On Lawrence O’Donnell’s show, Rep. Katie Porter’s described hiding out in her office with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for six hours while the Trump-incited mob rampaged through the U.S. Capitol:*
People have unique reactions to trauma. Young Turks correspondent Michael Tracey, who was once knocked senseless by Rep. Maxine Waters, carries the lingering effects of that beat-down into every analysis he conducts of traumatic events experienced by others. After hearing AOC describe her terror during the Capitol insurrection on Instagram Live last night, which AOC mentioned that she experienced as a sexual assault survivor, Tracey reached this conclusion:
This is a masterclass in emotional manipulation — a genuine political/rhetorical skill. Gotta hand it to her
Bitches be scheming, and AOC’s emotional manipulation strategy was aided by a years-long, not-at-all sexualized demonization campaign in wingnut media, where she was and is the subject of rants featuring a then-sitting president and his most rabid followers, including elected Republicans who constantly advertise their armed status and enthusiasm for authoritarianism. The trap thus baited, AOC pounced, according to Tracey, who probably still wakes up screaming to slo-mo visions of Waters’ handbag swinging through space toward his head.
Anyhoo, the Capitol insurrection was less than a month ago, which proves that, like the virus itself, the temporal anomalies associated with the pandemic are still with us. When the impeachment trial starts in the US Senate approximately 400 weeks from now, we’ll need lots of video to remind us what it was like on January 6, shrouded as events are now in the mists of antiquity. That’s how emotional manipulation works.
Open thread!
*I would watch the shit out of a Netflix movie about the congresswomen’s ordeal that afternoon, especially if it was produced by the Coen Bros. and starred Aubrey Plaza as AOC and Frances McDormand as Porter.
Aubrey Plaza? That is a Fantastic. Idea.
I just hope some people are getting answers. Two Capitol police committed suicide, but some didn’t. Some may know exactly what happened in AOC’s office that day.
We need more accounts and reckoning, not less.
Oh, and Lindsey Graham warned Democrats not to have witnesses or he’d call the FBI.
Don’t threaten me with a good time, Asshole.
Hey, having a mob calling your name looking to kill you in your workplace is no walk in the park, but getting your book contract canceled for a week before it’s picked up by a subsidiary of the same publisher? (10,000-yard stare) You don’t know the things I’ve seen.
Bobby Thomson
Christoph Waltz as Kevin McCarthy; Ralph Fiennes or Tom Hiddleston as Josh Hawley; Joaquin Phoenix as Ted Cruz; Charlize Theron as Marjorie Taylor Greene; Margot Robbie as Lauren Boebert
@Bobby Thomson: No one wants to play those people. I’m reminded of the guy who played the guy who tried to assault Edith Bunker, and how it was kind of the end for him.
(The fact that his name was David Dukes didn’t help either. Poor guy.)
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I think I can help Young Turk’s
correspondentasshole Michael Tracey get over his emotional problems. It’s something Lucy in her psychiatrist role in ‘Peanuts’ once did: provide him with a new physical beat down. Nothing like some physical pain to take one’s mind of their emotional troubles.Oh, you mean it might creat *new* emotional problems? I’m good with that.
Speaking of brave Michael Tracey, here’s footage of him:
I’m not sure if this is before or after he claimed he was beaten nearly to death by the 80 year old Black woman.
As a guy, Tracey (and Greenwald, and Graham, and Trump, and Hawley, and Carlson, and…) is embarrassing as hell. I know the women have their MTGs and Ivankas, but I think we’ve far outclassed you in the total waste of oxygen department.
Lacuna Synechdoche
Betty Cracker @ Top:
I was thinking more Aubrey Plaza for the Katie “Truly, I curse like a fucking sailor” Porter role, and Argentine-Brit-American Anya Taylor-Joy for AOC.
Raoul Paste
While some are pushing for it, I actually dread the idea of Trump testifying at the impeachment trial
I envision it being like the first Biden Trump debate, with trump spewing a firehose of lies, non-stop interruptions, and Trump will not STFU
Men always gotta think they’re better at everything.
@Raoul Paste:
If he testifies, he’ll set himself up for a perjury charge. I don’t think he will.
Lacuna Synechdoche
Raoul Paste:
Well, if he does, then that would give the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms a good reason – Contempt of Congress – to drag Trump down to the basement cell and keep him there until it was time for him to testify.
