William Barr, America’s shittiest attorney general for two more days, doesn’t support illegally seizing locally owned voting machines or appointing special counsel to investigate the Trump/Flynn/Powell-Kraken election fraud fantasies, so let the media rehabilitation commence? Via TPM:
Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday that he saw “no basis” for the federal government to seize voting machines, responding to a reporter’s question geared at the recent news that President Trump’s allies have floated such a gambit.
Barr also gave no support to the idea of appointing a special counsel to investigate the conspiracy theories around election fraud. Over the weekend, Trump reportedly discussed the idea of appointing Sidney Powell — the fringy lawyer leading the flailing legal gambit to overturn the election results — to such a role.
“If I thought a special counsel at this stage was the right tool and was appropriate, I would have named one,” Barr said Monday. “But I haven’t and I am not going to.”
Barr said he stood by his previous remarks indicating the Department had not found evidence of mass voter fraud in the 2020 presidential contest, though he stressed Monday that he did think some fraud occurs in “most” elections.
Just checked the shitgibbon’s Twitter feed to see if there’s any reaction. He’s tweet-screaming at Georgia’s Gov. Kemp and hyping yet another supposed bombshell fraud discovery in Pennsylvania today, but nothing about Barr. I hope Trump is truly as panicked and agitated as he sounds and that he spends every remaining second of the next 29 days setting Republicans at each other’s throats instead of actively wreaking further havoc on the country at large. It’s all I want for Christmas, really.
Open thread!
West of the Rockies
Tick-Tock, Donny. You’re appointment to be neutered approaches! Enjoy ’em while you got ’em.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Kemp was at Trump’s Christmas party this weekend. It’s just all Kafaybe for The Base.
Barr wants to keep his law license.
Moar of this, please, from Trump’s lieutenants with NFLTG
Oh yes indeedy. Unfortunately for Barr’s purposes, it tends to be on the Republican side.
West of the Rockies
Mick Mulvaney is also trying to launder his soiled reputation today as he laments Donny’s post-election tactics.
@West of the Rockies: Yeah. Good luck with that, Mulvaney. We see you.
They are just going to be hysterical about Georgia’s upcoming elections, no? It is starting to fall apart for them.
Smart rats like Barr know they have to get far enough from the sinking ship to avoid getting pulled down with it.
Barr is definitely trying to regain his ‘ reputation’.
Phuck that shyt.
Betty Cracker
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I know Republicans often put on a WWF show for the base when it’s in their interests to do so, but I don’t think Trump’s screeching at Kemp is fake. My guess is he either wasn’t at that Christmas party (there are like a dozen or so from what I’ve read) or didn’t know Kemp had been invited. I’d be truly shocked if the two were yukking it up behind the scenes.
Frank Wilhoit
Imma just leave this here: https://twitter.com/LauraJedeed/status/1341061381076836352
If one-tenth of it is real, it is something quite different from anything we have seen before.
Jay C
@Frank Wilhoit:
Fascinating stuff to read in real time (welcome to the Internet Age!), apparently the Capitol Police there aren’t having any of this, and are actually pushing back to disperse this mob. Relatively “nicely”, of course, given the hue of the demonstrators, but heavy on the TG, mace and flashbangs.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer mob….
Also of note, both Fox and Newsmax are looking at very expensive defamation lawsuits from the voting-machine companies that they’ve spent the last month accusing of being in league with George Soros, Hugo Chavez, the Illuminati, and Bigfoot. And, because those lawsuits are, unlike the Trump campaign’s efforts, highly plausible, both networks are airing “clarifications”. Sure, they have all the liveliness and spontaneity of hostage videos, but Trump is probably turning on his favorite shows and getting to watch them debunk his fantasies.
Villago Delenda Est
@dmsilev: ONAN as well. Shit is going to get real for these fucking Pravda wannabes.
Damn, Barr looked and sounded thoroughly beaten down.
Villago Delenda Est
@Frank Wilhoit: Open sedition. Treason. Time to cull the herd.
