Got to appreciate the powerful troll energy of that opening line
— The Mall Krampus (@cakotz) December 29, 2020
While #MoscowMitch continues his career as a sabateur — more on that later — I’m grateful, again, that we have Speaker Pelosi as an example of how legislating can be done…
McConnell’s 1 insight was he could kill just about everything through process, press wouldn’t explain, & voters wouldn’t punish incumbents for what they don’t vote on. But this is an extraordinary situation & the R’s may take blame for the process, & it validates Biden’s argument
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) December 29, 2020
Some days, the choices are truly as simple and as telling as they seem.
The choice today is to help workers and families across America who are struggling to survive this pandemic or to be in the way of that help getting to the people.
— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) December 28, 2020
Full video of @SpeakerPelosi saying on the record that college dependents and those with disabilities will be covered. All adults over the age of 16 will be covered by the houses bill.
This now goes to the Senate: call your senators and force them to pass this bill
— Adam Christensen (@AC4Congress2020) December 29, 2020
And that is her job. People may say, "Well, she shouldn't be front and center," and now that a Democrat is going to be president, she won't be. As a Speaker, she is simply outstanding.
— Jeff Fecke (@jkfecke) December 29, 2020
I learned how good Pelosi was at her job by listening to the fear and awe in Republicans’ voices whenever they wretched about her.
It wasn’t the spite or contempt or plain hate they have for Sec. Clinton or any number of women, but a lament that they had no equal on their side.
— Peter Wolf (@peterawolf) December 29, 2020
dr. bloor
I’m going to avoid political Twitter for the next several hours while The Roses tell us how Pelosi fucked up and needs to be taken behind the barn and shot so Ilhan Omar can take her rightful seat at the head of the House.
ETA: Mitch is going to have a lot less fun next term once Trump leaves DC and leaves him with nothing to hide behind.
@dr. bloor:
Is there no part of political twitter that’s ?-free?
Because of our dreadful civics education, even some of the most politically aware people I know have no idea what a legislative leader does. There are plenty of Democrats with post-grad degrees who basically have the same idea of politics as Trump — the leader’s job is to go on TV and bloviate. Pelosi is a superb cat herder. Due to the nature of the Democratic coalition, that’s what its legislative leaders have to be.
dr. bloor
@Baud: They inhabit my doggo and kitteh feeds, but that’s largely a demilitarized zone.
Annnd Dick Durbin is undercutting the House. Good God man. You can do more than one thing at once!
John Revolta
Yertle’s plan is obviously to stick a poison pill in the bill, send it back to the House and when they turn it down and the clock runs out let the MSM blame “Congress” or worse, “Pelosi” for killing Trump’s $2000 gift to Americans. Either that or let the Senate vote on it as is but hand out enough Golden Tickets to the Repubs (e.g. Loeffler, Perdue) that need them and then kill it outright.
dr. bloor
@Yutsano: Eh, he’s undercutting Bernie, which is fine. Think of it as a micro-Sister Souljah moment.
@John Revolta:
There’s really no time to send it back. The new Congress comes in next week.
@dr. bloor:
Agreed. Dems aren’t going to nuke the NDAA.
How do you figure? Saunders wanted to hold the NDAA hostage until the stimulus went through. McConnell will eat him for breakfast for “toying with our military.”
Each of the three things should be submitted and voted on separately. Enough of the political mis-maneuvering.
@dr. bloor: I mean…when you get a turd like Josh Hawley talking like a DFH…something weird is happening in the universe right now.
John Revolta
@Baud: Hence “when the clock runs out”
ETA: Bernie’s threatening to keep them there until they vote on it so probabvly it’ll be door #2.
Nothing weird is happening. Hawley is trying to distinguish himself in a crowded a GOP presidential field, so he’s toying with populism.
It’s no different than W’s compassionate conservativism.
@Baud: I can’t see the Trumphumpers going for Josh Hawley. He’s terrible, but he’s not obnoxious enough.
I really don’t know who the heir to Trump is.
If the GOP was smart, they’d go with Kasich or Hogan. But they aren’t smart.
Kasich is finished, after supporting Biden. Hogan would be something like Biden for the GOP. It would test how loyal their base is.
dr. bloor
@Suzanne: I’d guess Cotton, Noem, and Haley are the ones to beat out of the gate in ’24. They’re all idiotic nihilists, but with enough meat on the bones for the punditubbies to fawn over and prop up.
Wyatt Salamanca
This excerpt from an essay in the New York Review of Books should appear in every obituary of Mitch McConnell:
The original NYRB essay is locked behind a paywall
Thank God we have Sen. Sanders holding the line in the Senate
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dr. bloor: I can’t think like a Republican, but at a guess I’d put Hawley at the front of the pack, in part because he actually will look like a normal person on a stage with Cruz and Cotton. I also wonder if Christie will take another run at it
ETA: I would bet on Somebody/Haley as the Rs ’24 ticket. I don’t think they’d actually give her the top spot.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Trump activated white evangelicals. Where do you think they go?
@dr. bloor: I might agree with you. But I don’t know. A cohort of Trump’s diehards are going to go back to not voting if he’s not on the ballot, and I don’t know if there’s a winning GOP coalition without him. I don’t see someone like Nikki Haley activating them. Cotton isn’t mean enough. And Kristi Noem doesn’t strike me as smart enough to be ruthless. Dollar Store Sarah Palin, indeed, and FSM knows she didn’t stick.