I mean, sure, that would never happen, but a man can dream.
@Baud: I’m sure his lawyers have explained that, but given the opportunity to get in the spotlight, will he listen?
(I may be misremembering, but he had the same problem before 2016 – several lawyers quit because he wouldn’t take their advice.)
@Raoul Paste: The difference is there is muscle in the Senate chamber to haul his raving ass off-stage, should it be needed. Would be really cool if they just threw a net over him and dragged him away.
Fair Economist
I hope Trump does testify. While he’s under oath would be a great time to ask him questions about all sorts of things. I fantasize about Presiding Senator Leahy chucking Trump’s diapered ass in jail for contempt when he refuses to answer a question.
I would watch the shit out of Maxine Waters killing Michael Tracy just by starring daggers at him.
Chyron HR
Aww, the useful idiot thinks he’s a co-conspirator.
@Baud: In the past when he has had to testify, hasn’t he been unable to remember anything?
Didn’t all of them go “Fuck this! We’re out!”?
@Baud: True!
@mrmoshpotato: I think he got new ones. Heavy koolaid drinkers, IIRC, who may actually push his claims about election fraud.
“I’m gonna Alberto Gonzalez their asses!”
Tacey is a ghoul who stays alive by sucking the blood of people he claims to disdain. He would be nothing at all without AOC and Maxine Waters. That’s why he is so vicious.
I mean, for months people have been claiming on the internet they wanted to kill her, and the a mob of violent people showed up shouting that they wanted to kill her, but really, she’s just overreacting to the whole thing.
@Bobby Thomson: How about Benedict Cumberbatch for Hawley? I always think of Cumberbatch when I see that raised-fist photo.
The entirety of the Young Turk organization needs to de dropped into the Marianas Trench. What a ghastly bunch of posturing fools.
In case nobody else linked to it, here’s AOC’c ordeal in her own words.
@Raoul Paste:
I’m more worried about Trump’s talent to incite stochastic terrorism every time he speaks.
@germy: Back when Cenk was one of DKos’s many false dieties du jour I got a time-out for telling him directly to go fuck himself.
I am proud of that moment.
I think all the Republican parts should be played by child actors. Ten year olds, or maybe younger. Their dialog should be verbatim from Hawley’s, Greene’s & Boebert’s speeches and tweets.
Amir Khalid
@Hildebrand: I wonder why they call themselves that. Cenk Uygur was already middle-aged when he started the outfit.
You should be proud. They’re horrible. Even their name is offensive.
O. Felix Culpa
@different-church-lady: Not only that, but a violent mob that actually did kill people. So yeah, she’s overreacting.
Katie Porter was a great port in the storm: “Greetings! I have coffee! And sneakers…”
@germy: You might get sued by the estate of Jerome Bixby for infringing on “It’s A Good Life”. Or possibly John Wyndham for The Midwich Cuckoos.
Hmmmm. Peculiar. Why do some want wypipo actresses to play AOC? No talent available among the hispanic actor community?
I trust all jackals here will contribute to my defense fund.
@different-church-lady: And I am proud of you for that proud moment.
@Jude: Call the FBI for what? It’s not illegal to have witnesses at a trial.
@Immanentize: Selma Hayek could kill that roll.
@indycat32: “Hello, FBI? Can you bring more popcorn?”
Al Z.
@Immanentize: Audrey Plaza’s father is Puerto Rican.
WaPo reporting multiple FBI agents shot while serving a warrant in south FL. I have to wonder if it is a MAGAt.
@Al Z.: Fine, let him play AOC.
O. Felix Culpa
@germy: She’s a mom. Prepared for all occasions, including but not limited to rightwing insurrection.
@geg6: Trump’s trying to shoot his way out, eh?
Betty Cracker
@Immanentize: Don’t know much about Aubrey Plaza, huh?
Lacuna Synechdoche
To be fair, even with AOC and Maxine Waters, Tracey is still nothing at all.
Here’s my prediction: If he’s white, he’ll be taken alive. The only way he dies is if he shoots himself before they can get to him.
@OzarkHillbilly: True. But Hayek is in her mid 50s. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! But AOC is more than two decades younger.
