No #BorderWall construction today at Coronado National Memorial, only this stunning desert snow. Hard to tell if this vacated construction area is thanks to the weather or @POTUS’s EO, but we’ll take it. Every day destruction of the borderlands isn’t happening is a good day.
— Maxie Adler (@maxie_adler) January 27, 2021
But what about the cravings — the needs — of Our Media Betters?
This is actually, IMO, a reasonable, fact-based article:
The Biden people have learned all the right lessons from last 12 years, and it's beautiful.
— Alex Hazanov. (@alexhazanov) January 27, 2021
Due credit to the NYTimes for resisting the headline Biden takes jobs from deserving White Men, distributes them to Those People.
Unlike, well… TimesMan Jonathan Martin:
The transfer of power is complete: from a GOP admin that sweats Times coverage to a Dem admin that sweats Times coverage *and* editorials
— Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) January 28, 2021
Of course we are also pursuing our agenda through legislation. It’s why we are working so hard to get the American Rescue Plan passed, for starters! 3\3
— Kate Bedingfield (@WHCommsDir) January 28, 2021
Probably the story of our time in politics is that the Republican Party is radicalizing around an explicitly anti-democratic violent white nationalist ideology, and that most of elite establishment media is uninterested or editorially incapable of accurately telling that story
— Brian Murphy (@Burrite) January 29, 2021
Hey is it possible that the NYT is ever deserving of criticism? Like, a single, solitary time? Nope, it's just (Dem) partisans being (Dem) partisans, as we are completely above reproach.
— Centrism Fan Acct ?? (@Wilson__Valdez) January 28, 2021
Jonathan Martin wants to be the next Ken Vogel.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Good morning.
The mood in the room has changed
If the MSM thinks that they can continue with the bullshyt ?..
That’s on them.
We have 4 years of receipts on these clowns ?
Thread ??
@rikyrah: Supposedly she raised over a million yesterday fundraising that the libs want to rid her of freedoms, or something. Just like trump, she loves the attention.
Republicans have a long history or portraying Democrats as immoral. They are now going insane because we are not only calling them immoral but backing it up with clear evidence.
Leslie Jones’ commentary on Congresswoman Cori Bush??
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I gotta give CNN props over the last 10-12 months in that even the godawful hacks (Tapper, Bash, Borger, et al) have used straight and very critical language regarding the former Occupant* and much of the GOP. And the prime time guys have been more Olbermann back when Keith was at his most Olbermannish. And of course their chryon people have been top notch. ;)
NPR on the other hand, at least based on what my wife feeds me, remains the same which is Reason #4376.7 why people should never listen to, nor give money to Totebagger Radio.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Good morning
Despite everything, life is so much better when our people are in control.
Yesterday, I linked to an hourlong interview with her on my local NPR station. It was really very informative. She’s an NYU professor and after listening to her, she’s obviously aces at teaching.
ETA: Found it.
You mean video of their deadly insurrection, etc? Yes, cry harder POS GOP.
I can’t remember, was the Obama administration as direct as Psaki? I don’t remember calling out the Times (or whoever) by name.
@mrmoshpotato: Not just that, but the covid pandemic too. They enabled mass murder there.
Quite the bold statement about a party that actually wants to run the government instead of destroying it! ?
Didn’t they call out Fox and Jake Tapper was offended?
@satby: And a single ‘etc’ to the include it all. :)
@Baud: yes, they criticized a “sister” news organization.
@rikyrah: you have made my morning with that story about finding Ricky Williams.
I actually had a similar occurance – in the 80s, before cell phones and google maps I wanted to visit my ex-college roommate in Philadelphia. I drove up from DC knowing only his address but with no idea where that was. I had vague memories of him talking about things in the west side of the city so when I hit downtown I got on one of the main one-way streets heading west.
After driving a while and seeing I was getting outside the main downtown area I stopped and turned on a side street lined with quiet row houses and ended up on the street my friend lived on. I saw someone and asked if he knew the family and it was three houses away. True story.
No memory of that, and his Wiki page is too much of a tongue bath to find much information. I thought the administration was focusing more on inclusion and appealing to everyone to call out (almost) anyone. I like this new strategy. Stick to the high road, but call out by name when there’s been misinformation.
