Listening to this and I loved that the commentary is, “It’s okay if it all goes wrong. We’d prefer it to land, but this is a test flight…”
At the time of posting, it’s scheduled to launch in 26 minutes – ish if they don’t scrub it.
A lesson we could all learn. If you’re trying something new, it’s okay if it all goes wrong. I had a friend tell me when I was complaining that I was spending more time on my ass than actually skiing, “If you’re not falling, you’re not learning.”
Open thread
This looks like it was literally filmed today:
TaMara (HFG)
@germy: Embedding.
I still remember my first time skiing. I didn’t have proper ski clothes, so I was wearing a brand new pair of jeans, non pre-washed. Every time I fell, I left a blue dye mark in the snow.
It’s bad enough when you fall a lot while learning; it’s worse when you’ve got visible evidence that everyone can see as to just how much you fell. And since I’m a real klutz, that was a *lot* of evidence.
Mallard Filmore
Lots of spamming in the SN9 chat.
Patricia Kayden
Fraud Guy
Well, except maybe the first atomic bomb test, when they thought it *might* incinerate the atmosphere.
Your skiing story made me remember the first time I fell/was thrown from a horse, during a lesson. I took the walk of shame to the office, sheepishly said, “That’s the first time that’s happened to me” and the woman behind the counter, without looking up from her paperwork, said, “Three falls make a rider; thirty-three make a horsewoman.” And I went from embarrassment to, “Awesome! Only 32 left to go!” ?
Betty Cracker
Sounds like Pelosi is fed up with this QAnonsense:
@Betty Cracker:
In other words, you don’t beat a delusional worldview by joining it.
Betty Cracker
@Nicole: Haha! Sounds like she knew what she was talking about!
A guy I used to work with went on one of those trail rides and got thrown. We asked him if he got back on the horse, and he said, “No! It was a quarter of a mile away!” ;-)
@Mallard Filmore:
Well, people do need to be reminded their car warranty is about to expire and they need to act fast to keep their coverage before the price increase.
@Nicole: That’s why I will never be either! I was thrown from a horse, in France, and I didn’t get on a horse again for a long while. Eventually I went back but I have never been thrown from one, nor am I going to do the kind of riding that risks it. Falling while skiing is bad enough and I’ve done quite a bit of that, but I don’t mind it as much.
@Patricia Kayden:
These folk are not playing around.
I ski. I don’t fall very much any more. Am I learning? Some. Have learned not to ski beyond my abilities and hence not to fall. I don’t have the legs I did in my 20’s so……
@Betty Cracker: “Q-CA” – Love. It.
I think I’m going with that, and with “the GQP”, until they prove otherwise
@kindness: same here…skiing is great, skiing and pushing it to the edge (so that I fall a lot), not so much.
I missed it this year, but next year, look out!
TaMara (HFG)
Two minutes…
@Jeffro: Now that we are finally getting some snow I hope to go soon. I was worried this year was going to be a zero.
Catherine D.
@Nicole: I always remember it as two kinds of riders – those who have fallen off, and those who haven’t yet
OT. Some sad news. From the BBC
I imagine that Captain Sir Tom fell a few times in his long and productive life.
Give me a fruitful failure anytime, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truths for yourself.
said some dead white guy once
Btw glad to see that neither side was having any of this BS: Kaine pulls censure resolution idea.
I love Tim but c’mon man, if inciting a violent insurrection doesn’t warrant impeachment and being barred from future office, nothing does.
if you go, be careful and try to stay out of the lodges/food halls/bars…same risk as indoor dining/bars only worse.
Chief Oshkosh
Yeah, I’ll take the next one…
john b
that was a spectacular explosion! I tuned about 20 seconds before the boom
Old School
It (the rocket landing) went wrong. I guess that’s okay.
@Patricia Kayden: It’s as if they know what to do! Great news.
The other rocket was spared. Everyone gets a bonus!
@Nicole: I remember the first time I got back in a van after breaking my back and spending a year if a full body cast. Had ta do it.
Regarding the thread title: When I was in early high school, my dad took my older brother and I aside to tell us that failing was okay, and even could be useful in the long run. The key was to learn from your failures so that you didn’t fail in the same way. Take pride and ownership in what you did wrong so that you can do better in the future, and you have nothing to be ashamed of.
