When Biden called for "unity," he was politely saying that y'all have to stop being so racist & also maybe refrain from trying to overthrow the U.S. government. He wasn't telling you he would massage the festering cavern where your soul is supposed to be by cutting food stamps. pic.twitter.com/HpafWDNfp8
— Mangy Jay (@magi_jay) January 29, 2021
Quote was taken from this interview:
Portman: “it’s entirely contradictory to say on the one hand in an inaugural address that you’re looking for unity and bipartisan outreach; on the other hand, propose something at this level, $1.9 trillion, … under a process that jams Republicans …” https://t.co/B4KrSOXUZ1
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) January 29, 2021
Biden has been perhaps too gracious in his calls for unity & the GOP has really got to stop looking a gift-horse in the mouth. He's clearly saying it's time for you to stop being a racist death cult & you're all like, "BUT I DONT WANNA HELP POOR PEOPLE THIS ISN'T UNITY AT ALL"
— Mangy Jay (@magi_jay) January 29, 2021
Of course, this is true of every Repub… but Portman’s already announced his expiration date, so what does he want?
there's no reason Portman couldn't negotiate with Schumer the same way that Manchin is. what does he want in? what does he want out? he's got a vote in the chamber. but!
— Noah Berlatsky (@nberlat) January 29, 2021
so, if his vote isn't gettable for any sort of relief package during a massive pandemic, then yes, he's irrelevant and should fuck himself!
— Noah Berlatsky (@nberlat) January 29, 2021
SOOOO… my fellow Jackals, particularly those in Ohio: Who do we want to replace Portman in 2022?
Dr. Amy Acton, the popular former director of the Ohio Department of Health, is considering a run for U.S. Senate.
Acton, a Democrat, resigned in June following Gov. DeWine's decision to loosen COVID restrictions. Since then, cases have skyrocketed. https://t.co/FkjAQoKDYh
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 27, 2021
From the Toledo Blade:
… [S]ome of the top names being tossed out for Mr. Portman’s suddenly competitive Senate seat are women, including Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley and former Ohio health director Dr. Amy Acton on the Democratic side, and Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken for Republicans. The result could be women advancing from both primaries to the general election — an unprecedented situation for Ohio.
“You can stop texting me only men’s names for the Democratic candidate. Ohio may have other plans,” journalist Connie Schultz tweeted on Monday, just after Mr. Portman’s announcement. Ms. Schultz’s husband is Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown.
Ms. Schultz later wrote “Imagine Dr. Amy Acton as Ohio’s next U.S. senator. I sure can,” with a link to an article about Dr. Acton possibly running…
Now entertaining a weird fantasy about moving to Akron, changing my political party and running the ugliest, most profane, most rant-filled, fuck-you-fucking-morons campaign for U.S. Senator ever.
Upside: Fun; A debased GOP primary season.
Downside: I would be in fucking Ohio. https://t.co/3t5ZRVDylA— David Simon (@AoDespair) January 25, 2021
To all of those now egging me on, I quote Lafcadio Hearn, a literary voice of New Orleans: "The city is crumbling into ashes. It has been buried under taxes and frauds and maladministrations…but better to live here in sackcloth and ashes than to own the whole state of Ohio.” https://t.co/VF5PAs8lNB
— David Simon (@AoDespair) January 25, 2021
Chief Oshkosh
@Chief Oshkosh:
He’s had his shot. And he’s from Tennessee.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Bill Johnson? Then again, he does look like a child molester. No, seriously
Wah wah wah! These assholes would’ve whined louder if Biden had told them “Shove it. We have control of the House and Senate now, and we’re going to make sure people can keep a roof over their heads, the heat and lights on, and food on the table.”
Since the thread be open…
Good news: got mah hairs did. The price of everything seems on a slow, steady increase here in Liberalotopia. I’m just waiting for our Republican “betters” here to start whinging about it.
Bad news: completely struck out on a new laptop. It wasn’t that they were too expensive. It’s that Best Buy has almost nothing. It was either buy a fancy model that was 3X my budget or a tiny hybrid tablet. I decided to hold out a little longer and see if I can make my old work hoss last until new ones come available.
Any living breathing actual human,…..
I will admit my surprise that Gym Jordan has explicitly sworn off pursuit of the seat. At least today. All things are subject to change in the future if he (or anyone) thinks he can pull it off with a minimum of effort.
I had to laugh. I’m in Baltimore, and I have a soft spot for the TV show Homicide, based on Simon’s book; Simon was also the creative force behind The Wire. His fantasy would be worse than anything Ohio Republicans could imagine.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
With screen shots!
also, remember a few years ago when Portman announced he had changed his mind on same-sex marriage because his son had come out to him, and a couple weeks later we learned Portman’s son had come out two years earlier, and Portman had in the meantime cast a whole bunch of anti-gay votes? I do.
mali muso
Welp. Mom called to let me know that my dad feeling under the weather has turned out to be Covid. I kind of knew this day would come; given that they are 1. church-goers, 2. in SC where the virus is rampant, and 3. my mom is “vaccine-hesitant” and thinks medical expertise is something to be found on blogs, youtube and FB. big sigh. The good news is that he seems to be doing fine, very mild symptoms, etc. I’m still pissed.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Shit, that’s news to me. I hate Portman even more than I already do
Can you order online and pick up in store, ( or lot)?
Covid has fucked supply chains.
I kind of like Akron. I suspect it is much nicer than Baltimore.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@mali muso:
Hope your dad continues to stay well
Who is this Mangy Jay person? Is She auditioning to be Biden’s anger translator? From what I’ve seen here, I would give him two thumbs up.
edit: Correction for gender. My anger translator nomination still stands.
Dayton resident and big fan of Nan Whaley. She’s been amazing for our city, from her progressive policies to guiding us through some difficult times. In 2019 our area suffered thirteen tornados in a single night, then just months later, we had the terrible mass shooting in our downtown historical district where my son lives. Nan kept things smoothed out during the BLM protests here.
She doesn’t have the name recognition and she just announced her decision not to run for Mayor again. In our local paper last week there was an article about Republican oppo research going on, checking her financial history. She said she’s fine with that, as she has nothing to hide.
We love her and we’d love to see her move up the political ladder. It may be too soon for her to be a Senator, but I’d like to see her give it a shot.
