Is she facing death threats from both sides or just one? Would she have ascertained the election by now if not for those death threats? Then maybe the focus of the story should be terrorism and not Murphy’s weirdly-sourced hard choice.
— Seth Masket (@smotus) November 18, 2020
All Ms. Murphy wanted to do was to slow-walk some paperwork, make sure her current employer didn’t badmouth her to potential hires while she was shopping her resume, now that her current gig’s got a hard deadline. She should’ve remembered: Everything Trump Touches Dies! — especially careers.
Trump on Sunday praised Emily Murphy, the GSA official who decides when a transfer of power begins but hasn't authorized it yet.
Today, we learn she may be planning for her own transition.
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) November 16, 2020
I want to feel sorry for @GSAEmily, I really do. The thing is, I can’t.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) November 18, 2020
… At first glance one can sympathize with Murphy’s predicament. It was a close election in a highly polarized moment, and ordinary Americans seem awfully eager to scold people on social media without doing their due diligence. Murphy clearly did anticipate the perils of a close election, consulting with her predecessors to see how controversies were handled in the past. Most of Murphy’s friends and colleagues who talked to CNN attempted to paint her in a positive light, describing her as “a technocrat and policy wonk.”
When we get to Murphy’s agonizing decision, however, CNN’s report raises a whole bunch of red flags: “It’s not clear what specific actions Murphy is waiting on before granting ascertainment. Sources tell CNN she is basing her decision on what she sees as the precedent set by the 2000 election, where there was not a clear winner for more than a month.”…
In 2020, Joe Biden is the clear winner. For Trump to win he would need to overturn the results not of one state, but three. The margin between the two candidates in those states is in the tens of thousands; no recount has ever overturned a U.S. election result in which the margin was that large. As time has passed, Biden’s lead in every swing state except Arizona has widened considerably. And as for the ongoing litigation, Trump’s campaign has won only one of the dozens of cases it has brought and subsequently lost that case on appeal. Rudy Giuliani has been put in charge, which is all you need to know.
The better comparison to 2020 is 2016. Trump won a couple of states by a narrow margin, and there was some push for recounts, but the outcome was not really in doubt after Election Day. The only difference between 2016 and 2020 is that the losing candidate in 2016 acted like a mature grown-up…
Right now, without any apparent logic, Murphy is guaranteeing to make the federal government less efficient, less effective and much less responsive to the American people. I feel her pain. But she seems oddly unaware that it is self-inflicted.
House Democrats should stop waiting for Biden's approval, subpoena @GSAEmily right now, and demand direct answers under oath about whether she's sabotaging the transition at Trump's direction:
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) November 18, 2020
Reminder, as if it were needed: Anyone whose associates have to publicly insist is ‘a deeply moral person’… almost certainly isn’t. They’re just someone who’s found it profitable to assume the public forms of morality, up until it wasn’t profitable any more. Or until they got caught.
When people die because @GSAEmily, drunk on partisan loyalty to a corrupt president, refuses to release transition resources during a deadly pandemic, could anyone seriously argue that she's any less culpable than a drunk driver who crushes a dozen school children at a bus stop?
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) November 18, 2020
This is huge. Even the National Association of Manufacturers has had enough of @GSAEmily damaging America by blocking the transition. Do your job, Emily Murphy!
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) November 19, 2020
Biden says the transition team has not ruled out legal action against the GSA over their refusal to ascertain the president-elect.
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) November 19, 2020
GSA Karen can either do her job or resign. I am not interested in hearing her excuses.
Fuck her.
@schrodingers_cat: “Do her job AND resign” would also be acceptable at this point.
Trump should fire her for disloyalty. Another job?!?
Deeply moral?!? I am deeply amused.
That lot is deeply unhinged from reality and the dictionary, among many other things.
Also, Go Manufacturers!? Not a phrase I ever expected to say.
Via the Post, an Emily Murphy that we legitimately can sympathize with.
Emily W. Murphy is hearing from Americans demanding she do her job. There’s just one problem: She’s not that Emily W. Murphy.
Heywood J.
She needs to be barred from gov’t service for life, and whatever pension is accrued can go to buy PPE for front-line Covid workers. Tired of this “moral dilemma” posturing. Her lies make the Baby Jebus cry.
@Heywood J.: Sydney Powell too. Her office is in Grand Prairie…
Trump people going out the way they came in. Lawlessly.
She can be impeached, right?
Beyond disgusting.
TS (the original)
She’s going down with trump. Good to see.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
How can people be that stupid? Oh wait, never mind
I’d say that she really doesn’t have a leg to stand on here. The only people to whom the presidential race is in question is one shitforbrains and this woman. And 90% of those 2 people seem to be insane, with overwhelming evidence to support that conclusion.