I bet someone new comes along.
@dr. bloor:
Next term, I hope the Democratic Senate majority leader can tell Moscow Mitch to sit down and shut his fascist turtle yap.
Well if we are going out on a limb and guessing- I will say marjorie taylor greene for 24.
As for Mrs. Smash, she is always underrated by prognosticators, haters, and critics. Day in, day out, for the last sixteen years the woman has been the most influential Democratic figure in this country. And she does it well. All her critics can utter the words “Speaker Tim Ryan” or “Speaker Kevin McCarthy”. Which three words sound better?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hawley might be latching on to the Dolt45 base but that only works for him if he also objects on Jan 6th. Cotton has the charisma of wet cotton. Rafael is, well, Rafael. Noem has little national profile outside hardcore wingnut circles. And let’s not forget Uday and Qusay and Ivanka! I honestly don’t know who’s going to win that race.
TS (the original)
@dr. bloor:
He had lots of “fun” for the last two years of the Obama administration. This will be the same if he still controls the senate. He has never hidden – is always up there thinking it is fun to treat democratic Presidents as having zero rights.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I think Hawley speaks their language, Haley too. I most emphatically do not, so I’m guessing. I don’t know if Christie could pull it off. As somebody once said of the bible thumpers’ distrust of John McCain in spite of his voting history, he gives off the vibe of someone who spends Sunday morning reading the New York Times instead of going to church.
@Baud: White evangelicals love Cotton and Hawley, yeah. But a n important slice of Trump voters are not especially religious, not especially educated, and are just angry as hell. I’m talking about the real cult of personality people. The evangelicals are hypocritical and transactional. They’ll go to whomever looks like the biggest fish at the moment. But the hardcore Trump people…. I don’t know who they will circle around.
dr. bloor
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You might be right, but some dumbfuck out there is going to see Cotton’s languid manner, Adam’s apple, and “plainspoken” manner and compare him to Abe Lincoln. Book it.
I think Noem is plenty ruthless, but she might not be subtle enough. You might well be right about someone new, however. Time for the Republicans to have their Jimmy Carter moment.
Please – her name is Feckless.
It’s kind of cool, knowing we’re here in real time seeing one of the great Speakers of the House. Pelosi is a giant.
I read a great piece some years back that pointed out one way you could tell how much she scares Republicans is that they refer to her by her last name, not just her first. Good. Trump tried, but “Nancy” didn’t catch on. Good. They should be scared.
@Baud: I know where I hope they go.
The Rapture is overdue.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yutsano: I have a hard time imagining Exurban White Man turning out to vote for Boardroom Barbie’s carefully cultivated if very shallow act, with all the barely reheated corporate and pop-psych jargon from professional women’s empowerment seminar held in 1997, but again, Republicans have only become a bigger mystery in the trump years. I could see Fredo maybe pulling it off in MT or WT, as people used to speculate, but in the last few weeks people are talking about him setting up in Florida, so I guess I’m right back at upside-down shrug emoji
Her own name as a means to insult her didn’t catch on. Weird. ?
I guess that happens with a stupid stupid Soviet shitpile mobster manbaby coining nicknames like an assclown.
@mrmoshpotato: Her name is “Complicit”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Nicole: I’ll never forget her utterly sincere look of contempt when a reporter asked her if she had heard trump had a nickname for her. “Who cares?” Her contempt was for trump, but also the reporter.
dr. bloor
@TS (the original): All true, maybe I’m just hoping the calculus is a little different this time around. Since Obama, he’s bared his ass for Trump (and his own agenda) in a way that no one in their right minds can ignore.* He also has a bunch of Senate seats to deal with in ’22, and maybe his caucus won’t be quite so malleable this cycle.
*Yes, I know that constitutes a sliver of the Republican party.
@Suzanne: That’s the family name. :)
They’re all complicit in trying to destroy American democracy.
Greater praise was never spoken.
@Baud: Can a rapture go down too?
JIC anyone think the stories about hospitals in LA are “fake news” or stretching the truth…
I just heard this from a friend of mine who’s works in the lab at a big hospital in LA when I asked her if her hospital was experiencing the same thing
<blockquote><strong>Yup our intranet says we are SEVERELY overcrowded. And that is because there are already disaster area tents at the ER entrance for the over flow</strong></blockquote>
TS (the original)
@dr. bloor: Guess I’ve run out of hope for the republican party & those who vote for them and donate millions to them. The only hope for a US democracy is the complete takeover of government by the democratic party (as one entity or two).
@dr. bloor: I think that Kristi Noem is dumb as a fucking stump. Trump is dumb, yes, but he has a killer instinct for other people’s weaknesses, and his utter sociopathy and narcissism wears out his opponents, because few of us are used to dealing with people like that. I don’t know if Kristi Noem has any of that on her “side”. And women can’t get away with as much. I see her flaming out, much like Crazy-Eyes.
Brendan in NC
@dr. bloor: I’m seeing it on there as well. Something about unseating her as Leader, so they can push through a vote on M4A. Never underestimate the (lack of) genius that is Rose Twitter.
John Revolta
It’s not going to be a woman. Trump’s base would never go for it. I think DeSantis and Gaetz are both worth watching. They’re mean enough, wingnutty enough, and they both obviously have their eyes on bigger things.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Why does WT get statehood before DC?