@mali muso: Best wishes for your Dad, and for your Mom. Looks like this apple fell pretty far from the tree. :-)
Major Major Major Major
Ohio is not a super great pickup opportunity, but obviously anything is possible! I have no preferences since I don’t know too much about the people from there. But, I was reading poll geek twitter the other day, and somebody (David Shor?) said that, sadly, the Dems’ best bet might be if Kasich runs as an independent and wins. He can start a Problem Solvers’ Caucus or what the hell ever.
If Portman actually CARED about bipartisanship he could have simply declared that he wasn’t going to support any SCOTUS nominee in October that didn’t have the support of at least 60 Senators. You know. How they used to do it? He could have gotten Murkowski and one or two other GOP Senators to agree and boom…instant Bipartisanship. There are no doubt dozens of good conservative SCOTUS candidates that could have peeled off enough Dem votes to get confirmed. Just ordinary mainstream qualified conservatives and you would get Manchin and a few others. But no….Portman and the rest were so fucking far up Trump’s ass that wasn’t even a consideration.
Trump is still the elephant in the room anyway. All of his impeachment lawyers are dropping out because they refuse to go along with his desire to turn the impeachment trial into a shit show about voter fraud. Honestly I think Trump is the smart one here, not them. He knows: (1) That he still has enough of the GOP Senate by the short hairs that he is absolutely not going to get convicted to matter what. There will never be 17 GOP votes (or whatever they need), so therefore (2) it isn’t really going to be an actual trial, it is going to be a TV show. And the way for Trump to win is to do his usual way of throwing so much mad shit against the wall and red meat on the floor so that he brings the whole damn show crashing down around him, just like he did with the election itself. He has a feral nose for this sort of shit.
I still think the Dems are making an error to rush through with an impeachment trial for which they can’t control the outcome. I’d rather see them put all things Trump under the microscope for 9 months of House and Senate hearings Benghazi style. Which will be more difficult to do if Trump is “vindicated” in a Senate trial. But hell, what do I know?
mali muso
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Thanks. I’m just going to be thankful that he seems to be fine and try to remember that statistically, the odds are pretty good that he will stay that way.
Yeah, my parents path and mine diverged pretty sharply when I went over to the dark side (Democrat, atheist, etc.) We have a strict no politics or religion discussion rule that has kept us from torching our relationship entirely but it’s strained. :(
Omnes Omnibus
Who I would love to see in the job? Joyce Beatty. But that probably won’t happen. Next choice, Rich Cordray. I could see the Dem primary coming down to Acton and Ryan.
Jerzy Russian
I think a bill to have the face of Ted Cruz punched repeatedly would have bipartisan support. Perhaps Senator Portman can bring that to the floor.
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I also did not know that. What a dick.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s only if Acton decides to run. She received death threats as Health Director and resigned. I think people wanting Acton to run is wishful thinking tbh
Omnes Omnibus
@Kent: Glad to see you are about and commenting. Get well and take care of yourself.
Now with that out of the way, you are wrong.
Jane Timken has hardly any name recognition in Ohio outside of Republican party hacks. When we do learn to recognize her name it will be because we will be reminded that her husband had his workers pack up his steel plant and ship it off to China.
Tim Ryan certainly wouldn’t let that slip by whether he runs for the Senate seat or stays in the House.
@Kent: Drag Dump’s orange ass in for 11 hours of testimony. See if the Soviet shitpile has the stamina.
@Jerzy Russian:
I like the way you think. And I think it could pass by a 98-2 vote. [Cruz and Little Lord Randy being the 2.]
mali muso
The ONLY thing I remember about Portman was his coming around to gay rights only after his son came out. Perfect example of GOP hypocrisy.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Major Major Major Major:
I saw that one too. I think he also said focus on keeping GA and AZ and flipping NC, WI and FL. I think PG sexter Cunningham came within a two points of taking out Tillis? Biden did a little better, and Cooper won by about 2 1/2 points (IIRC)
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
It’s Ohio, and gone to hell in a hand basket.
Probably some Appalachian transplant human thumb that’s a walking amalgamation of Trump and MGT tweets will get elected by a 10 point margin.
Spare a thought for Captain Sir Tom Moore. For those who may have forgotten his name, he’s the British centenarian who raised £33 million for the NHS early in the pandemic by doing laps of his garden. The Queen knighted him in a socially-distanced outdoor ceremony at Windsor Castle last summer.
Anyhow, Sir Tom has been hospitalised with Covid. He’s 100, but he’s a tough old bird and a very cool guy. I hope he recovers soon and gets back to walking his garden very soon.
@Jerzy Russian:
Who would have the honor(s)?
@mali muso:
I’m glad your dad’s case seems to be a mild one, I hope he fully recovers, and I don’t blame you one bit for being pissed.
Flip side of the question: who is the weakest person on the fascist side that seems like a possible Republican nominee?
@Omnes Omnibus: The problem with Cordray is he keeps losing elections. I like him a lot (except pro-gun) but he doesn’t seem to project enough charisma to win. He was AG and SOS, but that was a while ago.
I believe Kay has said he’s very impressive in person.
Mike in NC
Many years ago I attempted to drive from Boston to San Francisco. Shortly after crossing the Pennsylvania/Ohio border my car broke down. Next day I limped back to Boston. Haven’t been back to Ohio since.
@Gravenstone: Maybe they told Gym he’d have to wear a suit jacket to run statewide.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
On a fun note, the Kentucky GOP legislative supermajority is looking to impeach Andy Beshear over the COVID orders, including the ones that the courts upheld.
They definitely intend to strip nearly all of the governor’s powers, and want to make the Senate President the biggest power broker in the state.
They’re also looking to strip much of Louisville’s ability to exercise home rule (particularly on LGBTQ, sanctuary and abortion issues), and are so eager to send an all GOP delegation to Frankfort that they’re looking at redistricting some lines from downtown Louisville to the Tennessee border just to carve it up.
Yep, feeling better every day.
I’m wrong a lot. Which part am I wrong about? Impeachment or Portman?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
Speaking of dicks, wanted to share this tidbid with you.
My moron R State Senator Michael Rulli, “Mr. Reach Across the Aisle, I Believe I Can Say Whatever I Want”, on NYE:
This guy went to Emerson College in Boston. He should (and probably does) know better, but instead acts like a Trump Mini-Me. My R state Rep does too
Oh, and not one fucking word about the Jan 6th insurrection either. Neither Rulli or Cutrona could be reached for comment by local news. Cutrona himself was talking about “election irregularities”
I seriously feel like calling up their offices and screaming at their staffs, demanding a justification for this shit on their Twitter accounts as well as their efforts to end pandemic response efforts by the state government such as the mask mandate, and business closures. Cutrona was/is the COO of his father’s infectious disease practice for fuck’s sake. He should definitely know better.
