Even if you disapproved of Rush Limbaugh, vicious and cruel comments about his death will NOT be tolerated on this Twitter page.
They will be encouraged.
— Victor Laszlo (@Impolitics) February 17, 2021
The rancid syphilitic piece of shit is dead, and good riddance. This man did as much damage to this country as Fox news, and he was fucking evil to the very end. I used to listen to him when I was young and right out of the army and didn’t know any better, and several years of his bullshit probably is part of the reason it took me so long to snap out of it.
I know many of you think it is improper to speak ill of the dead, and all I can say is boy howdy this is not the thread for you. Fuck that piece of shit. I don’t believe in heaven and hell, but in the off chance I am wrong, I hope he is suffering right now. There will be no tone policing in the comments, because fuck him.
smedley the uncertain
No need to hold back Cole. But, my thoughts exactly.
OOOOh, a one’er
Wyatt Salamanca
It’s entirely fitting that Rush Limbaugh died from cancer because he himself was a malignant media carcinogen.
Good riddance to this sadistic, pathological lying bastard.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Has a grave site been determined for the man? I am hoping for public access so we can show Rush, deep down, what we think of him. If you will.
Betty Cracker
There are a fair number of obituaries I’d read with quiet satisfaction but only a handful of deaths I’d actually celebrate. Limbaugh’s is one of them.
Royston Vasey
You could make a reverse version of the story “It’s a Wonderful Life” about Rush Limbaugh…
Where Clarence the demon, tasked with taking Rusty’s soul to hell showed him scenes of all the people who might not have suffered had Rush never lived.
“You truly did lead a terrible life, Rush.”
Ivan X
My introduction to Limbaugh was when I was but a wee lad of 18 working in my dad’s office in Orange County. Some of the staff had it on in the room where I was working. Even at that tender age, I immediately had the feeling that every workplace should ban that shit. I don’t remember what it was, but at some point I just had to rest my head on my folded arms in disgust.
I’m not one of them. FUCK LIMBAUGH!
Amen Cole.
Old School
Haven’t noticed much tone policing in the earlier threads, so I think you’re safe.
@smedley the uncertain: Thanks for permission to vent! I too hope there actually is some misery for Rush. He caused so much pain and suffering in family after family, some will never speak to each other again, and that is a terrible crime.
Fuck him with that rusty pitchfork
Frank Wilhoit
For the hemidemisemisquillionth time, never look at the storyteller. Always look at the audience.
My wife just told me the news about an hour ago and I think I scared the hell out of her because I yelled from the basement “FUCK YEAH!” in the loudest most fuck-you-I’m-so-fucking-glad-you’re-fucking-dead-you-fucking-asshole-motherFUCKER! voice that I have.
Also, may he be assfucked by Beelzebub with a barbed-wire dildo for all eternity.
Gin & Tonic
I hope he suffered.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I am NOT above shitting on someone’s grave, I sheepishly admit.
Roger Moore
Q: What was the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg?
A: One was a flaming Nazi gasbag, and the other was a dirigible.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
Limbaugh and Trump are two of the top ten worst people this country has ever coughed up. One down, one to go.
The site will lose all of its advertisers today. Sigh. But YAY anyhow.
@Ivan X: My first introduction was Franken’s Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot, and it was spot on.
I’ve continued to listen to him on and off over the years. A couple minutes on my work commute before I got disgusted and turned the channel, etc. And what strikes me is just how terrible of a human being he was, and how similar he was to the evangelical preachers I’ve also listened to.
Just full of hate, self-righteousness and a complete unwillingness to examine anything about themselves. Democrats are evil BECAUSE THEY ARE and Republicans are awesome and godly because they are, so therefore any and all news has to be maximally bad or good. Or you can just make stuff up, and that’s fine.
And both are all-in on toxic nationalism, sexism, and racism. Because that’s how they keep their audience.
in death he finally assumes the form he took in life — a putrid pile of rancid meat
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Bladder or bowels?
If you can’t say something nice, come sit
next to6′ from me.Mike E
In case you missed it ?
Imani Gandy
finally something good happens during Black History Month.
12:39 PM · Feb 17, 2021
Rob Lll
The most vivid memory I have of hearing Rush Limbaugh is from the early 90s. My car was being repaired and they had his show on in the garage while I waited. He was chortling over the death of River Phoenix, who had passed a couple days before, and all I could think about was how Phoenix’s mother or siblings would feel if they ever heard it. Limbaugh was a horrible person who lived an ugly life and I can’t think of any redeeming feature he had. The world is improved by his absence, although it would be even better had he never lived at all.
I heard about it on the way to my dental appointment. I had a big ole grin when I walked into the office.
OT, I also heard that every state in the country now has snow on the ground except Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.
