Trump has been permabanned by Instabook/Facegram. Apparently he’s been unbanned at Twitter but he hasn’t posted yet. I’m gonna guess that unless he posts smiley emojis and pictures of cats, Twitter will probably feel their oats and ban him as well.
Of course, these assholes were happy to have Trump around when he boosted “engagement”. And, as Judd Leglum is often pointing out, these platforms only care about enforcing their “standards” when there’s intense pressure on them.
What’s interesting to me is the really low level of “engagement” of the average Twitter/Facegram subscriber. Those who were mining the Twitter feed of the woman who was shot in yesterday’s riot were pulling up stuff she re-tweeted, and it was all re-tweets, no content. If she had posted anything that took effort, I’m sure I would have seen it. Yet she was motivated enough to travel to DC and invade the Capitol. There’s something there that merits a little more than a Cletus Safari — my question is what social media platform was she really using? Parler? Gab? Some sort of imessage group of local hooligans?
On a somewhat related topic, it just adds to the story of white privilege to note that 4 people died in the Capitol yesterday, 1 from gunshot, and 3 from “medical emergencies”. In other words, in this riot, more old, out-of-shape white folks died from the exertion of climbing the Capitol steps than from contact with the police.
Trump posting cat pictures would be an endless stream of cats-who-look-like-Hitler photos.
I posted this on my senators FB page as well as on his site. A Kansas senator siding with the Confederacy cannot be left unremarked.
To the senator: Yesterday you violated the oath of office you took only a few days before. You sided with traitors and seditionists, voting against the very Constitution you swore to uphold. You found craven company with senators from Confederate states like Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and, worst of all for a Kansas native, Missouri. You looked away when your fellow seditionists unfurled and waved the Confederate flag, the flag of losers, inside the US Capitol. You are ignorant of history, law, and most of all, ethics. You are a disgrace. You should resign. But because of your ambition, boundless ignorance, and lack of ethics, of course you will not do that.
I know that the senator will never read this. So this is addressed to whomever is charged with reading these messages. You should also resign now, before the stench of sedition taints you as well. Your resume will look far better in the future when you can point to Jan 7, 2021 as the day you quit working for a feckless amoral ignoramus who has embarrassed his state and his country. You can thank me later. Resign now.
I’m wryly thinking that a gunshot wound is a type of medical emergency.
(Mad Magazine had a piece once about people dying of natural causes. Dying from blood loss was natural, for example.)
Email alert from NY Times. Got to say, this reminds me so much of satirist Andy Borowitz, in format and content.
Facebook will block President Trump on its platforms, including Instagram, at least until the end of his term, Mark Zuckerberg said.
Thursday, January 7, 2021 11:14 AM EST
“The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden,” Mr. Zuckerberg said in a post.
Mr. Mix, it only took some radio talkshow blather to do a genocide in Rwanda. Don’t act like it would take more for her just because she was a white lady with money.
Betty Cracker
Maybe this goon posing outside the Speaker’s office in a “Camp Auschwitz” sweatshirt finally made it real for Zuckerberg:

Chuck Schumer (via WaPo):
I heard one of the dead was from a self-inflicted taser, but can’t confirm. Anyone have links?
Also feeling fortunate that I’m in IL, with Durbin and Duckworth as senators, and my R-rep, who has been a TrumpyToadie, was one of the tellers (and had previously said he wouldn’t sign on with the seditionists.)
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
@Elizabelle: Yeah, a lot of shocked faces all around today…
@VeniceRiley: I take your point but I’d still be interested in the story of which social media platforms are frequented by these clowns.
@Betty Cracker: Here’s a bunch from Metro DC Police.
@Betty Cracker: Hah! Not a chance.
What made it real was Democrats chairing all of the House and Senate committees that would be hauling his ass in for hearings.
I am still seething in anger and unable to do any work. I was pleasantly surprised that my rep, the odious Dan Crenshaw, voted “nay” on the objections. There is a new neighbor that moved in that actually has a Republican flag in front of his house. It is taking all I have not to rip it down.
Heywood J.
@Betty Cracker: Ordinarily you’d dox that “Camp Auschwitz” goober and get him fired, but I’m sure he hasn’t seen a legit paycheck in some time. Can’t imagine anyone paying that slapdick actual money to clean their rain gutters. Bet he knows his way around the backside of a farm animal, though.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
You win the prize. That fucker would add special holocaust denial emojis to Facebook if it would get him clicks.
