What better way could there be to celebrate the beginning of the transition to President Biden than a delightful song?
We bring you the Twelve Days of Treason, written by SiubhanDuinne, of course!
On the First day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
A drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Second day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Third day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Fourth day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Four Seasons sod,
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Fifth day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Five grifting kids,
Four Seasons sod,
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Sixth day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Six Steve Mnuchins,
Five grifting kids,
Four Seasons sod,
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Seventh day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Seven fake reporters,
Six Steve Mnuchins,
Five grifting kids,
Four Seasons sod,
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Eighth day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Eight million voters,
Seven fake reporters,
Six Steve Mnuchins,
Five grifting kids,
Four Seasons sod,
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Ninth day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Nine misspelled twitters,
Eight million voters,
Seven fake reporters,
Six Steve Mnuchins,
Five grifting kids,
Four Seasons sod,
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Tenth day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Ten pending lawsuits,
Nine misspelled twitters,
Eight million voters,
Seven fake reporters,
Six Steve Mnuchins,
Five grifting kids,
Four Seasons sod,
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Eleventh day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Eleven MAGA rallies,
Ten pending lawsuits,
Nine misspelled twitters,
Eight million voters,
Seven fake reporters,
Six Steve Mnuchins,
Five grifting kids,
Four Seasons sod,
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
On the Twelfth day of Treason
The Trumpers gave to me:
Twelve Sharpies signing,
Eleven MAGA rallies,
Ten pending lawsuits,
Nine misspelled twitters,
Eight million voters,
Seven fake reporters,
Six Steve Mnuchins,
Five grifting kids,
Four Seasons sod,
Three wedding vows,
Two tiny hands,
And a drunk Rudy Giuliani.
? Song requested by MomSense, and as always, SD delivers.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and that’s the one to be belted out
Brava, Subaru Diane
I have sung this song all the way through. Twice!
It’s such a relief to be finally moving forward. I almost feel giddy.
Major Major Major Major
haha go Subaru!
I sang right along and of course belted out “five grifting kids”
What a delight!
drunk Rudy Giuliani was truly inspired. And we get to sing it 12 times!
Yay!! This is the best! Brava!!!
zhena gogolia
Very nice!
Awww, thanks ☺️?
Wonderful wonderful!
The War on Christmas is back on!
Bring out the tanks!
Villago Delenda Est
That was…cathartic. “Five grifting kids” is better than “Five golden toques” any day of the week!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
To “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”:
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: It never ended although Trump claimed that he made saying “Merry Christmas” legal again. Oh well.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
Awesome work Subaru Diane! I actually sang in my head the whole thing : )
That ending with “Drunk Guiliani” was killer :)
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Oh, and in case anybody was wondering about Adam, I received an email back from him today and he’s fine, just had a busy last week
zhena gogolia
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I hope his talents are going to be used somewhere in the government now.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Applause, applause!
C Stars
Amazing!! Made my day.
Earlier today as we were walking by a construction site my 7 yo asked me if he could have a backhoe for X-mas. We had a 15 minute conversation about the costs of construction equipment. So tonight when I open BJ on my phone the pop-up ad is for John Deere heavy machinery. I hate it that my phone is spying on me but love it when the formula gets me so wrong.
I’m with you two on the “and a drunk Rudy Giuliani” line. That is about the best refrain in the history of the world. :-)
I really appreciate the kind comments. Thank you all.
I’m imagining the BJ zoom meeting, with all of us and our preferred beverages and other items of choice, singing this together.
C Stars
@Goku (Amerikan Baka): yeah I started reading it straight & soon realized it had to be sung
Dorothy A. Winsor
LOL. Great stuff!
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s absolutely marvellous!
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
This is beautiful.
I feel like savoring a tall glass of wingnut tears. Breitbart is fairly subdued at the moment. Wonder why.
@Patricia Kayden:
The Trumpiest person on my Facebook feed posted that there was never a war on Christmas and Happy Holidays is ok. Baby steps
Love it and much needed! Brava Subaru Diane!
Dan B
@C Stars: My brother was given a toy front loader from a contractor whose kids had outgrown it. His daughter’s family was visiting this week and the three year old played with that toy as many hours a day as he could. I hope the kid got to take it home to Bend.
New the toy was about $350!
Dan B
Subaru; Thanks for a fun sing!
Very nice. But their treason is measured in years not days.
Josie (also)
An instant classic.
Awesome!!! Thank you! And my extended family thanks you as well.
Mo Salad
@Villago Delenda Est: ..and a beer…in a tree.
Splitting Image
Trumpty Dumpty promised a Wall.
Trumpty Dumpty had a bad Fall.
All of his lawyers and all of his Glenns
Couldn’t put Trumpty together again.