@Villago Delenda Est: So sad.
@Frank Wilhoit:
Just saw that on Twitter.
Armed insurrectionists trying to storm Oregon capital because they see “Chinese People” inside.
Cops react with mace.
She posted some footage, but still hard to believe.
William Barr? Now we had a chance to meet this young man, and boy that’s just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.
@Frank Wilhoit: Yeah, that’s full metal wingnut right there.
A huge intersection of QAnon bullshit, far-right gun humping, an insistence that they’re the victims and are being treated unfairly when the cops treat them gently, etc.
According to the journalist on the scene, it smells like baby powder. She didn’t even have to move away from it.
I think they save the strong stuff for left wing and civil rights protesters.
@germy: Well don’t forget, baby powder is gonna give them all cancer in 25 years. It’s like the dim mak.
The Moar You Know
@Frank Wilhoit: I don’t know if this particular incident is real, but it is inevitable. The cops are very well aware of who pays them. Inevitably, they will start shooting these gomers who richly deserve it.
Then we’ll see who backs the fucking badge, amirite?
@rikyrah: Phuck that shit indeed. He shouldn’t get to skate with that secret police scam. That was one of the darkest times, that and his dissappearing people. Fuck him with a rusty pipe.
OT, but can I mention that referring to the Covid Stimulus bill as the “Let Them Eat Cake” bill annoys the fuck out of me on several levels?
1) It’s a complete bastardization of the actual meaning of the quote. I’m pedantic here, but the analogy to the actual quote is wrong.
2) It puts the blame on both parties when the issue is that 7 months after the Democrats put forward a bill that was over 3x this amount and better targeted, the most Republicans would allow for is… this. Where there’s help but it’s nowhere near enough. And where it sandbagged Biden in some ways to get more important limited help through to people and communities.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Barr is just trying to avoid a stay in the John Mitchell room in a federal lockup.
Major Major Major Major
I’d like to think we could all have a kumbaya moment and agree to stop using voting machines altogether. A boy can dream…
I still think Barr is making these decisions based on what he thinks will work, not because of his reputation. His cause isn’t Trump, it’s an authoritarian (and theocratic) presidency. Trump is a lost cause, so Barr’s not going to support moves where he’s likely to lose and do damage to his real cause.
Barr isn’t always right about what will work (plenty of what he’s tried has failed), but I still think that’s his motivation.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Can anyone give me any good reason why any restauranteur would even seat a GOP Senator or Representative, or why said GOP Senator or Representative should have any legitimate reason to expect to receive food/beverages free of spit, feces, cigarette litter or urine?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Maybe if you don’t like Black People or Democrats? Because they’re certainly sticking it to us.
Looks like Billy Barr has decided his career and reputation matter more than the squatter in the White House. Too late, Billy. You got away with it back when you did HW’s dirty work. You won’t skate a second time, mother fucker.
Major Major Major Major
@MisterForkbeard: I follow a couple people on Twitter who wisely muted “$600” and I am thinking of doing the same…
Villago Delenda Est
This is what the vermin of the Village do.
Wipe them out. All of them.
Major Major Major Major
@Major Major Major Major: @MisterForkbeard:
see also:
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Aren’t there lots of right wing restauranteurs? Sports bars and the like, where the owners complain about unfair COVID restrictions? There’s still plenty of dining options left.
Don’t even think of taking your eyes off these bastards. COVID boy Bernhardt is still at the helm, stealing your land and resources.
Major Major Major Major
Johnny Gentle (famous crooner)
@LuciaMia: We all need to empathize with this poor hostage finally who’s finally able to see real sunlight and speak freely! Hopefully the media will dutifully cover how he was forced to do all those awful things against his will and legal acumen. Won’t someone please review his old press conferences to see if he’s blinking in code?
The Moar You Know
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Because you can charge them triple since they’re paying with a Government credit card and they know the actual cost of nothing.
