On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
A few Christmas memories. Thanks to Steve from Mendocino for editing.
My son lived outside the US for several years after college, so to have him come home for Christmas, on a snowy train no less, was a great occasion.
This is an ornament my mom saved from my childhood, so it’s probably close to seventy years old. She died in April at the age of 96, and we haven’t been able to gather from our various locations around the country because of COVID. So she’s on my mind in a special way this Christmas.
This was taken toward the end of a Black Lives Matter march that started at Tufts and went all the way to the Mass. Ave. bridge before heading back toward Harvard Square, with several die-ins along the way. The march was held to protest the lack of indictments in the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
My daughter, taking a break from shoveling snow during a blizzard. I went to the window to take a picture and caught the phantom Christmas tree as an unexpected bonus.
Poles wrapped with Christmas lights shining on new snow. Let it stand for a path to better tomorrows for all of us.
Cool memories and the last pic is sweet. Thx for sharing
TS (the original)
Love the train, thanks for the stories.
Pretty nice for a phantom tree!
love these.
Love the train pic and the last one, a bit mysterious. They’re all very “immediate”, give a wonderful feel for the moment. Thanks for posting.
Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos and even more beautiful memories.
This has been such a long, painful year for so many, and it has been a quiet joy to share in the holiday photos that have been posted.
Lovely photos; love the snowy wreath on the locomotive. Thanks for sharing.
@KSinMA: Thread is probably dead, but if you see this — yes, I love the wreath too. The occasion was indeed very special, but the picture itself wouldn’t have stuck in my memory so clearly without the snowy wreath.