@TS (the original):
Did you lose this hope before or after the Cuban Missle Crisis?
@Baud: He really didn’t activate white evangelicals. They have been activated for several decades. Trump activated or perhaps expanded on the people we might have called Reagan Democrats, or Obama to Trump voters. That was the difference in 2016, and many of them stayed put in 2020. The question is whether they would vote for Haley or Cotton.
@John Revolta: Gaetz, maybe.
I could honestly see it being Jerry Falwell, Jr.
@lamh36: dang it
@Alex: I can’t tell if that’s serious or sarcasm?
Major Major Major Major
Mitch will be bundling the $2000 bill with a Section 230 repeal. Excited to see who comes out and says that we must play along and repeal Section 230 so we can get these checks out. Seems… short-sighted, given how many Democratic legislators/incoming presidents hate 230.
Historically, it’s tough to move from the Senate directly to the White House. Obama was one of the few to have done it, and he wasn’t in the Senate very long.
@lamh36: My brother is a psychiatric nurse that mostly deals with addiction issues over the phone these days, and he says what little contact he’s got at the floor of the hospital says it’s very busy.
I have a cousin who’s a nurse in the East Bay of CA, and he says he’s never seen so many ambulances. They’re parked in the parking lot and being used as additional hospital beds, in some cases >_<
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Major Major Major Major: Matt Yglesias, though he seems to be implying the repeal would somehow be clawed back (“call their bluff”)?
mali muso
Nancy Pelosi FTW!
Wondering where to donate some $ to have the maximum impact towards helping in GA at this late hour. Directly to the campaigns? Fair Fight? Elsewhere?
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Tech companies are assuming that it won’t happen. If it looks squishy I’m sure they’ll call in some chips.
The people saying “oh we can claw it back later” don’t seem to understand that Democratic legislators want to “reform” 230 too. Any replacement will compel censorship and hurt small web sites and services the most. The status quo will not be on the table. Especially if Mitch is majority leader.
Into the grave.
But just not fast enough.
Let’s see:
FDR: Governor
Truman: VP
Eisenhower: General
Kennedy: Senator
Johnson: VP
Nixon: VP (with gap years)
Ford: VP
Carter: Governor
Reagan: Governor
Bush: VP
Clinton: Governor
Bush II: Governor
Obama: Senator
Trump: Hellspawn
Biden: VP (with gap years)
So, 6 veeps, three of whom became President because of death or resignation, one who won election immediately following his predecessor’s eight years, and two who won after the other party controlled the White House for one or two terms. 5 Governors. Two Senators. One General. One …other.
So, sitting VP is actually a rarer shot than Senator, probably because after 8 years, there’s enough ‘time for a change’ sentiment to act as a drag.
@Suzanne: I’m a Louie Gohmert man, myself.
TS (the original)
@mrmoshpotato: After – the Reagan administration was probably when I realised they were 100% for power and money. The economics of the world was ruined by Reagan & Thatcher.
The fact that truth is irrelevant when power is involved came with Bush II.
I’m obviously a slow learner.
Ben Sasse with 50% less corn tassling.
Imagining this being said with the zeal of “I’m a Dapper Dan man!”
Here is where I show my ignorance of legislative procedure, but if the Senate votes for Aid-Plus-230-Poison-Pill, don’t both houses of Congress have to reconcile that with the House bill? And can’t they at that point get rid of the poison pill?
Ted Cruz speaks their language. And no one, I mean NO ONE will ever out-pander Ted Cruz. Just like George Wallace famously said after his first defeat for governor: “I was out-ni**red, and I will never be out-ni**red again.” Ted Cruz will never be out-pandered again.
Plus, they don’t care about the flop sweat and smarminess. Because they are used to it.
@trollhattan: So is Rubio Fop?
@mali muso: Opinions vary. For me, it would be Raphael Warnock because Stacey Abrams keeps asking for money for him specifically. They are really targeting him with racist ads full of lies, and that’s a lot to combat.
The other place i might think about is America Votes – Georgia, which splits between a bunch of different smaller organizing groups that are active in Georgia. Asian-American votes were up 3-4% in 2020, I’m sure because one of those groups, etc.
But you have choices!
Balloon Juice for Fair Fight
Jon Ossoff YES, this includes the 2018 race and everything since.
Raphael Warnock, Georgia Senate Runoff! (starting at 27,997, hoping DougJ can do a new BJ thermometer for the runoff)
America Votes – Georgia
If you donate to America Votes – Georgia, they are making sure they get distributed directly as needed to groups that are having the biggest impact on the ground.
Organizations include:
Nothing would please me more than watching Nancy Pelosi out flank Mitch McConnell. It would be magnum of champagne level giddiness at this point.
Slightly OT but just saw this Meidas Touch bit about wear your damn mask, had to watch it twice more for the hilarity.
Back to my desk. Speaking of magnums of champagne, is it Jan. 20 yet?
Major Major Major Major
@CaseyL: I mean, they can try, but I doubt a conference committee would even get formed. Hmm, there’s one possible way to square the circle.
Edmund Dantes
Still think Cheney spawn tries to be the Jeb Bush lodestone for 2024
@Major Major Major Major: ???
Yes, but after a bill is reconciled, the bill goes back up for re-vote in each chamber before it is finally passed, so if they reconcile the bill past what the GOP Senate or Dem House will accept it won’t pass. The managers in the reconciliation committee should know this which is they aren’t likely to reconcile a bill past what their chamber will accept.
