Qongresswoman Greene has some thoughts on how forest fires are started. Apparently they’re started by space lasers owned by the Rothschild’s.
On behalf of the Elders, it is always nice to see the classic Rothschild edition of the global Jewish conspiracy. It’s a refreshing break from Soros is funding this and Soros is responsible for that. Though she does still work Soros in to her conspiracy crazy too!
At this time the Elders have not authorized me to confirm or deny anything. However, I am authorized to include this obligatory video, which we’re sure Qongresswoman Greene will think is a documentary.
Open thread!
Full Disclosure: Theodore Maiman, who is credited with inventing the laser, was my cousin (3rd cousin or so…). I never met him.
I can at least vouch for hearing Marjorie’s prayers during those smokey times, if not her thoughts*.
*Assumes thoughts not in evidence.
la caterina
The USS Matzoh!
If only there was nothing to it but comedy. Bitch is in Congress, though. WTF.
Adam L Silverman
@la caterina: The dreadnoughts are known as the Gefilte Fish class. The corvettes are the Rugalach class…
I am NOT reading that nutball’s text. She’s no Druish princess!
Sister Golden Bear
News reports say Greene is busy scrubbing her social media accounts as we speak.
I see where the idea that we needed a Space Force came from.
Sister Golden Bear
@Benw: Doncha think that’s a bit too on the nose? //
Adam L Silverman
@Sister Golden Bear: She’s done a lot of deleting. Unfortunately for her everyone expected it and made copies. She’s in a shit load of trouble, hence the deletions. She thinks that gets rid of the evidence, but it doesn’t. It does show recognition of guilt.
Between this one and that bobblehead from Colorado, I just can’t even. Good Lord.
@Sister Golden Bear: I hope someone has captured all of it.
Adam L Silverman
@MagdaInBlack: I fully expect Boebert will at some point either slap or sucker punch AOC.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: Several news organizations and reporters have.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
say what you want, Madge represents the people of her district, ordinary folk, the common clay of the not-so-new South, you know…
Sister Golden Bear
@Adam L Silverman: The internet is forever… It’s amazing how politicians never seem to realize that.
And given AOC was a NYC bartender, Boebert will likely rue the day she ever sets hands on her.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman:
Isn’t it pretty to think so….
I thought I’d drop this here. I posted this morning that a grandmother, mother and child were killed in a fire here last night and one child survived. The go-fund me for him has reached almost $100,000 so far.
Athens woman recalls horror of tragic fire that killed 3 family members
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Jesus Christ, that wall of text is painful to read. Is it just me, or do none of these nutjob types like Greene ever make paragraphs?
The Evil (((Globalist))) Cabal firing lasers from space causing wild fires caused, good god
Sister Golden Bear
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): No.
Paragraph breaks are part of the conspiracy. Because reasons.
@Adam L Silverman: She might be in a world of shit fuckin with the city girl.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Why don’t you think so?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ha! It does look like the typed representation of some of those screaming tik-tok videos they like to make. For some reason while they’re driving….
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): she’s protected by a caucus that voted in majority to overturn an election, and the infinite spinelessness and stupidity of Kevin McCarthy, and voters who think Adam and Eve spoke English while riding their saddled dinosaurs to church for Christmas services. And they were carrying.
@Adam L Silverman: Pretty sure AOC could take her =-)
Adam L Silverman
@raven: My guess is Boebert will use the Stand Your Grounder’s favorite playbook:
@Sister Golden Bear: LOL the schwartz is strong with this comment!
@Adam L Silverman: So you think she’ll cap her?
They have a secret Make Louis Gohmert Smart Again club. It will not work.
@JanieM: The impressive thing is she may not be the craziest person in the GOP caucus.
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
I would expect her to pull the gun she’s always bragging about carrying.
Both are bartenders. I would only accept a drink from AOC. I also suspect instead of a Glock in a hip holster she kept a Louisville Slugger under the bar.
@trollhattan: Thing is, these 2 are the ones who rose to the top. Altho, as a friend once pointed out: you know what rises to the top of a cesspit.
