And that is official. President Donald J. Trump has made history. He is the first president to be impeached twice.
The official intra-party fight for control of the GOP is off and running as well.
by David Anderson| 341 Comments
This post is in: Impeach the Motherfucker!, Impeachment Inquiry, Open Threads, Violent Insurrection at the Capitol
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Mary G
I am irrationally happy to see the Republican votes for impeachment got into double digits. It will piss Twitler off no end.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
195 Republicans think what’s going on is just fine.
One Hundred Ninety Five.
Just as the vote passed 217, one of the cats came trotting in and dropped a dead rat on the floor.
Omen? ?
I’m also seeing that the media is basically saying the Gym Jordan and McCarthy are completely full of shit in their defenses of Trump.
“This isn’t about ‘cancelling’. It’s about saving our Democracy as we know it. This is about a president who refused to concede when he clearly lost and incited an insurrection to try and illegally hold onto power.”
That was on CNN, which usually hedges things a lot more than that.
@different-church-lady: hey now, those goats are quite unlikely to fuck themselves…..
10 GOP Reps voting for impeachment is more than I would have guessed. Less than it should have been, considering the offense, but at least there were those few.
@different-church-lady: Well, 130+ Republicans voted to overturn the election and give it to Trump, so I’m not terribly surprised by this.
I would have hoped more would see the light, but nope.
@R-Jud: Yes!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@R-Jud: cats are clairvoyant
I’m trying to remember something pre-pandemic. Wasn’t there a Republican representative who, before the vote for the first Trump impeachment, warned that the next President to be impeached would be a Democrat? Or am I just remembering it that way so I can gloat “Wrong again”?
@MisterForkbeard: It’s like Johnny Rotten said: “I can’t understand it: all we’re trying to do is destroy everything.”
@R-Jud: Gross, but also hilarious.
WaPost banner headline:
The AGAIN just cracks me up.
I say we impeach him again tomorrow.
@MisterForkbeard: Even despicable Marc Thiessen thinks Jim Jordan is a disgrace.
@Kelly: Yeah, but he’s all like, “These people are disgraceful, but we can’t have consequences for that or anything…”
Mary G
Nancy SMASH brings down the gavel in a badass mask.
Anyone seen the list of 10 Republicans? Any surprises?
@R-Jud: One can hope?
Headline we won’t – but should – now see:
The Beast With 197 Assholes
My rep (Anthony Gonzalez OH-16) is one of the Republicans who voted to impeach. I am happy about this not just because I am represented by someone sane but also by the idea that he might actually listen to opposing viewpoints and that calling his office in the future won’t be useless.
@Kent: Maybe the brand new Rep. Meijer from Michigan. If only because he’s so new we can’t know how he might have voted.
Matt McIrvin
@Ken: They’ll impeach Biden about 146 times once they get control of the House back, but it’ll be worth it.
Nuke him from orbit it’s the only way to be sure.
@different-church-lady: There’s been a number of elected Republicans saying “What Donald Trump did was really awful, but he’s out in 7 days and I don’t think the Senate Republicans will pick it up before them, so I’m just saying he doesn’t deserve any punishment and the REAL villains here are the Democrats.”
Because they’re assholes.
Here is is. I freeze-framed CNN to transcribe. GOPers voting for impeachment:
Liz Cheney
Jaime Herrera Beutler (my Congresswoman)
John Katko
Adam Kinzinger
Fred Upton
Dan Newhouse
Peter Meijer
Anthony Gonzalez
Tom Rice
David Valadao
zhena gogolia
Felanius Kootea
@MisterForkbeard: We’re well beyond ‘asshole’ at this point.
@R-Jud: Seriously? The writers must be getting interested again.
We’ve discussed it several times over the last week, but I’m confused (perhaps I shouldn’t have read the discussion). How much of Trump’s pardon power is now blocked? All of it, or just for crimes relating to the articles of impeachment?
Wake up, have some coffee, impeach the motherfucker again.
Sorry, yet again. Is the third time the punt-them-all-into-the-sea time?
@different-church-lady: At least one GOP Rep had the gall to complain that impeachment was distracting from the COVID crisis. Sure, because that’s what Trump was laser-focused on before, out of the blue, he just happened to get accused of sedition and of aiding an insurrection.
The 195 who are still protecting this POS need to have their names written across the sky, all under one heading: traitor
Hee hee, just keep doing it every day until the 20th.
@guachi: He was very outspoken over the last week. He wasn’t a definitive yes until he saw the articles, but he was very clear on where blame lay. This from 4 days ago:
Mary G
I know the source is an asshole, but this cracked me up:
@dmsilev: The networks were talking about 5. Maybe the others kept things under their vest till the last minute. But maybe there were some fence sitters, who had a moment of courage at the last moment. They understood what their duty was. I have empathy for them. Their lives are indeed in danger in the present climate. They and their families will need extra security. It’s all come to this. Unbelievable.
@mrmoshpotato: Maybe it could be a new annual holiday. January 13th is Impeach Trump day, with chocolate and a dedicated line of greeting cards and everything.
Now toss out and arrest the Republicans in Congress who conspired with or aided the terrorists.
@Feckless: But…they aren’t really protecting him. They just have “concerns” about the process. And besides….BLM so “both sides”
More relieved than anything else.
I don’t expect the Senate to convene; if it does convene, I don’t expect it to convict. If the Senate doesn’t convict, for whatever reason, I hope that turns out to be something the Biden Administration can hold over their (McConnell’s) head for the next four years.
Next task: Getting rid of the Seditionist Caucus.
Perhaps commemorative urinal mats
@dmsilev: You know, he’s right: we should be impeaching him over the COVID crisis too.
Whelp, the Democrats have just unleashed impeachment. If you don’t think that AS SOON as the Republicans control the House they are going to turn this around and use it THE SECOND a Democratic candidate refuses to concede an obvious loss and tries to overthrow the government with a violent coup, you’re nuts!!
Srsly tho, WOOT!!
Listened to a bit of this on the radio while out on errands. You guys are made of stronger stuff if you could listen to those Republicans.
Did listen when the unexpected Republican announced he would vote yes, and got applause, although could not tell you who he was.
