‘Crying Nazi’ Christopher Cantwell Sentenced To 41 Months For Extortion via @forbes https://t.co/yS0R1fwT6V
I doubt he can read his favorite web content in prison! pic.twitter.com/VtkIbBzn8g
— Jim Swift (@JimSwiftDC) February 25, 2021
And not even for something “cool”, like insurrection or murdering a cop. He got busted for threatening a fellow two-bit terrorist, like he was a not-even-Aryan corner drug dealer or something. Simpler times, 2017…
A judge in New Hampshire sentenced Christopher Cantwell to more than three years in prison on Wednesday for trying to extort and threaten a fellow member of the white nationalist community, the latest legal troubles to hit Cantwell, an infamous extremist whose participation in the violent 2017 rally in Charlottesville, Va., brought him nationwide recognition — and whose emotional reaction to earlier legal problems earned him the nickname “the crying Nazi.”…
Cantwell will serve 41 months in prison on extortion and threat charges, federal Judge Paul Barbadoro ruled, after he was found guilty last September (his lawyers did not respond to Forbes when asked whether he plans on appealing).
Prosecutors say Cantwell tried to pressure another man active in online extremist circles into identifying the leader of the “Bowl Patrol,” a competing neo-Nazi group formed to glorify Charleston mass shooter Dylann Roof.
In a series of 2019 Telegram messages, Cantwell threatened to report the man to child protective services, “dox” him by posting his identity on the internet, and harm his family if he didn’t reveal the Bowl Patrol leader’s identity…
Can it be?
No, second….?
@Beautifulplumage: I also read that the subject of pre-attack capitol tours was being referred to Justice.
Also, this new one https://mobile.twitter.com/NickLutsko/status/1364972130107072514 from Nick Lutsko
@Danielx: The coveted second spot is nothing to sneeze at!
Do we think Chris cried again when he heard the sentence? I’m going to assume so.
Am not exactly a stranger to news sites yet this is the first time have seen or heard of that sobriquet.
And Hi, Anne Laurie! Your covid updates updates have been very much appreciated this past year. Your evening posts are very much appreciated by us west coast folks.
Cry harder, Nazi Trump trash!
@NotMax: he made a video after Charlottesville, maybe Anne can embed it above for reference?
I mean, he posted his own video of being a sniveling weasel! Who does that? Typical bully bullshit when called out.
Bowl Patrol? Flush twice.
@Danielx: ACHOO! You are all ridiculous. ?
It has been noted before that second is truly the coveted spot. Also, F*$k Nazis.
No pressing desire to see it or learn any more about him.
Here’s a link to a youtube video of it
@NotMax: oops, posted link before I saw this ?
@Beautifulplumage: O hai der stranger! I must have missed seeing you round these parts.
Maybe it’s just me, but I had never heard of this guy until now. Or I had and forgot. Or this last year distorted my memory so badly it was ripped from my brain. Something like that.
@Yutsano: Hi Yutsano! ? I usually comment on dying threads, so a lurker if you will.
This guy was known as a tough-talking shit poster prior to the C-ville rally, then was arrested and charged and lost it completely.
@Yutsano: Every time I see a Seattle-meetup peep here I get nostalgic for the fun meals & conversations *sigh*
We’ll need a celebratory meetup once we all have immunity!
Since it’s wide open thread –
As a long time inveterate reader – nay, studier of opening and closing credits am always on the lookout for names which strike me as unusual, indelibly memorable or cute. It’s passing rare to score a hat trick, however one crossed the screen this week. (On the infinitesimal chance he or she is a commenter here, no disrespect of any kind intended.)
Kika Wenki Wei.
And since this seems to be my personal thread, I’ll just point out that, based on the skit my nym is from, all I hear when the former guy is referenced…”This bird wouldn’t VROOOMFF if you put 10,000 volts through it! THIS IS AN EX-PRESIDENT!”
@NotMax: also a fan of credits for the names!
(not to mention the credits from my fave movie, which features much sacking)
Mary G
@Beautifulplumage: I’ve always wondered if your nym came from that. Every time I see it I start thinking “He’s pinin’ for the fjords!”
@Beautifulplumage: Oh yes, a meetup. I’d love to go back to that little restaurant on 99 (Aurora). Was it Malaysian? Indonesian? I can’t remember, but it was very good.
Have you managed to get the vaccine? We haven’t yet but we’re hopeful of finding an appointment in the next couple of weeks.
