Who are the guys you saw foaming at the mouth, screaming about stolen elections and loving the constitution and calling capitol police traitors as they broke into the Capitol and defiled the place? You know them, folks. You went to school with them. While the ages range,, they mostly 30-60 years old. They’re bored. They’re unhappy with where they are in life. They were never much into book learning, but not stupid. But they feel like time has passed them by and their glory days are over. No one cares about the HS football or basketball championship, their league softball exploits bring them no glory.
They may have been in the military for a while and that gave them a sense of purpose, or maybe they were LEO’s, or firemen. Mill workers and miners. Contractors and laborers. Add in some nutjoob losers, some lawyers and brokers, etc.
And they’re angry. Life hasn’t gone the way they thought it would. Maybe they expected more out of it. Maybe they got screwed. But they are aging and feeling irrelevant, and insecure in their masculinity. It’s why they flock to shiny 80k pick-em-trucks they will never haul anything in and worship guns- it makes them feel important and in charge. They haven’t really read the constitution any more than they have read the bible, and what they have read they don’t understand or they ignore the parts they don’t like. They like the cosplay of it all, too- the tactical gear they barely fit into and in many cases don’t know how to use. It makes them look tough. It’s why the most important part of their kit is the Punisher logos and the badges letting people know what group they’re in. They think it gives them respect, and a camaraderie they are missing.
And they’re angry. For the last 40 years they’ve been lied to and they’ve been screwed in the wallet by policies of both parties. And they have also self-radicalized. They go to these online rooms, facebook groups, share bullshit memes, and refuse to actually investigate if they are true. It’s easier to just yell fake news or blame the media or people who actually know what they are talking about. And they work themselves into a froth, creating a feedback loop, where each time one of them says how they been wrong someone comes up with something worse and then all of a sudden they hate Adam Schiff or Steny Hoyer more than anything else in the world even though they couldn’t pick them out of a lineup. I mean, try to debate them. Everything they say is a soundbite and superficial, and when you definitively prove them wrong they just keep on believing what they want to believe, or engage in false equivalencies and whataboutism. “OK FINE MAYBE THAT WAS OUT OF LINE AT THE CAPITOL BUT WHATABOUT BLM PROTESTS.” Literally the ONLY information they are interested in is that which reinforces what they already believe and tells them they are right.
So you take all that, feed them toxic shit for years in the media, and then have the President urge them all on with lies, and that’s how you get the Beergut Putsch that happened the other day. And I don’t know how it stops, because for a lot of these guys it’s a game, and for the people feeding them this bullshit, it’s very profitable.
Describes Al Bundy to a T.
You nailed it.
Maybe not so profitable, if the social media companies keep them blocked, banned, and de-platformed.
No, I take that back: they’ll just flock in greater numbers to Fox/OANN/NewsMax. So, profitable for cable stations.
Maybe enough will be caught, convicted, and imprisoned to convince the rest to go back to lives of QUIET desperation.
Roger Moore
The only way to make it stop is to make the game less fun for the participants and less profitable for the people feeding them bullshit. Have reality invade their game in the form of arrests and other real-world consequences. Crack down on the businesses preying on these suckers. Give the FDA regulatory control over dietary supplements and require advertisements to have some relationship with reality. Require investment advisors and brokers to be fiduciaries of their clients. And so on.
They’re also rich. Four well-to-do white society women from one of the richest communities in TN went.
People flew private, for heaven’s sake.
Lots of rich racists in the GOP. They do not feel life has passed them by. They want to make sure they stay rich.
Major Major Major Major
My one high school classmate who I long thought would end up like this turned out gay and is now a nice bear. A few out Trumpers in the class, according to Facebook, but they’re all like, meek fundie housewives (all Byzantine catholic, somehow), which is weird because one of them dropped out of the Air Force academy to pursue that lifestyle.
@Roger Moore:
I agree.
Felanius Kootea
We need a mass cult deprogramming/”unbrainwashing” effort, included as a complimentary part of the ACA’s mental health offerings.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Roger Moore:
Also agreed
Maybe related- I started a goog search for reverb.com, typed “rev” and the first suggestion was “reverse image search.” First time I’ve seen that prompt.
Must disagree on one count – if somebody is driving around in an $80k pickup he doesn’t need, that person can either afford it or screwed himself financially to show off his dick substitute. Nobody else made him (her?) buy that symbol.
For this age group it started with the 1980 election.
If you read the text of the infamous “malaise” speech by Carter, it’s basically his plan/plea with the country about we need to get serious about energy reduction and independence.
That election was a choice between the nation growing up (and cleaning up the messes we made for ourselves in the world) and saying “fuck it, let’s just pretend everyone can get rich.”
The pretend part hasn’t gone away, it is our national identity. We just pretend we’re whatever we think is good and/or virtuous. Privilege is just having more runway to maintain the make believe for longer.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Would it be possible to weaponize QAnon against Russia/China? They had to have had a hand in spreading this shit and encouraging it. Part of me wants to do it, but the other more rational part of me also doesn’t want to cause the end of civilization as we know it
Major Major Major Major
This does seem rather at odds with your point that they are all well-off, with five or six figures sunk into penis augmentation devices.
I saw somewhere yesterday, from some reputable quant on Twitter, that Trump’s base tends to be white dudes in growing exurban areas that are seeing, not white downward mobility, but nonwhite upward mobility. There’s just no way you can make an economic distress argument, it’s all status anxiety, anger at the ‘undeserving’ browns, at the book-learned who had the common sense to move downtown.
@Major Major Major Major: LGM had a post on that. Trump gets a lot of the white poor, but the seditionists are mostly people who can afford to play the delusional.
Very good post, John. You hit the nail on the head with a lot of it.
One of the things that group of men miss is that many of us also feel cheated or left behind. I know my career hasn’t gone how I thought it was when I was a wet-behind-the-ears engineer joining the workforce.
Some of it is my own damn fault and some of it is circumstances out of my control. And I fit a lot of the demographics of this group – white, male, turning 53 tomorrow, wife & I both work and we both have a slew of preexisting conditions. I have nowhere near enough saved in my 401(k). Many of my engineer co-workers are staunch Republicans (though thankfully none have professed a love of Qanon).
So I have some sympathy for the plight of the white males who feel left behind and are scared of change and new things or see their bank account always creeping close to the red. What I know and what I think a lot of them miss is that we’ve had it easy compared to most every other group. If things are this tough for the in-group now, that reminds me of the advantages I was given by dint of being a white male in America.
@Roger Moore:
Almost all the countries ills can be honed down to the normalization of conservative bullshit, by repetition on faux news, as well as the new kids on the block, by many changes in tax law over the last 30 yrs, by the lying of conservative pundits on mass media and by ever more radicalized local (and state and federal) politicians.
this guy
edited because it was breaking the margins. WG
Lots of Nam vets among them. They have felt betrayed for more like 50 years and nothing anyone can say will change their minds. I know way too many of them.
Mary G
It’s 90% race, 10% misogyny. They have money and when they were little boys their parents taught them they were better than anyone else and entitled to be the boss of the world. But the rules have changed and the blahs browns and even some of their wimmen folks aren’t playing by the old rules. It’s unfair! They are well off! They worked hard for what they have! They are supposed to be the winners! I saw somewhere that a lot of the guys the FBI wanted were turned in by ex-wives.
@Seanly: I got divorced and lost everything in my late 40’s and I got up off my ass and rebuilt my life.
truer words never spoken
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I thought that actually wasn’t the case, that most poor whites had voted for Clinton in 2016? Or was that just most poor voters in general?
Who are they?
Here’s some excellent analysis about who they are and why the support Trump.
Where sedition is rewarded An analysis of Pro-Trump congressional districts
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Adam Serwer’s view:
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
How do they defend their support for a draft dodger?
@Roger Moore: “Give the FDA regulatory control over dietary supplements and require advertisements to have some relationship with reality.”
What’s that going to do?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
She won all low income, Trump won white people in all income groups.
@LeftCoastYankee: Yes, I think this is part of it. They are being fed the easy answer and pointed at scapegoats. We don’t need to sacrifice, we don’t need to make tough choices. We can blame it on group X. It’s the Muslims or the Deep State or the Libtards or whatever.
And they are all victims. Oh my god are they victims. Trump is perfect for them because he thinks he’s the biggest victim in the world. Everyone is unfair to the supposed billionaire, married to a model, and President of the United States. How horrible his life is, how mean everyone is to him.
There’s a passel of angry white wimmens in with this bunch as well.
I’m well beyond that. My generation would never…
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): On my Georgia football blog I asked the identifiable vets just that. They all agreed his draft dodging was cowardly but if he fucks with the libitards it’s ok with them.