Otherwise, it was a bunch of shrieking about rioters destroying cities, the stuff Democrats say … anything but deal with the issue at hand. Cowards and bloviators, all of them.
…of July.
Final count was 232 to 197
The Dangerman
@different-church-lady: I don’t think there are 195 R’s that like what’s going on. I think there are many, many of that 195 that are gutless, spineless, wusses. But I might vote the same way if I wanted to sleep without a gun near my bed. Strange days.
Only for what’s cited in the article as passed, and only for any pardons applying to himself. There never was, and still is not, any alteration or interruption of the power of pardon otherwise.
@CaseyL: “Getting rid of the Seditionist Caucus.”
I heard a news blurb this morning that officials at various levels investigating the alleged conspirators who are members of Congress. I think the results of those investigations need to be made public, and I don’t care if that is SOP or not. We are in the midst of a national emergency.
@Benw: Had to read that three times before I saw what you did there…;-)
@Kelly: Henry Olsen, the other delusional WaPo GOPer opinion writer, caved today also. One day after penning his usual tripe.
And 4 (all Rs) who did not vote.
Too close to both New Years and MLK Day. We need something in August, though.
However, you remind me that one of Trump’s first acts was to declare his inauguration a national day of joy and thanksgiving, or something ridiculous like that.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
So. Much. Winning.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Only because Nixon resigned first.
Even without the ‘smoking gun’ there were 7 GOP votes to impeach Nixon just in the Judiciary Committee, out of 17 Repubs on the Committee.
Come on let’s impeach again,
Like we did last summer!
Yeaaah, let’s impeach again,
Like we did last year!
Do you remember when,
Things were really hummin’,
Yeaaaah, let’s impeach again,
Impeachment time is here!
Heeee, and round and round and up and down we go again!
Oh, baby, make me know you love democracy eeeeee!
And then:
Impeach again,
Like we did last summer,
Come on, let’s impeach again,
Like we did last year!
Like that will protect them from the wrath of the Trumpists.
Maybe the shitpile who trashed NATO via newspaper ad back in ’87 can bankroll it.
Who was that traitorous Soviet shitpile mobster conman anyway? Anyone remember?
@different-church-lady: There is nugget of truth to it though. The GOP, unless it is purged of authoritarians and ruthless swindlers, will impeach the next Democratic president when they have the majority.
And that is a threat that GOPers have been making to try to prevent this impeachment. Kind of a hollow threat, since they’ve already impeached a Democratic president on a flimsy, hypocritical, and dishonest pretext.
randy khan
The pardon power is absolute, so it is not blocked at all. He can’t pardon his way out of impeachment because it’s not a criminal matter.
I was preaching that here all last summer, and man, I still can’t believe the flak I got.
Captain C
@jl: They already did that with Clinton and would have with Obama if they could have found something to nail him on that wouldn’t have resulted in everyone but the Crazified 27% laughing them out of government.
“Why didn’t you vote?”
“I was, um, temporarily impaired. Boy, did I pick the wrong day to have Taco Bell for breakfast!”
Just Some Fuckhead
Did the vote finish up with 10 Republicans? Here’s their states:
MI (2)
WA (2)
Gonna have to check out Tom Rice, South Carolina rep. He bucked the entire Confederacy.
Yes! And, since I didn’t make it in the last thread, my deep sympathies to Miss Bianca for having Qbert as her representative. I strongly feel that dumb gunskank is planning to assassinate Dems, particularly Nancy.
(I use skank for men, too…for instance, man-skank Jared Kushner)
@different-church-lady: thanks for being a dedicated reader LOL
karen marie
@The Dangerman: They put themselves in this position when they went along with – and endlessly repeated – Trump’s “I was robbed!” bullshit. Rather than concern for themselves, they should be reflecting on how their words and actions have put others at risk.
Yep. The Republicans have had every opportunity to show that they believed in something more than crass, cynical partisanship. They have failed. It doesn’t matter what threats they make.
We just have to be ready to take them on when necessary.
TS (the original)
@jl: A full blown Benghazi style inquiry with trump & his legislative supporters having to answer questions at public hearings again and again and again
That is what is needed.
Pelosi will speak from the lectern that was stolen.
Roger Moore
The thing about “except in cases of impeachment” is understood to mean that the president can’t undo an impeachment using his pardon power. So if Trump were thrown out of office tomorrow and barred from holding office again, Pence couldn’t make him eligible to serve in office again with a pardon.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Who could have known a know-nothing, fraudulent, bankrupt, half-wit clown would turn out so bad.
Sitting here relishing that Dolt 45’s digital megaphone has been impounded.
@jl: Yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. That’s what they kept saying during (checks notes) all eight years of Obama’s terms but he ran such a squeaky clean administration they had nothing on him.
They always try to use that as a cudgel to keep Democrats from doing the right thing.
Just Some Fuckhead
The busy beavers updating Wikipedia haven’t been sitting on their hands:
@jl: There is no greater crime against the United States than lying about getting a blowjob.
@NotMax: Hey, if 4 Republicans – or better, 40 – decide not to show up for the Senate vote on the impeachment, I’ll take it. The text is 2/3 of those present.
@Mary G:
He’s had as many impeachments as he has had remarriages.
Tony Gerace
Good. Next steps, starting a week from today, should be arrest, indictment, trial, conviction and imprisonment. Let this swine die in prison, alone and despised.
Mike in NC
I neglected to buy Champagne last night, but I’ll crack open an excellent Pinot Noir to celebrate the demise of this monster. In 2016 he was merely a famous criminal, in 2021 he became a traitor. He will ultimately flee to Moscow to get a pat on the head from his puppet master.
Has anyone interviewed John Roberts yet? I’m interested in his thoughts on recidivism.
@dmsilev: Nah. No need to celebrate any of this shitshow of a bastard presidency despite the motherfucker being rightfully impeached twice.
We have another unprecedented mess to start to clean up.
It would be so fun to 25th him, too. Bigly record only he would have!
Bighorn Ordovician Dolomite
@LadySuzy: Indeed, I guess there’s a lesson that when you make your living selling rageahol to rageaholics thinks might get dicey when they hear last call.
Nora Lenderbee
The impeachiest president evah!
So when does Mar-a-lago secede from the Union?
