britain…
For real? I’d rather have Sheetz than Wendy’s or McDonald’s or pretty much any other fast food. Sheetz isn’t all that bad, unless you get the hotdogs. Never order the hotdogs.
This year will feature eye of round roast; contemplating using a chili-coffee rub. Cooked in the Instant Pot, natch.
Well, there aren’t any out here on the west coast I promise you that. I doubt you can find anyone here in WA or OR who has heard of either Wawa or Sheetz unless they lived out there.
No, It would be ghostwritten and Trump would not be able to read that much written by another person.
I like the idea of posting good things to keep from tipping into gloom and doom. Yes, there are challenges. Lots of them. But good things, too.
Like the Fed nominee losing a vote in the Senate.
Like the Detroit votes being certified in Michigan.
Like the Georgia secretary of state doing his job honestly.
Let’s keep the pressure up on people like Emily Murphy at the GSA. She’s already feeling uncomfortable enough to whine to reporters. More pressure on her wouldn’t hurt.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I wish the grocery stores recognized that people like you and me exist. I have looked from time to time for separately packaged turkey legs or thighs, and never found them. Turkey breast, yes. Wings, yes. But not dark meat.
One time I was rummaging around the meat department and the guy at the meat counter asked if he could help. I explained I was looking for turkey legs. “Turkey legs?” he repeated. “Turkey legs”, I said. He took me through the aisles and pointed to a display, “Turkey legs” he said.
I picked up a few packages, and puzzled I turned to him. “These look like chicken”, I said. “That’s right, what were you looking for?” “Turkey” I said again. “Oh, turkey. No, we don’t have that.”
I still don’t understand what happened there.
Mallard Filmore
@TaMara (HFG): Here is a cute bunny:
This is really good:
Amir Khalid
That’s not how most people spell “broke”.
@Kent: I might live in Seattle, but I have enough mid atlantic friends that I’ve refereed many a Sheetz/WaWa debate.
Oh god, and don’t even get the upstate NY people started on the whole Wegman’s thing.
@geg6: Avalune and I had their breakfast fare, and a lunch sample. Back to Micky D’s we went…
I guess I’m going to have to break down and finally start watching this show. My ancestors from England were my paternal grandparents, so I actually have a lot of knowledge about the more recent royals. In fact, more than I ever cared to know. And I’m not sure I’d even be interested in the current season because nothing bores me more than Charles and Diana. But I may enjoy the first couple seasons and I am interested in how accurate the show might be. Plus, it starts with Victoria, right? She’s a thousand times more interesting than Charles, Diana and Elizabeth II put together.
@geg6: Well, I am basing it more on my husband’s and son’s experience, for I am that person you will find staring at the selection of nutrition bars trying to figure out which one will simultaneously stave off hunger while still being yummy and not have too many calories. And the best of the best is one that you can only find at Starbucks, known by the very dumbest name of “This Bar Saves Lives.”
@Brachiator: Exactly. They’re flailing on the cheap and targeting only African-Americans, like in Michigan. It’s overtly racial, it looks terrible and it’s going to fail.
Guess it’s what you are used to. Like I said, I’ve never stepped foot in a Wawa and am not even sure I’ve ever even seen one even though I’ve been to the eastern part of the state literally hundreds of times. I wouldn’t touch McDonalds with my dogs’ tongues, even if you offered me a thousand a pup.
I live on the New Jersey side of the greater Philadelphia area. Sheetz hasn’t moved into our area yet, so I can’t compare.
I don’t think Wawa has gotten worse, but I can see Sheetz improving from the last time I went to one many years ago.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
You can get them around here, but not all the time.
@Leto: So is it possible to get Wawa Sheetz?
Amir Khalid
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Long ago, a sales clerk in a shoe store told me they didn’t have the style I wanted in size 9. Then he added, “You try size 7?” Really.
I think management tells them it’s their job to make a sale any way they can.
Dan B
I’m saying I’m picking up anxiety from you more than from other commenters. And you keep repeating that the comments bother you. We heard you the first time. Many of us are on edge. I find it reassuring I’m not alone.
