Well, here we are, America:
President-elect Biden addresses the nation: https://t.co/BXM3SZK25R
— Biden-Harris Presidential Transition (@Transition46) January 6, 2021
Biden called on Trump to address the nation and call off the mob. When Trump spoke to the braying Brown Shirts prior to the insurrection, he specifically called on the assembled cretins to storm the Capitol. Let’s not allow that to go down the memory hole.
Pro-Trump insurrectionists are still occupying the U.S. Capitol. They need to be identified, arrested and prosecuted.
In other news, the GA Senate race was just called for Ossoff. So maybe there will be some goddamned accountability for this attempted coup. Open thread.
JFC Trump’s video statement is just so awful.
Just Some Fuckhead
I checked out Fox coverage for thirty minutes. Pretty muted, far away camera on the Capitol so you can’t really see what’s happening. No details about various crimes, almost like they’re trying to pretend it isn’t happening.
Old School
Meanwhile, Trump tweets that it was a fraudulent election, but everyone should go home.
We won the presidency, kept the House and took back the senate. This is a tantrum of the privileged and the spoilt and their leader.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
“The Aristocrats!”
I just thank the Almighty that none of those patriots took a knee!
Just Some Fuckhead
So when you lose by millions and millions of votes, the election was stolen from you? Someone needs to let Hillary know.
When Liz Cheney gets on cable and denounces both the protestors and president (blaming him for this terrible event) the world has turned up-side down.
Betty Cracker
@Sayne: Just saw that, and yeah. “You’re so special.” “We won it in a landslide.” JFC.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Laura Fucking Ingraham actually said that this is all the result Antifa and BLM people who have infiltrated the ranks of (un)Real, White MURKINS!!!!!!, thus, this is all caused by the left.
Oh well, such propaganda is to be expected out of Faux “News”.
Ossoff just declared the winner in the other GA election; good
TS (the original)
MSNBC saying that it will be days before congress can resume because the capitol will have to be searched and cleared. Is this the reality? More days before the EC vote is completed?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Letitia James will go medieval on Dump’s ass come January 21st
@TS (the original):
No one knows for sure. Everyone is speculating.
Amir Khalid
In two weeks time, Trump needs to be perp-walked out of the White House and into a police car.
“We love you” – trumpov to the seditionists in his video.
Hey GOP, he’s not going to go away until you help us PUT him away. #facts
Putin must be thrilled.
The shite bag occupying the White House – will he attempt to declare martial law? The Republicans who birthed this coup better be held to account or we’re well and truly fucked.
Obvious Russian Troll
@TS (the original): Hopefully they’ll go to an alternate location and get this shit the fuck over with.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Republicans are such powerless little kittens. Whenever bad things happen to/around them, it’s always someone else to blame. No agency at all, those folks.
Wyatt Salamanca
h/t https://twitter.com/briantashman/status/1346915232338358278
I hope (probably futilely) that the MSM will call them insurectionists (?).They aren’t protesters anymore.
I saw a Jesus Trump flag.
@Immanentize: hard lol here; you have prospect kid! Keep it up ;)
Impeach and convict as soon as Congress can convene in any location.
@Baud: did you immediately vomit? Eyes bleeding?
@Amir Khalid: That timeline needs to accelerated via impeachment.
@TS (the original): It will take a fair bit of time to clear the building.
Should note that Congress does have contingency plans to continue the work of the legislature in the event they cannot use the building (for whatever reason).
They can certify the EC vote from the (actual) Four Seasons if need be.
The Trumpmata.
@Cermet: I guess it was her dad — of all people — who got the other 8 living former SecDefs to publish that letter the other day warning Trump and the GOP to knock this shit off or it was going to get out of hand, so not too surprising.
I get the impression that Liz is trying to pull off what Nikki Haley thought she was going to do — position herself as the “reasonable” female Republican successor to Trump. Sad trombone for Haley after today.
Cheryl Rofer
Captain C
@Sayne: As I said in the thread below, it sounded like a prep school kid giving a forced apology because otherwise his parents’ money won’t be enough to keep him from getting expelled.
Just Some Fuckhead
I just got a phone call with “an urgent message for the vehicle owner.” Don’t know if it’s related to the coup attempt.
Wyatt Salamanca
h/t https://twitter.com/ManuelQ/status/1346913744736157714
I’m on fire with outrage at Trump’s taped statement.
TS (the original)
Guy on now, saying they are going to complete the vote tonight. Does not have to be in the capitol.
So you are correct – no-one knows. What a cf.
Things are going to get crazy as the curfew approaches. Some of that crowd look like they have no intention of leaving.
@Betty Cracker: Is there a link to Trump’s remarks?
@TS (the original): NBC is saying that the house and senate are continuing to work from their undisclosed location, ie, they won’t be cowed.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Nope. Just a telemarketing scam.
Also, since a lot of us were wondering how the Capitol Police allowed this to happen, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that they did just that — just stood down and let it happen: https://twitter.com/garyhe/status/1346931334032334848?s=20
Once these domestic terrorists have been cleared from the building, arrested, and prosecuted, there needs to be a *thorough* investigation of the CP’s role in the whole thing and the Sergent-at-Arms or whoever serves as chief of the CP should be sacked.
@Leto: whew! Do we know if his margin is outside the automatic recount?
Yes, his statement was outrageous.
He should have conceded right then and there. Admitted he was wrong. (Impossible for him, I know) Instead, he continued to incite.
@WaterGirl: Unless you want to throw up in your mouth, don’t bother.
@Immanentize: I giggled.
@Wyatt Salamanca: Would prefer a pic with him & seditionists in the same frame. Hopefully one will surface.
PAM Dirac
@WaterGirl: Yes it is. The recount threshold is a little over 22K votes.
@Cheryl Rofer: Good.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
they’re going to have to delouse the Capitol, it’s full of covid.
Old School
@WaterGirl: Trump tweeted it.
@germy: Trump is trying to play it both ways. Short insipid tweet to his followers to behave, citing the ‘Blue Lives Matter’ theme, and then sending out videos with more incitement.
I am so enraged by this I can’t even begin to write what I think or I’ll violate a whole bunch of blog rules, and quite possibly have the FBI or Secret Service on my doorstep.
zhena gogolia
@Just Some Fuckhead:
I can’t believe you made me laugh in the middle of this.
The only bright spot to this is that it’s nice to have the last few years of anxiety validated.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out sooner or later that he was trying to do this and his aides had to forcibly restrain him from picking up the phone or something.
@jonas: Agreed… They seemed to turn tail and run. I would have expected some sort of resistance.
@Wyatt Salamanca: That picture didn’t age well!
This is an old tweet, but Hillary warned us:
@germy: Some corporate media talking heads have summoned up the courage to call it what it is, and using the ‘c’ word on national news.
@Baud: Ivanka will probably tweet again on what not to wear to an insurrection.
@VeniceRiley: Seconded.
Cheryl Rofer
Oh wow. Callers to CSpan: “This was really Antifa.” And moderator is not pushing back.
Those Capitol Police that let the terrorists in have to know they are about to find out how intrusive federal investigations are.
Cheryl Rofer
More police arriving.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Martin: Also a very clear picture of who conservatives actually are for the both sides crowd.
@Martin: Said the man as he was led to the Chair.
NAM (NAM!) Calls on Pence to work to replace tRump. (Per Jim Acosta)
Apparently MaggieNYT had a tweet which angered many, but was quickly deleted. Does anyone here have a screenshot?
Just Some Fuckhead
Do these white people have jobs they are supposed to be doing right now or are they just unemployed rabble?
@jonas: From videos I saw, they didn’t deploy nearly enough people. I saw one where there were like a dozen police, without any riot gear, trying to stop a hundred or more rioters on the Capitol steps. I also heard on the news that there was internet chatter of the leaders of the rioters talking about looking at the Capitol floorplans and scouting good routes to get in where they wanted to go.
So, if that is true, who was responsible for such an inadequate deployment is where the investigation should start.
@Cheryl Rofer: CSPAN moderators don’t tend to push back… It’s a soapbox.
@JPL: Ha!
@Cheryl Rofer: I had to turn that shit off. i would have broken the tv to hear it anymore. Efuckinggads.
@germy: What’s the meme: “It’s only a coup if it comes from the Coup region of France; otherwise it’s just sparkling fascism.”
@jl: Exactly, they were way overmatched. What do the armchair warriors think they should have done, opened fire on trespassers?
TS (the original)
I hope so – Member of congress on MSNBC ( I missed his name) saying how good the Capitol police were in protecting them.
Cheryl Rofer
All of our reps are tough as nails. Harkens back to the continental congress.
I remember when disabled people in wheelchairs tried to stage a sit-in for universal healthcare. They were knocked off their wheelchairs and dragged out.
@Cheryl Rofer: Oh wow.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Trump loves them. He doesn’t want them hurt.
@Just Some Fuckhead: “Do these white people have jobs they are supposed to be doing right now or are they just unemployed rabble?”
It’s a cultural problem among working class whites. Even David Brooks wrote about it in some columns before he retired. They lacked good examples in the home when growing up. /snark.
Though, Brooks did write some columns saying just that.
@raven: were you ever shown so much deference?
@Cheryl Rofer:
Makes more sense.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
National Association of Manufacturers has called on Pence to invoke 25th Amendment
Cheryl Rofer
Whoops. House not in session. My bad. CSpan was repeating earlier footage.
@WaterGirl: I think he’s within the recount margin, so probably expect a recount/delay.
@germy: They were easy pickings.
@Cheryl Rofer: Ah.
@Immanentize: That’s not deference.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Damn. Not exactly hippies.
@Leto: No, Ossoff has passed the auto recount point. That’s why, I think, they finally called it for him.
@Wyatt Salamanca: Trump kept making that same “clenched fist in the air” motion when he was speaking to the terrorists earlier today.
Stand down and stand by… I guess they got their signal to go today.
@Amir Khalid:
He needs to be perp walked out of the WH right NOW. Not in two weeks time. He’s going to try some more….bullshit.
My cousin and her family, who live right outside of DC off the subway line, and commuted in during the before times, went to visit my uncle for his 80th birthday in Pittsburgh. (They’ve been staying in, otherwise.) We had the Zoom birthday party yesterday.
I didn’t stop panicking until I heard that she was still in Pittsburgh and not about to drive into/around DC. Who do you think a bunch of assholes with free floating anger might attack?
@raven: The selfies in the rotunda look like it to me.
Chief Oshkosh
@jonas: That is INCREDIBLE. It sure looks like the Capitol Police themselves opened the barricades and let them in.
I thought I was cynical, but sheesh.
As coups go it was a pretty half-assed attempt, with Trump riling up his nazis to go disupt the vote count. No military help no police help. I think the Capitol Police letting them in was uncoordinated but very useful.
Yes, it was a coup attempt, but also classic Trump – unplanned, half-assed, but with (he hoped) enough deniability that he can throw those dupes under the bus and skate.
PAM Dirac
@Leto: Nope. His current margin on Decision Desk is about 27K. The recount is triggered under ~22K. Most of the reports I’ve seen expect his final margin to be 40-50K.
I expect they are just spitballing and really have no idea. I expect it will take some time to go room by room to check for bombs and other shit like that. I don’t know about days though.
@TS (the original): Rep. Crow(D-CO).
@PAM Dirac: @Immanentize: oh! I’m going to say that WaPo is behind on that. Very good news!
The woman who was shot, she was one of the rioters.
@Cheryl Rofer: Wait, wut?
@Leto: I don’t think so as it stands now
“Under Georgia law, candidates can request a recount if the margin of votes is 0.5% or less.”
WinnerJon Ossoff
David Perdue*
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I hope the terrorists didn’t damage the Freedom Fries in the Capital cafeteria
Cheryl Rofer
Wyatt Salamanca
@Cheryl Rofer:
I love C-SPAN for BookTV, think tank events, and original documentary specials, but their anchors for call-in segments have always been an absolute disgrace. Unless a caller uses a profanity or makes a death threat, these idiot anchors will let them say anything.
@p.a: …what is NAM?
@jl: There’s a video where the Capitol Police (not many, maybe 5 or 6), after conferring with the insurrectionists, just walk away from the barriers and let all of the insurrectionists in.
TS (the original)
@raven: yeah, Imm and PAM got me upthread. I think the WaPo wasn’t updated just yet so I got it wrong. But very glad it’s outside that margin.
Old School
@Feathers: MaggieNYT’s deleted tweet:
Similar protests, from anti-Trump protestors in late May 2020, sent Trump to the WH bunker.
…and, of course, there’s always Special Agent Whitey Tape:
@Immanentize: The video I was talking about was about 4 cops with the crowd coming up the steps and you can’t see the crowd but they could.
Yes it is.
@jonas: “a video posted by @bubbaprog shows police taking selfies w/ these people”
Well, OK then, that changes my mind, some of the rank and file need a full investigation.
Foxes guarding the hen house?
@Cameron: I have stayed away from there since the election but they had been on that for months.
Poe Larity
Would that she was ever in a position to do something about it in the last few years.
@Cheryl Rofer: when you’ve captured NPR…
Just Some Fuckhead
When it ain’t white people:
@MisterForkbeard: Nat’l Assoc of Manufacturers. Right wing org since… forever
@jl: Where?
Cheryl Rofer
Looks like police are starting to clear insurrectionists off the Capital steps. Some also went inside.
@PJ: Yes, that changes my mind. More than just an inadequate deployment. The rot runs deep with some rank and file.
In the clip I saw, that group of police was trying to push the crowd back down the steps, but no way that they could manage it with the large crowd.
@PAM Dirac: That is so great.
@zhena gogolia:
It’s Fuckie’s superpower. AKA why I’ve missed the big galoot round these parts.
More on how the Capitol Police basically rolled over and let these fuckers take over the building: https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1346920198461419520?s=20
What the hell?
I know people have said it a million times by now, but if these had been BLM protesters, the streets of DC would be running with blood tonight.
Insurrectionists were planning to take hostages.
Just Some Fuckhead
I keep hearing journalists lament that the inauguration is in two weeks and the capitol is a mess. Like who will clean this mess up is the very least of our worries right now.
Cheryl Rofer
@raven: It’s from a tweet in the link.
Edit: follow the link the comment I replied to.
Possibly heading to the Supreme Court.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Yutsano: Ain’t he grand?
@Cheryl Rofer:
Yeah, I’m getting the impression that we’re in the slow process of clearing the building.
@MisterForkbeard: National Association of Manufacturers…one of the great old Republican stalwarts along with the Chamber of Commerce, in the Imperial Order.
We have rules?
@TS (the original):
No. They can do the vote anywhere. There’s no requirement that it happen in the actual Capitol building.
Just Some Fuckhead
Looks like the insurrectionists get to just dissipate.
@Kent: Having worked on Capitol Hill, the Capitol was built in the Victorian era, with lots of columns, embellishments, statues, nooks and crannies, and hallways, not to mention an entire underground tunnel system going several levels underground and spreading out to all the enormous and rabbit warrenish House and Senate office buildings, as well as the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress. The Capitol complex is an enormous building, and not modern. Just remembered all the underground parking lots.
I can’t imagine sweeping it for IEDs will be able to be done quickly, especially if offices were broken into, which seems to have happened.
Why aren’t these assholes all being arrested?
God, I sound like an “abolish the police!” advocate, but what good are they if they can’t or won’t arrest people who are trying to destroy democracy?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Fucking No True Scotsman nonsense, Anarchist are authoritarians. Only under a violent dictatorship does their ideas work.
To coin an acronym, FTFIT.
Police/NG using flash bangs to disperse the insurrectionists off the Inaugural stage.
@Leto: I suspect at least some of them were planning on carrying out the MI militia plans – take members of congress hostage and execute them.
Tear gas on the Capitol steps.
He loves them! He thinks they are very special.
Just Some Fuckhead
@david: Oh my, that’s a phenomenal take.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@geg6: It was until the Sixth Congress that Congress meet in the Capital Building.
Also now reports of armed militias/insurrectionists moving on the streets
It was just yesterday that James Arrogant Prick Comey said that trump shouldn’t be prosecuted after he leaves office.
Just Some Fuckhead
@jl: I lol’ed.
@Leto: Someone upthread said 22,000 was the cutoff, and when I subtracted Perdue’s # from Jon Ossoff’s, that was 27,075.
So I think he is outside of the automatic recount area.
They’ll be easier to deal with on the streets.
Cheryl Rofer
@Martin: same thought; there were some insurrectionists talking with the MSNBC reporter saying they were planning to come back with weapons. I hope Merrick Garland can bring the full weight of the Justice Dept against these traitors.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Baud: You know it’s gone extreme when Pence has his gander up. Damn, this is,.,, interesting,
It’s clearing outside quickly.
@MisterForkbeard: National Association of Manufacturers. Real billionaires. Which prompts me to wonder what the market will do tomorrow.
Because the police support them. Wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot of off-duty cops among this rabble and that’s why they’re being treated with kid gloves. I’m sure there are all sorts of signals being flashed about as to who is an LEO under those bandanas and balaclavas.
Bill Arnold
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
is surprisingly good on the matter.
@MomSense: He needs to STFU forever.
Watching ABC News, and they just had a minority reporter on the scene. I didn’t catch her name, but total respect for Black reporters who are surely at risk in that crowd.
@Immanentize: Srsly.
I want to see lots of memes like this contrast from The Real Hoarse
and like what you said
I also wanna see the photos again of that nurse, I think a young white gal, who was there to support BLM in her scrubs and was taken to be such a threat in Seattle. And those terrifying Portland moms. Is Kaepernick from the Pac NW? He’s got a cool mom, too.
Captain C
@Cheryl Rofer: *cough25thAmendmentcough
@Just Some Fuckhead: Seems like a long time ago, but the BS GOP pundits wrote some nonsense like that a couple of years ago when they saw some of their dupes start to defect to the commie Dems, after getting tired of eating shit for years, as everyone except the rich do in this country, and others go stark raving rabies mad and evil and joining the violent among the Trumpsters.
Sad and impotent attempt to get off the tiger they created.
Trying to arrest all these folks right now would be a real hassle. Fortunately, since they are all idiots, pictures of almost all of them are available. They just try to put the pictures on FB and get them recognized by FB’s face recognition software. Most of these people are on FB, I am sure.
The ones inside the building may have more difficulty getting away though, since they have committed more serious crimes.
Only in the sense that enforcement of the “Do Not Call” registry has gone to hell over the last four years.
Steps are cleared.
Just Some Fuckhead
So Pence refused to declare Trump president-for-life and Trump tried to have him killed. Isn’t Pence the one who leads the effort to relieve Trump of the presidency via the 25th?
@Lyrebird: This wasn’t a protest. This was a serious, successful attack on Congress to prevent them from doing their work in confirming the election of the guy who won the popular vote and the electoral college vote. These fuckers should be going to jail for a good long spell.
@jonas: see my link above with the Capitol Police taking selfies with these traitors.
I can’t believe they’re letting these racist insurrectionists melt away. Bowser declares curfew 6pm thats in 45 so I hope Dc rocks up on every one of these terrorists.
Matt McIrvin
@Martin: I was worried about far worse than this–this is a violent coup attempt with essentially no chance of succeeding. Nobody is gonna peruse the US Code and go “OMG, it turns out there’s a law from 1799 that if a guy with a horned helmet steals the Speaker’s podium, he has dibs on the Presidency!”
@Baud: The fact they’re still on the front lawn is fucking infuriating. There should be mass clearings/arrests/etc. My inner military response has just been overwhelming since 1pm.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
Just had an amusing thought: I’d put the odds at better than one in three that on January 20th, Joe Biden isn’t sworn in as the 46th President of the United States…
…but as the 47th.
That blew my mind
They are the very most staid of conservative republicans, and they called on Pemce to invoke the 25thAmendment
@Martin: That’s my sense as well. They need to stop treating this like a protest that got out of hand and declare what it is: an attempted coup against the US government at the behest of a corrupt leader who refuses to acknowledge an election and leave office.
@david: I mean, I laughed and I don’t even football.
@Captain C: Well, it’s what he knows how to do. I’m sure he had to do it a lot in his youth.
I’m not sure they can attest the people who stayed outside and didn’t do any vandalism. I hope everyone inside gets rounded up.
@lgerard: Who is NAM?
Just Some Fuckhead
@p.a: We cannot allow Vietnam to determine our leaders.
Trump’s video statement.
@Leto: With a little luck they’ll wander into N.E. …
… where they may find residents who take a dim view of their shenanigans.
Maddow reporting that some journalists/camera people have been attacked by the insurrectionists. Also asking why there haven’t been arrests, why they’re still allowed on the Capitol. I mean, because they’re white but still.
In 15 days both the House and Senate will be under Democratic Control.
Among their many other urgent duties, a thorough investigation and top-to-bottom house cleaning of the Capitol Police seems to be in order.
Agreed, but it should still be treated as an attempted coup and the participants prosecuted for insurrection and sedition.
Every Dem rep on TV is resolute.
Good, goddammit. Do it tomorrow so Trump can be held accountable for the shooting, damage, everything.
Just Some Fuckhead
They are just going to let them walk away. Really stunning.
@Matt McIrvin: There are two sets of laws in this country. For these people, if there were no riot, there would be worrying over whether the invasion was really illegal. I mean, does the law really cover a guy in a Viking/ninja turtle costume barging into the chambers if he just wants to sit in the chair behind the dais and yell shit.
Just like if you are politician taking a bribe: well was it really a bribe unless there wasn’t a contract that explicitly spelled out the quid pro quo and an escrow account?
I agree. Although I hope doesn’t become all about the police failures.
Okay, what are these “rules” of which you speak?
More footage:
Yep. They had one job….
@Leto: I don’t know the person who tweeted that. I imagine you do and that you can confirm that they are credible?
@CaseyL: I hear you telepathically. GOP needs to be permanently disgraced and dissolved
It’s not like they’re busy with anything else.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: Joe Biden was the 47th Vice President.
@Baud: Josh Marshall says Fox News is trying to use ‘police failures’ as a way to get out of their current PR media crisis messaging dilemma. We’ll see how well that kite flies.
New level of hate unlocked by reject Eddie Munster: Cruz is currently sending out email fundraising off this.
@japa21: We do! They are outlined in the footer on every page.
I don’t know anything about Capitol security. But I gotta imagine that there are top quality security cameras EVERYWHERE inside and outside of the capitol, covering every corner. With modern face recognition, I gotta think they can identify most of these rioters. They aren’t wearing masks and are going about it overtly. It might take some time. But I expect that the FBI can eventually identify every last on of them and will have most everything they did on HD camera.
Patricia Kayden
Despicable, despicable monster.
Given the seriousness of what just took place, It’s remarkable that people were not killed. Let’s hope tonight goes equally well.
National Association of Manufacturers
DC Mayor: Please send National Guard.
WH: lolololol
VA gov: Here’s some guard units for you, and some state troopers.
MD gov: How about another 200 or so?
WH: Well, okay then…
Never underestimate the capacity for America to let white people of the hook
One woman shot. In critical condition.
Just Some Fuckhead
@jl: The Party of Personal Responsibility are masters at finding someone else responsible.
Now that you mention it, I do recall John banning someone a while back (he was more, um, acerbic than usual). So yes, there are rules, and they may even be written down somewhere.
@WaterGirl: it was a tag on (follow on tweet? Idk the terminology) to a Malcom Nance tweet. The image was from inside the Capitol but there’s only 1 reason to bring zip tie handcuffs, and it’s not knitting related.
Also NPR is reporting multiple IEDs have been found on/in the Capitol. Totally not an organized event.
@Leto: He needs to be expelled.
@Martin: They would have contingency plans from back in the early days of the Cold War when it was assumed rockets would fly over the city of Washington-and possibly earlier when some people thought Russians might come over and invade. Those plans need to be updated to take account of domestic terrorism now.
I have been shaking all day long, terrified that things would get worse. But reassured that no rioter can give Trump what he needs, legitimacy after the 1/20.
@WaterGirl: It looks like the seditionists had rope and zip ties on them. Several were also armed.
That’s not absolute proof they were going to take hostages (they can claim that they were going to tie themselves to things, maybe), but it’s good enough for me. I don’t know what ELSE they thought they could do.
@Kent: from your fingertips to the jail/prison cells.
@Baud: Like that stops them at an actual, and peaceful, Black Lives Matter protest.
Heywood J.
That’s precisely what they would have done if the “protesters” had been a couple shades darker, and we all know it.
At the very least, the head of the Capitol Police needs to be fired ASAP. These assholes have been planning this for weeks, and there was clearly zero preparation, zero planning, and then when shit rolled down as we all knew it would, the cops just let these violent yahoos into the building. I can’t imagine any congressional representative feels remotely safe anymore, knowing they have a bunch of inept Keystone Kop types entrusted with their lives.
Fire the people that need to be fired. Start impeachment proceedings against Trump tomorrow. Arrest as many of these domestic terrorists as possible, and make examples of each and every one of them.
Or this is going to become a regular occurrence. Hell, it already is at many state houses. No one is held accountable. Why shouldn’t they keep doing this?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: from the Earth, sans space suit.
Roger Moore
There’s no requirement it happen in a particular place, but the two houses have to agree if they’re going to do it in some other place:
Now I know why Trumpers are anti mask.
Theyre really afraid they might be mistaken for black people
@Kent: All that is true, but frankly, I don’t care. That’s just going after the little fish instead of dealing with the real problem at the top.
One of the rioters.
@jonas: There’s a gallows set up on the west side of the Capitol. We know they were planning on taking hostages. They brought an explosive device and guns.
I mean, I get deescalating, but they are only being empowered by the response. I’m guessing there will be violence tonight. Every mom that participated in this needs a 10 year federal sentence. And it needs to go up from there.
And Congress needs to pass laws that allows prosecution of police for hate crimes given that clearly they know how to de-escalate without shooting.
This is absurd. After 9/11 the FBI interviewed me for hours and hours asking about every muslim student and every muslim faculty member if they’d ever said or done anything that suggested they might be a terrorist.
We need the same level of dedication devoted to identifying and prosecuting every person on camera for federal crimes.
@Steeplejack: Holy fuck.
MSNBC said a senate aide remembered to save the electoral ballots on his or her way out.
TS (the original)
MSNBC – Do not have enough police to make mass arrests!
Sister Golden Bear
@VeniceRiley: I am become a white-hot ball of rage.
Per MSNBC a sharp young aide, while being evacuated, went back in and grabbed the electoral ballot certificates. Duuuuuude…
Edit: SCOOPED by MSNBaudC again! Drats!
@Leto: I’m good with that.
Good news, then. ?
Never ever ever let anyone you know who voted for Trump forget that they are partially responsible for this.
From DHS website
@Heywood J.: Investigation needs to go all the way down into the ranks. Videos showing some police doing their job, others collaborating with the rioters.
I don’t have much hope that the evolution of two systems of law in the country, one for white conservatives, and another for everyone else, will be looked at. But, after this… maybe, a tiny unlikely maybe, but a maybe.
@Roger Moore: I think virtual session have already been approved.
@Baud: True. But could (should?!?!) have been dozens or more.
Just Some Fuckhead
Fucking Turkey is trolling us.
White domestic terrorism
Biden’s DOJ needs to quickly arrest people, whose pictures have been posted online, who they can ID.
That needs to start at 12:00:01 on January 20, 2021.
Whoever in the Capitol Police decided to effectively have their officers stand down, and let the terrorists seize the Capitol is going to have fun in Congressional hearings. Even Republican Congresscritters are no longer amused by this group of Republicans/Trump supporters that seized the Capitol.
@GrannyMC: SecDef Miller decided to deploy the Guard after consulting with Milley, Pelosi, McConnell, and Pence. Not Trump.
@TS (the original): maybe if they treated the insurrectionists the same as that old man in Detroit, who had his head rebounded off the ground, simply beat them/step over them/keep going, and then arrest the broken on the ground on the roundup.
I’m sorry for being heartless/graphic, but I’m just so out of fucks. Rage. Unfettered rage.
@Sister Golden Bear: Come sit six feet away from me. xo
Yeah, I’m coming very close to getting kicked off FB because of my angry posts that will show up on family members’ feeds.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Erdogan still rubbing it in after rolling Trump up like a Turkish rug and selling him out as a tragic comedy act?
@TS (the original): Maybe Jason Crowe, who said such a while ago.
That’s it.
That’s obvious??
The Moar You Know
not an attempted coup. A failed coup.
I am enraged beyond description.
“Socialist Dog Mom” Molly Conger was tweeting reports and pics from outside the Capitol. Not a lot went on away from the building- an ice cream truck was even selling soft serve- but more and more law enforcement were unloading from buses, including what she thought was a 50+ member FBI swat team. The curfew starts at six, her Dad has texted her, and she was getting out.
@rikyrah: Indeed, a coup attempt, an insurrection.
@Suzanne: Never forgive, never forget (Dune Fremen maxium)
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
But, you are right
Fair Economist
@Matt McIrvin: You’re not thinking if you think this had no chance of success. I’m not going to say what they could have done, obviously, but there were certainly possibilities. Read about North Carolina at the end of Reconstrction.
TS (the original)
MSNBC – DC LE (various levels) are not strangers to these types of protests – and they have stopped this before. Questions need to be asked as to why they allowed this to happen.
@The Moar You Know: “A failed coup.”
A criminal, evil, but also deeply moronic, move by Trump and the Trumpsters.
Garrett Haake on MSNBC talking about the fact that D.C. police agencies regularly deal with large protests and raising questions about how this one supposedly developed as a big surprise.
There will probably be an investigatory commission down the road.
@Ken: Ok, there are rules. They’ve been front paged at least once:
And I stand up here because I sense the invisible hand of WaterGirl and I will defend her hard work keeping this place running.
I had not seen that. I think the way it’s been handled by the capital police and letting everyone go is possibly even more alarming than that they tried this in the first place.
I am so grateful that we will have the house and the senate. what a relief.
You all (and definitely including the MSM) keep calling these seditionists “white people”. I’m going to go with “off-duty police”, given the video evidence of on-duty police reacting to their presence exactly as like they’ve been shown in other incidents, e.g. BLM “riots”. The wink and nod and letting them go on about whatever shit business they were engaged in.
Not police? Let them prove it.
@VeniceRiley: same. I’ll make s’mores, or something.
When Liz Cheney is your teller of truth, it has become the weirdest of times.
@MisterForkbeard: Agreed. As I said to Leto, I had not read that when I wrote my comment.
Dec 17 (Reuters)
Another, and comparatively minor, reason I’m so mad is that last night I didn’t let myself express my joy at the results of the Georgia Senate races, for fear that, like Orpheus in Hades, if I
looked backdid,my wife would vanishthe results would change.Then, before I can say “Yay, Warnock and Ossoff!,” the Capitol gets taken over by traitors while the Capital Police do nothing.
I am all in favor of outlawing the GOP altogether as an insurrectionist, treasonous, Anti-American organization. Treat them like HUAC treated the US Communist Party – and for much better reason!
I am all in favor of trials for sedition, insurrection, and treason against every goddamn one of the Seditious Dozen, the 126 GOP Representatives, and the entire Trump Administration.
I am all in favor of Trump standing trial for treason, being convicted, and then executed.
And this is the nice, cleaned up version of what I’m in favor of.
Adam’s got a new thread up on the LEO.
Weirdest thing in the world to applaud Liz Cheney. We’ve reached quite a terrible place when simply standing up for democracy is so important.
@Martin: Wait, what? There’s a gallows??
@WaterGirl: yeah. I hope arrests were made inside, but there needs to be large investigations on how the fuck this was allowed to happen. Unacceptable.
All right, Adam weighing in upstairs on the “willful failure of the Capitol Police.” So maybe I wasn’t just being paranoid.
The lack of arrests is what’s bothering me.
They just… let people in to trash everything and try to attack Congress to overthrow the government. They didn’t really have enough personnel to stop it without escalating and that’s a HUGE problem, and they were chummy with the seditionists. This is another problem.
But now they’re just… going to let all these traitorous fucks go home with no consequences.
@lgerard: The convenient thing about the 25th Amendment is that Congress must decide within 21 days, so invoking it now removes Trump from power until after the inauguration – assuming Congress doesn’t move quickly to put him back, which is probably more likely now than it was six hours ago.
Also, Pence only beomes acting President, so we don’t have to renumber the Biden merchandise.
Yes. Prison.
Heywood J.
@jl: Totally agree with all of that.
While I did appreciate President Biden’s message earlier, I was dismayed by his appeal to Trump to de-escalate the situation. It should be painfully obvious by now that there is nothing to say to Trump anymore, about anything. It’s like asking John Gotti to please stop criming. I mean, Jesus H. Christ.
The appeal should be to all of the law enforcement agencies on the ground there to do their goddamned jobs, and then to the Democratic politicians to do theirs, at the earliest possible opportunity. Like tomorrow. Articles of impeachment, firings and prosecutions of all law-enforcement personnel who palled around with the terrorists, arrests and prosecutions of as many of these terrorists as possible. No mercy. No unity. No reconciliation.
Watching this shit unfold for the last several hours, I honestly haven’t felt like this since 9/11. Serious shit is coming down, fast and hard, and the people in power need to decide quickly whether they’re going to knuckle down on it, or continue to try to appease it.
I don’t know when we decided to start negotiating with criminals and terrorists, but it’s not a path that ends well.
I worked for an IT staffing company during that period. In 2002, we hired a Pakistani man, who had recently finished his master’s degree. He was broke. We wired him money for relocation. We got a call from some federal agency questioning this.
Also in this time period we hired someone on an H1-B visa. He never worked for one employer for very long. He liked to jump at the next job that paid a bit more.
I got a notice from the FBI that an agent would come to our office to review his employee file, because they found this suspicious.
The woman agent from the FBI was dressed in business clothes with suit jacket. I was going over the file with her in my office. Her jacket opened a bit, showing she had a gun under it. It’s very unnerving being audited by the government, and more so when the government agent has a gun.
@raven: I have to agree with you. The last thing you want is to make martyrs out of Y’AllQueada
That said these seditionists shouldn’t have been able to get in so easily.
@Spanky: ” Not police? Let them prove it. ”
Good point. There needs to be a very thorough investigation. News reports say there was plenty of warning. People can argue with whether the overall tactics were correct to stop a lot of shooting from possibly breaking out.
But the pix of police taking selfies with rioters is enough to start a big investigation.
The videos of some police totally outnumbered trying to stop the rioters and insurrectionists, and others paling around with them, is shocking. Looks like the boys in blue doing their jobs don’t have all of their colleagues’ support. If that doesn’t start a big investigation, nothing will.
Probably unemployed due to the pandemic they consider fake but was actually made worse by the response from their perverted savior. File this in the same compartment that allows these he-men to think the whiniest asshole on earth is a tough guy.
Also consider that foreign agents will easily have access to Congress and who knows what kind of thing that is going on there in terms of espionage.
NPR reported similarly and pointed out that the building wasn’t hardened specifically because it is the Peoples House.
Don’t know about you guys, but I kind of need this.
Matt McIrvin
@Fair Economist: Oh, I agree there were possibilities. Just not the way they actually did it. I was thinking Reichstag passing the Enabling Act, 1933, where you remove a bunch of members of the legislature beforehand and essentially take the rest hostage and force them to vote the way you want.
Of course for that, you need to have already established enough control of the rest of society that people don’t immediately say “come on, that’s illegitimate because it’s under duress.” And Trump didn’t have that, but he could have under slightly different circumstances, if he had more focus.
Sister Golden Bear
@WaterGirl: I did see a photo an insurrectionist with a handful of zip ties, of the sort used to handcuff people.
So it’s plausible, but not proven, at this point as far as I know.
Thank you, @Danielx.
The day that Putin became president.
Lou Dobbs tonight: These were not Trump supporters, these were Antifa mobsters impersonating Trumpers. That’s why Capitol Police were nowhere to be found.
Next up –
“Chain of custody has been broken, any so far uncounted are therefore suspect and must be thrown out.”
(wish it were snark)
Ceci n est pas mon nym
The woman who was shot has died.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Sometimes the “You go to hell”s come easy …
Uncle Cosmo
@Baud: Who has since died.
The woman who was shot has died, so I understand.
@germy: If the media hadn’t spent years both-sidesing shit, I would probably feel bad for them.
@Cheryl Rofer: As the afternoon progressed I noticed that they were using stronger verbiage.