We have reached the goal. Speaking for ghostcat, thank you!
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by John Cole| 33 Comments
This post is in: Readership Capture
We have reached the goal. Speaking for ghostcat, thank you!
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So, so perfectly BJ. :-)
I missed the whole thing. My heart is warm now.
Mine’s still in process. So there.
If only Congress could act so fast.
Joy in FL
my bad. I just donated anyway (it was only a little : )
I love that in 2 hours, we made a difference for a good person and her 4 good kitties.
Classic Cole!
PSA: The first inaugural event is today at 7 ET.
Miss Bianca
Aw shucks – go riding for a couple hours, a distress signal goes up, and I find out you all have got it covered before I can even pull my boots off.
You’re the nicest pack of jackals anyone could ever have!
@Baud: Wow, thank you, Baud!
@Miss Bianca: All while watching the dreaded football.
@Baud: I have added a Menu for Inauguration-related stuff in the sidebar. I added this website.
side note: Wow, this is really happening.
Excellent news, now we need regular kitteh updates from ghost cat
Dusty in here.
I just got home from doing the Golden Eagle Survey in Wisconsin and read that post and before you know it, a kind person and her four kitties have been given a chance for a good life together.
Cheryl Rofer
@WaterGirl: You need to add tomorrow’s Indoguration!
@pat: wait, what, you have golden eagles in Wisconsin?
Are they widespread?
Damn, by the time I get the Zelle thing set up you yell at us to stop! All set for the next bleg.
Steve in the ATL
@Raven: is it colder down here or up at Lambeau? I liked to froze walking my dog this afternoon. The wind whipping off Lake Oconee was brutal—surely more powerful than the breeze coming off Lake Michigan!
@Cheryl Rofer: Yes! I will go find it.
edit: that link is not so easy to find! google keeps correcting me.
@Steve in the ATL: It’s about the same, cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, colder than a well diggers ass in Alaska!
Two hours and 11 minutes on a Saturday afternoon! What a crew
@Cheryl Rofer: Added!
I added the link to the RSVP, I think you don’t get the link to the vent unless you have RSVP’d, which I have not.
Tom Levenson
Too late.
Use my small donation for site maintenance if ghostcat doesn’t need it.
@Raven: lol raven.
Check out the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN. They set this up every year. We found 4 or 5, not sure because I was not the one keeping the records.
You have to go with someone who is very familiar with the territory and knows the likely spots.
We saw most of them flying. The best ones were flying and there were also two Bald Eagles, immature, and we could get a good look at them from below and compare and contrast..
Dammit, it ended BEFORE I could get paypal working properly. Is there another cause that needs help, or a Balloon Juice pet in danger?
We are impressive!
Thank you John Cole for this site
I’m so glad the money was raised ~ I was feeling awful about only have “thoughts and prayers” to donate to such adorable kitties (and to a another kitty foster parent with a less than 100% return rate on those fosters). But 2020 stunk and really did break me ~ but I can add lots of thoughts/prayers/good wishes in great plenty.
P.S.: if pictures of adorable kitties will help anyone else as much as they do me ~ my cats are @HobbsandScout at Twitter, while previous foster efforts are at Facebook and Instagram as Backwoods Fosters.
Too late. Keep my god damn money. Do something fun!
@MisterForkbeard: Just send him the fucking money anyway. He needs it to elevate his game.
@MisterForkbeard: @HinTN:
John always closes these a little early on purpose, because there are always a few donations that come in after he closes them. So he was probably counting on your late donation! :-)
J R in WV
OK, we had stuffed peppers in the oven, and baked potatoes with, which came ready to eat. Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers for their win, and to all the B-J jackals for helping out with these kitties. So proud of all the jackals for doing what needed to be done for the kittens.
My older dog is growling at the young dogs, not that this is anything rare, new. or different… she keeps wagging her tail no matter how severe her growling gets.
Thanks, Cole, for all we get to do for puppies and kitties!!
Hurray GhostCat !!! Keep in touch with the kittens!