Pennsylvania Republicans have been dicking around with elections for some time. With today’s convening of the legislature, we have more Republicanism.
— Abraham Gutman ? (@abgutman) January 5, 2021
Republican majority of the Pennsylvania State Senate just removed @JohnFetterman from the chamber. President Pro Temp Corman is presiding instead. Fetterman refused to recognize a motion that would have prevented a duly elected Democratic senator from being sworn in.
For background on what's happening, read @AngelasInk on the dispute:
— Abraham Gutman ? (@abgutman) January 5, 2021
The Republican State Senator in Pennsylvania just set a very dangerous precedent: as long as your opponent refuses to concede, you will not be sworn in. No matter that the *highest court in the state* already said the election is Kosher.
— Abraham Gutman ? (@abgutman) January 5, 2021
Here they are being sworn in.
Jim Brewster, mensch, asked that all other Democratic senators be sworn in. He didn't want the issue around his election to take away from the celebratory nature of the day for others, according to Williams. They are sworn in, including @NikilSaval of Philadelphia.
— Abraham Gutman ? (@abgutman) January 5, 2021
Minority Leader Jay Acosta rises in opposition to Corman as President Pro Temp. He is talking about what just happened to Senator Brewster. Acosta makes a good point: Brewster's swearing in wasn't delayed but denied. There is no future date. The result was *certified*.
— Abraham Gutman ? (@abgutman) January 5, 2021
For those of you who aren’t super familiar with what’s going on in PA that makes all of this so much more mind bending: before covid the *Republican* majority enacted a major election reform bill that expanded vote by mail. *They* set the rules. Now *they* are crying foul.
— Abraham Gutman ? (@abgutman) January 5, 2021
Jake Corman is sworn in as President Pro Temp of the Pennsylvania State Senate after kicking out of the chamber the President of the Senate Lt. Gov. Fetterman and refusing to seat Jim Brewster who won his elections. "Quite a first day," he jokes.
— Abraham Gutman ? (@abgutman) January 5, 2021
Open Thread!
Mary G
Assholes. We need to root them all out.
Matt McIrvin
@Mary G: How? Not through elections, evidently.
I don’t understand this whole story.
Adam L Silverman
This will be McConnell’s play if Ossoff and Warnock win. Since neither Loeffler nor Perdue will concede and there will be bullshit lawsuit after bullshit lawsuit, McConnell will refuse to cede the majority until all the litigation is exhausted. Basically what they did in dragging out seating Franken, but on steroids.
The Thin Black Duke
The most patriotic act anyone living in America can do now is never vote for a Republican ever again. Never.
Trump didn’t concede. I guess he must still be president. What a load of horse shit.
Sounds like that asshole who runs the State Senate GOP should be arrested for something.
Cheryl Rofer
@Jean: It’s pretty complicated, and it helps to read the links for background.
Basically, the Republican in one district won’t concede, although the votes are against him. So the Republicans threw out the legal presiding officer (D) and are running the show their way, refusing to seat the Democrat who won in that district.
Governor Wolf will have a remedy for this. “You want Republican sponsored legislation signed without a veto-proof majority? Nah. You have someone from your district you want on a commission or board. Nah.” He’s used to dealing with Republican obstruction.
Cheryl Rofer
More explanation:
@Cheryl Rofer:
From the linked article
Some bad info somewhere.
This is insane. Are voters okay with this? I don’t get how these people are rewarded over and over again despite their awfulness. I would even understand it if they were doing things that helps the people.
Mary G
So the rot spreads… The Republican party has abandoned the concept of representative democracy. Elections are moot. There needs to be a reckoning with jail time. The is no “looking forward” anymore.
The Moar You Know
@Anya: I’ll assume, not living there, that the voters who put GOP majorities into the PA statehouse are thrilled. I would be, if I were a Republican.
And I’m understanding the attraction more and more; you can bully and beat people 24/7 and they’ll never fight back. Dem politicians just won’t do this kind of shit.
So they can pick and choose who’s sworn in? I would assume that they realize that at some point, the makeup will swing to the Dems, and then this tactic will put back in their face in spades.
This was the whole supposed reason that McConnell didn’t burn the filibuster rule in the Senate, knowing they could be in the minority at some point and would need to use it. Methinks the PA GOP is quite short-sighted here.