Why aren’t these fucks being hammered by the AMA, the ANA, or state hospital associations for this crap?!
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Aren’t you in Kentucky? McConnell.Paul. Bunning.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Also, Acton sounds competent and well-informed, so is not a good fit for Portman’s seat.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Trump’s new lawyers are going to argue that impeaching a president after he leaves office is unconstitutional. So, matching right up with what Senate Republicans have been saying
@Kent: Thanks for sharing your story. I’m also glad you’re back, and so quickly.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Tammy Duckworth. She’s a legit badass.
Sometimes Lenovo has some great deals, you should check them out – I personally tend to stick with them. Plus they support Linux.
Omnes Omnibus
@sab: I know him and his wife from when I lived in Columbus. Rich is unbelievably impressive in person. He ran for AG against Betty Montgomery when no one was willing to do so. He has been a state legislator, state solicitor general, Franklin County Treasurer, CFPB honcho, and more. He is more than ready for the job. Part of his problem when he was younger is that he like he was 12 when he was in his mid-30s.
Line forms on the left, each Senator gets one punch. Or other weapon of choice, like the panic scene in Airplane!
Jerzy Russian
@mrmoshpotato: I say we go on order of the Presidential succession: President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, and so on. People would be allowed to trade up in the order, kind of like the NFL draft.
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Christ, what an asshole.
But on this we do agree: de Blasio suuuuucks! Bookmakers say the current favorite to succeed him is Andrew Yang, which uhh, well, we’ll see what happens at this week’s debate.
Omnes Omnibus
I just thought it was a good part of the welcome back. A “fuck you” seemed a bit trop.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
What happened to you if you don’t mind my asking
Starboard Tack
I grew up outside of Akron. It is much nicer without the rubber factories but, still, no charisma. I do hope Mary Coyle’s is still open in Highland Square.
Omnes Omnibus
Maybe Ohio may want something better?
zhena gogolia
I was so sorry to see that.
@WaterGirl: Mangy Jay is a woman, a PhD student IIRC.
@Kent: They can still put T**** and his administration under a microscope with investigations in the House, regardless of how the impeachment trial comes out.
It’s vitally important, I think, to get each and every R on the record with regard to the insurrection. Every single one.
zhena gogolia
@Mike in NC:
Didn’t make it to Bob Evans Farms? A restaurant that serves only pork, ham, and pork sausage. That is the sum total of my experience of Ohio.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Sadly, yes.
Wife said two days ago that she no longer feels safe here, or in most parts of this country. She’d read some of the activities of the legislature, some Boebert, Q and MGT stuff.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Why would you say it’s wishful thinking to say she might run, when we have a tweet up top that specifically says she is considering running?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Yup! Ohio choose Trump over Biden by 8%. Obama won it easily in 2008 and 2012. Something’s really fucked up with the United States and the rest of the world to a lesser extent
My greatest fear is that we’re only a few years away from a GOP dictatorship such as Orban or Putin’s regimes
They’re already trying to change election laws in swing states where they control legislatures to ensure a Democrat will never be elected again. I don’t mean to go all doom and gloom, but things look pretty fucked long-term and even short-term tbh. The GOP is now an authoritarian/fascist cult, with all of the built in advantages our system has
Then why’d they vote for Portman?
@Major Major Major Major: I think the betting pool is littered with dude bros who do not represent the actual makeup of the constituency. So far, a lot of people seem unimpressed by Yang.
He has a campaign full of sexist nonsense. He has a poor grasp of the issues and is very one-note on how to resolve them. He was also buying a house outside Manhattan which seems weird for someone who wants to be mayor.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Oh, my mistake. I didn’t completely read that tweet, that’s why. Well, then I’ll definitely vote for her in the primary if she decides to run. I’m frankly surprised after how she was treated
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: Well, fuck it then, let’s just write off Ohio. Let’s also give up on Texas and, while we are at it, let’s assume what happened in Georgia was a complete fluke. Jesus Fucking Christ.
@schrodingers_cat: Gender correction above.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
This. We are hideously close.
Starboard Tack
Damn. Sounder’s on TCM and I missed the first hour.
@Starboard Tack: Yes it is. The owner is kind of an asshole so we tried to avoid going there. I’m from that part of town.
I don’t want charisma in a city. I want it to be a pleasant place to live, and Akron is. Great parks, geat music, also quite affordable.
LeBron just bought the Tangier nightclub and is planning to turn it into a sort of neighborhood center with food and activities. It’s right down the street from his I Promise Academy.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
He does. I don’t think Yang has the chops to be a mayor of a major city
@Omnes Omnibus: I think after the insurrection, anything is possible. Unless you’re a crazy Q person, or an unredeemable Republican, character matters, as does name recognition.
Cordray has been a real workhorse and I would like to see him as senator from Ohio. I know nothing about the women who are considering running, so I’m not speaking against them, but for Richard Cordray.
Another Scott
Half the battle in politics is having the dominant memes. Biden and his team understands this.
(via LOLGOP)
There’s plenty of non-insurrection material for hearings on DT and family members.
Mary G
For some reason, I haven’t unsubscribed from Tim Ryan’s emails (no idea how I came to his list, probably from one of Doug J’s groups from 2018, or he bought it from somebody). He’s grown on me. Kinda feisty, tough guy attitude that might go well in OH. Kay would be the perfect choice, but she has far too much sense to do something crazy like run for the Senate.
@Ken: I think a senatorial poll is in order. Jon Tester looks like he would pack a punch.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Joyce has finally achieved her dream of leading the Congressional Black Caucus. I think she should stay there for awhile. Love him, but Cordray doesn’t seem to win elections here. I’m hoping Nan Whaley or Michael Coleman can gain traction.
But Portman? Good riddance to rubbish.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s not that we should give up. I’m just looking around and I’m deeply disturbed with how the GOP is reacting to their loss. They’re doubling down and dangerous maniacs are being elected; they’re doing everything in their ability to consolidate power and transform America into a dictatorship. Look at the AZ GOP. QAnon isn’t going away anytime soon
@Omnes Omnibus: Who said don’t try for Ohio? And who’s even mentioned Texas? I guess I’ll have to start marking when I use snark, though I thought the title-tag “Come for the politics, stay for the snark” covered that.