@mali muso: Me too. I gave yesterday to Nancy SMASH’s PAC, bc they had a 3x match for Georgia, but Fair Fight is awesome, and I think everyone should watch this Patti Austin “Georgia Ur Votin 4ME2”
song that Meidas Touch has out. They got a cash infusion from Project Lincoln, ad guys from across the aisle, for canvassing.
The song is amazing.
Matt McIrvin
@Yutsano: I remember when Mike Huckabee was supposed to be the economic populist conservative. He seems to have degenerated into some sort of reactionary standup comic.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: letting the bill die during the process of reconciling the two versions. Would rather not set the precedent though.
Oh please, oh please, oh please.
Evidently, the Manhattan DA is digging bigly into Donny’s shell companies.
Seems to sport the Fop look, doesn’t he?
zhena gogolia
Wow, that song is great. Her diction is so beautiful.
ETA: I have to add, I’ve never heard her before! But I saw this quotation on Wikipedia, and it so confirms what I was thinking. She was putting those lyrics across like Judy.
Matt McIrvin
@dmsilev: Though all of those Vice-Presidents had also been in either the House, the Senate, or both at some point. It seems like having House of Representatives experience is enough to make VP but not President on its own.
Sm*t Cl*de
Who are Graceless, Aimless, and Pointless?
Bill Arnold
@dr. bloor:
They have no exclusive right to define themselves, and members of the press/pundits don’t have exclusive rights either. We have four years to define them, spin dominant negative narratives about them, etc.
Trump got a pass because people were afraid of being sued for damaging his brand. Never again.
@Yutsano: Not really. Hawley is an appetite dressed as a human. He is perfectly aware that he can say anything he wants with no consequences. He doesn’t mean any of it.
Alison Rose
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah, one of my favorite things about her is how she so clearly does not give a single fuck for what Republicans think about her, whether politicians or their rabid base. They’ve tried for decades to, I don’t know, make her cry or something, and she’s so totally unbothered by it. I love it.
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
I saw someone claiming that 230 protections are written into the USMCA, so Canada and Mexico could successfully sue us if we repealed them. I don’t think it would actually work that way, but I could imagine someone believing it would.
@Suzanne: You have no idea how obnoxious Hawley can be. He’s my junior senator. I think he’s really dangerous.
Chetan Murthy
That’s right. Hawley is the guy who simultaneously tried to argue that he was for maintaining protections for those with pre-existing conditions, while his state was joining the suit to remove them. Man doesn’t have a shred of a conscience, not a shred of shame. He’s just a raging appetite for a balcony from which to harangue a mob.
@Suzanne: Cotton’s mean as all hell.
@Chetan Murthy:
His hypocrisy was even more rank than that.
Mike in NC
Jennifer Rubin’s column today is entitled “Nikki Haley’s mind-numbing inanity”, so she’s not very impressed with her future in the GOP. I recall Nikki as being an absolutely terrible governor of SC, so who knows?
Bill Arnold
@Brendan in NC:
Rose Twitter, in aggregate, helps elect Republicans. It’s what they do, so it is also what they are – ProFa Republicans. Or external hostile (well pro-Republican) influence agents. Or both.
Wilmer is DOOOOOOOMED!!!
The brows have been furled!
Chetan Murthy
Thank you for that. I had forgotten that grisly detail, which, yeah, it makes all the worse.
Bill Arnold
@John Revolta:
Yep, they’re both worth continuous opposition research, and legal troubles/investigations where appropriate. Neither of them are clean.
mali muso
@WaterGirl: thanks as always for the BJ thermometers! I dropped some in the America Votes bucket.
Uncle Cosmo
@Baud: It’s the Crapture that’s overdue. When all the evilangelicals get lifted up bodily & dropped face-down into the nearest full septic tank.
@Uncle Cosmo: Wait, I thought the last four years were the Crapture.
We, ( a work group) got word today that our sponsorship of Samayah’s family is a go.
Lot’s of work to do, but with any luck they will leave the refugee camp in Turkey, in early March.
That’s what I was referring to.
Bill Arnold
@Major Major Major Major:
Section 230 repeal is not a minor thing. It means shutdown or neutering (through slow and gating comment moderation systems), of most online free speech, including non-political on-line venues, but especially political on-line venues, which is the very probably the intent for many advocates.
Section 230 is Good, Actually (Jason Kelley, December 3, 2020)
(Interesting bit in that piece about personal liability for the content of forwarded emails being protected by Section 230, for those with relatives who forward emails.)
@Sm*t Cl*de: Let us know. :)
Roger Moore
@Mike in NC:
I don’t know. Mind numbing inanity seems like it fits very well with the Republican brand.
Senators and governors both have state-wide constituencies so they know how to run bigger elections, especially if they are from larger states. Congressional races are usually much lowere key and less competitive.
Major Major Major Major
@Bill Arnold: I’m well aware!
@Bill Arnold:
and Section 230 is in the USMCA, (NAFTA II).
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
@Suzanne: It’s going to be a TV/media personality. Some people are saying it will be Tucker Carlson. I have only ever watched a few seconds of him and I believe they may have it right.
zhena gogolia
@Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!): He lost Dancing with the Stars on the first round.
@Mike in NC:
Kathleen Parker was openly opining that Nikki Haley would be our first woman president (May 2019) then, after Haley published her book embracing everything Trump, had to run a “never mind” column retracting that thought (November 2019). Haley is grimly opportunistic and quite awful.