Was only listening to MNBC but one congressman was quoted — “Donald Trump is a living, breathing, impeachable offense.”
Tony Gerace
One of my family members died from covid, alone, in an ICU late last night. I am not interested in reaching across the aisle in the spirit of comity to treat Trump supporters with respect. They deserve no
respect. All of them — all 74 million of them — are responsible for the death of my relative and for the fascist invasion of the Capitol last week. They deserve the same respect as did the “good Germans” who supported Hitler — that is, none at all.
Seek for the lectern that was stolen,
In the House of Reps it dwells
There will be votes taken
Stronger than QAnon spells
@R-Jud: Link?
@Tony Gerace: I’m so sorry Tony.
Agree with you.
Sister Golden Bear
Well Donny, you’re gonna go down in history. Bigly.
@Ken: None of it, unless he is convicted by the Senate. But he won’t be before he leaves office, so…
Sister Golden Bear
@Tony Gerace: I’m so sorry Tony.
@Tony Gerace:
From your lips to God’s ears.
Mike in NC
@Ken: Let’s celebrate impeachment on Fat Bastard’s birthday. He’d probably appreciate it.
@Captain C: Their reaction to that circumstance was to figure out how to crazify another 20%.
@Ken: Roberts has the option to only count the impeachment votes he wants to, right? Right?
@The Dangerman: If you were inclined to vote a certain way not because it’s what you believed in, but because you were afraid, then perhaps a career in the United States Congress isn’t for you. Same holds true for those Republicans. If they couldn’t bring themselves to vote their conscience, they could have just handed their resignation to Nancy Pelosi and walked out of the chambers.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Damn…that was fast
@jl: That’s why Dems have to keep electing competent, squeaky clean Presidents. Note: not to the left’s notion of clean, but generally non-corrupt and non-adulterous.
Nancy Smash has not spoken yet, right?
Have C-Span on, and it’s reporters sitting around in silence.
@Tony Gerace: sorry, that’s awful.
And preach
Lacuna Synechdoche
Unsurprisingly, I suppose, Rotten voted for Trump.
Press conference in front of the seditious shitpile’s jail cell?
Sister Golden Bear
What’s the over/under on how long it takes the Traitor Tots to get daddy committed, now that he’s trashed their future?
And drive a stake through the notion that well-meaning amateurs and business-types can handle the job. It’s not the place for on-the-job training. So please no “Oprah for President” stuff from the left.
@Aleta: Lectern is not there, unless she’s bringing it in with her.
Just see small table draped in blue, with a pretty light green upholstered chair behind it.
Is Nancy Smash on CNN or MSNBC?
Secede into the sea?
@Kent: *quietly slides BEYONCE/HANKS 2024 banner back into bag
@Tony Gerace:
Sorry, man, and they all bear responsibility.
@Kent: Oprah for Governor! We’ll see how she handles it and go from there.
Lacuna Synechdoche
Score: 2 – 0
Twice lost the impeachment vote to zero times won the popular vote.
Raven Onthill
I think we are looking at a period in some ways analogous to the First Reconstruction, where President Andrew Johnson pardoned most of the Confederate traitors, who became the first Klan, unleashing a wave of racist terrorism in the south.
But, also, I think we are looking at a decade of realignment where perhaps, just perhaps, the Republican Party shuffles off to Buffalo, or perhaps returns to Gamma Quadrant, while the left of the Democrats tears away to form a new party. “Join the People’s Progressive Libertarian Party! We bring peace, prosperity, and weed!”
The Twenties will roar.
Blog post:
I have MSNBC on, No Pelosi yet.
@Sister Golden Bear: Would that untrash the future of his shitpile large children?
@Tony Gerace: My sympathies. I’m so sorry for your loss. And I agree with your sentiments.
@Raven Onthill:
I’m putting the kibosh on counting chickens before they hatch. The GOP has a long way to go before they are destroyed, and they won’t be if we start going all People’s Front of Judea too soon.
Just Some Fuckhead
I had my first argument today. Apparently, the Parler rejects are storming over to and was already a festering conservative shithole. If we want to make any progress with the mouthbreathers on the right, we need start with an initiative to mail them all a third grade reading and grammar primer.
LA Times:
KLETE DERIK KELLER. There is something about that name ….
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Tony Gerace: I’m sorry. Peace and strength.
Lacuna Synechdoche
I could be wrong, but I don’t think Pelosi will be giving any statements or interviews tonight.
Too much risk that it could be perceived as gloating, during a period that she wants seen as a time of crisis and tragedy.
Jake Gibson
As far as the Party that survives.
@Nora Lenderbee: Somewhere in his toddler brain what he hears is, “I’m a peach!”
Jumping from 5 to 10 yea votes from the GOP is a pretty good result, especially considering some of those asshole MAGAt speeches.
@HumboldtBlue: Thanks. They did a sound and light check in the House chamber a few minutes ago. And so we wait …
@CaseyL: I hope the Senate doesn’t convict, because the only way McConnell is coming back before Tuesday to convict is Trump doing something so horrible in the next 4 days that it gives 17 Republicans a spine.
@debbie: I think the 10 House votes will get some GOP Senators thinking in that direction.
Bit of a contrast to “Donald Trump is the best president ever!” I think Trump wrote most of the GOP’s speechlets.
Sure hope so.
@Lacuna Synechdoche: No, C-Span is set up for Nancy P to speak. It was scheduled for 5:04, but is running late.
@Tony Gerace: I’m so sorry.
Has it been decootified?
The folks in gerrymandered districts are not going to lose their seats – but those who are in mixed districts – I think the fallout is going to hurt them. There is going to be a lot of malfeasance that is going to drop. The FBI is going to be looking for scalps – woke deep state is going to be going after these folks. Trumpers are going to get their civil war, but it won’t be with us.
It’s going to suck being a conservative for the next few years because soon anybody who shows any loyalty to Trump is going make people look askance.
karen marie
I’ve not seen anyone mention that Bill Belichick “spurned” Trump’s offer of the Medal of Freedom. Just to keep the record complete, I’m mentioning it.
@Tony Gerace:
I am so sorry. My deepest sympathies to you and yours. Know that my rage is as hot as yours at the needless tragedy perpetrated upon you and your loved ones and all the other people who died due to the malicious incompetence of these people. It doesn’t change anything you feel but maybe it will be a comfort to know others share your sadness and fury.