John S.
@rikyrah: I posted about this last night. Cori Bush was definitely giving off vibes of strength. But MTG isn’t gonna stop her BS until something bad happens.
Weekend repast respite: compare and contrast.
@JPL: I would rid her of her freedom to stalk and harass high school students.
@NotMax: Used to be a website where you could compare costs over time back to 1789 using multiple comparators: CPI (since it existed obviously), median hourly wage/buying power, avg market basket over time… Fun site, basic comparisons to 1789 limited of course: molasses, rum, flour, lard, livestock, gingham, raw wool, black powder…
Amir Khalid
Cleaning out the Trumpistas is obviously necessary. The Biden administration simply cannot trust them to be honest, able, or fair to the public. Nor can it trust them to refrain from sabotaging its policies. They absolutely have to go.
It seems Liz Cheney wants to Improve her relationship with Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Cheney as invited Greene to go quail hunting.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: No, NPR had been hitting him hard, the last few months of his term, about the same as the best of the MSM. They were just as late as the MSM to telling most of the whole truth, but not significantly later. I don’t give NPR money for their news, because it is usually steadfastly mediocre, but it has gotten better, lately.
@oldgold: oh, fingers crossed her aim is as good as her dad’s ??
Dorothy A. Winsor
@oldgold: One can only hope
Anne Laurie
MTG is in Washington to make something bad happen, and media attention is very much what she wants, right now.
We can’t ignore her, but taking notes while not (further) promoting her malign messages seems like the best course, IMO.
@oldgold: I bet Greene cannot shoot well. She and Boebert are treating guns as accessories for photographs.
@Anne Laurie:
I would have rather had Greene removed from committees than moved Bush to another office, but I certainly understand the concerns for Bush’s safety.
I seem to have missed the previous administration “sweating Times coverage”. I remember an administration that cheered the deaths of journalists and treated them with disdain.
@mrmoshpotato: @satby: trump.
@oldgold: See? Some things work out on their own, don’t they?
Let’s make it so for midterms also. Resources= $$$$ of course, and boots on the ground.
I wrote about the young man who lost his family in a fire here in Athens, $161,594 so far!
Amir Khalid
@Anne Laurie:
I need a favour. Could you please delete my comment #16 in the Covid thread downstairs?
It’s not all too different from how Republicans operate.
@oldgold: Like father like daughter?
Jaime Harrison says he is going to follow the GA model as head of DNC.
@Amir Khalid:
Going to the Sun
@p.a.: Polk County, Iowa. My precinct had its first meeting this week for Democratoc turnout for city council and school board elections this coming….November.
@Amir Khalid: Did you see my note to you about “Ted Lasso”?
John S.
@Anne Laurie: MTG is literally an internet troll in the real world. It’s as if one of Doug J’s old sockpuppets came to life and got elected to Congress.
@Baud: Yeah, I was just marveling at their delusion that the previous administration was concerned about their coverage in the FTFNYT.
“Oh the pearls …”–the Dr. Seuss reference there? Nice work. (In a better world he would have gotten the Nobel Prize for Literature. Seriously.)
@OzarkHillbilly: ??️
Suburban Mom
@oldgold: Any chance Liz’s aim is about as good as Dad’s? Am I evil to ask?
@raven: I am so glad that this child is getting support. What happened to his family is so sad.
@mrmoshpotato: Sorry, I don’t speak emoji.
Suburban Mom
@Suburban Mom: And I see that I’m roughly the 14th person to think of this. So evil, yes, and apparently on the right blog.
Betty Cracker
Erick Son of Erick on MTG:
Does Erick Son of Erick not know how to use Google? Why is it other people’s job to provide him with oppo material? MTG said lots of crazy shit, and people voted for her anyway because Republican voters get off on transgressive shit, thanks in part to people like Erick Erickson.
Anne Laurie
@Amir Khalid: Done!
(And now I *really* need to go to bed… )
Amir Khalid
In which thread?
@JimV: The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house And won the Nobel prize for Literature that day.
Matt McIrvin
I still haven’t stopped flinching a little at mentions of “POTUS” until I remember who it is.
