i would literally rather set money on fire than hand it over to a campaign that is setting new records for how many times you can lose an american presidential election
— special interest machine (@golikehellmachi) December 3, 2020
all of these people are craven sociopaths and they are desperately hoping he gets indicted so they can run for president. https://t.co/EDh0WP59G6
— Normie Transition Team (@CalmSporting) December 2, 2020
this trump ’24 shit is beyond delusional. cleveland is the only president to come back and he *won the popular vote* when he lost in 1888 to benjamin harrison. trump can’t even get 47% of the country to support him.
by all means, go for it, dummies.
— Normie Transition Team (@CalmSporting) December 2, 2020
Me: Okay, 2020, what’s the discourse got in store for me today?
2020: IDK… Grover Cleveland?
Me: You’re finally running out of steam, aren’t you?
2020: Don’t make me break out the nukes.
— Starfish Who Just Wants To Grill (@IRHotTakes) December 3, 2020
Desperately seeking schmoozin’?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I am enjoying watching all the wanna-bes who thought they were gonna ride his schtick to their own smart authoritarianism have to eat shit for at least another three years, and watching him hoover up all that money to be laundered into his legal defense fund
There’s a kerfuffle happening on Twitter because Dan Crenshaw told Republicans to vote for Perdue and Loeffler in Georgia. The maga crowd is chewing him up. I think this tweet sums it up:
We really, really, really need a new shorthand acronym.
H for Human.
Cheryl Rofer
@Yarrow: ?????
Of course he’s gonna run again. He’ll have his super-spreader 2024 announcement at the same time that Biden is being sworn in. And if he gets indicted that won’t stop him. Eugene Debbs ran for president from prison, it can be done.
I was watching this Trevor Noah clip about police breaking up a Brussels sex party. I thought it was another Covid related scandal. But it was also a gay sex party, not that there’s anything wrong with that. But one of the people caught trying to run away was a anti-gay Hungarian politician. Just too much hypocrisy. Too much.
ETA. I also mix up Grover Cleveland in my mind with Grover on Sesame Street. So, wasn’t he an honest politician compared to his opponent Blaine? So, old Grover was kind of the anti-Trump.
“More people voted for his opponent TWICE, but what the hell, I got one more ticket to this Tilt-O-Whirl AND I’MA GONNA RIDE IT!!!”
Colbert just ran clips of Mellissa Carone’s testimony in Michigan. Words don’t do justice to the nuttiness of her performance. Rudy even tried to hush her.
You just love to see it. I wonder what impact Fat Donny will have after this weekend.
Cheryl Rofer
Also a couple of hard right Estonian politicians, I think. Haven’t seen a full attendance list.
Well, you’re obviously not a Trump cultist. How many Rolls Royces did Rajneesh’s followers buy for him?
Sm*t Cl*de
If someone challenged me to use ‘Trump’ and ‘locked up’ in a sentence, I would probably have come up with something different.
@debbie: That thing she does with her mouth… she soooooo thinks she just put a major burn on the guy… It’s like Dunning-Kruger is the first fundemental law of the universe and all the stuff like gravity and the speed of light is second tier.
@debbie: It’s really sad how many of these Trump election conspiratorialists — including the lawyers, esp. Powell and Wood, but maybe Giuliani too — appear to literally be suffering from some kind of mental illness. These people are not right in the head and/or off their meds.
Man, that shit is not any where near entertaining.
Never underestimate the power of stupid in groups. Until that fucker gets netted and hauled away, we are testing all of the controls.
@Cheryl Rofer: It’s really hilarious. I have a particular disdain for Dan Crenshaw. He thought he could walk that line and look like he’s supporting Trump while also looking like he’s a “reasonable Republican.” He can’t. Trumper’s eat anyone who doesn’t bend the knee. Sad!
He’ll announce he’s running again. Saying and doing are not the same thing. Follow-through (if any) will fizzle – although not fast enough for our liking, undoubtedly. Look to the birther ‘investigation’ as a template, it’s a classic representation of his M.O.
Oh, there will be some sort of things billed as rallies which will attract an ever thinning fraction of the populace. Some folks continue to show up for Nickelback appearances, too.
Also, those slightly raised eyebrows.
They’re not right in much of anything, let alone their heads.
Weasel Rob Portman said in an interview that he was not ready to call Biden “President-Elect.” He believes in transparency, which he now defines as Trump suing as much and as often as he wants.
@NotMax: In order to accept donations, he may have to file to run in 2024. That’s why he filed for 2020 as soon as he was inaugurated in January 2017: so he could fundraise.
