From friend of the blog Batocchio….you can nominate anything you wrote on your blog, whether it’s this one or someone else. Al Weisel was a great wit who died too soon, so I always like to remember him.
It’s time once again to continue a tradition started by Jon Swift/Al Weisel, the “Best Posts of the Year, Chosen by the Bloggers Themselves.” Jon/Al left behind some wonderful satire, but was also a nice guy and a strong supporter of small blogs. (Here’s Jon/Al’s massive 2007 and 2008 editions. Our smaller revivals from 2010 through 2019 can be found here.)
If you’d like to participate, please write to me (Batocchio9 AT yahoo DOT com) with your best post of the year before 12/25:
Blog Name
Title of Post
Author of Post
Brief Description/Pitch of the Post (1–2 sentences)
(If it’s not a reply, adding “best post” in the subject line would also help.)
To modify Jon Swift’s 2008 solicitation:
I would be very honored if you would participate and send me a link to what you think was your best post of [2020], along with a short description of it. Please make the hard choice and send me only one link. I would like to post it before the end of the year, so if you could get it to me before Christmas, I would really appreciate it.
One submission per blog, please, otherwise things can get messy. Group bloggers can pick a piece among themselves, but are also welcome to submit their work via their individual blogs, if they have them.
As usual, I’m aiming to find the right balance between “inclusive” and “manageable.” If you know a few excellent blogs (preferably on the smaller side) that you suspect might not be on my radar, feel free to send me their website address (and contact info, if you have it).
Lord, there’s no way to choose my favorite post, not even the vitriolic ones – the best ones, naturally. Talk about an embarrassment of riches….
Okay, BC does have a gift for turning a phrase.
Thanks for creating the post, DougJ! Balloon Juice commentariat, please feel free to link your best post (and/or pick a best Balloon Juice post) and I’ll check back in on the thread periodically.
it’ll likely be some John post – I’d link to a post by me on BJ but there isn’t any.
Mustang Bobby
@Batocchio: I didn’t get the e-mail, but I sent in one. Thanks, Batocchio.
I think that’s the first (or one of the first) covid19 posts by AL. She was on top of this, and her near daily updates have been welcome and helpful. (i think she took Labor Day weekend off, right?)
If i can only pick one, the first Covid Is A Thing post gets my vote. Not hilarious, like some posts here, but given our world today… Very insightful.
@Mousebumples: In these unprecedented times, maybe we need a special category for Anne Laurie’s covid series, both as recognition for a stellar job and so it doesn’t shut out the others.
Which reminds me of the joke about the three musicians who were arguing who was the best composer – Beethoven, Bach, or Brahms. A fourth wandered up, listened for a minute, and asked “What about Mozart?” The three explained that they had excluded Mozart, because otherwise there would be nothing to debate.
@Mousebumples: hard to argue with you that Anne Laurie’s DAILY informative Covid posts are a BFD. I recall my naivete last January thinking that the sudden severe illness in Wuhan China was a scary event for others, but here in Sacramento everything is just ducky. And then it wasn’t.
The post is up. Thanks for participating!