No, I’m not in outer space, or even the stratosphere**. I am in fact in NYC with Samwise* and my husband. But we don’t all have that luxury–poor Santa has to deliver presents around the whole galaxy, if not all of spacetime. I have photographic proof:
I found this in a nice collection of these old Galaxy covers. It looks like Santa’s managed to relax in at least one of them. Go check it out, if it suits you; regardless, a merry Christmas to all! I’ll be doing my traditional eating of leftovers and viewing of Futurama. I especially love The Futurama Holiday Spectacular, the anthology episode featuring X-Mas, Robanukah, and Kwanzaa.
What about you?
*Speaking of Samwise…
Samwise—a real good boy for tolerating this—wishes you a merry Christmas!
— ☃️ Tynan ? (@TynanPants) December 25, 2020
**thanks citizen_x for the correction
Miss Bianca
oh, wait, now that I see the whole photo of Samwise it’s even funnier! I can’t tell whether he’s trying desperately to ignore his Christmas get-up, or about to leap into space in character as Santa Claws!
Sister Golden Bear
Samwise wants you to think he’s tolerating it. He will have his revenge later.
Samwise’s expression is pure “What have I done to deserve this?” I hope there are a lot of cuddles in his immediate future to make up for the indignity.
Have a great day!
Well, actually, you are in the troposphere–the atmosphere below the tropopause, and then the stratosphere. It is the layer of convection/overturn, and varies between 7 and 16 km thick (usually above 10 km).
Pretty sure that includes all of NYC.
@Miss Bianca: The black leather on the couch fits right in, seems like Samwise should have leather boots, or at least a little leather on his front two legs, maybe tied on somehow?
Just suggestions for next year.
West of the Rockies
Sheldon, is that you?
Years ago my brother gave me a copy of Galaxy from 1953, with the first installment of Asimov’s The Caves of Steel. You’ve just inspired me to head to the bookshelf and pull it out. I haven’t read it in decades. In the opening scene, one of the characters is irritated at the mindless behavior of a humanoid robot, who happens to have taken over the job of someone he liked. Hmm…
Major Major Major Major
@Citizen_X: fixed thx. Serves me right for skimming a diagram.
Most likely I owned that issue some 60 years ago. I subscribed at that time, in high school.
@Sister Golden Bear: I thought of you this morning! A clue in the NYT x-word was “Like someone associated with a pink, blue, and white flag, for short.” Made me happy to see it.
Major Major Major Major
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Golfing and rage tweeting after a terrorist bomb goes off in Nashville.
Very on game….
@Major Major Major Major: Well aren’t you chipper today! :-)
West of the Rockies
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Seriously? That man is nothing but resentment and appetite.
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and Happy Holidays to all
Was there any talk of a Christmas BJ Zoom? I love the several I went to on Thanksgiving, can offer up a Zoom line if that helps.
Either way, special kindness going to anyone wrestling with depression, isolation, any kind of mental illness or emotional pain today. I know from my own experience it can be much worse on the Socially Expected Happy Days. You’re not alone.
Citizen Alan
The Nativity Goes Wrong.
zhena gogolia
You’re right, nobody organized Zoom today. Maybe they’ll do New Year’s Day.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: it’s from the special I mentioned! What‽
dr. bloor
That issue came out the month I was born, which I believe might begin to explain things a bit.
zhena gogolia
This is terrible but it hit my funnybone:
Sister Golden Bear
@narya: Yay!
Major Major Major Major
@zhena gogolia: lol. Oh Santacon.
Major Major Major Major
OT: WTF happ’d in Nashville? Latest report said the vehicle played fake gunshots first, then started announcing its intentions to blow up.
So the bomber wanted to cause destruction but ensure no fatalities? Or…..huh?
@Major Major Major Major:
Okay, that’s a hoot. Respect!
I’m sitting on my brand new recliner, it along with the matching couch were delivered yesterday morning. Red leather, with two recliners on either end of the sofa.I have to admit the couch is a tad big, making opening the front door a little difficult. I kept wondering why my sister kept asking me “did you measure it?” It never occurred to me when I was ordering and since they are made to order I couldn’t go back.I keep forgetting that my current house is alot smaller than my previous one in the US.
