PETER DOOCY: Mr President, what did you talk to Vladimir Putin about?
PRESIDENT BIDEN: You. He sends his best.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 26, 2021
But seriously, folks… (until Cheryl or Adam have time for a more informed post):
Biden talks to Putin
— WICH 1310 (@WICH1310) January 26, 2021
… According to the White House, Biden raised concerns about the arrest of opposition figure Alexei Navalny, Russia’s alleged involvement in a massive cyber espionage campaign and reports of Russian bounties on American troops in Afghanistan. The Kremlin, meanwhile, focused on Putin’s response to Biden’s proposal to extend the last remaining U.S.-Russia arms control treaty.
While the readouts from the two capitals emphasized different elements, they both suggested that U.S-Russia relations will be guided, at least at the beginning of the Biden administration, by a desire to do no harm but also no urgency to repair existing damage…
Although the leaders agreed to work together to extend New START before it expires on Feb. 5 and to look at other areas of potential strategic cooperation, the White House said Biden was firm on U.S. support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, while Russia is supporting separatists in the country’s east.
Biden also raised the SolarWinds cyberhack, which has been attributed to Russia. reports of Russian bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan, interference in the 2020 U.S. election, the poisoning of Navalny and the weekend crackdown on Navalny’s supporters.
“President Biden made clear that the United States will act firmly in defense of its national interests in response to actions by Russia that harm us or our allies,” the White House said. Biden told Putin in the phone call, first reported by The Associated Press, that the U.S, would defend itself and take action, which could include further sanctions, to ensure that Moscow does not act with impunity, officials said…
The call came as Putin considers the aftermath of pro-Navalny protests that took place in more than 100 Russian cities over the weekend. Biden’s team has already reacted strongly to the crackdown on the protests, in which more than 3,700 people were arrested across Russia, including more than 1,400 in Moscow. More protests are planned for the coming weekend…
Just from the public accounts, Biden’s discussion with Putin appeared diametrically opposed to Trump’s…
Funny, that.
NEWS: In a call with Putin, Pres Biden raised the SolarWinds hack, reported bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan & the poisoning of Navalny, per a WH readout.
Biden "made clear that the US will act firmly in defense of its national interests in response to actions by Russia."
— Sara Cook (@saraecook) January 26, 2021
(Doocy is a FoxNews correspondent, son of the ‘news anchor’ on ‘A Blonde with Two Boobs on A Couch’…)
It was Fox's Peter Doocy. This is the second time Biden has done this joke with Doocy – when Doocy asked a bike-riding Biden in August who his VP choice was, Biden said, "You."
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) January 26, 2021
One day, Doocy will learn.
Doc Sardonic
@Baud: Assuming facts not in evidence.
Not good. Sen Leahy hospitalized. He’s 80.
Vermont has a Republican governor.
@Baud: Unlikely.
Mai Naem mobile
OT – just heard on the radio that Pat Leahy was not feeling well and taken to the hospital(out of an abundance of caution.) First, obviously I hope he’s okay but secondly, the Dems need to hurry the fuxk up and pass the important legislation before they lose their majority. Also, Breyer needs to be replaced ASAP if he wants..
Matt McIrvin
@Mai Naem mobile: Just looked it up–they do a special election within six months, so any appointment would be pretty temporary.
When did that happen? He was presiding this afternoon.
ETA: Oops, never mind. Just saw Mai Naem Mobile’s comment which explains further.
@Quinerly: Some states have laws requiring appointees to be from the same party as the Senator being replaced. No idea if that’s the case for Vermont.
@Matt McIrvin: but the GOP would be back in charge. Then, if in the event of a miracle, the Dems win, we’ve lost six months. And as we know, the Senate will stop working anyway in six months because the 2022 midterms are only 18 months away and they wanna be home fundraising. Lol. I wish I was actually exaggerating.
Praying for Pat Leahy.
We’ll just filibuster the new organizing resolution.
@dmsilev: From
Nothing about political parties. So it depends on whether Phil Scott wants to remain popular in his state or is as loyal as the rest of them.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
as somebody with lots of over 80 relatives: take a deep breath wrt to Leahy, this happens fairly frequently. Could be anything from dehydration to a pill he skipped.
Hope Leahy isn’t actually ill, is fine after his overnight stay, and can get back to work.
