— Casey Michel ?? (@cjcmichel) January 1, 2021
… which was one part of the NDAA. The GOP now considers its lame duck a dead duck. Per the Washington Post:
… The 81-13 vote in the Senate came just days after the House also voted in overwhelming numbers to back the legislation, despite Trump’s repeated protests. It takes two-thirds of each chamber to override a presidential veto.
The strong bipartisan majorities supporting the defense bill in both chambers represent a significant rebuke of the president, as it contains several repudiations of his policies as commander in chief.
The bill contains new restrictions on how much of the military’s construction budget the president may move by emergency order — a direct response to Trump’s efforts to divert billions of the Pentagon’s dollars toward the border wall. It also limits the president’s ability to draw down troop levels in Germany, South Korea and Afghanistan — a move Trump had planned over the objections of members of his own party…
The president didn’t immediately comment on Friday’s override of his veto, tweeting instead to remind his supporters about an upcoming rally in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, to coincide with Congress’ planned certification of the 2020 electoral college results. Supporters of the president in the House and Senate have pledged to object to the results, ensuring a drawn-out process that will ultimately have no effect on the outcome…
The Senate votes 81-13 to override President Trump's veto of a major defense policy bill. It is the first veto override of his term.
The President could have quietly signed this bipartisan bill 3 weeks ago. Instead, his veto earned him a clear Congressional rebuke.
— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) January 1, 2021
That 30 hours turned into 30 seconds, the veto override vote is happening NOW.
— Senate Press Gallery (@SenatePress) January 1, 2021
cotton votes to defund the military
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) January 1, 2021
As did Tom Cotton, of course.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) January 1, 2021
Booker (D-NJ)
Braun (R-IN)
Cotton (R-AR)
Cruz (R-TX)
Hawley (R-MO)
Kennedy (R-LA)
Lee (R-UT)
Markey (D-MA)
Merkley (D-OR)
Paul (R)
Sanders (I)
Warren (D-MA)
Wyden (D-OR)NV:
Cotton (R)
Cruz (R)
Gardner (R-CO)
Graham (R-SC)
Jones (D-AL)
Loeffler (R)
Perdue (R-GA)
Sasse (R-NE)— Samesam (@AkaSamEsam) January 1, 2021
Can someone explain what Warren and Sanders were doing?
John Revolta
This is a big fucking deal.
Also, what’s with Booker, Bernie and Warren?
Also too, I wonder if this had anything to do with the big push to get Brexit done? The EU has been cracking down on this stuff too lately.
zhena gogolia
@John Revolta:
I was going to ask the same question!
mali muso
Count me in as one waiting to hear the 11-dimensional chess moves that involved any Dems voting against.
One tweet says Cotton didn’t vote and another says be voted no.
Cheryl Rofer
I’m guessing that Booker, Markey, Merkeley, Sanders, Warren, and Wyden voted in protest of the size of the DoD expenditures
ETA: This was primarily the National Defense Authorization Act. The measure against anonymous shell companies was tacked onto it. There were enough votes so that these senators, who usually disapprove of large defense expenditures, could make their point by voting against it.
And that’s notable: bipartisan support.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Both my Senators (Merkley, Wyden) voted against it too. I assume they want less military spending, especially in this time of domestic emergency, and are expressing this view with this vote.
zhena gogolia
@zhena gogolia:
All I can find is an article calling Booker “far left,” so that doesn’t help.
Cotton voted no and also not voted?
John Revolta
@zhena gogolia: My first thought was, esp. regarding Bernie, maybe it “doesn’t go far enough!!” But, I suppose we’ll find out in due time.
Anne Laurie
My senators, Warren & Markey, announced they would vote pro forma against, because there’s better things to spend our joint funds on than more military hardware.
Markey, at least, made it clear in advance that he wouldn’t have cast his protest vote if there was any chance it would actually derail the veto — this ain’t his first time at the rodeo.
Assume the other Dem dissenters have similar stories, but that’s up to them to explain.
This is the NDAA, which also has the renaming of military bases I believe.
J R in WV
I would assume [yes, I know what assume means, it makes an Ass of U and me] that Cotton voted very late and out of order, so that he would up on the Not Voting list early, and then voted No late in the game. Same for Rafael Eduardo Cruz…?
patrick II
Cotton really hated this bill. He also stomped his feet.
@patrick II:
Wah, wah, wah.
John Revolta
I guess Bold Ben Sasse was Concerned About Something.
What do you think of Nancy’s New Rules?
What I read looked good. I liked to new Hastert rule.
He better not be.
