Within the past month, #COVID19 weekly hospitalization rates in every age group have reached record highs. This includes young, previously healthy adults. (1/2)
— CDC (@CDCgov) December 11, 2020
This is a fucking disaster and apparently I was wrong earlier this year when I predicted all this and said “at least this will be an opportunity for America to learn about the concept of exponential growth” because we haven’t learned a fucking thing.
Why is everyone so stupid and selfish?
Because this is America?
Because we are human beings, in all our glorious awfulness.
That’s a weird advertisement for satby’s soaps…
Used to be they predicted 300,000 deaths by the end of the week. It now appears we’ll hit the 300,000 mark this weekend or early next week at the latest. These assholes with their lawsuits are drenched in the blood of the countless lives they chose not to save.
Mike in NC
Republicans insist that America needs our very own Putin. After being rejected twice by the electorate, they still want to cram him down our throats.
It is pretty discouraging. I have to go to West Bradenton every month to have my INR checked, and the number of mask-less people on the bus has been increasing for the last three months. Last I checked, Florida was still getting slapped around pretty good by COVID-19 Though I was treated to the spectacle today of a dude apparently using the mask to hold his chin on, since he wasn’t covering either nose or mouth.
Speaking of selfish and stupid. . . At our little local grocery store, we observed a woman with no face mask in the produce section COUGHING! My husband might or might not have used a swear word or two.
lol chikinburd
Also consider staying home a gift to the younger ones – even though my 16yo daughter outwardly copes I have to remember this is a much larger percentage of her life than mine. Plus all the things that brought her joy and connection like Marching Band are not happening.
@BretH: I fell for the kids because that does seem interminable. On the other hand, this year is a much larger percentage of us old’s time left. Imagine lockdown for a year in a senior living facility when you only have 5-10 left. 10%-20% of your remaining time, lost to covid, IF you live.
Mary G
I don’t know. We did pretty well here in CA for so long, and now people are acting like extra-suicidal lemmings. Here in the OC the previous highest number of new cases a day was 1,945 which was two days because the health department took Thanksgiving day off. Today we crushed it with 2,655. So 5,000 next week?
LA County is even worse, per the LAT:
My housemate who went to Guatemala to see his dying aunt has finished isolating in his tent in the garage for 14 days without getting sick, so that’s something.
Another Scott
@debbie: has the US at 302,185 deaths at the moment.
+2,447 so far today, with 2-3 hours to go.
@Another Scott:
Good god. ?
Cheryl Rofer
Wyatt Salamanca
PER Ari Melber SCOTUS rejects bullshit TX lawsuit
O/T, but the Supremes just did the right thing.
Cheryl Rofer
@Cheryl Rofer:
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Three great minds with but a single thought :-)
There’s a list, updated regularly.
It’s a long list.
Mary G
Of course Alito and Thomas said the court should’ve allowed the case to be filed:
ETA: The thought of the temper tantrum being thrown at the WH or on the golf course is very satisfying.
Wearing blinders does not mean the horse is stupid. It merely means the horse only sees what the driver wants it to see. The difference between a horse with blinders and a “True Patriot” with blinders is the “True Patriot” puts the blinders on by choice.
Wyatt Salamanca
Yes, but there are still 126 assholes in the House of Reps and 17 asshole Attorneys General across this nation. The Democratic Party needs to target every single one of these motherfuckers and defeat as many of them as possible in the next election cycle.
And Giuliani and every other fucking lawyer on Trump’s team needs to be disbarred.
Wyatt Salamanca
Come social distance with me.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I am so glad this came out on Friday.
Same reason a dog licks its balls?
@Cheryl Rofer @Wyatt Salamanca @SubaruDianne:
I’m thinking champagne, as in, open it and a toast to all that remains good.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I hope someone can translate Alito’s and Thomas’s statements.
@Mary G:
Defiance is increasing. If they don’t know someone in the hospital right now, people don’t care.
I’ve also noticed more people, often urged on by reporters and media people, disputing the idea that health authorities can connect any particular behavior to infections.
It’s ridiculous. We may be heading towards another superspreader around Christmas.
