On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Mike in Oly
Watergirl requested one more set to fill out the last week of Fall Foliage posts. I aim to please so searched my photos for more and decided on these. A mix of fall colors in leaf and fruit. Hope you enjoy.

Beautyberry. While not very showy for fall color the fruits are a stand-out and always grab your eye with that unusual purple tone.

Rose hips are always lovely, and we have several native species here in western Washington that like to show off.

Sunshine thru old-gold.

Frosted oak leaves.

Gingko shining bright!

I love the color blends on the close-ups.

Ninebark – another native with great fall appeal.

Smokebush never disappoints.
Lovely. There’s so much variety, even in the selections that are superficially all sort of the same color.
Your close-ups are teaching me to pay more attention to them. I need a better camera…..
Mary G
Wow. Love them all, especially the frosted oak leaves.
I love these! The frosted oak leaves, the fruit, the smokebush.
I had never heard of smokebush until recently. So beautiful.
Beautyberry! Perfect name. Great photo array — stimulating, yet soothing to the eye and mind. Thanks for sharing!
dr. luba
Gorgeous foliage and berries, wonderful colors!
Are you sure about the ninebark? That photo looks a lot like Viburnum opulus (guelder rose) to me. Google tells me the two are related, but not how……
How beautiful!
Outstanding work. Great eye. Compliments, and not a little envy, sir.
Lovely shots! As others have mentioned, the frosted oak leaves are gorgeous, as is the smokebush. We had one of those at the place I lived several years ago, and this reminded me how much beauty they bring in the fall!
Mike in Oly
@dr. luba: You could be right! Might be a viburnum instead of ninebark.
@Mike in Oly: Let me know if I should modify that title.
Dan B
@Mike in Oly: Ninebark has woody “fruits” if I remember correctly.
Mike in Oly
@WaterGirl: Yeah, I agree with Dr. luba – it looks more like a viburnum than a ninebark. Update that if you like.
Snow on oak leaves. Gorgeous! Thanks.