Et tu, KellyAnne?
the whale carcass plucked clean, the spider crab scuttles off across the sea floor, vanishing into inky blackness in search of a fresh meal
— kilgore trout, tiny desk carpenter (@KT_So_It_Goes) December 4, 2020
For the first time in his presidency, President Trump has consistently lost Twitter followers for a two week period.
In the past 13 days he has had a net loss of Twitter followers every day…a decline of 177,333 followers so far.
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) December 4, 2020
It would be fitting if this ended at 1-46.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) December 4, 2020
Gonna have to update the whiteboard!
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) December 3, 2020
I hope the bots find a good home.
I’m all caught up with Questionable Content, starting to binge on Stand Still Stay Silent. Any other web comics you can recommend?
Sorry, Conway gets no medals for saying ‘it looks like’ Biden ‘will’ win. That’s still a lawn and garden store’s worth of hedging.
Et tu… It occurs to me that one reason Trump would hesitate before signing a blanket pardon for anyone, and particularly family members, is that he’d worry they’d kill him and use the pardon to go free.
Parlez-vous Parler?
Raoul Paste
Now all we need is for Putin to acknowledge Bidens victory
@Ken: I don’t think any court would recognize a pardon for future acts, so he’s probably safe there.
@Ken: I’m not sure how many financial debts survive after the person incurring them dies and have to be paid off by the estate. Tempting thought, if I were one of his heirs.
zhena gogolia
Trump loses in Nevada trial court:
And in Michigan appellate court:
And in Minnesota Supreme Court:
Arizona State Leg will not be getting involved:
All via Rick Hasen’s most excellent Election Law Blog:
This upcoming Netflix series looks very, very promising.
Deep State Trump nominated judges have plotted to keep slam dunk election fraud cases the SCTOUS?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
One of my lockdown resolutions is to make an effort to keep up with the stuff I subscribe to. So I’m reading the latest Sci. Am.
There’s an article from a group that studies (through simulation) the spread of misinformation through social networks, and the effect of bots on that spread.
It’s kind of depressing. Puts hard quantifiable numbers on the old observation that “A lie travels halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”
Which quote I always thought was from Mark Twain. Apparently that’s misinformation.
45 court losses for #45. Another chance for him to say “Unprecedented in world history.”
+ tonight’s denied appeal
Are these included or additional to the losses of 43 listed above?
Pete Downunder
From Vanity Fair – sorry can’t figure out link on my phone:
“Report: Jared Kushner’s Lawyer Was Recruited to Help With a Suspected Bribe-for-Pardon Scheme”
Colour me not suprised.
Hungry Joe
Interesting transition note: Since 1908, a departing President has handed the keys to the White House to a member of his own party only three times: Roosevelt to Taft (1909), Coolidge to Hoover (1929), and Reagan to Bush I (1989). It might go back further, but in the 30 years before T.R. the Presidents are kind of indistinct, fuzzy, forgettable.
Harding, FDR, and Kennedy died in office, of course. Which doesn’t count.
@debbie: Not sure? Maybe Minn was included, but not Nevada and Michigan? Losses piling up so fast it’s hard to keep track!
Did we ever hear about what trumpov’s done to/stolen from the Oval Office?
Dorothy A. Winsor
We get COVID updates every Friday for the over-55 condo bldg I live in and the memory care/assisted living/skilled nursing unit across the street. We’ve done pretty well but today things went to hell in the other building. They have 7 residents with COVID, 2 of them in the hospital. Some of the staff is sick too. I guess we couldn’t hold out forever.
No one in my bldg has it at the moment anyway.
Another farewell parting gift for you, Sir:
Couple of below the fold items which caught the eye.
1) Mother-to-be — again — at 69.
2) It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s … a hunk o’ junk.
I’m trying to figure that out too.
Just One More Canuck
@CaseyL: If he owes money to Russians, legal niceties may not be a consideration for them
At this point, I HOPE Trump sticks around, like something the GOP can’t scrape off its shoe.
He’s toxic to the brand AND to the wannabes who have their eyes on ‘24.
@Jeffro: We’re unlikely to find out until the gangsters leave, which I doubt will be one moment sooner than they absolutely must.
This one shows promise too, dropping in at Netflix December 30th. Swedish noir-ish.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I was thinking of a pardon covering through January 20, 2021, but given out in early January, creating a window of opportunity. But it would be typically Trump if he were to try to issue pardons good through 2050.