O. Felix Culpa
@Amir Khalid: Delusional? In multiple ways?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@germy: What a brilliant idea
Don’t forget about the removed PANIC BUTTONS ???
Dorothy A. Winsor
@indycat32: He says to testify. Could not tell you about what.
O. Felix Culpa
@rikyrah: Yeah, I’m firmly convinced that there was inside help. I hope it gets fully exposed.
ETA: and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Book’em, Danno.
Lacuna Synechdoche
We tried, but there was a credibility problem with the script. All the ten year olds we auditioned refused to believe anyone would ever say anything that fucking stupid.
@Al Z.: she is named after a song by Bread, fer god’s sake! ?
@different-church-lady: great answer.
Its terrible what AOC and other D Congress people had to go through on Jan 6 but let’s also not forget that AOC and much leftie BS Twitter has been baying for Nancy Pelosi’s blood for the last two years
Nancy Pelosi and her ice-cream was a two week Twitter conspiracy this summer fueled mostly by BS sympathetic Rose Twitter.
@Betty Cracker: half is better than nothing! That’s a good motto. One drop and all is Florida’s historic position for sure!
@Immanentize: She doesn’t look a day over 29.
@rikyrah: yes, I haven’t. And Pressley has been really mum on that topic. ?
@OzarkHillbilly: at my age, no one looks a day over 29 unless they are one day over my age.
O. Felix Culpa
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t recall AOC advocating for Pelosi to be murdered.
The older I get, the younger everyone else looks.
Lacuna Synechdoche
Actually, Aubrey Plaza’s father is Puerto Rican.
And I recommended Anya Taylor-Joy, an Argentine whose first language is Spanish.
I’m wondering when we’re going to hear more about that story — Rep. Pressley talked about it just days after the attack.
@O. Felix Culpa: Well she didn’t want her to be murdered but all other rhetoric against NP was A. OK including the two week Rose Twitter hate fest about NP’s fridge and ice-cream.
Are we going to memory hole the constant hate directed Pelosi’s way from the more supposedly progressive corners of the internet.
TaMara (HFG)
@Lacuna Synechdoche: That interview was gold. I did not know Katie Porter and I shared an affinity for the value of swearing…
Tim Ryan literally tried to replace NP. Any thoughts on him?
O. Felix Culpa
@schrodingers_cat: While all that was off-base and dishonest, it is not the same as inciting murder.
@Immanentize: @germy: Funny how that works.
@germy: Not a fan. If there was a FP post about Ryan I would have definitely brought it up. But bringing up Ryan here is a strawman argument.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
What kind of girly man makes a fuss about some nana like Water pushing them?
@O. Felix Culpa: That I agree with. All I am saying is that the far left has directed constant hate towards NP, since 2018 if not earlier.
Sarah Doomzior for example has called NP a Russian asset.
A bunch of raving moronic lunatics stormed the Capitol Building threatening the basics premises of our government. Lives were threatened, lost and ruined and there’s an argument in here about who gets to play the participants on TV. I know that it’s a feature of BJ that posts veer wildly from their original topic but this is not even a tangentially important issue. Focus people, focus.
@Bobby Thomson:
Has to be a spot for Christopher Walken in there somewhere.
@Lacuna Synechdoche
Selena Gomez as Ocasio-Cortez?
Try as I might, I can’t recall AOC baying for Pelosi’s blood – ever.
Nor am I.
He thought he could step into NP’s role, which I found arrogant. I was more offended by him than I am by various rose twitter randos who babble to each other, because Ryan had power.
“And Christopher Walken as The Beaver.”
I find this….disturbing.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Via CNN re that Florida FBI shooting.
@danielx: The baying for blood comment was rhetorical and perhaps not a great choice of words on my part. But NP has been a target of hateful rhetoric by AOC and her mentor’s social media fan following. Adding to the overall negative NP rhetoric on social media and even the MSM.
Lacuna Synechdoche
That could work too, but I think Taylor-Joy is a better actress.
I see Joe is cleaning up that rats nest of Puerto Rican recovery money. Islanders (and anyone living in the now) support a resilient grid based on solar, while shit-for-brains was pushing for a LNG power plant and 1950s style radial grid.
@schrodingers_cat: Mountains. Anthills. Distinction between. All that all that.
Violent MAGATs stormed the capitol looking to murder NP and AOC.