@Betty Cracker: These insurrectionists belong in a gallery with the photo from Ohio? Michigan?
The white middle aged zombies demonstrating outside the locked door.
That was priceless. The Walking (Brain) Dead
@raven: How do these idiots not immediately recognize Jake Angeli? He’s not subtle.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
Today I learned that there’s a Republican flag. I always thought it was the stars and bars.
@Heywood J.: Lot of MAGA folks own their own businesses.
@Squid696: You’d think there’d be an ordinance against flying a swastika in front of your house.
@Martin: A buddy just posted FB posts of the owners of Rouses and Breaux Mart Supermarkets in New Orleans were there.
Joe Manchin says ‘no Twitter for Trump’.
Heywood J.
@Martin: Yeah, I know. I wouldn’t count on Camp Auschwitz being one of those, but you never know. Either way, every one of these terrorists needs to be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. No exceptions, no mercy. Dear Leader proposed ten years for defiling federal property, and for once, I completely agree with him. Let’s start with Camp Auschwitz there.
Zuck is 4 years late and 350,000 lives short.
Wasn’t one of the fatalities because the guy accidentally tased himself?
@Heywood J.: I don’t know if Camp Dumbfuck was doxxed, but a lot of them have been. Good. Keep it up. I don’t want them to slither silently back under the rock. Keep the sunshine on them.
There’s video on the WaPo of a window at the capital being easily broken with a police shield (!) and what looks like a 2×4 (where the hell did that come from?). I understand it’s the people’s house, but it seems to me the building should be at least as hardened as the schools in my district; we’ve installed security film on the windows that impedes* these kind of breaches.
*Not 100% break/bullet-proof, but provides plenty of time for security response.
@raven: (on the Metro DC Police PDF) I was surprised the gentleman carrying the podium was not pictured. Sure looked like a stolen property rap to me.
@Heywood J.: There were quite a few 6MNE hoodies out there as well. Pretty popular with Proud Boys.
@Butch: 10% rule strikes again. (You have to be at least 10% smarter than the device you’re operating)
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: Jack Dorsey better be getting nervous, too.
God I loathe Zuckerberg. What he should have done is announce FB was deplatforming Trump and any other individuals or groups involved in yesterday’s action, then committed ritual seppuku to atone for what his company has done to the country and our politics the past four years.
I thought I had heard one of the deaths was someone fell from some scaffolding.
God, what a gallery of douche canoes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: make him and the goober with the confederate flag the face of the GOP, cause they are
@OldDave: That’s Adam Johnson from Parrish, FL. Probably didn’t need any help IDing him. His local paper already reporting on him.
Trump’s Twitter account is official government communication. His messages have to be preserved. Suspending his account is not just about tech weasels finally reacting to the president, but is an extraordinary reaction to Trump’s delusional abuse of his presidential privilege.
How about just good ol’ email? Check her inbox to see how many Trump Campaign mailers.
@raven: Language under the photos of Mr. Viking and MAGATs: Why wait on that stimulus/COVID relief check? Maybe some of the MAGATs will turn on each other, too.
@Brachiator: Twitter and Facebook preserve every message, regardless of what you do on your end. That’s part of the law enforcement system tech companies have set up. You can delete your account and they’ll still have them all.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@RandomMonster: does OANN count as “social media”? I’ve seen it on hotel cable packages. There’s also Newsmax, and there’s another “network” that I think is mostly on-line. I see it in screen shots on twitter.
Heywood J.
@Leto: It’s a start. I mean, we all want Something To Be Done Right Now, but really, it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet, so I am cautiously optimistic that things are going roll hard on a lot of these turds. It will be glorious to watch.
And Schumer’s response this morning is a great start as well. Even if expulsion won’t get the votes, the process should still be initiated and documented, and then the insurrectionists in question be given the absolute worst committee assignments, etc. Make them miserable — or better yet, call Moscow Mitch in and make him do it, by some combination of carrot and stick.
One thing is certain — nothing will change until accountability is had and consequences are felt. Trump is the way he is because no one ever made him stop. Why should he change? He’s never had a reason to.
Dana Bash on CNN pooh poohing that Trump will be removed; time is so short.
Although she hedges: tensions are high.
The DC press corpse, at its finest.
Enjoy seeing the former Mr. and Mrs. John King discussing how badly their fellow Republicans behaved.