And I hope Schumer has a shiv waiting for McConnell when (not if) McConnell pulls any shenanigans over this.
This whipsawing day to day, from hope to angry despair, is going to be the death of me, I swear.
WTF Dangers of pieing. I pied some guy, punched the wrong button twice, and discovered I had accidentally pied Ruckus. Yikes!!! Not much point in being here @BJ if he can’t show up.
Let’s not blow admission for observation out of proportion.
zhena gogolia
Let’s revel in President Biden. And in V. V. Putin being talked to the way he deserves. Not to mention Peter Doocy.
Just Some Fuckhead
We’ll never know since Trump’s meetings with Putin were kept secret.
zhena gogolia
This is why I stopped even trying to use the pie filter. Too dangerous.
zhena gogolia
@Just Some Fuckhead:
But we can guess with a fair amount of accuracy.
Mai Naem mobile
@Matt McIrvin: its not just Pat Leahy. This 50-50 situation is very precarious with COVID and so many senators being older – DiFi, Schumer,Durbin, Shaheen and Patty Murray are all over 70 and those are the ones off the top of my head. Mazie Hirono I believe is a two time cancer survivor. Fuck Cal Cunningham and his inability to keep his pants zipped up.
Old Dan and Little Ann
The state of red begs to differ. lulz……
“Do you know what I’d like to see? A video of all the “journalists” in the room who laughed at Biden’s answer. How much do you want to bet it was the same so-called reporters who howled and screamed at Kayleigh McEnany, Sarah Sanders, and Trump himself when they gave answers the press declared insufficient or “evasive and troubling”? I feel like a broken record here. There are one set of standards for Republicans and none for Democrats. Wash, rinse, repeat.”
My apologies if my entertainment is not like yours.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mai Naem mobile: haven’t most of them gotten at least one round of vaccination?
@NotMax: just repeating what Ari Melber said. “Vermont has a Republican governor.” I had MSNBC on in the background.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Mai Naem mobile: I’m less worried about them getting Covid because they are going to get platinum health care. They won’t be dying unattended in hospital corridors waiting for rooms or at home being told to call back if their symptoms worsen.
@Mai Naem mobile: Yeah, we need to get some younger Senators. You wouldn’t think that would be difficult in some of those states.
Though I’m part of the problem: Patty Murray is one of my Senators, and I have little desire to see her replaced. One, she still has all of her marbles; two, she’s been a wonderful Senator, and three, she’s now the No. 3 in the Senate Leadership.
My guess is the Democratic voters in Vermont and the other states you referenced feel the same way.
@Peale: exactly what I was thinking. We can’t afford to lose 6 months.
There are people who find Melber’s show watchable?
Learn something new here every day.
Peter Doocy is such a douchcanoe just like his father, but I love how Biden has fun with Doocy’s douchiness.
Schumer is not exactly the shiv kind of guy, he’s very polite – but I suppose firm. It’s hard to get a read on him.
Mike in NC
Remember when Trump lied about ‘not getting the memo’ about bounties on our soldiers? Of course he got it, but he never could be bothered to read it while busy calling in to Fox & Friends to whine about why more people didn’t love him.
@zhena gogolia: You can look at the list of people you have pied, and a single click un-pies someone.
@NotMax: as I said, it was on in background. I had just listened to Nicole Wallace on Tune In App. I think it was Melber’s lead off. If you must know, I usually switch to music after Wallace and back to MSNBC for Rachel.
Don’t these people have grandkids they want to spend more time with? Maybe make retirement payments inverted: the longer you stay the lower it gets, starting at 65, 70. Pension eligibility begins at 62 with at least 5 years service, maxes out at 80% of salary. Maybe no good disincentives for Senators to leave; they’re all millionaires anyway.
Great response, Joe!
Ron Klain is on CNN and his mask matches his suit. It’s not just blue, it’s the EXACT shade of blue. I’m kind of impressed by that attention to detail.
Just Some Fuckhead
@p.a.: Sadly we need term limits. I spoke out against term limits for years but it should be clear to everyone by now we have a gerontocracy problem. Same goes for SCOTUS.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Covid isn’t the only danger for elderly Americans. Many senators serve far too long. Bad for democracy. Feinstein appears to be outright senile, and she’s not the first.