Omnes Omnibus
@jeffreyw: Zen Pencils, xkcd (of course), Something Positive, Girls With Slingshots, lunarbaboon, General Protection Fault. I also read comics online that are more mainstream, including 9 Chickweed Lane and Pearls Before Swine.
@Pete Downunder:–and-a-california-billionaire-report_partner/
It was definitely not someone who was part of the a Trump crime family. A psychologist from Berkeley by way of Elliott Broidy.
You’ll love this one: Trump’s now accusing the post office of destroying ballots for him just to help Biden.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: I don’t think you can pardon something that has not happened yet. We aren’t in the world of Minority Report.
Hmm. Due to not washing my hands between cutting up food for dinner and putting on my mask for my evening walk, I seem to have created the bacon-scented covid mask.
Patent Pending.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
But THIS one is accurate, apparently: “How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work.”
Mo Salad
@jeffreyw: This is the first time I’ve seen QC mentioned here. Been reading it for years. I don’t follow any other serialized webcomics, just stand alone comics, like xkcd, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and Perry Bible Fellowship. There was a semi-autobiographical one called “Wasted Talent”, done by a young female engineer in Vancouver. She retired due to her real life getting busy. It’s worth a visit.
Not my particular cup of tea. I don’t care for psychological/horror/paranormal stuff.
@philadelphialawyer: Pro-tip: if you want to win a court case, you need to bring an actual case to court with you.
Isn’t that 1 “win” an asterisk which got overruled on appeal? So, at best, merely a temporary win which is now a loss?
Trump loses in Arizona trial court:
Also found through Hasen’s blog:
@different-church-lady: Have an actual case under the law. Along with some credible evidence. And then maybe file it in a timely manner. And comply with the procedural rules. And…
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@debbie: So today I learned that DeJoy is part of the Deep State (man, the conspiracy has tentacles everywhere!) and that people write who they’re voting for on the outside envelope of the mail-in ballot.
Seems like that would defeat all the secret-ballot precautions, but who am I to judge?
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I’m losing patience with these antics. Trump needs a good dope slap.
@sdhays: I thought the “win” was Justice Alito merely reiterating that the late arriving ballots in PA must be kept separate, which they already were, and which are few, and not nearly enough to matter. Or, maybe the “win” was something about the distance the Repub ballot watchers had to stand from the table being reduced. Something not important, in any event.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: did you read the comments? One of the commentators said it goes back to an old Arabic proverb.
@different-church-lady: @philadelphialawyer: Aw this was never about winning court cases. It was just another media show for the rubes, to fleece them of another round of donations and maintain his brand.
First decade or so of Kevin & Kell was loads of fun. Began online in 1995, still chugging along in 2020.
While not original to the intertoobz, the Phil Foglio version of MythAdventures is accessible online.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: The antics will continue whether or not you lose patience with them. He is losing relevance and the ability to do harm.
@bbleh: Sure. Still, love to see each and every one of them go down in flames. And the courts sticking it to Trump and his lawyers. And their incompetence and complete lack of proof being shown to everyone but the rubes.
@Omnes Omnibus:
He’s turning the democratic process into a joke. So, yeah, it does matter.
Frank Wilhoit
@jeffreyw: Jeph Jacques also did a full-length graphic novel called “Alice Grove” — alternate-near-future scifi, very well done. I don’t have the link right to hand here but you can probably find it easily.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@SFBayAreaGal: I hadn’t but I just went back and read that. Huh.
Oh well, I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said that 85% of the quotes you read on the internet are misattributed. Also that 94.5% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Bill Arnold
That’s a more interesting thought, anyway.
Robert Sneddon
Freefall — it’s a really SFnal world and as scientifically accurate as XKCD. The main character is Florence, an Uplifted humanoid wolf who’s a spaceship’s engineer. Her creator is Doctor Bowman, a genius chimp with anger management issues, her ship’s captain Sam Starfall is a thieving alien sqid and the robots are all getting religion. Right now Florence is meeting her fiance’s parents for the first time.
Out-of-Placers — an odd mix of SF and fantasy set on a world where humans aren’t the top-of-the-tree in the sentient hierarchy. Rather crapsack, very intriguing biological imperatives as the various species interact. There may be magic too. Very funny, very sharp in places too.
This is a serious problem, Georgia’s largest county can’t prepare for the runoff because the elections office is under a temporary restraining order due to a bullshit Trump case and can’t do its job until it’s lifted.
I’m obsessed with food tonight. We’re getting Chinese takeout tonight. For the rest of the weekend, I went out and got everything to make a nice ramen with both chicken and pork broth, spinach, roasted carrots, scallions, crispy onions and sliced chicken breast. Jumbo lump crab is on sale, so I’m going to pick up some and make a crab mac and cheese using Brie and gruyere with bacon, asparagus and baby peas. All comfort food, fancied up a bit. I have never made ramen before, so I’m psyched to see how it comes out.
@jeffreyw: Read mine! It’ll keep you busy for weeks!
Amir Khalid
CNN quotes evil British tabloid The Sun reporting that Queen Elizabeth II has just suffered the loss of a pet: her last dachshund/corgi but one, Vulcan, has passed away. Only Candy remains of the pack.
I share in Her Majesty’s pain.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: So you give him polonium now, and he doesn’t feel it until after the pardon is signed, and then you are good to go?
Old School
@jeffreyw: I’ve been a faithful reader of Sluggy Freelance for a couple of decades now.
Mary G
@sdhays: It’s a mercy win/participation trophy kind of deal.
@Frank Wilhoit: Alice Grove was great until the author got bored with it and decided to wrap it up by strapping the plot to a rocket sled and hitting the afterburners. Better than just abandoning it, of course.
@NotMax: Mr. Foglio’s current big (and very long-time) project is Girl Genius, which is definitely worth a read.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Trump and his grifter family will need to be frisked before hopping on Marine One for the last time in January
Evening BJ.
I’ve been home for about an hour now after spending 13 hours first in the ER and then admitted to the cardiology observation ward.
After chest tightening/palpitations for the past week, I decided I coudn’t wait until I found a PCP (I found someone in my network that I might like, but appt isn’t until Jan) and needed to go to an ER just to get some test run and hopefully some answers. Left work early round 1:30am to go to the ER.
Well after spening 10 of 13 hrs on the cardiology ward, I have no REAL answers, except that the test rsults did not show evidence of an ACUTE heart attack, but given the name of a cardiologist to consult with for continued outpatient testing to see if they can find the root cause of my chest tightening and shortness of breath (beyond allergies)
So while I’m glad I went, I still feel a bit worried beause no clear reason was given for my symptoms. I’m attempting to schedule an appointment with the Cardiologist hopefully this month or before I go to my PCP, but not sure if that will happen.
I’m just going to continue to pray on it and moniter all I can until I can get to the appointments I have for early next month.
Right now, I’m gonna relax and spend the weekend chilling and quiet
Question for the collective: We’re debating xmas lights. Normally I’m the big proponent of them, but the rest of my family are the proponents of tradition – so they’re leaning toward putting them up because we always put them up, and I’m leaning toward ‘for the love of god people, stay home, there’s nothing to see here’.
Can’t recall if I posted this here, but JIC
‘Thank a Lab worker today. We are essential workers too! There are people doing the testing that get you those results the doc/nurse tells you about!
@lamh36: That sounds scary. Thanks for the update and take care.
That’s scary. You were smart to check it out when you did. I hope it turns out to be a nothing, and that you’ll be feeling like your normal chipper self again very soon.
Mary G
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It was the distance poll watchers had to be from elections workers counting the ballots, from 10 ft to 6 ft. Like whoopdedoo, you’re 4 ft closer. I doubt it made any difference. Just like all of these lawsuits over a few hundred ballots in different battleground states
A little joy for you.
@Martin: I think it’s important to wring what joy you can from all this.
People aren’t going to be coming out and spreading corona to look at your lights. But they might pass by and smile. We take our kids out, driving around town to see the various displays and they love it.
@lamh36: So sorry to hear you’re concerned about heart health. Relaxing sounds like a good plan.
I think uncertain diagnoses aren’t uncommon with heart stuff. My stepfather had bypass surgery a number of weeks back, and he’s dealing with alternating high and low blood pressure. What’s causing it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: Take these pills and see if that helps.
I consulted with some of our local experts and they said, yeah, that happens a lot. There are a range of issues that are very well understood and range of issues that they really don’t understand well.
Lot of self-care seems to be the best advice.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Thanks. I thought it was something earth shattering! LOL!
@geg6: For some reason, feeling very hungry now.
@lamh36: Good luck, that’s scary. I had chest pain for a couple of days some years ago and kept thinking it was allergies, then got scared and consulted my sister, who’s a nurse. In the end I went into the ER and they gave me an EKG and I can’t remember what all else, and finally they said I had pleurisy. It went away after a few more days and I never knew what caused it. I’m glad you got yourself checked out and I hope it turns out to be nothing serious. But then, 13 hours in the ER is enough to wear anyone out, so chill and enjoy the weekend!
Mary G
@lamh36: Yikes! I hope it turns out to be nothing or just stress from moving and a new job that a nice lazy weekend will help with. Glad you didn’t wait to check, though. I hate when they can’t tell you something definite, too.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Thanks for the update. Hopefully you get answers. Did you ever have COVID that you’re aware of?
@Martin: If we are talking about one of those elaborate “Christmas House,” setups, the kind people come from miles around to look at, then I would say skip it. If we are talking about just a few lights that might cheer up your family and neighbors, then I would say go for it.
@MisterForkbeard: I think joy in any capacity is some way off. We’re more in the avoiding dread phase of things.
@Martin: Is the concern that your Christmas lights are so spectacular that you’re worried it’s going to bring crowds?
Where I’m from, people view Christmas lights from their cars, partially because things aren’t that walkable and mostly because it’s damn cold.
Mary G
@Kristine: geg6’s menus always make me hungry and jealous of her John.
@Amir Khalid:
How in the hell are you, a Liverpool supporter providing a link to the S*N?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Don’t mention it! I’m like 75% sure that’s what the “victory” was
@Martin: Lots of people still have to be out and about for essential jobs, for groceries, for whatever. I think Christmas lights are wonderful free entertainment, and very cheering, and boy do we all need cheering up these days. I put some lights in my windows just yesterday. I vote put ’em up. No one is going to stay home because you don’t put up your lights. ;-)
(Disclaimer: of course, I don’t know where you live. I live on a pretty busy rural road. If you live in a cul de sac where no one will see them unless they go out of their way, maybe that’s a different calculation. ??)
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I say put them up. People stay in their cars to look at Christmas lights
So old can recall when it first began in paper comic book form.
It has continued to have an avid following. The steampunk milieu, in any medium, has never lit my burner though.
@lamh36: Chilling is ordered!
Did they find cardiac enzymes in a blood test? My only experience with chest pain were actually separated cartilage, so I didn’t get beyond the ER. OTOH, looking for enzymes was the second thing they did after the EKG.
That’s terrific! Thank you. Those kids are good.
Amir Khalid
The link is to the CNN story.
@debbie: Trump:
Is that like debating your dining room table?
These folks in Washington state have used their Xmas lights to show their support for their favorite football team.
Leeds United.
@JanieM: We live on a cul-de-sac, inside a neighborhood with one point of egress (set up like a small gated neighborhood but with no gates). If you aren’t looking for my house or one of my 4 neighbors, you will never know we’re here.
That’s sort of the norm where I live. Many neighborhoods have a lot of walking access, but because of where ours is positioned we don’t have much of that either. The whole city is designed to keep cars away from homes but instead be more walkable than drivable.
@lamh36: I hope all this was a false alarm and you are healthy. You have been under stress with your moving and your new job. Add to this COVID and trump,… well…
Please stay safe.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
The next few months are going to be a nightmare. Both of my R state reps co-sponsored legislation to strip the governor of his powers to issue statewide health orders and reserve that power to the legislature. He vetoed it, but the fact that they even tried during a pandemic. Not to mention some members introducing articles of impeachment. This is insanity
@lamh36: That sounds like no fun at all. Probably a dumb question, but could it be related to stress? Covid, moving, new job, new apartment, new responsibilities?
That’s like 4 of the top stressors in life. Unless you got married, too? That would make it 5.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Once we started having lights that needed rebooting, they’ve started to assert their autonomy to a greater degree.
Wingnuts are celebrating that one of Trump’s cases was ‘docketed’ with the Supreme Court – that is, the paperwork was received. Alito, the friendliest judge they’re likely to get, gave Pennsylvania 6 days to respond. This is unusually long for a supposedly emergency request, and in fact would let Pennsylvania respond after the ‘safe haven’ day when electors are considered constitutionally locked in and unchangeable. SCOTUS really does not want anything to do with overturning this election and the wailing and gnashing of teeth when Trump’s base is finally hit with that will be epic.
West of the Rockies
Trump: “Kellyanne worked here for a very short time. I really didn’t know her. She’s a very unhappy person, I guess, that’s what people tell me. She’s a loser bigly. We’re looking very strongly into investigating her for leaking false information.”
Compromise. Unscrew every other bulb.
@Amir Khalid:
See that, was cat-distracted when reading your comment.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I can’t wait to read about how Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all apart of the Deep State
I’m sure SCOTUS has to realize that PA would likely ignore any “ruling” that gave Trump the win anyway
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): nope, no COVID. Been tested 2x with most recent being week of my birthday. Both test were negative.
I was about to post the video of Kellyanne Conjob sounding reasonable and engaged with reality.
We remember the last 4 years.
@Spanky: all cardiac enzymes and blood test indicators were negative or withing normal ranges. EKG and chest x-rays all showed nothing.
Who knows it could be a major bad case of acid reflux/gas…but it’s just aggravating not knowing anything more
I forgot about 9 Chickweed Lane. Used to follow it on Yahoo until it dropped comics.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: No, the other ones.
@jeffreyw: Other than the 2 you already mentioned, here’s a few of my favorites:
Sleepless Domain
Wilde Life
Gunnerkrigg Court
Kill Six Billion Demons
@WaterGirl: could def be all those things. Add to that some issues with two of my 5 sisters and mental breaks for them that directly affected my mom and stuff and yeah…stress could def be it.
For right now, it’s an aspirin a day until I can get to the PCP or Cardiologist, whomever comes first
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You’re very quick to call for putative Supreme Court rulings to be ignored. Are you sure that is a road down which you want to travel?
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Too many bad things are happening to good people. Stop it. Relax. Get better.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Well, it’s good you’ve tested negative. Hopefully you find out more soon
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@jeffreyw: Girl Genius, if you haven’t read it yet in an excellent steampunk webcomic. Gunerkrigg court is yet another.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ordinarily, no. But when it comes to possibly overturning the results of a democratic election on spurious, partisan grounds, I’d say those SCOTUS rulings should absolutely be ignored.
I don’t think there’s enough ballots in PA to make a difference either way. I guess when I said that I was thinking that SCOTUS would try to overturn the entire election for some reason
Dorothy A. Winsor
@lamh36: Oh wow. I hope it turns out to be something they can drug or treat or something.
@jeffreyw: Drive is awesome! It’s my current favorite.
I have my doubts he’ll win, but John Osoff has run a top-notch campaign for Senate.
Damn, you and your John eat well!
@debbie: I’m afraid it’ll take more than that for Ol’ Skillethead, so we’ll probably have to gird ourselves for the duration. As others have said, at least he is a lamer duck than one might have thought possible.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
What do you think of David Pepper resigning?
@Mary G:
Thank you! I have to say, John is often skeptical of my culinary ventures. He’s a good cook, but sticks to what he knows. I’m very adventurous and not afraid to tackle things I’ve never tried, like tomorrow’s ramen. I’ve made the mac and cheese before, so I know he likes it. Pretty sure he’ll like the ramen, too. He loves Chinese and Asian cuisines.
Put them up! They’ll cheer you up. More homes around here have lights than in previous years and I can’t wait to see them!
Mary G
? ?
You’ve been through a lot lately. Take good care of yourself. ❤️
Frank Wilhoit
@Spanky: Right, they’re called “troponins”. You have to be able to speak doctorspeak to get good outcomes.
zhena gogolia
Oh, I hope you get some good care and some good news.
Please disconnect or unplug or whatever you need to totally relax.
zhena gogolia
Do I remember correctly that you hate A Suitable Boy? TV Guide had a rave review of a new miniseries of it on Acorn, and I don’t have that (yes, I do subscribe to TV Guide), but I considered buying the book. But in the back of my mind I think you said something negative about it. I liked his Golden Gate, which is written in Onegin stanzas.
@lamh36: damn that’s, scary. Hope you get some good news in the follow up and feel better!
Pete Downunder
@lamh36: I had an airline captain client once who lost his medical certificate because ER folks thought he had a heart attack. But the evidence- enzymes etc – weren’t there and we were able to show it was actually indigestion caused by a combination of rum cake and Dr Pepper. A self inflicted injury in my view.
zhena gogolia
I love it! I adored that song when I was just about their age . . . .
zhena gogolia
Our nextdoor neighbors went hogwild (they even put lights on their toolshed). It does make me smile when I see it (no lights over here, we’re too exhausted by Zoom teaching, not that we ever do it).
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I was glad. I like him, but he is not what we need now. I’m hoping for someone who can do more than toss cheap shots in interviews. If we had better candidates…
@lamh36: Hope you feel better and get some rest and relaxation.
@Bruuuuce: Thanks, I’ll check those out. I’m looking for comics with a big archive.
@zhena gogolia:
To me, lights (even when amateurishly hung) really make the season.
After all, Hitler killed the guy who killed Hitler.
@lamh36: Not sure about the shortness of breath but I have experienced spasms in the intercostal muscles between the ribs that felt like sharp tightening in the chest. I had ekgs to rule out heart involvement. You were smart to get it checked out. I hope it turns out not to be serious.
@lamh36: Echoing the best wishes and suggestions for relaxation of others. I know it’s frustrating not to get answers, but heart situations can be hard to resolve. I went through a couple of years of monitoring and diagnostics, and the specific cause of my occasional chest pains was not really found, but the total heart failure/atrial fibrillation treatment package has helped a lot.
One thing I found was that monitoring my pulse with my own oximeter helped. No one could catch my atrial fibrillation in an EKG for several years of repeated attempts, various doctors being convince I must have it. One cardioverts spontaneously out of an episode, and the little devil ran and hid when it knew I had a cardiologist appointment, apparently. But I finally caught it at home with my pulseox, and went directly to get an EKG that showed it. Note: a-fib might make one feel very jittery, to the point that doing other things become difficult, and so one’s feeling of stress increases, etc.
Same here.
I was living in San Diego one Xmas and was dating a woman who shared a house with a male roommate. She invited me over for a Xmas party and when I arrived the roommate was on a ladder in front of the house doing his best to hang Xmas lights.
We got to talking and at one point he said he was really digging hanging the lights because he had never done it before because he’s Jewish. When I said something like “I figured you were” he looked at me askance and pointed to his nose as if that was an indication of his Jewishness and I was a bigoted goy.
I smiled and pointed at the shirt he was wearing which had the fading design of a menorah and Hebrew lettering.
And then we laughed and laughed and laughed.
@jeffreyw: The Last Mechanical Monster by Brian Fries. gocomics has it. Not sure about other sites.
I read that in Chef John’s voice.
@jeffreyw: Well, if you’re into big archives I’ll add Ursula Vernon’s Digger to my earlier recommendations. Won a Hugo award, too.
Goku (Amerikan Baka)
Yeah… though I was happy Jennifer Brunner was elected to the state Supreme Court at least. Too bad about O’Donnell
Christmas lights are either breathtaking or exuberant. I like both.
Guy on Chris Hates right now is a douche.
@Goku (Amerikan Baka):
Yeah, Brunner’s great. Isn’t O’Donnell the one who foolishly rhapsodized about his love of weed during his previous losing campaign?
@Pete Downunder:
You know that there’s more than one trying to buy a pardon?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Can you take a picture of it?
@Frank Wilhoit: Thanks!
Be well. May you get answers.
@lamh36: oh dear. I can’t remember if you have family nearby, but do you have someone to check on you frequently and nag you nicely? We want you to be well.
@Robert Sneddon: Those look good! Thank you.
ESPN sportscaster’s last show before going on maternity leave and she and her cohost absolutely nail it.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Martin: Put ’em up. Christmas lights fleetingly seen from the street is going to be all the Christmas cheer anyone gets, this Covid season, apart from some presents
J R in WV
Relaxing and chillin’ sounds like the plan. Don’t go overboard on the holidays, just take the time off to not do much at all. Rest up all you can.
When wife was hospitalized with septic shock, one of her many sets of blood work while in the ICU showed chemical signs of some kind of cardiac issue. But nothing after that indicated any issues, just the one set of results.
When they were getting ready to discharge her, she had cardiac cath work which showed minimal 5% narrowing of one minor blood vessel. Later on her follow-up with the cardiac practice was with a PA who told her she had nothing to worry about.
Since you were having pain, something was obviously going on. Also since they couldn’t find anything, it probably isn’t a major threat.
Take it easy, chill, keep in touch. Best wishes!
@NetheadJay: A goldmine of links!
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Martin: I have always viewed Christmas lights from my car (driving around neighborhoods). If that is the case in your area, I think it is safe.
@debbie: No, O’Donnell was the judge who acquitted a Cleveland cop in a bench trial after said cop helped shoot up a vehicle involved in a major chase, which killed the black couple in the car. It’s why O’Donnell lost & Pepper resigned. The state party has a very bad habit of running candidates, particularly from Cleveland, who haven’t been throughly vetted.
BC in Illinois
They’re great.
I want to hear Ray Charles, all of January 2021.
This song, as we say good-bye to the loser, and his *America The Beautiful* for all of us.
The Lodger
@jeffreyw: My go-to webcomics are Dumbing of Age and A Girl and Her Fed.