Major Major Major Major
@Another Scott:
They also understand the importance of not caring about the other kind of memes :) the only candidate who consistently ignored Twitter.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: That’s why I said that Beatty won’t happen. I just think she would be great. Cordray has won elections as well as lost them. He might be a good candidate in the age of Biden. But as I said, I could see it coming down to Acton vs Ryan in the end.
Starboard Tack
I remember stopping at Coyle’s for ice cream as a kid when we went into town and I lived around the corner from Coyle’s on Grand Ave in 1970. I wondered about the Tangier. Some friends of mine played in a trio there with Vince Dedato.
I don’t disagree. But I also think it becomes hellishly more difficult to get Trump himself back under the spotlights in future hearings if he gets “exonerated” next week. There will be endless obstruction and hand-wringing in Congress and the “mainstream” media about the Dem “sour grapes” and trying to get a second bite at the apple. and so forth. Just you watch.
I think bringing Trump to account and bringing everyone else to account are two completely separate issues. I think you only get one good crack at Trump and I’d rather they do it in a forum that they actually control. All the other coup plotters and coup soldiers are a separate issue. They need to continue to be pursued by both the courts and Congressional hearings. But impeachment doesn’t affect that.
If the objection was a conviction that prevents Trump from running for further office, I think a US Circuit Court trial in front of a Washington DC jury would have had better odds of success than an impeachment conviction in the Senate.
It will be interesting either way. I don’t think they get more than 5-8 GOP votes to convict. But that do I know? The GOP really should convict his ass. Dems are giving them a gift. But they are too stupid and craven to understand it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Oh ffs.
@Ken: I merely took your statement to its logical conclusion.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I can be convinced I’m wrong
Amir Khalid
I understand that the Republican counter-offer to Biden’s US$1.9 trillion Covid relief bill is a US$160 billion bill — eight cents on the dollar, no more. I don’t know how they expect to meet the Democrats in the middle on that. Maybe it’s just a clever way to say no.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, that’s what I said, I’ll have to start marking snark.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I don’t think Raven likes LBJ
@Omnes Omnibus: I would like to see Ryan, Cordray or Whalen rather than Acton. I think Acton might be very good, but I would rather have a professional politician who would want to stay in office for a bunch of terms. It’s so damn hard to get Democrats elected here.
I am rethinking Cordray and charisma, since it is Rob Portman’s seat, and he personifies blandness. As did Voinovich.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’ve already said I quit talking people off the ledge.
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: I saw that on the BBC News on the TV tonight. Very disappointing news, but unfortunately unsurprising. :-(
I chuckled at the reporting on the Navalny protests and them mentioning Vlad’s secret billion dollar palace and the 600 euro toilet brushes. And protestors waiving toilet brushes…! Mockery is important. I wish the protestors great success.
Best wishes to Sir Tom!
Omnes Omnibus
Poe’s Law.
@Starboard Tack: Akron developed a pretty good nightlife back in the day because our nightclubs weren’t segregated. A lot of the bands that played Cleveland were happy to swing by and play down here because of that.
Highland Square is still pretty lively, although Covid has clobbered it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t want to be talked off the ledge, I want you to explain why you think I’m wrong when we’re seeing all of this crazy shit going on in the GOP and it’s electorate
@Kent: Did I miss something? Are you OK? Did you get the Rona?
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): PotAYto, PotAHto.
Starboard Tack
Did you ever hang at the Bucket Shop?
Some good news to help you all get some sleep.
Major Major Major Major
@Starfish: I’m not impressed with any of the candidates tbh. Cory Johnson I would’ve been okay with, but his housing policy is meh.
I basically care about housing and fixing the MTA and nobody seems very good on those.
@Amir Khalid: I have seen 160, and I have seen 610 which would be 1/3. Either way, it’s not a serious offer.
It’s like they don’t understand the laws of physics. You are tired of businesses not being open, just open them. They don’t care that there’s a good reason to keep them closed.
You don’t like the cost of the bill that is trying to address all the puzzle pieces that fit together to fight covid and get the economy back? Just choose a number you feel better about, and don’t worry your pretty little head about whether it addresses all the pieces, not to mention whether it addresses them at a level that will address the problems.
Of course, I am not speaking to you, I am speaking of the idiot Republicans who do not appear to understand the new reality.
Here is a COMPLETELY out from left field idea.
LeBron James for Senate.
He has nothing left to prove on the court. He is smart as hell, hardworking as hell, and has nothing left to prove on the basketball court. What is more important to him, turning around his home state? Or winning one more championship for the city of LA?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Things may calm down with the QAnon thing now that Twitter and Facebook are noticing, particularly if a lot of people get in serious legal trouble from Jan 6.
The guys that scare me are the 3%ers and Oathkeepers. I don’t think they can bring down the government, but they can hide and they do know how to blow things up and shoot. Tim McVeigh on steroids. So life might get unpleasant. Here’s hoping most of them have angry ex-wives keeping an eye on them. Maybe now the FBI will listen.
@Starboard Tack: HOLY SHIT. Y’all in Ohio had Mary Coyle’s?!
Well, look at that. Mary apparently moved to Phoenix from Ohio.
@Kent: He is currently very very very busy with a bunch of other projects.
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You’ve observed one possible future, but it’s a big multiverse.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m sorry for being a downer
Open heart surgery last Monday for an aortal valve replacement. We talked about it a bunch in one late night open thread on Weds I think. Maybe Thursday. All it well, but it was freakishly sudden. I went in for testing on Saturday and Monday morning I’m getting my chest opened up. I’m feeling good now though.
@Kent: Whatever happened with Letitia James? I was under the impression that she had charges and subpoenas ready to go and was just waiting until T* was out of office. But since then… nothing.
@Suzanne: Kent had totally unexpected open heart surgery heart surgery, with like a day’s notice. He came through it well and we are all thrilled that he is already back commenting.
It pays to have a physician as your spouse.
@Kent: Oh shit. Glad you’re on the mend. Hang in there. Don’t get the Rona.
Of course he is. But aside from winning another NBA title, how many of those other projects would actually have to end and how many might actually be elevated if a Senator was involved? We are talking 2 years from now, not next week. Being a Senator doesn’t mean you can still be involved in inner city schools and shit like that. It gives you the power to make your projects actually happen.