@WaterGirl: It should be sarcasm, as the ads about Sanders – leader of the Democratic secretly SOCIALIST party – is trying to defund the military during dangerous times and therefore you do not want to vote Ossof & Warnock so we have a balanced government. Because that’s what it will be spun as
@CaseyL: If they add a poison pill section, then pass it, it does go to the House. If the Speaker deems it not important enough to tussle over, they can do a deem and pass – it’s fine, let’s just consider it done so we can go home. If it is too toxic, they can renegotiate the whole damned thing again. This is why Schumer asked for a unanimous consent, so it could just be passed without addendums.
Chetan Murthy
Take heart: Nimrata Randhawa Haley is no Kamala Devi Harris. By which I mean *only* that the latter is a Democrat and the former is a member of the KKKonfederate KKKonservative KKKlan. Ain’t no way her primary competitors are gonna ignore that obvious (to them, not to us Dems) hot-button issue. One of her rivals will run attack ads, and then they’ll all pile on. She’ll be mincemeat. I fully expect attack ads calling her a “Muzzie” [ugh] and worse.
@Suzanne: Tucker Carlson. Rich, entitled and stupid and a TV star.
@Jay: yay! Good for you for doing this.
@Suzanne: Tucker Carlson. Rich, entitled and stupid and a TV star.
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
@zhena gogolia: Is that good news or bad? He’s got one of the top rated shows now.
Nikki Haley’s parents are practicing Sikhs and immigrants from India. That won’t fly in today’s Republican party.
@mali muso: You are very welcome!
I hadn’t seen this, but apparently Loeffler and Perdue have endorsed the $2000 check House legislation. That means that with VP Dense (who I assume wouldn’t dare to vote against Dump), there exists a majority in the Senate for the legislation. Maybe not 60 votes, but if it was brought to the floor, most of the Republican caucus would have to vote against cloture, and against President Dump, to prevent it from passing.
I think I’m with Bernie on this one – keep this shit in the news
ETA: I forgot that Hawley, at least, has endorsed it as well. So there are at least 51 votes for it.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: I got rid of most of my Twitter follows who approvingly retweet terrible Rose Twitter hot takes, but I’ve still got some who contemptuously hate-screenshot terrible Rose Twitter hot takes, so they’re hard to get away from.
Meanwhile, the plan is revealed /s this is going around RWNJ FB
Mary G
@Jay: Excellent news!
Sorry if this was discussed earlier, but this dude gotta go:
Considering her taste in Christmas decoration, he might even have a point. Plus he probably can’t afford it.
The vote is to override President Dump’s veto. This wouldn’t be happening if not for Dump’s bizarre tantrum. The override will happen, just later than previously expected. I’m not a fan of Sanders, but I think that sometimes we need people on our side who will be the jerk in that clubbiest of clubs, and now seems like a decent time. McConnell is very clearly blocking a bi-partisan majority in the Senate and going against his own Preznit.
I think that’s a stronger message than whatever spin they can come up with.
Chetan Murthy
@Mary G: Is it petty of me to delight in every report of marital strife from that quarter? Every bit of pain each can inflict on the other, they each deserve.
@Chetan Murthy: It may not be “right”, but it’s a well-earned reaction. And I assure you you’re not alone…
Mike in NC
@Chetan Murthy: The WaPo comments in response to Rubin’s piece stress that the GOP is the party of old white men and that isn’t about to change in the next 30 years.
@John Revolta: Sherrod Brown says he’s joining Sanders so I would not be so negative about the Sanders plan. It might actually work. We’ll see.
wow, that a really big slop bucket of crazy.
@Jay: It’s been floating around for more than a week. Insane, of course, and it is not getting any more sane as January 6 approaches.
Mary G
@Chetan Murthy: Nope, I love it too. They deserve each other. I don’t even feel bad for the club manager who got screamed at; he knows what comes with his paycheck.
Here’s a great rant:
Almost as good as Cole’s.
@Mary G:
I posted that in an earlier thread but it deserves another mention. The article made me laugh, with the sources seeming to delight in his whining and complaining—then sharing the gossip with CNN reporters.
The thing that really struck me was the fact that Melania was redecorating their home and Camp David and he is shocked and repulsed when he walks into both residences for the first time.
Poor Donny and Mel, do they not talk anymore?
Chetan Murthy
@Mary G:
Wait, you mean John makes videos, too? I’ve never seen any! From his writing alone, that’d be *lit*!
Central Planning
@VeniceRiley: Wow. Just… wow.
@VeniceRiley: just batshit insane.
@Mary G:
Samayah was our friend, coworker, and the first in our store to die from Covid.
He was young, should have had a long life, should have been able to bring his surviving family home to here.
It’s something we can do, in remembrance.
@Scout211: Is this revenge on Melania’s part?
@lamh36: Close family friend works in a large SoCal hospital — the other day they commandeered the pediatric unit for Covid patients. Now seriously ill kids get sent to a larger center elsewhere in the state that still has pediatric unit space or out of state.
One of my batshit crazy over 70yrs HALF sisters in Ohio (I have 3 of those!) shared that, BTW. From some other random that apparently copy/paste public shared some missive elsewhere, and FB’s demonic secret sauce served it up to her to share.
@WaterGirl: The inference that both of them are unhappy about something gets it done for me.