Twitter is giving him one more chance to hang himself.
Heywood J.
@Martin: Good lord, those people are fucking scum. I sincerely hope yesterday turns out to be a massive super-spreader event. The world would literally be a better place without them.
White & Gold Purgatorian
Regarding Schumer’s call for Trump to be removed, immediately, I think it might be helpful to start contacting Senators and Congresscritters and demanding the same thing. Maybe start calling or emailing Pence’s office as well to push for a 25th amendment solution, today. Trump is too deranged to be left in office for 13 more days.
@Elizabelle: Mr Viking is Jake Angeli. He’s known as Q Shaman. He’s at every Trump rally. He’s extremely well known.
@Martin: Call that tip line! You could use that $1,000.
Donate it to COVID and pet relief, if you must.
Quite a few of these guys got IDed overnight and lots of public statements of them getting fired this morning. The FBI need to arrest the WV state senator.
@Elizabelle: Trust me, if I know their names, they already know their names.
@White & Gold Purgatorian: CNN congressional reporter just told us that the senior Republicans he is talking to are “done with this president.” Junior Republicans too.
Talk is cheap. Prove it, GOP.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah, she could’ve been motivated by any number of sources in the right-wing garbage ecosystem.
We can continue the doxing with this guy, the fucker in Pelosi’s office pictured with his feet on her desk.
@Heywood J.: I wonder how many of these folks are receiving their Social Security or SS Disability payments.
@Heywood J.: You will be surprised at who some people work for. And if he’s not working now, he never will be working again except sweeping floors for the African-Americans who are in charge of sweeping floors.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That’s a good question as to all these people who seem marginally employable managed to afford plane tickets and DC’s pricey hotel rooms. Makes one think that part of that money Trump was raising off the disputing the vote went to pay for a mob.
@Martin: Was kidding; you’d have to stand in line for the $$$, but … there are numerous MAGAts in those photos.
Resplendent in their red MAGAt hats.
Heywood J.
@Elizabelle: Exactly. When they have the guts to put their names with their words, then we can be impressed.
Even Tim Ryan is angry Congress adjourned and left without immediately impeaching Trump. If for no other reason, he has to be impeached for fomenting the hostage-taking of an equal branch of government.
Also, every asshole who calls this country a Republic instead of a Democracy and who uses the term “the Democrat Party” should be censured, if not kicked the fuck out of government.
@White & Gold Purgatorian: Absolutely.
@Martin: My hometown; can confirm it’s goober central.
My biggest question this morning is, why does the Chief of the Capitol Police still have a job?
Their sole purpose is to keep Congress and the Capitol safe and secure. Yesterday was a spectacular failure that the whole world watched.
@Albatrossity: That’s a great piece of writing. Thanks for sharing it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I genuinely wonder how he pays for that? disability? or his grandpa is the third largest Chevy dealer in Bayonne?
@cope: Richard Barnett, from Arkansas. He posted a picture of himself holding mail he stole from her office on his social media.
@White & Gold Purgatorian: I’ve written and called my members of Congress to ask them to hold accountable all those who encouraged, supported or participated in yesterday’s insurrection. And that they support impeachment as a first step. I’m in MA so they’ve already expressed support for impeachment, but it doesn’t hurt to let them know they have constituent support.
Contacting Pence’s office wrt the 25th is a good idea.
Heywood J.
@Phylllis: Yes, definitely. Not to indulge in anecdata, but I know a fair number of these types, and somewhere between a third and a half are on some form of public assistance.
@Heywood J.: @#13 I’m pretty sure that Camp Auschwitz goober is on some sort of government assistance.
And Edward Snowden posts a tweet lamenting that “Big Tech” has won the digital war in airlocking Trump’s accounts, as he’s safely ensconced in his adopted homeland of Russia, a land noted for free speech and responsible advocacy of information technology.
I’d prefer they immediately have an impeachment vote in the House and then pass it to the Senate.
Schumer schedule the vote for Friday at 8am with (again) no witnesses.
WaPost, posted 11:34 am:
Trump abruptly pulls DHS secretary’s nomination after he criticizes ‘violent opportunists’ who invaded Capitol Because of course he did.
@Heywood J.: Or have a local/state government job. Or pension from one.