But some rose twitter people criticized NP for stocking ice cream.
So both sides, really.
I mean, you feel bad for AOC, “but…”
@cope: We’re not trying to solve the world’s problems here. We are passing the time in useless argumentation.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
In other words, Trump Country.
@rikyrah: Don’t forget all the people who were taken on “tours” the day before. Surely that’s when the panic buttons were ripped out.
@Lacuna Synechdoche: you do know about Argentina white people, yes?
Did you know that people in France speak — get this — French?
If I were casting this, I’d pick Ana De Armas.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Immanentize: Don’t know what her ethnicity is but Sara Tomko looks the part of AOC and was pretty good in the pilot of Resident Alien – the new SyFy network show.
@TaMara (HFG): Listen to Katie Porter on Pod Save America. She is a huge swear-er. Just one more thing to love.
@germy: MAGAts are far worse. Never said that they were equivalent.
I hold Ds and people on our side to a higher standard than MAGAts.
Double comment. Deleted.
I’m not much of an AOC fan but this is whataboutism.
@MomSense: She’d be good, very good.
All those details should come out during the impeachment trial. From what I’ve read, Democrats will be showing video and testimony about the invasion. This is what Lindsey Graham is nervous about. He knows they’re planning a full audio-visual presentation, with all the ugly details. And he knows there’s lots of photos of him grinning with people who were planning the invasion.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: re: Florida shootings. A 10:30am CBS radio news update said the FBI was serving a warrant for child pornography charges.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Oh, to testify. In that case I say, please proceed Senator. Can hardly wait to hear about the ongoing threat of white supremacists.
@O. Felix Culpa: Agreed.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@germy: It’s Florida, so how many bags of crack and live alligators will be involved?
@germy: That is not the only thing that Ryan has ever done in his 18 years in Congress He has since admitted on national television multiple times how misguided he was and how much he admires her and her political skills.
He is mostly pretty progressive/liberal. If people want to criticize him then look at his actual record.
This reminds me of when all the Daily Kos people went after Sherrod Brown because he got into the Senate race after Paul Hackett ( Marine and and ambulance chaser from reddest district in Ohio) had already bought his campaign bus.
patrick II
@Lacuna Synechdoche:
I was thinking “Knives Out” Ana de Armas as AOC but Anya Taylor-Joy would be good too.
Also video of him after the insurrection, terrified and speaking heresy like “Trump lost the election,” which he’d prefer the cult not be reminded of.
Yes, I know he expressed regret. I think he has a good shot at his next race. I’m glad he has the capacity to grow and change. That’s one of the strengths of most Democrats.
But I was replying to criticism of AOC that was based on the tweets of various rose randos. AOC voted for NP. Ryan ran against her.
@Amir Khalid: Most of the military officers who helped overthrow the Ottoman Empire were in their thirties and forties. Young is relative.
@schrodingers_cat: Occassionly disagreeing is not baying for blood. We aren’t Republicans. Our guys are allowed to have differences of opinion on strategies and even policies.
patrick II
@Raoul Paste:
I think it is important to have a mike cut-off, as they did at the second debate, otherwise, it will be like his earlier debates where he just keeps talking, lying, interrupting and bullying with no way to stop him.
And the reason those officials taped Trump’s call (“Give me a break here, I need more votes”) is because they knew Graham had been making calls asking for legal votes to be tossed.
He should be very nervous the next few weeks.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@sab: Paul Hackett! I’ve barely looked at Kos for a decade, but they had a talent for turning mediocrities into heroes. Remember Ciro Rodriguez? I fell for that one
@OzarkHillbilly: Point taken, thanks. What was I thinking?
Reminds me of the time when I was still teaching and the class was acting silly about something (somebody farted? a cockroach scuttled across the room? somebody fell asleep and slobbered all over the desk?) and I got pissed off enough to yell (and I was not one of the yelling teachers). One of the students looked at me and said, “Gee, Mr. cope, we’re just kids”.
“Gee, cope, they’re just BJ commenters”.
@Lacuna Synechdoche:
We’re talking about him. That’s what he gets out of it.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Suggests a humorous (?) Venn diagram, where the circles are child p*rn, guns, and crack, and the states are plotted. Florida won’t be the only one in the middle, and even adding “alligators” might not help.