As a currently-residing native of PA. I have one phrase: “Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with Alabama in between.”
The Moar You Know
@Punchy: but the Dems won’t do it back. They just won’t. And that’s why this keeps getting done to Dem politicians. Consequence-free bad behavior will be repeated and escalated.
Betty Cracker
Fetterman in The Post:
@Punchy: Not short-sighted. Stupid. And having the rural voters in their districts on a tight leash.
Not about Pennsylvania, but this Margaret Sullivan (WaPost ombudsman) column fits this situation, too. Wherein the radicals decide that Democrats are illegitimately elected and must not be seated; nor their victories certified.
We must stop calling Trump’s enablers ‘conservative.’ They are the radical right.
Maggie Haberman and journalists of her ilk, at the FTF NYTimes and elsewhere, exist to normalize the radicals. At some point, someone is going to have to call them out too.
Jesus fucking Christ. It just won’t end.
May each and every person who voted for or enabled the current Maladministration receive the Darwin Award they so richly deserve.
Matt McIrvin
How could it ever swing back? They could just not seat them.
Hot take: present-day membership in the Republican Party should permanently disqualify a person for office at any level. Any person willing to support these clowns is going to perjure themselves taking the oath of office.
Mike R
@The Thin Black Duke: The truest statement I have heard today.
As some tweet said to paraphrase – not enjoying this 2020 bonus content.
@Elizabelle: They’re conservative only insofar as the thing they seek to “conserve” is Republican white male rule. All other considerations are secondary.
@jayjaybear: Ditto.
Roger Moore
The Republicans are objecting to one Democratic Senator being seated. It was a close enough election that the Democrat only won when counting a set of mail in votes the Republicans object to because the voter failed to write in the date on the mail-in envelope. The issue has already been litigated all the way to the state Supreme Court and been certified by state election officials, but the Republican is challenging in federal court now. The Republican majority in the state senate is now refusing to seat the Democratic winner, claiming it isn’t final until the federal court has ruled.
Dan B
Steven Miller will notice this as will Meadows and McConnell. The MSM and social media are a big reason for the rot but so are most of the wealthy. As long as they don’t feel any pain they will continue to support the radical right.
Tomorrow will be interesting, possibly in the Chinese curse way.
I’m curious about how their rules work that they can remove the presiding Lt Gov? That seems to be the oddest part. I get that the GOP is in majority(?) but if the Lt Gov is presiding can’t he just swear him in anywhere and say neener-neener? And why single out this rep? Let me guess, Allegheny County/Pittsburgh?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
This gets worse until some of them start paying a personal, physical price.
No charges in Kenosha.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
Some judge had better slap this shit down hard, right quick.
I fucking hate these people.
Gin & Tonic
Boy, aren’t we missing our old friend BiP now that Biden has announced he’ll be nominating Victoria Nuland for Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs?
That really, really sucks.
I like my local NPR stations. They do good local coverage. But my goodness Morning Edition and All Things Considered and 1A have become unlistenable.
I understand both sides journalism in community radio. Both sides have are contributors. But please have the Republican side not be so so so in the tank for their far right.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Kid crosses state lines with an illegal gun and kills somebody and … nothing?
ETA: Oh, this is the underlying police shooting, not that kid. Sorry.
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): Judges already have and Republicans don’t give a shit. They’re doing it anyways. Who’s going to punish them on this?
@raven: I figured as much. Even the outside moderator/arbiter (whatever they call him) couldn’t overcome the local politics as roomie has described them to me. She’s lived here for some time, so she knows them well. I’m still learning them and the Police here have a sucky reputation among the POC of the area for good reason.
@Gin & Tonic: Ick.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: Heh. Greenwald was tweeting something stupid about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz earlier today.
Gin & Tonic
@sab: That for Vicki or BiP?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Gin & Tonic: I googled to double check, and Rittenhouse was in court today, pleaded not guilty about an hour ago
citizen dave (aka mad citizen)
@Roger Moore: Good explanation. Not that Cheryl’s clips don’t do it–they tell a story (even if I can’t listen to them now).
This is very ugly. Why couldn’t the a-holes seat the Dem, and if the R wins in court, the seat changes obviously.