@Major Major Major Major:
Check the link I posted at 24.
@Brachiator: And someone earlier mentioned the “save the children” aspect of Q.
I thought of this too when hearing about people being arrested from places pretty far away from DC. Airplane tickets are not for people on the economic edge; nor is the ability to take off a few days from work to drive to a pointless rally.
Why do they feel betrayed by liberals?
Mary G
Things that make you say hmm…
@Major Major Major Major:
It can be both. The people who drive the 80K pickups and attend boat rallies run the businesses in the small towns and the exurbs. Their employees are the bitter folks who have been screwed in the wallet. They all have Fox News on at work.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That’s so sad
@raven: I dunno. The very youngest guys who were actually there are over 65 and most are over 70.
Plenty of them are well educated, but they’re still dumb as a bucket of hair when it comes to anything outside of their narrow field of specialized knowledge. And they don’t have any intellectual curiosity, which is why they prefer to live in a feedback loop.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’m not raven, but I’m sure it’s some bullshit that somebody somewhere spit on a returning vet and called them a baby killer or something. It’s America’s original stab-in-the-back myth
Mary G
Interesting no Schiff, he must have bigger fish to fry
ETA: Really admire Raskin for taking this on less than two weeks after losing his son.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I’m 71 and still working in a manual labor job, catching up after the last republican financial bullshit by GWB with his recession. That is not my only setback in life. I lost almost everything, including a chance at my life from an earthquake. That was easier to come back from than being flat broke by GWB. My point is that sometimes life gives you a hand up and sometimes life fucks you badly. It’s when a political party keeps fucking you and your life so that their money grubbers can grub even more, that’s not normal – or at least it shouldn’t be but it’s because they are not here as a political party, they are here as sadistic thieves.
@Major Major Major Major: Read Adam Serwer’s latest piece in the Atlantic, about the people who participated last week. It’s very good.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist beat me to it.
@raven: I thought he was talking about steroids.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Ok, thanks
@Baud: Well, my personal opinion is that the right wing created the “stab in the back” narrative about the anti-war movement. The war was horrific but lots of people tried their best and had their friends killed. I’ve said it before but most people who served in Vietnam were in very little danger most of the time and a small percentage, say 20%, were really in the shit. Their is plenty of bitterness to go around but “the left” and “the media” are easy to blame.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@khead: a couple of weeks after the inauguration in 2017, I had two younger guys– neither older than thirty– at my house to fix a window pane. My home office is in a loft above my living room and I had NPR on. They were reporting some deal that Kushner had backed out of because of conflicts, ethics concerns, et cetera. It was NPR, very flat story, no judgement or real criticism of Kushner. One of the guys said to the other, “he didn’t even make the deal and they’re going after him”. They were offended on behalf of Jared Freakin’ Kushner, a trust-fund baby who makes trump look like an actual successful businessman.
@Mary G:
Direct link.
Gin & Tonic
I know a bunch of these guys, but not one of them has calluses on his hands. PhD scientists, professionals, all comfortable. Trumpiest guy in my circle is a retired dentist, drives a Porsche Cayenne, stews in the Foxosphere, curses about “those damn Democrats.” Racism, mostly.
I am not sure that this is entirely true. Pew and other organizations show that well off whites form a core of Trump’s base.
Can somebody do a welfare check on Amir? Man U is top of the table in Premiere League.
Wanda: But you think you’re an intellectual, don’t you, ape?
Otto: [superior smile] Apes don’t read the Constitution.
Wanda: Yes they do, Otto, they just don’t understand it! Now let me correct you on a couple things, okay? The Second Amendment starts with “a well regulated militia”! The central message of the Second Amendment is not “Every man for himself!” Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked ’em up. Now. You have just assaulted a coequal branch of government and awakened the deep state which will throw your ass in jail and fine away all your riches. So what are you going to do about it, huh? What would… an intellectual do? What would Thomas Jefferson do?
@raven: Thanks.
zhena gogolia
@Mary G:
Joe Neguse! Love him!
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: When the VVA asked him for a donation he sent them an autographed photo of himself. But, yea, that’s the narrative. Pat Lang comes up around here once in a while and he regularly recounts being spit on by a fat hippie lady in a mumu. Hell, I’ve had people here say they were spit on.
The guys John describes mostly don’t worry me. Most are all talk It’s only the ones who, for real, want to salve their rage by actually hurting somebody. I think that’s quite a small slice of the total.
The people who DO worry me are the upper-middle class white people who egg the radicals on, like the Texas real estate broker lady who flew in her private jet to take photos for her Instagram feed, or the bozo stay-at-home dad, married to a doctor, who decided to make off with Pelosi’s podium, or the former Lt. Col. seen walking around with a handful of flexicuffs. These people have money and they have connections. They ain’t going away.
I’m talking about the percentage of white poor who vote for Trump. Not the percentage of Trump voters who are white poor.
@raven: Those are the primary sources of advertisment revenue for far right and conspiracy theory content producers.
Unless they could find another source of revenue, removing those products would cripple them.
@quakerinabasement: Except to the joint.
@Gin & Tonic:
Similar here, the most strident GOP supporters are construction business owners, radio station owners, engineers, ranchers and loggers, the whole fucking chamber of commerce practically.
Tempers are high.
Gin & Tonic
@RSA: Zip-tie guy was filmed in the lobby of the Grand Hyatt. What’s that, midweek? $500/night?
@Eolirin: Well shut my mouth!
I can attest any Trumper I know who isn’t on the down low ranges from quite comfortable to rich. But I don’t draw any conclusions from that because I don’t get out much. They got their fucking tax bill sacks o’ cash, to be sure. They caught the katy and left me the mule to ride.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Before the 2008 election Bill Maher sent Alexandra Pelosi to interview rednecks about the election and one guy broke down and started crying like a baby, not because bin Laden had escaped justice, not because troops were getting chewed up in two mideast quagmires, not because of Katrina, not because of Terri Schiavo, not because his 401K had tanked in banking collapse, no he was crying cuz a black guy was about to become president.
@Gin & Tonic: He’s a retired AF pilot and Academy grad.
Happy birthday in advance! I hope the coming year is substantially better than the last.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Hate solidarity > class solidarity
Klete Keller was a gold medal Olympic swimmer.
Couldn’t sort out a post swimming career.
Ended up sleeping in his car.
Became a MAGA.
Was recognised at the Capitol because he was wearing his Olympics jacket.
You nailed him to a T.
Not only did I grow up with them, I still work with them. It’s so hard sometimes hearing the things you do.
To some extent, they have been stolen from and their wages have often stagnated, even those at the 100k-190k mark, but it’s their response to their loss that’s reprehensible. Something about sparrows and curtain rods come to mind. Combine that with their Identity overriding all those facts and we’re in this insane place that I really don’t see a way out of.
We’ve got to change the narrative but how do you do that with Fox News going even more to the “opinion” side of things in an attempt to chase those on their right?
Orrin Hatch and Chuck Grassley worked together for many years protecting the supplements industry from federal oversight. It’s a ginormous industry basically unregulated, at least until people start dying from the stuff.
A lot of the industry is is based in Utah.
National Guard troops who are flooding into Washington to secure the Capitol for Inauguration Day will be armed, the Army secretary, Ryan McCarthy, has decided, Defense Department officials said Tuesday.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
IIRC, there was a significant anti-war GI movement within the Armed Forces at the time. Again, iirc, the army was split into two orgs: the core US Army made up of professional soldiers from volunteers and the Army of the United States. The ATUS was made up of draftees and was created in the run-up to WW2 and existed pretty much up till the end of American involvement in Vietnam and the creation of the All-Volunteer Force.
Getting to my point, were you aware of the anti-war elements within the armed forces when you served? Were the vets you’ve talked to over the years? Not that I need to tell you this, but it wasn’t just the media and anti-war student movement; I’ve read that sabotage and insubornation within the military helped hamper the war effort in Vietnam, along with attendant difficulties with jungle fighting
Miss Bianca
@satby: Yeah, this sounds very similar to what my publisher had to say about the Trumpenproletariat out where I live. Bored, dissatisfied with their lives, etc.
In most cases, these people have money, some of them are educated, and hell, they live in fuckin’ rural mountain CO Paradise – what the bloody HELL do they have to feel so goddamn aggrieved about?
Don’t forget the wife of a Supreme Court judge — Ginni fucking Thomas.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I probably read this somewhere, but I think that some people deep into conspiracy theories have a kind of savior syndrome. There is something that only they know, or only they deeply understand, and if they can get the world to pay attention to them, they will magically have done something heroic.
