I’ve worked across the globe where I saw up close the threats posed by radicalism and disinformation. I’m running because Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is trying to do the same thing here. Join me on my next mission. #SendCongressFlowers #GA14 https://t.co/2mMa2CCho1
— Marcus Flowers (@Marcus4Georgia) March 2, 2021
And also this one:
It’s official! I’m running for Congress against Marjorie Taylor Greene. It’s time to cut through the noise and get back to work. pic.twitter.com/R2ugwxD5tZ
— Holly McCormack (@Holly_4Congress) February 24, 2021
Two very different approaches, both valid. I’m always going to lean a little toward the veterans…
Been a busy day hoping to wrap up work here in the next half hour or so and hopefully still have the energy to do 30-minutes on the spin cycle.
How is your evening wrapping up?
Open thread
(I may have a little pleasant respite surprise for you in the next few days…stay tuned…)
Comrade Colette
Good for both of those folks. I’d take a banana peel over MTG, but it’s nice to see there are candidates well above that level.
Why isn’t there an “I Can’t Get the Gods-damned Shot” thread for for people who are so far down the priority list that it might as well be the 22nd century when they get to us? Grumble grumble.
Mary G
I want the surprise now, moooooooooooooooooooooooom. Whatisit?
Chetan Murthy
@Comrade Colette: CC, I thought you told us you were 108yo? Or was that just jest?
My employer requires (twice weekly) COVID surveillance testing. Before going into the tent where one spits into a tube, they use an IR thermometer to check for fevers. For some strange reason, the thermometers they’re using consistently insist that I’m suffering from acute hypothermia, temperatures of below 90 degrees usually. By now, the staff is convinced that I’m a lizard person. I’ve insisted that I’m not, but they tell me “that’s exactly what a lizard person would say!”. They make a fair point.
TaMara (HFG)
@dmsilev: That gave me a chuckle.
I’m very, very, “MEH” on all the people who have come out saying “I’m running against Boebert” “I’m running against Greene”
These two people are dangerous criminals and should be expelled from Congress and arrested.
They should not have “challengers”.
They should have defense attorneys.
They should not be permitted to run for re-election.
It’s disgusting they haven’t been shown the door already.
Tell them a lizard would say it with a forked tongue.
Amir Khalid
I just ran out of honey-roasted peanuts. Pout.
TaMara (HFG)
@Mary G: You and me both. I’ve been waiting a good month for this…a few more days will make me nuts.
@catclub: I’ll have to try that.
Comrade Colette
@Chetan Murthy: Correct, I said I was 108. I didn’t say 108 what. ?
I know perfectly well why I’m far down on the list (just turned 60 and pretty darn healthy), and I’m generally fine with that IN THEORY, but this week marks one year since my employer sent us all home and the whole anniversary thing is hitting me hard. I’ve reached a point where I can’t even identify what I miss, other than “everything.” And I feel guilty for grumbling because I was already privileged and I’m so lucky compared to many, many others who are suffering from a hell of a lot worse than boredom and cooped-up-edness.
@dmsilev: Funny! And humor wasn’t something I expected from a lizard person.
Comrade Colette
@frosty: Lizard AI beta testing!
Chetan Murthy
@Comrade Colette: When people ask “how are you doing?” I reply “It. Is. What. It. Is.” When they ask “what are you up to?” I reply “Groundhog Day”.
In short, I feel you. I don’t think we have anything to feel guilty about it, though. As long as we do our part to keep the virus down, we’re perfectly entitled to feel miserable and angry. Me, I’m fucking *incensed* at people who think this is a great time to go to restaurants, bars, gyms, etc. They’re the ones keeping us confined, the freeloaders.
And then there are the ones on certain blogs, who whine about their
socialsex lives, gosh, they can’t go dancing, etc, etc. I feel like Florence in Chess (“Do you think you’re the only one who’s ever suffered anything at all?!?!”)Yeah: when will we get the damn jab? Gah. Gah. I don’t want my whole life back. Just the gym and the pool. I’d be willing to give up the rest, really.
Comrade Colette
@Chetan Murthy: Holy crap, THE GYM. I’d forgotten it exists. And we’re still paying the membership (it’s the Y, they need the money) because we can. More privilege. My rage at the numbskulls whose carelessness is keeping us in this place is beyond words.
The gym! My precious! (rocks and sobs uncontrollably)
Kerry Donovan, a Colorado state senator from western Colorado, is preparing to give Bobbart a run for her money. check out Kerry’s video. She’s the real deal.
@Comrade Colette: Yeah, I’m getting really tired of being told to “Get The Shot”, when I CAN’T GET THE FUCKING SHOT.
@Chetan Murthy:
I said exactly the same thing to one of my neighbors recently, and she responded “you’ve been saying that for the last six months now.” True enough, I suppose. She’s gotten her shots by now (over 70), and more and more people I know are getting them as well, so there’s some first-hand signs of progress to go along with the graphs we see on the various tracking websites.
I’m glad to see MTG has challengers, and will be interested to see if they get traction. If they do, it’ll raise my abysmal opinion of the voters in that district at least a little. (Ditto Boebert.)