@germy: And then he voted for her. She is a wonder and she is also eighty. We will be truly fucked if she doesn’t have a succession plan. (I think she does.)
@sab: In the event, Ryan, Moulton, Rice and the rest of their group voted for Pelosi as Speaker. Some freshman Democratic Representatives voted for others as they had promised while campaigning. When one of these, Mikie Sherrill (NJ), met with Pelosi during the campaign and started to bring this up, Pelosi cut her off, saying: “Don’t worry about that. Just win, baby!”
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t like the derision directed at Pelosi but it’s not the same thing and we don’t benefit by trying to make it seem like it is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@sab: her succession plan was Joe Crowley. Now it seems to be Hakeem Jeffries, whom the Justice Dems have also targeted, I believe
TaMara (HFG)
@Betty Cracker: There are some commenters that should be pied and ignored as a rule… YMMV
I agree. I’m certain she has a plan. And I know she’ll be available for her replacement, for advice and guidance.
Betty Cracker
@cope: Sometimes it’s best to back slowly out of the room…
@MomSense: I’m not casting for the insurection either, but that would be a pretty awesome choice.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: I really want to watch that! Thanks for reminding me!
@germy: What is it Graham thinks “the FBI” HAS? OR was that just Fox news bullshit crazy talk? Inquiring minds and all….
Omnes Omnibus
Wow. If you can’t see the difference….
@Barbara: I agree that they are not the same thing. But the sneering contempt of left towards Pelosi echoed a lot of the RW MAGA rhetoric. You can check out the most popular DSA and Rose Twitter handles if you don’t believe me.
MAGAs are far worse because they have acted on that rhetoric.
Let me add my thought about a movie — don’t do it! The only thing “I Tonya” managed to do was partially rehabilitate Harding (until she tried to grift off the movie by charging for interviews that I understand she was contractually bound to give in order to promote the movie). It is the nature of people trying to inhabit a role to make others at least understand their character and more often than not, that effort undermines the bad stuff and creates unjustified sympathy. Doesn’t matter who. It could be Charles Manson, and a movie about him is more likely to soften than harden his image.
Expletive Deleted
Stephanie Beatriz or maybe Natalie Morales for AOC. Dustin Milligan as Hawley, based on his sociopathic performance in Dirk Gently rather than his cuddly Schitt’s Creek one.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: From what I can tell, Graham thinks the FBI will testify that the Proud Boys etc planned the insurrection which will let Trump off the hook.
@sab: As you know, I do not have the highest opinion of Mssr. Ryan’s past behaviors. But he really has come around in the last two years. I think he (and Seth Moulton) learned the high hard way which side of the bread the butter was on. The faux populism that each of them tried did not deliver for them the way they wanted
@geg6: Doesn’t look like it, at least not overtly. The warrant was a search for child pr0n.
Which he did.
@Omnes Omnibus: I can see the difference. MAGAs acted on their vile rhetoric. Where I disagree is that the leftie hatred of NP is benign and without consequence. That it is an ant hill
Some example of benign D-hating by our progressive betters.
The DSA caucus and their social media followers were tweeting guillotines and telling supporters of other candidates to bend the knee when it looked like St Sanders of Vt had won one primary and one caucus state.
They are dangerous too. It was because of BS diehards that we even got the Orange Clown as the President in the first place.
They even started the rhetoric of rigged elections when BS didn’t win the 2016 primaries. Threw chairs, accused DNC.
@schrodingers_cat: Didn’t AOC fire her mentor because of that stuff?
ETA :Thinking about it I don’t know who you mean as her mentor. But I thought she had pretty much distanced her from all the Justice Democrats (who seem to only go after older women politicians, mostly but not always black.)
@germy: The myth that AOC has been leading a rear action war against Pelosi is, well, uninformed. So, I understood what you were referring to. She is much more and much better than the worst of her supporters, as are all politicians (including, I suspect, Ryan).
@ian: And their life expectancy was also relatively young….
ETA there is a reason armies recruit teenagers.
@patrick II: But there will be questioners, not moderators. A good questioner has many tricks to stop a blowhard witness. One, interestingly, is to let them blow hard at least once early on.
@cope: I was one of the students you hated. One recess we managed to convince all the boys in the class to catch grasshoppers and sneak them into the room. Our teacher turned her back and in the next instance the air was full of grasshoppers and the screams of the girls.