VTs gop governor is pro-biden and has stated he’d appoint from the same party at least with regards to bernie. on top of that there’d be a special election within 6 months, and he doesn’t seem like the kind of gooper to run out the clock to fuck over the dems.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Thanks. I was vaguely aware of that.
I was responding to a specific comment that was very specifically about Covid risk to Senators
ETA: I’m usually a bit non-plussed by the complaints about doom-posting here, but the crepe-hanging because an old man was admitted for observation is extraordinary.
Saw a tweet that Leahy has been the only Democratic senator from Vermont since the 18th Century.
eh, that’s only cause bernie is an ‘independent’. he replaced jeffords who was also an independent (and also caucused with the dems) after 2001. so VT has had two (effectively) dem senators for the last 20 years.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gwangung: Leahy’s predecessor was George Aiken, who famously advised on Vietnam that we should declare victory and get out. Bernie’s was Jim Jeffords, who left the GOP over the Bush tax-cuts. Old school Yankee Republicans like Susan Collins pretends to be.
Thank You!
Was out watching the paramedics take away a neighbor, she’s 95 and fell in her apt.
I’m trying to keep my mom safe and she lets slip that she took her car in for service today and waited inside the waiting room with other people for over an hour. WTF FFS the tv in the waiting room is about 2 feet deep so I bet their heating system/ventilation is about the same level.
I tried to just talk about it with her and now she’s mad at me. She can’t even go anywhere so why the hell did she have to service her car today?
It’s easier to deal with teenagers.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah. Where’s the oven we can stick our heads into?
I wonder if getting rid of Citizens United might encourage some dinosaurs to retire? My guess is, it’s so hard for a non-incumbent without buckets of money to run.
We should have public financing of campaigns, shorter campaigns, and speech is not equivalent to money.
Campaigns are egregiously expensive, and way too long.
An update to a diary on DKos says that Dick Durbin spoke to Senator Leahy’s wife, who says that he’s doing well, resting comfortably and hopefully will be back in the Senate tomorrow.
<a> href=”#comment-8058223″>@Jim, Foolish Literalist</a>: I just remember how fraught passage of the ACA was after Ted Kennedy died. A lot of time was wasted trying to bring in some Republicans, and then we lost the 60th senator. Now we have to worry about losing the 50th. I think Biden is trying to move as fast as possible, but neither he nor Congress can do everything at once.
zhena gogolia
I know. I’m just kidding.
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
We dodged a huge fascism bullet, and they don’t seem to have noticed.
John Revolta
“You. He sends his best.”
Too bad old Sleepy Joe is so old and out of it huh guys??
@Just Some Fuckhead: Performance reviews usually are private.
@MomSense: I’m sorry. Our parents become our children, it’s well known.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
One of my buttons as well. I do like to reiterate that I support term limits not based upon age but time in, along the lines of 24 yrs for senators, reps and supreme court justices. I’m not against age limits but I’ve known people in their mid 90s who are more cognisant than some in their 60s. But it’s relatively rare. I like that people who’ve lived a long time generally have a different point of view than those that haven’t. Still, age can/does matter.
@John Revolta:
My kids actually texted the group text to tell me he’s a champion because of that exchange. They call him “Joe Fucking Biden” with the utmost respect.
@MomSense: love your kids
UGH. Then I feel guilty for saying anything. I told my kids that when I get impossible they should just take me deep in the woods, spin me around a few times and leave me there.
zhena gogolia
@John Revolta:
I keep watching that clip over and over again. His delivery is so perfectly timed.
@MomSense: I know your mom doesn’t mean to make it harder for you, but damn, she does a good job of that. Would fix it if I could.
zhena gogolia
You are dealing with a lot.
I had a 90-year-old father living with me when I was 29, so I have some sense of this.
ETA: I remember a doctor saying something about “your grandfather,” and I corrected him, and he said, “You’ve got a fair full-time job, don’t you?”
@MomSense: I have a “white shoes rule.” If I start wearing white bucks, I am to be strangled in my sleep.
@zhena gogolia: I swear I can’t tell anymore. Living in bizzaro world will do that to a person, I guess.
They have a particular fondness for Biden. The three of them got to meet him at a campaign event in NH. It turned into a brorgy of jokes and fun. I think he pissed off his team because they spent so much time together.
@mrmoshpotato: Yup. When I saw today’s clip, I thought about the bike riding clip but I had forgotten that was also Junior Douche. I hope “something, something, You” will become Psaki’s goto response for any questions by him.
