"They're overplaying a lot of things, including the deaths of these people on Capitol Hill" — Rep. Darrell Issa, who supported endless investigations into Benghazi (ht @KailiJoy) pic.twitter.com/z1adqYpN2n
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 11, 2021
The Beergut Putsch had me recalling that useful phrase of opprobrium, which a lazy google informs me originally meant professional beggars, streetcorner loiters, and sex workers of all genders. As the linking implies, those three groups tend to interlock quite a bit, depending on the individual Repub in question…
Sherrod Brown is reporting that Lindsey Graham, during the attack, took his mask off and was screaming at a capitol officer for not protecting him enough.@LindseyGrahamSC
— David Hoffman (@atdavidhoffman) January 11, 2021
I feel like not enough has been made of Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs having dinner at the Trump hotel with Lindsey Graham before Biggs helped organize an assault on the U.S. Capitol? pic.twitter.com/Ss0YXrF4En
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) January 12, 2021
Here’s one up&coming young grifter who’s no doubt singing for the feds right now:
when you brought 80 buses of people to an insurrection and want your audience of republican millionaires to forget it pic.twitter.com/phnvCVzJw9
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) January 11, 2021
update! turning point says that kirk ended up only sending seven buses. i don't trust anyone involved, but all the same, it's worth putting the official denial on the record in this thread. https://t.co/85zrmql7fx pic.twitter.com/wjxUagRSj7
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) January 12, 2021
here's who gives charlie his money https://t.co/5CSTlJO2Z4
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) January 11, 2021
Longstanding congressional human chew-toys…
I’m in the camp that Susan Collins is just truly dumb as shit. https://t.co/2dZAur6mxf
— drew (@ImNotOwned) January 11, 2021
… and rising young gunbunny wanna-bes!
Dear @FBI You asked for help tracking down the terrorists who attempted to overthrow the govt. I give you Congresswoman @laurenboebert who actually live-tweeted @SpeakerPelosi's location to the rioters. https://t.co/DGMZxV5KX7
— Cary Elwes (@Cary_Elwes) January 10, 2021
Seems she says she was in league with the insurrectionists and a short time later, after they stormed the building, she was live tweeting about Pelosi’s whereabouts. https://t.co/bYDwwPiZ9L
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 11, 2021
Another proud Queens native who can’t manage his money:
Dan Bongino says the Parler takedown bankrupted him.
— Gabriel 25th or impeach (@DigToTheTruth) January 11, 2021
Their biggest tragedy of the week was getting kicked off Parler and losing all their fascist fans on Twitter. That’s the shit that has them sad and broken!
— Joel D. Anderson (@byjoelanderson) January 10, 2021
Last week, five people died as rioters incited by President Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol. But First Lady Melania Trump has identified the worst thing about the entire horrific spectacle: people saying mean things about her online https://t.co/Fp1tCBLVBn
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) January 11, 2021
melania is one of the perhaps five living individuals who deserve the experience of being married to donald trump https://t.co/B1CgRtgeqN
— Zoomcock Archivist ?? (@canderaid) January 11, 2021
This isn’t satire — Melania was overseeing a photo shoot at the White House during the Trump riot https://t.co/sPRo1GwFgc https://t.co/boblPkqnSR
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 11, 2021
More GOP legends-in-their-own-minds…
Just the absolute contempt for anyone with basic literacy in the English language it took to write this tweet, knowing the whole world could read it. https://t.co/uxadxOtaJB
— Starfish Who Just Wants To Grill (@IRHotTakes) January 12, 2021
rubio cheered on a caravan of trump supporters who tried to drive a biden bus off the road. https://t.co/5oBXdLrz8Y https://t.co/QGV9CHLEQF
— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) January 10, 2021
At least Rep. Cawthorne has the (flimsy) excuse that he’s a home-schooled 25-year-old edgelord, which is apparently what his constituents were looking for…
"Congressman Cawthorn expresses regret about ___________" is going to be a theme for the next two years. pic.twitter.com/XcKIwWIjkD
— Jim Swift (@JimSwiftDC) January 12, 2021
At a Turning Point USA event in December, Cawthorn encouraged attendees to “call your congressman and feel free — you can lightly threaten them.”
“Say: ‘If you don’t support election integrity, I’m coming after you."
