On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Captain C
Osaka has one of the largest and best aquariums in the world. It’s around 8 stories tall, centered around a 30-foot, 5,400 cubic meter tank (with over a dozen other exhibits and over two dozen tanks in all), and its exhibits almost all have a Pacific Ring of Fire theme. Like many of the other museums on this trip, I spent hours in here.

You have to be careful entering the aquarium, as a whale shark will try to eat you.

Part of the entrance pathway to the aquarium.

The bird on the right looks disappointed with the one on the left, or perhaps is giving a lecture. At least that’s what it looks like to me.

It was feeding time for the sea lions…

..and the capybara.
(Which I always nearly mistype chupacabra.)

Penguin klatch!

Very lucky to get to visit such a nice aquarium! That reminds me of the Atlanta Aquaium – they have a huge, very tall front that holds whale sharks. You can get right in front and look up at that huge monster.
The National Aquarium in Baltimore is much smaller but it has a nice roof tropical environment and the Austrilian section is nice. Glad they have or are going to get rid of the dolphin exhibit! Yet it has a nice reef tank you can also go inside of – but in that area it has a special spot that the main ‘glass’ has ‘bow” section (hard to see) that places the observer into the main tank. If you stand there, its as close to being inside a real reef as I’ve every experienced (I’ve drove on a few nice reef’s.)
Mary G
Beautiful fish palace!
The Baltimore Aquarium also has a shark tank that is three stories tall where you are in the middle going from top to bottom on a gentle ramp.
I’ll be damned. THAT is what the Aquarium building in Cities: Skylines is based off of. It’s a beautifully modeled version of the Osaka Aquarium.
I especially like the pair of birds … and all the animal ones, for that matter. The colors in the last one are really cool.
That is all.
C Stars
Those penguins look fat!! Are they keeping the ones at the Cal Academy of Science underfed?
Also GREAT Capybara shot. I needed that this morning
ETA nevermind, I just checked and the Cal Academy penguins are a different type:
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
Thanks for the pictures. I love capybaras! Biggest damn guinea pigs in the world.
Jelly you got to see a show!
We were there late enough, but it was still great.
Captain C
@Cermet: I got to go to the Atlanta Aquarium last year! It was indeed really great. I’ve also been to the one in Baltimore–that was in high school on a band trip to Annapolis.
@BretH: That sounds really cool.
Thanks for the kind words, y’all.