Destructive assholes like MTG and Boebert highlight another reason we really need to bring back earmarks: if elected representatives can’t do solid, real-world things for their constituents, then all they have to campaign on is culture war issues. This works out well for the GQP, which isn’t interested in policy or helping their voters, but not so well for Democrats, who do care about those things.
(TaMara, I am going to go slightly crazy with curiosity and anticipation waiting for your Special Respite post. Something to do with your furred and feathered housemates?)
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That is exactly my wife. Her mom died last year (in Bangkok) but my wife was not able to go to the funeral since Thailand requires a two week quarantine – she would have had to be stuck in a hotel when the services took place. Thailand is considering “vaccine passports” which would allow entry without quarantine. She can’t wait for a shot. I got my second dose in January which was a definite relief.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
On the one hand, trump billed the Secret Service almost $400K at Bedminster alone.
On the other: I doubt Alan Weisselberg wants to go to jail for trump, or that he got paid enough to even be willing to pay a lot of fines.
@Chetan Murthy:
I just got my second shot today and I’ve started filling my social calendar for all the things I’ve been putting off – dentist, eye doctor, cardiologist, mammogram, haircut, dog groomer.
But I have been thinking wistful pool thoughts as well. I used to go to the pool at least twice a week, and haven’t been to the Y for a year now. It’s open, for people willing to take the risk. But I didn’t feel lucky.
I’ve got delivery pizza and easy open-n-eat provisions and plan to nest the next couple days dealing with any vaccination side effects. What are folks streaming? I’m watching Buffy on Prime and Canine Interventions on Netflix. Got a sock to knit.
@Amir Khalid
Only officially out after checking under all the couch cushions.
Included some anise candies, which I’ve been craving for a while, in a small order today as an I-deserve-this treat. Should be enough to last until, if not through, the summer.
@Chetan Murthy
Have been habitually responding “Fair to partly cloudy” for close on to 60 years; yet to be decisively proven wrong.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: my response for the last year or so is, “All things considered, not bad”
Had my first Zoom today with some longtime friends who have “news”.
Dave retired, they sold their house, they arn’t moving to Vancouver Island, they bought a Condo in Halifax, Nova Scotia, (other Ocean), and are moving in April.
Now I want Covid to be over so we can visit them, there.
mine is “Can’t complain”,
”doesn’t do anything”,
…………”and people stop listening.”
Another Scott
@Chetan Murthy: “Still on the right side of the grass” is how an old guy in the next subdivision over puts it.
That works too. :-)
OMG OMG! She’s got a new duck! She’ll names it Agnes – and the person who gets the #2 post will get a digital picture!! ☙☙☙☙☙☙☙☙
ETA WELCOME AGNES!! SKEEE!! SKEEEE!!!! You duck billed beauty!!!
ETAA – OMG! #30!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!1!!!
I loved Vancouver Island when I visited.. got some nice pottery, and just very scenic.. but damn it cost a shit ton to take the ferry. :-)
Comrade Colette
@cain: This is frighteningly plausible.
Maybe you should get out more. (I know I should.)
TaMara (HFG)
@Wag: Good ad. I’ll try and highlight her next.
their son, lives for now, in Victoria, so the plan was to move from Kamloops to be close,
but now he’s gonna start a Masters Program in Toronto,
Vikki obsessed with Oak Island, Dave is obsessed with seafood, and Vikki has family there,……
they have visited there, and even though the Halifax area market is hot, it’s cheap compared to BC.
The Island Ferries arn’t that expensive. The main routes subsidize all the other Coastal Routes, and one thing that always kills the “Island Bridge”, is that you would spend as much on gas to drive there, as you do, taking the Ferry. The foods okay, the scenery is wonderful, and they will stop for whales.
Better yet, it’s no Northumberland Straight crossing, which has an 86% “you will be pukeing and cars will come loose” factor.
I should – especially with the sunny days but you know it is 9:45pm and I got nothing else to do but to be a blog extremist. :-)
I really want to visit Halifax. At one point when I was in college I was going ot meet a girl there, but in the end it didn’t happen.
I’m planning to put that on my bucket list.
It felt kind of expensive to me at the time. It’s been about 8 years since I was there last.
Both look darn tootin’ good to me. Thanks for posting their ads.
@Chetan Murthy: Colorado, where we’ve been for two months, hopes to be opening shots to 60+ on March 5, and is aiming for opening up to 50+ by late March (the latter goal does feel more aspirational but possible). Once we’d been here a month, we’d satisfied residency requirements.
Alas, it’s time to head back to Minnesota. The homestead, and we do miss it. But MN seem to be many weeks behind CO. Part of that, I guess, is that MN is 16.2% over 65, and CO is younger, with 14.9% over 65.
I am of course willing to wait my turn. But man I’m feeling the trip around the sun. I flew home from CO last year on March 4. We pretty much locked down on March 14.
Yes, since then we’ve done a few careful road trips. Masks, picnic meals only, one elevator ride to the hotel room in Nebr. and one out in the a.m. But I miss people. In person persons.
So, Covid BS.