Boebert’s Twitter account locked until after Inauguration Day. Unspecified Twitter rules violations.
As usual, Yiddish idiom to the rescue:
In happier news from the LA Times, a very pretty pet cat named “Patches” has been found alive, almost 3 years to the day after her home was obliterated in the 2018 Montecito mudslides. Her owner was killed.
Patches, who was microchipped, was found less than a quarter mile from the site of her home, and is being reunited with her late owner’s partner.
There are all sorts of ways to attack them. One of the ways is going after their money. Point out these Republicans are objectively bad for business in that they want insurrection and want instability. It is the same with the 147 that voted against the electoral votes.
Alison Rose
What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?
The same thing we do every night, Pinky. IMPEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER.
@Feathers: Her district should never have elected a living, breathing Fox News Chyron to Congress.
Wonder if she might be recalled.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Can they be delivered via singing punch-a-Nazi telegram?
@Lacuna Synechdoche:
It appears she will speak, MSNBC has pic-in-pic “waiting for Pelosi speech”
C-Span: Photogs are all shooting the impeachment documents just placed at the small table. Nancy up soon, I guess.
Raven Onthill
@Baud: “I’m putting the kibosh on counting chickens before they hatch. The GOP has a long way to go before they are destroyed, and they won’t be if we start going all People’s Front of Judea too soon.”
I did say, “Perhaps, just perhaps.” You even quoted it. And the preceding graph was dire.
Sometimes I wonder if there is some evil imp who steals what I write before anyone reads it and replaces it with something else.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
The sooner he fleas to Moscow, the better.
Georgia state senate
Sad their weren’t more abstains on the R side. that shows how in deep they are.
Mary G
@Elizabelle: More happy news from the LA Times: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tap Tom Hanks to host starry inauguration special
Raven Onthill
Also, David Atkins, “if corporate America is signaling they would rather risk higher taxes than a QAnon/Nazi takeover of government, embrace it and roll with it!” – link
Chris Johnson
It’s gonna be spectacular if McConnell’s Senate convicts him. I would really like to see that. Not because it’s an attempt to weasel out of Trumpism, which it would be, and it’s a lot like deNazification since if we let ’em do that we’ll be sorry…
I’d like to see it because I know numerous people, who I’m keeping at arm’s length and watching them be fucking seditiously insane, and I want to see them COPE with that. I want to see them deal with the fact that the Republicans in the Senate turned on the guy whom they think won a ‘landslide victory’.
Any ambiguity here leaves the Republicans still riding the tiger: which is a puppet President run out of Russia as a wrecking ball, with the complicity of the VERY PEOPLE who might now turn to destroy the puppet.
It would be great to take them all out. I am never going to forget what they did. But I badly, badly want them to try and execute that pivot, and inhibit or at least DAUNT our homegrown useful idiot terrorists. It’s worth it to me, to see the folks I know, have to face a little bit of reality.
They’re so close to running amok, and every time that happens people die before they get brought down in turn.
@Raven Onthill:
In isolation, your comment was fine. But in my experience, our side has a history of moving on to the next thing before the work is finished.
Alison Rose
@Mary G: Okay I love this. If Repubs wanna talk about unity, who is more unifying than Nicest Man in the Universe Tom Hanks?
I will fight anyone who says otherwise. (I’m tiny and old, this is a very mild threat.)
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
That’s a big jump.
@cain: I’m guessing that is why my rep Herrera Beutler voted in favor of impeachment. This district which covers SW Washington and Vancouver is poised to get a lot more blue after redistricting. It is Trump +3 now. But with tremendous population growth in the bluer parts near Vancouver which is a Portland suburb. So the district will likely shrink in size, losing a lot of the bright red rural areas and making it more blue.
Liking Georgia even more than did as being the home base of Archer.
I phoned his D.C. office, told the staff person that I was a strong Democrat and was calling to thank Newhouse for his vote, and said “This is your [Democratic Party] auntie telling you all to stay safe and wear your masks.” Staffer chortled and said yes. Hands across the great divide, eh?
There is a slender lectern too. No idea if it’s the one (criminally charged) “Ski Dad??” was making off with.
BC in Illinois
From @LizHackett on Twitter:
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I ❤️ that photo.
@Kent: Jaime Herrera Beutler was a bit of a surprise, at least to me. She was my Rep before the map got redrawn a few years back, and I’d have said she’s an arch-typical GOP backbencher. She reps mostly-rural SW Washington state, and is going to have a lot of angry constituents, I guess.
EDIT: I see this has already been touched on.
Sister Golden Bear
@mrmoshpotato: Donald, hardly knew him. He brought us coffee sometimes.
Raven Onthill
@Baud: “But in my experience, our side has a history of moving on to the next thing before the work is finished.”
True, true. It is too easy to latch onto hope and forget the work that needs to be done.
unique uid
It hadn’t been clear to me on the timing of the panic button removal … I thought perhaps it was when they got back to the office, after the building was cleared. Or, it could have been before … this clears it up. I hope there is good video of who visited the office in the preceding days.
Someone posted a link to twitter & the Globe article this morning, but I didn’t make it though the paywall. Saw this on Crooks & Liars website.
I’m still seething. Is is possible to have a fair trial by next week, and [ CENSORED ] My better angels flew away the first year of this presidency….
@debbie: DeTrumptrashified?
@HumboldtBlue: I see what you did there. Well done.
zhena gogolia
You had me there for a minute.
@H.E.Wolf: Hahaha, nice!
They’ll need to collar him first!
@Tony Gerace: I’m so sorry and I’m so with you- the GOP is a scourge on America and humanity and must be deleted and destroyed
We’re awaiting an Engrossment Ceremony. Who knew that word this morning?
C-Span title for event not yet begun:
Speaker Pelosi Remarks at Impeachment Article Engrossment Ceremony
Uncle Cosmo
How about August 9? Anniversary of Tricky Dick’s resignation. Call it BLOID (Bastards Leaving Office In Disgrace) Day.** Incorporates Trump Impeachments I & II (Observed) and Trump Disqualification from Federal Office and Removal Of Ex-Presidential Benefits (Observed, date TBD).