@Jay: Yeah, hell no to that.
Bill Arnold
@John Revolta:
Many people are wondering about that. A common narrative leading up to the present Brexit was that it was in large part about turning the UK into an island money laundering haven, with nuclear weapons to keep that laundered money safe.
J R in WV
Isn’t it the Hatch Act that forbids federal employees from working on political campaigns? Didn’t this guy break that law?
Can a lawbreaker be qualified to work for a Law Enforcement Organization?
How can you work for the Secret Service training school from jail? Perhaps he should be
in charge ofparticipating in counterfeit investigations in Montana? Or Alaska?SO Many Questions!!!
What about the Hastert rule?
No felons on the floor.
@J R in WV: If he quit, then he wasn’t working for the government. So I don’t believe the Hatch Act applies.
But they sure as hell shouldn’t take him back, and they sure as hell shouldn’t allow him to be training agents.
Asked and answered.
I don’t think the fact that Perdue or Loeffler didn’t vote on this will impact the race in any way. I’m pretty sure Georgia is used to them not doing any work for them anyway.
Also, consequences for leaking names of whistleblowers.
@Baud: I didn’t ask my questions well. I understand what the words mean, but I don’t understand the implications.
So they can still be in the House but they can’t be on the floor of the House? So they don’t get to participate in voting, unless voting is remote? No committees? Not part of the caucus?
@J R in WV:
he took leave from the Secret Service to work for the campaign.
that’s legal.
going back to a training position, is an example of how the Reichwing has managed to infiltrate US LEO’s and the Military.
and will continue to do so.
Michael Cain
The shell company thing is interesting. The Trump Organization is >500 interlocking LLCs, most of which are shell companies. More recently, the family appears to have set up one or more layers of shell companies to handle diversion of political contributions into their own pockets.
Bill Arnold
Did people see Lin Wood’s rant thread today (some links removed to reduce link count)? Giuliani must be feeling … sane. (He is not sane, but Wood and Powell have been out-performing him.)
@Jay: He can’t be fired for taking leave to volunteer on a political campaign. That’s a lawsuit the Biden administration will lose easily as a political prosecution. But it doesn’t mean the new head of the Secret Service or Department of Homeland security won’t be indirectly breathing down his neck. If there are reflections in the training that crop up that can call into question how he trains agents then yes he deserves scrutiny. But the last thing this government needs is to punish people in the federal government for having political opinions. That way makes Biden no better than Dolt45.
@Bill Arnold: Lin Wood appears to be the sort of individual that 72 hour holds for psychological evaluation were created for.
I am hoping Fort Bragg will be renamed Fort Ridgeway.
Bill Arnold
It’s more about the safety of Biden and Harris. There is open talk on the right of political assassinations of figures both on the right and the left. Do we really have confidence that a Trump political operative (“advisor”) with intimate knowledge of how the Secret Service blocks assassinations is to be trusted to be involved in training[1] Secret Service people? I suppose their is no choice, but I’d be worried about e.g. multiple closed door discussions with trainees. The rallies he organized demonstrated a lack of concern for human life.
[1] “Ornato will be leaving the White House and is slated to return to the Secret Service to become the assistant director overseeing the agency’s Rowley Training Center,” (WaPo)
@Bill Arnold:
He may be feeling more heat than usual. He’s blocking lots of people. It’s almost like a badge of honor.
randy khan
@Bill Arnold:
Wood seems to think that if Pence is in jail, Pompeo presides over the joint session of Congress on the 6th, which is . . . not true. It would be the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, who currently is Chuck Grassley (and presumably also will be on the 6th, as it’s unlikely he will be replaced).
I don’t actually have the slightest idea what makes Lin think it would be Pompeo. Even if the order of succession applied (which it would not because a VP’s status not affected by whether he’s in jail awaiting trial – Pence would still be VP unless he resigned or was impeached and convicted), he’s after both Pelosi and Grassley.
That’s the charitable interpretation.
The somewhat less charitable interpretation is that they want to keep traitors’ names on the military bases.
The least charitable (but possibly most accurate) interpretation is that in two years, we’ll find that both of them are involved in shell companies that have been illegally transferring money.
I vote for Ft. Hey Man, Got any Doritos?
From reading Wood’s tweets, I’m guessing an undiagnosed but self-medicated psychotic disorder.
@Geminid: I rather like the idea of choosing, for each base, a decorated war hero who trained or served at that base.
Bill Arnold
I’ve just picked at his sanity a bit. :-) No insults.
A Good Woman
@Baud: According to the Senate Roll call, Cotton voted NO.