But some of these goobers want deeply to re-establish a white supremacy hierarchy.
The sad thing is that they do not understand that a lot of the plutocrats who pull the strings spit on these people, even if they are upper middle class.
How many of these goobers could afford a membership at Mar a Lago?
Hungry Joe
There’s also the mob mentality factor. Mostly they’re seething online, alone, Then they go to a rally, and suddenly — Look! Like-minded patriots all around me! There are millions of us! The adrenaline kicks in, the mob moves … and there’s no feeling quite like it. The camaraderie. The power. The thrill. I’m with the winners, we’ve taken control! U.S.A.! No more being disrespected! Next thing you know, you’ve got a flagpole and you’re whaling away on a Capitol policeman.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Fuck yes. It also depended on when you were there. My cousin was a marine in the Hill Fights and he’s way right wing. I was in the VVAW and in DC and actually wrote a post about Operation Dewey Canyon III but decided not to post it.
Gary K
Despite what you say, JC, the one of them living next door is deeply stupid.
@Hungry Joe:
That’s basically why the Beatles stopped touring. Teens ruined everything!
Southern Goth
Biden won counties worth 70% of national GDP.
Trump won counties worth 30% of GDP.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: I meant the bartender who came with Mom. Anyway, my point is these guys aren’t poor.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Yea fuck him and Gary Sinise.
@Gin & Tonic: got it
Gym Jordan is furious, absolutely livid! He has to wear a mask! //
Saw a car with PA plates in my NH town this afternoon. It had bumper stickers that at first I thought were jokes. Can’t remember the exact texts now, stuff like shame on you Hollywood, you taught women to smoke and swear; and Of course they don’t go to church, they’re too busy learning to be lesbians and witches. HUH? Near the grocery store, a crappy pickup with a placard across the back window “Second Amendment Avenue”. ALL the Trump signage in the neighborhood is still up.
Fuck these assholes. I’m a late 60’s woman (never mind how late) who grew up with the occupational choices secretary, nurse, or teacher; with wages probably 50% below the average male wage. I’m outraged on a daily basis but haven’t seen fit to piss money away on firearms and go try to shoot up the Republican boys in the Senate who keep blocking every chance for improved wages and healthcare and education.
WTF, why can’t these idiots go find something useful to occupy themselves? Go make something. Pick up the trash lining the roads. There are a million things you can actually DO that have tangible rewards and can give you a sense of pride and accomplishment.
@Mary G: Proud to see my congresswoman, Rep DeGette, listed!
@raven: A lot of the Alex Jones-type shows sell supplements.
Miss Bianca
@Kelly: My favorite part of one of my favorite all-time movies.
@Mary G:
That strikes me as a fine and effective lineup.
Agree fully about Raskin. Saw him a couple of times on TV today and my heart just aches for him, although he was doing absolutely nothing overtly to tug at my emotions.
@ParisMarie: Well that explains why I had no idea.
Mike in NC
“Beergut Pustch” is brilliant. The next few weeks are going to be terrifying. My wife’s friends have been calling tears about this horror. Doesn’t help that their Republican neighbors have been loading up their Facebook pages with Trumpanzee bullshit.
@raven: My BIL was in Vietnam in the central highlands in 1968-69. Hard war. Won several bronze stars he never talked about. His parents walked out of Catholic Church when they felt the anti–war priest wasn’t standing up for their son. Two years later, when son was safely home, they were more anti-war than anybody. Family survival was their moral framework.
BTW does anyone know if that little twat Boebert is still in a standoff with Capitol police about bringing her fucking gun to the chambers?
One thing that has to stop is the demonization machine. Rightwing media is nonstop demonization of Liberals and it has been going on for decades.
They build this caricature set of traits and all they have to do is label an individual as liberal and all terrifying traits are immediately imprinted on that person.
That whole thing needs to be smashed. We are in power now, these shitheads not only engaged in open sedition, don’t forget they also allied with our enemies. There is no need to ponder what to do. Arrests, raids with guns blazing, man hunts, trials and if guilty executions. By the hundreds or thousands if needed.
Fuck them.
Can’t link to his tweets, but Steve Schmidt is taking aim at Josh Harley. ?
This fucking bint thinks she has a future as anything other than a fucking bint.
And Bess Levin is fucking awesome.
Mary G
Well, I never imagined our national monuments would have to turn into armed camps. I do wish Biden and Kamala would do the inauguration indoors by Zoom with the bare minimum of live people (I guess CJ Roberts should be one.) The DNC convention was so well done.
There are those who call me...tim... (Still posh)
Wow. Some of your best writing, Boss. Darn near…sympathetic. And your sinuses never entered into it! Thanks, Cole. Love yr work. Thanks for being here. Longtime lurker, only recent commenter here.
Each of us operates within a small sample size, but the trumpers I know have racism in common more than any particular economic bracket.
I think this is a little bit the wrong take.
These are white christians mad that white christians need to make accord with some other group to maintain a viable voting bloc (they’ve been desperately trying to get jews, to little success). Trump promised them they wouldn’t need to do that – they could wall off the border from latinos and they could keep arresting black people, promising them they are still majority of this country, but they aren’t. Next election they’ll be down to 40%.
They’re acting like the country was just invaded by alien lizard people because to them, it was.
Bush and Romney told them to appeal to Latinos, and they told them to fuck off, they’ll just gerrymander harder. Trump was the only one wiling to tell them to stand their ground and they threw everything they had behind him.
@sab: A bunch of the guys in Burn’s “Vietnam” were grunts who changed their minds when the came home. I got radicalized seeing the racism in Korea and, by the time I got to the Nam, I was full fledged FTA.
@HumboldtBlue: There was a lot of “both sides” in that article. I was not impressed. “Gun control democrats”
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Kattails: Pennsylvania witches are the worst. Look at the spell they cast on the Steelers last weekend.
@Mary G: Shoulda invited Katie Porter. She’d bring her whiteboard.
I don’t care who they are but trumpov just lost Geraldo Rivera and now I KNOW IT’S OVER!!! ;)
Don’t forget that a HUGE factor in the 1980 election was that Carter was handicapped going in by far bigger factors than the “responsibility” element you outline above. First, there was the long-ongoing Iranian hostage crisis that happened while Carter was President, and the attempted hostage rescue mission that got scuttled by a helicopter-disabling sandstorm in Iranian territory but still a long way from Tehran. Second, Carter had inherited stubbornly persistent economic stagflation crisis (economy stalled at the same time as steep currency inflation). So Carter went into the 1980 election appearing ineffective to a lot of the public, but nevertheless kept a modest but persistent lead over Reagan for most of the campaign despite public disappointment in Carter because much of the public was nervous over whether Reagan was unsound as an alternative. Reagan successfully projected the needed assurance in the debate a week from the election, and the election dramatically swung to Reagan. It was only post-election that Reagan successfully sold much of the public that he and his policies had caused brighter times to come to America, although much of his perceived success with the public was lucky right timing (the economy improved substantially the last two years of his first term, and during the campaign, Reagan covertly undermined Carter’s attempts to negotiate an end to the Iran hostage crisis and secretly made a deal with Iranian leadership in late fall to resolve it by returning the hostages just as Reagan took office.
THE IRONY is that the exact same factors would have weighed down Gerald Ford, had he pulled out the 1976 election and been the incumbent going into the 1980 election. There was a long-brewing hunger for change in 1980, and had Ford been President, it’s likely Ted Kennedy would have represented that change, and we’d have had President Ted Kennedy in 1980 instead of Reagan. It’s ironic that the country would have been better off long-term had Ford won the 1976 election, because the GOP would have owned the economic and international failures that afflicted Carter.
It is true that Reagan fostered the adult responsibility-dodging attitudes you refer to, but that only sunk in after the election during his first term, and wasn’t nearly as big a factor with the general public (as opposed to conservative ideologues) going into the 1980 election as appears in 40 years retrospect, where we get to see what followed over his term in office.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
“Reagan Babies”, or as I like to call them, “fucking idiot Randians”
It would be hilarious if these assholes weren’t so fucking dangerous.
And Corey “The Buttercream Dream” Forrester speaks for all of us here.
@raven: A lot of the Alex Jones-type shows sell supplements.
I suspect that you are still wrong.
Trump even did worse with lower income voters in 2020, according to a Guardian story on voter demographics.
@Southern Goth: Yup.
Places on the way up, generally speaking, vote Blue.
Places on the way down vote Red.
Other articles say she was let in without letting them look in her bag.
What I hadn’t understood by now is that she DID set off the alarm as she went through the metal detector but would not let them check her back after that happened.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: *snort
There’s always Federal Prison.