@AJ: @zhena gogolia:
John and I talked about a zoom or two for Christmas and Christmas Eve, but no one was asking about it so we decided maybe New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day would be better.
@Major Major Major Major: I was just teasing, and I hadn’t seen your mention of a special. I have been kind of wandering in and out today.
@Citizen Alan: OMG!! That was hysterical! LMAO! Thank you!
@zhena gogolia: that was kind of how I felt about what M4 posted, I laughed and then it’s sad because it’s true.
@Citizen Alan: hahahahaha this is great. I’ve already had to stop twice to wipe my eyes. Thanks for posting.
Happy Holidays to every jackal & your loved ones!
@WaterGirl: As long as it’s not a wood chipper…
Merry Christmas, ya bastids!
@dr. bloor: I came out a month before I was born, you’re old!
@Major Major Major Major: My god, it’s full of raisins!
Miss Bianca
@Major Major Major Major: Yeah, that image isn’t terrifying. Or totally appropriate for this Christmas.
Good to see Robert Shekley on the cover. I picked up a copy of his novel, “Mindswap,” a decade ago and found it to be some of best Sci-Fi Borscht Belt writing of all time. Really fun if you just want to chill and laugh.
@Major Major Major Major: Futurama?
Wonderful picture Major x 4. I am making shallot jam for the sirloin roast. Impressive to company, not that we have any, but easy to make. Mince up a bunch of shallots, six at least, then soften them in a saucepan with a couple of chunks of butter, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 a stick, salt and pepper, over medium heat.After they lose stiffness, add one cup of beef stock and one cup of dry white wine, When it starts to bubble, turn the heat down to medium low and wait, stirring occasionally. When it changes from a soup to a semi-solid, it’s done.
Miss Bianca
@zhena gogolia: What the hell?! C’mon people, say it with me now – “Deck the Halls, not Santa!”
OK, it made me LOL too.
@Miss Bianca:
Face it, the red suited bastid had it coming.
Kids today.
I was xx yrs old when that came out, more than old enough to be able to read it, as in I’d been reading for x years when it did. At least the grade of school I was in was still in single digits at the time.
Kids today……
@mrmoshpotato: Thanks for the rain yesterday, please send more.
@Ruckus: Yes, Ruckus, but you’re older than dirt.
It’s sad but true.
The only saving thing is that I know dirt older than me.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: How much did you get?
Major Major Major Major
@mrmoshpotato: But of course. From the episode I mentioned in my post!
@mrmoshpotato: About 0.02″, please send more!
Miss Bianca
@Major Major Major Major: That Santabot is legit terrifying. Would have given me nightmares as a tad.
Hey, you might know – is there a Season 4 of Futurama? I keep thinking there is and not being able to find it at the library (my source for all things Futurama).
Sorry to interrupt with politics, but someone on Reddit put together a very comprehensive and what looks at first glance to be accurate summary of the negotiations over relief payments. I wanted to link to it here in case I couldn’t locate it again on Reddit.
ETA: Back to making merry.
@Major Major Major Major: oh, haha. Yup, there it is.
@Citizen Alan: I think that’s the funniest thing I have seen in a year.
You can buy Advent Calendars, with little airline bottles of booze, instead of chocolate.
Major Major Major Major
@Miss Bianca: there are eight seasons, number four was the end of the original run.
@Baud: I see in the comments that “Bernie Would Have Won!”.
More kitties!
@Citizen Alan: Now, that is the magic of theatre!
…I don’t know why, but comedies set in live theater are consistently hilarious.
Yeah, well, that’s reddit.
It’s actually much better than it used to be.
Sister Golden Bear
@Major Major Major Major: I’m not saying it was elves…. but it was elves.
Sister Golden Bear
@Miss Bianca:
Speaking of Santabots…. Merry Christmas from Chiron Beta Prime!
@WaterGirl: Ok sounds cool!
Ty for all that you do for our community =)
@zhena gogolia: You were right!
Hope you are doing well today
Miss Bianca
@Sister Golden Bear:
Oh, great…now I’m going to have nightmares, YOU MONSTER.
Merry Christmas (*not* from Chiron Beta Prime)!