Dunno about you, but the majority of restaurant owners here in San Diego are GOP, and more than half of them have told the local county health department to eat shit and die and are open and seating people indoors in spite of the state lockdown. Turns out our county health department has no actual enforcement powers. They can’t even ask the police to intervene, not that they will. We are almost maxed out on hospital beds. This is going to be a catastrophe.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
No it’s not.
He truly is deranged, deluded, demented, and diseased. He is in many ways a very unhealthy human being. And he’s gotten worse over the last 4 yrs. Far worse. And he has power, even if only for another 30 days. That his own deranged, deluded, demented and quite possibly diseased AG is unwilling to follow his lead should tell us how far off the ranch he’s strayed. (Yes that’s a RR/GWB ref)
Betty Cracker
@Major Major Major Major: Love it!
@Major Major Major Major: This Tynan guy might know a thing or two.
@Major Major Major Major: Nice.
@Major Major Major Major:
The machines at issue are just scanners that count paper ballots. There are integrity checks that insure the count is accurate. The type of machine where the votes are entered electronically by the voter are no longer in use.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
God damn, I hate that fucker. Trump, to be specific, since Barr is also a fucker. But I’m talking here about Trump. I never really knew anybody I loathed so much that I just wanted them to be wretched and miserable all the time, but this fucking guy…
And, of course, the justice of it is that he will spend the rest of his shitty life being miserable, and he would even if he got everything he ever wanted. He’s just congenitally incapable of being happy. It’s cosmic justice.
Major Major Major Major
@jeepers: Ah, didn’t know that this was just about the tabulators. However, electronic voting machines are in use in many states. https://ballotpedia.org/Voting_methods_and_equipment_by_state
IMO, Barr realizes his career is over and his reputation is shot. At this point, he’s doing what little he can. Which is very little.
@Major Major Major Major:
I stand corrected.
Tim C.
I also think someone has something very big on Barr. He showed none of this reluctance right up until mid october. He has no morals and fed conspiracies right and left. Then abrupt silence. If not on Barr personally, then on Trump to the point that Barr is scared of something. Whatever it is, itsbig.
The Great Conjunction.
Gin & Tonic
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Very nice. My viewing will have to be vicarious, as we have a solid cloud cover here.
He’s doing the least he can. Which is an improvement for him. A small one but still, an improvement.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: What’s its function?
@Tim C.: You guys are missing something important, about the Supreme Court and about Barr. They don’t give a FLYING FUCK about what happens to Trump. They aren’t motivated by loyalty to Trump. Don’t mistake Barr and Barrett and Goresuch for members of Trump’s base. They have a much longer time horizon and for Barr, there is no upside to the goals that motivate him to become a radical enabler of the likes of Sidney Powell. That will just make them look foolish and they don’t want that.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That’s a great picture!
Jupiter and Saturn are the best objects for me in my light-polluted suburb, and never disappoint.
@Tim C.: He wants to return as partner to his respectable white shoe law firm, and they are skeptical about what his presence will do for their reputation. That’s my guess.
@germy: Yes, many restaurant owners are right-wingers. That does not necessarily apply to the kitchen staff. The owners might seat GOP politicians, but they can’t be sure that the kitchen staff aren’t providing, shall we say, extra ingredients.
@Gin & Tonic: I’m going to try for an urban shot tonight
@Baud: It’s function is to provide a good astro shot for BillinGlendaleCA.
@M31: Yup, it’s something(weather permitting) that everyone can see.
@Tim C.:
There is a system. And for the most part the system works. Yes there are flaws and it’s a big and diverse county so it is also piecemeal. But the voting system does work. Barr knows that the system has to work and also that trump’s shouting of cheating because he’s the sorest loser is not helping at all. So before the election all of the trump calls for total lawless behavior make his job of lying for trump a lot harder. He can’t go against and he can’t promote. So he shuts the hell up. Now he knows the counting has been done and redone, it’s over, shitforbrains lost. And there really is nothing that can change that. He’s accepting a reality he can not change in any way. His side got defeated, beaten, not even allowed into the cheat seats. He may not be a good one but he is a realist.