Wyatt Salamanca
In honor of the SCOTUS rejection of this stupid bullshit TX lawsuit:
And fuck that goddamn motherfucking Ken Paxton!
Wyatt Salamanca
Yes, hopefully this is the final nail in the coffin of Trump’s horrific and monstrously depraved presidency.
I love this, from the Supreme Court:
I mean, it should have been obvious that this would be the logical result.
So is Trump going to throw a fit about the justices that he put on the Court?
Of course he will.
Cheryl Rofer
@debbie: Looks like Alito and Thomas would have been willing to hear the case and THEN tell Texas to jump in the lake
ETA: I’m glad, too, that we finally have a Friday night GOOD NEWS drop.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I wouldn’t trust them…
Of course, I wouldn’t trust this guy either:
@Brachiator: ” We may be heading towards another superspreader around Christmas.” The numbers now don’t yet include the surge coming from Thanksgiving.
There are two final cards to play in this farce. First the vote by the electoral college. Second the bull republicans are planning in the House and Senate o January 6..
” We may be heading towards another superspreader around Christmas.”
Fair point. But we are two weeks away from Thanksgiving. I would think that we are seeing some impact from that holiday in the numbers.
John Revolta
“Exponential growth” is a bit of an abstract concept for these mooks. I’d be thrilled if they just came to grasp that all the people that have been telling them that COVID is no big deal have been lying to them for all these months. (I ain’t holding my breath for that either.)
MoCA Ace
Looks around and starts to raise hand…
I am in a real pickle here. My daughter and husband both had moderately symptomatic COVID (positive test four weeks ago) and both grandkids (toddler and ten) had “colds” but not tested. Now Mrs MoCA is practically giddy that, seeing as how they are now “immune”, we can have them over for Christmas. I miss them all dearly but rattling around in my skull are the warnings to not gather with people not in your household.
Do I risk life and limb by putting myself between the Mrs and her grandkids? Or do I hold my tongue and hope to live to see another Christmas? This is so fucking hard.
@MoCA Ace:
Number 1.
Thanksgiving hospitalizations are starting to hit. With vaccines being approved people are getting very careless. It is going to be horrible.
@MoCA Ace:
Sima this am noted a case in China.
Woman had covid in Britain, recovered, tested negative, flew to China, quarantined for 20 days, went home, 21 days later had covid again, tested positive, ( same British strain).
Early on, around April, it was noted that the virus can cross the blood brain barrier, be eliminated in the body, and later reinfect from the brain.
We still don’t know enough about the virus.
@debbie: They hold to a theory that the SC must allow filing of any case involving original jurisdiction. It’s not a widely held theory — it’s too fringe for even Roberts, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett. On the merits, however, it’s 9-0. Not surprising, agreeing to go forward with this nonsense would strip away what little legitimacy the Court has left.
Of course, the assholes that filed and supported the case knew this would happen. This is all about ginning up a campaign issue for the Georgia runoffs and for 2022 and beyond — nonexistent voter fraud by non-white people.
I’ve heard some people say there is a conflict between claiming voter fraud and trying to get Republicans to vote in the Georgia senate runoffs, but this misses the point. The Trumpians know that there is no voter fraud. What they want is an excuse for suppressing nonwhite voters that they can sell to the squishy middle for whom Trump was too over the top. I think they believe that Trump’s loss told was due to his open racism, so they want to use voter fraud as an Atwater-type wedge issue like welfare was in the 80’s, i.e., black and brown voters haven’t earned the right to vote. In other words, voting is a privilege, not a right. A white privilege.
@debbie: I concur with Debbie. It would be one thing if they were able to quaratine for two weeks before seeing you. But if they have already had Covid, they have not had good habits so far. Once bitten, twice shy.
@MoCA Ace: Door #1
@Leto: Hey now!
MoCA Ace
@planetjanet: Actually they do have good habits… its just that he works with at least one COVID denying idiot who came to work sick! The asshole bragged about it and the SIL actually led a little worksite revolt with management but it was too late. She is working from home and both kids are home/online virtual schooling. He did just go back to work because in this fucking country you work or you lose your home.