Muad’DibPresident-elect. Yournametitle is a killing word.”NotMax
@Casey L
Oh, he’ll go through the motions. But he can more readily pocket PAC money than campaign cash.
@debbie: This is an unfair reference to weasels. A REAL weasel would never say something like that.
Portman is a less-shouty version of the two-bit ratfuck soulless criminals that are wrecking the joint at closing time.
@Brachiator: Neither Blaine nor Cleveland were great prizes. I think Cleveland was honest and competent at his public duties but he could be a ruthless brute in his private life. Blaine did pay for play in legislation so he could climb up the Gilded Age society ladder, but I think had a normal decent private life.
So, my best guess at a good formula is that if you put the bad sides of both together and throw away the good, then you get Trump.
@NotMax: This is exactly how it will go. He’s announcing his candidacy so he can grift off it.
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard getting re-elected in 2024 by Deplorables is so laughable. What did two-term do-nothing Grover Cleveland ever become but the answer to a trivia game?
His running in ’24 is so low on my list of things meriting concern that subterranean mole men are reading it. And they’re doubled over in laughter.
@Yarrow: I tried to make sense of that capsule narrative several times. But my head started to hurt and I quit.
@NotMax: That’s a terrible, no good horrible memory which I would love to purge from my mind.
It’s almost like they want bloody civil war…
@oatler.: They do, for some values of they.
@NotMax: T’s running in 2024 now to make all the legal issues political.
Just now borrowed (okay, stole) the common one and redid it. Feel free to pass around.
@Yarrow: Looks like I may have given up on the idea that T would split the party into significant chunks too soon.
@JaySinWA: He’s going to announce he’s running in 2024 and suck all the oxygen out of the room for other Republicans. They’ll have to kiss the ring to get his support or risk maga turning on him.
Republicans created this by not standing up to him when he first ran in the primary. There was plenty of oppo research but everyone thought he was a joke so they played along. And here we all are. You created the monster, Republicans. Enjoy.
went and watched it. it is rare to see the birth of a new comic character!
Y’know what? Looks better with the text in italics.
@NotMax: Had to chime in on this one: bravo :) Did you see that Warner Bros is putting all of their 2021 box office releases on HBO Max streaming service? That includes the new Dune movie.
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
Yeah, Cleveland’s reputation was that of a scrupulously honest man. There are loads of awesome apocryphal stories of his honesty. It’s not a great comparison to Dollar Store Mussolini given his non-existent relationship with the truth.
This is both disturbing and humorous and it makes one wonder.
Right wing violence is a real threat.
Yeah, saw something about that.
Trying to fit Dune into a single movie is like trying to stuff Falstaff into a Speedo.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
“It was fine because it was funny.”
The Dead Kennedys said it best:
So many people I know
Come of age tense and bitter-eyed
Can’t create so they just destroy
Let’s set someone’s dog on fire
The electoral college has not met. The Supreme Court has not ruled against Trump. Biden has not taken office. These things will happen, but not yet. By February 1st, political realities about Trump’s importance will be wildly different. Right now, the base still thinks the Supreme Court will save them, and they are more desperate for that than any motivation they’ve felt this last four years. This is what the Denial phase looks like, but the process of grief will move on, and Trump will be left behind.
if they limit their violence to monoliths, i’m fine.
@Mike in NC: “What did two-term do-nothing Grover Cleveland ever become but the answer to a trivia game?”
Grover Cleveland made a great contribution to US history by establishing the Grover Cleveland Line. Presidents above the Cleveland Line seem familiar, even as you move down from Washingion, Lincoln and FDR towards Cleveland, you have a vague notion that the dudes were president or something.
Below the Cleveland Line you have no clue, the names ring absolutely no bell.
Edit, being above the Grover Cleveland Line is not necessarily a good thing. Trump will be far above! Ever more winning, bigly, from Trump.
I came across a Twitter thread where a blue check marked right-winger told Republicans to vote in the GA Senate run-off.
Many of the commenters want to withhold their vote to make sure the national Republican party, and Georgia state party take their demands seriously about the rampant election fraud and vote rigging that allowed Biden to beat Trump in the state.
I wish there was an algorithm that could approximate the ratio of angry Twitter tweets to real world impact, because it would help in so many ways about how seriously we need to take those guys.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It’s absolutely disgusting that they think the SCOTUS should have any role in the election, but then they think it was “rigged”.