Loved reading about the Biden folks coming in prepared to clean house and doing so, despite contracts etc. They’re displaying sharp edges that I don’t recall seeing in past Dem administrations (though I will admit that this is the first time I’ve looked this closely). I approve of sharp edges, as well as the odd upper cut when required.
Good morning ? everyone!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Matt McIrvin:
I’m the same way
@Betty Cracker:
Erick Sonoferick can suck a bag of stale, oversalted dicks. It’s a damning indictment of the trash that voted for the psycho.
@Suburban Mom: 2nd Amendment solution. How could the GOP complain? ?
@Amir Khalid: Yesterday morning. It gets pretty muddled in the early morning so I’m not surprised. Anyway this show is on Apple + and it’s about a fictional Premier League team that hires a little known US football coach in order to ruin the team. It’s funny because the team and fans don’t take well this “wanker” coaching the team. On the flight over his assistant is reading “Inverting the Triangle” and I recalled how you recommended it to me years ago in a failed attempt for me to understand “The Beautiful Game”!
Don’t rule out the possibility that Vogel reads Martin for the next 4 years and pulls a Schindler. “I could have done so much more!”
Anne Laurie
The Biden team comes in with two great advantages: One, an old White man can get away with saying stuff a (relatively) young Black man would’ve been pilloried over. Two, four years of trophy-level GOP misadministration has made the news-watching public, if not necessarily the Very Serious Media Village Idiots, a lot more forgiving about common-sense ‘partisanship’.
Money talks and ethics walk. If she’s such a prolific fundraiser, she’ll soon move up the ranks to a leadership position. She’ll probably replace Liz Cheney in the leadership structure in the next Congress
If she doesn’t bleed out from accidentally shooting herself in the leg or something.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@gene108: I want to say that’s impossible but then I look at the last few months and am not so sure
@Betty Cracker:
I feel kinda dirty for defending Eric, but I thought he was saying that if he was able to find enough problems with her to scream about on his show, why couldn’t the oppo researchers or anyone else in the media?
By the way, has there been any more light shed on why her dem opponent dropped out? It’s not unreasonable to wonder if he or his family were credibly threatened by the Qanon Qrew.
@Betty Cracker: Is Google the best way to find crazy Facebook nonsense? Jewish space lasers was not written in such a succinct way by MTG herself. There was a lot going on in that post.
The thing where she was stalking David Hogg was a video so that would have been hard to Google too. It would have taken money for someone to go through all of her nonsense and find these things.
@Starfish: I’d argue even an asshat like Erick Sonoferick should know to do some Google searches and browse someone’s FuckZace page.
@Baud: Martin was there first, though to his credit Vogel has been settong new world records.
To the Beltway Press: “Deal with it!”
@Starfish: Erick admits it would have been compelling radio. Which is what he gets paid for, in the market that she represents now. What he won’t acknowledge is that he or a subordinate should have been the ones who did the deep dive into her posting history.
I think it would have made her even more popular, but he’s still negligent for not doing it.
@Baud: Republicans have a long history or portraying Democrats as immoral. They are now going insane because we are not only calling them immoral but backing it up with clear evidence.
I can’t count the number of times some Republican or the other said I was “virtue signalling” or trying to act “morally superior” for having a human reaction of decency or basic sympathy.
@mrmoshpotato: Yeah, “accidentally”…
Amir Khalid
I’d like to recommend to everyone a YouTube channel I just discovered, The Orphan Pet. It belongs to a Greek woman named Valia, it’s about stray and rescued animals she encounters, and her video narrations are empathetic and often deeply moving.
Link to home page:
I’m having trouble linking from my phone this morning, but if you Google Kevin van Ausdal you’ll find links to several articles about his doomed race against Greene. None of them is more recent than last fall, though.
Butter Emails
@Betty Cracker:
This is to some extent true, but only because she wasn’t on the statewide ballot. She is an indictment of the people who voted for her in her district and also on the Republican political class who have enabled and embraced her rise.
This is the most succinct explanation of voters
@Betty Cracker: It often appears the majority of people don’t know how to use Google. Even here.
@satby: What more do we need than Balloon Juice? :)
ETA – I’m a DuckDuckGo potato myself.