Sure Lurkalot
@Immanentize: How do you cook it? I bought one for TG a few years back when it was going to be just the 2 of us. I read through so many recipes and settled on a 5 hour duck recipe on Saveur. It was NOT good.
Since then, I buy a duck breast every now and then but have shied away from the whole real deal.
In Southern NJ, Wawa’s are very common, as it’s part of the greater Philly area.
I have not seen Sheetz in this area.
Royal Farms is opening up locations in this area. 20 years ago, when I used to see my mom, when she still lived in NC, I would stop off at Royal Farms, in MD, regularly for gas, snacks, and coffee. I liked it.
But the one near me now has fried chicken as their big food attraction and the place stinks of stale frier grease. I do not know when they made the change.
@Amir Khalid: Just cut off your toes like in the original Cinderella.
That’s how we feel about Sheetz now =/
@Immanentize: I mean, anything’s possible?
Let’s face it, in the Phish community where I live, everyone prefers Sheetz for the stupid, obvious reason.
As the token sober fan, I roll my eyes a lot at everyone else ;)
@Martin: Wawa is THE BOMB
We loved them to death back when we lived up in DE, and have been thrilled to see them slowly expanding their territory here in VA.
I’m not sure I’ve ever had the coffee or a sub at a Sheetz.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I shop at H.E.B. (a Texas owned grocery store). They always have turkey thighs and legs. Aren’t you jealous?
ETA: Never heard of Wawa and Sheetz. Here it’s Whataburger.
O. Felix Culpa
Beg to differ. I worked (briefly) at a Wawa during college in NJ. I think it’s still there. Now Sheetz I had never heard of before, even though I lived in PA (Philly and suburbs) for several years back when the world was young.
Not so fast! I live in Wawa-land (outside Philly) and there are no Sheetz here. Have to drive out to Lancaster to find a Sheetz. In a pinch I prefer the food at Wawa to fast-food – happens occasionally on road trips.
@cmorenc: per the Constitution, Trump ceases to be President on January 20 at noon, unless he wrangles his way to an election win through these completely unmeritorious legal actions.
Even if he refuses to leave the White House, he will have no valid authority.
They don’t have any long shot hopes of winning. There has not been any systematic voter fraud to deprive Trump of victory. Trump is trying to use the inevitable minor errors that happen in any election as evidence of a grand conspiracy. This cannot work without criminal activity on the part of Republican officials.
Also, the electoral college meets and the election is certified in December. Trump cannot squat in the White House. He will quietly be moved out.
I can see Trump entertaining this fantasy. But he can’t do too much to actually obstruct Biden. He will have to leave the dirty work to McConnell.
Dan B
@CatFacts: Pressure on Emily, yes! I thought of a March on her office with torches but then realized she might be confused and want to join in while shouting something nasty about Jews.
They have those down here in VA too! They’re awesome but you’ve really got to watch splurging on all their bakery items & grab-and-go stuff.
But some of their deals are really good, that’s for sure!
@Kent: Yeah, they have this odd culture where the gas station is where you should go to get lunch.
That said, Wawa hoagies were pretty good way back then.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@geg6: Being in the other corner, I’m the opposite. I think I’ve seen a Sheetz but I can’t remember where or when. Maybe somewhere along I-81 way back when I used to live in Syracuse and my only experience with PA was cutting through it on the way to NJ.
I can think of three Wawa’s within a mile, and half a dozen more within a few miles.
They’re definitely the go-to solution for a lot of commuters’ morning coffee and everybody’s late-night hoagie. Especially here in the burbs where there isn’t much of anything late-night. Their other big claim to fame is that if you use their ATMs, you won’t pay a foreign transaction fee.
First one I ever saw was on the Princeton campus.
Gin & Tonic
Dozens of posts debating the relative merits of food you buy at a gas station. Folks, it’s a gas station.
Gin & Tonic
@zzyzx: My nearest Wegman’s is a 45-50-minute drive. I do not consider that unreasonable.
@Gin & Tonic: that’s usually my role in the debate.