I had an argument with a right-wing moron some months back. They taunted that the SCOTUS would hand the election to Trump. I replied that that sounds like a coup. Their reply? “Sounds like justice for impeachment”
Many of them truly don’t care about free and fair elections
@Geoduck: I think Edwin Edwards might be a better example than Eugene Debs. Debs was in prison for doing what he believed was right for the country, regardless of the expense to himself. Edwin Edwards was so corruptly beloved by the people of Louisiana they returned him to the governors mansion from prison. Very different motivations for running for office from prison.
I think they are more likely to want to start a race war.
That’s why it’s being done as two movies this time. (But you may already know that. I can’t tell from your comment.
Also, now you make me want to write “Beach Musical” versions of Henry IV Part 1, Henry IV Part 2, and The Merry Wives of Windsor…
The big Whigs were the ones paying him off at his clubs all these years. The campaign was broke because after the thieving, the sugar Daddies refused to replenish the pot.
His MAGA rubes can’t afford his clubs.
But, he has FINALLY found A way to fleece the small donor rubes.
$200 million?
I will remind you that he is $400 million dollars in debt that we know of.
His properties won’t be worth shyt now that he lost. He needs revenue.
I don’t feel bad for the rubes. Hope they give him more and more. He won’t be able for turn away from easy money.
I think she did an excellent audition to either enter Michigan Republican politics, or to set her self up as a rightwing media figure.
It really depends on what the big money people think she’d be best at.
They were barely opening their pockets during the race. This windfall exists for Trump only as long as the base believes the election can be reversed, because they are cruelty junkies freaking out that their supply just ran out. That urgency will not last forever.
I think, as someone may have said earlier, her next gig will be sharing box wine with Jeanine Pirro….maybe as early as this Saturday….
Original Lee
@Cheryl Rofer: Also at least one anti-gay Polish politician, I believe.
@Cheryl Rofer:
He also seemingly had a few ecstasy tabs in his possession.
You would thing being a closeted hard right anti-gay politician would be trippy enough for most people.
They have to be off their rockers if they support shitforbrains.
And they are because they are in a cult. I’ve known people in a cult, this is exactly how they act, their minds have been corrupted, possibly beyond repair. It is possible that at some point they will have a moment and the phrase “What The FUCK Was I Thinking,” will suddenly appear in their minds. I wouldn’t bet on it.
LOL. Sounds like hogsheads of fun.
“Zounds! Espy closely as I hangeth ten!”
I’m thinking the orange sucker of Russkie ass won’t be alive in 2024.
I don’t disagree that his follow through is doubtful but do remember that he thinks far more of himself than any other human on the planet does. And that says a lot. Also that he is in a rather serious legal position, once that magic bit, being president, goes away. He may do most anything idiotic to attempt to not have to pay for all his decades of crap. I don’t think it will work, he got the spotlight turned on him and burned any reasonable bridge that he may have had. So all he has left is supertanker loads of bullshit. And he’s experienced at bullshit. Notice I didn’t say he was good at it, just experienced.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That’s what I am thinking; all this money he is raising has no election laws regulating it’s use. This is Trump’s dream cash cow. He’s going play out “I was cheated” as long as it works, then go to “2024 is MAGA revenge” and then in the 2024 primary take a dive and accuse the winner of the Republican 2024 primary of cheating and fund raise off of that, then accuse Biden of cheating in the 2024 election, fund raise off that and so on.
I can/t stop thinking about the obscenity charge against Mellisa Carone that was dropped.
No joke—besides kids and animals, what sex-type things are illegal these days?
I assume she was some type of cam girl, but I can’t figure out what she did online that would warrant charges.
Welcome to BJ after dark; no prudes, neolibs or libertarians!
The money trump is raising now is going to his “leadership” PAC. He cannot use this is his own campaign, but can donate it to others, or more likely, spend it on his and his family’s legal fees, salaries, travel, and of course, golf.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Yarrow: the Gestapo and the SS attacking each other
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@HumboldtBlue: Of course they are dangerous, just a glance at the people Rudy bringing out as “witnesses” in his election fraud campaign shows they are all unhinged loons. But threat is more of lone nut terrorist kind of violence than some organized effort since none of them seem live in a shared reality that would make group cooperation possible.
It’s also likely impossibly to predict what their targets will be because of the level of paranoid delusion and how fast their conspiracy theories morph.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@rikyrah: No to mention, that’s going to be 200 million of love donations to Evangelical preachers that won’t be happening this winter. Might be grim going in the private jet industry next year. Betty Bowers is right, Trump has replaced Jesus with the Religious Right lol
Anne Laurie
@Connor: I don’t see Falstaff in an ordinary Speedo. Think of the Borat suspender’d ‘banana hammock’ thong (probably embellished with the royal seal!)…
This election nonsense (and too much time on my hands thanks to COVID-19) reminded me of a song I hadn’t heard in many, many years: https://youtu.be/X07f0xekR3g
@Anne Laurie
Closest found on a cursory search to Henry IV’s banner.