Major Major Major Major
I hear so little about the gay mafia nowadays I’m actually behind on dues.
@Adam L Silverman: She’s in for a surprise if she does.
She writes like a circa-1990 Usenet crank.
Not that reality really matters here, but space-based-solar designs pretty much all use microwaves to send energy down here not visible light, and the ‘beam’ is diffuse enough that birds could fly through it without coming out the other side as a Crow McNugget or Sparrow en flambé. And they’re all just paper design studies anyway; nobody has built one.
@Sister Golden Bear: My money is on AOC.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Good. Next to Gun Bunny, there’s no one I’d more rather see getting frog-marched out of the Capitol.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: I think that’s why she keeps trying to carry her gun on to the House floor. I think she’s convinced she’ll need to stand her ground against some Democrat.
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: Her conceal carry gun is a Springfield XDS, unless she’s updated. And I know this because she made a post election social media ad about it. The good news is it has a grip safety like a 1911, so no GLOCK leg.
@Adam L Silverman:
Does she not know about a good old-fashioned caning? These pups have no appreciation for history.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: You get the email I sent you this afternoon?
Adam L Silverman
I’m off to walk the dogs. Back in about 45 minutes or so. Play nice or we’ll obliterate you from orbit…
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Sister Golden Bear:
Ha! It’s definitely something to do with a disturbed mental state, methinks
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
@Adam L Silverman:
I stand corrected. Can we swap it for an airsoft with instructions written on it: “Point and say ‘pew-pew-pew'”?
Major Major Major Major
Just Chuck
Where the hell is her district? The TimeCube?
@WaterGirl: totally OT but I failed to finish Hogfather in time for the discussion but I finally finished it and it was great! Thanks for the suggestion
La Caterina
@Adam L Silverman: Which ones are the Babka class?
Mary G
Lauren, sweetie, PG&E has been a monster corrupt corporation since Ben Franklin flew his kite. They have robbed and failed the state since Saint Ronnie Reagan was a half a gleam in his grandfathers’ eyes. They have operated the same crooked way with impunity since the regulatory capture of 1874(*1) under both Republican and Democratic administrations.
Untold thousands of their customers unfortunate enough to live under their rule have died unnecessary deaths by wildfire and horrific city disasters because they don’t do the tiny bit of repair and replacement that Democrats have managed to make required by law and regulation because it would be too expensive.
It’s much cheaper to pay a few million to citizens and a shit ton of billions to law enforcement, journalists, scientists, lobbyists, all the Republican and a few Democratic candidates each year as costs of doing business.
Rothschild, Soros, laser beams, or international conspiracies you read about a lot have nothing whatsoever to do with it.
I’d advise you to improve your reading matter and maybe you could buy a clue, but I know you won’t, so we’ll just keep dragging skeletons from your closet and showing viewers your insane speeches on the House floor until you’ve embarrassed the country enough so the moneymen buy a replacement for you from their pocket change.
(*1) not intended to be a factual date, only an alternative fact.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): paragraph breaks added, thank you.
The things the Q Anon and right wing haters believe is difficult for me to understand, I mean how they can actually convince themselves they believe the shit they say. A group delusion. It’s a hell of a drug what ever it is. It’s got about a quarter of the population. We’re lucky their manipulators are greedy and power mad and inept. Otherwise they would have succeeded on the 6th.
Sister Golden Bear
@Major Major Major Major: Jews with freaking laser beams attached to their heads?
Mike in NC
This sick nut will never finish her term.
@Adam L Silverman: That’s giving her way too much credit for thinking.
And Obama is a shape shifting time traveling alien from the Andromeda galaxy. Went back in time to place his birth announcement in the newspaper then came back to 2008. In his true form looks like R2D2.
Sister Golden Bear
I’ll second the thanks for WaterGirl’s recommendation of “Hogfather”!
@kindness: They are fucking with libs, they LOVE the freakout.
@Adam L Silverman: Qbert better not try to sucker punch AOC, she will then feel the wrath of a pissed off Puerto Rican woman. Trust me, she doesn’t want that.