If you mean Melania getting revenge by being the source for the CNN story?
Then yes, likely.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
If robots can dance, then how far away are we from robots who pitch and play for the NY Yankees?
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
It’s a clash of aesthetic sensibilities. Melania’s sensibility is “two-star hotel lobby”; Donald’s is “Liberace + +”.
In the first place, why is she decorating a post-presidential home at Mar-a-Lago? I thought the deal was they can’t stay there more than a week in a row, or 21 days all year.
@Scout211: She is the typical wife whose husband tells her to go ahead and choose what she likes and it will be fine, only to loudly hate the end result. Except I have absolutely no sympathy for either of them.
@VeniceRiley: Dear lord.
These people need professional help. Seriously — like meds and intensive talk therapy. Perhaps in a quiet, institutional setting of some kind. I really can’t summon any other reaction at this point.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Amir Khalid: The Third Lady wore thigh high hooker boots last Wednesday.
She’s more no-tell motel material.
@VeniceRiley: This was my favorite part
Otherwise it makes trump’s tweets look sane.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
making Robots dance is part of Robotganda,
making them seem more human, less threatening,
so they can take your job.
@VeniceRiley: Has she always been this delusional? Is there some sort of financial gain in her parading her mental illness for gawd and all to see?
One of the victims in the Rockford IL bowling alley shooting.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Cum’ on,
she got into the US on an Epstien Visa.
Another Scott
(Points to a Guardian piece on Russia’s death toll from COVID-19 being 3x the official number.)
@Amir Khalid: I’m sure his reaction is: “Well, let’s see who has deeper pockets or bigger litigation balls — me or the city of Palm Beach?” He’ll do what he wants and tell the neighbors to go fuck themselves. Like he’s always done. Plus, do city council members really want to get death threats from his lunatic followers the rest of their careers?
They’ll come to an “amicable agreement” sometime around Jan. 20.
yes, there is grift there.
Bill Arnold
I’m confused. Is they talking about a
Zombie Kraken Supercomputer?
Amir Khalid
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Her dress sense is no-tell motel; her aesthetic sensibility as a decorator is as I describe it.
Chetan Murthy
@Bill Arnold: What confuses me is that these are *votes* we’re talking about. You don’t need a supercomputer: any ol’ Raspberry Pi has enough memory to process ’em. I mean … WTF do you need to do with them, that you need a supercomputer for?
The only possibility that comes to mind is signature matching. But those don’t get loaded into computers, I’d bet.
Ah, yes, the Storm. As every break event happens, like the SCOTUS rejection and the electors voting, more Republicans accept that it’s over. These people are desperate for That One Weird Trick that will keep them from having lost, so for a lot of them the issue is when they run out of That One Weird Tricks. There are three left that I’m aware of. Congress/Pence overturning the election on the 6th. Trump declaring martial law. Biden taking power, only to find that it’s a trap and the military (loyal to Trump) takes over everything and arrests him. That last one seems to have a shelf life of a week or two after the election.
My best guess is that almost no one will go for that last one. It will be interesting seeing how many turn on Trump when he doesn’t declare martial law. So far, their pattern has been that they’re convinced their crazy tricks are real, so whenever a public figure doesn’t perform one, that person is a traitor.
@Amir Khalid:
As anyone who has been in an abusive relationship knows, Trump is in a bad mood, so he took it out on her. Whether the decorations were the kind of things he likes is irrelevant. They were an easy target for him to vent his anger at someone.
Digging up dead Seth Rich over the objections of his family, and after Fox had to settle a suit? That’s what did it for me. I hope they sue Candace Owens personally.
Dr. Scott ‘only old people die of COVID, so the rest of us should just take the hit’ Atlas could not be reached for comment.
Chetan Murthy
@dmsilev: I feel sadly for his wife and kids. For him? They say “de mortuis nil nisi bonum”. So “good”. Wishing pink foaming death on GrOPer electeds is self-defense in this time of pandemic.
Mary G
White guy only 41 years old:
Will it cause any covidiot to wake up? Doubtful.
ETA: Oops. dmsilev beat me.
‘We deliberately started out with lawyers who didn’t know what they were doing just to lull people into a false sense of security.’
@Mary G: Lol. Melania clearly fancies herself a style maven and her tastes run towards a kind of ultra-modern/geometric minimalism, in contrast to her husband’s preference for a “tacky, late-period Saddam Hussein” look in residential space. She redecorated Camp David? The quintessential “rustic” presidential getaway? “Ya. I haff replaced ze vooden chairss and ze qwilts with aluminum feeturs and ze porch iz now infinity pool for ze lounging in bikini.”
Bill Arnold
@Chetan Murthy:@Bill Arnold:
Also, nobody names reuses the name of a old supercomputer for a new supercomputer. This is not done.
No real evidence of computerized vote rigging has been put forward in the various legal challenges.
In particular, the machines where a touch screen is used to create a human-readable ballot that can be inspected by the voter should be fine as long as maybe 10-20 percent or more voters eyeball their ballot.
Matt McIrvin
It’s been interesting to see “The Kraken” mutate: for Sidney Powell it was a lawsuit, then I heard it was secretly the name of a military unit that was going to carry out the coup for Trump, now they’ve decided it refers to a supercomputer…
Bill Arnold
He can be reached on twitter:
To This One Weird Trick type thinkers, this makes sense. Doing things the normal way doesn’t work. Failing as fast as you can to get through all the preliminaries, and saving your good evidence for the final authority sounds right if you see the world in those terms.