→ → ? B R A V A ? ← ←
zhena gogolia
Watching this again today feels so good:
Omnes Omnibus
Outstanding work, SD! I bet there are some carolers (if they’re allowed this year, of course) who would gladly house-by-house serenade their neighbors with this song. Might not make it as big as “Alice’s Restaurant,” but still.
@SiubhanDuinne: And it scans! It scans!! That’s the reason we have to sing it and not just read it. You’re the best, SD!
zhena gogolia
This one is also worth a re-watch tonight. Sweet, sweet, sweet!
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Kremlin’s bitch shot into the Sun.
There go two miscreants
Excellent! Even my brother who hates the Twelve Days will enjoy this one.
Bobby Thomson
Full points.
Finding that happy medium between Fox’s war on Christmas and Melania’s f*ck Christmas?
RobertDSC-Mac Mini
Brilliant work. The best.
@Splitting Image: YouTube recommendation from a few days ago – Trumpty Dumpty Wanted A Crown
BRAVA!!!! ? ? ?
Brava, SiubhanDuinne!
I will add my own poor contribution: “Nothing in his presidency became him like the leaving it”.
Brava! Just wonderful!
(Hey! any chance for a Zoom get together on Inauguration Day?)
Praise be! /S
I think that’s a splendid idea!
It’s really quite brilliant!
Forgive me for wanting “Five golden showers” because, well, it’s Christmas…
Jesus, one would hope a couple weeks in quarantine would have let Rachel think about how she presents information. We get it, they are 86’ing the fucking planes.
You two just want to see everyone guzzling champagne from the bottle on camera!
zhena gogolia
I just sang it to my husband — he loved it!
Ummm….what? :)
@raven: Those of us who are not watching Rachel could use a little context. :-)
@mrmoshpotato: I think raven (and Rachel) are referring to the very specialized and expensive planes that were part of the Open Skies treaty.
It’s probably very important but she did her repeat the dame info about 5 times!
Reposting. Thank you Australia.
Bye Bye Donny
I love that idea!
Any chance of a turkey pardoning Trump this week?
well done!
@raven: Did she say anything about how Biden’s administration could rejoin it? (Sorry, I don’t have cable.)
No. They’re smarter than to want to incur the wrath of 78+ million of us. (Especially those of us who own axes and knives.)
karen marie
@mrmoshpotato: Great tune but almost better is that Jimmy Kimmel’s Obama interview came up immediately after!
@mrmoshpotato: You know we just need to get them out of the gravity well. They don’t have to make it to the sun.
Haha awesome!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@mrmoshpotato: I was just listening to that. Apparently there are two plane specially outfitted to carry out the Open Skies flights. Trump has ordered them to be decommissioned and classified them as military scrap. He also cancelled the funding for new ones.
I do so love what SiubhanDuinne has done with the fives!
@mrmoshpotato: Apparently trashing the planes is a big impediment.
@Gravenstone: Thank you Mr. Munroe. :)
@karen marie: Nice! Thanks for the link too! Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Meyers are great at being serious yet funny at the same time.
@mrmoshpotato: They’ll have to get renewed spending authorization.
Edit: Actually I appreciated her build-up, knowing nothing about the program. Made it clear what a reckless and nasty move this is, though somebody or other might feel aided and comforted by it, and also yet another reason why we need at least two more Democrats in the Senate.
C Stars
@Dan B: Well, that’s less than a real one but probably beyond our budget. Sounds like fun!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Open Skies planes, USPS mail sorters … these guys sure like scrapping expensive stuff we all paid for.
Wyatt Salamanca
SiubhanDuinne, you absolutely nailed it!
Giuliani is a fucking disgrace to New York and to the legal profession. I know it would be a heavy lift but this cocksucker needs to have his law license taken away.
I don’t know the chain of command for declaring something military surplus and disposing of it. Is it possible for the people who have to implement the order to slow walk it for a couple of months?
@raven: Yes, I understand than hurdle. I was wondering if any other hurdles were thrown in Biden’s way like when a Rethuglican legislature fucks over an incoming Democratic governor’s ability to actually, ya know, govern.
Patricia Kayden
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
@prostratedragon: This traitorous orange Soviet shitpile is just sucking Putin’s ass all the way out the door!
Bravissima, SD!
@Spanky: Since I’m still on the White House email list, I got the invitation to participate in choosing which turkeys to pardon. I didn’t click through, since I assume there was no option for “not Giuliani, Flynn, Don Jr….”
Miss Bianca
I might actually have to warble that a time or two around the Mountain Hacienda this holiday season. Libations may or may not be involved. Brava, SD!
@CaseyL: Inb4 Leto here, but if any government agency can slow walk anything it’s the United States Air Force. Hell those planes could sit tidy in their hangers until late January 2021 and not have a part removed from them save whatever needs to be replaced. I highly doubt they’ll be on the trash heap that quickly, especially for an unpopular outgoing Commander in Chief.
