On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Denali, Part 2.
When I left off, I had just agreed to a flight around Denali, despite a lifelong conviction that only the insane ride around in planes the size of a mid-size sedan. But it was a perfect hour, and I was so conscious of my good luck every second of it that I forgot to be afraid. It was one of those rare experiences that was absolutely, totally, 100%, unequivocally worth it.
Denali from the plane.
The approach to the mountain. Although Everest is almost 10,000 feet taller than Denali, Denali is actually taller when measured from base to peak because Everest rises out of the Tibetan plateau whereas Denali sits on a plain that is only 1000-3000 feet above sea level. You can see how it just appears without a lot of geological preamble.
The main peak.
A closer look at the mountainside.
Looking away from the peak, back down the mountain.
The neighborhood is also pretty spectacular.
We left early the next morning, stopping to watching the sunrise on the mountain. This is Wonder Lake just before dawn.
I took a lot of pictures of the sunrise, but this surprisingly is my favorite, taken through one of the bus windows I’d wiped the condensation from. It looks like something from a dream, which seems a fitting coda to a wonderful experience.
So beautiful — and yes, that last one does look like a dream.
Beautiful shots, really good.
Steve from Mendocino
Excellent lot. Every one of them. Thanks for posting.
Beautiful! I think I could spend a whole day doing nothing but watch sunlight play with a mountain, from gilded-peach dawn to fierce fiery dusk.
And that last photo is. Just. Amazing.
Omg. Seeing this mountain is now on my bucket list. No wonder the local natives revered it as a god.
I absolutely love that last picture. It captures the essence of what people love about mountains. Their majesty and their mystery.
Did you hear about Mount Everest having a growth spurt?
I think I would just stay there at Wonder Lake before dawn, refusing to ever leave.
Beautiful pictures.
@CaseyL: @Yutsano: @JanieM:
I’m glad you liked the last photo. Sometimes the ones that aren’t necessarily “good” are the ones I end up liking the most.
Sister Golden Bear
haha suck it Everest!
Just flat out amazing pics, from first to last. I’m lucky to see Denali through your eyes!
Gorgeous photos. Thank you so much for sharing.
I’m hoping you mean above sea level …
Now DAT’S what I’m talking ABOUT!!!!
In the 4th one down, “A closer look at the mountainside.” I think I see the abominable snowman’s face in the mountainside.
“The neighborhood is also pretty spectacular.” The picture for this one is begging for some crazy, silvery effects :-)
Cowgirl in the Sandi
Lovely pictures. It must have been a magical trip. Thanks for sharing.
Nice close-up shots of Denali.
Gorgeous photos!
Your opening paragraph and photo sounds like my trip around Mt Cook, NZ with the exception it was in a helicopter. And we landed on the glacier. The next morning I walked through the rain forest next to the road up to the bottom of the glacier where the ice “calves off.” Alaska looks like the same kind of amazing place, one where nature has gone wild with amazing views and beauty beyond the imagination.
Dan B
The “neighborhood” would be national parks in at least 40 states. They are the equal of many ranges in the Himalayas.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
Yeah Alaska! I live in Southeast – we’ve just had super warm weather and 100 year levels of rain – which is saying a lot since it’s a temperate rain forest. Haines (north of me) has had a devastating landslide and 2 people still missing and presumed dead.
I’ve emailed the governor (useless but whatever) telling him off for joining the Texas lawsuit and asking him to put on his big boy pants and declare a mask mandate. He keeps saying its up to local government (we have one here in Juneau) but there are whole areas which don’t have the legal authority to do mandate
What a jaw-dropping few moments viewing this lovely piece of earth and getting lost in the mountain’s majestic presence.
Oh my. These are stunning.
Spectacular, thank you for showing us these wonderful pictures. If mountains were animals they would be my spirit animal.
@jnfr: Yes I did. Oops!
@jnfr: @arrieve: Fixed!
no fair, now I’m going to spend the day dreaming of mountains and lakes and nature. I wanna goooo…..
Spectacular! Lucky you!
J R in WV
Quite a trip, obviously. Wonderful photo set of a wonderful place. Thanks for sharing with us!
I couldn’t pick a favorite photo, I will admit the last one is pretty special. I like the glacier too. All of them are great!