An energetic 2 yr old GSD can be a real handful, but Major really loves his dad..and he looks so innocent. ?
— Taking Back America-Biden/Harris2020 (@JoeWins2020) November 30, 2020
I’m just glad to know that I’m not the only one maimed by my dogs this week. And I was reassured by many tweets of people with much smaller dogs landing on their ass. #doglife
Open thread
Are you sure it was the dog? He’s been kicking Trump’s ass 18 times already – by now it would have cost a fracture – although I’ve told Trump wears a diaper because he soils himself repeatedly so maybe it really was Major. :D
I wonder if he’ll still be in the boot on Inauguration Day. That would be… pretty endearing, actually.
A friend of mine broke her foot surfing. It was months before her foot was back to 100%. Those are some sucky bones to break, foot bones. Wishing the President-Elect a smooth recovery!
that statement from the doctor is literally (and i don’t mean joe biden literally) way more actual medical information as we’ve ever gotten about any of trump’s checkups or his bout with the rona.
That’s an actual press release from the transition team? How awesome.
Where did those bottom two images come from (statement from doctor, transition)? There’s no link.
I just wonder how many of us here have had a dog-related injury?
Me two.
TaMara (HFG)
Doctor statement is real. I’m not sure about Major’s.
I love Major’s statement, love that the Biden/Harris team can do “lighthearted.”
Get well soon, Joe!
Geez…someone please wrap joe in bubble wrap until January 20! For God’s sake!
Yeah, from seeing my brother deal with this, I can confirm it takes months to heal. Biden should probably bone up on some calcium and vitamin D.
Mai Naem mobile
I am just glad to see some light hearted stuff from Biden after all the garbage and assholishness from Orange Dbag. If this had been Orange Dbag they would either be trying to cover it up or trying to make him out to be a hero and blame Merkel for her German dog or something.
@Mai Naem mobile:
But we don’t know that it’s from the Biden-Harris team. There’s no attribution to it. It’s funny but it might be funny done by anyone. I can’t find it on any official Biden-Harris thing.
@Kent: Agreed. Makes me nervous as hell.
When we lived in Italy, our entire house was marble flooring (basically what every floor is over there). We had two flights of stairs, and the way out back to let the dogs out was down stairs. One day we were negligent in getting them out on time and Avalune paid for it by going down those stairs, slipping in the piddle, and breaking the little toe on her right foot. Lesson learned pups. #doglife
Lurker Steve
This is the first time in four years that I’ve laughed at a joke made by someone from the White House.
So many of Trump’s so-called jokes were just an attempt at walking back cruelty.
It’s a small thing, but it’s a welcome change.
I think the dog might be shady.
The Germans never loved the Irish, that’s why they put the scourge of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (as in the WW1 nascent strategic bomber in modern history) in the tale.
My grandad spent four years serving during WW2 and he had a German Shepherd named Baron and we loved Baron.
But to our knowledge, Baron never tripped up Grandad in an effort to suborn order.
So there’s that.
Lord have mercy. I’ve tripped over my pets loads of times. I grew up with Siberian Huskies, because my grandfather went to UW, and one of them was completely hyperactive and batshit. We all got our asses handed to us by that flying ball of fur. I never broke bones, but it would not have been unexpected had it happened.
Poor Joey B. Take care of yourself, man!
Mary G
Count me in the people relieved to read a real medical report from a real doctor and not dictated by a loon who’d probably claim he broke the dog’s paw with his mighty feet of steel.
Dolt 45 changes how he refers to Joe from Sleepy to Gimpy in 3…2…1….
@Suzanne: I am assuming your grandfather went to the UW in Seattle and not the UW in Madison. Imagine if had had Badgers!
LOL via Stone kettle
@NotMax: *snort
@NotMax: We’ll still call Dump “Double loser.” And we’ll soon be able to call him an arrestee.
The cat kept bringing presents to her humans, so the Mom set up a couple of cameras. This little video from The Dodo site is hilarious. Good kitty!
I’ve had two dog injuries, the first when I was in the 9th-grade playing ball in the backyard with our Cocker spaniel, she decided she wanted me to chase her, I did and tripped over the lawnmower, broke 3 toes, and missed a month of 9th-grade football. The 2nd was a week ago while attempting to put salve on a cut on our German Shepherd’s leg, he got pissed and nipped my hand. (I’m lucky he wasn’t really pissed.) I should mention the 9th-grade dog incident happened when I was supposed to be mowing the lawn.
@Kattails: Oh, stuffed animals. They’re very lucky Joy doesn’t go outside, because the gifts would be actual mice and birds, not stuffed toys.
I love how she meows as she brings her “kill” down the hallway. One of my cats – who catches the real thing – makes that same kind of meow.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
No dog injuries yet, but I’m convinced that my 38-pound beagle mix is going to pull my arm out of the socket one of these days with his full-gallop-to-the-end-of-the-leash move. Amazing how much muscle power is in that little guy, I definitely have to dig in my feet to maintain my balance sometimes.
Also, I have a coaster with this prophecy on it: “I would like to think I’ll die a heroic death, but more likely I’ll trip over my dog and choke on a spoonful of frosting.”
@CaseyL: OH yes. I had a wonderful cat years ago who would make that noise when her mouth was full of something. Like chipmunks. That she’d show me and then drop in the house so I could join in the fun.
She brought in a snake once. I was walking through the hall looking at a Fedex package that had just arrived when my foot landed on…something. I pretty much levitated. Trapped it under a wastebasket and put it back outside. I know it was her, she came up the path one day with a limp (but unharmed) snake hanging like a Fu Manchu mustache from her mouth.
