What do you do if you find a lynx killing your chickens? If you're Chris Paulson, you grab it by the scruff and take a selfie. Speaking to him in a moment. Listen here: https://t.co/YFWbHjvqL5 pic.twitter.com/1IjKRpaCP2
— Andrew Kurjata (@akurjata) February 22, 2021
For some reason ‘Kill my chickens, and I will resort to humiliating you on camera’ seems very… appropriate?
Here's the video of Chris giving the lynx a lecture (I keep trying to post this and twitter keeps stripping the sound so hoping this works) pic.twitter.com/MJjnK31fR0
— Andrew Kurjata (@akurjata) February 22, 2021
I’ve got a couple of meezers who are dependent upon me for food and shelter, but when they do something naughty, I sigh and clean up the damage, BECAUSE THEY’RE FUCKING CATS AND DON’T OBEY! And this hoser is lecturing a large, wild cat. Oy
Oh, and Frist!
Content like this is what makes balloon juice the best place on the internet.
Anne Laurie
@tokyokie: To be fair, I’ve known cases where humiliation worked to discourage a domestic cat from repeating undesirable-to-human behaviors!
The infamous God Bottle (spray bottle filled with water), as a deterrent to counter-surfing or curtain-climbing, for example.
And in my experience, meezers (Siamese) are much more susceptible to humiliation-retraining than Maine Coons. Coon cats just DO NOT GIVE A SH*T about our so-called ‘humiliation’, it’s not *their* problem that we humans can’t take a joke.
But even in my misspent youth, I’d never have had the presence of mind to try it on a lynx, or even a bobcat…
@Anne Laurie
Tick them off enough and you’re dealing with hyper lynx.
@Anne Laurie: one does have to admire his composure.
Amir Khalid
In 16 years, I only ever yelled at Bianca once: when she was little and tried to get up on the dinner table. It was our first week together or thereabouts, and I didn’t have a Spray Bottle of Watery Death handy. It worked: she never tried it again. (I like to think she forgave me.)
John Revolta
Big kitty
Well, I am afraid that asshole pissed me right off
As teens, my kids had a friend who lived out in rural Nevada; she was an excellent competitive skeet shooter and also had a passel of cats, both indoor and barn kitties. One morning, hearing squalling from outside, she ran out & found a bobcat dragging off one of the barn cats. She grabbed one of her guns, went out & whacked it and scolded it until it dropped her cat.
Her dad asked (in disbelief) why she didn’t just shoot the bobcat. She replied, in horror, “It’s a cat too! I didn’t want to hurt it!”
Both kitties were fine.
@Anne Laurie: I take it that cats in general cannot stand the feeling of sprayed liquid? I once used a spray bottle of anti-tick/flea liquid on our rescue tabby when she was little and much skin and hair flew. Ever since then, when I use a spray bottle on the orchids, she shoots off up the stairs and hides.
Dan B
I’ve been outpatient for IV antibiotics twice, actually four visits the first time – one bite, four jabs, from my kitties. I guess I should have grabbed them by the scruff. The second culprit currently let’s me pick him up now that he’s decided I can be trained for useful things like back massage and purr inducing skritches. It’s like graduating basic training with one session of crawling under barbed wire, aka CLAWS!
Dan B
@montanareddog: How is it that our two formerly feral cats will hang out in the rain but hate sprayed water and towel drying?
Amir Khalid
I understand her thinking and sympathise with it.
@Amir Khalid: I did too! Though I could understand her dad’s nerves about his 15-year old going after the wild animal!
@Anne Laurie: I taught a kitten not to scratch by showing him the cut and whimpering and lecturing a little like the lynx man. It really worked, and he did seem rather crestfallen.
Don’t know if I’d have caught a lynx, though, that’s boss.
Edit: Oh yeah, he was Siamese. A pretty old-style guy.
Mary G
I wanted him to shut up so I could hear the growling. The chickens weren’t too happy about the lecture and wanted blood for blood. Pretty cool to see though.
Chris T.
@montanareddog: Depends on the cat. More dislike it than not, though. (Also the sprays sometimes sound like another cat hissing.)
Amir Khalid
This is interesting. Malaysia’s highest court has ruled that the state of Selangor’s Shariah law against “unnatural” sex is unconstitutional, on the grounds that it encroaches on Parliament’s authority to make Federal law.
I think my yorkiepom will be taking the last car ride tomorrow.
Amir Khalid
Sorry to hear that. I hope it’s an easeful passage over the Rainbow Bridge for your furry loved one.
I’m so sorry, Bill.
karen marie
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It’s a hard thing but also the last good thing you can do for your well-loved pet to help them to their final rest in peace. Take consolation in their life well lived.
Mary G
@?BillinGlendaleCA: She had a good life with you, and you are returning the love so she doesn’t and it is so fucking hard. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Don’t try this at home, folks. It was pure dumb luck that the lynx was a young ‘un. A fully adult lynx, with fully developed fight/flight instincts, would’ve filleted him from head to toe.
I’m so sorry, Billin. The ride will be a hard one for you.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Aw man, I’m so sorry.
Thanks y’all, I made this drive twice 14 years ago.
Tell the lynx the story of St. Francis and the wolf of Gubbio?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Oh no. I am so sorry
That lynx was growling and staring like my cat Ocean whenever I pick her up for hugs. That death glare says it all.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: ah sorry, BGCA, that’s hard
@?BillinGlendaleCA: So sorry Bill.
Can’t! Stop! Laughing!!! OMG those grumbly growls from the lynx and its expression! Crying…
@?BillinGlendaleCA: tears.
Mary Ellen Sandahl
I’m very sorry, Bill. It’s hard. But it’s an act of love.
J R in WV
Sorry to hear that, glad you are taking good care of yorkiepom, tho. Last best hardest thing we do for our fur babies. Hope all goes as well as can be. It is really hard, I know…
No One You Know
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’m sorry Bill.