Somewhere, Upton Sinclair is pursing his lips.
zhena gogolia
I’m feeling more and more doubts about the 2016 election (not that I didn’t have plenty before). The way they’re acting — it’s like, “Hey, it didn’t work this time!”
Thread where posted this may have been moribund, so repeating here.
@zhena gogolia: I wouldn’t be surprised if they had actually paid Dominion to deliver the votes to them, but missed the level of fake votes in the countryside they needed to come up with this time.
I’m only half joking.
Quoted for truth.
And also: Call your GSA Regional Rep and express your opinion of Slow-Walk Murphy’s behavior. Contact info is in the sidebar, under “Election Action!”
If your call experience is similar to mine, you’ll get a GSA employee who strongly agrees with *us*. :)
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
I truly don’t understand the end game for them here. What do they hope to accomplish with this BS? I hope they end up destroying themselves in the process. I saw Kent in particular in a thread below said that this is what happened to the GOP in California before they became irrelevant.
The way the media reacted to (and continues to cover) the Trump campaign and GOP’s coup attempts was encouraging not gonna lie. I never thought they would deliberately cut away from him, but they did. I guess attempts to delegitimize democracy was a step too far for the media.
At the very least, call her before Congress to make it plain what criteria she is going to be using to call this. I get that she can weasel about “uncertainty” because states haven’t certified. Another Norm out the window. But once the states have certified, then what’s she going to do? Wait until Trump stops filing lawsuits and making press statements about Fraud?
TS (the original)
@zhena gogolia:
I’m with you with that thought. The number of honest republicans can be counted on one hand & they seem to be all that is stopping trump becoming the golf playing dictator he wants to be.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
@zhena gogolia:
It makes me wonder if the polling was ever that far off in the first place, either in 2016 or this year. Then again, if that was the case, why not rig 2018, too? The GOP lost the House and several important governorships/state leg seats
zhena gogolia
@zhena gogolia: That’s what Karl Rove’s 2012 meltdown was all about.
Via the LA Times, I suspect …somebody will have book-sale envy:
I would say that she is a True Karen — self-obsessed, oblivious to anything going on around her or to the consequences of her own actions, and very upset that she is being treated unfairly — but that would be SO unfair to all the men in Trump’s service who behave that way and are total dicks.
Dan B
@H.E.Wolf: Emily Murphy
TS (the original)
@Goku (Amerikan Baka):
I give the media nothing. They created him, they supported him as a candidate, they allowed themselves to be put in cages and abused by his supporters. They listened to his lies and said “yes sir”. They have already started asking Biden the questions they should have been asking trump for 4 long years.
Nothing the media can do should let any of them recover from the fact that they helped trump in his goal to bring down democracy. They deserve all and any contempt the Biden administration can give them.
Ridnik Chrome
All of the Republicans who are attempting to interfere with the normal transition of power should go to jail. Full stop.
Also, to hell with “considering legal action”. The Biden team should have filed a lawsuit on the same day the GSA refused to release the transition funds.
Keith P.
@dmsilev: That’s her best out, really – find another job ASAP, ascertain Biden as the apparent victor and immediately resign, and hope that Trump doesn’t tweet at her new employers that they should fire her or else. Her other option is to start a Kickstarter for the inevitable legal fund she’s going to need once she gets hauled in front of Congress.
Trump might have agreed to pay, but Trump never pays.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
@TS (the original):
It’s a low bar, I agree
@bbleh: What would she be doing differently if we knew for certain that someone in the administration had threatened her with something?
My new idea, now hear me out, is to set myself up as the “Dominion Bagman” and send out e-mails to any GOP assemblyman pretending to be from Venezuelan offering to sell them votes for $10,000 per 1,000 votes. Promise to deliver the codes before the next election. I think I should be able to get a few million. Enough to flee the country and live nicely on. Thoughts?
@Peale: Yeah, I can bet that’s just what her justification will be…you only work for the Orange Mad King if his agenda suits you…she just thought she could be invisible in the bureaucracy and it didn’t work out…
@Ridnik Chrome: And there’s a good chance he would have lost, unfortunately.
Another Scott
Everyone should remember that all we can go on is what people say and what they do. We cannot know their thoughts or feelings. They’re gaslighting us about poor, poor Emily.
Also, GovExec (from January 20):
It was obvious from the beginning that Donnie’s lease at the Old Post Office should be terminated from the clear language of the contract (government employees cannot benefit) even before one gets to the obvious Emoluments issues. She protected him and the contract from the beginning.