Not the same thing. Big time constitutional lawyers can weigh in, but there is an assertion that Trump’s social media musings are official federal government communication which must be preserved. This is independent of whether they are stored or hidden away on a tech company server.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Grift. He’s either getting expensed from the Trump campaign or fundraising off GiveSendGo.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lee: when will Warnock and Ossoff be sworn in?
@natem: Why can’t Facebook stop oppressing that nice fellow who incited a coup attempt against the United States Congress?
Is there no justice in the world?
Gin & Tonic
My son, who basically reviews Russian media, social media and various known trolls for a living, has been really really busy. Trump’s parting gift to Putin.
@Brachiator: Oh, in that way, yeah, that’s entirely true.
@OldDave: At least, from the pictures I’ve seen of the original Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler, Ludendorff, etc. had serious looks on their faces.
insert Big Lebowski reference here.
@Percysowner: Et tu Chad?
@Albatrossity: Well said!
Also, I saw a ginormous hawk on a small tree, not five feet from my patio door. Couldn’t photo it fast enough, but what a thrill. Beautiful clear blue sky behind it, too.
Love your photos, but seeing them so close to the ground reminds how large these raptors are.
@Elizabelle: Dems have no choice. If this doesn’t provide a reason, then nothing will for anyone in future. More importantly, when someone is a clear and present danger to the country and the world, 13 days is too long.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: 19th, when the Senate reconvenes. Possibly sooner if Mitch calls the Senate back into session. Schumer doesn’t become Majority Leader until Kamala becomes VP to be the 51st vote, unless they can convince someone like Romney to vote for Chuck either to expedite things or just as a fuck you to Mitch.
@Elizabelle: Waiting for the Hitler bunker parodies.
@Percysowner: Yep. The WaPost had him in their story.
The interesting takeaway there was Wolf’s pledge to remain in office. As in, not scram before any 25th Amendment discussion.
@Betty Cracker:
Gee, he seems nice.
@bluehill: Yup.
“Seven Days in May.” But: hell, let’s leave Trump in office for the next 13. How bad could it be?
FWIW, I think “Seven Days” is one of Lindsey Graham’s favorite movies. He may see himself as one of the movie characters he is not in real life.
@Heywood J.: doxxing resulting in firing:
There’s def more to come.
@Elizabelle: As some wag wrote:
Profiles in Thinking about Courage.
Great stuff. It is not enough that the GOP members of Congress who backed Trump now have a change of heart. Those who abetted sedition need to resign.
Patricia Kayden
@Martin: Heh. That sounds about right. It’s not as if Trump hasn’t used Facebook to push lies and violence before.
@Squid696: @#12 What is a Republican flag?
Isn’t that like deciding at last to put your ’95 Civic on Craig’s List because you’re sick of adding a quart of oil every three days, and it used to only be every ten?
I feel lucky too. I just emailed both of them asking that they back up Senator Schumer in his call for removal of the president by one means or the other. Maybe a flood of such emails will build momentum. At worst, they know we’re paying attention. I don’t feel so lucky to be represented by Danny Davis, who’s over the hill and needs replacement, but I wrote him as well.
Real Q: if Trump loses Twitter, how does he communicate anything? His press sec is a Class-A bimbo, he never gives actual info speeches….without Twitter, is he actually presidenting, or just sitting in a big white building stuffing his maw with free Quarter Pounders?
IOW: does this ban effectively neuter this guy? I’d argue….yeah, it does.
Is it this?
@Leto: I see Attorneys continue into the new year not showering themselves in glory.
Citizen Alan
Here’s a quick and easy thing Biden can have done first thing after inauguration. Everyone who can be tagged through Twitter and FB as a Proud Boys or Q-anon supporter needs to be on the terrorist watch list and the no-fly list until the day they die.
@trollhattan: Confederate Swastika
@Citizen Alan: That is a very good idea
Something’s that occurred (slowly!) to me: it is so much easier to doxx these insurrectionist assholes, because the vast majority are not wearing masks. LOL.
MSNBC says Nancy Pelosi will speak in about 20 minutes.
@Punchy: Parler. He is posting there, I’m told.
But Ivanka can do the soft fascist stuff on Twitter for him
The way that the Capitol Police treated the MAGA coup attempt must be investigated by Congress. A join House-Senate special commission, perhaps. The problem of infiltration of law enforcement has to be rooted out, including there.
Via Brennan Center (emphasis added)
Mo Brooks is saying this was Antifa that stormed the Capitol? And Fox News is saying that too.