J R in WV
Speak for your own jurisdiction, but here they’re proud to have computers that you vote with, which then prints a ballot you can read, with a Q code you can’t read, which is what is used to count the votes. How do you know the readable parts matches the Q Code? You can’t tell, that’s how!!!
Seriously, that’s how it works in WV… wonder why the state votes all Red now after being blue for generations?
Maybe that’s why.
@Gin & Tonic: Yep, that’s the sitch here too. I miss out on all the interesting celestial happenings because it’s usually too cloudy.
Tim C.
@Barbara: I get that. And it’s plausible. Might be right. But if the hardcore Trumpers abandon the GOP they are screwed in so many places. A lot of the support for trump from people who know better is trying to preserve that group. Barr should be part of the faking it crowd. Saying it was probable that the election was stolen, preserving the narrative without doing much. But he’s actively dampening the story. That’s what I find odd.
One can hope.
But like a tree falling in a forest with no one to hear it, if a spit falls in a sandwich in a kitchen, will the customer know it?
After all counties but Oneida completing recounts, Republican Claudia increased her NY 22nd District lead over Democratic Congressman Anthony Brindisi, from 12 to 19 votes. Campaign reps met today before N.Y. Supreme Court Judge del Conte in Oswego to start contesting 2000 disputed ballots. It will take some time, but there probably will be result this week. I want to here how the judge rules on a ballot the Tenney campaign disputed because it had a dark spot on it. The Brindisi campaign argued that the spot could be chocolate, but the Tenney campaign said no, that’s blood, and it could be used to identify the voter, so the ballot is no longer secret and must be thrown out. If the Tenney campaign lawyers are smart they’ll drop that particular challenge.
Next 29 days only? Forever and ever (until Dump fucking croaks), Amen.
West of the Rockies
Pickin’ up rings and makin’ ’em function!
Weirdly, I see Barr’s departure as a potentially dangerous development. I don’t think Rosen is nearly as unlikely to appoint a special counsel for Hunter Biden or for the election itself – in fact, I think both are probably much more likely now that Barr is going. Yes, Barr was unethical and a factotum for Trump’s bad instincts on many many issues, but as others have said above, he was a semi-independent lackey who was into it for his own purposes; not necessarily for Trump’s. He only did Trump’s bidding because it was his ticket to power in order to accomplish his own objectives. Trump is an incompetent fool; Barr is not.
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): It tells you something that the happiest public moment of the man’s presidency was when someone let him sit behind the wheel of a parked semi.
So, we are in this Twilight Zone where various Republican leaders still refuse to say that Trump is either lying or insane, but also ignore him and quietly move toward supporting that Biden guy, who is, you know, the president-elect.
These GOP slimeballs are staying on message, even as that message changes. This crap is more Orwell than Orwell.
As we get closer to January 20, the only fools still backing Trump will be his insane clown posse and Fox News.
Meanwhile, Trump supporters are the dumbest dopes in Dope Town. They are three rungs below the fools who believe in a flat earth.
Haha… newsmax is retracting just about everything every guest has said since the election.
I don’t think Barr cares about his image with the general public. He’ll go back to work for the conservative fat cats he’s worked for the last few decades. They still like him. They’ll probably give him easy, lucrative work just to pay him back for looking after their interests so well as AG.
Is it too much to hope Barr and T will turn on each other? Or that each has recorded evidence against the other?
@Geminid: That is a ridiculous argument. I hope the opposing attorney blows it up.
@Tim C.: Could it be the law?
Cheryl Rofer
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Gorgeous. Took my breath for a sec.
Consistently cloudy here.
I wonder if that Vicky Paladino is any relation to Carl Paladino. Even though she’s from Queens and he’s from (IIRC) Buffalo.
@Tim C.: It could be as simple as the law firm he hopes to go back to warned him of a red line that he cannot cross.
I’d like to think he has already crossed it.