Unsurprisingly, she’s doing the same now.
As Kay says, she’s bad at her job. She should pack her bags.
Jim Appleton
Just watching the WH task Force briefing.
Fauci was inspired, but he chose potential over imperative. IF you want … as opposed to … you MUST if you want …
Not sure his intended audience got that through the noise.
Would love to be wrong.
Nazi-enabler is having a sad?
Do I have that right?
To hell with her!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: How true. And there’s no way for Trump to file a bullying lawsuit, either. Can you imagine Guiliani in court ” They promised us a win in the elections and failed todeliverr! We demand payment in full AND a redo elections!”
@Ridnik Chrome: exactly these fuckers need to be lined up against a wall… I’m tired of the high road when dealing with GOP fascists. Time to rein down hell on them
Fuck her and fuck her future employment. A whole lot of people have already lost their jobs because of trump. She can get in line, preferably in jail.
Roger Moore
The big thing to me is to compare the consequences of her actions each way. If Biden wins the election but she refuses to let him start his transition, she’s undermining the effectiveness of his administration and hence the government that 330 million people depend on. We know the 9/11 attacks have been blamed at least in part on a slow transition in 2000/2001, so we’re talking about serious risk to the security of the country, and obviously thousands of lives. If she lets him start his transition and then he somehow turns out not to have won, the US government is out a few million dollars, and maybe some FBI agents waste some time vetting people who wind up never getting a chance to be appointed. The difference in consequences is staggering, but she’s erring on the side of the far more damaging option.
@Spanky: Uhhh … calling the FBI?
And if you mean in addition, assuming she is actually trying to do her job correctly, then I’d say, doing her job correctly and making it publicly clear that she’d been threatened, the same way the GA SecState, the MI Governor, Anthony Fauci, et al., have done.
(Needless to say, I do not assume that.)
@Keith P.: Given this delay, and angst-filled ineptitude about doing her job… I’m not sure why anybody would hire Ms. Murphy.
@NotMax: Process them for meat! (To feed to zoo animals.)
I’d like to know which of those levels are connected to the performance of her government job, rather than her personal career prospects.
From Dan Drezner’s WaPo piece, linked in the OP:
One can? One may, but one needn’t. One is annoyed, frankly, and not the least little bit sympathetic to Ms. Murphy and her soi disant “predicament.”
I’ll grant Drezner the highly polarised moment, but a “close election”? 306-232 was a landslide four years ago, but now it’s close?
I generally like Drezner, but c’mon, man.
Roger Moore
The big thing is that she’s twisting the meaning of “apparent winner”. A winner is apparent when it seems very likely that they’ve won, not when it’s 100% guaranteed. The whole point of the act is to let the transition start before the winner is absolutely certain, and she’s flatly ignoring that purpose for awful reasons. At the very best, she’s being cowardly by letting people bully her into ignoring her duty; at worst she’s deliberately ignoring her duty because she doesn’t approve of the outcome of the election.
@Roger Moore: This. There’s no downside to letting Biden’s transition go forward unless the GOP is threatening you.
Reminder to all humans. If the job is too much for you, you can quit. You have free will.
Mai Naem mobile
She won’t pay a price. She’ll end up on the wingnut welfare circuit like that anti gay marriage Kentucky chick whining. She’ll write a book make a million or two and move on. Cherry on top for her is her name Emily Murphy is common so she can change her hairdo, get a face-lift whatevs, tweak her resume and move on. Now if she spent some time in prison she may have an attitude adjustment as well as people in her party who think of pulling this stuff.
Fuck this slob. Fuck her sideways with a rusty chainsaw. Moral, my ass. Moral like the goddamn Falwells.
Steve in the ATL
Damn you–I was about to make this same point!
I literally can’t believe there are MANY concerned reports empathizing with this lady’s fee fees. Do your fucking cushy ass job
Patricia Kayden
They’ve lost then.
Big 20 month old imp was over for the day, and the goodness is I did not pay attention to the news. The bad news is that I was afraid to log on, because our democracy is fragile, and I was afraid of what trump could do.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
@Steve in the ATL:
Me too. It only ever seemed close until all of the mail-in/absentee ballots were counted tbh. Biden’s lead has only grown. He’s up 75,000 votes in PA last I heard. 150,000 in Michigan. I’d say that’s landslide
PSA: California is implementing a 10PM-5AM curfew on purple counties for all non-essential travel. That’s all of SoCal and half of NorCal, starting Sat. No more 2AM Tommy runs for now.
It’s amazing what we all did on November 3rd. We wrestled the government away from these maniacs. This GSAEmily (whoever she is) will be out of a job in January. We shouldn’t ever forget what we did. We’re awesome!