@zhena gogolia:
Thanks. It’s an adventure for sure.
That’s so cool.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Seconded. People can lose their minds and die at any age. ??
Ha! Do they still make those?
@cain: True but he wasn’t mincing words last night on Rachel’s show. Clearly fed up with McConnell.
It’s frankly amazing to me that claims like that aren’t treated the same as, “Yeah, I heard. So what?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Listening to Chris Hayes talk about the guy who wore his HS letterman’s jacket to the riots. He was ratted out by classmates. I wonder how old he was, and how much of a douche he was in high school
Mary G
I’m just happy we have a president who wears clothes that fit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: Kyrsten Sinema is 44, one-third of the way through her first term, a former Green Party member who is currently (I suspect) greatly enjoying the attention * she’s getting by declaring she will not be moved in her determination to protect the rights of a racist, revanchist, regressive minority to obstruct Joe Biden’s agenda of economic relief, protecting minority voting rights and fighting climate change.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
My favorite people right now are the people who are identifying and turning in the insurrectionists.
Well, yeah. Older parents have all the attitude of teenagers plus the knowledge that you can’t ground them or take away their tv privileges.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He looks like a hard-living late 20s or 30s. Way too old to still be wearing a letterman’s jacket. I bet he was an asshole and several former classmates ID’d him.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Ruckus: Nah, we need term limits and a mandatory retirement age.
Steve in the ATL
@Immanentize: ok, then what do you wear with your seer sucker suit to Easter dinner?
@MomSense: Yankees. Sheesh.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Question 1. I do not know.
Question2. A total douche. Love that his classmates ratted him out.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
It may be the most worthless legislative body on the planet. Were it up to me, after the Revolution, every copy of Robert’s Rules on the planet would go on a bonfire.
@Just Some Fuckhead: We have term limits, they’re called elections.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@WaterGirl: god bless the google
Just Some Fuckhead
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, I’ve made that dumb argument myself.
Or a white belt, anywhere outside of a dojo.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: What 26-year-old still wears his letterman’s jacket in public?
@Steve in the ATL
Blue suede shoes, silly.
You’d be amazed by how many.
(not snark)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Right about now, the high school is figuring out if it can revoke a diploma.
@trnc: Did he even graduate?
@Just Some Fuckhead: We have term limits here in the People’s Republic of California, and it’s a cluster fuck. By the time a legislator figures out his job they’re termed out, so lobbyists end up fill the knowledge void. It sounds like a nice idea, but it DOES NOT WORK.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Besides, I always view elections as a form of term limits.
@NotMax: Not around here, they don’t.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Term limits because of Willy Brown.
caring & sensitive
@Steve in the ATL:
Saddle shoes obviously. I still have, and occasionally wear, the pair I bought in 1974
Take it you don’t spend a lot of time hanging out in suburban sports bars.
Just Some Fuckhead
@?BillinGlendaleCA: If we’re going to make vague claims of workability the sole issue, then I present as evidence for unworkability the US Congress.
Miss Bianca
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Seconded on this one. We have the same problem in CO.
Mary G
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: some youngling on twitter recently pointed out that they just realized Bruce Springsteen’s Glory Days is actually a very sad song set to very upbeat music…
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Sounds like being an infantry officer in a far away land.
There are those who call me...tim... (Still posh)
@John Revolta: I’d like to think he was wearing aviator shades during the call.
Trying out a different kind of bread machine recipe found someplace online. 3 cups flour, 1 cup yellow cake mix.
Cross thine paws.
For Amir
@NotMax: That would be correct!
It’s sad if your glory days were in high school. (Not addressing this to you, but rather making a general statement.)
Mike in NC
@NotMax: White patent leather belt worn with plaid pants means that person should be committed.
@Mary G: It’s got to be a lot of pressure to preside over the impeachment hearing. Hopefully that was all it was.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Weejuns.
@NotMax: Seriously? I’ve lived in small towns in New England (Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, for one), but never saw someone that douchy.
Mary G
My glory days permanently suspended in place of the carrot on the proverbial stick.
There are those (not directed at you, not referring to me) for whom high school was a place to mark time between weekends.
I chose to have a miserable high school experience to avoid that problem.
