Following up on Adam’s bulletin below, my son just introduced me to the crab song and meme.
It is the perfect funerary dirge for one Rush Limbaugh:
I’m so with Clarence Darrow on this one:
I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.
Open thread. No nil nisi bonum restriction on this one.
I’m loving the crab dance.
No title?
Major Major Major Major
Dorothy A. Winsor
Wow, we’re really celebrating!
Some people are like a slinky, not much use, but they put a smile on your face to watch them fall down a staircase.
There’s no title
It’s amazing what people can teach animals to do
oh I am DOING that dance tonight once I’ve downed the champagne…
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
What does it mean, when the same day the former Trump Plaza is demolished we learn that Rush Limbaugh can’t spread his poison anymore?
For some reason I’m thinking of a Robin Williams rift where he wondered what Jerry Falwell thought when he got to Heaven and discovered that God looks like Isaac Hayes and was not buying Falwell’s nonsense excuses.
Major Major Major Major
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@satby: Me too! Put a smile on my face and made me want get moving myself…
@Major Major Major Major:
That seems uncivil.
Poe Larity
Strangely, I was celebratory dancing to Climbatize.
A truly fitting memorial thread would be one filled with nothing but Rush’s own hateful statements over the years. Who could object to his own words.
it means it’s DEFINITELY a night for some champagne!
I’m having some champagne tonight, did I mention that? LOL
Ok, ok..’cause it’s an open thread…in other news, my mom (who spends way, way too much time on FB) thinks she’s clever by posting how dumb it would be to have electric cars, since duh! you can’t charge them
when the entire GQP-run state of Texas fucks up/underinvests in its electric grid.when the power is out.Yes, um, that surely would be dumb (eyeroll) Or perhaps Texas could spend a little dough and get its grid up to snuff, so its people don’t freeze to death? And would be able to charge their cars?
Love the video, Tom. Will watch it again tomorrow, when we are all under house arrest in central Virginia, care of a major ice storm forecast.
I wish we would just get snow.
A Ghost to Most
Francisco Franco is still dead.
@Elizabelle: I wish we would quit getting ice/icy roads! Snow, I like…
I hope the RWNJs are all carefully taking note of the glee among the libtards at Limbaugh’s death, I hope they’re all triggered, and I hope they deeply resent how we’re behaving. I’ve never listened to RW radio (stroking out while driving on the highway would be a bad thing), but I heard second- or third- hand about his repeated failures to smear Obama.
@Jeffro: Something I picked up in another discussion: Filling station pumps are powered by electricity. She can’t fuel her gas-powered car, either.
To put it mildly.
@Jeffro: I know. We are snow-deprived. But I do appreciate getting warning of the incoming ice.
Strange weather. Is probably upon us for the rest of our lives.
Yikes. Good luck with the oncoming storm. Did you lose electricity last weekend because of *that* ice storm? Up here in/near DC we could get some ice, but less than Richmond.
What a vile man he was. I’m sure his parents had better expectations of him, when he was born. :(
May Trump soon join Limbaugh in a duet of pining for the fjords.
Florida Men
So instead they’re facing federal charges.
Nora Lenderbee
Take a swig, dance a jig!
Where does the line to piss on his grave start? Do I need to buy a ticket?
Catchy crab-rave. Thanks for sharing!
@Origuy: That’s a really super-stupid move, one the lawmen and women particularly dislike.
Mornington Crescent
Cacti had a comment in the previous thread about an It’s a Wonderful Life version of Rush Limbaugh.
Fry and Laurie did something similar.
Crabs aren’t red unless they are cooked. No?
Chat Noir
@Nora Lenderbee: I saw “rest in piss” trending on Twitter shortly after the news broke. ?? ?
Ten years of watching “Spongebob” have me thinking the crab video is a documentary.
“Oh yes, The Craw.”
@NotMax: I so remember that scene!
Starboard Tack
Death’s too good for the Orange Shitgibbon. I’d prefer endless public humiliation, accompanied by gales of derisive laughter.
On LGM, someone posted
Burn Rusty Burn
and got a reply of
Crisco Inferno
Not ashamed to admit that I laughed.
@Rob: Our electricity flickered about 3 or 4 times, but never went out. For whatever reason, and thank dog, our apartment complex has a steady power supply.
Water: not as much. Interruptions several times yearly, but that’s OK. Some problem with a local water main. Easy to keep extra water in the house.
It’s hard not to remember what Limbaugh said of Jerry Garcia when he died:
“Another fat junkie gone toes up.”
Starboard Tack
@hueyplong: Super!