We will just have to let this play out. If more rats desert Trump, the only people he will want to appoint are people who are either insane or as amoral as he is. Or have Young Jared, Don Jr and Ivanka do everything.
There is no longer anything for “mainstream” Republicans to gain by working for Trump. He can’t really do anything for them. It’s the natural conclusion to being Trump. He only cared about people who could do something for him, and never saw a need to reward competence or loyalty.
Gin & Tonic
@Delk: That must have been one hell of a letter from the attorneys.
@Tim C.: I don’t have any insight into Barr’s plans for the future, but I did notice that the legitimate firms that first represented Trump ran for the hills pretty quickly. I don’t think that Jones Day would be scared of being shunned if they really thought that there had been election improprieties. But they don’t. And they sure as heck are not going to take orders from people who come across as being clinically insane, and do things like file anonymous expert opinions that lie about the so-called expert’s credentials. Sometimes the simple answer really is right. They don’t agree with Trump and they don’t want to get sucked down a rabbit hole.
Cheryl Rofer
Take a picture with your phone?
I would do a google search on ‘Q code reader voting machines
@Booger: Yeah, it is a ridiculous argument, and I laughed when I read it. I won’t be laughing, though, if Judge del Conte throws the ballot out and Tenney wins by one. But I’ve read that most of the 2000 votes at issue were challenged by the Tenney campaign, and if this is typical of the Tenney challenges, and Judge del Conte plays it straight, Brindisi should hang on to the seat.
@Aleta: Thanks.
@Major Major Major Major:
What pisses me off even more is that McConnell is being allowed to frame the deal as something the GOP wanted all along.
What was Barr’s motivation with the Mueller Report if not abject loyalty to Trump?
He doesn’t need anyone’s permission.
Tim C.
@Barbara: all possible, and maybe I’m wrong in my fundamental assumption about Barr not being as much a full on fascist. Perhaps his tribe within the GOP actually cares about rule of law on some level, or Barr has some emotion that from a great distance resembles dignity. Maybe. But my sense is Trump’s desperation isn’t just narcissim, there’s something we don’t know about.
Probably I’m talking out my ass though. Glad to have the company of jackals today.
@Frank Wilhoit: That was great. She posts Venmo and Paypal IDs, so I sent a tip.
@Major Major Major Major:
Trump is all wigged out about scanners. But EVERY SINGLE HAND RECOUNT has proven to be accurate, from the whole-state recount in Georgia to those just completed in specific districts in Michigan.
Georgia still has electronic machines for live voting, but that’s fewer than the paper ballots for mail-in and Absentee voting — which were counted by scanners (and then recounted by hand).
The Secret Service needs to just hand him to the guys in white coats come January 20th.
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
I’m still a little concerned about his hoarseness.
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: It worries me a little, too, but I have a very similar problem, and it’s clearly not COVID for me.
Does anyone know whether Rudy actually filed the Supreme Court case challenging Pennsylvania’s election laws (third time’s a charm) he said he had filed last night? I haven’t been able to find any news report about it today or any link to an actual case.
@Tim C.:
Well, he’s been relying on the presidency to protect himself from prosecution. That’s certainly a factor. This is a guy who personally rips up every piece of paper he writes on. Both losing the legal shield and having someone he views as a ruthless, vengeance-crazed mortal enemy be handed all the documentation of four years of Trump’s business dealings is terrifying.
You know that’s not what I meant.
Mary G
One good thing Congress has done:
“Now that everybody hurt by our nuclear testing, plus another generation or two, you can get health care.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Tim C.: Barr isn’t fascists, apparently more of a Absolute Monarchist in the Louis XIV style. Old school Catholic if you will.
@pajaro: I just checked Democracy Docket and there’s nothing there. Given the track record of Rudy, et.al., I suspect he filed this case in Lansing.
WaPo sez Trumpies are considering a pardon for Saudi Crown Prince MBS. Also, note in passing that the linked article’s sub-hed is ‘Public Safety’.