More here: https://t.co/yo7C9O0YBK https://t.co/AIt4XvcLOe
— Jason Hoffman (@JasonHoffman93) January 12, 2021
Hitler Enthusiast looks the part. pic.twitter.com/PSfjt6MmmA
— Ari Cohn (@AriCohn) January 13, 2021
Rep Madison Cawthorn, opposing impeachment, encourages colleagues to "put aside partisan politicking."
Cawthorn's first tweet as an elected official: https://t.co/ayeuDLWhKA
— DJ Judd (@DJJudd) January 13, 2021
I'm thinking the Democrats are going to enjoy painting the GOP as the party of crazy with people like Greene, Boebert and others. https://t.co/UEOiOiZ7gV
— Relentlessly Hasan (@RelentlessYapp) January 11, 2021
No, sorry. You’ve got to carry this baby for the rest of your lives. https://t.co/73CfFSHZ3k
— Jamie L. Manson (@jamielmanson) January 10, 2021
Impossible! That i should be first.
Gunbunny carries too much of a nimbus of cutesy-pie.
Ms. Deranged in AZ
That last tweet, you’ll have to carry that baby…. chef’s kiss!
Ms. Deranged in AZ
@NotMax: I vote for Gunhag
Mary G
Comrade Colette
@Ms. Deranged in AZ: Nope, gunbunny is at least etymologically ungendered, whereas ‘hag’ is both sexist and ageist, as well as look-ist, so I’m going with … fucking dipshit asshole gun-humping moronic whackjob.
Cawthorne is really bad news. He needs to be destroyed, staked through the heart, and buried facing downward. He’s such a disaster that over 100 students from Patrick Fucking Henry turning-homeschooled-Christians-into-warriors-for-Republican-Jesus University signed a petition denouncing him when he was running for Congress! And he was somehow asshole enough to get his ass kicked out of said PHU. But he’s pretty, the right sort of Christian, and burns with a hatred pure, so it won’t be easy. But someone has to.
@Mary G: sounds like we’re gonna have to let all of those peeps that are currently taking up space for smoking weed and voting outside of their districts outta jail soon, we’re gonna need the room.
Can we please ignore Lauren Boebert. Our attention will only give her status among the wingnuts. Let’s not give her any attention. If she wants to fight the law then the law will get her.
Anne Laurie
@NotMax: Yes, that’s why I called her a gunbunny wanna-be.
Aiming for cute, landing on slightly deranged by her personal failures.
@Feathers: isn’t he the “replacement” for that one GOP flack who got caught and had his election overturned because of committing actual voter fraud and instead of turning the race over to the Dem, they had a brand new election that allowed this whack job to sail thru…. He’s young, photogenic, and disabled, so he’s like a mini-Abbott outta Texas.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Gunbunny is also a nickname for members of the field artillery.
I don’t get the point of Eli Clifton’s Twitter thread. I don’t get the conspiracy. Fidelity Charitable funds, or Schwab charitable funds allow people to put their money into an account that earns a return on the capital, and make donations to charities. The companies do not control, which charities their investors donate to.
Yup. Republicans can’t abort the Trump presidency. They have to carry it to term.
Anne Laurie
@Anya: IMO, Boebert’s just a carnival geek. The one to worry about is Marjorie Taylor-Green, who seems to be genuinely eager to be A Voice for the Qanon Cult. (That’s why I didn’t include her in this particular line-up.)
Chetan Murthy
@gene108: Perhaps [spitballing here] his point is that the use of these funds as intermediaries means that we never know who the actual donor is? Just spitballing.
West of the Rockies
I’m a curmudgeon. I don’t get the thrill of being first.
OT, but is this Bongino guy as stupid as he looks? He was Secret Service, so he can’t be a stooge, but man he looks like the poster boy for ‘roid rage and toxic masculinity.
@Comrade Colette: If we are going for folklore, I think the Gunseelie might do it, if a bit obscure.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
I hope they all end up eating each other alive. Fucknoses, the lot of them.
West of the Rockies
Is she considered a GOP up-and-comer (their AOC)? Man, they got screwed on that deal…
@Anne Laurie: Good call. For some weird reason the wingers are obsessed with making liberals angry or creepily with ‘liberal tears’ and the more we highlight these lunatics the more we make them a thing.
@West of the Rockies:
Narrator: yes, he is THAT stupid….
Omnes Omnibus
@West of the Rockies: Have you ever been first? Maybe you just don’t know how great it is.
karen marie
@West of the Rockies: I’m guessing the operative word is “was.” Any idea what specifically happened that’s made him “former”?