@Frank Wilhoit:
I would argue look at both the storyteller and the audience, because the teller doesn’t go on without an audience.
Odie Hugh Manatee
What a nice day… Biden/Harris are in charge, the sun is shining, it’s a bit warmer outside and Rush is worm food. I’m hoping that I get the chance to piss on the piece of shits grave.
There’s probably going to be a long line at his grave for some time, but it’ll be worth the wait.
@AliceBlue: In California, too? Maybe up in the mountains, I guess.
James E Powell
The first time I heard that asshole on the radio, I thought he was a parody, like that later made famous by Colbert. I was appalled when I realized he was serious and that people I knew were buying his book.
Roger Moore
¿Por que no los dos?
@Frank Wilhoit:
wha? Limb is the storyteller? You hate the audience?
Keith P.
Another reason I’m glad for President Biden – Trump would have declared tomorrow a national day of mourning.
randal m sexton
This is sort of a preview of what it will be like when the OrangeFuck kicks it. Or Murdoch, or McConnell. There is quite a list of folks whose death will make my day.
fuck him. to say i’m glad he’s dead is an understatement.
@Keith P.:
Is it possible to raise the flag 50% higher than the top of the pole?
My mom died of lung cancer. It was horrible, but thankfully swift. We made a family decision to remove her from life support after her body basically gave out. I ordinarily would not wish that on anyone else, but I will make an exception for Rush Limbaugh, who my mother wished death on more times than I can count. He was a miserable piece of shit in every single way—he was a racist, virulently ant-gay, a misogynist, and (if the rumors are true about the Dominican Republic trips) an avid pedophile.
I hope he’s in Hell right now, burning and screaming for mercy. Awaiting reprisal, your time slips away.
Patricia Kayden
Boy did he hate women too.
I had a black neighbor, seemed really nice, but he said he listened to Limbaugh and agreed with some of his views. I never understood that.
Roger Moore
@Rob Lll: The thing I remember about Limbaugh was seeing him on TV. He was disparaging a book by someone or other- it was probably Al Gore, but I’m not sure. To “prove” how bad it was, he tore out a page, wrapped it in ground meat, and put it in front of a cat. When the cat wouldn’t eat it- would you want to eat something Rush Limbaugh’s filthy hands had just touched?- he said something stupid about how even the cat wouldn’t [Edited]
eatswallow it, so you shouldn’t either. It was just so stupid and divorced from reality. I guess if you already agreed with him about everything, it would seem like a clever retort.Wyatt Salamanca
I’m sure there’ll be plenty of pathetic, disgusting tributes to Limbaugh, but this one by Brian Stelter (that clueless douchebag at CNN who covers the media industry) takes the fucking cake for the sheer nausea it induces:
h/t https://www.mediaite.com/news/cnns-brian-stelter-praises-rush-limbaughs-connection-with-audience-at-length-following-brutal-film-package/
Hungry Joe
“If they gave him an enema they could bury him in a matchbox.” — Christopher Hitchens, on the death of Jerry Falwell.
The non-fecal remains of Rush L. might require two matchboxes, but surely no more than that.
@gvg: Look, I agreed with some of Limbaugh’s views: I thought gravity existed and humans are supposed to breathe air.
But Limbaugh really appealed to people who wanted to look down and hate on others. Sometimes he would go after you and your group, and those folks were okay with that because he’d also assure them they were ‘one of the good ones’. And they want that, so they can look down on others.
@Betty Cracker:
I hope they ran out of morphine (which eases labored breathing at the end of life), at least 24 hours before he drew his last breath. I would shoot it down the toilet — every dose he had. Then I would thumb through a magazine as he thrashed in pain.
I don’t know if there is a God. He had better hope there aint.
It would be fitting if he were reincarnated as one of the children starving in Syrian refugee camps, or one of the children exploited in the sex trade in the Dominican Republic by sweaty old men like him — maybe Rush himself! — or someone stricken with Parkinson’s disease. So many poetic justice possibilities.
Can I do the autopsy?
I’ll rent a chainsaw.
I’ll cut out his tongue so he’ll be buried with it in his ass.
His eyeballs get tossed to the crows.
It’s just so fitting that the rancid, evil bastard Rush died from lung cancer after years of defending the tobacco companies and claiming that tobacco doesn’t cause lung cancer! I consider this Karma in action! If there is a Hell, Rush is surely there with his ‘god’ Satan! The world just became a brighter and kinder place!
He was able to forge connections with his listeners through racism, sexism, lies and giving them a full-on reason to hate the people they wanted to hate.
None of this is laudable. Stelter can fuck himself. But he’s right that this is a loss for the Republicans, because he and they traded in the exact same thing.
I know a lot of people are saying they didn’t wish death on him, but when I found out he had terminal cancer, I was counting the days until he died.
Chief Oshkosh
I’m so old I remember when Rush very first started on AM radio. Hannity, too. I remember so, so many people on the left (and in the middle) who took the stance that ignoring them was best, and that they’d go away. And I remember thinking “You’re nuts!”
Anyway, Rushbo and colleagues are good examples of why you should always be on offense. For instance, it would be a very good thing if Uncle Joe simply froze all Murdoch assets under US purview. Hell, get some allies in on it, too (if we still have any). Just do it out of the blue, with minimal explanation beyond invoking some of the shitty powers we conferred onto Shrub after 9/11. Just fuck with him. Do the same with every Fox and WSJ advertiser. Make it toxic to do business with ol’ Rupert. Just fuck with them, and don’t offer any real explanation without being forced into court. I know a lot of people will demur, but shit, look where being nice got us. And look at the tools that they’ve given us. May as well use them until everyone agrees that those tools need to be taken away from the Executive. Until then? Fuck with them. It’s actually the right thing to do.
Once again, I am reminded why I visit this place several times a day. Thanks, John!
And FUCK FUCK FUCK Rush Limbaugh
pacem appellant
Dē mortibus nihil nisi sed bonum.
Mors. Bonum.
mali muso
Makes me wish I still believed in God, because if hell was an actual place, there are few people more deserving of an eternal stay there than that guy. Good riddance.
Don K
“My mother always told me never to say bad things about the dead, only say good things. Rush Limbaugh is dead. GOOD!!”
Talk radio did to our parents what they thought rock n’ roll would do to us.
Like I said in the last thread, for those of you who have never heard Limbaugh’s show, imagine the most vile bigot cracking disgusting and cruel jokes because he’s sure you agree with him and he doesn’t have to hold anything back. Limbaugh was worse than that. He was a fire hose of crass hate. If you hear any conservative praising him, that is what they are praising.
@Wyatt Salamanca:
The lesson of Rush Limbaugh is that the conservative movement is hate, and Republicans desperately crave to spew their venom without restraint. There’s nothing we can use there.
citizen dave
@Roger Moore: Oh god, you made me remember when he was at his height and his god-awful, stupid stupid stupid tee vee show.
I had a work friend colleague from another state who was a couple years ahead of Rush in high school at Cape Girardeau. My friend was not a rush fan.
The jackals are making me laugh today–lots of great art being practiced. Although I only was here for a couple years overlapping with the great jackal, thinking of efgoldman and ‘fuckem.
Fuck Rush Limbaugh.
Side note to his fans: the only reason your deaths will not be similarly celebrated is you’ve smaller magaphones.
Rich Lowry has an especially repulsive thread on Twitter calling Rush funny and generous and a giant. Makes “starbursts” feel benign. He is, of course, getting excoriated. Won’t link.
Will link to “We Rate Dogs” tweeting a different dog available for adoption every hour. They all look great:
hells littlest angel
@Ivan X:Some of the staff had it on in the room where I was working.
George Costanza got fired for that.
pacem appellant
Once upon a time, I got a three day ban from the GOS for being happy that Scalia croaked. I am unrepentant. Fuck Rush, too. Right in his goddamn deaf ears.
Patricia Kayden
citizen dave
@Chief Oshkosh: Agree. Bezos or Gates could do the nation a great service simply by buying a shit-ton of AM radio and replacing the gas bags with music and community and citizen education. I doubt it would too expensive for either one of them.
The asshole who was TOO RACIST to do commentary for the NFL.
Donovan McNabb remembers.
If you’re young enough, you could say the same thing about the Internet.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Satan is preparing for that delivery of blubber to keep the fires of Hell burning.
Jezus I remember that. Like going on offense was going to somehow make us cross over into the dark side, like real life is in the fucking Star Wars universe.
I sometimes hear that same advice from conflict-averse non-political types and liberals, but thankfully rarely. After all, it’s obviously wrong.
He was a man of whom truly it can be said that his finest hour would have been if his father had rolled over and let Rush dribble down his leg.
I have been waiting for this day since the worthless vicious waste of air announced his diagnosis.
Limbaugh is dead. That’s worth celebrating!
He used to gleefully celebrate the deaths of people who died from HIV/AIDS so fuck that fucking disgusting piece of shit. He leaves behind a legacy of cruelty, ignorance and destruction.
A Ghost to Most
Rush Limbaugh is still dead.
I doubt that line will get old soon.
citizen dave
Just looking at twitter and saw that thing in his skull. No one has mentioned, but we should recall, that he bloviated about Personal Responsibility SO HARD in the 1990s, then abused oxycontin so badly it made him deaf. The irony. It makes me laugh.
I had honestly wondered if a terminal illness would cause him to reassess his life and decide to be kinder during the time he had left. I should have known better. He remained vicious and rotten all the way to the end.
I will never understand how people could be delighted by his brand of cruelty, even people I knew to be remarkably kind one-on-one.
To speak honestly about Rush is to note what a vicious piece of shit he was, and how much misery he deliberately caused other people.
The world is a better place with his passing.
I know that I certainly feel better.
I welcome the mealy mouth comments of any asswipe pundit or reporter who asks that Rush’s demise be accorded any respect.
Doc Sardonic
@AliceBlue: We have Florida snow, grey nasty sky and a light mist falling. Temp drops about 30 degrees or so it’ll be snow, right now it’s just pneumonia catchin’ weather.
@Gin & Tonic: He had terminal lung cancer. Suffering is not optional. Google “bone and brain metastices”.
Aziz, light!
I don’t believe that Rush is anything but worm food, but I think the worms will spit him out.
magaphones are just as loud as regular megaphones but much, much uglier
Chief Oshkosh
Another thing about being this old is that it’s just sad that anyone younger than say, 45, doesn’t remember a time when government somewhat worked and when regular old lunch bucket types didn’t absolutely hate each other on a tribal-like basis. I know that the US had plenty of problems, but even after all the horrors of the 60s (esp. ’68), and even after Nixon was elected, and then re-elected, things always seemed to be getting just a little bit better. Now, no doubt my rose-tinted glasses come from being worn by a pudgy, aging white guy. Still, it did seem like things were getting better. Slowly, but better.
Rush and Newt and Rupert and St. Ronnie and their ilk — they killed all of that.
@citizen dave: this point can’t be emphasized enough. He developed an addiction after years and years of advocating against sound addiction policy.
And always, it was all about that kind of personal responsibility that only applies to other people.
@Lavocat: Ding dong the asshole’s gone…
When picturing the “North Koreanization” of America’s conservatives, I always think of Fox News. But Limbaugh’s just about equally to blame. So hey, El Rushbo (champagne cork popping)…this one’s for you!
Welcome to the Bad Place, Rush! Sean can’t wait to get some spiders up that butthole! Meanwhile, enjoy the penis-flattening! (I can explain if anyone doesn’t get it. I don’t mind, really. I’ve been saving this for months.)
Patricia Kayden
@Royston Vasey: one would hope clarence watched as gabriel ran rush’s life reel, and said “i’ve waited this long, fuck it, i can get my wings on another assignment”
@Keith P.:
Youre right. And he would have had flags lowered at every federal building across the country within an hour of the news.
Fuck Rush Limbaugh 1000%. I am glad he is dead.
For all his supposed massive presence and influence , in a month will anybody think of him or even remember him?
Sic transit gloria mundi
and Rush remained a malevolent presence until the end — making the world worse, so that his death is actually a positive good
even war criminal ghouls like Kissinger or fucking Newt aren’t doing nearly as much active, current harm
Saw it with Rush. See it with Trump. I cannot understand it, but some people get joy out of being given permission to indulge all their resentments and cruelties.
That’s a bit harsh. What did Beelzebub ever do to you?
a thread from a friend:
Ten minutes after he died, Rush Limbaugh woke up. He was confused, because he distinctly remembered taking one final, tortured breath in a room that did not look like the luxury suite he now found himself in.
matt the semi-reasonable
One of the worst people ever. People who are sad about him are pieces of shit themselves, guaranteed.
@MazeDancer: I saw Lowry’s thread and life on his planet must be really something.
Finally he’s done something worthy of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
(That may be original, I haven’t seen anyone else use it.)
The line to dance on his grave is going to stretch for miles…
Geo Wilcox
@opiejeanne: That was beautiful.
Miss Bianca
@tim: Heh. I got it.
So many isms to choose from, after all these years, but my favorite, obviously, remains: “It’s the common cold, folks!”
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
I’d hoped the bastard would live to see Biden sworn in, and die of spontaneous combustion, but this is fine by me.
And the Trump Plaza was imploded this morning. This calls for champagne.
NYT and WashPost are pulling their punches about the gas bag.
Now there’s an idea ;)
Some people spread happiness wherever they go. Others, whenever.
@Elie: It is likely years of opoid abuse fucked up his nerve endings. So unless he floated away on fentanyl, that last month absolutely sucked.
I also listened to him for a bit (like a week or two). I figured out his shtick pretty quick.
He would make all sorts of claims during his show. Often times he would contradict himself between one segment and the next. When inevitably one of them came true, he would crow to high heaven that he was right.
I was significantly more conservative than I am now and even then I found him to be toxic.
randy khan
I was about to say “What about Hawaii?” until I remembered the mountains. Wow.
Roger Moore
I think a lot of Conservatives are this way. They have empathy but can’t apply it with any kind of imagination. It only matters to them if it happens to them or someone they care about. If it happens to someone they don’t know, they can easily ignore it.
Excellent read. Thank you!
@Roger Moore:
LOL! That’s so good!
randy khan
I will say what I said when Obama got Osama bin Laden: Every death diminishes us, but some diminish a lot less than others.
Splitting Image
That gave me a nice warm feeling to read that. It’s only missing Rod’s summary at the end.
Paraphrasing Betty Davis:
My mother always told me to speak good of the dead.
Rush Limbaugh is dead.
RL was one of several people (others have been mentioned in this thread) that often had me thinking of this advent carol, sung here by Louis Armstrong. Note some of the most recent comments.
Gonna buy some cigarettes on the way home for when I reread this post obsessively all evening…
My first big memory featuring Limbaugh was a guy on campus beating his effigy and offering everyone else a go. Rodney King had just been beaten on TV, and Rush had been nasty. Of course.
I was struck by just how *pissed off* the guy was. I’d never seen anything like it. Ranting, screaming, beating, and all of it citing primary sources and using solid arguments. He went on to read some Young Conservatives of Texas pamphlets about how we need a strong leader to follow, and how it’s too bad we don’t have a monarchy. He spat venom at it.
I continued to think of myself as a Republican afterward, but not for very long. Soon the contradictions and cruelty made me want to scream too.
Starboard Tack
Reposted from below because I like the thought.
zhena gogolia
h/t Oscar Hammerstein, of course.
He insulted a 12 year old girl for nothing more than ratings.
May the level of Liars open up its ravenous maw to chew on him for all eternity.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
How does that old saw go? I’ve never wished death on anyone but have read some obituaries with great amusement
Welp, this certainly has to be a blow to the boys in the Dominican Republic. That is my rant for today. I hate lung cancer; I wish he had died some other way. It seems to dishonor the struggles of my wife and brother, in a way. But I’ll take it. The world was not in a better place with their deaths, but it is with him. Hate to say that. There is no equivalence, imo.
Miss Bianca
Just had to see that again.
@leeleeFL: He caused a lot of pain and suffering in my family. My parents worshipped him. They chose him over me and my brothers. He and Fux and friends destroyed my parents. I will never understand how that happened to them. They were good people until they got brainwashed. He should have died years ago. I truly hate him and all his ilk. He was a disgusting thing. It would have been better were he never born. If i am ever near his grave, i will go out of my way to piss on it. He doesn’t even deserve a grave.
@citizen dave:
Unfortunately, most of the people who accumulate lots of money cannot stand to have a non-income producing asset. That makes it too expensive.
Sure Lurkalot
Though I had heard of him, I never tuned into his show until 2010. I had a RWNJ client who spent time in his studio painting while listening to Rush and he’d come into the office afterward ranting and raving Obama this, Obama that. So I tuned in for a few minutes one day and found out that my client was indeed, a parrot.
I got to catch wind of his Sandra Fluke rants in real time and that pretty much did it for me. It wasn’t just the slut shaming but the incoherence…advocating for free birth control = being a whore who has so much sex that she has to pop birth control pills like candy. I mean….what??? That and wondering what people thought of me if they saw me driving while listening to him.
@Baud: Indeed. Originally I saw it with “social media” instead of talk radio.
@Betty Cracker: Limbaugh was the first of the people on my short list of those whom I hope to outlive to go. Next?
zhena gogolia
Slightly OT, Siubhan Diunne asked me what JL Cauvin was up to, and I hadn’t been paying attention lately, but he did a great rap battle between DJT and McConnell:
And here’s his obit for Rush:
Donk Donk? Who’s there? https://twitter.com/donk_enby/status/1361988909836689414?s=21
I was in a women’s studies class at the UW in Seattle in the mid-90s, and one of the (two) young men in that course had reached out to Rush with a tale of what went on there.
Rush had a great time with those stories, and I’m sure his listeners did, too. My older brothers all worked as house painters in those years, in a rural/tourist town in northern lower Michigan. They didn’t have many options when it came to radio, and Rush must have seemed like radical fun to them especially compared to the usual local drivel.
I remember asking my favorite brother once why he liked Rush, and he said, “He’s funny.” I said, “But you know he’s just making stuff up, right? Like, the things he’s talking about aren’t true?”
He just shrugged.
It seems a little quaint these days to remember that it used to be shocking when national personalities would just flat lie for the fun of it, or the money that was in it. I guess Rush gets credit for launching that trend.
I really hope he suffered.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Richard: I know. Eventually, evil people die, but for many, like RL, it is way later than it should be. I guess that’s what they mean by “only the good die young”. Although he was 70 (the same age as me), so he was still young ;-
ETA: and a lot of them are STILL alive (Kissinger, Newt, Vice, Trump, etc.)
@Splitting Image: He just added the requested comment from Rod:
Adam Rakunas is still tired but slightly hopeful.
Replying to
Heed the warning you’ve just seen, because it may be your fate if you willingly walk down the trail blazed by Mr. Limbaugh. He built his eternal reward brick by brick, lie by lie, hated upon hatred. File it under J for Justice in the endless corridors of the Twilight Zone.
@zhena gogolia:
The rap battle is wonderful — he does a great McConnell!
zhena gogolia
@SiubhanDuinne: Yeah, the concept of Mitch rapping is funny all by itself.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@James E Powell: One place I worked we had “Chuckle Head” who was an avid fan of Rush, would interrupt meetings with management to listen to Rush top of the hour mini sermons. They had a lay off just for Chuckle Head to get rid of him.
@Betty Cracker: well played, as usual.
A friend once had an absolutely terrible boss. She used to say, “It isn’t that I wish bad things for him, but if his being dead is what it takes to get rid of him, then so be it.” Apropos at the moment.
I’d like to think there was a deathbed repentance, but hell, I’m happy he’s gone.
District of Columbia doesn’t. But I guess we’re not a state.
I’ve liked some of the 19th century-esque comments like “may he receive in death all the grace, generosity of spirit and dignity he showed others in life” or “I refrain from both comment and sorrow.”
I don’t believe in hell, but I’m willing to entertain the idea for this fucking gasbag. Oh, and Trump.
I hope he suffered greatly in his last months.
To be fair, the CP didn’t have a lot of time to be arresting anyone.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: “Rest In Piss”
(Not mine, saw it elsewhere online.)
Roger Moore
@Sure Lurkalot:
My impression is that the Sandra Fluke thing was largely based on the ignorant belief that birth control pills are like condoms: something that you use when and only when you have sex. So if you need help paying for them, it’s a sign you must be having lots and lots of sex. Of course, branding women as sluts is just a standard part of the shtick.
Nora Lenderbee
Pissing on his grave is a great idea, but would you mind waiting until we’ve finished dancing on it? I’d rather not ruin a pair of shoes.
coin operated
Breaking out the good rye in celebration tonight
The biggest reason I despised Limbaugh’s commentary was, he always played the “I’m just an entertainer!” card. Like, if you spend your entire profession trying to get people to distrust and hate their family, friends, and neighbors who don’t buy into the bullshit, it’s *okay* if you’re just trying to make a buck.
No, that actually makes it a bit more evil. Someone who actually cares can realize they were wrong; someone who doesn’t care will probably never have a “come to Jesus moment”.
Was there ever a time when he said that something that Republicans wanted was wrong, no matter how obviously wrong, misguided, or outright evil it was? If so, I never heard of it, and even if I had, I wouldn’t have trusted it.
@sab: Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke.
Dan B
@MomSense: Rush musta just loooved when Roy Cohn croaked. Such a sucking hole of needing to feel superior. Dud it originate in his family like Turnip’s ruthless father?
Sister Golden Bear
I’ll show Rush as much respect as he did to people with AIDS in the ’80s, when he regularly did an “AIDS update,” reading the names of the dead as a comedy bit, which he introduced by playing “I’ll Never Love This Way Again” by Dionne Warwick (who was an early and outspoken AIDS activist).
Mary G
Humanities Prof
@pluky: HP’s wife here. My dad died of metastatic lung cancer. I made sure there was no suffering.
Thankfully, hospice was perfectly happy to give me large amounts of IV morphine to help (he had a home IV line). He probably technically died of an overdose, but he did not suffer. And I feel zero remorse.
But I’m praying to Athena that Rush fucking Limbaugh didn’t have that.
#ProudFeminazi I had that on a dry-erase board on my dorm room’s door in the 1990s…
West of the Rockies
Two weeks and a day ago he was still on the air, spewing venom and shit. That’s how he chose to spend his last healthful days.
Now he’s gone.
Excellent, Smithers.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Not yet in southeast PA, unless you count the last bit of stuff that hasn’t melted from the last storm. But we’re expecting more tomorrow.
Almost Retired
He is an evil, vile person and I am glad he is dead. The world is a marginally better place without him. Does that make me a bad person for feeling this way? No, it does not. Bad people ignore the sins of the wicked by insisting on a respectful eulogy for the dead. There should be no rehabilitation in ceasing to breathe. Fuck him.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Some of us live in states with mountains tall enough to (almost) always have snow on them..
Dan B
@Brachiator: My partner’s brother has that brand of humor based in sadism. He delights in poking fun at everything but his own failings. We ignore it as a leftover of not growing out of Junior High and its immature power plays. My partner keeps hinting at visiting them. If I do ever go, not likely, I am prepared to call out his need for psychiatric evaluation and how much I look forward to his sincere apology for his comments that are barbs concealed by brittle laughter.
Won’t score points with them or my partner, despite the fact he doesn’t trust his brother in any way. There’s a consistent line linking a large cohort of well off white men who laugh at the suffering of others. Their delight at being able to harass people who have little power to fight back is evidence they are less civilized than Chimpanzees. And less self aware.
The biggest lie the hippies ever told was that everyone had worth.
Rush, funny? I couldn’t listen to him for more than 30 seconds Funny he was not. Hateful, nasty, mean, yes, but funny?
Hmm maybe there were some who laughed at hangings….
Stoking grievances. That’s the only thing that pustulent waste of protoplasm was ever good at. Not exactly something that anyone who was actually for a progressive agenda would or should seek to emulate. So fuck right the fuck off Mr. Stelter!
Jake Gibson
@Wyatt Salamanc
I’m not sure anything can be learned from reinforcing people’s worst qualities.
Just another dead doper, and a dirt bag.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If I were a big deal blue check, I’d put these two observations together in one tweet and pin it. But Dickie Lowry an his ilk would probably see it as further proof that liberals have no sense of humor.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Many of the comments trashing Rush atr pretty funny. I guess we’re good then.
@citizen dave: yup, karma came for Rush’s ass repeatedly. Deafened by chronic opiate abuse even as denigrated addiction and addicts in general. Developed lung cancer after decades of denial of the toxic effects of tobacco. Fired immediately by ESPN (his dream gig) because he couldn’t keep his racism in check for even a handful of hours at a time. And now he gets to make his sole positive contribution to the world at large, dying.
atr= are
Mike in NC
I see that the wingnuts on Twitter are absolutely rending their garments over the demise of this sick puppy.
@Sis: It probably made him even more vicious. Railing at the perceived inequity and injustice of him actually getting a life threatening illness.
Ivan X
@gvg: Very true about women. All these years later after I heard him, I still remember him describing women being unhappy about something as akin to cats screeching. I can’t remember the exact wording, thankfully, but even when I was young I knew it was an obviously hateful, sexist thing to say, and I couldn’t believe that someone would say it on public airwaves.
I remember when people in the office I worked in at the time were all “He’s funny!” and I was appalled.
I thought they were nice, until then.
As for Rush, the thing I’ll remember most — since I never listened to him for more than clips and such — was a piece actually shared here. One of those personality profile things.
He had something like 300 scented candles throughout his mansion, and his butler had to go around and light every one before he got home from the studio. And I thought, To cover the stench of his rotting soul.
Uncle Cosmo
What does it say to the world at large that someone with the despicable past of a Lee Atwater became a far better human being in the course of his final illness than Rush Limbaugh managed, even though the latter had 30 years more to manage it in?
Citizen Alan
IOW, the editor of America’s most prestigious magazine for white supremacists found Limbaugh amusing. Funny that.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Gonna post and then read the comments.
He was a hideous, miserable, overfed gasbag, and even if the only things that he left us are 1) alone and 2) more oxygen, worth it. But he left us so much more than that.
We are more united against the forces of evil that Flush and his ilk represent than we’ve been in a minute. Think ? on that if you will.
Can I dance on his grave? I’m dancing.
No one single person has done more damage to the political comity of this nation than Rush Limbaugh. R.I.H.
Repeating a paraphrasing of a call and response from LGM earlier today:
Burn, Rush, burn
Crisco inferno
The Lodger
Unfortunately he couldn’t spend his final minutes in the Trump Plaza penthouse.
WV Blondie
Celebrating the gasbag’s passing serves as a dress rehearsal for how I’ll PAR-TAY when the Orange Slime god kicks the bucket.
Tim in SF
Rush is hurtling straight to hell in a flaming toboggan. Every devil in Hell has just put their pokers in the fire. I’m an atheist, too, but on days like this, I take a break from my atheism. I allow a certain suspension of disbelief to take over for the duration. It’s the same as when I sit down to watch a sci fi or fantasy movie.
Let’s remember that back in the eighties, Rush had this great recurring comedy bit where he’d read off the names of people who had died of AIDS while Dionne Warwick sang “I’ll Never Love This Way Again.” This went on and on while I friends in hospitals breathing their last. The only reason I didn’t start drinking champagne when I heard he croaked is because it was 10AM when I heard the news.
I’m glad Limbaugh lived juuuuuuust long enough to see TRUMP LOSE.
Thanks Joe!
@Tim in SF:
@Tim in SF:
Say, how long do you suppose it takes to travel to hell? Not having thought of it, I figured it was instantaneous. But it’s make more sense if it was a journey of some sort.
@Ryan: Guess it depends on whether or not God (or similar entity) basically does the life version of meeting with your accountant. I’m a devout atheist, but I like to think God would just send you there instantaneously, like “figure it out, you don’t get an explanation after being a dick for 30+ years”.
@Miss Bianca: Isn’t it great? Alas, I should’ve attributed the quote. Internet says it was Oscar Wilde, but I’m pretty sure most of the things people said he said, he never actually said. But I’m lazy and dinner is almost here, so I’m going to just assume it was him. :)
The Golux
Someone mentioned that they were astonished that he was only 70. I was flabbergasted when Johnny Cash died at 70; he looked 85 at minimum. Then again, Roy Orbison at 53?????
Has there been any speculation yet who will be the first Republican or enabler to propose that ole Rush lay in state in the Capitol Building? You know, the one that he helped inspire the insurrection within?
Mrs. Fro was like, “dinner smells great! Also, why is there an open bottle of champagne on the counter?”
She joined me in .5 seconds once I told her
@germy: that’s just fucking excellent
Rush gave millions of vile people permission to be who they were.
Good riddance.
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): Mitch McConnell would like a word…
It isn’t kind to speak ill of the dead.
So I’ll type ill of him instead.
He was a Cleveland Steamer on this country, and he just got flushed. BYE FUCKER.
Limbaugh’s passing has left an indelible, chunky skid mark on American life and politics. Limbaugh didn’t just coarsen political discourse in America; he made it fundamentally unserious. It was no longer about debating philosophical differences or policy preferences, but about trolling. About seeing who could make the meanest, nastiest joke at the expense of someone vulnerable. About equating citizenship and liberty with flipping the bird and screaming at someone asking them to wear a mask that “you’re not the boss of me!”
He fostered a generation of (mostly) man-children who think they’re reincarnations of John Wayne, but are actually a bunch of insecure, WATB who think the height of cleverness is a pair of Truk Nutz and making a crude joke about AOC to pwn the libs. In other words, Trump voters.
Relieved to say here what I can’t say in real life. F*ck that SOB for all the crap he spewed. I wish I believed in hell. (Thank you … I feel better now)
Noah Brand
I remember a joke that went around in the ’90s. Seems a guy’s looking to buy a new car, and the salesman tells him this model has the latest safety feature. No more distraction fiddling with the radio, you just say aloud what you want to hear, and the system finds a station with the best match.
Dubious, the guy turns on the radio and says “Uh… Willie Nelson?”
*click* Goes right to the classic country station.
“Wow! Um… N.W.A.!”
*click* Turns to the rap station.
Dude is amazed. “…son of a bitch!” he says.
*click* “Hi, folks, you’re listening to the Rush Limbaugh Show…”
“To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.”–Voltaire
Roland Stone
@Wyatt Salamanca: quotes Stelter:
“Sometimes Hutus would say to me ‘ Radio Télévision des Milles Collines , it’s a damaging force in Rwanda, it must be stopped,’ and my reaction in those conversations would be to say learn from it.”
Rush is in hell preparing every one for Trump’s arrival.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
My thought on learning of the passing of this version of America’s Goebbels was that it’ll take generations to repair the damage he caused to America, and the rot is still spreading because of the fascists he inspired.
He may yet destroy America from beyond the grave.
I hope that soon he, Andrew Breitbart, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump can get together for a round of bridge.
I’ve decided that I’ll try to never use his name again. He, more than Trump, deserves damnatio memoriae.
@pacem appellant: IN AETERNAM …SEMPITERNAM!
Pete Mack
One positive effect of “Everything Trump touches dies.”
Limbaugh was a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, a seditionist, a drug-addict, a pathological liar and a sexual abuser. He’s dead and my only regret is that it didn’t happen sooner.
Uncle Cosmo
@Noah Brand: I am so repurposing that for Hannity…
(You know the difference between a hand sanitizer and a Sean Hannitizer? You put the one one to get very clean; you turn the other one on to feel very, very dirty.)
He’s finally shut up.
Better late than never, I guess. But it would have been far better if he’d ODed and died back in ’06.
J R in WV
I’ve seen old black and white photos taken at Jim Crow lynchings, and there were many people smiling and grinning, as if they were at a church BBQ picnic.
Amazing, that apparent happiness at a scene of wild, illegal murder, glee at the strange fruit.
Horrible to see, actually.
People in their Sunday finest, out for a walk in the country, to the hangin’ tree just outside town. Some history books have the most horrible details about the recent past~!~
We have so many intelligent young people in our neck of the woods. They never get to hear anything outside of television or church.
I feel sorry for those boys. Probably that Limbaugh fool was the only thing they had. Probably they were hungry. Maybe they thought he was an intellectual.
I’m not making excuses.
@citizen dave:
Rush Limbaugh when Clinton was president: bellowed “CHARACTER MATTERS!!!!” several times every fiucking day
Rush Limbaugh when Trump was president: *crickets chirping