Just start a rumor that they’re being sprayed with Pfizer’s vaccine and you should clear them out pretty quickly.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That’s a gorgeous shot. I posted the link on my FB page–hope that’s okay. Given the present cloud cover here in NE Illinois, this may be as close to a sighting as we get.
@debbie: Barr’s motivation regarding the Muellar report might have been a cynical defense of trump’s power. trump delivered a lot for the Federalist crowd Barr is a part of, and for their wealthy backers. Barr is just a gimlet eyed gunslinger for conservative fat cats. I’ve always thought that Barr saw trump as a tool, to be discarded when no longer useful.
Salty Sam
Omnes Omnibus
@Barbara: This is exactly correct. Barr’s interests coincided with Trump’s for a while. That’s it. Barr isn’t going to go down or let his right-wings dreams get buried by someone like Trump.
Barr is one of those German monarchists who supported the Nazis but despised Hitler as a vulgar ex-corporal. He has a chance of walking away from all of this with his reputation intact with his fellow revanchists. Why burn it all down over a tacky slumlord from Queens?
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
It’s not so much that I think Biden has Covid. I just worry it might be something serious. But maybe it’s an allergy of some sort. Or even GERD.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Salty Sam:
They’d make more money loudly turning the assholes away at the door, and explaining why.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Nice. You can even spot a couple of Jupiter’s moons in that one.
@zhena gogolia: It could also be the heat in the hospital (assuming an older building). I know that in winter when my heat comes up at home I have the same raspy sound and for a bit of time after I leave but don’t have it in the office.
Thank you.
Nancy Smash passed her bill in May.
And, she and Schumer held the line on allowing companies to kill their employees at will.
zhena gogolia
He had it during his speech after the Electoral College voted last week.
TS (the original)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
More fool Kemp. They all act like abused spouses around trump. Only way to describe the subservience and pleas for acceptance.
since it should be in Pennsylvania, how about castle Dracula in Transylvania?
@Kristine: Thanks
@Jinchi: Yup, I noticed that when I was pixel peeping.
@zhena gogolia: I recall the one outdoor speech he gave last week–the usual parking lot filled with folks in cars. He sounded like he was almost shouting. Definitely not talking at regular volume. It doesn’t take many of those speeches to chew up your throat. If he has any sort of sinus/winter-head issue, that just makes it worse.
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: I am sure he is doing it just to worry you.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
Of course!
zhena gogolia
@Kristine: Yes, that’s probably it.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Betty Cracker: The whole Right seems to be lost in the Hall of Mirrors I doubt if they what is their lies and what is true anymore. A lot of them have been pushing Cognitive Dissonance for twenty plus years now so another way Trump is the symptom, not the disease. So I could see them slagging each other in public and going for drinks in private in some kind of absurd “Governor Kemp is the ENEMY/Jack Kemp is my dude bro” nonsense.
TS (the original)
Every resignation from the trump admin has been replaced by someone who is keener to implement policies to keep trump happy. By “resigning”, Barr is ensuring that what he doesn’t want to do can be done by whoever comes next. If he didn’t want to help trump, he would have held off with his comments and avoided being fired.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Jack Kemp, being dead and all can’t argue the point.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Cheatn’ Brian Kemp wants trump’s neutrality in the 2022 republican Georgia governor race. It will be hard enough to beat Stacey Abrams in the general election, without a tough primary challenge from Doug Collins (Idiot- Habersham). But I think trump will hold a grudge and endorse Collins. But in the short run, Kemp and the rest of the republican party are desperate to win the Georgia Senate runoffs, and they’ll do what they can to placate trump.
Trump holding a grudge is a certainty.
Patricia Kayden
We know why.
J R in WV
My bet would be that the Code patch design method is proprietary on the part of the voting machine company. Super Seekret Squiril shit. But I retired long before those code patches became a routine data delivery method, so I dunno, really.
OK, now! Google informs me that creating encrypted QR codes is not only possible, the search returns over 2.5 million hits. So quite common. I would now bet big money that voting systems generate secure and encrypted QR codes to transmit voting data….