@sab: I think you are referring to Saikat Chakraborty. Yes she fired him because he got too toxic for her.
He is a tech-millionaire. BTW.
I was referring to the senator from Vt.
ETA: Another fun fact is that Justice Democrats PAC which funded AOC’s first run for office is funded by tech millionaires and billionaires. And their main goal has been to take on members of the CBC in the primaries. I don’t think their intentions are benign. Most BJ commentariat disagrees with me. But that doesn’t bother me much.
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: I know that AL and some others have been particularly harsh about Moulton, but one of my most lefty friends from college lives in Salem and has been, and continues to be, strongly supportive of him. It appears that opinions may vary.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
SEN. GRAHAM: “Agent Jones, who planned the insurrection?”
FBI AGENT: “I am unable to comment on an ongoing investigation, Senator Individual 3.”
@germy: Making innocent 10 year olds read Republican fascist ravings sounds like abuse to me.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
as someone who thinks AOC is solipsistic, narcissistic, shockingly immature for a 31 YO, kind of an asshole in general and politically damaging for Democrats in the near to mid-term, that’s a separate discussion from what happened on January 6
and the whole “Aubrey Plaza isn’t really Puerto Rican” thing is pretty fucking gross, too.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Yes because “Stand down and standby” wasn’t a call to friends to wait for the right moment.
@sab: You are right baying for blood was an unfortunate choice of words.
@schrodingers_cat: please seek help.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: In November 2018, after Hakeem Jeffries won the race for Caucus Chairman over Barbara Lee, Politico’s Laura Barron-Lopez reported that “sources close Ocasio-Cortez” -probably her chief of staff and press secretary- intended to primary Jeffries, and even had a candidate lined up. The story was over in a day. Ocasio-Cortez denounced it, but as some people pointed out, did not exactly deny it. When asked for comment, Jeffries responded, “Democracy is a beautiful thing….Spread the love, it’s the Brooklyn Way.” Jeffries likes to quote Brooklyn rapper Biggie Smalls, and some people found the last part to be a veiled threat. But basically Jeffries is a very smart man with nothing to fear from a primary challenge.
@OzarkHillbilly: I never hated my students. Well, maybe that one kid…
You mean the guy who bragged incessantly about his wonderful memory? “The best memory”? That guy?
@Omnes Omnibus: He was in trouble when he went after Pelosi, and he was momentarily in the Senate race against Markey until Kennedy bulled in. But all seems to have been forgiven and he is on the team now and is, I think, a useful Dem to have as a vet with ambition. But he is to the left of Lamb, thankfully.
@schrodingers_cat: I agree with your point here. Republicans’ lockstep has made it really difficult to have normal policy disagreements on our side without seeming to be “in disarray.”
I deeply admire Nancy Pelosi, but I did not and cannot vote for her. Only only have one Congressman, and he is allowed to have his own opinions and positions. I can yell at him for those. I can’t do anything about Pelosi (who I deeply admire) because I don’t live in San Francisco.
I don’t want our Congresspeople muted by the speaker. Pelosi does not do that. Republicans do that. Newt Gingrich (dump the ailing wives), Denny Hastert (convicted pedophile), Paul Ryan (lying marathoner), Kevin McCarthy (dumber than my not-bright cocker spaniel.)
Edmund Dantes
We really should be calling out the Aubrey Plaza hate here a bit more. Just own up to you didn’t know one of her parents was Puerto Rican and move on instead of trying to defend it.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That would not be the worst result, given Trump’s “stand back and stand by.” That just puts Trump into the planning phase earlier.
@schrodingers_cat: I am happy to let the senator from Vermont travel the world in his wonderful mittens. Gives him the attention he craves.
Child pron is the taboo go to when you want to say someone is really evil. There are far fewer child pron prosecutions than there are child pron allegations. All pron might be child pron, so just charge it and see what ends up being true seems to be the police methodology at times. That said, if they were serving a warrant for child pornography….
@sab: No I don’t want our Congressional representatives to be silenced either but what BS did to HRC in the 2016 primaries was unforgivable.
I also did not like the Squad and Rep. Jaypal (who I admire for her anti-Modi stance, BTW) smiled as the crowd booed when HRC was mentioned.