@West of the Rockies: The brief time I’ve watch the impeachment debate I was struck by the low quality the GOP bench. It was a parade of morons and douchebags. I don’t understand how anyone votes for these people. It kinda makes me despair.
@piratedan: And he lied about his car accident ending his dream of going to the Naval Academy. He had gotten the nomination from his congressman, but was rejected when he applied. The car accident was after that. He had to admit in his lawsuit against somebody involved in the accident that would not have been going to the academy, even without the accident.
But lots of people think he is a veteran injured in action. Wonder why?
@West of the Rockies: Secret Service does not necessarily equal intelligent. There are many aspects to the Secret Service that have nothing to do with guarding the President or his family. I pray he wasn’t involved in the financial crimes division. That would have been really useless.
Comrade Colette
@Feathers: Ooooh, I like it – with the understanding that the division is between ‘G’ and ‘unseelie.’ Let’s not tar the fair folk unfairly.
ETA: I realize you meant a portmanteau of gun and unseelie. I’m just trying not to call attention from the spirits in question.
@Anya: The second smartest car dealer in their district. (h/t John Rogers)
Kayla Rudbek
@West of the Rockies: is he an ex-football player, perhaps?
@Comrade Colette: I was thinking evil gun fairies. One thing I learned in my Irish childhood is that the fairies are to be feared. This Barbie shit is leading children astray.
Comrade Colette
@Feathers: Oh, aye. See my edit.
Ken B
@Ms. Deranged in AZ:
Gunslut ?
Edmund Dantes
How this clip isn’t in more heavy rotation is beyond my understanding?
(probably the language)
Ivan X
@Yutsano: Why *is* the Secret Service responsible for anti-counterfeiting and whatnot?
West of the Rockies
So a quick Wiki check revealed Bongino has an MA in psychology and an MBA. No mention of football. He sure has a bad case of RSF: resting stupid face
As a former colleague would rudely say when encountering a notably homely person, “Man, the ugly stick has been working overtime!”
Ivan X
@Anya: Well, it’s a representative democracy. Draw your own conclusions.
@Ivan X: That’s how they started. The presidential protection stuff got added long after the agency started.
Charlie Kirk’s flop sweat splashed through my computer. Eww. Also, hahaha, you are so f&cked.
Just Chuck
@Anya: I’ll ignore her after she’s booted out of congress.
@Ivan X: That was their original job when they were created in 1865. They started protecting presidents under Cleveland part time going to full time after the assassination of McKinley. Until 2003 they were under the Department of the Treasury before being moved to Department of Homeland Security. They really need to go back to Treasury. DHS really tore them from their roots.
EDIT: @Martin: I have links. I win. :P
the pollyanna from hell
weaponized counterfeiting was already draining us during the revolution.
Bellingcat is starting to post some of the raw video taken off of Parler.
Lots of faces in all of this video. You’ve seen the really dramatic video, but some of this stuff is a little more unnerving – people freely walking the halls kicking on doors.
@Yutsano: You’d win even without the links.
Yup. Part of the Treasury Department from their inception up until the Rube Goldberg’s cube of Homeland Security was birthed.
Although providing presidential security wasn’t a part of their mission, it’s still kind of spooky that Lincoln signed the legislation creating the Secret Service the morning of the day of his assassination.
Ivan X
@Martin: Interesting. Thanks.
ETA: and Yutsano!
@Feathers: Does he sing tenor? Yeesh!!
@Anne Laurie:
None of them really need to be worried about. They are side shows. The ones who need to be worried about are the ones in swing districts that might swing the House. And then the ones in power like McCarthy.
Reminds me of the famous “Crying Nazi” after Charlottesville.
@Anne Laurie: Back in the 60s there was a comic who referred to LBJ’s daughters, the hems of whose garments ought remain unsullied by the salutations of the one in question today, as “semi-beautiful.” What we got here is “semi-hot” or something.
@Ivan X: Thanks. This entire thread just too much for me. In all directions. Mercy, mercy me.
West of the Rockies
You might be the perfect person to ask… my daughter (19) is moving to Eugene to be a Duck. She is majoring in psychology and queer studies. Are there any streets or neighborhoods she should avoid as far as looking for a rental (house or apartment).
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Crawthorn is a real person and not some actor playing a member of the evil frat in an Animal House remake?