I’m just spit balling unconventional candidates who might have the ability to take back that seat. I’m not sure a conventional Dem candidate is going to win in an off-year election against the crazy MAGA bullshit that is going to fly fast and furious in that election.
Uncle Cosmo
Both David Simon and I would suspect you’re wrong.
Omnes Omnibus
@CaseyL: Don’t you work in the legal world? Fast in the legal world doesn’t always match fast elsewhere. Trump in handcuffs at 12:05 on the 20th wasn’t ever going to happen however satisfying it would have been.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Glad to hear you’re ok
It’s all still there. But my guess is that the best she does is get him for state tax evasion with suspended sentences or some shit. Kind of like how Pinochet lived his last decade under “House Arrest” surrounded by his sycophants. I don’t think a state tax conviction would bar Trump from pursuing the presidency again. You need a Federal sedition conviction or impeachment to accomplish that.
@Kent: Hey, glad your holding your own.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve been commenting here over ten years, thought I had some small reputation….
The fundraiser for the young man I’ve posted about it almost at $200K.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: I’ve been here longer and sometimes people still take me seriously when it is obvious to me that such a thing should be impossible.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
True. I can’t dwell on a possible future that may not come to pass
Yeah, I was just think about that at work today. They scare me too. Hopefully things will begin to calm down
@Kent: I remain amazed that open heart surgery is now considered routine, even outpatient. Hooray for medical science.
@Starboard Tack: Never me, but my husband did.
randy khan
@mali muso:
I will think good thoughts for both of them.
@Kent: I don’t follow basketball, but I seem to recall outrage over Lebron leaving Cleveland for the Lakers. Is that all water under the bridge now, or am I getting him confused with someone else?
@Kent: Cleveland, for one, has still not forgiven him for going to Miami and later to LA. Akron felt he needed to leave town since he never went to college, just for his own personal development. We were right.
ETA Also Ohio has a really deep bench of very talented black Democrats who cannot get elected statewide because Ohio. It’s really frustrating.
Yep. Well, not outpatient. I had a 6 hour surgery and 3 additional days of recovery. But I take your point. We discussed this a lot, but I can’t emphasize strongly enough to get this sort of thing done at a regional high-volume specialty center. I had my surgery at Kasier Sunnyside in Portland with is their northwest regional heart center. A whole wing of the hospital including ORs, surgical staffs, ICUs, and transitional care units are equipped and staffed with people who do NOTHING but heart surgery every single day. They know their shit inside and out. You don’t go to some small regional hospital that does one or two per week or something like that. Every person who saw me (and there were dozens) does nothing but heart surgery and heart patients every single day. Makes a big difference. And takes a LOT of time and money to build up a specialty center like that.
LeBron can run, but only if he announces his candidacy by stating, “I’m taking my talents to Washington.”
randy khan
@Amir Khalid:
Apparently it’s $600 billion, but it’s still DOA because it’s nowhere near enough in nearly every respect. (The vaccine amount seems okay, but that’s about it.) I’d say it deserves as much respect as Portman’s whining. And it sounds like that’s how the Dems are treating it.
@Kent: Yes. I will only live in cities with good healthcare access. Trauma centers, cancer centers, behavioral health hospitals, specialty hospitals, etc.
Mike in NC
@Uncle Cosmo: Never been to Akron but I’ve loved Baltimore since my first visit in 1990. Spent one fabulous day trip with NoVA neighbors seeing the aquarium and Inner Harbor area. Also did the Chesapeake Bay cruise on Liberty ship SS John W. Brown, which was amazing.
Starboard Tack
People talk about brain surgery as complicated but the grey matter isn’t wanting to move while it’s being worked on. I hope I never need the ticker snipped.
@sab: He CAME BACK to Cleveland after his Miami stint when he didn’t have to. I’m not from Ohio, but I can’t imagine there is a Cleveland athlete/celeb who has more widespread support and good will than LeBron. I could be wrong, but he put in more than his share of time in a Cleveland uniform.
I’m just spit balling. I’m sure I’m not the only one. But when you start searching around for unconventional candidates the list is pretty short and I imagine Lebron sits pretty damn high on top of it. I don’t think there is even a close second. I think he would get a hell of a lot of votes from white male MAGA types, because fuck..Lebron!
Just throwing it out there as an Ohioan since I haven’t seen it mentioned in this thread–Cordray lost the governor’s race to Mike DeWine in 2018. In that year, Sherrod Brown won reelection by ~7 and two democrats running for supreme court (non-partisan ballot listing) won, but Cordray and all other statewide dems lost with margins of 4-7 pts. I never really had a good sense of what happened in that campaign; for the strength of his CFPB resume and DeWine being well-known in Ohio for-fing-ever, his result was just middle-of-the-pack D.
Cordray would probably be my choice on qualifications, but for winning, my very very early preference is Acton. She already has a statewide profile and was incredibly popular in DeWine’s admin at a time when he was getting praise for Ohio’s covid response. Pre-Portman announcement, there was lots of speculation about Tim Ryan for governor, since there’s a non-zero chance his house district will disappear.
Starboard Tack
What a dive! I like your guy already.
I was not conscious or watching when they did me. But my understanding is that they stopped my heart, pumped a bunch of blood off into storage, maintained my body’s circulation with an artificial pump while they worked on my heart. Then restarted it several hours later. Just the thought of that still gives me shivers. I don’t quite have the nerve to read up on the whole process just yet!
@Mike in NC: I’ve enjoyed Baltimore as well. This is the only thing I know about Akron:
@Suzanne: When I left Las Vegas they were on the verge of closing their only trauma center, in a city of a million, where the speed limit in business districts was 50 mph. Nuts, but freedom and low taxes.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I remember when he left the first time people were burning his jerseys. Just think how much those could be worth nowadays! But yeah, he definitely did his time here and my general sense since him winning the NBA Finals in 2016 for the Cavaliers is that people in NE love him again. I see the T-Shirts for the Cavaliers’ 2016 win regularly
@Kent: good to hear you are feeling better. I had to cancel my cardiologist appointment for tomorrow morning because of the snow.
I’m afraid I’ve been sent into moderation due to an extended movie quote. If anyone with the keys can release my comment, I’d be grateful.
ETA: Thanks!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
After 2012, they doubled down, and it worked in 2016.