Possibly emily’s too broke to stay financually afloat if she is abruptly fired by trump with no other gig yet in hand? It might be that simple.
Trump is just shifting strategy to the appointment of electors and the EC. It’s already in their latest lawsuits. This could go on for another month.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
Ohio is also doing a statewide curfew from 10 pm until 5 am. I’m assuming it’s to discourage private gatherings like parties and people congregating at bars/nightclubs
TS (the original)
@Jim Appleton:
And it was all too little and 6 months too late. They all let trump set the agenda & now see the result of 100% failed action against covid.
@LurkerNoLonger: Yes we are 100% awesome.
Thank you for this.
“You can start the transition, or we can start impeachment proceedings. You have until midnight tonight”
That would settle ambiguity Emily Murphy of the GSA might be agonizing over. She has already been out shopping for a new job. Very few employers are going to want a former appointee that is barred for all the future working in the federal government. For most people being impeached has a large negative impact on your future career.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
It’s disturbing that they’re (as in the GOP too) are willing to go so far to fuck with the process. They probably won’t succeed this time, but I think’s a legitimate worry about next time an election is close. States like MI, PA, and WIS have gerrymandered state legislatures controlled by the R’s. If an R governor/SOS is elected in those states, the leg could play games with the EC elector slates or even change how the electors are selected in the first place, such as by congressional districts instead of popular vote
TS (the original)
Possibly Emily was employed by trump to do his bidding & for the complete term of the job, including now, that is what she is doing. It is this simple.
Wasnt the Georgia recount supposed to be announced today?
Trump is irrelevant. The question is where Murphy’s line is.
@Ksmiami: That Sydney Powell person is the most frightening of the lot that was on stage today. She is demented. She really is.
J R in WV
@TS (the original):
I had a good friend and teacher who lost most of three fingers on one hand in a beat-down by company thugs when he worked to organize miners in Kentucky’s infamous Harlan County (aka Bloody Harlan IIRC).
He could still count the honest Republican office holders on the fingers of that one hand.
@Martin: The question is, though, how exactly is that going to get into the courts in states where the laws need to be thrown out. Until he finds a judge willing to allow the legislature to throw out its own laws and get that appealed to the supreme court, I’m not seeing where that would go. Basically the state legs would need to sue themselves because they think selecting electors by popular vote is in itself unconstitutional.
She is not following precedent. Precedent says that when there is a clear outcome, you start the transition. There is a clear outcome.
@LuciaMia: I was looking for that info too. All I heard was that it had been completed and that Biden’s lead shrunk to below 13000 but he would still carry the state. The Board of Elections in Rome/Floyd County in the ultra conservative northwest part of the state found 2600 votes. Most of which were likely for Trump. The County fired the head of their Board of Elections because this was the second time he’d been reprimanded this year. Anyways the Atlanta Journal says that Biden still won..
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
On top of that, how do they expect to get this past the House?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: What in the heck is a Tommy run?
Roger Moore
@Goku (Amerikan Baka):
I don’t think the CA GOP ever tried something this crazy. The worst they did was to recall Gray Davis, and that was 100% legal and above board and actually required a majority of voters to go along.
The big thing about California, though, is that some of the change here has been accomplished by the worst people here moving out of state. That’s not going to happen to a substantial degree at the national level. If anything, conservative voters moving from California to other states may have hurt at the national level by keeping them red.
@dww44: I just read somewhere on BJ that the GA Secretary of State said “there’s not a thimble full of difference between …” and is very confident that GA stands as a Biden win.
@Delk: @#45 ” A whole lot of people have already lost their
jobslives because of trump.”Also, too: horizontal stripes on Ms Murphy is really not a good look.
Roger Moore
A visit to The Original Tommy’s Burger, a Southern California staple known for their chili burgers.
O. Felix Culpa
@Another Scott:
I beg to differ. She’s doing exactly the job she was hired to do, namely to protect Trump $$$ and obstruct on his behalf.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
@O. Felix Culpa:
Granted, but framing her as incompetent is humiliating and places pressure on her either to resign or do her job
@Roger Moore: She knows what she’s doing, which is akin to jury nullification.
She’s just whining about the blowback but she also knew that would come.
@WaterGirl: Tommy’s.
O. Felix Culpa
@Ksmiami: This “tough” talk is stupid and not actionable. Try doing something in the real world that makes a difference. I’ll note that it’s not unique to you. There are others on this blog who indulge in violent fantasy well beyond humorous hyperbole, which is disturbing and counter-productive.