TS (the original)
Trump has turned the USA into one long election campaign. No-one can govern because they are campaigning. When he loses in 24, expect another 4 years of the same.
Election campaigns in most parliamentary democracies last 4-6 weeks.
Comrade Colette
@NotMax: Why are the fleurs de lys upside down? I mean, yes, I can see what they’re pointing at, but that seems unnecessary by the very nature of a Speedo.
Oh, wait. OH. Aha.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Jay: Was just thinking that if Stacy Abrams can take down Mitch McConnell, she deserves to get any post she desires in the Biden Administration; she deserves a statue in her honor; she deserves to have her face put on money.
Then came the horrifying thought that there’s a non-zero chance that in the near future, we may see Donald Trump’s face on money.
It’s ten-thirty AM and I haven’t had so much as a beer since early October and I need a freaking drink now.
@TS (the original):
Republicans are already starting to flake off and the base hasn’t even had their official Last Hope taken away from them. (They really have openly declared they think SCOTUS will overturn the election and that’s the only thing that matters.) The next couple of months will drastically change the political landscape. So will the next two after that. Trump won’t change, but it’s waaaaaay too early to base 2024 predictions on the situation right now.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR
Only if the denomination is in very, very small digits.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR
Better punch line construction than the above. (No edit function.)
American money doesn’t include digits that small.
Surf’s up, dudeth?
Cūabunga, fæderio.
If she was a cam girl, hacking a customer’s web cam or something?
If not related to any cam girl work, revenge porn?
In the last thread people discussed prog rock and the influence of Ayn Rand’s writings on the group Rush. I was reminded of two politicians who cited Rand as influences: Stacey Abrams and Paul Ryan. So called “progressives” sometimes use this to dirty up Abrams; the intellectual socialist rag I call Jerkobin Magazine cited it when they published a typically long article this July warning that Abrams is not what she is cracked up to be. The article was typical Jerkobin hogwash, but Abrams once did in fact say Atlas Shrugged was an influence. Not that I care. Paul Ryan used to claim Ayn Rand as an intellectual influence, but stopped after a Democratic challenger ran ads showing Rand denying the existence of God. After that, when asked who was an influence on him, the facile Paul Ryan would say, “St. Augustine.”
Abnormal Hiker
@jl: In the same way that Caligula and Nero are better remembered than Trajan and Marcus Aurelius.
@Geminid: Paul Ryan’s name does not come up when people speculate about potential GOP candidates for the 2024 presidential race. But I’ve thought for a while that Ryan has 2028 pencilled in as his year.
The Fat White Duchess
@Connor: Please, please? I would so love to see that!
The Fat White Duchess
@rikyrah: $200 million since the election. But report yesterday (can’t find link) was $495 million since sometime in October.
The Fat White Duchess
@Anne Laurie: Please pass the brain bleach! I did not need to see that image. (But I do wish folks would stop fat-shaming *45.)
@The Fat White Duchess: I don’t think folks are fat-shaming him so much as infinite-self-regard-and-obviously-ludicrous-self-image-shaming him
Anne Laurie
@The Fat White Duchess: Believe me, I have no credibility to fat-shame anybody!
But let’s be honest, it’s an engineering issue. Guy shaped like Falstaff wears a Speedo, well — nobody will know for sure (possibly including him, unless chafing). Santa Claus & guys who prefer overalls will tell you: Suspenders were invented for a reason…
Uncle Cosmo
@Mike in NC:
One of the classic double dactyls.
@Geminid: Fun fact- St. Augustines writings on Aboertifacts were considered the doctrinal and philosophical justifications for legal abortion in the medieval world. Only in the 1700s when children began to survive in larger numbers rather than perish in childhood did abortion become a religious no-no. If the intellectual ‘heavyweight’ Ryan did any reading he would realize that he is quoting someone pro-choice.
Miss Bianca
@Cheryl Rofer: So, is “Hard Right” going to be a new Hungarian porno video title?
I’ll see myself out.
Miss Bianca
@NotMax: I think “hogsheads of fun” is going to be my next band name. Or maybe just a CD title for my current band. : )
The Fat White Duchess
@Anne Laurie: OK, that’s fair. And I do still want to see… um.. Beach Blanket Plantagenet (or is it Lancaster at that point? I useta know this stuff…)