@Baud: You are a man ahead of his time. We would expect no less.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Love this, but have to nitpick the reporting on one point. Armonk isn’t “upstate,” it’s in Westchester, right next to Chappaqua where the Clintons live.
@Mary G
Not to stereotype but would suspect it is more prevalent on the real estate between the Appalachians and the Rockies.
Just Chuck
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Huh, and Born In The USA isn’t a paean to the singer’s birth country? Who knew?
From the Department of the Totally Unexpected:
A match made in hell, but I’m sure it will all work out nicely.
Rachel is going to have a really hard time when Trump doesn’t get convicted.
Have the sneaking feeling McConnell is conniving behind the scenes to arrange for the final vote to be 66.
@NotMax: Why would it matter how many?
@zhena gogolia:
I revel in the fact the U.S. government released details of the call, along with the Russian government.
I don’t think Trump ever released much of any details to absolutely no details on any discussions with Putin. Whatever we learned about those discussions came from the Russian government.
Anyone watching Maddow?
The threats against Rep. Jeffries , his brother and sister in law
Also George Stephanopoulos
@Raven: Need 67 to convict. 66 is one short.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Raven: I thought she made a very good case for the world we now live in with a Democratic party versus a party hellbent on destroying democracy.
@CaseyL: Uh, yea. My question remains.
@Just Some Fuckhead: I didn’t say she didn’t.
@burnspbesq: some how everything north of NYC seems to get referred to as upstate…. hell when my kid lived in Syracuse I kept having to explain to people that that’s Central NY. Now Watertown THAT’S Upstate
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@burnspbesq: Forget it, Jake. Growing up in Syracuse, I long ago gave up arguing with New Yorkers about whether Westchester is “upstate”.
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: While it’s definitely Central NY, it is also referred to by local denizens as “upstate”. Syracuse for instance is home to the Upstate Medical Center.
Tomorrow marks the completion of the first week of Biden’s presidency. He’s reversed a lot of Trump executive orders.
It’s much harder than I thought to get out of Trump time, when a week can seem like a year.
The San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose are is referred to as Northern California, even though it’s in the middle of the state.
Go figure.
@Raven: Political gamesmanship.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Raven: I didn’t say you did say she did.
@WaterGirl: @NotMax: Yeah, but reliving your high school days was a running joke on Married: With Children three decades ago.
@gene108: Let’s not even discuss where the Mid West is — and when’d we lose the Eastern West for that matter?!
@Baud: I weep for his losses. Only a $17.5 million bonus. Oh, the humanity.
Chetan Murthy
@burnspbesq: There are those who say that everything north of Yonkers is “upstate”. But people who actually live “upstate” say that it starts at the town of Liberty. Which, y’know, a good place to stop when driving between Upstate and The City. At least, that’s how I remember it, when I lived in Ithaca.
@gene108: Maybe that’s because the center of population of California is only about 120 miles north of Los Angeles, near Bakersfield?
Tomorrow’s news today: Biden to place environmental justice at center of sweeping climate plan
He also announced today a goal of transitioning the federal government’s fleet of cars and trucks to electric; no specific timeline, but a decade or so seems plausible.
Solomon asking the butler to fill out his application for SNAP benefits, no doubt.
The Fat White Duchess
@burnspbesq: darn, you beat me to it.
@Chetan Murthy:
So long as one doesn’t get stuck in Cartland.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: or stuck in Lodi
ETA: Dammit, crossed the streams
Am probably way behind on seeing this, but Greta Thunberg has welcomed the U.S. back into the Pittsburgh Agreement.
Just Some Fuckhead
Looks like Democrats are going to get George Soros to buy more vaccination doses if Republicans in Congress block funding.
Wasn’t all that uncommon to hear folks there still casually referring to Minnesota as The Great Northwest back when was residing there.
@Chetan Murthy
Personally, would use upstate NY to refer to any place geographically above the latitude of Albany. YMMV.
Dan B
@trollhattan: Gretaburns!
Love it!
@Mike in NC: White belt with plaid pants is called a Cleveland; white shoes and white belt with plaid pants is called a double Cleveland.
Villago Delenda Est
OHJB gives the Douchy whelp a two snaps up answer. Well done, Joe!
Captain C
@burnspbesq: Upstate is anything north of 96th.