The 2020 cycle should have seen the GOP staked through the heart – it wasn’t.
@sab: The only Level 1 trauma center in all of Nevada is in Vegas. Two bays. For the entire state.
Mike in NC
About ten years ago a doctor who was screening me for a colonoscopy asked, “Do you know you have an irregular heartbeat?” I said no, and he added, “Don’t worry. It’s not serious and there is nothing you can do about it.” Then I got referred to a cardiologist, who put me on blood thinners and scheduled a series of echocardiograms. Then he set me up with a cardio-thoracic surgeon who wanted to work on my mitral valve. I reluctantly agreed to the surgery just over a year ago. Who should we trust?
@Kent: We need him on the Lakers. Only kidding (sorta) ?
Glad you’re feeling better!
Starboard Tack
Live free AND die!
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Dump really drove a lot more deplorables out of the woodwork than most of us expected. It remains to be seen if they’ll keep turning out (the new voters) considering they bothered this time and their Messiah still lost.
Of course, it remains to be seen that the new non-fascist voters will continue to turn out too. But we have, hopefully, a straightforward way to encourage that – enact Biden’s broadly popular agenda and continue to super-charge and extend our voter outreach efforts that proved so effective in Georgia across the board.
@buck2202: I worked as a volunteer on Brown’s campaign. It was weird. Brown tried to set it up like an old-style campaign with coattails, but the campaigns below him never got on board with the concept.
Brown’s campaign was in full swing all summer. Nobody else got into gear until after Labor Day.
We went door to door with only his literature hecause nobody below gave us anything. It probably didn’t matter for Congress since they were in good shape, but it might have helped Cordray, and certainly might have helped the judges.
With gerrymandering, a lot of days I was in two different Congressional districts. In Highland Square, for example, Marcia Fudge’s district was on one side of Market Street and Tim Ryan’s was on the other.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Mike in NC:
I would say trust the cardio-thoracic surgeon and the cardiologist
@buck2202: Tim Ryan is the quintessential mediocre white man, IMO. He’s a totally adequate Dem. I am sick of adequate white men. We’re supposed to be the diverse party. I am sure that there are lots of notable minorities, women, LGBTQIA folks, whatever, who can represent us just as well.
mali muso
@randy khan: Thank you! It’s appreciated.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I agree he’s pretty mediocre. He’s my Rep. Although, apparently Hillary Clinton endorsed him, or at least encouraged him to run for the Senate seat
Obvious Russian Troll
@Gravenstone: I think Gym Jordan is smart enough not to push his luck. He wins easily in his heavily gerrymandered district, but he knows his constituents are ignoring the Ohio State wrestling abuse scandal. Just like Gym Jordan himself did!
However, a state wide race is going to be more heavily contested, both in the primary and in the general election if he wins the primary. The Ohio State wrestling abuse scandal is almost certainly going to be more of an issue in a state wide election, and very possibly in the primary. I can’t imagine his GOP opponents not using it.
(I do admit that “smart” is not a word I normally associate with Gym Jordan.)
Hearts R Us.
You mean the white male MAGA types who like to say “Shut up and dribble”?
I’m just spitballing too, but: On the one hand, if Lebron wanted to run, it would be great to have another D Senator from Ohio. And maybe he could pull it off, who knows. On the other hand, I’m not convinced that the Senate is a place where he could best leverage his skillset, talents, and experience (and I don’t mean on the basketball side).
ETA: Glad you got through the surgery and are on the mend! Scary stuff!
@Uncle Cosmo: @Mike in NC:
This Baltimore non-native expat agrees. So sorry I ended back up in PA but that’s the way the mortgage finances go sometimes.
It sounds like they all agree. What conflict are you sensing? Trust the cardiologist and cardio-surgeon over the gastroenterologist who did your colonoscopy. Medicine is about specialties.
What I would shop around for is the best heart surgery specialty hospital in your region. Of course that is insurance dependent. But I can’t say enough about how good it was that every single nurse and specialist who saw me was a heart surgery specialist. They all knew exactly what they were doing. No “I gotta page the doctor to find out of I can adjust your meds or do this or that because I’m normally in the pediatrics ward” They were all empowered and expert in exactly what I had. And my surgical team did nothing but heart surgeries every single day. Every single team member. That makes a difference when they get that inevitable hiccup and need to work around it.
@sab: Another nice thing about Akron is the ball park.
The “shut up and dribble” lady was Laura Ingram from FOX, not some MAGA dude in an Ohio sports bar.
I have a shitload of white male MAGA relatives from IN, MI, and PA (not OH). Their facebook feeds are full of MAGA shit and sports/hunting shit. Although they have all gone radio silent on the politics since about October. I expect that every damn one of them would vote for Lebron because he is such a badass alpha male. Seriously. It’s not about policy really. They really don’t give a shit about policy. I just think every one of them would be happy to vote for LeBron. Because fuck-it. That would just be really cool. And the fact that my Senator can throw down on your Senator? That’s a plus.
@sab: Baffling to me that they wouldn’t want the help of the only (partisan-office) statewide D. Any idea why? All I can think is that maybe his election years up to that point might have been viewed as “easy”?
@Suzanne: Agree. I’m just sure he’s going to run for something, Ohio is due to lose a house seat, and our redistricting “reform” setup leaves room for R abuse. If his district is drawn out, I can’t imagine him not jumping to a statewide race.
But didn’t Kevin McCarthy give her his personal stamp of approval?
The Republicans seem to be looking for ways to soften their embrace of extremism. To deflect attention away from their acceptance of insanity as standard GOP policy.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
So basically, you’re saying they’re enamored with LeBron’s celebrity (and his masculinity), sort of like Trump’s, and that’s why you think they would vote for him?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): What town is Tim Ryan living in now? I get the feeling that he is living somewhere much more conservative than the Akron end of the district, so he panics and stops following his own instincts, unlike Sherrod Brown. E.g. running away from Pelosi. That was weird. I called his office and yelled at them.
I have been on telephone Town Hall calls with him and he is really sharp on policy across a whole range of issues, and handles really tough questions well.
The Hillary thing might help, since the Pelosi thing just reeked of misogyny. But it’s weird, since Clintons are so associated with NAFTA and he is so much on the other side, and it’s still a very raw issue in Ohio.