Via an old friend of mine.
“They say you shouldn’t say anything but good about the dead.
Rush Limbaugh is dead. Good.”
@Rob: My car looked like something out of Frozen. I noticed that none of my neighbors drove anywhere in the day following the first ice storm of last weekend. By Sunday afternoon, temps had risen enough to make cleaning the car off easy.
Ask your mom if she pumps her gas by hand, 19th Century Little House on the Prairie style, or if the pumps at her local gas station run on electricity.
@Starboard Tack: I want prison for Trump. He appears to be on Al Capone’s trajectory, although Capone had better personal qualities and multitudes less of a death count.
Wait, do we normally have that restriction?
I can’t believe he’s only 70. He’s looked old forever. Reminds me of Coco Chanel – I hope i get this right – “At 20 you get the face nature gives you, at 30 you get the face life gives you and at 50 you get the face you deserve”
“I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.” – Mark Twain
@Kent: When I was a youngster, my skin flint dad had a large tank and I had to pump gasoline by hand to fill the car. 8 pumps per gallon. I may have weighed 60 lbs at the time. Might have saved him a penny a gallon.
Old Dan and Little Ann
My teabagging rich uncle. “A Titan has passed today. May he rest in peace.” Fucking puke! Thank dog my cousin (his eldest daughter) basically told him he is probably going to burn in hell.
Wind power turbines are used in Sweden, Norway, and Finland and they work 365-24/7 with no problems.
Ignorant hick Texas didn’t spend the $$$ to buy proper equipment. So they broke.
Texans will learn nothing from this.
I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it. Mark Twain
@Old Dan and Little Ann
patrick Il
I suggest that they weare mask in the courtroom .
Raven Onthill
@Jeffro: Obviously you should charge your electric car from the socialist solar panels on your roof.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve seen a few indirect laments of the ‘tone’ on twitter today (“this hell site will be garbage today”, etc) have any blue checkmarks– who are just itching to start actively scolding, I’m sure– trotted out the “he was like a comedian…” defense of his racism yet?
Mike in NC
How is Sean Hannity’s health these days?
I’ve been doing a 10k run training program for the last 10 weeks. In a couple hours I’m headed out to run my race (online results only, no in-person gathering) and I’m getting the pre-race yips!
@Jeffro: You can’t get gasoline out of the pumps when the electricity is off, either.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: As I recall, the Titans were even more fucked up than Zeus et al. who overthrew and replaced them, so I guess in that sense the story checks out.
@smith: OMG you’re right, too funny!
James E Powell
Stay loose. Have fun with it.
Raven Onthill
In other news, David Neiwert published a take-down of Glenn Greenwald on Twitter, citing conduct back to 1999. I wish I had known about it during the aughts; I would have been more skeptical of Greenwald through that period, before it became obvious he was a Russian asset.
@Anoniminous: Iowa, which is much colder than Texas, is the state with the highest percentage of electricity from wind at 42%. Texas produces more megawatts in absolute terms but has a lower percentage. Drive through Iowa on I-35 or I-80 sometime and there are windmills visible everywhere.
Frozen windmills aren’t the reason Texas nuclear plants are offline.
I’m good with letting him off for everything – the money laundering, the Covid lies, even the insurrection – if he’ll agree to walk across America in tar and feathers. He can do a half mile a day, I don’t care.
I am looking forward to hearing right wing anchors and pundits criticize liberals for expressing any relief or even happiness at Rush’s passing.
I just recently heard about it, and it certainly lightened my mood.
And certainly, I can say about Rush that his is one of the graves I would happily piss on.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If I ever knew this, I’d forgotten
Christian Vanderbrouk @UrbanAchievr
Per his twitter bio, Vanderbourk is an alumnus of the Bush II White House, now a Bulwark never-trumper. I think Bush II used to go on Rush’s show quite a bit, but I never listened, so I only would’ve heard about that second-hand. I think Poppy went on Rush’s show late in the ’92 campaign and it was seen as both a sign of RL’s rising influence and GWB seeing the race slip away and being desperate to rally the far right who thought he was a wimpy toff.
@Raven Onthill: true, true. ;)
(We actually do have solar panels on our roof…covered our electric use so well that we spent $12 on electricity all of last year.)
@Benw: Virtually cheering for you!
@Baud: Good idea Baud, here’s what Rush said when Jerry Garcia passed, it is also appropriate today:
“Just another dead doper. And a dirt bag.”
@Jeffro: Also, you can’t put gas in your car when the power’s out.