@Edmund Dantes: Stringer’s last line is in heavy use around here. I’d forgot how good the rest of the scene is.
Just Chuck
Why on earth is it called the Secret Service anyway?
Well, I grew up there but haven’t really been around much since. Eugene is just about the whitest place you are ever going to find and it is pretty homogenous. I’d say it is pretty much what you see is what you get. There is an epidemic of homelessness like other west coast cities. I’d advise just looking for what looks safe and secure, not so much which specific streets and neighborhoods are best.
Closer you are to campus probably the better. Then the more affluent neighborhoods spread out to the south into the hills. The further north you go the closer to the river you get and the more homeless riffraff because there is so much green space and park land down there where they have encampments. So if I was to make a general recommendation I would suggest looking south of campus rather than north or west. But I wouldn’t stress it that much. Eugene is Oakland or Chicago or some place like that with distinct neighborhoods that vary hugely between rich and poor and high crime vs low crime
I haven’t looked at the student housing scene there. It’s among the list of schools that my daughter has applied to and been accepted to. But she is holding out for UW I think, which is our in-state flagship and will be much cheaper than UO. But my experience with my oldest daughter who went to Arkansas is that there are now lots of what are basically private dorms around these big universities that might be a good option to start with. Usually decent amenities and safe. My daughter lived in one in Fayetteville her sophomore year after moving out of the dorms. I expect there must be the same around UO.
@Just Chuck: It’s not. Shh.
@Anne Laurie: OT: just sent you an e-mail about a possible bleg for a friend.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
It’s as if Melania was never sincere about her be best campaign ?
Mai Naem mobile
@gene108: i may be completely wrong here but here goes.. Schwab was a big Trumper. Both Fidelity and Schwab say they vet these organizations. Turning Point is a big Trumpov booster, especially among the younger set which the GOP is having a harder time recruiting. So they are either getting their investors unknowingly throw money at a right wing organization or knowingly throw money at a right wing organization but anonymize by making it just Fidelity and Schwab investors.
West of the Rockies
Thank you for the info! I will pass it along.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@West of the Rockies: Sounds like a Trump University grad
It was probably Trump University that told him to invest his life savings in Parler. Heh…. Probably thought he was going to be the MAGA Zuckerberg.
Starboard Tack
We’re aiming to make Boebert and Buck and Lamborn the dying embers of National Republican representation from Colorado.
@Starboard Tack:
You should probably be able to squeeze some of them out through redistricting. I imagine all the growth in CO since 2010 has been in the suburbs so you will end up with more suburban-centric districts and fewer rural ones. That is what I expect for WA. That isn’t even gerrymandering per se, just redrawing so that districts bordering on the suburbs become more suburban and less rule do to population growth.
Sm*t Cl*de
@Feathers: “The Gunseelie Court” appeals.
I wonder how empty the White House is going to be the next….[checks calendar] 4.5 business days. I’m guessing a shitload of staff are going to be burning up remaining sick leave and vacation pay to avoid getting within eyesight of the orange monster. Who needs that. What are they going to do. Fire you? There is probably no one left to even do that.
We can’t gerrymander in this state anyway. We have an independent redistricting system. The effect will be the same as (from what I understand) we’re also gaining a district somewhere. So something will have to be drawn so that the growth around Vancouver and the I-5 corridor will allow a district to open up somewhere. There even might be a way to squeeze McMorris-Rodgers out of her seat. NOTHING would make me happier than that.
Sm*t Cl*de
“I was funded to organise 80 buses but I only paid for seven and pocketed the other 90%, so no harm done.”
Yep. Here in the WA-3rd, absolutely ALL of the growth has been in Clark County (almost 100,000 new residents in suburban Vancouver since 2010) and not all the far flung MAGA lands that sprawl from the coast to the crest of the Cascades and beyond. So Herrera Beutler’s district is going to shrink dramatically and become more of a Clark-County centric district. Clark County is a Biden +5 district in the last election. So she might be very beatable this time. She is getting lots of local Dem love for her impeachment vote on local social media. I think that was strategic. Plus, because of our jungle primary, all our GOP-ers can’t really be primaried from the right like in other states. Which also explains why they are braver. They only have to worry about electoral challenges from the left. You can’t MAGA primary an incumbent in a jungle primary.