@OzarkHillbilly: like the nine year old the police handcuffed and pepper sprayed in Rochester:
Police– you’re acting like a child!
Child — I am a child.
@SiubhanDuinne: Never on the stand, under oath. He may be an idiot, but he is not stupid ( or vice versa.)
@sab: Ambassador to Denmark. He can use his mittens there!
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t know that this forum is so favorable to the Justice Democrats. I found this place when I was grudge-researching the group, and I checked out a very critical post by Adam Silverman on the strangely named Balloon Juice blog.
@schrodingers_cat: I agree with you there re HRC. Even women and Democrats can be and are misogynists.
Actually that is why I was heartened that Tim Ryan sought and accepted HRC’s endorsement (if that is what it was.) One of his improvements in the last few years (since he got married) is recognizing that women have agency, intelligence and useful ideas. 12 years of all male parochial school education takes some guys a while to overcome.
Omnes Omnibus
Yeah, I don’t really mind having some of the younger generation showing signs of ambition. It isn’t a bad thing – especially when everyone gets back on side after the leadership question is resolved.
Melissa McCarthy should play Katie Porter. Fight me!
Oh and TYT I despise them all with white hot furnace rage.
Omnes Omnibus
Then why do you keep bringing it up?
Just One More Canuck
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: he was so traumatized by Auntie Maxine that he almost stopped stroking his beard
Another Scott
@sab: +1
There are videos of depositions of him out there. “I have no specific recollection…” He knows how not to answer questions when it matters.
Also too, he didn’t answer a bunch of Mueller’s written questions, IIRC.
As a constituent, I can say with 100% certainty that Conor Lamb is as far left as his district will accept. I am thankful to have him.
@Raoul Paste:
Although I would pay to see the presiding officer call for the Sgt at Arms to restrain and gag him.
@Lacuna Synechdoche:
After “Queen’s Gambit” nobody can afford Anna Taylor-Joy.
This is what I was talking about.
From Feel the Bern to QAnon
Hating on Ds 24/7 from our left flank is not benign contrary to what many on this blog think.
@Edmund Dantes:
I just know she’s awesome–and a bit scary–and her parents are not relevant to a casting decision. Actors…act. (April, the P&R character, was fleshed out to fit her skillset.) Regardless, as a New Yorker could she play a New York bartender who implausibly gets elected to congress? She could play the hell out of that.
@Omnes Omnibus: Because it does bother me a little bit. Not enough to change my opinion but enough to notice the added hostility after 2016 from commenters like you.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think part of the problem is that the perception of Massachusetts as wicked lefty has always been inaccurate so people wonder why a more conservative Dem would be liked and doubt he is representative of his constituency. I think the perception is because of McGovern, Teddy Kennedy, the rhetoric of the ‘88 election, all the colleges and universities, and years of Click and Clack’s “People’s Republic of Cambridge” joke. I have a friend in his district and while she would prefer a more progressive Rep, she thinks he is as far left as they can elect and that he’s a good person.
I’m confused by the impulse to have a made for TV movie about this incident.
I don’t think I could conjure up a more “unserious” reaction to sedition, which would serve more to “move past it” than anything the Republicans are pushing for.
Maybe it’s because I’m assuming it’d be campy as shit with the Coen Brothers in charge, but seriously… We need to see this through in the real world first.
(soapbox dismount)
FWIW I’d cast Aubrey Plaza as Nancy Pelosi — there’s murder in those eyes
Edmund Dantes
@trollhattan: I just find it funny a person of Puerto Rican descent gets shouted down and the person they offer instead Is almost a carbon copy except she’s Mexican American versus Puerto Rican American cause Selena Gomez was named after a Mexican singer and darker skin I guess?
@geg6: I don’t think there is that much difference policywise between Congressmen Moulton and Lamb anyway.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Geminid: very weird how some people want to make Conor Lamb into the Junior Joe Manchin for the crime of (checks notes) flipping a congressional seat from R to D, and then holding it.
@MomSense: I have a moderate Republican sister in Mass married to a native Republican. They are still there, and Gym Jordan horrifies them. Still pining for Weld. They are still out there.
And they always vote. They are Republican and they hate Trump passionately.
@germy: That’s child abuse!