** FLOID Day if ya wann get salty… :^D
Mary G
@Elizabelle: WaPo talking heads say yes, it’s the same lectern the insurrectionist was carrying across the room while waving cheerily, but it actually never left the building. The FBI found it abandoned somewhere on the Senate side undamaged and returned it to NancySMASH’s office once they were done processing evidence.
@Geoduck: she is a homeschool product from Battle Ground and that is her base. The red suburban fringe around Vancouver. Not so much the blue collar places like Longview or Grays Harbor.
Metro Clark County has grown by about 100,000 since the 2010 census and the red MAGA rural areas like Skamania County Pacifiic County, and Cowlitz county not at all. So after 2020 redistricting I expect the district to shrink greatly in geographic size and be more of just a Clark County district. That will make it considerably more blue. She will be vulnerable.
Hakeem Jeffries, I believe.
@Sister Golden Bear: Poor daddy, it must have been the meds for COVID that did it.
@Elizabelle: Trump only won that district by 2 or so points, so it’s not a safe seat for her. As I pointed out in rather more graphic language in a tweet to her earlier.
I so badly want to hear Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche have that exchange!
@Mary G: So he didn’t try to sell it on eBay? The internet rumor mill has failed me again…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think Ken Buck was part of the group who called on Congress to drop the bullshit about “election fraud”. And I’m pretty sure he cited Robert DeNiro being mean to trump as a reason to vote against impeachment. I know, because I googled it, that Ken Buck wore a T-shirt that said “Kill them all and let god sort ’em out” to a CO Republican Party rally just a couple months ago. Anyway….
Were I Pelosi, I’d wait to send the impeachment over to the Senate until after 1/20, when the two Ga. Senators are sworn in and Schumer becomes Majority Leader. But whatever happens in a Trump trial, there are going to be many many trials of the rioters in DC, all well covered by both national and the perps’ local media.
Only 10 Republicans voted for it. Can we rename that party to something that is more correct?
Mary G
@Redshift: I checked eBay at some point last week and three different people were “selling” it. A few minutes later nobody was.
I’m sure we can make a sea shanty it’s all the rage now!
Nancy Pelosi will be speaking soon from the lecturn MAGA-rioters stole when they stormed the Capitol! Nancy P is a straight up boss!
And take the entire damn circus with him!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Methinks Mr. Buck has leadership aspirations, and senses an opportunity.
@Mary G: Good to know. That lectern gets around.
These journalists have now been held hostage for one hour, awaiting this event.
@Mary G:
I love a great Happy New Years Day celebration.
zhena gogolia
The clip I saw from her was quite good.
zhena gogolia
That’s lovely.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: They’re gonna need to fumigate to get all the fleas he leaves behind when he flees.
Nancy arriving.
So basically the countries with shitstain leaders (USA, UK, Brazil) who allowed massive uncontrolled spread are the ones where to no ones surprise new mutations appeared which are now more dangerous.
Trump, Johnson, and Bolsonaro need to end up at The Hague.
zhena gogolia
@Uncle Cosmo:
I watched it on a little TV in a storeroom at the Kansas City SBA with my fellow civil servants. It was glorious.
@JMG: I personally think dropping this into the Senate after January 20 is a huge strategic error for the Dems. Once he is out of office, Impeachment becomes a purely political act. And they would be choosing a forum and an outcome that they cannot control. I would not trust the GOP to produce 17 votes. And if he is acquitted again that will take the winds out of any additional investigations and criminal trials.
They should table the Senate trial and move forward with endless investigations in in both the Senate and House about 1/6 as well as ordinary criminal trials of Trump. Convicting him of sedition in an ordinary federal court will also ban him from future office as effectively as impeachment. Pick the forums that you control, not the ones where the GOP holds all the cards and will control the outcome.
If he is acquitted in the Senate then every future investigation or trial will be painted as sour grapes by the media. I’d rather see him called up to testify at a Senate Committee hearing and cited for contempt if he doesn’t show. And then be a defendant in the US District Court of the District of Columbia in front of a jury of DC residents. Face REAL justice, in other words.
Mary G
@Elizabelle: The reporters’ babble is occasionally entertaining. I just learned that one reason Liz Cheney really hates Twitler is that one of the few times he invited her to the WH (signing a Covid bill) he kept calling her Lynn, which is her mother’s name.
@Baud: I would wonder if this vote kills the delusions in the Never Trumper/Lincoln Project types that they will be able to regain control of the GOP, which could help consolidate Dem gains in the suburbs, in combination with the demographic changes already going on there. I’m not a POC, but I’d think that riots would also cement the impression that all Republicans are crazy.
Alison Rose
LOL she was like “I’m done, I’m out, fuck your questions”
Nancy departing.
She did get in “clear and present danger” and being faithful to her/their oath of office.
Take that, cowardly GOP.
I wonder if Gym is at all worried about Matt becoming Trump’s new favorite?
I am fine with a pockmarked wall wide enough for all of them.
@Tony Gerace: I am so sorry.
And agree with your sentiment.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Hoodie: Riots are what rightwingers were doing in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle and other cities. This was full on insurrection. And I imagine a majority of Republicans are cool with that.
Chyron HR
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I understood that reference.
@zhena gogolia: She is really good at appealing to and speaking to suburban Starbucks moms. She likes to sign on to milquetoast Dem initiatives like expanding paid parent leave, and then flood the district with Ads and positive news coverage about how Jamie is fighting for you to expand family leave. Usually it is DOA bills that are going nowhere. But being a “cosponsor” gets her good press. People are too disengaged to really understand so the strategy works. She never presents in the district as any sort of MAGA-spawn. You wouldn’t even know she is a Republican based on the press releases and local press coverage that she gets. That is deliberate.
I’d say about 60% up the colon would be a rough estimate.
@Elizabelle: …and Trump is wondering what a Gross-Out Ceremony is..
@Just Some Fuckhead:
The false equivalences were in ridiculous abundance this afternoon.
Now the NY Times goes with a banner headline too.
@germy: Gun Bunny? Who — or how many — were doing that?
Just Some Fuckhead
@debbie: Yeah, I didn’t turn it on (working from home) because I had some tough deliverables that needed to get done but I did follow Evan Hurst’s live-blog and that was my exact thought on about 80% of it: false equivalency.