The man lies about everything. He ain’t gonna run in 2024.
@Gin & Tonic: Just don’t order the lobster.
@Gin & Tonic: Some days it’s ducks, others it’s food-adjacent-objects. We contain multitudes.
We have convenience chains out here on the west coast too. But I’ve never once heard anyone claiming they were the place to go for lunch. The more typical argument would be which Vietnamese Pho place is best for lunch, or which food cart pod to go to.
When I lived in TX it was all about which hole-in-the-wall BBQ or burger joint was the best and people would drive for hours and wait hours more in line just for a pile of BBQ brisket slapped onto a sheet of butcher paper with a slice of white bread. Also weird. Of course in Texas they have Buc-ee’s which are such enormous gas station and mini-marts that you could probably fit 25 WaWa’s into one single Buc-ee’s. They even have a special jerky bar with about 50 different varieties of jerky to choose from
I will say the only really good thing about Texas is the HEB Grocery stores. I will stand those up against any regional chain anywhere. And they are truly good people too. Their Central Market (Whole Foods competition) are awesome.
@Barbara: In Virginia they give free coffee on Christmas!
Matt McIrvin
@Peale: Racism is making them make foolish decisions. In the Georgia audit, Trump gained some votes* not by invalidating anything in Atlanta but by finding accidentally unreported votes in white Republican counties. They’re probably looking in the wrong place for help!
*not nearly enough to swing the state, but if it’d been as close as Florida 2000, they’d have been crucial.
And then there’s Piggly Wiggly.
Gin & Tonic
@Hoodie: But up here in New England, the seared foie gras with cranberry gastrique at Cumberland Farms is to die for.
@Gin & Tonic:
@Hoodie: …but the sushi is to die for, literally.
@Gin & Tonic: yet you’re here talking about how driving 45-50 mins for overpriced food is a-ok. To each their own, I guess.
Sure Lurkalot
This thread is too funny! I’ve never heard of either Sheetz or Wawa and I grew up on the east coast.
I’m trying to think if I’ve ever bought any food other than prepackaged candy, chips or drinks at a convenience store and the 8 ball says “not likely”. I pretty much gave up fast food 3 decades ago when it started to not agree with me. The very few times I’ve had it since then…usually work lunches with little choice…the infrequency just made matters worse. No kids, so that probably made a difference.
@Gin & Tonic:
@Jeffro: …great minds and all that…
Gin & Tonic
@Kent: Isn’t jerky what you eat when you have run out of actual food?
I like Piggly. Not too crazy about Wiggly.
Maybe not, but he’ll keep stringing the rubes along with the idea for as long as possible.
@Kent: I’ve never lived anywhere but the West Coast and I’ve seen a WaWa. We have traveled a bit. It was when we visited some friends who lived near Philly.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Actually, I can think of at least one in NJ (in Cherry Hill) that does have gas pumps.
The new ones have gas and a bunch of the older ones have expanded to sell gas, but that’s a recent thing, just the last few years. It’s not really a gas station, and plenty of Wawas that have been around for decades still do not sell gas.
I agree.
They want a recount, pay for a damn recount. They want to be racist assholes, fuck them.
Gin & Tonic
@Leto: At least Wegman’s is an actual grocery store, and not a gas station.
@NotMax: No no no, Bi-Lo or gtfo! (actually Bi-Lo is being bought out by Food Lion, so we’re all going to need to reassess…)
@cmorenc: Trump has no conceivable shot. Even if he gets some states to allegedly “flip” in that new electoral college slates are sent to Congress, they would then have to be approved by Congress, including the House. This will not happen. The House will never approve Trump as President – it will simply refuse to move to the “special” Constitutional procedure (used in 1800 and 1824) and the end result will be an impasse (like 1876) and that means President Pelosi. Which was just confirmed today by the House Democratic Caucus.
@Gin & Tonic: I kid you not. They have an entire jerky bar or deli counter: https://reservoir-geeks.com/weblog/2018/1/24/buc-ees-jerky-paradise
@Dan B:
What you’re picking up is exasperation at too much pessimism. I’m fine and have slept better since 11/4 than I have in five years. It’s only when I find myself in political posts that I find myself in a terrible mood. Not anxiety, exasperation.