I used to ask Jeeves lots of stuff.
Via Popehat
Amir Khalid
Freddie the Great Dane, the worlds tallest dog, has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. RIP.
CNN link:
@germy: AltaVista me, mate!
OT: I’m annoyed I splurged on expensive birb food (with peanuts and mealworms!) and the birbs are mostly ignoring it. Fucking ingrates.
@gene108: Last week she gave the RNCC $175,000.
@Amir Khalid: Wow. I bet he could dunk.
Betty Cracker
@trnc: He’s whining about the GA GOP not providing oppo research to him during the primary — here’s a link to the whole column, which gets both-sidesy because Cynthia McKinney and Maxine Waters.
@Shalimar: Exactly.
OK, thanks. Kinda figured the media would have zero interest in following up with him, even given that there might now be more reason to.
I was concerned about my cat’s weight, so I visited a pet supply shop and stocked up on expensive high protein food.
I’ve got about ten cans of one particular brand she refuses to consider. She’s addicted to the “chunky” grocery store brand with a tiny bit of chicken mixed with the cheap main ingredient wheat gluten
She’s nibbled on a few of the other high protein brands, but is mostly refusing the healthy stuff.
@Betty Cracker: That is such bullshit. She lived in the 6th district and the republican party encouraged her to run in the Rome area. They didn’t want her to disrupt their chances in the 6th. I doubt that she would have won the republican primary in the 6th because of the education level. They always knew who she was.
mali muso
I’m thinking about how we should start (already) shifting our focus to resourcing and funding voter rights and organizing operations now. I just set up a monthly donations to Four Directions (thanks to BJ for bringing them to our attention last year!) and am looking at others like Fair Fight. 2022 will be here before we know it.
@germy: Pet stores often donate leftover pet food to rescues and shelters. Inevitably, it’s the more obscure expensive stuff. And just as inevitably the pets don’t eat it. I’ve even tried giving it to the ferals, who take a bite or two then decamp for another feeding station. I’ve gone back the next day and even raccoons have left it.
citizen dave
@debbie: Great link! Listening to it (well the first 10 minutes, gotta do some errands now), and tweeted the link to my R senators and new rep (who hails from Ukraine)
The word “autocrat” and how the R party has succumbed to the idea should be a major part of the upcoming impeachment case.
@Betty Cracker:
OK, thanks. I like that a couple of his readers called him out and stated that, yes, there is a problem with the voters there.
@satby: Marge: You like Shake n’ Bake. You used to put it in your coffee.
Homer: People change, Marge. My palate has grown more sophisticated.
Marge: Oh yeah, what’s a palate?
Homer: Oh … it’s a … special time in a boy’s life when … got to go! [rushes out]
O. Felix Culpa
@satby: Gotta be bad if even raccoons spurn it.
@mrmoshpotato: Doing work is boring, and Erick is lazy.
@trnc: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution had good coverage of GA 14th Democratic candidate Kevin Van Ausdale. So did the WaPo. It seems he had to vacate his Northeast Georgia home a few weeks before the election, moved in with family in Indiana, considered running from there, then suspended his campaign when his staff would not go along. They and Ausdale knew they had no chance. Since the Georgia 14th was created in 2012, no Democrat has gotten more than 30% in a congressional race. M.T. Greene originally filed to run for the GA 6th, the suburban Atlanta district held by freshman Congresswoman Lucy McBath. When 14th District Congressman Tom Graves announced his retirement, Greene switched to the 14th, and easily won the republican primary and runoff.
Did you try enticing them by throwing it in the trash? :)
@Betty Cracker: Fuck Erick Erickson. What a whingeing false equivalence purveyor.
@Matt McIrvin: I still cringe a little when I hear “Today the president said”, then I remember and relax. Hard to break the habit.
@germy: Boebert is our first (or maybe second) Instagram Influencer Representative. A lot of people do not understand all the implications of that:
1) This candidate is driven by appearances and knows how to create the imagery she wants. (Greene is not as good at this. See her sad video of her doing very bad burpees.)
2) There are a number of Millennials and Gen Z following the influencers so there will be other influencer candidates who do this better.