Other tweets:
“I’ve been silenced by being sent to Congress! Stop the oppression!”
@zhena gogolia:
Thank you! It made a pleasant change from faxing Sen. McConnell’s office to tell Mitch he’s gonna be a hissing and a byword. :)
@germy: Oh. The Q Loon. Heard her start her spiel and turned the car radio down. No thank you.
Here’s Donald Trump Junior, taunting the Democratic candidate in 2016:
@Tony Gerace: So sorry, my condolences to you and your family.
Tweet from Jake Tapper:
Interesting tidbit aired from someone just now (paraphrasing):
“I’m hearing of Senate staffers telling their bosses they will resign en masse if he/she does not vote for conviction.”
@Raven Onthill: This is Balloon Juice. I figure if anyone reads half of a front-page post or half of any comment, that’s doing pretty good. :-)
BC in Illinois
Trump, on the White House Twitter account:
Cals for calm; he’s against violence; he was shocked by what happened last week.
Never mentions “impeachment”; never mentions “Biden.”
Michael Beschloss tweet, with photo of Abraham Lincoln.
@Mary G: Ah, that explains it. Over 18 months, someone broke into my church and stole some AV equipment. He was caught, but we’re still waiting to get the equipment back; it’s being held as evidence. Maybe the lectern wasn’t officially stolen since it didn’t leave the building.
@BC in Illinois: Honestly, I hope it works. One more week.
@Elizabelle: Does Balloon Juice need an official historian?
The Q Loon is an excellent name for her.
I keep getting her mixed up with Boebert, though.
Are they both gun bunnies?
Rethugs will impeach President Biden for having got more votes than tRUMP, and for being the choice of the American people.
@Mike in NC:
You think vlad wants him?
What value is he to vlad? Because he’s not getting into Russia without vlad’s approval, and he’s got nothing that vlad wants, vlad already has gotten all the value out of being shitforbrains friend that he’s going to.
I didn’t know Senate staffers had that kind of power over their bosses.
Whenever Trump or one of his low quality hires talked about his presidency or election being historic, my reaction was always, huh? I mean, other than election of first reality tv personality, what made it historic? Finally, Trump made history and I can say his presidency is historic.
Email alert.
Federal intelligence officials warned that armed militia groups and racist extremists are targeting the presidential inauguration next week.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 5:56 PM EST
Federal officials warned police chiefs in major cities during a call on Wednesday to be on high alert and generous with intelligence as police departments around the country ramped up preparations for the week leading into the inauguration.
She really is not all that. How is it she can carry in D.C.? I thought they were outlawed.
Senate hearings should last as long as the house version. One day. The evidence is already apparent. Long trial will convince no one.
there’s also plenty of work to be done
Matt McIrvin
@Elizabelle: Reminds me of how, in 2000, the final margin of votes in Florida (when the recount was cut off) was one less than the size of the Electoral College.
You’d think she could spring for a better-fitting mask.
Is McConnell perhaps seeking to speed the process through a very narrow window of mathematical anomaly? Bear with me here on this.
1) New senators from Georgia not yet seated
2) Harris’ replacement also not yet sworn in
3) Leaves the Senate at 98
4) Two-thirds of that would mean 66 votes needed, assuming all members are present
5) 47 non-Rs total, so if all of those vote to convict that means 19 Rs would need to vote for conviction, not the 17 most reports toss around
She has a tiny head.
Headline from the Queens Daily Eagle:
Queens man impeached — again
Mary G
@Tony Gerace: I agree. I got so angry with Trumpers cry that Joe Biden wants healing and unity and the Democrats aren’t abiding by his promise waah waah waah. I came up with an analogy – the nation is deeply wounded. When you have a deep wound, doctors don’t say it’ll heal on its own and walk away.
First they clean out the dirt – Trump.
Then they apply antibiotics to make sure all the bad shit that could reinfect the wound is gone – voting out Jim Jordan and every other Trump enabler in Congress who pushed “Stop the Steal” plus “grassroots” organizers like Charlie Kirk and Ginni Thomas who got people riled up and sent them to the Capitol in busses that they paid for.
Only then you put a nice white bandage on, but the wound still isn’t healed. You have to wait and keep checking on it and it takes time.
And even once it’s healed, if it’s bad enough, there is a scar.
So they can fuck off with the healing talk.
Aziz, light!
@Kent: McConnell is playing us again.
DEMOCRATS (handing off to Senate after months of investigation): “Here are mountains of hard evidence against Trump.”
REPUB pols and half the country: “Don’t confuse us with the facts.”
MEDIA after no conviction: “Trump is vindicated and we owe him an apology.”
PUNDITS: “Why are the Dems being so divisive?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kent: could trump be called as a witness in the impeachment? Pence? They’ll be private citizens
Just Some Fuckhead
@NotMax: McConnell is punting because he doesn’t want to be the Republican majority leader who presided over two impeachment trials of the Republican president.
What??? They aren’t heeding Trump’s message of peace that Jordan read into the record???
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: I love that!
Aziz, light!
We’ll be lucky to get three.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Mary G: We did this in 2006 when Democrats took the House and Senate during Bush’s presidency. It was all look forward, don’t look back.
Uncle Cosmo
An abstention functions as half a vote for impeachment. It just shows that enough of them are afraid enough seditionists recognize this to put them and theirs at risk of bodily harm.
Similarly, in an impeachment trial, each Senator who fails to show up for the vote represents** 1/3 vote for conviction (decreases by 1/3 the number of votes needed to reach 2/3) while each one who shows up and abstains (or votes “present”) represents** 2/3 vote for acquittal (increases by 2/3 the number of votes needed to reach 2/3).
** In theory, for an infinite number of Senators. The nature of whole numbers and the limited number of whole Senators screws with the actual fraction. /math nerd
Miss Bianca
Qbert, for the win! LOL!
Yeah, I’m starting to get a whiff of “cut-rate Manchurian Candidate” about her…I’m strongly considering writing to Bennet and Hickenlooper and saying, “for God’s sake, this woman needs to be investigated STAT”.
I’m really curious what this investigation ends up revealing:
Boy, the times have really gotten to Beschloss. He used to be a dispassionate observer of yesterday vs. today. Now, he’s approaching Steve Schmidt-level vitriol!