@Gin & Tonic: here, let me repeat myself for full effect: people with more money than sense shop there because they’re too embarrassed to go to the normal supermarket. If I wanted to pay at least 25% more on my grocery items, I’ll go there. This includes basic items like milk, eggs, bread, and I’m not even going to mention the markup on the same name brand items. Yoga pants and kombucha as far as the eye can see.
Matt McIrvin
@Leto: My sister-in-law (who lives in Maine) once posted on Twitter or Facebook about having a “Sheetz Coffeez” so every time I see the name that phrase now jumps into my head.
I’ve driven up and down the east coast too. And also lived in Washington DC for a year on detail. I guess I just never pay attention to the gas stations that I go to. One is pretty much the same as the other and all I EVER do is just buy the cheapest gas at the pump and drive off.
I’m a Texan. I am amused that you thought this was weird.
The eating habits of other Balloon Juice folks are endlessly fascinating.
Grade school joke.
“Did you hear that A&P is buying Stop ‘n’ Shop? All their markets will be called Stop ‘n’ P.”
Doug R
@TaMara (HFG): Fresh bird-breast one day, legs in freezer for later.
Splitting up the bird means you can instant pot or convection/toaster oven.
@Ruckus: Was it only GA that had the provision that the challenging campaign had to pay for the recount? I guess each state has different rules for that.
@Peale: As others have noted, the counties they want to recount are just as likely to have undercounted Biden votes than overcounted them and they will miss the possibility of undercounts in mostly white counties where they’re more likely to find additional votes. The SOS of Michigan pointed out that the nitwit GOP canvass board members in Wayne Co. were bitching about Detroit when there were more count issues in Livonia, which is mostly white. That tells me they’re not serious about finding more votes, they’re just looking to further the narrative that the system is fraudulent because BLACK PEOPLE ARE VOTING as a justification for a new round of vote suppression tactics that they can get past a now thoroughly partisan Supreme Court.
Oh, man, I LOVE my Sheetz! There’s one half a mile from here, and it’s what I have the most trouble resisting when I’m trying to lose weight. Which I am now – they’re probably wondering, what ever happened to that pink haired lady who always gets pickles and black olives on her pulled pork?
@geg6: mcDonalds has decent Diet Coke- their ice is the bomb
Citizen Alan
@Kent: In the South, it’s quite common for gas stations to offer plate lunches that are often quite good.
Doug R
@geg6: I would say Costco because they’re everywhere, pay their employees a decent wage, demand their employees wear masks and ask their customers to as well.
I think they even let non-members use gift cards, especially at the gas station.
@Brachiator: yeah, a good bbq joint is worth it’s weight in pork. On the MS gulfcoast, around the Biloxi area, there’s a place called The Shed. Basically started out as a place this guy assembled from scavenged parts/lumber, but man was it just absolutely amazing food. Wasn’t rare to have people from 2-3 hours out coming there. On Fri/Sat nights they’d have a live band playing so it was always jammed pack. I really miss that place.
@NotMax: You should see the one on Edisto Island, it’s tiny!
Ahhhh, I love this place. (Balloon Juice, not whatever yuppie-ass Whole Paycheck stores you’re talking about)
Beaumont to Biloxi sea breeze at your door
Gypsy rains dang hurricanes
White silver sandy shores
Blue light lounge is shinin’
Why out on the pier
Makes it look just like stars on the water
Just like stars on the water
Just like stars on the water
When it rains
@NotMax: Is this grade school from the 40s? :P
Matt McIrvin
@Matt McIrvin: (but there don’t seem to be any Sheetz locations in Maine, so I forget how she came across it, maybe it was when she was living further south)
Doug R
@zzyzx: If you live in Seattle, odds are you’ve eaten a bag of Dick’s.