3) AOC may also be an influencer who is using the online platforms very well.
@mali muso: DougJ and I made a plan in December to start researching voter rights groups and local organizing groups, as a potential focus for Bj political fundraising going forward.
Four Directions is definitely on the list already. We made a plan to start the process as soon as Feb 1, so look for a post from either me or DougJ soon, as we attempt to get started with that effort.
First we want to make a list of potential groups and then we plan to invite someone from each of those groups to kind of do a guest post, introducing themselves and their organizations – so we can decide as a group which of the potential groups we’d like to fundraise for.
Focus will be on black, asian, native american, all flavors of groups that might have previously been glommed together as “hispanic”, etc.
I won’t say any more than that just yet, but maybe folks can start thinking about whether they know any local groups that might fit the bill.
@O. Felix Culpa: Or a cocker spaniel!
I have to say I’ve been surprised how all of the press calls the insurrection just that, and calls the people who did it a mob. I was sure Republicans would “work the refs” and pressure them to call it a “protest” and the participants “protesters”, to downplay the seriousness of what happened. That’s how it usually works, so I’m happy to be wrong.
@mrmoshpotato: Getting used to it on my phone, but it doesn’t seem to have the search ability that Google does. I’ll come up empty, or with only a few hits, for searches where Google gives me pages.
I use Startpage on Safari for anonymous browsing.
@Soprano2: I found myself doing that yesterday.
@Soprano2: I think they’ve had modest success downgrading it to a “riot”.
@O. Felix Culpa: No grain, from the smell a really high proportion of fish. In little pellets that look like bunny poop. Obviously developed by scientists without a marketing department… or a mom.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Kristine: I keep comparing Biden to my wife the professor, who is super sweet and nice and honestly cares deeply about every student. Some students mistake that for softness and try to BS their way through courses. That never ends well.
Fortunately most of them figure it out in the first week or two.
I know that this is probably a boring old man take, because I am a boring old man, but… why does anyone post anything on Twitter, ever?
When has there ever been a story about someone posting something on Twitter that led to anything good?
The best thing you’re likely to get out of Twitter is a bunch of snark in reaction to something awful. I don’t care how funny your shit jokes are, they aren’t funny enough that I want to let someone shit on my floor to give you a premise.
Just… don’t.
You don’t have to.
Teeth whitening manufacturers?
@germy: Boebert parleyed her notoriety for opening her restaurant in defience of Covid restrictions into a primary challenge to incumbent CO 3rd Congressman Scott Tipton. Colorado newspapers called her 8 point win a”stunning upset.” Boebert faced a decent, well funded Democrat and won by 6%. Boebert’s criminal misdemeanor record was fairly well publicized during the campaign, and her poisonous pork sliders as well. A couple of activists from Pueblo put mugshots from her failure-to-appear arrest on a billboard that made news. How could such a lousy candidate win? The fact that Boebort’s 6% margin was almost exactly that of trump suggests Republican tribalism at work. Colorado stands to receive an eighth congressional seat, and the independent redistricting commission will change the 3rd, but probably not a lot. There are solid Democratic challengers waiting to see the new CO 3rd lines before they jump in. Assuming Boebert is not in prison, the 2022 CO 3rd race will be a real fight.
If you’re getting the kind of weather we’re getting over the next week, they’ll change their tune and eat whatever they find.
mali muso
@WaterGirl: Awesome! Will be looking out for those posts.
@gogiggs: Twitter has lots of good links to great stories and lots of fun stories too. I enjoy reading it, like anything on the internet, with saltshaker in reach.
I wonder how these brands stay in business? I assume they make all their money from first time buyers who then pass the uneaten food around like a fruitcake no one wants…
Mike in NC
I sent a Letter to the Editor to our local rags, suggesting that since Trump faces trial in the US Senate for fomenting a violent white supremacist coup against the US Government, perhaps they should reconsider publishing the far right wing op-ed vomit spewed by the likes of Larry Elder, Cal Thomas, Marc Thiessen, and especially Victor Davis Hanson (a Fresno, California-based loon who might be the only person in the entire country who hates Mexicans more than Fat Bastard).
The GOP is now the explosive diarrhea party.