@There are those who call me…tim… (Still posh):
Glad to see you’re making up for lost time! I’ve been enjoying and admiring your comments.
“You know… morons.”
Mike in NC
@raven: Every Nam vet I know is a wingnut. They weren’t allowed to kill enough slopes. Assholes.
The other reason I disagree a bit with Trump’s take is that there were CEOs, high school teachers, etc. Lots of college educated. Lots of business owners. Lots of people that I think either achieved their career trajectory or maybe exceeded it. People that arrived via private jet.
The two defining factors were 1) white, and 2) lots of God-given right talk.
I know it seems like a cult, but it’s just normal christianity. It’s dying, and it’s desperate.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
set the DVRs
by the way, does anyone still have a VCR?
can I just note the (hopefully intentional) misspelling of Keyser Soze in the previous post, with a whiff of Hitler:
Kaiser Soze ?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I didn’t know you were in VVAW. I’ve heard of Sir, No Sir! from this place. It’s a shame it’s not taught about in schools. Instead the stab-in-the-back stuff is
Your comment really resonates with me. I watched so many of my peers get sucked into that pretend world.
@raven: I didn’t know my husband’s family then. I was an anti-war activist all through high school. Mostly banging on doors for political campaigns. That was hard, because a lot of the people I talked to had sons overseas and they were scared and wanted government to protect their kids.
But almost all the adults in thses campaigns were angry returned Vietnam vets. I never felt disloyal banging on doors for these guys.
yes. I can still play albums with my 40+ year old record player.
But both have been mostly unused the last 15 years or so.
@Jeffro: No!!!
@Miss Bianca: Pressing “1” on the phone to get English.
Southern Goth
It also coincides with rural vs urban.
Mary G
Melania can’t wait for all this to be over, and because her staff all quit, she plagiarized again, this time from herself.
Well damn it, I made up for it with Bess Levin and Buttercream Dream.
@Mary G: Raskin’s story reminds me of Biden’s. Something about the way he comes across and also the way the media presents him. We may be hearing a lot about him in years to come.
It’s a double fictional character from the movie The Usual Suspects, played by Kevin Spacey. A gangster kingpin of Turkish origin, named Keyser Söze.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@?BillinGlendaleCA: old friend of my mother’s, long since gone to her reward, used to get apoplectic about that
@trollhattan: Boomers ruin everything.
How the fuck do we know if she brought a gun and hid it in the Capitol?
Citizen Alan
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I am still furious at some ancient fucker who complained about having the press 1 for English at a town hall meeting for Alan Nunnelee! I wanted to go up to him afterwards and ask if maybe there was something wrong with his phone because most people just press 1 and get on with their lives instead of making a literal federal case about it.
Republican members of congress.
Oh, my bad. Although they do keep defiling the place.
We called them the Reagan Youth.
well if you want to de-program these folks, the first thing you have to do is to shut down the current onslaught of constant programming that is going on right now, 24/7 every damn day. On the TV/Cable/Internet/Radio
am open to ideas on how to do that legally but this is where it has to start… these people are being lied to 24/7 FOR PROFIT, find a way to stop allowing evil fucking oligarchs to turn these people into fucking automatons to do their bidding to give them tax cuts and whatever racist gibberish they endorse.
@Miss Bianca: It is the best ever take down of a BS’r
It looks like three GOPers were actively participating with rioters.
If you were 20 in 1970 then you would be 70 today. So I don’t think a whole lot of them were crashing the gates. Nam vets are starting to age out of the hard core truck parade MAGA cohort.
@Felanius Kootea: not gonna happen. these people will have to be man or woman enough to deprogram themselves.
@Brachiator: Fred Clark over at Patheos has a post on the Satanic Baby Killers of the 80s and how it ties in to pizzagate that explains a part of it.
The other side is that most right-wingers are authoritarians; willing to give credence to what “the right” authority figure says and more likely to be ripe for affinity fraud, which creates an evironment conspiracies thrive in.
This explains a lot:
Maybe it’s the lens of age but more than a sprinkling of them looked (and dressed) more wet behind the ears than age 30.
Sounds like their pilots will be busy shuffling them to court appearances. IMHO, several months of being named publicly and trial coverage will be great motivators for the next generation of shitheads to get their ya yas out on xbox.
Raoul Paste
Today in the grocery parking lot there was a jeep with a giant skull painted on the back of it . At least 3 foot tall . It’s an attention seeking ploy, but where is the benefit?
At least it makes it easy for the cops to identify (And hopefully it isn’t owned by a cop)
There was a scene in the Pixar “Incredibles 2” (I think) where the erstwhile badgal says something like “relying on superheroes is ridiculous, we need to save ourselves”.
She’s then of course beaten by the silly weird funny super-family.
It was one of those “that was odd” things that ping-ponged around my head for awhile. It was probably hipster self-referential irony, but it had that “stopped clock is right” quality to it.
@Sebastian: I’m not sure what you’re getting at. That she could have brought a gun in tonight and hidden it somewhere in the House chambers
edit: Not one of the 141 (?) Republican House members who challenged the election results is trustworthy. Not a single one.
I hope several someones go through both the House and Senate chambers every day now after people have left to make sure nothing has been smuggled in.
How the hell do you work with people on legislation when they have shown themselves to be untrustworthy?
Good post, John.
I wonder if we don’t need to revive Elks and Masons and bowling leagues — and unions. People do need a sense of belonging; if they can get camaraderie and respect from being a member of Kiwanis or Shriners once they’re too old to shine at lunchtime basketball, they might be less likely to join these violent versions of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Yes we did, and they featured in populkar sitcoms.
Is it possible Congress is going to kick the bum out? News says things moving faster in House and Senate than anyone anticipated. Will McConnell play ball on some level, either having a one day trial (which is longer than it needs to be, bipartisan eye-witness testimony from members of Congress should be more than enough), or using it as a stick to keep Trump somewhat in line?
Stick might be enough, Trump is broke and if he’s convicted he loses his bennies.
If the impeachment starts to move in the Senate, then only explanation I can think of is that the big corporate donors and billionaire funders have told McConnell that it’s time to get rid of Trump (he’s served his purpose), and start a salvage operation on the GOP, figure out what to do with the traitorous and deranged Trumpster die-hards. But, just my guess.
I haven’t heard one way or the other, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that Biden reached out to Raskin as soon as the tragic news was made public. They are both incredibly sympathetic characters, and were long before their family tragedies.
ETA: Obviously I didn’t know Biden before his wife and daughter were killed in that auto accident. I was thinking of Beau, and Raskin’s son Tommy.
There are those who call me...tim... (Still posh)
@SiubhanDuinne: it’s my first stop every day. I dig the vibe here.
I’m guessing that when sports comes back full tilt and the bars open again a lot of these guy’s focus will change and they can go back to trash talkin’ teams and beating each other’s brains out at the saloon. That and opening up the strip clubs again. Lot’s of pent up testosterone out there.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
that’s the “Punisher” logo Cole refers to, isn’t it?
“While the ages range,, they mostly 30-60 years old. They’re bored. They’re unhappy with where they are in life. They were never much into book learning, but not stupid. But they feel like time has passed them by and their glory days are over. No one cares about the HS football or basketball championship, their league softball exploits bring them no glory.
They may have been in the military for a while and that gave them a sense of purpose, or maybe they were LEO’s, or firemen. Mill workers and miners. Contractors and laborers. Add in some nutjoob losers, some lawyers and brokers, etc.
And they’re angry. Life hasn’t gone the way they thought it would. Maybe they expected more out of it. Maybe they got screwed. But they are aging and feeling irrelevant”
Other than feeling secure in my aging masculinity, these douches could be me. Im not storming the fucking Capitol like an asshole.
@satby: it’s the whole culture. I can still remember my grandparents railing about Franklin Delano Roosevelt ruining the country. They called Mexican people “beaners” or “greasers “. I will leave the rest of that language to your imagination.
They have not changed one tiny bit in 60 years. They may have been even worse! We have moved on.
Uncle Cosmo
@raven: For a time I was one of a small group of antiwar folks who handed out GIs United Against The War newsletters at the gates of Fort Holabird in SE Baltimore. It was written and mimeographed by local GIs but for obvious reasons they couldn’t distribute it; we could.
eponymous coward
And I don’t know how it stops, because for a lot of these guys it’s a game, and for the people feeding them this bullshit, it’s very profitable.
It won’t be a game for long if they turn a city into Sarajevo, which at this point isn’t as far off as it might seem.