@patroclus: I agree the chances Trump reverses even one state of the three he needs for an electoral tie or victory are vanishingly unlikely – rather I was trying to analyze what Trump and his die-hard enablers see as their remaining options to try to overturn the election. They will fail at anything but smashing stuff for spite on the way out to stop Biden from becoming President on Jan 20, but they may succeed in pressuring many R officeholders to be maximally obstructionist to sabotage Bidrn.
@Leto: Well, heaven forfend one ever goes to Wegmens for the stuff one only find there, to Topps for other stuff and end up at TJ’s for some specific gizmos. No! Let us be pure! Cheapest stuff only and uniquely from the cheapest singular location.
Bask in your purity. But you were clear about who you disdain and why so congratulations.
Other common situations where a recount may be requested include:
A&P lives on, kind of. Once in a while Eight O’Clock brand java shows up in the coffee aisle.
I actually appreciate some good BBQ. But the cultish nature of TX BBQ is something else. Nearly every single damn catered event at either my or my wife’s employer was either BBQ or a fajita bar.
What I found tiresome was not the meat, but the sides. ALWAYS white bread, hot links, pinto beans, slaw, and pickles. Maybe that was just a Waco thing. I don’t know. Just ONCE I wanted to see some creative presentation or side dishes. But that would have been sacrilege and looked at with horror. I always thought there would be a market for upscale BBQ of some sort with better and more creative side dish menus. But no, no such place exists anywhere in TX to my knowledge
Now HEB. That’s a true Texas treasure. Especially the selection of Mexican produce, cuts of meat, and the fresh tortilla bars. You don’t see that anywhere else that I know of. Well, maybe some places in southern CA. But I’ll take HEB over a Wegmans any day.
Gin & Tonic
@Doug R:
Except in RI. Sad-face-emoji.jpg
@Josie: Whataburger is awesome.
Yeah, this sounds great. There are some food carts in various Los Angeles locations that serve up great food.
Matt McIrvin
@Goku (Amerikan Baka): Paul Campos is on a real tear about how fucked we are right now. (And he’s a front-pager.)
@Matt McIrvin:
If I wanted to know what Paul Campos thought, I would be reading LGM.
Kayla Rudbek
@Leto: however, it’s a good place to get allergy-free foods (and they have things that even Whole Foods doesn’t carry)
Four years ago we were staring at unified GOP control of every branch of government and lever of power. And were looking forward to four years of being led by Trump, McConnell, and Ryan.
We are now within a Georgia runoff of regaining unified Dem control of the executive and legislative branches of government.
No one ever said it was going to be easy.
Doug R
@Gin & Tonic: 54 minute drive to Avon. Road Trip!
Someone must have said it, because a lot of people seem to believe it.
@Gin & Tonic: Geez. Just drive 45 seconds to another state.
Had a friend in HS who worked in a fish and chips shop and there was nothing he could do to get rid of the smell. Poor guy was an outcast.
Where you from?
Texas is a big ass state. I have never lived in that part of Texas, but it also sounds a bit as though you were mainly eating the white folks version of a BBQ plate.
You can get out of there with your wallet intact, but it does take some planning and willpower!
The general manager of the local Wegman’s is my next-door neighbor, and while we haven’t had much of a chance to ‘talk shop’, they definitely do well with that bakery (and by making it a place folks want to drop by a few times a week)
@Ksmiami: LOL
My middle son went to Northwestern in Evanston. Whenever he came home on a break, we had to stop at the Whataburger on the way home from the airport. Priorities, you know.
Gin & Tonic
@Doug R: Actually I’m a few minutes closer to East Lyme, but if I suggest I’d drive 50 minutes to buy groceries, I’ll probably be called a kombucha-sipping elitist.
@Hoodie: Actually they are serious about their racism. The assume deeply, without thinking that black people=fraud and theft. They also don’t know that they are just wrong.
It has come home to me that the really far gone ones don’t even “know” that black Americans, are Americans. That’s why they believed the Obama birther stuff. Somehow..no black American is real to them. They make up mental tricks to avoid knowing reality. I’ll never understand them, but they are really really racist and it makes them stupid.