Senate Roll Call – NDAA Veto Override
it’s one thing to “have a political opinion”, and another thing to be a Reichwing Trumpist.
In theory, Nazis should not be allowed in any aspects of Security.
In reality, they are welcomed with open arms, and their views are embraced.
@Ken: What sort of evidence do you have for, what charitably can be considered, an insane conclusion?
Broken Shells. Sand shards. Off shore sand shards.
New rule may discourage pirates and traders.
The bums have been beach barbarians much too long.
@Jay: That makes me want to throw up.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
You’re a charitable interpretation.
zhena gogolia
Me too. I signed a letter from relatives of murder victims imploring Barr not to do these executions. What evil demons they are.
@randy khan:
Re: Pompeo: I’m guessing Wood recalled Al Haig declaring himself in charge, and thought Haig actually was.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
You’re certainly being charitable in your interpretation of his charitable interpretation.
is this a registered 503c Charitable Interpretation?
@zhena gogolia: Can you imagine how the person who was executed with appeals still pending felt? The families? The decision-makers there ought to be able to be charged with something serious.
It boggles the mind.It is truly sick and evil.jonas
Folks are wondering if the part of the NDAA Trump really objected to is the ending of tax-dodging shell companies. The howls of anguish you hear all over the globe tonight are of outraged oligarchs and other billionaires realizing that they won’t be able to launder money as easily through US-based entities. Trump included.
TS (the original)
Sanders tried to stop the vote being held until the senate voted on the $2000 pandemic payment – which may be why he voted against. Perhaps Warren agreed with that sentiment.
@craigie: Ostensibly both the ends of the horseshoe ? have different reasons for doing similar things.
@SFAW: Oh, you’re all so evidence-based. That’s such 20th century thinking. Nowadays the skill set is to slyly insinuate while yelling at the top of your lungs.
(And for the record, I don’t think either of Oregon’s Senators want to keep the confederate base names, nor are they laundering money for the Russian mob.)
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Bill Arnold: Dear me; Turtle and Pence are commies now. ROFL Why hasn’t the corpse of Lenin been seen laughing in his tomb?
Like I said, this is just the Lizard Alien Conspiracy with the word Communism scribbled over it.
J R in WV
@randy khan:
So very much that L. Wood believes is SO NOT True at all. Should read the Constitution first, and then some history books about the founding and the Constitutional Convention. But no, easier/better to just make up a bunch of stupid shit about elections being verified by the legislative bodies…
@randy khan: I think this is the part of the story where Stephen Glass is spinning bullshit at relativistic speeds, and slowly beginning to realize that it isn’t near fast enough to hold the ship together.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Bill Arnold: Here is another Wood quote
From what I’ve been told this messiah complex is what happens to strong believers when they fail a crises of faith. Normally this quickly passes. So, Wood be pants of the floor crazy.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
LOL. I might actually be Spiderman and I just haven’t discovered my ability to spin webs yet. Gives you a chill, doesn’t it?
@Geminid: The one in NC or the Fort Bragg in CA?
It’s a 501(c)(4). It exists to funnel $ to Baud! 2024.
Chris T.
The “20/20” election? I guess we saw it very clearly…
@opiejeanne: the base in North Carolina. The Fort Bragg I speak of is home to the 82nd Airborne Division. Matthew Ridgeway was its first commander, and dropped into Normandy with his Division on June 6, 1944. One of Eisenhower’s most effective commanders, he later led the American forces that captured Bremen in the last days of the European campaign. When the Army commander in Korea was killed in a jeep wreck during the retreat from the Yalu River, Ridgeway replaced him and salvaged MacArthur’s disastrous campaign.
@opiejeanne: A good Ridgeway story: when assuming an important new command, he had a staff officer write a short speech for the occasion. The staffer included a passage “and so with determination and humility…” Ridgeway struck out the latter part, saying “I am humble before no one but my God.”
Uncle Cosmo
@Geminid: Um, IIUC who it is you’re promoting for the renaming, he spelled his name Ridgway. No “e”.
I guess whoever does the list of common BJ misspellings should add him to the list: MATTHEW RIDGWAY.
@Uncle Cosmo: Thank you for the emphatic correction. Have a nice, cheerful day.
In Al’s defense: in the Navy we were trained that in a crisis (fire, flooding, assassination attempt) the senior person present should announce that, in order to organize and lead an effective response (“This is Petty Officer SteverinoCT, and I am in charge”). When a more-senior person arrives on-scene, they take command. It keeps the response from being an every-man-for-himself cluster.