@Spanky: It pained me to be the bearer of bad news ;)
But as we say in our family, “It’s not mean if it’s true”
When the National Guard sniper on top of the Capitol pops the guy next to them’s head like an overripe melon and brain matter gets all over their shoes, then they’ll realize they bit off more than they can chew.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@LeftCoastYankee: “Youth” is too kind…they are babies, shitting all over the place, wailing constantly, understanding zip about being an adult.
(but yes, I hear you and get the reference ;)
@Raoul Paste: did it have one of those ‘moron labe’ decals on it?
I love it when people do that. SO scary! (lol)
I want to know what the legislators were briefed on that is leading Republicans who have lied their assess off for months to suddenly, in the past few hours, consider voting to impeach and convict Trump.
Surely it wasn’t just the DOJ press conference today or the statement from the Joint Chiefs.
What don’t we know?
I agree with your assessment on the election, referencing Carter wasn’t so much the point (I think he was in over his head).
Most of the “make believe” began after Reagan took office, and raged on long after he checked out.
As for the economy when he was in office, it may have been “better” in the short term for the upper middle class, but it was a disaster for the working class, minorities, and fixed income folks (high interest rates are nice for them).
The point is more we as a society drank deeply from the well of make believe once he broke the seal.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Is there a yoga pose called ‘rootless tree about to fall over’?
Edit: checked and sure enough, rootlesstreeabouttofalloverasana
Edit2: It’s a dynamic pose, brings invigorating burst of circulation to your face, creates a very strong peacefulness of mind for several minutes.
Carter inherited an inflation issue, but Volcker’s response artificially created “stagflation”, and it scarred an entire generation. Fear of inflation has casued 40 years of the Fed overemphasizing the inflation side of it’s dual mandate and pretty much ignoring the “maximum sustainable employment” side.
Stephanie Kelton covers alternatives in The Deficit Myth.
Also, the reference is from my actual youth. I don’t think we thought ahead to “one of these dumbfucks is going to say ‘I like beer’ at his Supreme Court confirmation”.
This made me laugh. Wasn’t Dan Rather famous for these folksy sayings? Or am I thinking of someone else?
@WaterGirl: I do not trust that little shit. At all. Should not have been let through without a search. We cannot trust any of these idiots and she has some kind of personal mythology going on here, I can read it like a billboard.
@WaterGirl: The traitor president will lose all his benefits, and he’s already broke; won’t be able to run for office again (well, OK, he can run a write-in campaign if he wants, I guess, but he can’t hold office). That latter bit may be it, as Trump keeps spinning out of control, need to cut him out of politics forever.
Edit: again, my hunch is that enough of the public disapproves of the insurrection that big money has told the GOP that until Trump is banned from politics for life, no money.
Yes, exactly that. Why would she refuse to show what is in her bag? Chances are it is a gun, she has publicly stated that she will concealed carry.
We might have a firearm stashed away in the Capitol to who knows what purpose.
She was also sharing info about Pelosi’s whereabouts during the attack. I don’t trust her a bit.
at 56 I’m in this prime demographic. I grew up in the blue collar suburbs north of Eugene OR, which is partly a liberal college town, but back then had some serious blue collar suburbs full of mill workers, loggers, and such as Eugene was also a logging town. I had HS friends growing up in double-wide type crappy homes out in the rural areas. Very redneck.
I sort of keep in touch with a bunch of them via FB. I’m only friends with one or two, but can easily follow a whole bunch of them just by following the friend of friend trails and clicking on their profiles to see what they are up to. Up until 2015 or so, most of them were pretty damn apolitical. Facebook feeds were mostly picks of posing with guns and cammo in front of deer or ducks that they shot. Or the trifecta, posing with guns and camo with your deer or elk draped over the hood of your muddy Ford F250. Lots of pics of hunting or fishing with their kids, with the kids in a nice mix of cammo and blaze orange (mixing cammo and blaze orange seems to defeat the purpose but what do I know). Summer Facebook was fishing, fall Facebook was hunting and/or watching your kid play HS football. Winter was the dead zone. You’d see the random political post but it was mostly just some dumb patriotic meme. Something about God Bless America and football usually. They were probably Bush voters but not loyalists. Probably McCain and Romney voters but again, not into it.
None of them are rich, most have had an ordinary series of jobs like office manager of a gravel pit, car sales, various small construction and contracting trades, owners of plumbing and roter-rooter businesses. That kind of shit. By the time they hit their 50s a bunch were divorced because they never grew out of their asshole HS football player and druggie phase and the women in their lives just got sick of the abuse and stupidity and inability to grow the fuck up. So already not real rich, but probably paying the mortgage on a shitty 1970s suburban ranch that they are prohibited from going within 100 ft of due to a restraining order.
Then 2015 came and just a whole shitload of them went full bore MAGA. It was like the pied piper of middle aged white butt hurt. Suddenly Facebook became an explosion of MAGA bullshit. The guns and cammo and hunting stuff was still there. But the MAGA shit was just sizzling. And when he beat “Hitlery” in 2016 it was just triumphal. The rest of their lives were mediocre and shitty, and retirement is looming in a decade or two and they don’t have bupkis saved for retirement. So prospects are generally shitty. No union pensions that their dads had from the union jobs in the mills in the 60s and 70s. That is all gone. But they had that one big fucking win with Trump. Who was going to fuck all the environmentalists who cost them their good timber jobs (it was globalization and automation, not environmentalists). Then Covid, and Biden, who is a stalking horse for the California socialist. And once again, the Liberals were going to steal it all away like they did with their timber jobs. You hear about “the steal” 24/7 for 60 days. It’s not just the election, but they are stealing everything. And then BAM….storm the capitol. And here we are.
PS, I think there is also something to Kevin Drum’s lead poisoning thesis. We grew up with leaded gas in older rural homes that had lead paint. The 45+ demographic was the last to grow up being deliberately poisoned by lead. This is the same cohort that was responsible for the crime wave in the 80s and early 90s. And now their asshole-nature expresses in MAGA rather than stealing cars and crashing them.
@Kattails: Could not agree more. Big mistake. Hopefully it will be rectified.
Ugh… some things are forgotten for mental health reasons.
And I can confess to being a raging lefty who dabbled in skinny ties…
FSM I hope there’s no photo evidence….
Raoul Paste
Poe Larity
This is all akin to all those non-slaveholding southerners who eagerly joined the confederacy. They were always an underclass, but at least they were white. The papers and church pulpits told them what to believe. They’re still fighting for their status in society and still believing what they’re told.
@Mike in NC: When we lived in California, about 10 years back, we had an apartment manager who had been in the Vietnam with the Army. I once said that it was all for lies and he became unglued.
I think that many have a huge amount of survivor guilt and they need to avoid grappling with the fact that we killed a ton of people for lies, and a lot of our people died for those same lies. Self-medication only goes so far; they are hurting and need to escape/avoid the pain.
@HumboldtBlue: Yeah, that came up somewhere else a few days ago – Mo Brooks, Gosar, and Andy Biggs.
I certainly hope that they kick Trump out. This is more than politics.
Trump will never back down from his lie about voter fraud. And if he is healthy, he will try to run again in 2024. This cannot be allowed to happen. Imagine Trump running in 2024 and claiming voter fraud again.
The GOP will lose brownie points with their base if they dump him. But they, and the country, stand to lose far more if they continue to back him.
Trump believes that he can get away with anything. The GOP needs to prove him wrong.
Exactly. Their collective driving force is racism and classism. And a lot of these assholes are going to be facing Federal juries made up of black middle and upper-middle class career civil servants.
They hate that their whiteness is no longer given automatic deference, and they are losing their collective minds.
@Kent: the social media powers-that-be figured out that one good way to dramatically increase ‘engagement’ (ie, clicks that translated into ad revenues and stickiness on their sites) is to direct people to things that get their outrage up. The online version of Fox News, in other words.
So…troll people constantly with a mix of racist/misogynist/LIBRUL SOSHULISTS TAKING MY PAYCHECK!/etc BS and just watch them click away…then begin to form up
And here we are.
@mattH: Volker’s action of putting the clamp on the money supply was what stopped the inflation part of stagflation also cause a loss of growth.
If you had to guesstimate what is the percentage of those who are on board with the crazy-posting and those who seem like they’d actually show up in DC or Salem?
I know it’s anecdotal….
@Gin & Tonic:
Grand Hyatt on H Street, N.W.? Mid-priced, $300-ish. Plenty of deals available.
The Park Hyatt (24th and M) is the ritzy one.
@Brachiator: “And if he is healthy, he will try to run again in 2024.”
You think Trump can get healthy by 2024? You have more faith than I do.
@raven: I used FTA many times. Brought back some fun memories.