@Gin & Tonic
Only in Rhode Island can one drink a cabinet.
@SiubhanDuinne: Especially since everyone is supposed to be wearing masks, so lip reading is out.
I don’t know the answer. I would imagine that a candidate requested recount would have a cost, because it is going to take time and money. I also imagine that counties/states do recounts, just to insure a good count. Very likely why it takes so long to finish.
@Gin & Tonic
IIRC raven said it would be a two hour drive to the nearest Costco when he recently mentioned heading there.
If I hit all green lights (as if) could make it to the closest one here in about 14 minutes.
@Jeffro: I’ll agree with that. They do have a nice bakery section and ours is larger than most other places around the area. If I ate more bread, cookies, and/or cakes, I’d probably make a few stops a week.
@Gin & Tonic: I think my great uncle had to drive that far to get to his nearest grocery store with more than two aisles.
@Leto: That Shed place is on Goldbelly, if you want some bbq delivered!
@NotMax: Yup
@Doug R: That made us laugh.
When my middle kid was in her early 20s, she and a bunch of friends got pulled over kind of late at night by a cop and asked where they were going.
“We’re going to get a bag of Dick’s”
The cop was not amused
@Gin & Tonic: Do you go to Frank Pepe for pizza?
There is a tiny BBQ place in Glendale or Burbank that has been there since 1949 and is now owned and run by the third generation. I first ate there 60 years ago, served by the original owner/founder. It was declared a historic landmark at least 20 years ago.
It is also amazingly good.
I love seeing
@Matt McIrvin: Oh my!
Patricia Kayden
@Ruckus: the original Shed almost washed away with Katrina, but then a fire got it about six years later. I know they rebuilt but I haven’t been there in over a decade and don’t see me ever going back. Jeffro linked that they have an online service but it wouldn’t be the same.
We aren’t from Texas. We are from the Pacific Northwest. But we lived in Waco for 13 years when my wife’s medical career brought us to TX. So my BBQ experiences are mainly Waco-centric I suppose. But both the Black-run and White-run BBQ joints in the Waco area are all like that. Brisket on a sheet of butcher paper with white bread, slaw, beans, hot links, and potato salad. And maybe peach cobbler for dessert. And that’s what they ALWAYS serve at every catered work event I ever attended, which is dozens and dozens.
When we explored other parts of TX (which was frequently) we never sought out BBQ places, but usually Asian, high-end Mexican or other more eclectic fare we couldn’t find in Waco. So I never went to say Austin or Houston in search of BBQ.
Doug R
@Gin & Tonic: If you live in a west side suburb, you’ve probably got a car already.
Thought some more about this. The GOP has no shortage of cretins who want to run for President. So, they are just gonna sit around and let Dolt45 take up all the oxygen???
I am from Philly, originally, but first encountered WaWas in Ocean City, NJ – where, to be fair, a lot of Philly people go “to the shore.” My Aunt adores WaWas, and I did like them; IIRC, a little bit of a high-tone 7-11.
Never heard of Sheetz, though.
Patricia Kayden
Who would buy it?
@TaMara (HFG):
Pearl is gorgeous?
Plenty of MAGA folk. Having Trump’s book would be like the new MAGA hat, something you put on your coffee table or bookshelf for virtue signaling among the racist MAGA community.
If you have an asshole MAGA boss at work, maybe you put one on your desk just to keep him happy and keep yourself in line for a promotion.
That sort of shit.
Uncle Cosmo
@Gravenstone: Um, y’know, they don’t really need to know who cast the ballot – only which Presidential candidate it was cast for. I would conjecture that any Thuglican involved in recounting is going to insist that any vote for Uncle Joe not adhering strictly and exactly to the letter of the law be tossed – while overlooking the same sort of deficiency for Trump ballots. And if that comes to pass, they may need a lot of security in the counting rooms to keep people from each other’s throats.