Bowl Patrol? In honor of Dylann Roof’s haircut? Too bad crying nazi has male pattern baldness. Oh well, another thing to cry about I guess.
J R in WV
Visual TAB still not working on Android w Chrome.
Crying nazi going away so fitting…
The Pale Scot
I don’t see this signage being unique
And us, err, trans-Ponders
Betty Cracker
@Delk: I read something a while back that alluded to this subset of sub-humans, and yes, they call themselves “Bowl Patrol” (and get tribute haircuts) in honor of a grotesque mass murderer’s terrible, no-good, awful hairdo. There’s so much that’s so wrong with all of these people, but that detail stuck with me for some reason.
@Yutsano: Cantwell was one of the few white nationalists to be charged after the disastrous Charlottesville rally of August 2017. He maced a counterprotester during the Friday night tiki torch march, received a year sentence, reduced to some time served and an order to stay out of Virginia for five years. Four more were convicted of street violence on the next day, and Charlottesville Judge Moore gave them 2-3 years prison time. A klansman from Maryland got 8 years for discharging a firearm. Fortunately he did not start a gun battle between a dozen or so armed counterprotesters and the couple hundred armed militia members exiting the downtown park after they were ordered to disperse.
None of these men were arrested at the time, but were identified through pictures after the fact. The driver who killed Ms. Heyer was arrested five blocks away and is serving a life sentence.
@Geminid: There is a civil suit, Simes v. Kessler, stemming from the Charlottesville rally. People injured in the murderous car attack are suing the rally organizers. The trial is only now scheduled for the fall, but this action has already put financial pressure on parties like the League of the South and Richard Spencer.
The lead attorney on Simes is Robbie Kaplan. She also is representing E. Jean Carroll in her defamation suit against trump. It looks like trump will soon be required to testify in a deposition. Carroll plans on being there.
@Geminid: Robbie Kaplan represented Edith Winsor in her successful challenge of the “Defense of Marriage Act,” Winsor v. U.S. Winsor and her wife married in Canada in 2008. When her wife died, Winsor was denied the spouse’ exemption to the federal Estate Tax because of DOMA. Her 2012 victory at the Supreme Court was a precursor to the vindication of same-sex marriage rights in Obergefel a couple years later.
Since Cantwell’s going to jail, I guess he’s not an undercover FBI agent. Which means the Nazis and racists fight among themselves without external provocation. Yay?
BTW what’s happened to these late-night threads? They used to have hundreds of comments by the time I saw them in the morning, now it’s rare they hit 100. Everyone sleeping better since January?
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
Because I’m old and can’t sleep in anymore, I spend most Saturday mornings listening to On The Media. It’s one of the few NPR shows that doesn’t both sides the hell out of everything so of course it’s relegated to 7 AM on Saturday mornings.
Anyway, last Saturday they had a former white supremacist on who quit the movement and now works de-programming other white supremacists.
He said one thing people don’t realize about the movement is they spend far more time and energy fighting with each other than fighting for their “cause” so I’m not surprised this guy got his comeuppance from another guy in the movement.
Well, it takes a little longer for newspapers to get from the mainland to Hawaii — via a slow boat to Lahaina, one presumes — so maybe by tomorrow?
Surprised/amazed Shitgibbon didn’t award him a Metal of Freedumb, for his contributions to having “good people on both sides.”
@Betty Cracker:
Moe Howard wasn’t a great actor — sorry, NotMax — but I hardly think he was a “mass murderer.”
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: Last year I heard a very good, long interview on NPR with a young woman who had been drawn into Richard Spencer’s Identity Evropa. She recounted the time when, at a meeting in a large house in Charlottesville, Spencer led a group in a series of Nazi salutes. He stared at her until she finally gave the salute. A few weeks later the woman quit her job and her white nationalist boyfriend, and hid in another town for months. It still took her a while to see how wrong these people were. She was tracked down by a anti-fascist journalist who won her trust, and informally deprogramed her through dialogue.
Dunno why you’re apologizing to me. Shemp was the only one in the clan with a functioning fragment of the acting gene.
Well, I didn’t want to send you into a funk by noting that Olivier’s or Daniel Day Lewis or take-your-pick) standing was in no danger from Moe. [Despite your protestations, I’ve heard rumors of a shrine you erected to each of them. Well, except for the Joes, of course.]
Nuh uh. Stooges a taste I never acquired.
There’s always a Beatles song title for every occasion