@WaterGirl: just got a funny dog pic from a friend and sent it along ;-)
Rep Mikie Sherrill is claiming that some members of Congress gave recon tours of the building on Jan 5.
She’s ex-Navy. She didn’t name the members.
@Kattails: I saw that! And replied.
I doubt any of them were there. But a couple might be amongst the crazies threatening the state Capitol in Salem. There is a mob psychology involved. I don’t think any of them would do it on their own. But they would get swept up into the rush of it all. Most of them probably supported the crazy. Basically like drunk assholes talking shit in the local tavern. But I doubt their involvement meant going cross country to rush the capitol. More likely it was mostly just truck parades and lots of MAGA flags on your lawn.
Oh yeah, the most MAGA of all is an aging bail bondsman from Redmond OR. When we played football he was a tight end. For the past 20 years he’s been tracking down meth heads and other bail skippers. Probably pistol whipped a bunch of them before dragging their asses in. Basically a big white cop with less training and zero supervision and a LOT more guns.
I don’t mean healthy healthy. I mean healthy enough to drag his medicated and juiced up ass around.
You kick him out and you also make it more unlikely that his loser kids will try for public office in their own right.
But more than anything I want him to have to wear the badge of Loser and Reject, without any way to deny it.
Citizen Alan
For the first time, I am happy to have grown up in a house with hideous fake-wood paneling.
@Martin: This is one of those “if true” things.
If true that means two things: there was a planned crime, not just something that got out of hand. And that MoC directly supported that coup attempt.
So if it can be verified, that’s a huge deal.
@Martin: That could explain how they found Clyburn’s office.
Wait! Geraldo died today too?
I know. I know. I couldn’t pass it up.
@Citizen Alan: Yep. And all those 1980s and later tacky suburban subdivisions? They might have been hideous. But, but they didn’t have lead paint.
@MisterForkbeard: Who is MoC?
@Brachiator: I know it’s playing with fire and be careful what you wish for. But I have want to see him completely blow up the 2024 GOP Primaries and turn it into an epic dumpster fire. I’m more fearful of a sensible conservative like Kasich. I think Trump will have jumped the shark by 2024. But he can still set the entire place on fire and piss all over it as his final encore.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@WaterGirl: Member of Congress
@WaterGirl: Member of Congress.
(Shakes fist at Jim, Foolish Literalist.)
The people that really lucked out with “stagflation” were people like my grandfather. He owned a house in CA he’d bought in the early 70s, so when inflation hit 14% for 18 years, it essentially inflated away 50% of his debt. Couple that with the price increases and he could buy a house outright in another state when he sold in the 90s.
@WaterGirl: Members of Congress.
On my phone, too lazy to type the whole thing out if I dont have to. :
ETA: I see two others beat me to it. *shakes first lazily
I’m curious to how much of this is involved in the current state. There did seem to be a good number of doofuses in the Capital who were literally just following the person in front of them (and some staying between the velvet rope-lines).
I think some of these folks will slowly “back away” (or maybe just go dormant) with stabilizing inputs or the removal of the crazy ones.
Bondsman guy is probably not one of them.
All the more room for asbestos and formaldehyde.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You are all winners. :-) thank you
Here’s Trump’s latest venture to capture a social media space.
@LeftCoastYankee: I think a lot of them are puckered up pretty tight right now. Thinking this was just sort of a bar fight or party that got out of control which is the sort of shit that they’ve been getting away with all their lives. You get drunk and run over your neighbor’s mailbox. Or you lose it and swing at your girlfriend who has been nagging the hell out of you. Cops get involved, but shrug. They are used to getting into a little trouble but getting away with it.
Suddenly that broken window on the the capitol door isn’t a drunk-ass mistake. But something they are calling SEDITION and shit suddenly got serious. It’s going to be a clarifying moment for some.
@HumboldtBlue: My LGBT daughter is joining some sort of twitter campaign to get Trump banned from Grindr. They just gleefully want to see the headline.
@LeftCoastYankee: Brad Bird, who wrote and directed the two Incredibles movies, is a devotee of Ayn Rand. One of the points of those movies is that egalitarianism, and, more generally, freedom and rights for everyone, impinge on the ability of the great to exercise their talents. The “little people” need the “Incredible people” to save them, but the “Incredible people” have no need for the “little people.”
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Haw! I bet I do. I have one of just about anything made since 1980 somewhere in my basement. A while back, I stumbled across a copy of Microsoft Windows (no, no version number, just ‘Windows’) on 5 1/4 inch floppies.
@piratedan: Exactly this. Somehow, we have to disrupt the nonstop flood of right-wing propaganda.
@Kent: Federal charges DO have a way of promoting more realistic thinking, don’t they?
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I guess this is meant to imply Stallone dodged the draft. The war lasted for about 7 years after Stallone became eligible for the draft. He spent almost 2 in Switzerland, then moved back to the US. Maybe he was called up – I’ve read he flunked a draft physical, so he obviously didn’t dodge. Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true that he failed – he had nerve damage to his face from some sort of problem with his birth. There were a shitload of draft registrants who didn’t have nerve damage, flat feet, etc, so it’s not like there was any shortage of guys to drop napalm on villages.
Maybe the Switzerland gig was on deferment. I don’t really care, since he didn’t come back and glorify war. The only people that think Rambo was pro-war are people who haven’t seen it.
@mattH: Add into that Prop 13 cutting the cost of home ownership.
I suspect a lot of folks who took a ride on Insurrection Mountain (original credit to the Juicer who coined that phrase a few threads ago) are answering the phone in a similar fashion to this.
@NotMax: Yum.
Damnit it I swear I was going to bed and was almost out. Then this came across my timeline!! Lordt let me go to bed!
@quakerinabasement: I have the set of Windows 1.03 diskettes, 5 1/4 inch, the version number is on the first disk.
Not too surprising. I think there’s more of that than people realize.
I streamed the Mandalorian over the holidays, and it was a dumpster-fire of libertarian cowboy fantasies… and a really cute baby Yoda.
Basically, a generation in, it’s now a cliche’ part of our myth-making.
Poe Larity
Rambo didn’t glorify the war, but IMO it kickstarted the Hollywood era that led to widespread gun fetishization for the masses.
Mo Salad
@Mary G: Did you watch the video? The Black Capitol Police officer wearing the MAGA hat went up and started a conversation with some of the rioters/protesters that were not trying to barge the doors down and asked them for help in getting the crowd to relax a bit so that the trapped officers can get outside. At that point, he gives the protestor the megaphone which the protestor uses to try and calm the crowd as he escorts the Black cop up to the door. The protester even has to do one of those “It’s okay, he’s cool” as someone was getting angry and pushy with the cop as they approached the door. The two of them then escorted the trapped cops out.
The Black cop wasn’t MAGA. He was brilliant. Probably decided to put on the hat to establish rapport and also for protection. It worked. He spoke with these guys, established a connection, and got their help. The Black cop never would have made up those stairs solo. All cops should have those kind of people /de-escalation skills.
I have no idea what will happen in 2024 and don’t want to speculate too much.
But I know that today, Trump has a stubborn idea about the election and voter fraud. And Trump almost never abandons an idea once it is stuck in his noggin.
This is one of the reasons why I want him to be denounced, trounced and tossed.
He has already been raising money that he claims will be used for 2024. I want this rug pulled out from under him.
I don’t want Trump to be an honored former president, with the privileges that attends that role.
I want Trump to have to deal with being a branded loser.
People have underestimated Trump since he announced he was running. Everyone was sure that he would flame out, be bounced or go back to being a TV celebrity.
Trump is entirely dependent on playing enough people for suckers to get what he wants.
He wanted to be president and fucked that up. I want the title stripped from him and for him to be tossed into the pile of worst and disgraced presidents.
I will worry later about who else might run in 2024.
It is a mistake to let Trump hang onto the presidency. He will only cause mischief.
@WaterGirl: Andy Rooney, perhaps?
@Mary G:
I think it’s much closer to 50/50. Lots and lots of these dudes are divorced or never-married, and they resent women’s liberation, because now women have degrees and credit cards and that enables women to leave bad marriages or never enter them in the first place. And looking in the mirror and doing the work to become a better partner is difficult and scary. It doesn’t manifest the same way as racism, but one of the biggest factors in these dudes’ unhappiness is the fact that many of them are getting old and they are lonely.
@PJ: That’s… oversimplified wildly. https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/6/27/17504376/brad-bird-incredibles-objectivist-ayn-rand
Jim, Foolish Literalist
OR Soder
@Felanius Kootea: I read that as “mask cult deprogramming” and I was all in! Why is wearing a mask to help keep our neighbor well such a big ask?