(I would hope that every ballot would come up for consideration with the Presidential line blanked out, and every issue that could invalidate it be examined and settled before the Presidential line is revealed. I doubt the capability exists right now though. In future recounts, anywhere in the country, I would want to see each ballot examined in PDF form, which should permit some fairly simple software to temporary blank one or more ballot lines; only then would the lines be unblanked and reviewed, and if there remained any issue, the paper ballot would be available for examination. Something like that anyway.)
I think Kay’s idea of flooding GOP House and Senate offices with phone calls is a good idea.
@Kent: Mein Kampf 2.0?
Most of the copies will probably be purchased in bulk by right wing organizations.
Woman Taking Break From Anxiety to Feel Guilt for No Reason
Yep. It will be like buying a membership in Mar-a-Lago. No one does that for the golf or food.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Once in a while. But not the original (in New Haven.)
@Uncle Cosmo: but all they have is the ballot. The technical details that could invalidate them have been disassociated from them.
All this recount is going to be is literally taking the same ballots and running them through the same machines and seeing if the number is different.
@Gin & Tonic: I went to the one in Warwick when I was there.
@Doug R:
And the pharmacy for non-members. Usually one of the best cash prices around.
@Leto: When I was a kid my late aunt and uncle took me on trip around the north shore of Lake Superior and we stopped in Wawa, Ontario. I remember it because they had a 20 foot tall statue of a goose, taking flight.
TS (the original)
Dead thread, but just to note – Britain (or usual name Great Britain) never included Ireland. It is the island that is England, Scotland & Wales. The United Kingdom, currently includes those three plus Northern Island. Until 1922, all of Ireland was included in the UK (known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) , but in 1922 Ireland (excluding 6 Northern counties) seceded from the union.
Given Brexit, there is reason to think that the Union with Scotland may not survive the break with Europe.
@geg6: If I drive a little north, I get a Sheetz. Cross the M-D line and there’s Wawas all around Baltimore. But I can see Rutters from my porch, so that’s where I end up.
They’re pretty much all the same … except Royal Farms (I forgot those guys!)chicken is better than all of them.
I haven’t been to Pecos Bill’s, the walk up BBQ place in maybe a decade, but last time I went it hadn’t changed in decades. They close in the afternoon when they run out of cooked meat, come back tomorrow. They serve soda/lemonade out of a cooler, because the historic landmark thing doesn’t allow them to change anything.
J R in WV
@Goku (Amerikan Baka):
Actually, I quite like LGM, it’s second to Balloon Juice, on a par with Empty Wheel, Wonkette, some other sites. But I fail to get the dislike / hate for LGM I see here pretty often.
Some of the comments are not good, but even there, I’m OK with them mostly. I did block that one guy, supposedly a lawyer, D… something. Long time ago, so don’t recall the name really.
J R in WV
I agree totally about H-E-B grocery stores. Great stuff, reasonable prices.
We spent the day at our eye doctor’s office, joint appointments. Wife soon to have cataract surgery, I have had glaucoma for many years, so they like to keep an eye on my optic nerves.My pressure was a little higher than Doc liked, but my actual vision is still good…
I had hoped to shop at Kroger’s after that, but we were too burnt out to stop.
I hope to make one more monumental huge shopping expedition, then to remain up our private hollow until something vital runs out. Probably wine or spirits…
Tom Fitz
@zzyzx: Metro Seattlelites here. On the road we mostly stop at Starbucks when we can (yes, SD is a food desert). OK coffee and good eats. In and out in 20 minutes.
J R in WV
@Sure Lurkalot:
My last “meal” at McDonalds was at 4 am the night after I took wife to the ER with what turned out to be septic pneumonia causing septic shock.
Even McD’s was closed everywhere but across the street from Memorial hospital, which saved wife’s life, eventually. The hospital’s food shops closed around 1 or 2 am, once the night shift had a chance to get something.
Had to eat something, wasn’t going to fix anything once I got home!
J R in WV
@Gin & Tonic:
Nor in W.Va. Hours away into either Ohio (Columbus) or KY (Lexington). Would do it, but such a long drive.
Omnes Omnibus
@J R in WV: I have an issue with threaded comments.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
@Elizabelle:Handsome Joe fangirls assemble! :-))