FYI…we are at 393,928 Covid deaths today. We will hit 400,000 by the weekend and be at about 410,000 by Biden’s inauguration. US military deaths during all of WW2 were 416,800. We might exactly hit that by the time Biden is sworn in. We have no doubt already blown way past it due to all the uncounted deaths. But the official toll could be very close to WW2.
So much to… wow.
Darrell, just give us a full-throated “Fuck the dead!”
Charlie, are you ok? You sound scared and on the verge of tears.
So many brown-skinned, Persian-speaking attackers on the 6th, Susie. You can see from the videos that the white trash made of themselves.
Throw her out. Literally throw her out. Throw her out literally on her face.
Too far? Out of nowhere I presume. Launch yourself into the Sun, Little Shitbag.
Retired Air Force colonel who’s also a retired judge or… Fuck most of the voters in NC-11.
Nothing to add here.
Oh, and can Rand Paul’s neighbor make a trip to South Carolina?
Mike S
Susan couldn’t even summon a tersely worded letter on this one.
Feeding themselves to sharks.
Looking at data about the insurrection districts, and it’s basically what I expected. Historically white, rapid growth of black, latino, and asian residents who are younger and climbing the economic ladder, so the youngs are changing the culture and the wealth gap between whites and POC is closing.
The white people aren’t getting poorer – they’re simply having to share social status and don’t get to monopolize the local culture. No real economic loss, loss of jobs, loss of property value. Trump’s entire message was to protect them from this change.
Starboard Tack
We’re expecting that gerrymandering isn’t going to be possible. We instituted 2 independent commisions for this redistricting filled by random drawings from pools of Democrats, Republicans, and Unaffiliated.
@Mike S
“I’m shocked – shocked – that there’s vandaling going on here.”
Starboard Tack
I’m amazed at Lindsey Graham. That much debasement and humiliation would kill an ordinary human being.
Steeplejack (phone)
Re Susan Collins: I love this.
@Starboard Tack:
You won’t have to gerrymander. The state is rapidly becoming more urban, which should naturally make it more blue in the next redistricting. The bright red MAGA counties are becoming a shrinking percentage of the total population with each passing year.
@Starboard Tack
Poor man will suffer a permanent crick in his neck from craning to stare up at the proverbial snake’s belly.
Starboard Tack
I’m amazed at Lindsey Graham. That much debasement and humiliation would kill an ordinary human being.
Twitter comment on that Madison Cawthorn “Hitler enthusiast” picture: “Dress for the job you want, not the job you’ve got.”
@Starboard Tack: Don’t kink shame.
@Kent: Going off of that…I wonder what the repercussions will be for Newhouse for his yes vote for impeachment are going to be. He’s going to get bum-rushed HARD in the jungle primary next year to the point where he might get forced out. And depending on the MAGAtude of the replacement that could possibly mean a Democrat gets elected to the 4th District for the first time since Inslee was the representative here.
Starboard Tack
Boebert’s district is about the western fourth of the state and southern third east to the plains. I expect the district to shrink and may become even more white if it loses Pueblo. Diane Mitsch Bush came close to winning as it was. As soon as the districts are set we’ll know where to organize to get rid of Freakshow.
That would shock me. He would have to place 3rd in the jungle primary which would be shocking for an incumbent. If a MAGAt makes it into the top two he should cruise to victory in the general with the bulk of the Dem and non-crazy GOP vote. If a Dem takes second in the primary it will be a repeat of 2020.
The jungle primary makes it orders of magnitude harder to mount a primary challenge from the right.
Amir Khalid
@Starboard Tack:
Lindsay Graham’s not really that hard to grok. McCain was his daddy. Now McCain is gone, and he’s made Trump his daddy. When Trump is gone, he’ll start looking for another daddy.
Graham will take any amount of shit from a daddy. Trump gives him more shit than McCain did, but he doesn’t mind that as long as Daddy Trump keeps him around.
@Kent: Today the Worldometer for Covid said that over 10,000 Americans died today of it. That’s more than twice the highest single-day deaths in the U.S.
Mary G
(I took out a bunch of hashtags to avoid moderation.)
If you look at Clifton’s thread, you’ll see that Fidelity and Schwab do have some control or oversight of the donations.
Just saw that one of these real ‘murica insurrectionists wore a Burberry coat to storm the capitol.
They are getting ID’ed fast. The Parler dump has really sped up the citizen investigators.
@Starboard Tack:
Yeah. It’s a sight to behold – a sickening sight.
@opiejeanne: Puts on data science hat.