Betty Cracker
My tweet from last months aged pretty damn well!
Another Scott
@Kent: Plus, how well her credit card works at the pump…
Or how well her cash works at the cash register…
For anyone who has not heard Rush’s show, he was more openly, bluntly, crassly hateful than you are imagining. It was a fire hose of insults, where words like ‘feminazi’ were among the least awful. That was all he did, spew unrestricted bile much worse than anything Trump or even the most awful congressmen have said. Keep this in mind when you hear any conservative praise him. That is what they are saying they not just accept but admire. That is Republicanism.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
How Very Serious People talk about a homophobic, racist bully who long before the escalator ride normalized racism, homophobia and bullying among angry white people
“(malevolently) brilliant”
I remember Jeff Greenfield and Roger Ebert reminiscing about their days as radical student editors at their Big Ten campus newspapers (as radical as you could get as student editor of a Big Ten campus newspaper) back in the late sixties. Ebert would not have written the above.
An epitaph: Relieved of deafness but there’s no cure for dumb.
(Nicest of the lot which swam through the mind.)
@James E Powell: @stinger: thanks!
As a few folks have pointed out this afternoon. ;)
I’m trying to figure out how to tell her without embarrassing her on FB. Maybe just a quick text? Nah, let someone else do it…
Weird, worlds colliding here.
This is one of the most difficult songs in the popular VR video game Beat Saber.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That seems a little unfair to greenfield. He’s right that RL was brilliant at using radio and diatribes to whip up hatred and fear. And Greenfield is pointing out that his skills were limited — he couldn’t engage intelligently with anyone who wasn’t on his side and didn’t bother to try.
I started a new career as an educator just before coronavirus exploded. My proudest moment as a teacher was agreeing to let some students play crab rave at the end of a middle school class. Little did I know that the song was like catnip for middle schoolers. The class I had just finished refused to leave and the new class just came right in. Next thing I know I have 50 middle schoolers all jammed into my classroom and all of them dancing the crab rave.
Mike E
Imani Gandy
finally something good happens during Black History Month.
12:39 PM · Feb 17, 2021
Here’s a video of that song in the 360 beat saber…
Betty Cracker
@Frankensteinbeck: Excellent point. I remember during the W years, Bush I and Bush II called Limbaugh from the Oval Office on his birthday and fawned over him in the most grotesque manner. This was, of course, after Limbaugh regularly celebrated the deaths of people with AIDS, claimed that feminism was about giving ugly women the confidence to show their hideous faces in public, etc.
Limbaugh was a vile hatemonger. I’m not the least bit sorry he’s dead; it’s cause for celebration, IMO. It’s tempting to think America would be a far kinder place had he never been born. But he didn’t invent the bigotry that made him rich. It was already here. He just exploited it.
@Betty Cracker: it was already here, and he exploited it…but he also amplified it. Which over time normalized it. He and Gingrich really took the use of over-the-top, hateful, raging rhetoric on the right to the next level.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: This is a good time to note that the Titans were fucking terrible. They literally ate their children because they thought it would benefit them, and their leader became a tyrant as soon as he gained power.
So I guess it’s a pretty great analogy to Republicans in general.
Now I’ve got that tune stuck in my head.
But how weird is this? When I was driving to Fredericksburg for my first vaccine shot, know what song I got stuck in my head? – Prisencolinensinainciusol .
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@rp: If it were part of a longer thread, I’d agree– I double checked and it’s not.
In the times we’re living in, times Limbaugh did so much to create, to reduce his malevolence (good word for it, I’ll grant) to a parenthetical is part of the “Racism is bad manners” ethos in the media that smoothed the path for Limbaugh, and trump.
Rush Limbaugh made the world a better place today.
Too much joy. I don’t know which post to respond on. Repasting from below.
Interesting. The FTF NY Times changed their website front page headline and blurb about RL’s death.
They originally had (and it’s still what you see when you click on the story):
Rush Limbaugh, Talk Radio’s Conservative Provocateur, Dies at 70
A longtime favorite of the right, he was a furious critic of Barack Obama and a full-throated cheerleader for Donald J. Trump.
Now, it is:
Rush Limbaugh, Who Built Talk Radio Into Right-Wing Attack Machine, Dies
Mr. Limbaugh, 70, who helped transform the G.O.P., pushed talk radio to the right with misogynistic and racist language and conspiracy theories.
The Times does seem to be having a culture war within its ranks, for real. Good. They need it.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
“Only 70”. His public years were like dog years.
I hope these last months were physically and emotionally painful for him.
Betty Cracker
@Jeffro: Yep, great point.