Fun fact from another UW grad. The UW Husky has never actually been a Siberian Husky. He/she has always an Alaska Malamute. The 14th Generation “Dubs” has just been born and they have puppy pictures on the UW Web site:
He already has his own FB, Twitter, and Instagram pages.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@CaseyL: Our last cat did that. Always live gifts. I don’t know whether it’s because she wasn’t a totally competent hunter or whether it’s because she expected us to handle the killing part. We had many fun nights trying to track down mice, birds, baby bunnies, etc. that skittered away after she dropped them in the middle of the room.
She was probably very disappointed in us that if we did catch them (never did find that mouse), we’d just release them.
When the late lamented King was a pup, he liked to sideswipe me by bumping my legs as he ran past me. He was a Lab-GSD mix and 100+ pounds by that point, so when he bumped, you stayed bumped. One day, he sideswiped me into the rocky landscaping. I wasn’t hurt, but my new glasses flew off. King grabbed them and ate one of the lenses before I could stop him. I had picked up the glasses just a few hours before, and of course I had turned down the replacement insurance because who ever needs that, right?
Also, one day I had him leashed in the backyard. He spotted a squirrel and gave chase, and I learned what it felt like to levitate because he pulled me off my feet so that I was horizontal in the air. Luckily, I landed on lawn. I loved that dog, but he was a handful and a half when he was young.
OT: should we let Cole know about these?
@Beautifulplumage: Oh Noel…
One of our German Shepherds (80 lb) was the same, She gave me tendinitis for years, even though I walked her with a pinch collar (she bent the prongs). The vet tut-tutted me, saying that collar should only be used for training. When he came out with her he said “That’s the strongest dog I’ve seen.”
She’s been gone over ten years. My elbow is back to normal but I still miss her.
ETA: I love your prophecy! Especially the frosting.
@Kattails: I noticed we didn’t learn what the girls thought about their stuffed animals being dragged upstairs by the cat. I particularly liked the mermaid.
The late, beloved Loopie would bring live mice and drop them in my hair while I was asleep. Luckily I had a husband to deal with the mice. Best time was when he woke up to see the mouse sailing across his face, having run across his bare back and decided to risk the leap. These were “indoor” mice, so we put up with finding the dead ones.
Anyone else remember that clip from a rally where Trump talked about getting a dog, and said something like ‘can you see me walking a dog?’, like it was the most absurd notion imaginable. He obviously thought it was funny, but notably the crowd ranged out behind him was not roaring approval as per usual.
I expect him to tweet something snarky about dogs any time now, and repel all right-thinking humans.
@chopper: Weird, ain’t it.
I eagerly await President Donald J. Trump’s gracious presidential wish for Biden-s speedy recovery.
It will probably go something like this:
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I walked two cats for seventeen years and never sustained an injury of any kind. Cats, what can you say? They are a lot more dangerous indoors!
The dangers with cats is tripping over them.
Mary G
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@WereBear: True, that’s why I put a bell on their collar. The bell also serves as an early launch detection to Tweety when my Sylvester comes roaring around the corner.
This weekend, after more than a year of being dogless, we adopted Jesse, a shelter puppy from St.Corix. She is 7 pounds of 3 month-old energetic, loving terrier mix. This is our first small dog in almost 40 years of dogs and we are both trying to be very vigilant about the the tripping hazard. In fact, my wife’s sister fell and broke her leg years ago in a collision with her dog. Jesse’s tiny teeth and nails are not without their own hazards as well.
After having been on lockdown for so long, it is a maelstrom of fresh air to have this joyful addition to our household. She reminds me of why we have pets in our lives.
Even with a boot, Joe would handle a ramp better than Trump ever could.
@Kattails: When I was a kid, we lived in a two story house. A couple of times, our cat managed to smuggle dead mice into the house by “hiding” them in wrappings of grass and leaves. When we wised up, she got past us a couple of times by taking her dead rodents up on the roof, outside my sister’s bedroom window. Then, the cat would come back into the house from outside, run upstairs and into my sister’s room. Then, the cat would cue my sister to open her window to let her out on the roof. When my sister did, the cat would dart around the corner onto the roof, grab the stashed dead mouse and run back into the house through the window. Touchdown!!
Matt McIrvin
@cope: It’s the smart cats who make the most trouble.
J R in WV
Many years ago one of our then current dogs was Happy Dog, adopted from our vet clinic, a small golden mix of 40 pounds or so. She was so Happy when we brought her home and let her out of the car onto the wooded hills. That’s how she got the name! Very active happy pupper.
One day she walked next door with me, 1/4 mile or so, and one of their rescue dogs who was somewhat nuts in a bad way tore into her. I took her to the Vet ER where she was stitched up and had 3 drains put in. She looked like a quilted toy dog, fortunately the antibiotics worked well and she made a full recovery.
Of course, the “keep her quiet” instruction was emphasized. So wife undertook to hold her lease and sit on the back porch with Happy. Then other dogs our front barked, and Happy took off. When she hit the end of the leash, wife’s chair tipped over and she landed on her armpit, dislocating her right arm. It was never the same, too long and sad a story to relate. Still can’t get it above her shoulder. Nerve damage.
The only broken bone I have ever had was the result of a body check by my dog while we were running together. A Great Dane body check is serious biz.
@JoyceH: In the early 2000s, the New York Review of Books had an essay with an anecdote about Putin “disowning” his own dog. Birds of a feather …!
Original Lee
@Zelma: Me three and four. I sprained my knee in a muddy backyard with one dog, and sprained my shoulder when I had leashes for two dogs in the same hand and they suddenly decided to chase a deer behind me.