Villago Delenda Est
@burnspbesq: I thought anything north of The Bronx was “upstate”, but then again, I was born seriously upstate in New Berlin, west of Cooperstown.
Not a Sinsinnatty?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@stinger: was Herb Tarlek from Cleveland, originally?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Musta been. The terms were explained to me by visiting sales reps when I was working at a hotel back in pre-WKRP days.
Sen. Leahy has been released from hospital
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hey Lodi is a nice little city. And by the way going Blue rapidly.
James E Powell
No. It is called a Full Cleveland.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Sadly, I can no longer tell what is real and what is not.
@James E Powell: Even better!
Dan B
@NotMax: Pastel plaid Bermuda shorts with a non tapered plain solid colored short sleeve shirt and socks just below knee used to be called a Columbus, at least some gay friends in Seattle used to, unless it was called simply “a tourist”.
Anything north of White Plains is considered upstate by NYCers.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dan B: Thirty-five years ago, madras shorts with an untucked oxford shirt and loafers without socks was standard spring wear in my fraternity.
First of all, is there any need to vote on removal of office in the impeachment trial, since it’s moot. Therefore the only vote that needs to be taken is to prevent his running for office.
Uncle Cosmo
Now wait a goddamned minute. My understanding is that a “full Cleveland” was white belt and white shoes worn with a light orange or green leisure suit (remember them?).
Pete Downunder
@stinger: As I recall from the 70’s a yellow safari suit (remember those?) with a white belt was a full Cleveland – at least from the point of view of those of us in Nor Cal
@Winston: You have to convict(which would remove him from office if he was still in office) before you take a separate vote to prevent him from holding office in the future.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I don’t read it that way. But I’ve been reading a lot of comments in wapo that beg to differ, and I don’t fucking know. Rand Paul to hell.
@Winston: Here’s the text:
Judgment is the consequence of conviction.
@Winston: I’m just wondering if 2/3 could convict him from running for office again. Since removing him from office is moot.
@Winston: Barring him from holding office is a separate vote, an additional judgement. Congressman Alcee Hastings was a Federal Judge, he was impeached, convicted in the Senate and removed from office, he was not barred from holding office again and was elected to the House.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes, since he has been already removed from office, the vote could be only on his disqualification.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I wonder if this isn’t the strategy of the house managers. I will be watching every minute. Next question will be if it’s unconstitutional for Leahy to oversee the impeachment.
@Winston: He has to be convicted first, then they decide on judgement. Since he’s not in office, the only judgement would be barring him from holding office in the future.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: But why couldn’t it be the other way around?
Omnes Omnibus
@Winston: Why does it matter?
@Omnes Omnibus: Well if the only penalty the managers were pressing was disqualification rather than sedition, to which they would all be complicit, they might be more willing to convict.
Omnes Omnibus
@Winston: You’re confusing the charge in the Articles of Impeachment brought by the House with the Judgement decided by the Senate.
The House impeached him for abuse of power which was based on sedition, the Senate must decide to convict or acquit, only then do they decide on a judgement. This is different than being tried for sedition in Federal Court and then being barred from holding office under the 14th Amendment , section 3.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It was a thought. Just waiting for midnight to watch the next episode of the expanse and wanted to bounce this off someone, so thanks for the feedback.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That is what I wanted to hear.
Mad for you
Another Scott
@NotMax: My understanding is that the “mid-west” is a relic of the olden days when Ohio actually was the “west” for the colonies and the young states. The “west” kept moving farther west, but the eastern parts still retained at least part of the old nomenclature.
Then there are other weird things like “Upper Sandusky” being south of “Sandusky” (because Upper Sandusky is upriver – the river flows north)…
Geography is fun!!
@gene108: and San Luis Obispo is the heart of the “Central Coast” while being 1/3 of the distance between Mexico and Oregon.
Adding my sympathies. Been there. You’ll always be the child. Also, at least in the case of my mom, giving in to my taking on certain tasks and duties required admitting to herself that she couldn’t do them anymore. She had always prided herself on her independence, and so she resisted until close to the end.
@WaterGirl: That would be 80% of the populace in KY lol – for most of them, HS was the high point of the rest of their existence…no intellectual life, no curiosity, no learning,no nothing, except for right wing noise machine, fundie religion, work and dysfunctional family life. No shit..I know many of them…
@Omnes Omnibus: Yep…same in the late Sixties lol