Yes. Not just celebrity. ALPHA MALE celebrity. LeBron is the biggest badass athlete on the planet. He could have played tight end in the NFL and been a mega superstar. He would have terrified most NFL linebackers just like Gronkowski does, except that LeBron is bigger, stronger, and faster than Gronk even. And if you are a sports fan you know he leaves NOTHING on the court. He plays to the point of collapse. Every singe MAGA dude sitting in a backwater sports bar in Ohio knows this. And they respect it.
I don’t have a shitload, but I do have a few, and I spend time with them in Ohio a couple of times a year. The ones I know would be far more likely to say he should stay in his lane. Which would be code for something else, of course, but more to the point, his alpha maleness would not offset their MAGA-ness, all aside from the race aspect.
Too bad we can’t bet on it. ;-)
@Kent: @Mike in NC They might be able to do mitral valve with a catheter rather than surgery. This is new in the last year or two. I have had two catheter procedures (ablations for arrythmias) and while serious they are not surgery. YMMV but I’m hoping for you!
sorry, but it’s not at all out of left field. choosing a candidate who has no experience in governing is a pretty standard excuse for not actually taking the time to vet the real talent and take the time to build grassroots support. running a candidate who has great name recognition, and can run as an ‘outsider’ because they have zero experience and qualifications to do the job – now who does that sound like?
I love LeBron. I think he is a great example of a human being. But he’s shown exactly zero interest in ending his career (you know he’s in the middle of the playoffs right now, right?) to run for public office. Besides, he doesn’t even live in Ohio anymore. And we need someone like Stacy, or Beto who is willing to dedicate the rest of their lives to rebuild the voting base in Ohio. Even if they don’t win the seat. GOTV is going to be a 24/7/365 effort to turn this state around. Sticking a celebrity in a Senate seat for a single term isn’t going to do it. I think Cordray has the dedication. If Jennifer Brunner hadn’t just been elected to the OH supreme court, she might be able to pull it off, but she got screwed out of her chance for the seat years ago, because the party was too afraid to run someone who didn’t have state wide name recognition.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
He lives in Niles, Ohio, a retail hub up in Trumbull County. I don’t know. Trumbull County went for Trump twice in a row and some county Dems were unseated there. I’m sure his recent reelection by the smallest margins he’s won by has affected his decision to try to run for statewide office
@PST: Yes. A little Camden Yards right downtown.
@JanieM: Oh, of course he isn’t going to sweep white rural Ohio. Not in a million years. But my guess is that Lebron could peel off a slice of that vote 100x better than some traditional inner city Dem politician like Nina Turner or Marcia Fudge ever could. And you only need a small slice to put together a winning majority.
Mary G
@Kent: Going to have to disagree, being black is disqualifying in MAGA World, no matter how cool. Plus he called HWSNBN “u bum” on Twitter. The question is are there enough African Americans in Ohio, because THAT turnout would be epic.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It was the first time he had an opponent that was even remotely sane (for a Trumper.)
ETA His campaign approach is very hands on and personal. He is really present in the whole district all the time, not just during election season. He might actually be a lot more effective in Washimgton if he spent more time there. He has colleagues he needs to impress as well as constituents.
@artem1s: I’d love to see the next Ohio Stacy Abrams. I don’t even know who that would be.
I hope they do have a vigorous primary so we can see new talent rise to the top. Ohio doesn’t have the jungle primary like out here in WA does it? Because that makes a huge difference about whether you pick a candidate BEFORE the primary or through the primary.
Along with everyone else here I wish we could elect a woman and/a person of color to Portman’s seat, but I’ll take a generic white guy like Tim Ryan as long as he’s a D. And Georgia gives me some hope, if we work our asses off like Georgians did!
Anne Laurie
Parochial note from the neighborhood: AFAICT, Emerson College’s most famous graduate is… Jay Leno. It’s got a reputation in its home state as being the school for kids — or, more usually, parents — who want to be able to say ‘I / my kid goes to a Boston college‘… in the hope that they’ll be mistaken for The Most Significant Boston College (Harvard).
I’m sure one can get a perfectly fine education at Emerson, but it’s not exactly brag-worthy, for its graduates.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Don’t seem like they are big defenders of states rights. But you know everything these assholes do, it goes down the memory hole. I hate that these people seem to dominate the conversation every time.
On the other hand, about 70% of this nation see through the bullshit and I’m grateful for that.
Starboard Tack
Do the RubberDucks have a future with MLB trying to eliminate the minor leagues?
@Kent: We don’t so the incumbents are never challenged. Another cost of gerrymandering. The primary is the election, and it is political suicide to challenge a popular candidate in the primary, so they all get really rusty.
Ryan’s first campaign in 2002(?) was remarkable. Hasn’t really been challenged since. His latest Republican was a pretty gun-toter who doesn’t live anywhere near the district.
everyone damn one of them will vote for whatever white guy the GOP runs and say they will never vote for the traitor who left the state twice. what they really mean of course is he should have shut up and taken whatever shitty team mates his white owner hired. They will tell him to shut up and stay out of politics, just like they did when he campaigned for Hillary and Joe. He’s going to appeal to WWC voters about as much as Kapernick would.
@Uncle Cosmo:
For real. Been to both many times. Gimme Balmer every time
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): ugh, his opponent used to be my state representative. I got into a pissing match in LTE over the ACA. She was moaning about how the ACA was going to put her father’s small business out of business. I pointed out that her dad had a business that employed 3 people so was not covered by the ACA. She called me a crazy liberal which I agreed with.
@Starboard Tack: I don’t know. Cleveland used to like having minor league farm teams nearby because it was easier to evaluate talent and call people up. Years ago they lost some guys they really regretted, because they hadn’t realized what they had.
@Eunicecycle: Wasn’t she awful?
Ohio Mom
Mike in NC: I would say get a second, and maybe third opinion. After you talk to a few heart surgeons, it’s easier to get a sense of who you want to take a chance on trusting.
Some of you might recall that Ohio Dad has his aortic valve replaced three years ago. I spent most of the hours he was in surgery here, and got much appreciated support from you all.
It is definitely creepy knowing that they stop the heart with drugs and then assume it will start up again with a little shock, in the right rhythm.
@sab: yes she was. And very ignorant. I haven’t had anyone that’s really represented me in the state or federal level in a very long time. The incumbent is so difficult to defeat.
Ohio Mom
One thing I figured out in my older years is that you might as well be cautiously optimistic.