Matt McIrvin
@Frankensteinbeck: After a while you end up with a remnant who are like the cultists who are forever reinterpreting the date of the apocalypse to explain why it didn’t happen.
Some of these people will never abandon the idea that the government of the United States will be overthrown for the true Trump regime. I’m sure that even after Trump is long dead they’ll have their Lost Cause mythologies and pretenders to the throne, just like neo-Confederates or the loyalists of overthrown royal dynasties.
@Matt McIrvin: These idiotic, asshole traitors.
It’s possible Candace is the Crack Hen.
@Matt McIrvin:
True, but I think it will be a tiny remnant who will not vote. They’ll just gather online and swap bizarre prophecies.
EDIT – @Matt McIrvin:
From what I’ve seen, this is not quite right. There’s already a name for the supercomputer in their conspiracy theory. I forget what it is. They’re just calling it Kracken now because it was featured in the Kracken lawsuits, that’s all.
Amir Khalid
@Matt McIrvin:
I always thought The Kraken was a reference to one of those old B-movies based on Greek legends.
Chetan Murthy
@Amir Khalid: Release the Kraken!
@Amir Khalid: Dammit. Now I must know the history of the Kraken!
Matt McIrvin
@Amir Khalid: There was a Kraken in Clash of the Titans, but I figure the proximate reference is the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie, most likely, because lots of releasing of the Kraken happens there.
@mrmoshpotato: The ending of the tale is sad. The Kraken ends up battered, deep-fried, and served with a zesty marinara dipping sauce in Rhode Island.
@Matt McIrvin: In what movie do they release a bunch of traitorous motherfucking shitstains who lose scores of court cases while trying to overthrow the duly elected incoming US president?
@dmsilev: Yummo!
ETA – I’m all for deep-frying these traitorous motherfuckers. Just because it’s technically possible.
Matt McIrvin
@mrmoshpotato: Sounds like a zero-budget Larry Buchanan remake of Seven Days in May.
Chetan Murthy
@Matt McIrvin: I think the meme/joke goes back to whem Liam Neeson was in Clash of the Titans. Whenever that was. I mean, I didn’t watch it, I only know the joke from its countless retellings.
Just read that a Trump veto has never been overridden before now. Are we certain he will abide by the override and allow (“allow”) the bill to go into effect? Or could he write a signing statement saying he’s ignoring the whole thing? Petulence and cry-babyism and all that….
Bill Arnold
@Matt McIrvin:
It’s almost as if some [actor] is manipulating right-wing conspiracy spaces for their own agenda/amusement purposes. :-)
Matt McIrvin
@Chetan Murthy: That remake was from 2010, only a few years before the Pirates movie–they were closer than I thought!
Chetan Murthy
@Matt McIrvin: Well, I didn’t know dates on either. I only knew that Neeson got some serious ribbing on talk shows about that scene.
@Matt McIrvin: I was thinking 50+ scenes of these idiots yelling “Release the Kraken!” in the courtrooms where they lost and judge after judge shouting at them, “Get the fuck out of my courtroom, you idiots!”
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
@VeniceRiley: Thankfully I can sum up this blather in two emoji:
You all may, in the interest of hygiene, want to add this: ?, the material this should be written on.
Bill Arnold
Pretty much. The Real Kraken is the massive disinformation campaign by Republican traitors, no doubt with the support of malicious foreign actors, alleging massive anti-Republican vote rigging[1]. It will live on for decades, continuously causing damage the the United States of America. The perpetrators and enablers of this disinformation campaign should not be allowed to continue their lives unpunished.
In my protected-speech political opinion, of course. :-)
[1] All accusations by Republicans are confessions.
Speaking of getting laughed out of court…
“We’re overriding your stupid veto, you Putin-humping shitpile.”
“WAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Hoax! Unbigly! Total loser! Rigged! Daddy Vladdy!!!!”
Matt McIrvin
@Bill Arnold: the real Kraken was the enemies we made along the way!
@Bill Arnold: Slap them with their own skeletons. (Not sure Ghouliani still has one.)
@Chetan Murthy: Gah! not the horrible 2010 remake! The original 1981 is — ok, not great, but fun example of Ray Harryhausen’s work.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mary G: they let these jumped-up new money trash redecorate Camp David?
Sounds like MaraLoco is going to turn out to be one more trump super-spreader
“fabled”? nobody’d heard of it until four years ago
@Matt McIrvin:
It’s only an enemy if you overserve yourself. :)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Typo.
The stabled Mar-a-Lago black-tie New Year’s Eve party
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I would have a very hard time feeling sorry for anyone who caught COVID as a guest at that party.
I think Pompeo. He is fat and authoritarian.
Do you think that the GOP will take COVID seriously now that they lost a freshman? Man, that shit is crazy.
This is a great ending. I love seafood.
@Suzanne: No. “It’s not me, so it doesn’t matter.”
@Another Scott: Superb!
You forgot the sarcasm tag! ?
Chetan Murthy
Once enough of them sicken and die of it, the survivors will take it seriously. If that means they all must sicken and die, so still it must be said “the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether” [with apologies to A. Lincoln]
@mrmoshpotato: NBC News threw some great shade. Under a header reading “Operation Warp Speed”, the headline reads “Vaccinating American To Take 10 Years At Current Pace”.