@Betty Cracker: Just noting the date on your invitation to the departed, and thinking we praise you for your unequalled wordsmithery, but that is just plain power. Well done.
Miss Bianca
Well, I for one welcome our new crustacean overlords.
Wave your claws in the air like you just don’t care!
Another Scott
Kinda says it all when W is more flattering than Jr, doesn’t it? These people are all monsters.
Rush is
Miss Bianca
@Betty Cracker: Ha, ha, I first heard that joke about Buddy Rich, great drummer with a reputation for being an even greater dickhead.
IMO, it fits Rush even better.
@Another Scott: It’s exactly like Trump: Limbaugh was unapologetically an awful liar, and a racist and sexist. And probably a sex criminal. But he didn’t hide ANY of this, he was just abjectly awful all the time and celebrated the worst parts of humanity.
And like Trump, he got the enthusiastic support of his entire party and made a lot of money at it. They LIKE this guy. They approve of him and what he did. And they just occasionally acknowledge that he was “controversial”.
Fuck all of them.
Tweaking Shakespeare on the gasbag’s death,
Nothing in his life became him like the fact of his leaving it.
Not the manner. Just the mere fact. Decades sooner would have been tremendously better.
@VOR: Canada has wind farms in some of the northern territories. Texas is suffering because Republicans built a power grid that couldn’t operate in the cold, and decoupled it from out of state grids to avoid federal regulation.
Republican policies make life worse everywhere they’re tried.
Yeah, but it was morning here.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
“And in the news, Entertainer Rush Limbaugh is still dead.”
@Kent: That’s actually part of our earthquake prep. We have a small hand pump we can drop down into where they fill the tanks. Basically a small bilge pump.
@Betty Cracker: I saw that on Twitter – well done!
citizen dave
@Cacti: Yup! I think technically Texas never connected with the Eastern Interconnection (EI) as it developed, to avoid the feds as you say. There are a couple of DC ties between ERCOT and the EI. FERC has excused this, citing DC as somehow different, but the attorneys I work with think this is more custom than reason at this point. FERC could assert their authority, citing the Commerce Clause, but everyone is cool with the deal. Texas wields a big dick/stick and people just accept it.
Loving Rick Perry saying Texans should just accept a few days without power (in the freezing cold) as the price they pay for no federal regulation.
Finally, I went out for lunch and Home Depot and only now heard. Fuck Rush Limbaugh! A great day!!!
James E Powell
I had a similar experience with Baby Shark until everyone got tired of it.
This is your celebration
This is your celebration
Celebrate good times, come on
Let’s celebrate
Celebrate good times, come on
Let’s celebrate
There’s a party going on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you, come on
Let’s all celebrate and have a good time
@Immanentize: That’s what I was thinking.
Bill Arnold
From about 2000, a web comic (Electric Sheep Web Comix – Issue Two)
“Rush Limbaugh Eats Everything”
Death starts roughly here:
(Warning, dated, and somewhat bizarre.)
I was in a grocery store once when the power went out. When the manager found that it would be several hours, he went around telling all the shoppers that they might as well leave, because there was no way to check out. Even if they’d had calculators and could keep track of the several different sales taxes, there aren’t any price stickers on anything nowadays.
@Baud: Yes. He was poisonous. My poor old mom and dad loved him and hung on his every word in their last years. He was an enemy. I hated him and I’m glad he’s gone. He poisoned a lot of otherwise decent good people. I’m happy he’s finally dead, it should have happened sooner. Nobody forced him to be the hateful ignorant SOB that he was. It was his own miserable choice. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Ask her how one pumps gas without electricity?
Of course I am about 12th to mention this.
Bill Arnold
Rush Limbaugh and the global warming debunking that wasn’t – How a few deniers, including the talk radio host, fell for a hoax that promised a definitive rebuttal to the science on global warming. (Ben Van Heuvelen, November 13, 2007)
For those who want some BS detection practice (now partly spoiled, sorry):
Carbon dioxide production by benthic bacteria: the death of manmade global warming theory?
Viva BrisVegas
@trollhattan: It is if you live on Christmas Island (the Indian Ocean one).
I thought the problem was that it’s really hard to find an extension cord that will get you further than the mailbox.
rush l. being silenced-permanently is almost as good as shitforbrains turning back into nothing. Nothing but a federal defendant.
And that fucker Boortz can’t die too soon.
The ends of people like Limbaugh help me understand why the Etruscans and ancient Romans celebrated funerals by having slaves fight each other to the death. I think Rush would have wanted it that way.