It made an impression on me. It made a bigger impression on my brother, who’d had a middling high school career and was starting to struggle in his post-high-school life. It gave him the freedom to try new things, go new places. And when he figured out what he wanted to do, he went back to school and became a nurse.
This idea is one of the more important lessons you can teach a kid. Do your (reasonable) best, but if you fail then don’t freak out. Just look at why you failed and move on.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
Those calls are getting annoying, especially since they’re coming in on my Skype number while I’m seven time zones ahead of the East Coast. I once told a caller that the last car I owned was an Alfa Romeo 33 (I don’t think the 33 was ever sold in the United States), from like 1988, way out of warranty, and it was scrapped in 2015 anyway.
Mistakes Are Building Blocks to Success
Grumpy Code Monkey
At least it was a *different* problem this time, which is good.
Looks like the second engine may have eaten itself on (re)startup. Someone in another forum was speculating what kind of weirdness happens when you flip a rapidly spinning turbopump 90 degrees; if there’s any kind of defect in the shaft or blades, you can bet that’s where it will break.
It took quite a few tries to get the Falcon 9 landings down; I fully expect the next couple of Starships to fail similarly.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
Trying to recall: how many times did they biff the landing on the Falcon lower stages before successfully sticking one?
I am infinitely educated.
@Fraud Guy: Reading the history, that was just a wee bit frightening. Enrico Fermi reportedly took bets on whether Trinity would “ignite the atmosphere, and if so, whether it would merely destroy New Mexico or destroy the world.”
The smarter you get, the more you realize how much you do not know.
@Patricia Kayden:
clap clap clap clap
“Qevin McCarthy.”
Just now regaining my breath from laughing.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
My husband asked them about getting our 1991 Volvo back on warranty. Car has technically been totaled once. Ixnay.
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
@BruceFromOhio: Yup… Moving from the unknown unknowns to the known unknowns. Plus a lot of unknown knowns.
Punxatawney Phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter? How could he have possibly have seen his shadow?
Don K
I made the mistake of learning to ski at 30 years old, and of course was tentative and nervous, and jealous of the kids zooming downhill because they’re fearless at that age. I’m convinced learning any activity involving overcoming fear should be done in childhood. It’s like watching videos of 5-6 year olds racing quarter-midget cars. They’re going like 30 mph, are really well padded and protected against mishaps, and every spin is a learning experience about car control.
That’s really something. What a great team those two make.
TaMara (HFG)
@MisterForkbeard: Cool story! I decided to post the launch just because the announcers were so adamant that failing was okay.
Sometimes people need to hear that.
Miss Bianca
@TaMara (HFG): My horse trainer told me the same thing – about my horse! How I had to give her room to fail during training sessions, rather than trying to prevent failure at all, because otherwise she wasn’t learning anything. First time I’ve ever heard any trainer say that – and it’s made a big difference in how I approach working with her.
Mike J
The very first thing we teach in sailing classes is how to get the boat upright and get back in it after you capsize.
@Miss Bianca: Awww… you have a good trainer. I think horses know, too, and when they’re treated kindly they really want to figure out how to succeed for you. I remember once trying to do ground rails with my (much-missed-and-much-beloved) Appy gelding. He kept bumping them with his hooves and I finally said, eh, let’s go back to the barn. We got 50 feet away and I could tell he wanted to go back to the ring (he NEVER wanted to go back to the ring). We went back, he did the most perfect steps over the rails a rider could ask for, and then was ready to go home. He had just needed some time to process. :)
@Catherine D.:
Heh. Makes me think of a T-shirt I saw that said, “Riding: The art of keeping the horse between you and the ground.”
Yeah, that’s a hell of a duo right there.
@Miss Bianca: @Nicole: @TaMara (HFG):
You horse ladies would enjoy this look at how young recruits become members of the Household Cavalry, the folks you see on horseback in London in those magnificent uniforms.
This show follows them through their training and the horse riding is something to see.
The Queen’s Cavalry.
@Mike J: First thing they teach you at judo training is how to fall. Or more accurately, how to land.
Miss Bianca
@Nicole: Awww…sweet
@HumboldtBlue: Wow – I’ll check that out!
TaMara (up top) there is a beautiful essay written by David Duchovny on this very subject in The Atlantic today. I’d link to it but I haven’t learned how to do that yet. :(