@trollhattan: If ethnicity is key to a character, then it sure as hell is relevant who the actor’s parents are…and I believe her ethnic background is a key part of AOC.
There’s been LOTS of erasure of Latinx talent in the industry; that’s not something Balloon Juicers should condone.
This thread is dead and long since derailed, which is a shame because what AOC actually said bears hearing: “The reason I’m getting emotional in this moment is because the folks who tell us to move on, that it’s not a big deal, that we should forget what’s happened, or even telling us to apologize, these are the same tactics of abusers.”
Oh, and I can comment again in Visual mode, so there’s that.
Betty Cracker
Probably because there isn’t really such an impulse. The remark was a feeble attempt at humor that seemed too obvious to tag as such (beyond putting it at the bottom with an asterisk to set it apart from the actual topic). Naturally it became a focus of the conversation…
[insert eyeroll emo-thingie]
@CatFacts: Not totally dead!
Let me know whether you can continue to comment in visual mode or if that was just a fluke. Apparently that has been working very occasionally since 85.0 Firefox came out. Hoping that it’s not a fluke, obviously!
Bobby Thomson
@danielx: Mango Mussolini himself.
@waspuppet: Haven’t read through the comments yet, so maybe somebody else has replied, but David Dukes went on to act in many TV shows and movies and won an Emmy nomination in the ’90s.
Uncle Cosmo
Cenk (the “c” is pronounced like the “j” in Joe) is Turkish for “young,” and the Uygurs are the easternmost Turkic ethnic group, living in Xinjiang in northwestern China. It’s in fact his name but it literally means “young Turk.”
And there are the official “Young Turks” who took over the Ottoman Empire in 1908, whence the generic term “young Turk” for “A young person, full of new ideas and impatient for change.”
NB I make no claim as to whether Cenk’s efforts are in fact worthy of the name and its antecedents, but at least he comes by it honestly.
CNN is reporting that two FBI agents and the suspect are dead.
I wonder how many of the Rose Twitter crowd are Russian trolls playing “Let’s you and her fight!”
Another Scott
@OzarkHillbilly: Most people seem to take a different lesson from that part of the first debate than I do:
1) It’s just mouth noises to him. He was asking Chris what he wanted him to say, and tried to say it. He knew he would say the opposite 12-24 hours later and nobody would care.
2) His broken brain confused “stand down” with “stand back” then tried to fix it with “stand by” and still got it wrong, so it said Leeroy Jenkins!! and just powered on through.
My $0.02.
@Betty Cracker: True story. While I was reading this piece, I found the asterisked line so funny I copied it with the intention of coming to BJ to use in a relevant post. At the time, for some reason, I thought I was reading a Charlie Pierce column as part of my morning ritual. When I got here and saw what a stupid thing I had done, I had to laugh again.
That was funny, Betty. Period.
Bill Arnold
He’s not inciting it, he’s committing stochastic terrorism, and his primary tool of choice is incitement.
He is using probability and a large number of followers to effect a desired outcome, violence, with a high probability of success. He thinks he can successfully argue that causality cannot be legally proven. He is helped with his language/codewords by Dan Scavino and perhaps others.
Without reading all the comments, I shout Fuck him and fuck anyone who diminishes anyone’s traumas, but especially fuck him when he’s diminishing a woman.
No better explanation of shock and trauma in real time: “It felt like my brain was able to have so many thoughts in that moment.”
@BruceFromOhio: Tranquilizer Darts!
He killed himself, as I predicted.
@schrodingers_cat: I really do not understand the turning of politicians into a cult of personality. Why do people do that? I understand humans are social animals but the veneration of charismatic politicians is stupid and frightening.
Maxine does not just stare. She is vocal, and speaks her mind, which is a sharp as a razor. I’ve heard her speak live, she has maybe, just maybe one fuck left to give. But I wouldn’t bet on it.
@Lacuna Synechdoche:
It takes years to train a 10 yr old to be that stupid.
I watched the Waters-Tracey video and I must say Waters needs to serve life in prison for the physical assault she leveled on that poor little boy. She touched his arm, the arm that was in her face. Shocking beyond belief. Waters is a monster. A brute. A thug.
Meanwhile, back in reality, how could anyone bother to mention the slight brushing aside of his hand, which was in her face? Some babies never grow up.