Three videos: Trump’s terrorists after breaking into the capitol offices discussing the floor plan & taking the building.
“There’s a cab driver known as East Side Eddie whom you can freely consult with impunity.”
I hope they can find out who authorized/arranged those tours, and then slap them with criminal charges.
@Mary G: truth and reconciliation requires truth first
@MJS: Can’t remember who said it but his two sons served tours in Iraq/Afghanistan. If Members of Congress can vote to send people to war, but are afraid for their own skins because of a vote, then yes, they absolutely need to step down.
@Tony Gerace:
Sorry for your loss never covers it….but sorry for your loss.
And yeah, not ready to make nice. Unity with people who shit on everything I believe in? Until such time as their leaders tell them they were lied to, they were had, they were led into criminal actions for political gain – and they admit it – nothing doing.
“The complete absence of evidence is but further proof of how deeply this plot runs!”
Fuck them.
@Miss Bianca:
I will if you will! Actually, I will anyway. Do you have a feel for how hard it would be to vote her out next election? Is there a possibility of a more exciting candidate than DMB? I hate saying that, because competence is all we need, but…
I believe that’s Thomas Friedman’s source.
Probably too much to hope that John Roberts feels the same.
“Taking this building.” Jesus. WTF would they have done with it if they had?
Just Chuck
@bucachon: The Separation of Powers doctrine would almost certainly preclude that.
Just Some Fuckhead
@germy: His most recent column underscores why he should outsource his analysis to taxi cab drivers.
Repurpose it as the world’s largest Chik-Fil-A?
hmmm. What about Fox News?
Miss Bianca
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Well, it’s good to see that Ken Buck has failed me again – I was afraid with his stance on the election that I was in danger of having to think better of him. To think, I used to imagine that Ken Buck was as bad as a Colorado Republican could get. That was before we got stuck with Qbert.
@Miss Bianca: I liked “gunskank” too.
Perhaps, like her idol, QBert will rue the day she ever was elected.
I am reading (on LGF) that Jenny “we are in the capitol and have done nothing wrong, just broke into Nancy Pelosi’s office” Cudd. I would link but am askairt to do it rong.
Wherever it may be in reality, it looks as if Steve Schmidt is on camera at a Castilian monastery.
@NotMax: Yeah. Before I saw the lights, I was thinking dungeon.
Where is he??
Just Some Fuckhead
@Ken: Roberts presided over a sham trial in the Senate last time around with nary a squeak. I think we know where his loyalties lie: Republicans first, Constitution second.
Josh Hawley, Sociopath:
@NotMax: I’m pretty sure that Harris will resign on the 19th with Alex Padillia at her side ready to take the oath.
Exactly x1000. The Orcs are ALWAYS at the door and always have been. The entire country is gerrymandered in their favor from the Senate to the Electoral College to SCOTUS to Citizens United to the filibuster (which only blocks Dem priorities and not GOP priorities).
We will always be just one election away from losing it all again.
The Republicans’ behavior through this election season and through the certification vote makes it clear they will vote to impeach the minute they regain the House and convict the minute they regain the Senate.
Like, how does Biden seriously act like he’s going to get anything bipartisan done? It’s right out there, there’s no pretense they’ll ever cooperate with anything.
The only question is whether McConnell thinks it serves him to get whip a Senate vote to convict Trump so he can hobble Biden right afterwards or whether Trump is still useful to him.
@debbie: I think we know what they would’ve done. But here’s more proof to hang them with (literally).
Just Some Fuckhead
@different-church-lady: Hawley gets an F in critical thinking.
Uncle Cosmo
@Kent: I disagree. It can be framed very simply: We are withdrawing all the perks the USA grants to former Presidents from one who raised an insurrection against the USA itself in order to overturn a free and fair election that he lost.
“I will inspire a lawless mob.”
Just Some Fuckhead
@Shakti: I’ve been asking how Biden thinks he’s going to be the great bipartisan hope (something he’s been claiming now for almost two years) after he spent eight years getting bipartisan squat as Obama’s legislative whip.
they spent a day, running and hiding from a violent mob and militia’s that most of their bosses deliberately whipped into a frenzy, with the Big Lie.
Staffers are a tiny bit pissed off at their “Bosses”.
Mary G
@Leto: I don’t think those are all that incriminating. Looks more like a gang of losers wandering around trying to decide what to do next. The girl on the bullhorn is the exception – she’s been scouting things out and directs them where to go to take out a specific window. Her I’d vote to convict.
Miss Bianca
I hear you. I voted for James Iacino in the Dem primary, not because I thought he was more experienced but strictly because I thought DMB was an extremely uncharismatic candidate and, frankly, I figured a young white MOR businessman type would have a better chance beating Gun Bunny than someone who looked and talked like your granolahead Grandma.
The good news is that I think CD3 is going to be FIRED UP to get rid of her – there’s already a progressive PAC out there that I’m thinking of joining…
@Jay: The civil war is always just under the surface in Washington DC. The upcoming treason trials will be held at the US District Court for the District of Columbia which faces Judiciary Square and is 2 blocks from the White House. Everyone visiting the court house to face trial for sedition will pass under the large monument to Gen. George Meade, who famously commanded the Army of the Potomac and whipped the last batch of white-supremacist seditionists this country faced in a little obscure town called Gettysburg.
There was a time when we knew how to open up a world of hurt on white supremacist secessionists in this country. Washington DC is full of monuments to those men.
karen marie
@Mary G:
I thought it had been posted on ebay – just someone’s idea of a joke?Never mind!
Wow. That’s rich, you traitorous POS.
Miss Bianca
@Elizabelle: God, I hope so.
I’m not so sure. I’m picturing more of a dog finally catching a passing car and not knowing what to do with it.
zhena gogolia
@Just Some Fuckhead:
The Affordable Care Act? Ever heard of it?
Would you get a load of those white folks looting? No wonder everybody* thinks this is antifa!
*Everybody=nobody. Was that a Neil Young album?
@different-church-lady: And they keep telling me he’s really smart…
Just Some Fuckhead
@zhena gogolia: Yep, thank you Nancy Pelosi! Biden didn’t actually turn a single Republican vote.