Good luck with that. LOL
@Elizabelle: My son made that masking obs last night. I laughed then and I laughed again now —
Because it’s true!
I’m curious as to whether Trump’s Tweets comprise an official presidential record and if so, how archivists collect and curate them. And then, what do historians do with that mess?
At the time I learned a WH staffer had to gather up memos Trump rips up and tosses to the floor, then tape them back together and file them as records, I laughed a bit at the image.
@Immanentize: my people too.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Elizabelle: Mr DAW just read me an online bit that says she’s reconvening the House because Articles of Impeachment are circulating
Heywood J.
@KenK: Yep, and if it was my call, I’d cancel every goddamned dime he receives, and he can spend the rest of his miserable life in a refrigerator box in an alley.
@Immanentize: Avalune and I were saying the same thing. When your opponent continues to step on rakes…
@Immanentize: That is why Immp is at Rice, and I am not.
Mike in NC
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: About 1/3 of Trump rally goers are paid to be there. We’ve been told that for years.
He’s not done yet by any means. Trump will stage another rally, another publicity stunt, another press conference to whine. It’s who he is. Probably next Monday.
@Elizabelle: the Reichwing media was already spouting the lie that AnTIfA (oogity boogity!!!) was dressing up as MAGATs to do this “false flag” bullshit. That popped up at least a week ago. It’s bullshit disinformation that’s trying to deflect/shift the blame, as well as continuing to stoke grievances.
Twitter, his rallies and interviews with friendly Fox News anchors are the main ways that Trump communicates with his base and indulges his infantile ego needs. It will be very difficult for him to stifle himself for 14 days.
He should be removed from office. Even if he is quiet for two weeks he will cause mischief as an ex president.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Heywood J.
@Leto: Awesome. Criminal charges next. Just inject it right into my veins.
@KenK: The “Republican” flag that my neighbor is flying has the Republican GOP elephant logo in the center with the word “Republican” spelled out underneath the logo.
For me, the image of the guy taking down the US flag on the Capitol and putting up the Trump flag, says where their loyalty lies.
Frank Wilhoit
@ET: Yday Twitter imposed conditions on restoring the account: certain posts must first be removed. Were those conditions met?
Heywood J.
@Citizen Alan: Excellent idea!
Clint Watts, former FBI re the Insurrectionists sharing photos on social media online and bragging about their attendance at the Capitol.
“These people will be trumpeted in their communities.”
That’s an incredible word that he used, unconsciously, I think.
@Leto: I guess they are stupid enough to believe that we are stupid enough to believe that.
I’ve thought of another reason to impeach. (I’m sure I’m not the only one.). The president gets a nice pension and other perks. If he is impeached, I bet he isn’t eligible for the money. Given his parlous economic position, this would hurt.
@Elizabelle: and it continues with DougJ’s post. I simply cannot hate them enough.
accent on ‘seem’. just the like the teabaggers, these people have above average incomes.
Nora Lenderbee
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: I think you may be underestimating how much effort it is to compose even a short tweet, and how attractive and gratifying “righteous” (puke) action is.
Patricia Kayden
@Elizabelle: So why did Trump praise them and tell them that he loved them if they were Antifa? We literally saw them leave his hate rally and follow his orders to go to the Capital to mess things up.
@Patricia Kayden: There you go being all logical and everything, PK.
You have no future as a Q Anon loon. Sad!
@Elizabelle: Yeah, I was really nervous yesterday when I read that Wolf had sent DHS forces to the Capitol. But it seems like there’s a point he won’t cross, and Trump found it.
Serious question for the attorneys: A friend suggests not charging any of the seditionists until after the inauguration so that Trump can’t pardon them. I know there have been blanket pardons in the past, but wonder if they work for persons as yet unidentified or uncharged at the time of their authorship. Would such a person have to come forward to claim a pardon, or identify themselves as having been involved in the putsch when (if) charges were brought?
@Wapiti: I bet Trump wants to fire him, but got talked out of it. For today.
Uncle Cosmo
@Immanentize: Redneck Hakenkreuz.
(and the movement marching song is the Hakenkreutzer Sonata…)
Chris Johnson
@Bruuuuce: State charges.
@cope: Richard Barnett from Gravette, Arkansas.
Yeah, they really are that stupid.
Kayla Rudbek
@Squid696: I suggest that a supersoaker loaded with chlorine bleach would take care of the flag problem…