I’m needing something to turn around here soon. Can we kick things up a notch? Add some garlic? Cayenne pepper? Harissa? BAM.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: There was a cute short story by a sci-fi writer that was about a major league team called the Superbas that had robot pitchers. I don’t remember who wrote it, might have been Bradbury.
The implication was that the Superbas were the Dodgers, since at that time they had both Drysdale and Koufax.
@Suzanne: Spicy vaccines?
@Bill Arnold:
What he has done in Florida with COVID… Investigate him?
@Suzanne: I saw someone, probably on Twitter, refer to the vaccination effort as ‘Operation Impulse Drive.’ Too much Star Trek…
eddie blake
pretty sure it’s also the LAST example of harryhausen’s work.
Thank you for your unsourced Internet bullshit. This lengthy quote, verbatim, is all over Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and the usual RWNJ sites, but nowhere can I find any link to Candace Owens actually saying this (reprehensible though she may be).
Even “Silent Majority For President Trump” on Facebook, for one, wrote: “Sorry this was a copy and paste from friend on Twitter. I removed Candace Owen’s name as I can’t find where she said this myself.”
But now we can look forward to endless future comments on Balloon Juice about “Remember when Candace Owens said . . .” or “I read somewhere that Candace Owens said . . .,” etc.
What possible contribution do you think you have made to the “discourse” with this, here or anywhere else? “QAnon nuts are crazy”? Whoa, stop the presses.
@Matt McIrvin: You are all far too late on this timeline. The Kraken has been around for a long time, but appeared in Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. 1954: James Mason has to fight it topside in a raging storm.
there’s also a page on the older history of the Kraken in Wikipedia, look it up yourself.
Chetan Murthy
@Kattails: Well, sure, but I think the discussion wasn’t about the Kraken per se, but about “release the Kraken”.
Bill Arnold
The Kraken part is one item in one of the theories that were almost immediately circulating about the Nashville explosion. I recall seeing an explicit mention of the Tennessee supercomputer (if it was the Tennessee Kraken, it was decommissioned 2014 in real reality!) in a response to a Lin Wood tweet. Didn’t seem to be a bot account.
Fact check: Debunking conspiracy links between Nashville explosion, Dominion and AT&T (December 29, 2020, Reuters Staff)
Which is similarly insane. First, a typical gamer machine has more computing power than a supercomputer of a few decades ago. Second, none of these theories have bothered to explain how exactly one would use a supercomputer to rig an election in a way that couldn’t be done with a cheap laptop computer with a good network connection. Third, the voting machines are pretty hard to rig; most states have done away with machines without at recountable paper. (I have a friend who does contracted device audits (he focuses on the hardware) for voting machines (and similar secure devices) and he’s pretty confident in the ones he’s looked at, and he is competent.) Risk-limiting audits to audit machines that count paper ballots are also done.
I’d still like an explanation for why polling was did not match the reported state results in many battleground states (but not others, e.g. neighboring Minnesota) and was always overpredicted the Democratic votes. But so far there’s no public evidence of Republican fraud to explain this. And no public evidence of Democratic fraud either.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Bill Arnold:
I wasn’t debating the facts; the whole post is a blender load of conspiracy bullshit. I just thought it was an extra layer of bullshit to attribute it to right-wing hobgoblin Candace Owens with no link. She has enough to answer for in reality. And it gives the bullshit a veneer of veracity: “this specific person said it.”
Captain C
@Matt McIrvin: I don’t know what they’re going to think when the Seattle hockey team starts playing in a year or two.
Captain C
@opiejeanne: Also, the Dodgers were called the Superbas at some point in their early history.
@Captain C: Yes, I knew that about the Dodgers. It’s why I was pretty sure that the story was aimed at them, because of their pitching staff.
@Captain C: Our kids gave mr opiejeanne some Kraken socks for Christmas. The colors on the socks are about the same as the Seahawks and at first we both thought that was the team being celebrated.
Chris T.
Minor and late, but this particular spelling error grates: it’s saboteur (sabo-, not saba-) as it refers to sabot, French for (wooden) shoe. Our military folks will also recognize “sabot” as the shoe/boot around certain kinds of artillery. However, according to this blog post and other references, it has nothing to do with tossing actual wooden shoes into machinery.
Uncle Cosmo
@Mary G: Before I saw this, I didn’t know hat-rated tinfoil had an expiration date!
@Suzanne: Mmm, mega-kalimari!!
Matt McIrvin
@Kattails: Of course, but pop-culture references have short memories; I was assuming it was something relatively recent.
The original Clash of the Titans from the 80s was based on the Andromeda myth, and the monster in the story was supposed to be Cetus (like the constellation), but the movie called it a Kraken even though that was a name from Norse mythology, probably because it was cooler. Then again, it also imported a character from Shakespeare!
Matt McIrvin
@Bill Arnold:
This is people getting their ideas of what computers can do from movies and TV shows, in which a sufficiently powerful computer basically has magic powers, particularly to affect electrical devices.
@Nicole: My BIL, right winger military, hates her…that’s good enough for me lol…Go Nancy Smash!
J R in WV
Shouldn’t you have a //s at the end of that sentence?
Or are you serious?
J R in WV
This is the greatest assemblage of crazed ranting that’s totally incorrect in every way I have ever seen. Incoherent, inaccurate, irrational, and completely just nuts.
Thanks for sharing.