Miss Bianca
@Spanky: LOL!!
Woo, my covid test came back negative, so I can do more than just wave at my parents from the car on Thanksgiving! They’re local, and we’re still not eating together. But at least I can go in to pick up food and say hi.
On subject:
Brava! Brava! Bravissima! Che buonissima!
@Redshift: Yay!
Delurking for the 1st time in years. That was simply Fantastic !! It was just what I needed at this time.
Thanks, SD !!
Mary G
You’ve topped yourself Siubhan Duinne! For some reason
hit my funny bone hard.
TS (the original)
I hope Biden & Co have a list to repeat over and over to the media as to what trump has trashed on his way out the door.
West of the Rockies
Excellent work, Subaru! You’ve given us all laughs and smiles!
Subaru Diane, you really are a BJ treasure!
I honestly know nothing about this. But in this day and age in 2020 when you can count someone’s nose hairs via satellite, does it really matter whether we have actual planes flying over each other’s territory anymore?
I mean, the Russians can just use Google street view. Is there some reason we actually need to fly planes over Russia anymore?
@Redshift: What a relief!
@Lexiltucky: Welcome back!
We!!, if Rudy wasn’t drunk before, I bet he is tonight.
Mary G
I’m sending this to all my friends and my 91 yr old mom. We needed this! Many thanks
The folks in /r/politics have been having a fun time watching the meltdown in /r/donaldtrump and /r/conservative on Reddit.
So awesome. Depress that turnout!
The butthurt is real… now let’s all say it together “fuck their feelings”
Another Scott
FAS on Open Skies:
Transparency helps fight mistrust.
“Jaw Jaw is better than War War.”
And the way to get Putin to agree to a treaty’s terms is to use the treaty enforcement mechanisms. Not flip over the table and scream “UNFAIR!!”…
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
Mike in NC
Fantastic keeper!
zhena gogolia
Oh, that’s nice to hear.
J R in WV
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Scrapped military planes are flown to Davis-Motham AFB in Tucson, where they are towed to what is known as the Boneyard, hundreds of “scrapped” military planes parked in the desert sun. They are not “crushed” or otherwise wrecked, as they parts on board each plane are too valuable.
They recently reclaimed a B-52 from the Boneyard that was in pretty good shape compared to scrapped B-52 they were replacing.
I can not believe that the AF will actually damage an aircraft still in flying condition. I’m sure it is scrapped and towed into the Boneyard. I recommend everyone go to Google Maps or Google Earth and look in SE Tucson for the hundreds of aircraft parked in the Boneyard.
You can actually drive right past the Boneyard and see lots of great looking aircraft parked in the desert. There’s actually an Air Museum there, which I bet one of these specialty aircraft would be parked in…
We shall see how that works out.
I nominate it for a Grammy! Or a Pulitzer. Or a Polk.
According to Maddow’s report, the government is supposed to “consult” with Congress for four months before screwing with the Open Skies Treaty. Which of course has not been done. Yet another “guardrail” that has been plowed through. But perhaps this can be turned against Trump et al.
@Redshift: Excellent news!
The Eccentric
Just lovely! I was laughing all the way through. Great work!
In Doug Muder’s The Weekly Sift of today, there be the lyrics to Have You Caught What I Caught, another parody of a seasonal song, mayhaps of interest to ye jackals
(And y’all may find The Weekly Sift worth adding to your regular reads, take a look…)
@C Stars: My uncle once wanted to expand his construction business, acquire now equipment. But the neighbors objected…
They didn’t want to live on a two-backhoe road.
Dan B
@C Stars: The toy front loader was stored outside. One day it started to rain and the 3 year old started to cry. They had to find a spot to keep it dry – it is plastic, but don’t logic a 3 yo. He said “That’s good.” once it was under cover.
My brother was “impressed” by the price.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: The military is capable of moving very quickly when it wants to. It is also capable of moving very slowly. I am sure there are forms to be filled out. Someone needs to make sure that they are filled out properly. So they need to get filled out again. The they need to be sent to the next office for approval. What? They got sent to MG Smith’s office and he is on leave? Well, someone needs to check if he needs to sign them or if his deputy can do it. And so on…. And that’s without anything getting temporarily misfiled.
Dan B
@JAFD: We were working on a private island in the San Juan Islands. There was a runway with a dozen homes along one side with Air Ports, like car ports and a tiny dock and marina. We had a semi with 70 cubic yards of bark mulch arrive via barge. The semi proceeded to go off the road at the hairpin turn above the marina. It was hanging 30 feet above the harbor. We had barged in a backhoe so my foreman raced on over and managed to pull the semi back on the road.
And that was not the hardest experience I’ve had with big equipment. But being an hour from emergency assistance sharpens the mind.
SD, This is awesome, and I’m pleased that I didn’t see it until this morning. It’s a great way to start the day.