Whatever happens politically is not influenced by what I think. I can do small things like vote and volunteer and throw a few bucks in the hat, but my visions of catastrophe or victory don’t make those things happen. But the quality of my life is much improved when I try to keep on the hopeful side.
Starboard Tack
I quit caring about MLB baseball a while ago. They’re still trading on the history and quirkiness of the National Pastime but it’s all slick and corporate. Can you imagine Mark Fidrych or Doc Gooden pitching today? I got used to realignment and interleague play, but the DH in the National League is too much. I’ll watch MLB seriously again when there’s one knuckleballer in regular rotation. The minor leagues have been a remnant but they may soon be eviscerated. Anyway. /rant
@Ohio Mom: I had that done to me in the ambulance when I had my tachycardia event, and I was awake, although not at my best. I thought it was interesting. My husband was horrified when I told him about it later.
@Anne Laurie:
My sense — which might be completely worng — is that it’s mostly a dramatic/creative arts/theater/TV type of place.
@Ohio Mom: Atul Gawande has a memorable story in Being Mortal about going with his parents (all three of them are/were surgeons, mind you) to get opinions from a couple of doctors about a tumor on his father’s spine. They gave drastically different opinions, and one of them, the one who wanted to do aggressive surgery, was quite angry when they chose the path recommended by the other one. That’s a great book, by the way. I should have mentioned it in the earlier thread.
@Kent: Exactly right on getting the best specialist and surgery centre you can. I had my knee replacements done at the Steadman Clinic in Vail, CO; the walls are covered with thank you photos from athletes, fighter pilots, celebrities and regular folks. It’s the US Olympic Medical centre so they understand wanting an active life after surgery. The surgery centre is the most efficient, well oiled machine I’ve ever seen.
When I did my 1 year review with the surgeon I thanked him for giving me my life back. I’m skiing, hiking, mountain biking and rock climbing just like I did decades ago, though I’m 62 now and not as strong as I was. I did lead my first 5.10a sport route last summer, and that’s 3 grades higher than I had ever led before (it was a “thinking” route instead of a brute strength one, so older but more experienced was the key). Modern medicine is amazing! Glad you are bouncing back so quickly!
@Starboard Tack: I got kind of bored when they became so obsessed with home runs. I like good fielding. Bases run, and double plays and that sort of thing. I hate that they are okay with striking out if they aren’t going to hit that homer. I don’t follow the stats. My husband says they have changed how they evaluate different stats, so the actual game has become really dull.
As a Daytonian I suspect Nan Whaley will consider a run. She not running for re-election, and has more name recognition now than when she ran for Gov. 3 years ago.
Considering the abuse that she endured, I would be very surprised if Acton wants more attention.
Ryan’s a possibility.
Perhaps Kucinich will try /s
@JanieM: That is a great book. It should be read by anyone approaching old age or with elderly parents. Or facing a potential health crisis.
Starboard Tack
Years ago I had my misaligned clavicle evaluated for resection and grafting at Steadman. They rejected me without much consideration. I’m sure they’re good surgeons but I didn’t care for their approach. I finally found a surgeon that agreed to do it at Panorama. It turned out as well as could be expected after 12 years.
I love that we have spent hours on this thread with hardly any lookback at Portman because that topic is so disappointing and yet so dull.
Ohio Mom
Ohio Dad talked to four different heart surgeons (we have three big hospitals with big heart centers in Cincinnati, an embarrassment of riches).
Two of them wanted to open him up, one tried to get him into his trans catheter study but couldn’t (that was Ohio Dad’s first choice), and one did robot-assisted surgery that only requires a four inch slit between two ribs, which is what O.D. chose.
He had some Afib going on the second day and ended up being sent sent down to the inversion clinic. They give people shocks all day long — it can be outpatient for some patients. For some reason the clinicians there were all wearing pirate bandanas that day.
Starboard Tack
His finest hour was taking on Ohio Bell. /s
@Starboard Tack: I used to live right around the corner from Panorama and had both a good experience and a bad one with their huge slate of doctors. The guy I went to at Steadman only does knees and hips and has a national reputation (Dr. Kim).
A good friend on the western slope had a bad shoulder blade break from a fall and after two local surgeries ended up with very limited movement and that doctor said “live with it, can’t be helped”, the PA quietly took her aside and said “I could get fired for this but go to Steadman and see this doctor, they can help you” so she did and ended up with a huge improvement in her ROM. It’s an art as well as science.
Starboard Tack
Yes. I agree Panorama has gotten too big but the surgeon is key. I have two good ones. Pat McNair for my shoulder and Ed Rowland for my hands. I have Dupuytrens Contracture in both hands. It’s not too bad and doesn’t interfere with using tools and playing bass, but I’m confident in my docs if/when I need treatment.
Ohio Mom
There isn’t anything to say about Portman, is there?
He voted with his party on their cockamamie schemes consistently, rately deviating and only when it wouldn’t make a difference and wouldn’t be noticed. He was good at being quiet and not flaunting the destruction he was enabling.
@Ohio Mom: which makes the past week of gushy press for him all the more frustrating. The eminently reasonable “moderate” who voted with Trump 90%+ of the time
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
All the folks doing this stupid “ha ha ohio hurr dure Bob Evans!” stuff (actually you could probably fill in 44 states in that slot from most of these snotty bigots)… they’re kind of the actual problem here. People leaving and segregating themselves in blue holes and thinking that’s some kind of superior thing to do, and better life to have. I do think of it as an American trait, this running away to the latest greatest place and sneering. It seems pretty stupid to me and I wonder what these people think life is about.
West Texan 70
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
tRump has celebrity, but he has no masculinity at all. I love mocking my “he-man” tRumpy acquaintances about how soft and whiny he is. In the end, they love him because he hates the same people they do.
@sab: I know this thread is beyond dead but I had to chime in and agree with you on that. Ohio does have a deep bench of talented Black candidates, many of whom are women.
J R in WV
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Actually, there’s plenty of native Appalachian Ohio all along the Southern and Eastern parts of Ohio without looking for a transplant. Just like KY.
IIRC the only state that’s all Appalachian is West Virginia, all the rest are split, from N Alabama, East TN and KY, Western VA and NC, etc up through bits of PA, NY, and into New England.
J R in WV
@Amir Khalid:
Nothing clever about it~!!~
Evil Assholes, every one of them!
ETA: Ready and happy to kill Democratic voters in order to help their odds of being re-elected — how much more evil could you get???