Although it would be fun to watch white bread shit herself.
randy khan
@Adam L Silverman:
Boebert might not like what would happen if she hit AOC.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Thanks, I heard something about the House seriously considering about expelling her. She doesn’t belong in Congress, but I guess the votes aren’t there if the House Republicans won’t play ball.
I’m very disturbed with how the state GOP parties have been acting, especially AZ. Trump lost the election and was a one-termer; when was the last time a one-term president ever played a significant role in a political party’s future (as in seriously considered a front-runner in the next election)? This is crazy and I don’t know what happens next. The GOP has become a full-blown authoritarian cult. Trump and Trumpism was supposed to be discredited when he lost, and it looks like the opposite has happened. The GOP was not punished at the ballot box or at least they don’t see it as being punished, considering they gained House seats. Weirdly, them losing the GA Senate seats hasn’t seemed to deter them either.
I guess some of them think they have to placate Trump to stop him from blowing up the party? Will this insanity continue after he’s dead or incapacitated?
@Just Chuck: Ah, TimeCube. Such memories. Not good memories, but memories.
RIP Cicely Tyson.
@Anotherlurker: Fuckin A, Fight the Power!
Major Newyorican!
Major Major Major Major
@Sister Golden Bear: heyyy wasn’t that me tho
@Sister Golden Bear:
James Frey all over again. Yuck.
Omnes Omnibus
Succeeded how? It would never have let Trump continue as President. It could have been bloodier and more destructive, but it would never have accomplished its putative goal.
I have not received my Jewish Space Laser. I’m miffed. Is it because I’m married to a goy?
Are you setting up a pool? I’ll put a dollar on “Realizes it’s too much work and she can make more grifting.”
Matt McIrvin
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Looks like more than 85% of R leadership is going all in on authoritarian rule. This ain’t going away for decades, and they will likely get another dear leader in due course.
@Mike in NC:
I think Nancy P. is already on that.
@Major Major Major Major: whooops sorry that’s on me. I was just remembering WG’s posts, and that I’d finally finished Hogfather. It was great! Thanks 4M
@Matt McIrvin: Ah, memories. Back when you had to work at being an Internet crank.
Mike in NC
@debbie: Yup. Speaker Pelosi has fingered several of the GOP seditionists and I expect her to move forward accordingly.
@Benw: @Sister Golden Bear:
You are both very welcome, but that was Major Major. :-)
Sister Golden Bear
@Major Major Major Major: Oops! Thanks to you then!
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike in NC: Phrasing!
Mary G
@raven: I donated. The Big Brother is an example of a good god botherer , actions over words. What a terrible tragedy.
And since you like the Sportsball, and I see no respite thread, I going O/T to post this. Somebody else probably already has, but I was amazed.
Qongresswoman – I like what you did there….
Marjorie Taylor Greene has a real tenuous relationship with the truth, as noted here. Her own Facebook comments and likes of comments about shooting Nancy Pelosi would get her fired from a job as an elementary school teacher or as a nurse, but apparently it does not disqualify her from holding public office.
@trollhattan: up close, a baseball at is better than a handgun. Don’t ask me how I know.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ten years ago I would’ve thought this was stepping on his own… tongue. Nowadays, who the fukc knows?
also, it looks like he put his machine-washable suit in the dryer on too hot a settin
ETA: also, too:
@Adam L Silverman: at which point the former Manhattan bartender will deck her and knock her ass out
@Ken: You might be joking, but races have been won and lost on constituent services. It’s probably one big reason why Susan Collins won: she is very good at getting stuff done for the people of Maine. It’s entirely possible Green Taylor decides that stuff is not what she got elected to do and ignores that part of her job. Now a Democrat isn’t going to win up there but a less crazy Re- okay I couldn’t finish that. But someone could run as less of an embarrassment maybe. Or willing to do the grunt work. Something like that.
Fascinating topic: Wireless power transfer – Wikipedia
MTG has a BBA from UGA.
