The Dog Rater:
Champ is a 12 year old german shepherd. That’s about as old as they come. The fact that he’s walking about living his life is delightful. Fuck these insipid ghouls for having a problem with that
— matt (@dogfather) February 20, 2021
“He’s brown… he looks like a junkyard dog… “ Subtle!
He’s a German Shepherd. He has a long, brown coat. This is what a neglected dog looks like.
— oliver bacon (@oliverbacon6) February 20, 2021
Timeline cleanser — maybe the Biden cat will be a ginger…
German shepherd finally has a cat that wants to play with him!
— Cute Animals Videos. (@videos_animals) February 17, 2021
AL always comes through.
That cat is trying to remember the safe word…
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Greg Kelly is the same clown who fell all over himself fawning over Trump for giving him the First Interview after leaving office. Beyond pathetic. It’s also the same interview Trump whined about the election when he was supposed to be talking about the recently deceased Rush Limbaugh. If only Limbaugh could see it now
And here I was thinking we were going to Tbogg before a new thread popped up. :P
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
There should be an auto open thread feature that pops up after a certain number of hours and/or comments.
Just came in from snowshoeing around the lake. There were lots of ice fishing shacks set up and bald eagles circling. It was pretty cold and there was a snow squall on the way back.
We saw some families snowmobiling. The kids were driving mini ones.
I would like to see Champ have a face-to-face with Kelly. A little guttural growl or two should put that ? in his place.
It was suggested that Champ should get a tan suit.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Forget it WaterGirl, it’s Newsmax. They’re assholes
Dogs are very unpopular with the voting public. Especially old one who’s lives are winding down. Those voters who had them as young puppies and formed strong emotional attachments sigh and wonder why they look like they came from a junkyard. I am sure there will be no blow back about the statement made by this self identified dog lover.
I usually can laugh at right wing smears, but televised bashing of this sweet old dog just ENRAGES me! I keep thinking of the adoption listings I see for elderly dogs that are noted as ‘owner surrender’, and I just want to break something. When you get a dog, you have a dog for life, and you give it the best old age possible – and what kind of monster mocks that?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MomSense: That sounds hearty and healthy. I decided it was too cold to go outside. Yes, I’m a wimp.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@JoyceH: Seriously. Who thinks that way?
Guess this guy has never seen an aging German shepherd. Fuck these stupid mother fuckers. And who are these presidential historians I’ve never heard of and why would they be experts on dog gerontology?
The Moar You Know
If there’s any dog more presidential than a German Shepherd I have yet to meet it.
Of course, these are the kind of people who would shit talk a Golden Retriever or a Lab. People with not one shred of human decency.
This country is fucking broken. Look where we’re at at! First Limbaugh starts in on Clinton’s kid back in the nineties. Never an apology for that, I might add. A kid! And now we’ve progressed to slagging dogs, God’s best creation? What in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?
ETA: and OMG he’s slagging an OLD dog. There’s no greater offense.
Does anyone here know how to recognize animal tracks in snow? I have some weird ones, I think it’s rabbit, but damn, that is a big rabbit.
I’m in Memphis so I don’t get much practice.
Memphis = Elvis. Just sayin’.
When I was a kid we had a cat that got lost and was gone for days during a blizzard. Cop found him, identified him by the tag on the collar and brought him home to us. The tips of his ears were frost-bit and fell off, so he had square ears. Neighbor lady told Mom we should have the cat put down because he was ‘ugly’. Hated that lady from then on. We thought he was beautiful and he lived for years after that despite the square ears.
@trollhattan: Hahaha…
Somebody needs to take “America’s Mayor” to a farm upstate.
@JoyceH: The “lady” was ugly.
Here you go:
I think rabbit tracks are easy to recognize. Not all tracks are, though.
karen marie
@JoyceH: You were lucky. We had a cat who went out one winter day and was found days later, 20 feet from the house, after the snow melted.
@geg6: Saw that, I think it’s rabbit because they are single file. I measured, the track is eleven inches long with no space between the individual prints. Giant rabbit.
I suppose she would have wanted Rudolph killed too.