Slightly related, I was wondering today what compels any state from bringing forth EC votes to congress? What happens if they simply refuse–who/what provides the remedy?
(I was fantasizing about how a popular vote for president would work).
WaPost breaking (and went looking for it, h/t raven, above) : No charges to be filed against Kenosha police officers in Jacob Blake shooting
Independent. Uh huh. Federal might be best, with the Biden administration in office.
Mike in NC
New 2021 Republican playbook: no matter how many more votes the other person gets, so long as you don’t “concede” you get to remain in office indefinitely. Brilliant! Only a very stable genius could have come up with that.
@Gin & Tonic: Vicki
I honestly don’t know anymore if the fact these people don’t live in fear for life and limb is to our credit, or our shame.
Seriously. How else does this end???
Mike in NC
OK, just read that Mitt Romney is getting death threats from other Republicans. How surreal will Wednesday in DC become?
Here’s what I don’t get – what rests on conceding? How is this somehow part of the necessary process. If the votes are counted and certified, isn’t that all you need. What is their legal standing, except for Calvinball?
I think that Kenosha decision might motivate more Democratic voters to stick it out in the lines they might be facing in Georgia.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Jeezus, in two years – this will be the playbook for everything when a GOP loses. We are sinking in a quagmire.
patrick II
I have been waiting today to see if the new U.S.D.A. in Atlanta filed any election or criminal charges against election officials in Georgia. A similar gambit to Pennsylvania — election under review in Federal court — is what I was expecting. i haven’t heard anything though.
What do we call this? ‘Tantrum Politics’? ‘YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!! Politics?’ Or just ‘the end of democracy’?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Yep. Democrats trust that there’s a functioning system in there somewhere. At some point that trust will be gone, and heaven help us then. There won’t be decades of dog whistling 2nd amendment remedies out of Dems.
I’m trying to gauge where I am on that scale, and I don’t like how close I am to burning shit down.
Not at all surprised. The Republican leges in the upper Midwest are particularly awful – they’re new to the apartheid game and like any convert, they’re playing it with unbridled enthusiasm. The Southern leges are probably looking at this and going, “Amateurs. If we were in charge, he never would have won in the first place.”
Oh no, they’ll keep choking that chicken all the way to the Supreme Court. This will be a new thing now in addition to 2nd amendment and abortion – election fraud – it will be a non-stop hammering of weakening election laws everywhere – because
a) it’s something that their crazy folks will start sending in money
b) a new “one issue voter” thing that they can also campaign on and get money from
This will fail, but the above is going to give them some new things to scream about and grift about.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
OT: Nicolle Wallace just now: “Do not tell me [Josh Hawley] is smart. I throw up in my mouth a little bit every time someone on this show tells me where he went to school.”
@Mike in NC: That ridiculous Jon McNaughton, artist who does the
dogsRepublican presidents playing pokeron velvetpaintings had a painting of the Impeachment Lynch Mob (yup) coming for Trump. They have the noose and the pitchforks. Because. That’s how Democrats roll.Pelosi. Nadler. Romney’s in there too.
Here’s the link for his website’s Americana>Patriotic section. It’s got howlers in it.
There’s a painting of Trump teaching a man to fish. He’s like Jesus, you know.
And there’s one of him beating up Robert Mueller, too.
bemused senior
This Retropolis article in the WaPo is a very good discussion of the law governing the Congressional ceremony about the Electoral College votes.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
On an amusing note, Tehran attempted to issue a Red Notice on Trump and a number of government officials.
It would be an amusing punk on Trump, Kushner, Miller and Pompeo if they all chose to be on government planes at the moment of Biden’s inauguration and suddenly found themselves diverted to Tehran. Once the flights got within sight of the border they could turn back.
Or maybe not turn back until after landing and the cargo gets discharged.
Would Iran hang him by his own red tie? It is, after all, long enough. It would likely achieve renewed compliance AND rid us of the long term problem of continued Trump focus and Trump tweets….
@The Moar You Know:
I agree. I read Jane Eyre while a teen, and one quote really sticks with me:
No, don’t slap the dying GOP around for every evil thing they do–they go big and small evil, after all–but hit back for the big evil they do.
Welcome to the South of the first half of the twentieth century. They didn’t believe in democracy either. We can beat this. We just need to know that it is a long haul. Democracy ain’t easy. Lots of people think their interest lies elsewhere.