Almost certain that’s an error. In social datasets you rarely see jumps like that, and if you see a 2x or some other clean integer multiple of what you expected to see, that usually indicates that a dataset was double-loaded, or two days worth of data were combined, maybe the changed the reset time for how they bin the data and got two reporting sets into one bin, etc.
I’d assume we’re still in the 4K range and seek confirmation at another site. I would think that 10k would be the largest font headline on any day other than a day when the president is impeached (again).
@Martin: I would think a single-day national 5000+ death increase would have every decently-run state yelling emergency alerts at everyone.
@Anne Laurie:
Greene is apparently planning on calling for the impeachment of Biden (abuse of power) on the 21st. I guess it’s part of the GOP’s efforts to “heal.”
This made me laugh:
And here I thought she was the Marjorie Taylor Greene of Sarah Palins. Live and learn.
randy khan
About Melania Trump’s statement, leaving aside the excruciating level of self pity, I am trying to remember a single American political figure who included the names of the 9/11 terrorists in any list of the names of the people to be mourned.
“I hope Trump is the nominee, people will see what a train wreck he is and Hillary will win a LANDSLIDE.”
Is “being a fucking moron/asshole” a reason for expulsion from the House? I guess it probably isn’t, since there seem to be so many Rethugs who still have their seats.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@SFAW: Isn’t the proper legal term “aggravated Gingrichery”? He was sort of the ur-example of the antidemocratic Republican thug legislator, after all.
J R in WV
@Starboard Tack:
I suspect you won’t have to worry about the Boebert freak in the next election.
It has traditionally been very hard to run for re-election from a federal prison.
Funny how they could have easily said “Donald Trump does not represent us because the coronavirus killed 400,000 Americans while Trump not only did nothing to stop it, he even got in the way of those who tried.”
Oddly enough, the premature ending of those 400,000 lives didn’t even rate a mention from this “pro-life” group. That’s how much they care about human life: zero.
Chris Johnson
Some of you folks such as Anya are wrong, and here is why:
We have to keep track of people being groomed to be the new Trump, or the Trump of four or eight or sixteen years from now, and we have to be particularly careful of one thing: the ones who are stoking extreme right-wing populist batshit insanity WHILE NOT BELIEVING IT THEMSELVES. Trump’s big handicap is that he believes his own crap, and that’s probably saved us… to some extent. It’s certainly doomed him, he’s extremely fucked and the question is, what’s happening to his horde?
So we do in fact have to keep track of people like the QAnoners in Congress, because they are looking to martyr themselves, being true believers. But they believe total madness and get so worked up that they become ineffective, they’re the canonical Trump Fleet that sinks because they’re stressed and delusional and can’t interact with reality without telegraphing how crazy they are. They can’t hide, they can’t plan well.
All my instincts are absolutely screaming that Madison Cawthorn is a liar: not sure how stupid he is, but one of the things about Nazis is that you cannot take them at face value. This holds for the whole alt-right, and is itself stressful to deal with (there’s good videos on this from ‘Innuendo Studios’ on youtube). You absolutely cannot ‘debate’ or negotiate with people like this on the basis that they will say what they mean: it’s always a tactic, you are the enemy, ANYTHING they do or say is a chess move to get in a position where they can kill you and the other enemies. They really enjoy this, it’s about the only thing they do enjoy.
That means, you can scorn them, in a sense you can ‘ignore’ them, but you do NOT ignore them in the sense that you’re not paying attention and begin to take their assertions at face value. Some people just fundamentally lie and con and manipulate. Ignore that, and you’re enabling them. You have to call out their untrustworthiness and THEN write ’em off if you like. You do not write them off and then go ‘I’m sure they’re sincere but’… because they are actively violating every norm of civilized society as intelligently as they can in order to conquer it and start killing you.
Madison Cawthorn is all of this, trying to establish himself as the next alt-right heir apparent. If I was him I would be FAKE in a wheelchair as a tactic. “Mein Fuhrer! I can walk! I can also murder key liberal politicians with a concealed handgun, surprising them since I told them I couldn’t even rise from the wheelchair!”
Some of these people, do NOT ignore. Ever.
These POS traitors who couldn’t or refused to summons the dignity and courage to carry their oath of office to protect and defend the constitution by getting rid of the seditious lying MF in the WH should have the label traitor follow them for the rest of their terms. “For what purpose is Mr or Mrs xxxx the Traitor from Texas seeks recognition?”