On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Wonderful flashes from the past from ET and AliceBlue
Wonderful flash from the past, in 1970-something, from ET:
It was the year of the stove. Was it a portent of the future? No. I don’t so much remember it but remember that I loved it.
Wonderful flash from the past, from AliceBlue:
I mostly lurk here, but I wanted to get in on the holiday picture fun. This is 5 year old me on Santa’s lap in 1958. For some reason, I wanted a stuff tiger that year instead of a doll.
The look on AliceBlue’s face with Santa Claus is priceless.
All the pictures are adorable! Is that stove color autumn gold? I remember the other popular appliance colors being avocado and brown.
Miss Bianca
@JanieM: Oh, so cute! Whereas, I was *terrified* of Santa! Which made things terribly awkward from my parents’ POV!
(I was so relieved to learn that Santa wasn’t real, and *then* I felt I had to keep pretending to believe in him, because all the grown-ups seemed so invested in that belief!)
And a princess phone! Oh how I wanted one.
@Miss Bianca: I honestly can’t remember how I felt about Santa Claus. But we have pictures of my son at three months old, sitting in Santa’s lap happy as a clam, and then at a year and three months old, crying. Apparently that’s a common age for kids to be afraid of strangers. He later reverted to being so friendly with anyone he met that I was sometimes afraid he’d just walk off with a stranger one day and I’d never see him again.
Miss Bianca
Sounds like my Siberian Huskies, lol!
@Miss Bianca: Well, that fits, because dogs were among the people he was likely to walk off with…..
WaterGirl, is this post appropriate for this conversation? if not, you can remove it.
does this post count as “from the past”? it’s before our time.
U.S. deaths increase most years, so some annual rise in fatalities is expected. But the 2020 numbers amount to a jump of about 15%, and could go higher once all the deaths from this month are counted.
That would mark the largest single-year percentage leap since 1918, when tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers died in World War I and hundreds of thousands of Americans died in a flu pandemic. Deaths rose 46% that year, compared with 1917.
oh, and it doesn’t mention the holidays.
Mary G
AliceBlue’s Santa looks like a model for the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. I love the tiger. And I can see that ET’s Grandma gave the good presents!
@eclare: My younger sister got the princess phone in pink, while I got the French style phone in blue. I was mad.My parents had a princess extension phone in their bedroom for a time and I think the dial lit up, so high tech for the 70’s.I thought it was great when I was little.
The two of you are so cute in those pictures.
@JanieM: Heh. Huskers are pretty famous for liking other humans to go off with.
My daughter adores her stuffed tigers
Our house, built around 1960, still has an avocado colored bathtub.
Mary G
opiejeanne’s greenhouse has burnt down:
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
Ouch. Why torch a greenhouse?
@Mary G: OMG that’s awful! I saw she said a fire inspector was coming tonight. Fires are so scary.
I wanted a stove like that, but Santa never brought me one. The thing I really wanted, and it was in the Sears catalog, was a cotton candy maker. I never got that either. I also got a princess phone, and it was light blue. That must have been the go to gift for Santa for little girls.
Electrical malfunction? Rodent wirechewers? Arson?
Whatever and however, I am so sorry. (2020 is ending soon.)
Wow, I had a dress very similar to the one in the photo — that same white collar and blue bodice. I *loved* it. I’m guessing I had it around 1972 if that helps.
Yeah it was definitely the early 1970s but I have no idea how old I am here! But 1972/1973 sounds about right.
I am loving all the reminders of childhood, and what makes all the holiday posts so far really special is seeing the joy and wonderment on these little faces.
Send in some more pics, peeps. :-)
Joy in FL
I had a kitchen sink and stove also.
Those are all great photos.
@Joy in FL: I never got the big appliances, but I loved my Easy-Bake oven where I could actually bake little tiny cakes.