@Sister Golden Bear: Riight. No Jews, but we got pike with lasers
Amen, my friend! I’m not Puerto Rican but I am a NYer (living in the Bay Area. I used to do a lot of work around Yankee Stadium and I made the mistake of calling the neighborhood Puerto Rican. My work partner informed me, in no uncertain terms, that it was a Dominican neighborhood. I never made that mistake again! (lol!)
I love the diversity of NYC. The Bay Area comes close,
@Honus: I keep one next to the bed from the days when we had kids in the house and firing a gun indoors was not a good idea. The short aluminum ones make a satisfying “thunk” when they hit what you’re aiming at. Don’t ask me how I know.
There’s been a lot of discussion about the things MTG has said and posted, but one comment of hers I don’t think is getting enough attention:
“In April 2018, when someone asked, “Now do we get to hang them ?? Meaning H & O,” a reference to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Greene responded: “Stage is being set. Players are being put in place. We must be patient. This must be done perfectly or liberal judges would let them off.””
Huh. Of course maybe she’s just blowing smoke and showing off, but I’d sure like someone to get her under oath and ask her what specifically she meant by “Stage is being set. Players are being put in place.” I don’t blame the Dem congresswomen from feeling unsafe in the Capitol.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I remember when a lot of people were skeptical that Republicans would go after Cheney and that a real split would happen
@JanieM: so goes meth Holler, so goes the nation
@Adam L Silverman:
She’ll be sorry. AOC was a bartender. I have no doubt she’ll deck her right back. I spent almost ten years bartending, all through college and as a second and more lucrative job when I started my career in higher ed. I’ve decked large men when I had to.
Dan B
@Major Major Major Major: My 69 volume Gay Agenda is soooo dusty. And the Gay Mafia is so old fashioned they are stuck using snail mail, and we know how much ‘de’ Joy there is in that these days. You might be getting your invoice before the mid terms!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Rome, GA is my home town and as Charlie Gile says in his twitter thread, it is a lovely place but…my god. I don’t think I could ever live there again.
Frankly, I wish I could shoot lasers from my Yid eyes. A couple of hours and I could really clean up the place.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It’s not a meaningful split yet. It’s aimed at STOPPING a split.
This is about punishing anyone who speaks out against Trump orthodoxy, and about getting the troops back inline.
Adam L Silverman
@La Caterina: Flagships. They’re named in honor of his Venerableness The Supreme Babka, leader of the Elders.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: New blog, who dis?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
You’re right that it’s not a meaningful split yet. The level of Trump sycophancy is kind of frightening tbh
Adam L Silverman
@Yutsano: Actually the physician she beat in the primary was conservative, but sane.
Adam L Silverman
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): There won’t be a real split. The 10 Republicans in the House who voted to impeach will be made unpeople. Like Justin Amash was. Congressman Kinzinger is already discussing this along the lines of “I did the right thing and now I’m going to be punished for it”. And he is correct to recognize this reality.
Mary G
Do you have a new career in comms, Adam?
Just Some Fuckhead
Yep, and this time 2023, there will be a dozen Cruz and Hawleys in the Senate.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: I’ve done strategic communication work. But I’m not doing it now. Though if Senator Schatz requires my services, I will clear my schedule.
I’ve seen a couple of photos of McCarthy dining with Trump and couldn’t help thinking of frogs legs.
The Pale Scot
The Pale Scot
The Manticorian Royal Navy and other star travel capable societies have been beaming power to separated weapon pods and decoy ships for centuries. The real difficulty is building fusion reactors that fit into a suitcase :)
This is the difference between Trump and the rest. Trump never feels shame, no matter what. never deletes.
That wasn’t an analysis of Trump, but of Hitler, but it might as well have been of Trump.
Poe Larity
Adam, you haven’t commented on the haigiography of Ezra Cohen-Watnick this week. First by Hillary’s speech writer husband and Adam from then CIA.
Do you think shitforbrains even knows how to delete?
Chris T.
Yeah – ever since I heard someone expand “PG&E” as “Peculation, Greed, & Extortion”, I’ve used the same expansion myself.
@Adam L Silverman:
Hmm, AOC is from The Bronx, and tended bar in Manhattan. Boebert might start it, but AOC will finish it.