@Anya: Republican voters hate liberals more than they love their country. It’s basically “if we can’t win all the time, we’ll just burn everything down.”
Holy shirtballs, a reporter from the Hill appears to have found the mythical “person who voted R in November (i.e. for Trump, Loeffler, & Perdue) who is voting D today in GA.” I am gobsmacked. The existence of this type of voter has been theorized but no solid evidence of them has ever been found in the wild until now (though I suppose there is a tiny chance they did not vote for anyone in Nov which would also make their claim true):
Mai Naem mobile
@raven: not just no charges but magically its announced on the day of the GA election when Orange Nazi is revving up all his white nationalist pals to get violent. And Josh Hawley just happens to accuse ‘left wing Anti fa thugs’ of attacking his wife and new born daughter last night. They’re just formenting violence. Assholes.
@marcopolo: what bathroom, Waffle House, or Waffle House bathroom did they find this person? Also do they have the lottery numbers for tonight’s Power Ball jackpot? Since we found this person, does it mean 6 more weeks of Trumpov? So many questions…
My problem is that “radical right” isn’t the correct term for these assholes. They have full-bore embraced fascism. They’re fascists. Period.
@Mike in NC:
Other Republicans in the Senate?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Tomorrow is a bellweather day as far as my perception on whether votes matter or not. If not, I won’t be writing stern letters to the editor.
@tokyokie: If not embracing fascism, they are flirting madly.
“Radical right” is a step on the way to the correct moniker.
@Elizabelle: that guy is WACK
Q1: what RWNJ would want to buy a painting of Dems howling ‘impeachmennnnnnt!’?
Q2: who is the dude in shades on the left supposed to be? (in the impeachment painting) I can guess the rest but he looks like some stoner/surfer
citizen dave (aka mad citizen)
@Elizabelle: I was thinking of this vulgar painter the other day. Can’t believe he doesn’t watermark the examples–I saved the “teaching a man to fish” one. The young man has a book on “socialism”. Guess the wise trump is bringing the young man to the godly freedumb side. These are hilarious, like right out of MAD magazine.
@Leto: See, that’s the thing, apparently they found this person in a parking lot outside of a polling location just after they had voted (watch the clip). Crazy, I know.
@Mike in NC: I’ll believe that.
I have conservative work friends on facebook who comment on every one of Romney’s anodyne facebook posts with stuff like “God hates you” or “You’re a traitor and will be punished” or “Mitt the Demoncrat” and so on.
He’s absolutely getting death threats.
What frightening thing do you think Pelosi wants to do with that pen in her hand? ?
@debbie: <whispers> I bet she’s going to allow black people to vote
@marcopolo: was the polling place a Waffle House… (I kid). I’m happy, but you’re right, a frigging unicorn!
Original Lee
@marcopolo: This R who voted D is a long-time friend of a friend. I don’t know him myself, but apparently he has been arguing politics with my friend for years. He sent her the clip with a note to the effect that she was a big influence on his decision.
@citizen dave (aka mad citizen):
We should be lucky that Trump didn’t decide to replace the priceless paintings with this joker’s.
Of course,Trump will likely loot the white house on his way out – he can sell the art to Russia.
@debbie: @MisterForkbeard: <whispers> She’s coming to raise taxes by 0.6%!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Greenwald was tweeting something stupid
about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz earlier today.Fixed.
I think we will need to dispense with ‘conservative’ as a moniker for these folks. They aren’t conservatives. We can either call them christian fascists or some other appropriate name.
@Jeffro: Couldn’t figure him out, or the guy in the back at the right.
And y’all cannot miss McNaughton’s world class Democrats Playing Poker.
It’s the 2020 candidates; the black male candidate (Booker) is cheating; slipping an ace to the gay male candidate (Buttigieg).
A portrait of the mighty Trump winking is behind this group.
If you can count all the dogs (wink wink) in this painting, you have more patience than I do.
Another inside joke: the hidden painting to the left is probably this one. Draining the Swamp. Trump posed like Washington crossing the Delaware, in the midst of a bunch of white yahoos in camo. There might be one black guy in the background, paddling.
You’re right though. Who is going to buy this shit?
Point and laugh, or point and cheer, who buys it?