Also, a small detail, here it is illegal to take photos in a polling place. Not sure why, but the booth is small enough they would see any photography going on, even with just a cell phone.
@Patricia Kayden:
The first reply: Never forget this.
@Cheryl Rofer:
@debbie: Yeah, and Doug Collins has been true blue for trump. I’m hoping that by 2022 trump will have only negative power, within the republican party. Endorsing Collins will be a way to exercise it. Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger also will almost certainly face a strong primary challenger. The 2022 primary season could be a rough one for Georgia republicans. I hope to be eating popcorn, rooting for injuries.
The Moar You Know
@zhena gogolia: I’ve had that crap since October of 2019. It has never gone away. Annoying as hell, but it’s not COVID (and I’ve now got six negative tests to prove that)
@debbie: Not to mention his whipped-dog look after meeting with Putin in person.
J R in WV
Also want to say, “Low Barr” is a great post title!
Congratulations Betty C on coining that use of Barr’s last name!!!
J R in WV
Would pay big money for good video and audio of that meeting~!~
Not enough to support Trump in his accustomed style, but still…
@J R in WV:
I kind of conflated two words in the title and keep thinking this thread is an invitation to an Open Barr.
maybe stop yelling at your TV and the internet?
more seriously, i would think about mold problems.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Yes! Thanking all that is good! If we could just surround him with breathable bubble wrap for the wait until the second dose…
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I believe that happened in my county, and it’s a dead person voting for Trump.
Yep, here we go. It’s funny how every time we find an actual case of voter fraud, it seems to be a Republican. We’re up to what, now, five? Out of 160 million votes cast?
TS (the original)
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
The man who organised this should be thankful he is a white male, a republican and not living in Texas
Matt McIrvin
@MisterForkbeard: I have lefty friends who are 100% blaming Pelosi for this.
@Gin & Tonic: As will mine. I have been able to see The Great Cloud Cover for a week now.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Very nice photo!
@frosty: We get the week long cloud cover starting tomorrow. There’s even the ‘R’ word being used in next Monday’s forecast
@frosty: Thanks.
The Moar You Know
@germy: He’s never going to stop with this bullshit. Not until he dies.
@germy: Ah, I see we’ve reached Act IV of King Leer.
Or maybe Act V of Henry IV: ‘I know thee not, old man’
@germy: I hear Gaetz, Brooks, Jordan and Gohmert are going to compete with AOC by starting their own four man alliance: the Goon Squad.
@germy: I’m surprised the White House didn’t collapse into a black hole of stupidity with that brain power assembled there.
Matt McIrvin
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The clouds cleared away here, but I didn’t realize how close to the Sun in the sky this Great Conjunction is–missed my chance to see it today because it’s already setting.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It looks different from Florida at 6:16 EST. Saturn is off to the right. But pretty darn neat.
Did 3 fools actually give Trump’s nonsense any credence at all?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Maybe Kemp left with a little “gift”
Jim Appleton
We have a Bill of Rights.
Do we need a Bill of Responsibilities?
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
You forgot the “s” on “cigarette”, missed putting a comma after it and forgot to put “cat” in front of “litter”.
Details… :)
@debbie: Do I know specifically? No. But I would guess that he thought the whole enterprise of investigating the president was misguided. He would have done the same for any president he served. Had he been AG a special prosecutor would never have been appointed.
@geg6: i don’t care about that Barr guy. He has done enough damage and he is leaving. The time and money it would take to throw his fat ass in the hoosegaw is not worth pursuing. He will be an item of shame forever. Let that be his legacy.
@Mary G: yes, now that most of the victims have died. It takes me two hands to count all of my neighbors and friends that died from those tests in Nevada. That dust blew over here. Weird thyroid cancers, strange lymphomas. They had to invent a name. “Downwinders”. Those were real people. I’m sorry for the people in Marshall Islands because it happened here too. Here would be Southern Utah.