@eclare: Tracks can get larger as they melt. Otherwise I’m useless. The raccoon v deer distinction is all I can manage and it’s a low bar.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: It got up to near freezing today so I decided that ten days without a walk was enough. I anticipated being a little sore, but I hadn’t realized that the calluses on my feet had softened! Ouch.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
If it had been just me I’m sure I would have skipped it, but when my family is together there is always peer pressure to be rugged and productive. I’m glad I saw the eagles and got to see the cousins having fun.
Maybe this would help.
Also too:
@scav: Thanks! The snow has melted a little but not much.
I blame Rush Limbaugh for destroying all sense of decorum in the GOP. When he made it OK to joke about Chelsea Clinton being “the White House dog“ “ he gave them permission to attack Democrats on anything. Kids, pets, personal tragedies, it all became fair game
He was such an asshole.
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
It finally struck me: was Rush so hateful of women and LBGTQ (sorry, I’ve gone blank on the rest) because he was a deeply closeted, self-loathing gay man? Four wives is a strange way to shout to the world, “See? I’m straight!”, but it would be irresponsible to not speculate.
Amir Khalid
@eclare: To some people, that’s all a pet animal is: a decoration.
@karen marie:
We had an orange tabby that took off and came back three months later missing an eye.
Another Scott
@Timurid: +1
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks!
These asshatted assclowns…
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: “Republicans don’t lie to be believed. They lie to be repeated.” – LOLGOP.
@eclare: Jimmy Carter saw one of those back in the 70’s.
If Kelly doesn’t like old dogs, imagine how he views older women and the vulnerable.
In NYC we don’t have to. He skated from a rape charge years ago. I’m sure his personal connections had nada to do with the dropped charges. //
randy khan
Intermittently cycling through episodes of Gadget Man on Prime. Amusing, in discrete doses, as intermission entertainment between more long form, serious or binge inducing fare. A sample snippet.
@WaterGirl: You want that list alphabetical, or…?
He refusal to take bi-polar meds, and his resultant behavior, cost him his marriage.
randy khan
Seeing the kitteh speculation, in my experience (long ago, but I don’t think the animals change that much), Shepherds and cats are a fine combination. The dogs have something to herd, and the cats figure out ways to use the herding compulsion to their advantage. We had one cat who taught the dog to lead her to the food. (And the dogs did not did not did not eat the cat food. Or at least they didn’t do it twice.)
John Revolta
Just Some Fuckhead
Sing along.
Amir Khalid
@Boris Rasputin (the evil twin):
I think you have it right on the self-loathing. It’s probably hard to spew so much hate at others unless it comes out of your own self-hatred. As Bruce once said, “It’s a sad man, my friend, who’s living in his own skin/And can’t stand the company”.
zhena gogolia
Cool. We thought we were seeing deer tracks, but maybe they’re rabbit.
We definitely have seen actual deer in that spot, so we just assumed.
Being a rich, entitled and ginormous asshole might could have been a factor, also, too.
He was on the CA ballot as VP to Roque De La Fuente, so I’m thinking the politicking wasn’t much of a factor.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Boris Rasputin (the evil twin): Possible, or maybe he was just an evil asshole. Maybe both?
@eclare: Here’s a good basic resource
Another Scott
@Ken: So that was you that I saw walking his dog a couple of days ago, when it was about 30F out, in shorts and barefoot??!
“Beauty he loved for its own sake; ugliness, which more often than not was a form of inverted beauty, fascinated him. Life offered far too little of either, and far too much appalling mediocrity, which he thought hideous.”
- The Still, Small Voice of Trumpets, by Lloyd Biggle Jr.
I heard that there is a big sale on dog food at Meijers.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Delk: There’s a big sale at Foods Lions too.
@Wag: Thanks!
I had to go back and check, but Rush made a crude joke about Amy Carter in 1988. He had been doing this crap for a long time.
But I think you are right that he encouraged bile and gave conservatives permission to fully unleash their hatreds and resentments. It has been a part of the public forum ever since.
@The Moar You Know:
They sold their human decency for $.79, in a fire sale. The only reason they got $.79 is that someone felt sorry for them. They muttered “sucker” under their breath because they know they stole that human decency from their housekeeper, right before the fired her because she was pissed at them when they made fun of her kids.
WeRateDogs should start WeRateNewsMaxTrash, and then call them all scumbag trash in very detailed ways.
zhena gogolia
My God, I’m reading this story now. He should be in prison.
@Amir Khalid: That’s one of my favorite Bruce sentences.
zhena gogolia
He did Chelsea as well.
@Brachiator: A misogynist like Limbaugh always needed to have his fragile ego massaged by denigrating anyone the least bit threatening
@L85NJGT: I don’t feel sorry for anyone but their kids. Kim Karrdashian is just as much a preening narcissist as Kanye is; they were perfect for each other until he stopped taking his meds. I hope to hear and see less about either of them going forward.
@MomSense: But when that cat came back, was he singing sea shanties and telling tales of far off lovers?
These folks are sick. All I have got. Sick. In the head.
@John Revolta: “A good Republican cloth coat.”
@Boris Rasputin (the evil twin):
That’s long been my take. The wives tended to be blondes with big boobs. I thought was it was screaming overcompensation. And a couple of them divorced him soon after a 5th- or 10th-year anniversary, just long enough for the pre-nuptial agreement to vest.
@zhena gogolia: phrasing!
Am I alone in not missing for so much as a half second TCM’s usual February shift to 30 Days of Oscar? One of very, very, very, very few COVID consequences with no downside, IMHO.
@Another Scott: The calluses are where my winter boots (which are also my summer work books) press my feet as I walk. I don’t have a dog; my apartment building allows them, but it wouldn’t work well for me (assuming the pandemic ever ends). They get lonely, as I’m daily reminded by the dog in the apartment below me, who whines pitifully most of the day because the people aren’t there. I’ve left a post-it on the door…
zhena gogolia
I realized as soon as I hit post!
zhena gogolia
@NotMax: Oh, I didn’t know they got rid of that. Yes, I hated it. I think that was Robert Osborne’s thing. I love him, but the 30 days of Oscar was horrible.
Dear Santa,
We have been very, very, very good, yes we have. May we please have Roger Stone’s and Alex Jones’ saggy asses on a silver DoJ-inscribed platter for Christmas? Memorial Day would be fine, too.
James E Powell
Ain’t but three things in this world that’s worth a solitary dime
But old dogs and children and watermelon wine
Tom T Hall
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
@Tokyokie: Good point. The first wife lasted 3 years, the second 8, and the third 10. Internet Movie Database told me that; I wouldn’t keep track of anything about the man myself.
Another Scott
@Ken: Understood. :-) Good luck getting your feet back in fighting shape!
Our Ellie has been very happy with us being home teleworking. But it doesn’t stop her from going nuts when people in hats walk past with their dogs; when the delivery folks drop off packages; when she sees the neighborhood foxes on the prowl at twilight; etc. ;-)
Mike in NC
@trollhattan: Not just Stone and Jones. Bannon and Flynn were also planners from stories I’ve seen.
@zhena gogolia:
Not sure how big the deer are where you live, but there is no mistaking deer tracks for rabbit tracks around here. But the deer here are quite large. I saw some deer in Florida while visiting my sister there back in the early 90s. I thought they were medium sized dogs until I got a good look and realized they were actual deer. So tiny compared to ours!
We have a paper road between us and one neighbor and deer seem to use it as a path through our yard. The fawns we’ve seen go through with their moms are twice the size of the deer in Florida. A full grown doe or, even more so, buck from here in WPA is four or fives times bigger.
Not to mention all the rumors of Costa Rican rent boys.
@zhena gogolia
Not gotten rid of so much as put on the shelf, methinks, until such time as the in limbo Oscars ceremony is rescheduled (if at all) to be telecast this year.
@NotMax: Compadre! I think you may be watching too much TV if you are missing a specific specialty station’s specific series in a specific month….
ETA. Not missing is first noticing the absence.
@zhena gogolia: It cracked me up! Especially given the author. ?
zhena gogolia
Oh, I forgot.
@geg6: That is an image that should have accompanied him to the grave. You owe me something for that horror.
A Ghost To Most
It just be raining plane parts here in Denver. The plane flew over our house on its’ return to DIA, according to the flight path.
I never paid attention to it unless they were showing something I wanted to see.
Gonna watch an Oscar movie tonight. Argo is on HBO tonight. I saw it once, not long after it won the Oscar, and remember liking it quite a bit. So I’m going to catch it again tonight and see if it was as I remember.
A misogynist like Limbaugh always needed to have his fragile ego massaged by denigrating anyone the least bit threatening
The gratuitous cruelty primarily had a political motive. The supposed norm was to avoid joking about the wives and children of political leaders. But Rush signaled that neither Democratic Party politicians nor “liberals” in general needed to be shown any consideration or respect. Of course, these hypocrites would howl if any jokes were made about Republican wives or children.
And to your point, Rush the misogynist liked to mock daughters of liberals as part of his assault on feminism and “liberal values.”
So happy that Rush is dead, even though the evil he spawned persists.
Every one brags about being the first or second poster on a thread. I think I managed to be the final on the last thread. Number 344!
My post was to express my sympathy to Ozark Hillbilly on the loss of a great dog. Consider the sentiment repeated here. I loved reading about his pets.
Was once in the housing area of the south rim of the Grand Canyon, summer time the kids are out playing as I’m walking through on my way to the laundromat. All the kids get real quiet and then very calmly walk away. I wondered why till I looked over my right shoulder and saw a moose standing about 15 ft from me. His shoulders were well over my head and those antlers looked absolutely huge. I walked quietly away so as to not piss him off. I’m not actually sure he gave a damn about me at all. I did not want to find out.
Read again. Not missing.
(Just because the TV is on doesn’t mean it’s being actively watched, also too. When am on the PC my back is to it.)
Never watch stuff like this. Just no interest.
I sometimes watched the Oscars, but generally forget who won the next day. Sometimes I agree with the picks, other times not.
And times change. I remember how the entertainment section of newspapers would include big inclusions of the top Oscar winners, and that this would often cause a spike in movie attendance the next few weekends.
And of course, now, movie theaters largely empty, waiting to see if they have a future.
I did read it. I should have said “noticed” which is in my ETA.
As a friend of mine used to say about any bad movie (like that TCM series), “Miss it with a friend!”
So, what exactly the fuck does a “presidential dog” look like? It’s been a few years since we’ve seen one.
Noticed there’s free preview access (I guess for the weekend?) of Showtime on Sling.
Took the time to scroll through the entire list of offerings and failed to spot a single one which attracted me.
They hate, hate, hate it when the flag gewgaw is pinned on them.
Does Lindsey Graham no longer count as a White House pet?
@zhena gogolia: He’s a cesspool and the woman he may have raped was dragged through hell. A right-wing family that sadly sneaked into power with help from a lot of NYC Democrats.
@KenK: It’s a little bit like a Presidential seal, but less flippery.
WaterGirl, I experimented again with the yellow cakey bread. This time added a couple of palmsful of raisins. Major improvement.
@A Ghost To Most: Donnie Darko!
@trollhattan: I would love to see Ginni Thomas added to that platter.
Sister Golden Bear
@NotMax: Richard Ayoade does arch so well!
Another Scott
Nancy’s latest brings the receipts – Horizons:
The monsters are working all the time. We have to fight them every single day. An important next step after the American Rescue Plan should be voting rights like HR-1.
Funny coincidence: I went for a run today, and on my return route, walking the last bit, I stopped to try to figure out which of the tracks in the snow were mine. It took me much longer than I’d expected.
@Timurid: That cat is thinking I love you but tonight’s self-grooming is going to be gross.
@Wag: I had to listen to that fucker every day for 10 years cause folks in our shop loved him.
I am STILL chuckling that he is dead.
The thing I hated above all else is he said this horrible shit, then punked out and said it was just jokes when he got called on it. A bully, a hypocrite, and a coward to his death.
@MattF: Why.?He already has brown fur.
I think those dogs are having the time of their lives. Huge new yard, huge new house, and Dad is almost always home.
@Sister Golden Bear
Triomphe de Arc, as it were.
J R in WV
Champ and Major are far more presidential than Herr Drumpf ever was, I dunno how the “writer” of that piece could make a judgement on Champ’s cleanliness without a personal inspection of the dog, hands on.e
Our dogs are great puppies, but are farm dogs, so their cleanliness can vary quite a bit from day to day. They only get a shower with Mane and Tail when they get into something like oil well grease. They get drenched with a Hydrogen Peroxside, baking soda, Dawn solution when they get uip close and personal with Mr Skunk.
We’ve had a new variety of skunk in this area. Used to all be striped skunks, and now we also have spotted skunks, which smell differently and much worse, as hard as that is to imagine. Dogs helped us discover all that information a year or two ago.
Perhaps a movie to watch this weekend. From BBC News …
Some happy news. Thanks to Alice’s persistence, we have our vaccination appointments for next Friday afternoon. It’s in Worcester, but that’s like less than an hour drive. This has made February much nicer.
@JoyceH: I see Champ slo-o-o-w-w-ly folding those arthritic old joints down into a sit or lie-down, and I think about my old GSD who died at age twelve. It makes me laugh and cry at the same time. What a great old dog.
They really don’t know how to do ANYTHING except heckle, jeer, and sneer, do they? Ragging on someone’s older dog? Seriously?
Maybe they should have paid more attention in high school? I just don’t know. But 30+ years of Rush/Gingrich/trumpov-style conservatism makes me think that all they’ve done is babble amongst themselves. PICK UP A BOOK, losers.
It’s inappropriate to talk smack about a president’s kids. Even the furry ones.*
*(does not apply to the Trump family)
@Boris Rasputin (the evil twin):
I think Rush was an incel. There’s a certain kind of rich dude who can buy himself an attractive wife, but she won’t fuck. See also: Trump, Donald.
OT. I have just finished 14 tax returns, and only one had a taxpayer reported stimulus check that agreed with what the tax software thinks they should have received.
Of course, there were no 1099s, just maybe a letter from Turnip that said here is your check, but did not say save this for your tax filing.
This spring and summer are going to be a clusterphuck in tax-prep world
ETA they have already warned us that retroactive tax law changes mean 2018 and 2019 may need to be amended.
Mary Beth
@JoyceH: When you see an old dog surrendered, it is often because some elderly person has become incapacitated. I know I worry that something might happen to me and my dead husband’s corgi might not find a home.
Awesome (Worcester) sauce!
@JMG: Congrats. Friends found appointments next week in Springfield which is a hour and half from them, but they don’t care. They have to go on separate days, but sometimes you take what you can get.
West of the Rockies
This was utterly, cosmically predictable… Republicans have no problem with children in cages, killing students in school, black people being killed for being black…
But an aged dog looking aged? A First Lady having toned (and brown!!!) arms? Dijon mustard on a hotdog? Bolt the door, Martha, the heathens are coming.
Old favorite done new….
Larkin Poe – Ophelia
@West of the Rockies:
I thought that Dijon mustard on a hot dog was supposed to be elitist.
But Republicans are never consistent in their hypocrisy.
Tom Levenson
@JMG: My wife too; same city, same day. A relief.
I’m just the other (younger) side of the 65 line, so it’s April or May for me.
@Sister Golden Bear:
I looooved him in the Mighty Boosh.
“You know nothing of the crunch!”
@Baud: Its so true. She is incredibly consistent. My favorite front pager. She makes this blog go as much as anybody does. I just hope she can stay awake. She should get graveyard shift pay.
@geg6: Were they Key Deer on Little Pine Key? They stand 30” at the shoulder. Endangered due to loss of habitat.
Whoa! That would freak me out. The deer scare the shit out of me if it’s dark outside while walking the dogs and I don’t expect or see them coming. A buck could really hurt you if he decided to charge. I can’t imagine a moose!
@Brachiator: they were fine with this former guy who used to put ketchup on his burnt steak, right? Fuck them.
(ok, not certain on the ketchup…100% certain on the burnt steak ;)
I mean I guess if you WANT people to know you’re a shitty person you could rag on a nice old dude’s old dog
zhena gogolia
I didn’t even know he was Ray Kelly’s son. (To be honest, I never heard of Greg Kelly before this dog story.) I had forgotten that pugnacious mug.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@eclare: Since spotting our local fox in daylight and figuring out what his tracks look like, I’ve become a lot more aware of the tracks in the snow. Rabbit and raccoon have very characteristic appearances, and I’m pretty sure I can pick out the fox now too.
So what have you got?
@eclare: Are there little brown poop pellets accompanying those tracks? Then it’s a rabbit (or rabbits). We have several congregating in the 12-plus-inch snow cover in our back yard. They’re driving my Aussie crazy.
Flanders Other Neighbor
I love GSDs. Had one as a kid that my grandpa on the farm adopted from us when it was clear my mom was not a large dog person. But since I met my wife 25 years ago, other than one we had for five or six years, it’s been all adopted Huskies. Wonderful dogs that don’t trigger my wife’s allergies and that I never worry about biting anyone, but they need exercise and they’re often too smart for their own good.
Saw key deer in the Keys, yes. But these were just normal deer in the West Palm area. Obviously a different strain of deer from what we get here.
I work with many preparers. I think the Recovery Rebate Worksheet is working fairly well. A couple of the biggest things: it is catching and helping those who had a kid born after the original rebates were sent, and it is providing a nice bonus to “mixed families” where one person has a SSN and his or her spouse does not. These people are retroactively eligible for the first stimulus payment.
People got Notice 1444, but nobody saves those things. A 1099-G would have been nice.
Oh, yes. Things will get crazy also if there is a third stimulus this March.
Yeah, but this is insane. There were a couple of retroactive changes in 2019, but not all software providers went back and changed their software, or did so correctly.
I am not sure that many companies would go back and change 2018 software.
Congress is out of step with practical realities. Hell, the IRS would have problems redoing 2018 paper forms.
And Maryland and Delaware have (I think) recently enacted some changes to 2020 laws relating to unemployment or something. California is about to enact new 2020 laws regarding the California Earned Income Credit. This will be hard enough to do as updates in an overall shorter tax season.
Keith P.
@West of the Rockies: Provolone on a cheesesteak!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
The rabbit isn’t single file, you get two paws together and two paws staggered.
If you are getting those groups of four with a lot of space between the groups, that’s a rabbit in a hurry.
The fox tracks I’ve been seeing are pretty close to single file.
Greg Kelly = Junkyard Anchor
(or maybe that’s redundant since he works for “News”Max
If anywhere remotely as fun as “Derry Girls” it will be worth watching. Mysterious creatures, teen girls.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Giant rabbit. I took pics and am going to go by our zoo some day next week to confirm.
Unfortunately, not Elvis.
@jackmac: No, and they only extend for maybe fifteen to twenty feet. The whole “how they started and stopped” is a mystery.
The Pale Scot
Chupacabra for sure
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I meant the tracks as a whole are single file, from something hopping. No gait.
@The Pale Scot: I hope not!
I have been loving Task Master on Youtube.
@NotMax: Still sounds weird, but I’m glad you like it. I would try it if someoe offered me some, but I don’t think I would try to make it.
I believe you are right about the burnt steak. But here is where his supporters loved their Jerk-in-Chief. Trump could have a three start Michelin restaurant in one of his hotels and force the chef to serve a burnt steak when he ate there. It is super dooper phony man of the people bullshit.
From a 2016 news story:
This was the infamous dinner where Trump forced Romney to kiss his ass while pretending that he was considering Mittbot 2000 to be named Secretary of State.
The Pale Scot
@Another Scott:
That would be me if I could. The polar vortex isn’t going to make it to SW FL. I’m disappointed. Just a 3 day freeze to kill the bugs, is that to muck to ask?
@sab: My letter re: the stimulus check said NOT to claim them on my taxes. Why are people claiming them?
The Fat White Duchess
@Amir Khalid: I will forever remember my ex, working as a house-cleaner, coming home furious. A couple he cleaned for had surrendered their two cats and gotten a new one or two—because they’d redecorated the living room and the first pair no longer matched the decor.
Unless… Elvis in a rabbit costume?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@trollhattan: We watched a GBBO special where they brought in cast members from “Derry Girls” to bake. They were totally incompetent in the kitchen, and hysterically funny. Paul Hollywood almost smiled!
Steeplejack (phone)
Yes, Lindsey counts as a pet. Breed, as someone said on Twitter, “South Carolina spineless.”
@Ruckus: I don’t believe there are records of moose in Arizona, and it’d be shocking if one turned up south of the Grand Canyon. I’m guessing your beast was an elk — they’re big enough.
They aren’t claiming the amount. Some people who did not get the stimulus can have any additional amount added when they file for 2020.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Totally OT but: Has anyone ever run into anything with August Wilson talking about his plays and his characters?
A month or so ago we watched the film of Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom that was Chadwick Boseman’s last film. I found myself really wanting to hear Wilson talk about Levee, Boseman’s character.
I took out “Ma Rainey” from the library to compare to the film. Then decided I was going to read the entire “Century” cycle in chronological order by decade. These things all have forwards by other people with plenty of commentary, but not a word by Wilson himself.
The Denzel Washington / Viola Davis version of Fences is also definitely on my to-see list, but not until after I’ve read it.
@Sister Golden Bear:
I enjoy him in clips of the show Travel Man, here with the delightful Alice Levine.
@The Pale Scot: Polar vortex in southwest Florida – imagine the freakout (and frozen iguanas).
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
You might find this PBS link useful.
I was fortunate enough to see one of his plays, Joe Turner’s Come and Gone twice, once in Los Angeles and again in New York. The New York production included a post-theater discussion with some people involved in the production.
Amazing stuff.
I can’t wait for the Baud XXXX administration, which will take credit for the previous administration’s amazing accomplishment of the Duck Dodgers of the 24 and half century Planet X expedition.
The Baud pet will a snipe, which guests will hunt for around the WH grounds, while Baud holds a stale beer.
@jl: Baud XXXX sounds like the name of an IPA.
@Brachiator: Ah. That’s what I get for skimming the thread.
@JMG: Congrats! It will be until April before I can get a Baker jab. I do not like that guy.
@JPL: I believe that’s the stale beer Baud is holding.
@Brachiator: Talk to any Black theatre artist and you will get an education. (A very GOOD education).
I follow a lot of them on Facebook and Twitter and I’ve learned lots, and I have lots to learn.
Another Scott
I just received an Amazon padded envelope package. In looking at the label I see:
Weight: 1.8739291046322646 lb
That is all.
Back when the US was a self-confident country that allowed presidents to be human beings, rather than pompous tin-pot royalty, people didn’t waste their time whining about whether presidential pets projected the correct CW respectability.
In particular scraggly looking dogs appear to have a long history in the WH:
John Adams: Among them were a pair of mongrel dogs named Juno and Satan, and a horse named Cleopatra.
John Q Adams: Lafayette had an unusual gift for then president John Quincy Adams: an alligator. Adams decided to lodge the reptile in the then-unfinished East Room of the White House, which had its own bath tub.
[Jackson] brought his pet parrot, Poll, with him-and it seems the bird picked up some of the president’s own salty vocabulary.
President Calvin Coolidge and First Lady Grace Coolidge had menagerie of animals living with them during their time in the White House, including a donkey, a bobcat, and geese. Among the best-loved was a raccoon called Rebecca.
Washington had a coonhound named Drunkard, Jefferson had a mocking bird named Dick, which flew around the WH, I suppose, mocking various things it overheard. TR had a considerable zoo, which included a laughing hyena and one legged rooster named Fierce.
Amir Khalid
@The Fat White Duchess:
That is just monstrous.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Another Scott: Amazon has the good scales that can weigh down to the individual atom.
In the halcyon days of yore, presidents were also allowed to have whatever damned garden they pleased.
” The first White House garden was planted in 1800, by the second president of the United States John Adams and first lady Abigail Adams.[3] Adams and his wife grew their own fresh fruits and vegetables to feed their family, rather than buying produce at the local market. ”
John Adams fancied himself a farmer, though. I think he made his living farming after he left the WH.
Edit: I wonder if John and Abigail puttered around the garden themselves. If Adam and Abigail viewed themselves as a farm family, I imagine they did.
Amir Khalid
@Another Scott:
That works out to about 30oz, or 850g. What was in the package?
I don’t do FaceBook or Twitter, but am glad to know that there is some good and stimulating stuff out there on black theater.
You might enjoy this piece about a video production of the play Hymn.
It stars two black actors and was written by Lolita Chakrabarti. One of the stars of the production, Adrian Lister, is her husband.
Another Scott
@Amir Khalid: A bunch of miscellaneous stuff, but mostly accessories for my air compressor.
(Whoever wrote the label software apparently didn’t have to suffer through “significant figures” being drummed into them in physics class…)
@Baud: FDR brought the shade!
@Brachiator: my son’s name is in part because of Wilson. So amazing in so many directions.
Pathos ethos logos But in this house we end with legos.
Very cool.
Am getting an Augie Doggie and Dogie Daddy vibe.
@geg6: Florida doesn’t have the forage that more northern climates do. We also don’t have extreme winter and most animals don’t try to build up fat for surviving winter. Raccoons and squirrels are much skinnier and have thinner fur which makes them look even smaller. Our regular deer are definitely smaller than say Virginia’s or Georgia’s.
Uncle Cosmo
@WaterGirl: My letter re: the stimulus check said NOT to claim them on my taxes. Why are people claiming them?
My understanding is that the stimulus check is non-taxable, so if you received one you don’t have to claim them.
However there are a number of people who did not receive one, not because they weren’t supposed to, but because the checks were distributed according to the address (or checking account routing number) associated with the previous year’s tax returns, and anyone whose prior year’s return has been held up wouldn’t have that on file at the IRS.
(I’m in that boat, still waiting for a prior year’s paper-filed return [which was postmarked last April 14] to be processed in order to release later years’ electronic filings. )
My tax accountant tells me the simplest way to recover the amount of the stimulus check that was never sent is to claim it on this year’s return as a tax credit. That sounds like what you might have heard about.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Yes, this is what many people are doing. Including the stimulus payment on their tax return so that it can be paid along with any refund.
Some people who otherwise do not have to file a tax return should file if they are getting a stimulus payment.
Starboard Tack
I had a “pet cat” when I was a kid that was an unneutered tom. He lived outside and disappeared for days at a time. At nights in the summer we could hear him yowling in the woods behind the house. The tips of his ears were ragged from fighting with raccoons. One winter he showed up with the lower half of his face chewed up. He sat with his chin in the snow for a week and survived, but all the hair on it was gone. My Dad and older brother once tried to put him in a burlap bag. It did not go well.
Just Chuck
Snide commentary about POTUS’s dog is apparently sufficient for a writing gig in Wingnutopia. The soft bigotry of low expectations …
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Since I am a sexist slob, ect I have to himpathy the dorks doing the Biden’s Dog crap and,..just no, what kind fucked in the head idiot dumps on another guy’s dog? I think Newsmax is run by serial killers.
@Just Chuck:
Why do they bother? I am not interested in a pundit take on Biden’s pets.
Omnes Omnibus
I expect that the season will be extended again.
The Pale Scot
Back in the day we came down here to Orlando & Miami during the winter and it was in the 50’s. Being an infomaniac from the time I was knee high a grasshopper I remember NYC newscasts (Chuck Scarsboro) talking about night frosts damaging the citrus crops. That hasn’t happened for 15 years. I hope to retire to a farm in Quebec, or a nice dacha in upper Norway.
The Pale Scot
I believe that if you haven’t received a stimulus check you can use it as a refundable credit against taxes owed. I’d wait month to see the dust settle. If you can get an no pay extension, probably a good idea
Mai Naem mobile
Champ is a good looking GS. I don’t get it. I would have thought GSs would be the prototypical GOP WH dog. They’re pretty ‘manly’ looking dogs. I believe Hitler had German Shepherds for crying out loud.
@Mai Naem mobile
As a breed, the GS practically still has that new dog smell.
@John Revolta: An early instance (but I’m sure not the earliest) of Republicans expressing outrage over something unfair they are oh so sure that their Democratic critics are going to accuse them of in the future — AND HOW DARE THEY!!!
The Fat White Duchess
@gwangung: Do you know Andrea Hairston by any chance? Professor of theatre arts at, I think, Smith, and writer of amazing specfic. Also one of the panelists I try to see at any science-fiction convention.
If Jodie is leaving as the Thirteenth Doctor (I hope she isn’t but still) I think Richard would be absolutely brilliant.
“Have you tried turning the TARDIS off and back on again?”
Neither did I. But those kids had been properly trained and knew exactly what to do. And the way they did that told me that something was happening that I absolutely needed to be aware of. As well they showed me, do not run, or act like you are scared in any way. Just walk away smoothly and calmly. And really, them doing that made it a lot easier for me to at least attempt the same.
Not arguing at all, I thought it was an elk and looked it up and thought I must be crazy because I didn’t think there were moose in the area either. And really I wasn’t on a scientific discovery, I was walking through what looked like a suburb housing tract So, elk-moose, big deal, big, freaking huge animal that looked like it could step on me, or fling me far with it’s antlers. Wiki says moose don’t come that far south but the horns looked more like moose which is why I said that in the first place. I’m not arguing with science, it knows far more than I do.
Fraud Guy
@Wag: Yes, this attack was an homage to Limbaugh’s attack on Chelsea.