@Poe Larity:
Or it was Dirty Harry (1971) or Death Wish (1974) or Falling Down (1993) or any other movie that made some people run for the fainting couch.
Also, too, records with dirty lyrics and even violent video games.
Normal people can have all kinds of rude fun and still be good people.
I blame Disco.
@Brachiator: I imagine you’ll enjoy this article:
Backlash to riot at Capitol hobbles Trump’s business as banks, partners flee the brand
Mo Salad
Ivan X
@dmsilev: I certainly enjoyed it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
never heard of her, but good on her, WA-3
@lamh36: Everybody should watch Mikie Sherrill’s 13 minute video. It’s very compelling, and totally worth the time.
Ivan X
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That is effin sweet.
Speaking of which…wherever they end up planting his corpus when he goes to his reward, it had better have 24/7 guards. All the people wanting to piss on his grave will otherwise make it somewhat less than a restful place.
And I don’t think they’ll have him at Arlington.
The Moar You Know
@Poe Larity: Nope. That was “Dirty Harry”. 1971. 11 years before the first Rambo film. Did incalculable damage to our culture.
A nuanced debate about a “director’s” interpretation of a “philosophy” learned from terrible one-dimensional novels, as it is applied to fantastic “super-heroes” in an animated cartoon for children, is in no way a rabbit-hole make-believe.
There is a school of thought that sez it’s all the fault of Grand Funk Railroad.
@Leslie: I’m sure Andy Rooney did that, too, but it was definitely a talking head news person. There was one election where people were outright mocking him for all his phrases like that one. i’m pretty sure it was him, but i don’t know what exactly to enter into google to verify it.
Ivan X
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Of course I still have a VCR. But then again, I also have a LaserDisc player.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
She’s from Van-tucky (aka Vancouver, USA). She’s had some pretty close fights here last two elections.
Oh, I did. Thank you.
Trump thought he could ruin America for shits and giggles.
It is only fair that the thing he cared most about, his brand, gets shit all over it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Chilling. And probably correct.
They weren’t all losers, but they were worried about the loss of their White privilege.
She is my congresswoman. WA 3rd is Southwest Washington starting from the Portland suburb of Vancouver which is blue, but expanding out to a LOT of rural red territory and MAGA mill towns like Longview full of the famous “white working class”. It is still red-leaning but the blue suburban areas are growing faster than the red rural areas. The next redistricting will probably shrink the district down to the bluer suburban parts and toss the rest into a larger rural red district. I suspect Herera-Beutler knows this.
She is useless, but inoffensive compared to the current MAGA bunch. A career back-bencher not a leader. Voted for all the bullshit when the GOP was in the majority. But hedging her bets now. She was an evangelical homeschooler so comes from that crowd and gets their support. She likes to sign onto inoffensive legislation like education initiatives and then tout her participation in ads.
The Pale Scot
“Apes do not read Nietzsche”
“Yes they do Otto, they just don’t understand it”
A Fish Called Wanda 1988
Ivan X
@The Moar You Know: Omg please tell me that we are not turning into the culture police here.
ETA: Not intentional, but I guess that was some against-my-position choice of words I used, given the movie being discussed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@WaterGirl: Dan Rather became increasingly known for his folksy phrases as he got older. There was something in 2000 about the race being tighter than a tick in a [something I can’t remember]. I remember in 2016 he said Kellyanne Conway could talk the legs off a table.
Another Scott
@Kent: + eleventy billion. This is the best summary I’ve seen.
My best friend from high school was smarter and a better student than me, but had to drop out of college because his parents couldn’t afford it. He married his high school sweetheart for the wrong reasons. He was unhappy, got an associates degree in auto tech, had a good job at a car dealer fixing cars, drank too much at times, bought too many motorcycles to have a hobby. Only hung out with more guys who had huge chips on their shoulders.
And then Donnie appeared, and MAGA here we come!!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Wait, what? He’s branded a piece of playground equipment in Central Park? Has it been painted in cheap gold paint?
Uncle Omar
@Martin: Name the names! At the sedition trial, of course, after you’ve spoken the the FBI.
@WaterGirl: also…
Have you seen the clip from AOCs IG Live. This added to that makes for a schilling tale. Also think it’s interesting that they both chose to speak out after the Pence no to the 25thA letter to Pelosi and I believe, after the 25th resolution passed the House anyway
Here’s a thread with clips from AOCs IG Live: https://twitter.com/emmaladyrose/status/1349202637493833732?s=21
and an article in Buzzfeed about it:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Okay, then it was him! Glad to know that.
If I was a betting man, I lay some odds that shitforbrains will not make it to 2024 mentally capable enough to be out in public unrestrained. Or possibly doing the horizontal mamba.
Agreed. But we have to survive the next 8 days first.
Yup. Shove it!
@Ruckus: Thirded. Who knows what condition his fascist mush brain will be in 3+ years down the road.
MoCA Ace
Way to climb out on that limb… I lay some odds he won’t make it to last Wednesday :)
@lamh36: Had not seen either of those. But I surely wouldn’t put it past the gun-toting new member of congress to have texted a location of AOC if she had known it.
The gun-toting female who has set out to make a name for herself – I imagine she is trying to be the AOC of the right … she doesn’t have the crazy eyes, but she has a totally crazy feel about her that tells me she is dangerous.
MoCA Ace
And that tall drink-O-fuckstick Comey is on Colbert tonight bleating about how Joe needs to focus on the future and not give Mango Mussolini the spotlight by pursuing impeachment.
If he had a fucking picogram of self awareness we would be discussing the note he left begging the American people for forgiveness. Instead he’s out shilling for his new book.
I didn’t serve in Vietnam, didn’t get shot at or shoot at any body. So I can’t speak personally about any of that, but I can relate to the hate the concept of war and that if you listened to most of the lifers they were seemingly more than willing to go to war, not that any of them ever actually volunteered to go. Most of the non lifers were in the navy precisely to avoid the draft and Vietnam, having to shoot anyone, having anyone shoot them. I know of guys who had judicial enlistments, most in the Marines, and gladly signed for extra years so they could get training that would eliminate them marching through the jungle.
Amir Khalid
United won their game in hand. I’m okay.
@Another Scott: Yep. My experience here in the Pacific Northwest is that is more the working to lower middle class folks with shitty lives who go full MAGA. I know others who grew up in the same school and environment as us but when on to college like me and mad it to the next step or two up life. Middle managers at banks or project managers for tech firms. A few lawyers and such. They might be Trump voters too. I don’t even know because it doesn’t get mentioned. But they definitely aren’t MAGA. It’s all the typical suburban stuff, watching your kids in HS and college and bragging on them, shared condos in Cabo or Maui, weekend trips with the boys to Vegas, ski trips to Utah, pics and reviews from the latest local brew pub or winery, Ducks, Blazers, and Timbers games, That sort of thing.
Mary G
Up to 5!
The Pale Scot
I don’t think that’s it, they are just driven to hold on to their bigotries and be assured they have someone they can demean and ridicule without blowback. Now that changing, you can lose your job or customers for being an asshole. If they can’t be an asshole what the point of living?
Someone commented here earlier that’s a lot more work to be an asshole than to be kind. If there is no return on being an asshole, what can they do except double down?
Ex. the DUP cadre in NI. They want the Good Friday Agreement to be discarded. They do not want to live in peace and equality with their Catholic neighbors. There was a Presbyterian minister who said that they were willing to stay at war, because that war gave them meaning and purpose. Four hundred years after England conquered Ireland, and they still insist on celebrating the victory. It’s like if Japanese nationalists went marching in Okinawa to advocate the return of the Samurai model of government.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If you’re familiar with Tom Nichols and you like Watching TeeVee With Leslie Jones, this is pretty damn funny
That’s always a good bet.
@Mary G: Could we impeach just on Democratic votes alone? We probably need some level of republicans. I assume we are at that number already or Nancy wouldn’t be bringing it up for a vote.
I guess we’ll know tomorrow.
The Pale Scot
Northern Penn?
@The Pale Scot: It’s race. The neighborhood I grew up in during the 1970s in suburban Eugene OR was 100% white. In my high school of maybe 1600 we literally had one black kid who was a football star (who was a UO commit until he flunked out of HS). We had one Hispanic kid who’s parents moved up from CA. And we had one Chinese girl who’s parents owned the local strip mall Chinese Restaurant.
