I’ll get a link to the Biden remarks as soon as I can.
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This post is in: Election 2020, Open Threads, Republican Venality, Trumpery
Welp pic.twitter.com/qGt39yRQ5m
— Cheryl Rofer (@CherylRofer) January 6, 2021
Incredible Getty photos from inside the Capitol pic.twitter.com/IN2rRcsOg5
— David Mack (@davidmackau) January 6, 2021
Biden will address the situation at the Capitol, I’m told. Remarks from Delaware shortly https://t.co/xfFkARKuZi
— Mike Memoli (@mikememoli) January 6, 2021
I’ll get a link to the Biden remarks as soon as I can.
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Bunch of state capitols being terrorized also.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder who’s office that goober with the long vape is occupying
Anderson Cooper: “This attempted coup by President Trump”.
Fuck you, Republicans. All of you.
@Baud: do you have which ones? I’m on MSNBC. I don’t think their coverage is that good on this but I like Katy Tur. She’s like a friend talking to me. She’s so upset.
No way the Biden Admin can look forward not backwards now.
Cheryl Rofer
Read about it. Kansas and Georgia, I heard.
Mary G
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Baud: Kansas? Of course,
I really wish the commenters on MSNBC would use plain language. “Thugs” would be good. So would “goons”. Best would be “brownshirts”
citizen dave (aka mad citizen)
@Baud: Got word from someone at my work the event in Indianapolis was a caravan of about 9 vehicles yelling on their P.A.s with Gadsden flags and German Shepherds somehow included.
As someone on one of Cheryl’s twitter links said, this is one of the worst days in our history
But hoping it encourages more of us on the good side to stay involved and bring in new people to the democracy.
@Baud: Surprised it’s not PA.
Gosar tries to unring the bell.
This coup attempt is astounding, but not surprising.
Time for a quick bill of impeachment in the House, a fast conviction in the Senate and removal of this MFer, frogmarched out of the Oval. It can all be done by evening.
Oh my God. This is terrible.
@Mary G: They’re not wrong.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Someone told me this goober is from Wisconsin. Is it the seast that Quiverful MTV Boy gave up
he’s on MSNBC right now
The MAGA mindset appears to be that if they cannot certify the electors on Jan 6th as the law (Constitution?) demands, the cert is null and void and Trump remains in office. Could be wrong, but storming the Capitol during the count seems aimed at delaying the process so they can claim a technical miss
Bloody hell! Didn’t expect to wake up to this. Unbelievable. You are all (US citizens), especially jackals, in my thoughts. Take care. Was glad to hear that, so far, it’s only trumpists. JFC! Just heard trump, what a fucking idiot.
citizen dave (aka mad citizen)
@jackmac: To use my go to twitter add-on, Fuckin’ A! Impeach. Today.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
There’s a disconnect (as usual) between what I see on the network news and what I see online.
CBS just reported that “no protesters have gotten inside the chamber” and then I look online and see a MAGAT inside.
Frank Wilhoit
@jackmac: No Republican, no matter how much they may privately despise Trump, is ever going to give the Democrats a scalp.
dr. bloor
Listening to Mike Gallagher share his shock over the fact that lunatics are following the lead of the head of his party makes my stomach turn.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
video on MSNBC of a uniformed officer urging away from MAGAts
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yessss! That’s a good start.
Cheryl Rofer
Here’s a state capital
So the plan is apparently to stall certification of the election indefinitely…
With Federal law enforcement and DC National Guard ordered to stand down, the rioters can stage an extended sit-in and make the Capitol unusable for days or weeks.
If they try to convene Congress at an alternative site, Republican members will object on procedural grounds and/or leak the location so that the MAGA mob will show up and start the cycle over again.
On 1/20, the election will still be technically in progress so Biden cannot be legally inaugurated. If Congress is still out of commission they can’t even implement the fallback option (Pelosi) when Trump’s term officially ends.
This is going to all be on the DC Mayor and DC police. But, considering typical police demographics, will the DC cops obey orders to clear the Capitol?
Cheryl Rofer
DHS on the scene. VA sending national guard and troopers.
If those “protesters” were people of color, would they have been shot by now?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
but, but…. her emails!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Cheryl Rofer: god almighty
@germy: In two weeks (minus 4 hours), the President had better be Pence.
Every single non-LEO/non-Congressperson we see inside and outside the Capitol needs to be charged with sedition, and all of them convicted and given a cell that used to belong to a nonviolent drug offender.
Only attempted coup, so far.
Cheryl Rofer
TaMara (HFG)
A woman has been shot and injured
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’s about fucking time.
The last time I felt what I’m feeling now was the morning of September 11. My brother called early in the AM and told me: turn on the TV — some crazy shit going down in NYC. Passenger planes crashing into the WTC. I turned on just in time to see the fire and the first tower fall and thought “This is the end of the world.”
Trump has to be impeached, convicted and removed from office the second the Capitol grounds are secured and Congress can reconvene — today if possible. He’s still in office for another two and half weeks and will do everything in his power to burn the country to the ground. Hopefully even his fucking cowardly enablers up until now in Congress have seen that now.
Yes, they are in Oregon, Kansas, not sure where else.
Well, he didn’t mean his supporters…
@TaMara (HFG):
It’s be woman they showed getting taking into the ambulance.
TaMara (HFG)
There’s video of the shooting. I won’t embed.
If this were Japan, the head of the Capitol Police would commit seppeku.
In their own homes.
Duckworth says they’ll be back. They aren’t going to be intimidated.
randy khan
It doesn’t work that way. If somehow the process for counting EVs doesn’t happen, Pelosi becomes President no matter where she is.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Word is Virginia is sending their national guard to support the DC police. I suppose it makes sense the DoD just sees activating the DC guard as the excuse Trump is looking for makes sense now.
Cheryl Rofer
Mags is shocked, shocked
citizen dave (aka mad citizen)
I said to a work friend, Putin having drinks and laughing his ass off tonight. A few minutes ago ABC news person saying this chaos is likely beyond anything Putin imagined in 2016.
My add-on is: Kinda like the Saudi hijackers didn’t think the buildings would actually fall (not actually sure about that so anyone can correct me).
Yes, this is a 9/11 feel.
mali muso
Ralph Northam is sending Virginia Nat’l Guard and Virginia State Troopers to assist. What a moment. Help coming from Richmond to DC to liberate it from Neo-confederates.
randy khan
Sedition is a nice word, but the actual crime is treason. For all of the inaccurate uses of that term for the last four years, this is an attempt to levy war against the United States, so it’s treason.
DC National Guard activateda apparently.
I bet Cruz wont’ be – I bet this whole thing have shaken all the GOP to their core. It was all fun and games until this.
Not even a question.
Just Some Fuckhead
If only Republicans could do something about Republicans.
Cheryl Rofer
Just Some Fuckhead
Northam to the rescue.
@Baud: she’s a fucking badass woman. Very proud.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
A lot of economic anxiety on display
If there is not a certification of election results by Congress, the Speaker becomes Acting -President at noon on the 20th. Congressional action is not required, only inaction.
citizen dave (aka mad citizen)
@Cheryl Rofer: I didn’t think he had it in him. Today is the day he became vice-president.
By the way, the certification doesn’t have to be completed today in case people are spreading rumors that this will help Trump.
randy khan
@Cheryl Rofer: No, Mike. Every insurrectionist in the Capitol must be arrested and prosecuted. They shouldn’t just be allowed to leave.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Cheryl Rofer: It was all fun and games until Pence himself was threatened.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Cheryl Rofer: the 25th is activated by a majority vote of the cabinet, right? /half kidding, if I were serious, or thought there was a chance, I’d look it up
@Cheryl Rofer: He should be expelled from the Senate.
Just Some Fuckhead
But on the other hand, Antifa, amirite???
@Cheryl Rofer: *insert Charlie Brown adult talking*; worthless sack of shit
Mary G
Pure speculation, which I know Adam frowns on, but I’m guessing some MAGAt accidently discharged his weapon and hit a fellow protester. Gun control now.
@jackmac: And tomorrow remove every Senator and Congresscritter that backed the play.
But this is all just political theater!
@Just Some Fuckhead: BotH SidSesesSSS!!!!!
I am at work and am not following everything going on.
Is it really this crazy?
Insurrection by the idiot fringe?
@Bruuuuce: Putschists
It’s that crazy.
Fraud Guy
@Cheryl Rofer:
Uh, Mike, the calls are coming from inside the [White] House…
Just Some Fuckhead
@Brachiator: Yes, it’s insane.
@Brachiator: yes; yes
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@mali muso:
Richmond is sending help.
Sergio Olmos of Oregon Public Broadcasting is a good follow for protests in Oregon. Most recent post reports Oregon Legislator Dallas Heard is inciting the crowd in front of the Capitol Building in Salem. These assholes busted out windows to force their way in a few weeks ago. A few were arrested.
@Brachiator: You won’t believe it when you see it.
On MSNC video, person with a crowbar breaking into one of the doors/windows. Just hacking away.
@Baud: I can’t quite fault the capitol police for failing to plan for the should-be unthinkable. Consider the possibilities: Trump might have suppressed information that would have allowed them to plan for this.
If they were fully informed, of course, the most horrible of intellectual injuries is wishful thinking, and anyone tasked with providing security should know that in spades.
A co-worker just told me Ivanka tweeted that the protesters were American Patriots. The tweet was later deleted, but I hope someone got a screenshot so it can be used in her trial for treason.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
don’t know if it’s live, but I’m watching video of some MAGAt swinging a crowbar at a door of the US Capitol
The networks should be very careful about the video they show. Just put up a graphic that says “earlier today” or something.
I’ve been in meetings for the last three hours and this is what I came back online seeing. Yes, it really does appear they’re trying for it, and succeeding as well as you’d expect the idiot brigade to do.
Cheryl Rofer
Just Some Fuckhead
Anyone know how Fox is covering this?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
How bout that?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I hate that too.
The Capitol Police have one fucking job.
TS (the original)
Trumps goons have been wanting to do this since the 2016 rallies. If this were a BLM protest they would all have been arrested before they got to the capitol.
Waking up to this on the other side of the world nothing to call it but an attempted coup. So trump is responsible for allowing a virus to spread unchecked through the US & for a group of his delinquent minions trying to overthrow the government as well as the 4 years of unfettered, unresponsive incompetent government.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The good news, comparatively, is that Pelosi’s officially the Speaker of the House again as of January 3, so she’s back in the line of succession.
I wonder how seriously she’s considering impeaching Trump all over again.
Miss Bianca
@Wapiti: Like my Representative elect, Gun Bunny Boebert. Very tempted to call up her office and ask her if she still thinks it’s cute to support sedition and treason. As soon as I think I can trust myself to speak.
mali muso
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
The irony is strong indeed.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: We’re finding out over the past four years how much of our Constitutional order relies on Congress, courts, even executive branch offices consistently being occupied by people who could be relied upon to put the country and the Constitution over their own political loyalties. Let a bunch of craven, self-interested, cowardly choads through the door, though, and constitutional self-governance becomes impossible.
“A republic…if you can keep it.”
Captain C
Am I paranoid in thinking that once this is brought under control, there should be a thorough sweep for bugs and whatnot wherever the rioters got to? If I were any organization who might benefit from a few discreetly-placed devices in the Capitol environs, and had presence and means in D.C. to slip a few convincing Trumpists in among the real ones, I’d be doing so right now.
Cheryl Rofer
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yes. I think the Vice President has to initiate action into the 25th Amendment.
A number of people on Twitter are calling for impeachment, which seems more appropriate.
Mary G
Just Some Fuckhead
@Mary G: That was the impression I had also after watching the video several times.
@randy khan: From Findlaw:
Sounds pretty much on the nose to me.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Just Some Fuckhead: Right, Anitifa with their Trump flags.
@debbie: as soon as she hit send, it’s forever. I’m sure a screen grab will be circulating later.
@Cheryl Rofer: And the 25th won’t be exercised, and impeachment won’t happen. We have no ability to have a proper functioning government with these people, as has been demonstrated for the last four years, and is really laid bare today.
Maryland sending the guard too.
One thing I haven’t seen mentioned but came to me after I saw the attacker lounging in Pelosi’s office: what sorts of secrets and other classified information do congressional staff keep in their (supposed to be) secure offices? If it’s anything, wouldn’t this compromise all of it?
@Captain C: This too. I can’t think of a better way to distract from completely compromising Congress than what’s going on right now. Ever single person involved in this criminal conspiracy, from the ones actually in the building to the ones egging them on, needs to be investigated and when appropriate charged with sedition. What’s the point of laws if we won’t enforce them for literally the type of scenario they were made to prevent?
IED found.
@Immanentize: Let white people do whatever they want? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! *carrier landing
Matt McIrvin
@citizen dave (aka mad citizen): 9/11 was worse (on the day–this year as a whole is way worse than 9/11) because for several hours, we didn’t even know how many hijacked planes were out there. I remember adding up all the reports I’d heard and thinking there might be 8 planes and some car bombers.
This… once the VA National Guard gets in they’ll probably be able to secure the Capitol from these imbeciles, then Congress can get on with it, maybe tomorrow.
And Paul Campos is right, they need to immediately impeach and convict Trump for inciting and abetting insurrection against the United States, which is not to say they will. They should do what they can to get this fucker out of the way and away from the nuclear codes and the chain of command. Pence can finally enjoy his big prize for a couple of weeks. It’ll be a bit inconvenient for collectible tchotchke purposes to suddenly have Biden be the 47th President instead of the 46th, but eh.
Mary G
Beto responds to Ted Cruz:
Shouldn’t be any. They gave special areas for classified info.
So troops are showing up from areas all around to protect the U.S. Government from a mob that supports… THE CURRENT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
@Just Some Fuckhead: recently their line was “Big victory for the protesters!”
@Timurid: D.C. police demographics: in 2019, 3800 officers, 52% Black, 36% White. Latino and Asian were single digits.
MSNBC reporter says more police on site , slowly getting control.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: Hakeem Jeffries was, just the other day after the Georgia call, the first to trot out “forward, not backward.”
Another example of “good people on both sides”.
The Pale Scot
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He’s riffing off Dr Hunter Thompson.
I so wish the Dr was here to write about this shit. I imagine if he could have covered Trump’s 2016 campaign
@Baud: @ #112 Excuse me?
It really is. I am not surprised in one sense, but I definitely am experiencing shock.
Just Some Fuckhead
DC police need to surround the whole place and prevent the insurrectionists from slinking away. There needs to be accountability.
At least there’s that then.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Katie Tur describing a video: A rioter is trying to take down the US flag to replace it with a trump flag
Cheryl Rofer
I’ve worried about this since carrying rifles to protests became commonplace. I didn’t think it be this. The Oregon Capitol invasion of a few weeks ago should have been a clue.
@germy: Fuck you oh so very much, Rep. Gosar.
Jaysus Fucking Christ!
GOP assholes didn’t see that the match Trump was lighting was going to light a bomb.
Stupid muthafuckers.
Sacramento as well.
Just Some Fuckhead
Heckuva job, Republicans. This is what you’ve been preaching for 40 years.
TaMara (HFG)
So Trump supporter on scafolding is tearing down the flag from the capitol and replacing it with a trump flag.
That says everything anyone ever needs to know about the trump presidency.
And here’s video of Capital police taking selfies with insurrectionists: https://mobile.twitter.com/rachaelherron/status/1346923094221340673?s=21
@Leto: screen grabs galore! The app version, the mobile version and the black background version are already circulating.
As long as they keep taking selfies this shit will follow them forever.
@Cheryl Rofer: I’m serious, do these idiots not realize that mugging it up in front of cameras while committing severe federal crimes isn’t something they’re going to be able to get away with? Even if Trump isn’t impeached and immediately charged with instigating an attempted insurrection all of his wannabe browncoats sure as heck aren’t getting out of this.
@Baud: THAT’S what I wanted to know, whether my Republican governor would get on top of this.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Brachiator: The whole damn treasonous Republican party is responsible.
Betty Cracker
I love Rep. Gallego.
@Leto: The House alone impeaches. That is all we need — the start of the process in the House.
Holy shit. And we were supposed to dialogue with these motherfuckers and find common ground? Fuck that.
Once again Trump has done what he does best: reveal how fragile and/broken our institutions are. This has been a massive failure of law enforcement at the Capitol today, but it also has been a massive failure of intelligence. Law enforcement agencies have built up their intelligence-gathering operations over the years, but they concentrate on “Antifa” and “radical black organizations” and miss (or condone?) the actual white seditionists under their noses.
This thought prompted by MSNBC’s report that suspected explosive devices have been found in the Capitol. That certainly shows an element of advance planning, not just stalwart citizens being overcome by emotion in the heat of the moment.
Rev. Sharpton made a good point on MSNBC a while ago: where are all the DHS troopers who were present in such large numbers at the Black Lives Matter rallies? Rhetorical question.
As far as I know, the Capitol police are their own force and answer, technically, to Congress, not the President. My impression is that, in a replay of what we saw in other cities this summer, police “play it cool” when gun-toting white guys are “protesting,” and get provocative and violent when it’s black marchers. I think they were trying to indulge these fanatics and things got out of hand.
@Cheryl Rofer: Well, these idiots will be easy to prosecute, considering they are putting their faces online while committing crimes. That assumes, of course, that democracy and law and order win.
@Baud: where?
@Cheryl Rofer: Convenient of these fuckers making it very easy to identify them for their future criminal charges.
“Pro Trump extremists” just came out of my NPR radio machine. Like some country in Africa you never paid attention to while you were waiting for Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me to come on.
I am becoming increasingly irate with that framing (not yours, just the framing in general)
I don’t want my legislators to look back, I want them to look around RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.
Trump’s actions on the Georgia Call and today merit another impeachment.
Don’t know. It was mentioned on MSNBC that they found one.
trump’s term ends 1/20 no matter what happens with the EC certification.
The GOP today: “I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed.”
Hope soon to be AG Garland has been getting his sleep and eating his Wheaties.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: me too, I really hope he has a long career ahead of him
@Leto: I am hoping for career ending.
I guess it depends on how this all sorts out. I am getting a distinctive Heavens Gate cult feeling right now. Hope that continues.
Edmund Dantes
@LongHairedWeirdo: Fuck off with this. They deserve fault. This was predictable and predicted.
Cheryl Rofer
@MomSense: this. This. This. This past four years has fundamentally changed any sense that I need to work with these people. Fuck. That.
@Immanentize: I’m all for that. Do it again. JFC.
“You know you got to stop them at the beginning, like they should have stopped Hitler at Munich, They should never’ve let him get away with that. They were just asking for big trouble.”
I’m listening to the Washington Post’s live stream, and I’m struck by the vacuum the Republicans have created in this moment. The people who are acting are Speaker Pelosi, Mayor Bowser, other Democratic members of Congress, Governor Northam in Virginia. Nothing about McConnell or McCarthy doing anything more than whining. Nothing from the President. Biden’s going to address the nation, so the President-elect is going to, once again, be doing the President’s job before he’s even inaugurated.
And now the mob is talking about “going after” CNN and MSNBC for “starting the fire”.
@Betty Cracker:
Nuance! I like it.
Where the hell do we go with our anger?? Cops taking selfies with terrorists? Half the Repubs cheering it on, half mealy-mouthing it. These fuckers seem to think they are invulnerable.
Cheryl Rofer
@PenAndKey: Gonna simplify the trials a lot.
Biden up.
Biden up
@PenAndKey: If they weren’t idiots they wouldn’t be there in the first place.
And any cops taking selfies with these motherfuckers arw in a heap of shit. Mega-idiots.
Biden addressing the country now.
@Immanentize: I would hope for career ending but I’ll take Heaven’s Gate. Nikes and bunk beds.
Biden speaking now.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Nebraska republican dipshit on CSPAN giving pence a tongue bath and also saying “we’re not the party that is violent.” Yes you are, asshole mfker.
Sister Golden Bear
They fucked around, now they need to find out.
Ironic that Trump sends his brownshirts into the Capitol on the same day that James Comey tells Biden that Trump should not be federally prosecuted for his crimes.
Biden speaking live on CNN right now
@sdhays: Supposedly McCarthy is begging Trump by phone to make a stronger statement to get people to stand down. thereby proving that McCarthy is a bigger idiot than any of us ever knew.
Steve in the ATL
nah, police unions will keep them from getting fired
@MomSense: Frankly, I’d rather order the tire rims and anthrax.
Amir Khalid
I’m following the ABC News coverage on YouTube now. It’s 05:07 right now. I am horrified.
@Cheryl Rofer: This is in GA at the Capitol.. Can you unlock the picture Atlanta
I’d like to remind all of what happened 1.21.17: close to, or the largest protests seen in this fair land and all were peaceful, and represented all Americans, not just one demographic. Certainly the largest march I’ve ever been part of.
That was America. Today, I do not know what this is.
anybody has a link on joe?
You’re wrong, Mr President-elect. This day does not “border on sedition”; it hits it square in the bullseye. (But you’re correct, it IS insurrection.)
Cheryl Rofer
Biden here
Loading very slowly
Captain C
Biden is PISSED. Called it insurrection and bordering on sedition.
TaMara (HFG)
I’ll be honest when I say that I’m tired of Biden saying, “this doesn’t reflect who we are.” I know that he has to rise to a higher level, but I’m so tired of hearing that. 74M people said: yup, sign me up for more of this! I know he can’t say what Ruben Gallego said, above, but I just can’t. Not today.
mali muso
I just searched Biden on youtube and a link popped up right away.
Mike in NC
Trump needs to hang for this shit.
Cheryl Rofer
nbc calling the other GA Senate seat for Ossoff
Sister Golden Bear
Biden speaking live now.
@cain: I’m watching on the PBS Stream.
@Baud: been waiting for him
“If I was you, I’d give up this Nazi bullshit. Go back to poaching gators–safer.”
–Marshall Raylan Givens to the dimwitted wannabe-Nazi Dewey Crowe on TV’s “Justified”
And I’d swear that smug yahoo with his muddy boots up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk used to run meth in Harlan.
Bill Arnold
Destruction of property is violence in the US code if i recall correctly. So sedition, yes.
So do they continue the cert process when this ends (presumably tonight), or re-start tomorrow?
I noticed that CNN calls them Trump inspired rioters – still unwilling to call them domestic terrorists.
Cheryl Rofer
CSpan’s got Joe
“I call on President Trump now to go on television, fulfill his vow, and demand an end to this siege”
Depends on security. They will work until they are done. There’s no time limit.
@PenAndKey: I’ve had a fleeting question run through my thoughts all afternoon, something along the lines of: What are they on, that they’re being this stupid?
Then I realized that what they’re high on is their own stupidity. Heck of a drug.
I want them all to get a fair trial and then hang.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Leto: I’ve said for years that if ya think Republican politicians are awful, their base is even worse. Just hideous people.
is the two hour debate on accepting Arizona’s results up yet?
Start shooting. Insurrections are not police operations. They are acts of war. Send in the military. Don’t allow this mode of thinking to continue – if you try to overthrow the government, you will be treated the way we treated the Nazis.
And try every member of congress who supported this of treason.
Biden is so very much the leader we need right now. He has so grown into this position. Now he is doing Trump’s job for him. Effective.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
“President trump, step up”
just the right words to make him squirrelly.
It’s a failure that goes back at least a hundred years, into the good old days when J. Edgar Hoover obsessively pursued civil rights and antiwar groups while refusing for decades to so much as lift a pinky finger to investigate the KKK or the Mafia. The entire security state is set up, psychologically if nothing else, as an anti-Left and anti-“Those People” task force, which completely ignores right wing terrorists or even miscellaneous apolitical criminals – ignores and sometimes actively colluded with.
“Hitler in Los Angeles” is a depressing look at what it was like to be an antifascist in the 1930s, and how little help the cops (not just the feds) were.
It’s almost enough to make you nostalgic for that turd Allan Pinkerton, who however sordid his career was, did start out running an Underground Railroad way station.
Of course every time a GOP politician calls on Trump to “call off” his brownshirt insurrectionists, they’re reaffirming the fact that he’s the one who instigated all this.
Impeach the motherfucker NOW.
I love that Biden apologized for the delayed statement because he was watching an insurrection unfold.
Dude, it’s okay. We get why things were delayed.
Steve in the ATL
@piratedan: thank god–I was afraid I hadn’t voted enough times!
He can be too gallant sometimes.
This is in Atlanta .. ( the other link above didn’t work) Klansman in the Capitol building looking for the SOS link
Well, I think that is accurate. Insurrectionists yes. But they aren’t technically doing actual terrorism right now. There is a distinction between rioting and terrorism.
Mary G
@Cheryl Rofer: He did a great job. So calm but determined. Killer ending:
“President Trump, step up.”
@Just Some Fuckhead: I’ve known more than a few, military and being from the South and all, but yeah. Some of the more die hard, don’t even bother. Some of the more country club are the milquetoast you expect, but at this point they’re all the same for me. Trumpublicans. Fuck calling them Republicans. Trumpov has subsumed them. Call them what they are now (besides seditionous traitors): Trumpublicans
“We’re so much better than this.”
I’m not so sure, Joe. I haven’t been sure about that for over four years.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Martin: They’re white so they won’t be shot. Police will probably bring them food before too long. Getting close to dinner time.
they all need to be locked up and not processed until after Jan 20, otherwise Trump will pardon them
@Steve in the ATL: Congratulations on your new Senators, you done good.
I heard a reporter say on air that ‘no-one expected something like this’. Seriously?
My reaction has been rapidly churning between disgust, alarm, and hilarity. Most of the hilarity is from the corporate media reaction. They’ve suddenly realized that the Trumpsters and their GOP allies are a bunch of malicious, hypocritical cowards.
Edit: who always act and speak in the purest bad faith.
Also assumes Trump does not pardon them all. Just like Carter pardoned draft dodgers.
ETA: It does not take an arrest to be pardoned.
@Kent: Well Jake just said terrorists
@Martin: @Just Some Fuckhead:
Just in case anyone needs a visual guide on the difference between protestor and rioter.
@different-church-lady: This is the result of Lincoln not letting Sherman finish the job.
Al Z.
Wow. Did I just hear Tapper on CNN describe these guys as terrorists?
Seeing on Twitter that DC Guard will apparently be deployed now.
Can we call them deplorables now? Now system can survive if the people running it act in bad faith, no system.
Just Some Fuckhead
Trump’s taped message starts with, “The election was stolen from us”, followed by “go home”, followed by “This was a fraudulent election.”
He needs to be impeached stat.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Is that true?
News have been calling them terrorists.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I called it, Trump is now throwing his own thugs under the bus after they broke the law for him. They are saying Trump ordered the National Guard help the police with the Capital. Everything I have seen he speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
Just Some Fuckhead
@JPL: Yes. There was more but it was basically that.
Yep. And seditionists and insurrectionists.
MSNBC said that Trump is watching on the TV machine, no report as to if he’s taken up the fiddle.
Cheryl Rofer
Pouring gasoline as he mans the fire extinguisher
@JanieM: they probably think Trump will pardon them
@Leto: Probably too much to hope for, but maybe there will be a very small start at correcting the two legal and police standards towards the US population. One for conservative whites, another for everyone else.
At least the GOP crack-up will be dialed up towards 11. Wonder what the die-hard Trumpster proletariat reaction will be to seeing their revolutionary leaders in Congress being mau-mau’d by the corporate mean ‘man’?
@Just Some Fuckhead: I say give him clearance to leave on the 19th. Just fucking run. Run to Saudi, Qatar, Russia, but just run. Run you worthless fuck.
Now we know why Cheney wrote the letter
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Remember when people called him “America’s Mayor” because he told people which trains were running when the emergency response center was blown up because he wanted it to be close enough to use to bang his then-mistress, who is now the wife he’s divorcing so he can run around with another mistress?
Steve in the ATL
To be fair, that’s not unusual. Many of them are republican elected officials!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@catclub: What would be in it for Trump? The terrorist served their purpose and punished Pence for not doing what Trump wanted. Likely Trump will start calling his own supporters Antifa and send the Prison Cops to shoot them just so Trump can paint himself as law and order.
@Cheryl Rofer: the fact that he still has a social media account to spread this shit is beyond rage.
Just Some Fuckhead
See the Whiskey Rebellion for how this should be handled. To be fair, then it was Aristocrsts v. The Rabble so it was okay to shoot white insurrectionists.
@Quinerly: and they are probably right.
The delay for the call up of the DC National Guard comes back to DC not being a state. Maybe we can leverage this moment to get DC statehood done.
Rubio tweeting any Bible verses? I have one: ‘the wise man walks with eyes in his head, the blind fool falls in the ditch’. Forget whether that is from Ecclesiastes or Proverbs.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Lock him up.
@Martin: You forget who controls the military?
@different-church-lady: Seems like McCarthy, McConnell and Pence could get off their asses and make statements themselves.
The image of those insurrectionists tearing the US flag down from the Capitol and hoisting Trump’s needs to be run in every ad against every Republican in every election from now to eternity.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Hey man, good to see you again.
I don’t know. If this doesn’t cause white people to be shot, nothing will. Trump supporters have prevented the peaceful transition of power in the US. We start wars over this.
What was in it for Trump pardoning Joe Arpaio? It is trump’s brand.
what is in it for Trump pardoning that Navy seal who murdered a prisoner? same.
@sdhays: I heard a report that the request for a national guard deployment in DC has to be processed through the Department of Defense.
can’t wait for the emails between the rioters and Trump and misc GOP shitheels to come to light
@KenK: And detonated in front of the RNC building.
Amir Khalid
ABC News just showed video of Trump addressing the rioters. Again with that “we won the election” lie. That’s just adding to the rioters’ grievance. He’s not helping the situation at all.
You know, I’d say there’s not a chance he tries that because it’s a guaranteed way to ensure he is impeached, prosecuted, and given the full punishment of the law, but I wouldn’t put it past him.
Witness to woman shot in Capitol interview WUS
this motherfucker better go to jail
@Baud: now we can see them. now we can see how they protest.
they have been this way for a long time. it seems as if they like violence. Why not give them a little small no account state and let them run that state according to their principles? Heck, let’s give them 3 or 4 states. Several come to mind.
Sorry, we are keeping Los Angeles, Tucson and El Paso. Also San Francisco and most of Chicago and New York. Salt Lake City gets a special dispensation because Mormons.
@jl: Yep. Because DC isn’t a state, per the Washington Post.
@Jinchi: Trump is still hiding in an undisclosed location, but tweeted that his people need to respect the police, since that is what his movement stands for.
just wait until the DC Parking Police find out they are illegally parked all over town
Captain C
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Rudy’s acting like someone who knows on some level he’s facing life (or at least effective life at his age) in a SuperMax in the near future.
Sloane Ranger
I can’t help wondering if the votes can’t be counted today due to this attempted coup, whether Trump will start a lawsuit tomorrow claiming that any subsequent count is clearly unconstitutional and/or unlawful as it didn’t take place on the due date and he should stay on as President until a rerun of the election can take place.
Steve in the ATL
@natem: yes, that’s correct. And liberals are correct now just as we were then. So whoever wrote this can fuck right off.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: In the immortal words of Phineas J. Flynn and Ferbs Fletcher:
P: “Fame is fleeting…”
F: “But the internet is forever.”
@Amir Khalid: Malicious, moronic and stark raving mad is a bad combination.
Oh, shit, Trump video about to be shown on MSNBC.
Trump throwing gasoline on the fire: “Go home, but, yeah, the election was stolen.”
Great, cause today looks like we’re already degrading into a Game of Thrones’ world.
Captain C
This sounds like a high school student making a forced apology for a vicious prank gone wrong, lest his parents’ money not be enough to save him from expulsion.
That’s using the term “think” rather loosely….
ETA: I doubt they think that anyhow, because he’s emboldened them to think they’re going to “win.” So they won’t need a pardon.
@Jinchi: As Cheryl noted above, Pence issued a surprisingly unequivocal denunciation of this shit. I guess he and Trump are officially on the outs now, so he has nfltg. McConnell, I think, had just finished speaking about how this whole “stolen election” nonsense was dangerous and anti-democratic just as shit started to go down.
@Steeplejack: He needs to be impeached NOW
ETA: Before he pardons these criminals.
@Baud: Reported on CNN, the bomb squad safely detonated it.
@Captain C: The top Trumpsters, from the boss on down are all acting like that. They have been driven insane by fear and desperation. The crimes must be much bigger and more slam dunk that we know, which should not be a surprise, though the depths have yet to explored in detail. Then add to that the civil suits and debt, and debt collectors, and who knows what else.
How I’m hoping the rest of it goes:
PELOSI: We now receive the electoral ballots from Georgia.
RABBLE: We object! Must debate alleged fraud!
PELOSI: No objection being heard, the ballots are accepted.
@Richard: No states. No counties. Not even backyards. If they think violence is the way, let the cosplay thugs go to Angola and survive in their libertarian paradise. Fsck them and the horses they so dearly desire to have ride them like the animals they are.
@Cheryl Rofer: Mags can choke on Hillary’s emails.
Who knows what he might claim. But if Biden’s inauguration is delayed in any way we have interim president Pelosi. He doesn’t leave office. The office leaves him on January 20.
Because he’s disappointed he didn’t turn Texas blue the first time, and lose by 400 electoral votes?
Get the popcorn. The white supremacist’s mob rule has begun and is being televised. The American flag has been taken down and conservatives of both parties are on the run or hiding. Rumors are floating that Trump will pardon all the participants and hand them the Presidential medal of honor. Stay tuned as the police will gently request the rioters to please leave the premises.
@piratedan: And Ossoff has enough votes to avoid a recount. 27K at the moment.
@raven: All I can say to that video is: Thomas Browning from NJ, vile little shit, may you be the first tried for treason.
Matt McIrvin
@Sloane Ranger: He’s been spewing lawsuits like that anyway; the pretext hardly matters. At this point the worry that something or other will lead to Trump pulling some procedural bullshit is, I think, not worth worrying about, because he’ll try anyway and nothing he does possesses any valid logic.
It used to be “drunk, fat and stupid is no way to go through life.” Things have certainly gone downhill.
Matt McIrvin
@LuciaMia: Giuliani needs to be arrested too.
Central Planning
I heard Ossoff was called the winner.
Sadly, I think that will cause more insurrectionists to lose their shit.
@Kent: Good point. But I also heard on the news that perfectly legal and constitutional and procedurally correct for Congress to recess for a day, or finish the official ceremony of recognizing the EC count outside of chambers.
But, I guess, yeah, if they file more idiotic lawsuits a few Congresscrimers resort to every trick in the book, we can have a temporary Pelosi administration.
I think there was a very short term situation like this in 19th century, but due to much more mundane circumstances, and now an obscure detail, the temp president’s name a piece of arcana. But for this episode, Pelosi might get a pic in the WH for posterity.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Probably jerk off on camera. (Not sorry.)
@Bruuuuce: You are referring, of course, to Angola Prison in Louisiana, right?
@mrmoshpotato: Josh Marshall, who watches that stuff we don’t have to, tweeted that Fox News is very concerned about the failure of the Capitol Police to control the situation, and if you think about it enough, kind of their fault, in some vague way.
Institutions depend on trust, a social contract and consent. Always inherently fragile. Trump doesn’t care about any of this. He tried to turn the government and the country into an extension of his ego needs.
Intelligence usually assumes an evil Other. White guy Larry is not going to investigate his best buddy Darryl or his neighbor Jim Bob.
It’s kinda like “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.” The stupid British intelligence agencies refused to believe that one of their own would be the spy. Someone from the same class, same school, same club.
Remember not to be too nice to these fascist shitstains as they’re thrown into the backs of police trucks.
Just One More Canuck
@Just Some Fuckhead: it’s just the logical conclusion to the last 40? 50? 60? years of Repubicanism
Good point.
Burn Fox “News” to the ground. What weaselly shit.
Just Some Fuckhead
How long before the “a few bad apples” argument?
Much, much crazier.
That is, if I recall correctly, roughly what one of Trump’s sons was saying to the crowd earlier today. There’s no difference between the Republican party and Trump. Kind of a modern take on “l’état, c’est moi”.
At the time I thought he using it to threaten those Republicans who didn’t support Trump with a loss of support, but maybe the family had more in mind. It may come out at the trials.
@jl: You’d think they better knew the people buying their drinks…
Impeachment? The 25th amendment would be faster…
Mary G
@Sloane Ranger: He can file all the lawsuits he wants. I can’t see even Alito doing anything but dismiss it immediately. Judges know the rule of law must be upheld in these extreme situations. They’ve already had the target pinned to their back by these chuds by dismissing the lawsuits that got to them.
Plus, Republicans all over the country are drinking heavily because the blowback is going to be bad.
@Just Some Fuckhead: He needs to be hanged. Mussolini style.
@Cheryl Rofer: “these people”. They’re not even fellow Americans to him, because instead they’re Dems. That’s just disgusting.
Mary G
I’m glad to hear so many representatives saying that they are going to resume the debate as soon as the building is cleared, tonight if possible.
@Brachiator: Someone has put up the Alec Guinness “Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Thief” up on YouTube. I think that will be what I watch to get away from this. It’s a channel where the guy who runs it has done the incredible work of putting Spanish subtitles onto lots of TV adaptations of classic mystery novels.
Also, I have reached the gin and dark chocolate level of doomscrolling/TV watching on this.
@Sloane Ranger: What a precedent that would set. Every 4 years, set fire to otherwise peaceful DC for 24 hours and stay in power for an additional term.
@Leto: I agree, only because I assime it is easier to seal team 6 his ass if he’s in a foreign country.
I ‘ll shut up now.
But goddamn! I watched peaceful people, on their knees singing hymbs, get the fuciin’ basij treatment, and these assholes are yukkin it up snapping selfies??
Fuck this.
Whatever I can do to crush this party, root and branch. Money, voluntering. I don’t care. Fuck these people.
People being peacefully cleared from the steps…
@Richard: No.
Fuck them.
They want land, they can move their worthless asses to Siberia.
They get no part of our inheritance.
They said they would rather stop being American than be American with us.
Fuck them.
@Steve in the ATL: Magnificent!
@Feathers: I’m at cheesecake and tequila and then curling up in fetal position for an hour or twelve.
Debate? After all of this, theyre seriously saying insisting this phony ‘debate’ should continue??
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer: Larry was slow. Ralph was very fast.
Original Lee
@PenAndKey: Any classified information is supposed to be secured in a safe before the last cleared person leaves the office, every day.
Another Scott
@JPL: And none of them wearing masks.
Of course.
@Edmund Dantes: I only suggest the possibility that Trump had the proper authorities lie to the Capitol police, to play down the risk, because appropriate security precautions would have been a bad look.
I won’t argue if you feel, for example, that even if the right people lied to them, they *still* should have seen it coming. Maybe they should have; I don’t know, I don’t do that sort of analysis. I merely offer that possibility as a suggestion, since it’s the way Trump does things – demanding that people ignore the reality if it looks bad.
J R in WV
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Fox loves it, thinks Trump must be the president going forward. Should be tried for sedition and closed up for their treason. Making war, supporting war upon the legal government of the United States.
Exactly what I was thinking.
J R in WV
Fixed that for you. Pretty sure a felony arrest gets you off any police force.
@Cheryl Rofer: One thing is clear, these people have no problem looking right into the camera while trying to overthrow the government. They appear to believe there will be no consequences for this. Has the president promised them pardons?
J R in WV
@Steve in the ATL:
Fired, hell, I want them all prosecuted ASAP~!!~
@Baud: Some of it is habit. I say “excuse me” when I bump into a table. If something is drilled into you, it’s part of who you are.
@Just Some Fuckhead: @JPL:
It really is. Though JSF left off the part where Trump looked right in the camera and told the terrorists – honest to god, he said “we love you.”
J R in WV
@Steve in the ATL:
This guy is obviously a sick troll, so I just pied him, forever!
Your remark is, however, proper and to the point!!!
The Pale Scot
Booker’s killing it
@rikyrah: What Cheney letter?