I think it’s America they want to whiten.
karen marie
@Matt McIrvin: I never thought of that fat shit as POTUS, so it’s an easy lift for me.
Bright spot in my day? Picked up local “alternative” paper this morning with a headline to the effect of ” AZ marihjuana ahead of schedule.” Haven’t read it yet but after the legalization passed in November, they were talking about availability in April. Apparently it will be sooner! Whee! I was always hopeful I could stop being a criminal at some point, and here we are! By my 64th birthday, I will be able to purchase and fire up without fear of legal problems,
@germy: But the Chamber of Commerce/Projectile Vomiting wing has not thrown in the towel. They need it too much.
karen marie
@WaterGirl: I was going to say “stop with the Cocker slander” until I remembered an hour ago I had to drag mine through a slalom of unidentifiable dropped food on the sidewalk.
But still, not just Cockers!
@karen marie: You’ll be able to grow weed, too. Not quite as easy as a sunflower, but not much harder. A friend orders seeds from a source in the Netherlands. She’ll receive a pair of garden gloves, with little packs of seeds hidden in the fingertips. But you’ll be able to buy them over the counter. My state of Virginia will be a year or so behind Arizona so far as legalization goes.
@karen marie: That’s how I felt when Illinois legalized. Enjoy =-)
@germy: best thing to do to help a dog lose weight is replace 10-20% of its food with canned green beans (the low salt kind). Totally serious. They love ‘em and the beans have just about 0 calories. I dunno if a cat will try them, though.
Do you have tales of epic dog farts?
A Ghost to Most
@Geminid: It costs me about $130/month to keep myself stocked in my personal strain. About $100 of that is electricity. Much cheaper than running out to CannaMart, and I know what’s in it.
@satby: Usually takes a day or so here, with chickadees leading the way. The birbs who like mealworms are usually platform feeders.
@gogiggs: I agree. Twitter sucks.
J R in WV
“She”, “Her” over and over…who the hell are you talking about?
All pronouns is not how the language is supposed to work. First you use a proper name, which can be followed by pronouns, AFTER you establish who we are talking about.
PS: this is like talking about your weather (or the election count, or Covid data, without telling us you are in Hawai’i, or perhaps New Zealand~!!~
J R in WV
WE had a seriously obese kitty, rescued from a highway culvert where she was trapped in a wild multi-flora rose bush, 8 inches long at 6 months old, compulsive eater.
We found that mixing a tiny bit of Friskies canned with a big tablespoon of unflavored pumpkin, salted with a tiny bit of crunchie dry food worked great.
Also as a laxative for a cat who injured his intestine by eating a whole (large) rabbit, bones, fur, everything but the tail, mostly, and some rear-end fur. He never needed the surgery, just pumpkin in his dinner every meal. No reason it won’t work for a dog too.
I guess if dogs like green beans, why not? Not sure of the comparative costs of the two food stuffs per can…
Another Scott
@satby: It might take them a few days to find it and try it. I usually get this stuff every month or so. It’ll be ignored for a couple of days, and then the starlings will find it, and then the other small birds will notice.
And then the crows will find it and lift/unhook the cages from the trees and drag them through the yard to get at the contents. Clever beasties.
I get the “hot” version of the “suet” to keep the squirrels and other mammalian varmints away.
Good luck!
Bill Arnold
(Most people should curate their twitter feed with more discipline.)
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@germy: I too have cats who turn up their noses at some of the extra premium canned food. But they love their Meow Mix. It’s like crack. I have gotten good results with Science Diet Indoor Adult 1-6 Chicken flavor (i.e. it gets eaten). Mostly I give them little cans of Fancy Feast. The best thing for my heart has been fostering kittens and their nursing moms. A nursing mom will eat ANY and all canned food you give her, especially if she is from an animal shelter and was not routinely given canned food. They get all the leftover canned food from my spoiled beauties, plus lots of “big” (5.5 oz) cans. Especially as the kittens get bigger but before weaning, moms can use all the calories they can get.
No One You Know
@satby: No woodpeckers? Pine siskins? Wrens? I’m making weekly trips for mealworm suet anymore. But I’m in Oregon.