@BC in Illinois: Also never takes back ‘election fraud’, still maintains that he actually won.
Not helping. Just ass covering.
I try never to watch him, but, he is still the President?
@Kent: Thing is, when Schumer’s Majority Leader, he can control the trial. He can, in fact, since Trump won’t be President anymore, refer it to a committee for preliminary investigation, which is done when judges get impeached. The committee can call witnesses, take testimony, etc. and best of all operate on its own time as the rest of the Senate deals with Biden’s agenda and nominees.
Impeachment is ALWAYS a political act, whenever it’s done. Might as well be smart politics.
@Tony Gerace: Condolences to you and your family; and co-sign the rage you must feel. You aren’t alone.
Pelosi stands at
The lectern that was stolen
Trump impeached again
Garry Kasparov pointed out that “After the USSR fell in 1991, Russia chose to bury the crimes of the security services in the name of national harmony. The KJB changed its name, but not its nature. Just 9 year later, a KJB man became president and it was our last meaningful election”.
A reply mentioned that Hugo Chavez received a pardon after a failed military coup; thus he could run for President in 1998. “Now, we have no democracy, rule of law and a destroyed economy.”
On one of Nicolle Wallace’s snippets, it was said that Republican staffers wore sneakers to work, one found her will the night before and gave it to her husband, the report was talking about how they knew what was coming.
PS how do you do block quotes?
the Beltway Toadies want “ bipartizanship” from any Democratic Party Government.
it’s complete and utter bad faith bullshit with continually moving goal posts.
they will however, use every platform, podium and dollar they have to crucify any Democratic Party member who does not sign on .
President Elect Joe Biden is grrrrreat at making speeches of steel, with a hint of healing and bipartisanship,
to shut the mealy mouth bipartisan fuckers the fuck up while actually signalling with his choice of Vice President and Cabinet,
Beltway illusions of bipartisanship can just fuck the fuck off.
@Ken: If we arrested 10 of them, Democrats would only need 9 GOP votes instead of 17.
@Kattails: Hitler was imprisoned for an attempted coup in 1923. He was pardoned a year later. I don’t think we need to remind people what happened next.
@Just Some Fuckhead: I know this is pretty cynical but I never thought Biden believed that. I just think he says that to satisfy the PBS and NPR voters. My grandmother is one of them, she hates Trump with every ounce of her being but she likes bipartisanship and all that Biden talk. My grandmother would never vote for someone like Trump or GWB but she would vote for Charles Baker or Larry Hogan.
I’m thinking about all those White House staffers who constantly leak, talk to reporters and tell us about the horrible behavior of Trump. They all saw last Wednesday that he was watching the chaos and was happy about it, that he didn’t do a single thing to stop it.
If they need to be included in a witness protection program with their families, so be it.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Martin: He mobilized the youth for the future, right?
And of course, I want PENCE to testify. Under oath. To tell us HE WAS THE ONE WHO HAD TO ORDER THE ACTIVATION OF THE NATIONAL GUARD. This coward couldn’t invoke the 25th. At least he has to be held accountable, and tell the truth. Witness protection program for him too if necessary. Send him live in Europe after all of this, if necessary.
Sorry for the screaming. I’m beyond myself.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Anya: I’m sure it’s focus group tested seven ways to Sunday. But to me it sounds like, “Obama couldn’t do it but I can.”
BTW, yesterdays word post has inspired me to use the word fuck in all it’s variations and applications a fuck of a lot more.
S. Cerevisiae
@lowtechcyclist: ok that was brilliant.
Every year. Annually. It could be a big holiday.
J R in WV
@Tony Gerace:
I’m sorry to learn this Tony. And I agree with you about the Republicans who worked so hard to make the Trump Plague worse and worse week by week. Not taking elementary precautions to limit the spread.
Shameful, illegal, evil and immoral on the part of everyone who voted for this monster~!!~
In text mode,
click the blockquote tab,
paste the text,
hit the close blockquote tab,
Paste the link.
J R in WV
Or just stayed home and not voted at all… easy peasy, right?
@NotMax: Do you think Steve Schmidt’s house has a moat with alligators? In Florida he wouldn’t even have to buy them. They would just move in on their own.
Ohio Mom
Tony Degrace @93:
Heartbreaking to be denied being with your family member to ease their last moments, even if we know why that was unavoidable.
And impossible not to be absolutely enraged with you at all who have enabled Trump.
You have my deepest sympathies. Be kind to yourself as you adjust to this new world without your loved one, and if it helps, keep us posted on how you are doing.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Maybe it’s his way of separating himself from Obama. Who knows.
Bill Arnold
Also, Hawley gave the mob time to invade the capital. This was, we will presume, quite deliberate and premeditated on his part. Since he’s a traitor, he needs to prove otherwise. Remember, Rudy Giuliani and Trump were calling Senators to ask for more objections to buy more time. For something.
(Hey, it’s a narrative, and might even be True!)
“Just add water.” :-)
The Thin Black Duke
@Anya: Agreed. I think in the coming months, Biden won’t have any problem going medieval on the GOP.
@lowtechcyclist: beautiful
@sab: If you dig it, they will come.
@mrmoshpotato: Seriously: go on Twitter and ask them! It might take a bit but you might just get them to do it*. I know they’re both very responsive to their fans.
*This is not a guarantee as their copyrighted characters are in production right now. But if both are on Cameo for reasonable rates…
He can control the trial, but not the outcome. Which is the only thing that matters
I just think it is a political mistake to undertake a process that you are almost CERTAINLY going to lose. Especially when there are alternatives that you do control that will reach the same outcome.
@dmsilev: i like that idea.
@Baud: I’ll be sticking with the Judean People’s Front, thank you very much, you filthy splitters!
Kayla Rudbek
@Tony Gerace: I’m sorry for your loss, and I co-sign with your attitude to the Trump supporters.
J R in WV
No one controls the jury in a criminal court trial. Not even the Jury foreman. Don’t ask how I know… It only takes a single nut job to throw the verdict into chaos.
Sister Golden Bear
@Kent: Barring Trump from future office only takes a majority vote. So that’s winnable.
@Tony Gerace: Sir, I’m at a loss for this. Im just horrible this will end and soon.