Today when I go back it is generally much seedier and not so well scrubbed as it was by the WW2 and Korean War generation who built and first populated the area, when all the lawns were cut and there was little crime. It is also about 35% Hispanic, and they are mostly the ones with kids as the white population has aged out of the child-rearing years. So the schools are over 50% Hispanic. And you see the typical wannabe gang banger HS kids messing around, mostly harmlessly with their hip hop and stuff, but scaring the olds. What scares them more is that some of the white kids join in and say FU to their Hank Williams Jr. and 1970s classic rock.
Most everyone I know who went to college is LONG gone and scattered to the winds and larger cities. It’s the ones who stuck around doing non-college jobs and just getting by that have gone full MAGA. They used to spend all their free time hunting and fishing and trying to keep up the payments on their aluminum salmon fishing boats, and griping about shit at the local tavern down the street in the evenings where no one ever listened. Then suddenly 2015 and Trump started whispering in their ears and they all went full MAGA. It isn’t even so much about Trump. He basically showed them that they had a tribe that they didn’t know they had.
Keith P.
@JanieM: The guy is 75 years old and fat. Plus his next few years face legal and financial ruin. He’s gonna stroke out by 2024.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He’s still a tendentious ass. And yes, I follow.
However embroidering what is now defined as bipartisanship into the fabric logarithmically increases the value of the finished garment.
Mary G
@WaterGirl: Diminishes the “purely political partisan witch hunt” argument. Doubt any voters care, but the media loves bipartisan and it will help shape the coverage.
Mary G
@NotMax: The MAGA cracks are starting to show. Once they lose fear of him it is going to be like a pack of rabid piranhas until the next big GOP daddy shows up to put them all back in line.
Mary G
For sure. I like our odds better by the day though. I think the morons shot their wad on the 6th and so many of them are probably astounded of the response to their irresponsible and stupid assault on congress. A few of them have landed in jail and I’d bet a number more of them will be before long. That will remove the resolve of most of them to try again because every day we see evidence of the cost to them personally, that I’d bet most of them had no idea or concept of. As shitty as they may have thought their lives were, I’d bet none of them thought they’d end up where they are, holding the shitty end of the stick, while the planners of this bullshit so far have risked not all that much. When that starts becoming obvious and known, and costly, the vast majority of these clowns will very likely want to be involved far, far less.
@MoCA Ace:
@Ruckus: I hope you’re right. I’ve been going back and forth, e.g. in light of reports like this one (the core of which I’ve seen in a link or two from BJ) — which make me afraid 1/6 was just a trial run. I hope to hell not. But the shit like tonight with the bypassing of the metal detector? I don’t know if Liz Cheney balances that out in my hopefulness calculations.
That’s my hope. Some of them must be wishing they’d wore granddad’s hood.
Mary G
I’ve seen the future — 3 years from now, we’re going to see Rick Wilson ads for Cheney pounding Harris or whomever is running in 2024:
The Pale Scot
I appreciate your point about resentment. The boat parades don’t include those guys. There’s saying in Eastern Europe that “a Russian doesn’t feel really Russian unless he has his foot on somebody’s neck” that puts it in a nutshell. That’s the current GOP cadre, that’s UK Brexit, that’s the L&O party in Poland. “The blacks, the gays, woman in general”.
Some people need someone to feel innately superior to and be able to legally rub their faces in it. It’s part of being an animal, easily seen in chimp and monkey societies, there’s alway’s some individuals that are insensately picked on, just to prove dominance. (except for the Bonobos, maybe).
Putin may be right that the fall of the USSR was tragedy, human society needs an enemy or a natural threat to organize against. Or we’d still be wandering the savannah fighting the vultures for lion scrapes. The BB5 episode where an alien race periodically organizes into two groups based on what sash they pull out of a barrel and then goes about beating the shit out of each other makes the point
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Brad Bird is not an objectivist
@The Pale Scot:
Yeah, they call that football.
Exactly. And remember that Dump appeared from out of nowhere in 2015 and destroyed a completely upstanding political party.
Actually, the history of the Republican party started in 2015! It hasn’t been a “shitpile of bigots and imbeciles” (h/t driftglass) for decades. No.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@The Pale Scot:
I’ve said before the Cold War-era/early 21st century is the closest humanity as a whole has come to utopia, nuclear weapons and all. Reminds me of Watchmen where Ozymandias fooled the world into peaceful unity by fabricating an alien threat
The Pale Scot
@The Pale Scot: Sorry Kent, I overlooked your initial sentence.
Grover Gardner
Yup. I was quite taken aback to learn that a long-time colleague of mine in our freelance profession was on the Capitol steps. His Facebook feed was full of BLM, antifa and anti-masker crap. I knew he was a bit of a gun/military nut, but what the hey. He’s busier than I am and has no cause to complain about his economic or social status, that I’m aware of. Just plain nuts.
The Pale Scot
Football has a draft, or at least a recruitment process, these guys just reached into a barrel, which speaks to the consequences of random birth
The Pale Scot
Hat tip (followed by some emoji thingy if I was one of the cool kids)
@The Pale Scot: It works either way. Resentment and race go hand in hand and it is often the same thing. That is why “economic insecurity” is such bullshit. They may be poor, but that’s not what they are ‘insecure’ about.
Amir Khalid
I’m not even confident Trump will be a free man in 2024.
Fixed that for you. Without digging through a lot of stats, I’m pretty sure that Trump won whites at every income level. He just won a higher percentage of the wealthy than the poor, because the wealthy are a LOT LOT more white.
EDIT: According to this Brookings Exit Poll , Trump won non-college educated white men by 42% but he won college educated white men by 3
You have to dig deep into the cross tabs to figure this stuff out. But I think the main reason why Trump won the over $50,000 vote and Biden won the under $50,000 vote is because the over $50,000 vote is immensely more white.
@WaterGirl: Yes. D’s just need a simple majority in the House to impeach (which they already have or Pelosi would not be the Speaker), but a bipartisan impeachment will carry more weight. To convict in the Senate requires a 2/3 vote of the members present for the vote. What that means is if there are R senators who don’t want to be on the record voting against Trump they can still help the process along by not showing up which reduces the number of votes to convict. For example, with 100 senators present that means 67 votes, but 80 senators present requires only 53. If Trump actually gets convicted I’m pretty sure that something like this will happen.
The Pale Scot
That’s big part of it, IMHO that is a consequence of fundie Calvinism. Their canon presents life as an eternal battle between Yahweh and Satan. If you’re not guarding the Ramparts you are an Agent of Satan or an unknowing dupe. This outlook has bled all over red state society. Thinking that our lives matter, that what they do will have an effect on the future, beyond what your children become, is a powerful thing for some people.
If you’re not an artist, writer, or musician and you’re not filthy rich and you’re offspring aren’t in an Ivy League college what other paths are there to immortality?
@Grover Gardner:
I’ve said it here before and I’ll say it as often as necessary.
It is racism. Money may be used as an excuse but the base premise here is racism. Conservatism is about the in group, conservatives having the top position, in society, in jobs, in money, in everything. It’s not that money is not important, it is. It’s that status, position, and even respect is reserved for the conservative status class and that is white, men in particular in this country. And any perceived threat to that status as white men or partners of white men is suspect. And that is racism. Notice if you will there are token people of color who are allowed in if they follow the rules, they are always second class.
But racism is the primary curse of humanity.
@Amir Khalid:
Don’t tease……
Yeah I’m not sure I see him behind bars, or even a chain link fence. Hell a picket fence would hold him, unless he fell on it. But this country has a thing about past presidents. Of course I don’t believe any of the other 44 have sunk to his depths of bullshit and illegality so we may find out how serious we might be about complete and utter depravity, lawlessness, uselessness and just plain horrible human. Maybe it will happen as a warning to other complete and utter assholes about running in the first place.
@Kent: they may not have been in this action but there are plenty at every trump rally
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@trnc: you’ve never seen Rambo II and Rambo III? How does that not a hyper glorification of war.
Starboard Tack
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
The youngest Vietnam Veteran that could have happened to is around 65 years old. I doubt any of them were at the cosplay.
@WaterGirl: That the rioters had a kill list & their names were on it?
Do they really believe that BLM burned several cities this summer? I’ve seen that claim a few times over the last couple of days. Like wouldn’t it be a big deal if several US cities got torched? There’d be refugees and investigations. The footage would have played over and over again on the news and Twitter like, well, like footage of these riots has.
Given the participation of several Republican elected officials, is it now fair to say the Republican party has a literal militant wing?
@columbusqueen: That would not surprise me.
Don’t forget the ladies. Lots of bottled blondes.
Florida Frog
Fred Clark’s whole article is worth reading. It is one of the most lucid explanations of the pedophile paranoia I’ve come across. He traces it back to the 2nd century when the fantasy was used against the new Christian religion! The things I learn on this blog.@mattH: