On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Gin & Tonic
Some more from Stockholm and immediate environs.

Went out to a park on the outskirts, and the forest floor was covered with these. As I said, springtime – daffodils were also blooming.

Vaxholm Castle is on an island before Stockholm harbor. It’s a nice ferry ride out there, especially if it’s a nice day. And yeah, if Billin is looking at these, I know about the dust spots.

Inside the castle. The cannons don’t see much use these days.

I’d live here. Wouldn’t have to worry about the neighbors.

The Royal Palace and Museum.

The changing of the guard. I liked the sun on the helmets.

Yeah, it’s photogenic. Sue me.

I have never ridden a horse or played a tuba. I imagine doing both at once is challenging.
Mary G
Very cool. I was hoping to get to Sweden on my one trip, but didn’t get past Copenhagen. Love the little white flowers.
J R in WV
Woot!! Second, and at 5:35 am to boot.
Nice shots, all of ’em. And you’re correct, dust spots on old film photos, no big deal. Now that they’re scanned you could fix them , but really, part of the film experience. Along with toxic chemistry…
Good morn all. Back to bed soonest.
Lovely. I’ll get back to Stockholm one of these days.
@Mary G: I think the little white flowers are anemones. They grow on the mountainsides here in Scotland.
This is great. Love the photos. I wonder if those musician warriors are referred to as Horns on Horses.
Uncle Cosmo
Been to Stockholm a couple of times, never saw the Changing of the what-looks-to-be-mixed-gender Colorful Guard. I do however remember seeing another guard in a much less photogenic precinct of the Royal Palace – he wore camo & instead of one of those highly-polished pigstickers, had a rather wicked looking assault rifle to hand.
The Swedes seem by & large (sometimes quite large!) gentle & genial folks – but when it comes to security and public order, they do not fuck around. (I have a story or two…)
The Meatballs also build & field some pretty snappy military hardware. Should a squadron of MiGs ever stick its droopy noses out of Kaliningrad Oblast looking to ruble, um, rumble over the Baltic, I’d put good kronor on a responding flight of JAS 39 Gripens sending them skedaddling back to base. (And they can sortie to & from their Friggin’ highways, fer Odin’s sake!)
I really enjoyed this set! If the house at #4 is a duplex, I would happily join you there.
Nice pics!
I have played a tuba*. I have never done so on horseback. Challenge would be pretty steep. I’d try it once.
*The horn in the back is a scaled down version of a sousaphone common in European bands. It doesn’t have the bass resonance that a true tuba would have.
The ‘tuba’ horse looks either perplexed or resigned. Can’t quite tell which…
Dan B
@greenergood: They’re Anemone bland, Grecian Windflower or Balkan Windflower. They’re native to SE Europe and the Caucasus so were introduced to Britain. They naturalize slowly. Blue forms are popular. Their bulb is hard like a piece of bark, an indication of lasting through a long dry summer. I have a little clump that’s been in bloom since early February. Dark blue.
There are Anemones (Japanese) that are three feet tall and borderline aggressive herbaceous perennials.