I like “Rethuglicans”; there’s always a double-take response.
@Original Lee: Wow, good to know people can still pull a John Cole in 2021. And apparently he’s within 6 degrees of separation from everyone here at BJ. Tell your persuasive friend she done good.
@cain: radical authoritarians is what I use. but that is kind of a euphemism for fascist.
Too cutsey for me – I prefer christian fascists because I figure it is quite triggering. Nobody wants to see those two words together but there is definitely truth to it.
Captain C
@Mike in NC: I’m wondering what it will take for the Mittster to understand that his own fortune and reputation would be much better preserved if he went Independent and caucused with the Democrats, not to mention that of the nation in general.
I’ll say it plainly.
The GOP has turned overtly anti-democracy as a party.
If there’s ever another election where they win control of both political branches of the U.S. government, free elections in this country are over.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Captain C: like Bob Corker and Jeff Flake and Lisa Murkowski and who knows who else and to varying degrees (Portman, Collins, Blount), low taxes and RW judges are still more important to him than anything trump has done, is doing, or will do
That would signal the end of the republic, I’ve been assured.
@tokyokie: Call them apartheid-conservatives.
Because that’s what they are. Dixiecrats to the core.
The Republicans are pushing hard now to see how far they can go with a few close elections. If they don’t lose support they’ll try even harder, in less close elections next time. I don’t think they’re going to lose support.
That means going forward (1) the Democrats MUST win the House in off year elections. If Republicans control the House they will absolutely seat the Republican candidate, no matter what the states say. Claims of massive fraud, “alternate” EC votes, refusing to seat Democrats, even failing to certify anyone so the Presidency goes to the Republican speaker of the house – I think it’s all on the table; and (2) Democrats MUST win elections by big, unfuckwithable margins to make the few remaining slightly sane Republicans not play along (waves to GA’s Sec of State).
What a mess.
Another Scott
@citizen dave (aka mad citizen): McNaughton needs to up his game.
The Donald (from Jason Heuser in 2016).
Mike in NC
@Elizabelle: I’m going to email that nutcase McNaughton and ask him to paint Trump coming back from his failed hate rally in Tulsa, looking like the world took a shit in his MAGA hat.
The legend beneath the image lists everyone pictured. The dude in shades is apparently “the whistleblower.”
I’d argue they abandoned that concept a LONG time ago.
citizen dave (aka mad citizen)
@Cacti: Yup, the thing that seems clear (at least to me) is that the only reason the Mitch side of the party will do the right thing is because the case is so weak, or nonexistent; but it appears that if there was anything to it at all–let’s say there was blatant evidence of voter fraud in one of the battleground states, they wouldn’t have any problem overturning the election however they could make it happen.
A lot of words to say, remembering our jackal, fuck ’em.
I followed Pennsylvania politics for four decades until I decided to move to where state politics make more sense – New Jersey. At any rate, the PA legislature is bloated, expensive and inefficient. It’s the biggest in the country. Between salary and expenses, most of these guys are making twice as much as they could in the vaunted “private” sector. The “Alabama” part of the state is overrepresented and reactionary. The state Democratic organization, while possibly not as bad as Florida’s, leaves a lot to be desired. There’s a governor election coming up and I sure hope they get their act together. Wolf has done a surprisingly decent job but he’s term limited. I like Federman, but I’m not sure he’s the best candidate. I don’t know how he’ll play in the suburbs which is where the race will be won.
@Mike in NC: LOL Go Mike! Let us know what you hear back.
citizen dave (aka mad citizen)
@Another Scott: friggin’ awesome!
@Another Scott:
Oooh, lookit all those little Covids going off behind him!
@Mike in NC: @SiubhanDuinne:
Do not miss the original oil painting he is still trying to sell. “Liberalism is a Disease.” Thank dog, it’s pre-Obama, who really sets McNaughton off. But it’s got most of the usual suspects. Comedians and pop culture really set him off. Nancy Pelosi is, of course, in the center.
He coyly does not identify them. If you have any questions, he suggests you contact him on his page.
Of course.
I can’t figure out who is the white guy behind Whoopi Goldberg? But alas. No parler account.