But yes, I hear you.
There are those who call me...tim... (Still posh)
Does that mean one’s ass smells like a goat, or one just smells like a goat generally, or one actually goes around smelling actual goats? And which is worst?
Mai Naem mobile
I’ve been following the Arizona COVID statistics since the election. We’ve got basically between 70-100 people dying daily. If my memory serves me right I think we had around 50 people dying daily during our spike during late spring/early summer. Our numbers aren’t NY or Fl but we’ve hit over 7K dead and at the rate we’re going we will easily hit over 8K dead.
@lol chikinburd:
I’m back in The Bahamas, and this second-world country is doing quite well, partly because it has a rather elegant system that’s a bit onerous to navigate but worthwhile. One has to have a negative COVID test within five days of entry, and I ended up paying almost $300 for a rapid turnaround test and missed my first flight because my first test results never arrived. Once you email the health department your negative test results, they issue a travel visa with a QR code. There’s a fee that covers a small health insurance policy and a rapid COVID test. When you arrive, they send you an email survey each day for 14 days that asks about possible exposure and symptoms. On the fifth day, you have the rapid COVID test, and the QR code puts the results in your file. I had mine yesterday, and they emailed me the result while I was on the ferry headed home less than an hour later. If only the States had a system and the dedication one one-millionth as good.
People in Abaco seem to be very good about wearing masks, distancing, and washing their hands, and the authorities aren’t fooling around. I’m happy to be safe on a tiny desert island even though I have no home and there’s still no power 15 months after Dorian. The cats and I again are staying in the small guest suite of a neighbor’s house that survived the storm, but I’m totally overwhelmed by the work I need to do to finish cleaning up my debris, handling the salvaged stuff, and battling the jungle (though that’s hiding some of the debris). I doubt I’ll be able to afford to rebuild, but it’s difficult to imagine not living here. This is my 52nd year on this cay, but perhaps at my age I ought to give it up. But not until I can return to the States without fear of selfish, stupid people trying to kill me.
On the plus side, a decade from now when American schoolkids ask how ordinary Germans could have ignored concentration camps during WW II, teachers can point them to 2016-2020 America.
On the minus side, those teachers will be harassed and fired by the parents of those kids.
@MoCA Ace:
test, quarantine, test,
but they can’t quarantine because pay check and the 14 day quarantine isn’t based on medical data so much, as how much vacation time most workers have.
We really don’t know much about how much protection a mild case confers, or how infectious people remain,
home, is home.
maybe rebuild just big enough for you and the cats.
MoCA Ace
@Jay: Exactly, and people are dropping like flies around here. One of my coworkers was out today because his fiancé tested positive. Wife works at a pharmacy and I’m in the office with my door shut when I can’t find an excuse to be in the field. I consider it a small miracle we haven’t caught it already.
Thing is I don’t know if I can convince her… Fuck. We have made it this far I don’t want to stumble now when the end is in sight.
@MoCA Ace:
I start work again tomorrow. Reduced duties, hours.
Ditto for volunteer work, but up to 4 hours of teaching/instruction only, and no field work.
Still on blood thinners, steroids and latest MRI and CT scans have the Doctors still talking about organ transplants.
Not something to risk.
Ella in New Mexico
The ONLY people I have EVER heard use that phrase are my husband and his extended family.
They’re from the Gettysburg, PA area, but my husband’s family extending back to the late 1700’s comes from West Virginia. They were Hessian Mercenaries during the Revolutionary War, conscripted against their will, who had the good sense to disappear into the boonies when their bosses the Brits tanked and eventually resettled in the remote areas of WV. There’s a wilderness area named after them in the Monoghahela National Forest: “Dolly Sods”.
John, we might be related in a weird, non-blood kinda way. No wonder I lurve you so much. :-D
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@MoCA Ace:
You can see them in 2021
Don’t risk it
No One You Know
@Jay: Seconded. I don’t expect to be seeing my son. I sure as hell wouldn’t risk grandkids… or my own continuing life. There will be another year. Zoom the holiday.
No One You Know
@MoCA Ace: What do the parents of those kids think? They also share the risk…