(Not really a) Dr. Thoth Evans
Are you being quite fair to Drezner? In the next paragraphs he makes it clear that at second glance Murphy’s position is utterly wrong.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
Correct. Trump’s legal efforts to overturn the results are going nowhere. Now, he’s going to try messing with EC elector slates. I don’t think it will work, because it would have to ultimately get past the Dem House
Roger Moore
People remember how nervous they were about the outcome on the evening of November 3rd and think that’s because the election was close. In fact, it was never close, but the Republicans made it feel that way by engineering things so the votes most favorable to Biden would be counted later than the ones favorable to Trump. It wasn’t a close election, but many people who experienced it in real time will continue to remember it that way because that’s how it felt at the time.
@O. Felix Culpa: Well said.
Looks like the Georgia recount is complete.
If I’m reading the attached spreadsheets correctly, Trump picked up about 500 votes in the audit.
@Ridnik Chrome:
So you’re saying that Biden should behave exactly like Trump, i.e., file lawsuits which are unsupported by law or fact and for which no relief can be granted?
Have you learned nothing from the last four years?
O. Felix Culpa
@Goku (Amerikan Baka): That’s beside the point. A description on our top 10,000 blog does not humiliate her or cause her to resign, desirable though those goals may be. I’m supporting accuracy of description in our discussion. I do not subscribe to the “low quality hires” theory of Trump staff – although many of them are unqualified. One has to look at why Trump hired them and are they fulfilling that purpose. The answer in many cases, is yes. They are serving Trump’s goals, which are not synonymous with the department’s or the nation’s goals.
Nice to know who among the jackals (1) doesn’t give a shit about the rule of law and (2) can’t spell.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
@Roger Moore. I think you are saying that people are trying to imply an equivalence between Biden’s win and Trump’s in 2016 by saying they were both close. That implication would be wrong. Biden’s margins in the close states are ample compared to trump’s 2016 margins, which were close enough for republicans to have stolen the election, which they likely did.
But if I look at this election as a stand alone event, and consider that Biden won Pennsylvania by 1%, I believe, and three other states by less than 1%. I’ll call this a close election. But I may just be a nervous person. I wasn’t nervous just election evening, I was sweating this election till Thursday morning, when my friend in Atlanta told me that Biden was overtaking trump in Georgia. I don’t think I was the only one, either.
@burnspbesq: I’ve seen a lot of misspellings from many valued commenters today. The worst was one in the punchline of the story that made the reader stop and say “what”? Spoiled the payoff completely.
ETA: @Geminid: I was sweating it until Friday morning when Decision Desk and 270 called it for Biden with 273 EVs. And then of course, sweating it more until Saturday.
@Geminid: “closeness” is only meaningful with relation to precision. Relative to our election precision there is nothing close or ambiguous here.
West of the Rockies
Thank you very much, Cheryl, for a clear and reasoned post. I think you’re quite right. I’m guessing that the police unions will be among the last agencies to push for transition.
Glad you mentioned that.
It will affect me — even though I am never out socializing (or working) that late, I am often out for a late night walk around the neighborhood — which has been the best time to avoid everyone else. So, now I won’t do that. It’s fine, just have to be back home before 10. Not quite Cinderella hour ;)
“Keep a foot in both camps and they’ll build the barbed wire right through you”
Funeral In Berlin
@Roger Moore: Ah. Now I want one.
edit: now that I have seen the pictures, I have changed my mind!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Oh my god. That looks like a cross between a Steak ‘n Shake & well, a Steak ‘n Shake. With more chili and hotdogs.
edit: It finally came to me. A cross between Steak n’ Shake & Taco Bell.
@moops: You can define “close” however you want. I’ll still call it a close election, even if not ambiguous.
@O. Felix Culpa: Very clearly stated, thank you.
Am I the only one getting a weird full page ad interrupting between threads (as in when you move from one thread to the next)?
Another Scott
@satby: It sounds like the issue that was discussed a bit yesterday. If you can, get a screenshot and let Water Girl know – she’s trying to get evidence so that Cole will get it fixed.
HTH a little.
Another Scott
ObOpenThread –
192,186 new USA COVID-19 cases yesterday
2,065 new USA COVID-19 deaths yesterday
Stay safe, everyone.
No, I don’t believe you are. People talked about it this morning.
@satby: How did your test run of the new system go?
Chris T.
As opposed to me: I am shallowly moral.
@WaterGirl: Ok. We weren’t able to get the Optis connected but that was more about time crunch. Doesn’t affect anything other than deciding where (which database) retinal photos get stored. Basically it adds a second, static storage. Nothing essential.
“Have you learned nothing from the last four years?”
Many things, among which is that nothing you say should be trusted.