I loved Margaret Sulllivan’s op ed that Elizabelle linked to earlier. “Radical Right” is exactly the term we need for them. It is simple and it is clear. Radical is the opposite of conservative. Most folks prefer to consider themselves in the middle, some place comfortable. Radical right would take them out of their comfort zone. If the term could get common use, it could be helpful to move people away from the radical right. Using terms like “Christian fascists” or “Rethuglicans” or other biting monikers, feels insulting and mean, however satisfying it may feel to insult one’s opponents. I would rather move people.
@Mike in NC: If they threaten him enough, he might just come over and caucus with the Dems. That would work for me.
@cain: There is absolutely nothing Christian anout them. I say that as a non-believer who does not want the many good and decent believers I have met tarnished by association with these whited sepulchers.
@cain: And I seem to have proved the point rather nicely…
@Elizabelle: That’s hilarious. Does anyone know who the guy with sunglasses on in the back is supposed to be?
One of my neighbors has a flag with Trump standing on the front of a tank in addition to 2 other Trump flags and a Trump/Pence campaign sign still up in their yard. At least 3 other Trump supporters in my neighborhood still have their Trump stuff up, they’re very proud I guess.
Captain C
@mrmoshpotato: 1994 with the Contract On America at the very latest, arguably as far back as Nixon in ’68 or perhaps even further.
Bill Arnold
@Another Scott:
See also
Some really funny work. I was told that this one is his too (image on a rw twitter account, but you can find earlier versions with
with flying saucer, eagle with a minigun, bluebird, and train tracks about to run out.
@Tazj: Subaru Diane advised reading the caption.
Guy in shades is “Whistleblower.” Next to him, another mystery: “Peter Strzok” (credit for spelling correctly). Black guy in the back right is Rep. Al Green of Houston, TX.
@Adam L Silverman:
Phuck Outta Here with that bullshyt ?
@Elizabelle: Have you seen this painting of Trump literally on a crucifix?
@Captain C: Further.
That led to Goldwater, Birchers, Kochs, McCarthy… all of the fuckers. Pretty much a direct/straight line. (H/t to Adam for posting about this shit coup a few months ago)
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: There’s a huge amount of stuff going on there, but the 15 stripes on the flag is (chefs-kiss.gif).
@Leto: 1934 – takes some balls to try to overthrow a sitting President in the middle of a term.
The only solution is going to be civil war, eventually.
Sorry not sorry. I lived in that state for 16 years. It’s almost inevitable .
@Another Scott: How many of you are passing the time studying RWNJ paintings? LOL
@Martin: I won’t start it but if shit gets dangerous, I won’t hold back
@Another Scott:
Alas, it’s no longer available. I wonder what the prints were selling for?
@Another Scott: That is amazing. I like what I guess is the professional wrestling belt and that Trump seems to have lost a good 50 pounds?
Another Scott
@mrmoshpotato: Poe’s law??
Nah, it’s satire. And very well done.
Of course, there are plenty of people who have stolen his work and used it to fleece the RWNJs… :-(
@RSA: That is. Just wrong. Wow.
I think it showed up here a few days ago, but had not seen it in all its … glory.
@Another Scott: My favorite is the eagle with the automatic.
That bird ain’t playing around.
@mrmoshpotato: and the lesson learned? There’s no punishment and your spawn will be president, twice! Long, long overdue to crush this shit. Sherman 2.0.
@Adam L Silverman: Won’t that just make the Senate 48-48?
Where’s a link to the Pennsylvania state Statutes. We need to find out what happens when anyone interferes with the results of a duly certified election result. They need to charge every Senate Republican with violating election laws in that state.
Mai Naem mobile
@Jackie: no its 50-48 right now..We need the two. If they win they just add to their balance.
Bill Arnold
IANAL, but
and search on interference (1710), perhaps.
glory b
@MisterForkbeard: Why are such people your friends? Asking for the people of color…
Whatever stream the conservative reach and whatever criminality they commit the conservative leadership opposition is to refuse to hold them accountable, by using today the same language Obama used to give a pass to the bankers and Wall Street tycoons: We will look forward not backward.
Just Chuck
Governor Wolf’s answer should be the National Guard.
@jayjaybear: Alabama controls the PA legislature. It’s gerrymandered that way.
J R in WV
I think the proper term is Christo-Fascists — I’m unsure about the hyphen, otherwise this is good by me. Or just Nazis.