Starting Saturday last, I have to take a BC.Gov.Thrive survey every day, which if passed, puts a short lived, ( 1 hour) QR code up, which when I go to enter the store, I have to display to the Checker.
Then when I log in to the store wide comms system, ( before I can punch in) I have to take a similar and duplicate “health check”. To be fair, The Store introduced theirs, 3 months ago.
There are a shitload of people, who can’t afford to miss a paycheck, and will just lie.
Our Store has 158 employees, ( 72 part time).
We serve between 2,000 and 6500 customers a day.
Not a single Customer is required by the Government to pass a .thrive health check to enter a store.
@JoyceH: Call My Agent on Netflix. It’s French with English subtitles. I binged through the first season of 6 episodes this weekend. Now trying to exert some self control and only watch one episode a night.
Oh please, please, please….
Bingo! I now occupy the Seat of “The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.” My proudity soars!
So, now… what was the question? ‘Cuz I’m sitting on the answer.
A FIRST CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Phylllis: I’m enjoying that too. I actually started it because I was binging on Emily in Paris and wanted to slow down. I googled the actress who plays Emily’s boss, saw that she was in Agent, and got into it.
I’m doing ok on watching one per evening. Still in season one. I’m also finding that I want to try to listen to the French dialog. It’s been decades since I had minimal facility in French, but it’s kind of fun anyway
eta: I am so grateful that it’s subtitled and not dubbed. I tried watching a Brazilian series, and the dubbing drove me up the wall.
I didn’t know, (or maybe read about and forgot), that Greene was raised in Forsyth County, GA, where, in 1987(!), a crowd of racist a-holes staged the infamous KKK protest against “those people.” One woman said at the time, ″We have a right to have a white community.″ Greene ate that sh*t for breakfast, and now she’s barfing it up in Congress. Also too, David Duke was puked up out of Forsyth County. (:He wasn’t born there, but Forsyth gave him some sort of “purpose”.)
Alternating among seasons of Archer which I never got around to when they first aired (via FXM on Sling), as well as Captain Marleau, Victoria, and several history documentaries (all on Prime).
Ever give A Very Secret Service a try?
BTW, if after something more meaty, a mini-series have mentioned in the past, London Spy, will be leaving Netflix at the end of the month. Ben Whishaw is phenomenal in it.
If it’s Netflix, can almost always switch from dubbed to subtitled (or vice versa) by going to Audio Options for a particular program.
@Amir Khalid:
As I am out of roasted pistachios, I feel your pain.
do you have the bags of the shelled, lightly salted where you are?
they disappeared here a couple of months ago.
I came across an online introduction to Greg Judy: The Regenerative Rancher today. Very interesting rabbit hole on nature and our place in it.
@SiubhanDuinne: In keeping with the thread topic, I’m pretty sure they’re ALSO running against MTG.
Joe Falco
Having worked in NW Georgia for a few years, McCormack definitely shows in her introduction video that she’s from the area (specifically Rome and Floyd County), unlike Greene that moved to greener pastures when she abandoned her own home community because she didn’t like her chances there. That video made good use of the old Celanese mill and other parts of Rome that I recognize (Ridge Ferry Park, Myrtle Hill, the Three Rivers district in downtown Rome, etc.). Maybe hammering that point that McCormack is local will entice some voters that are already tired of Greene’s awfulness. It’s a long shot IMO but Democrats need to seriously challenge every last treasonous Republican.
@Jay: TY! I’m glad this stuff, and Greene’s affiliations or leanings, are well documented.
Mine isn’t that low but it almost always is in the mid to low 97 degree range. I used to freak me out till I found out that not everyone is normal at 98.6 and that it varies all day long.
Did we ever get to see the puppies playing with the piglet? There was supposed to be a video………
Are these people Republicans or Democrats? Because we need a Republican to primary her. All the Dems in the world running against her won’t matter.
@Jay: yes but the black vaccine hesitancy makes sense and is rooted in reality. White republicans are nuts no one knows how to reach and a lot of us are past caring. I am white, and they are so tiresome. Some are even relatives I have had to be polite to for years…
@cain: I still want to get rich and retire selling “We Had A Blast in Halifax” merchandise.
As I have lamented here, the MA vaccination-scheduling website, when initially released in the wild, was a clusterfuck. After working feverishly for a week, they re-released a new-and-not-particularly-improved clusterfuck. When pressed on the issue, governor Charlie Baker puled about ‘but-but-but we’re only getting 135K doses per week from the feds, and more than that are trying to sign up” (for the 50K available slots). Maybe I don’t understand modern technology and these new-fangled things called “websites,” but I didn’t think the performance of a well-designed site was a function of how many tickets (so to speak) were actually available.
And, of course, there’s no way to schedule further out than next week, or reserve your “place in the line,” get “wait-listed,” whatever.
@Princess: You are right about a Democrat’s chance in the GA 14th District. Since it was formed in 2012, no Democrat has won more than 30% of the vote in a Congressional election there. Last year Mr. Cowan, of the conservative old school, was beaten by Greene by 14 points in the Republican runnoff. Chances are that she will win the primary and general elections again in 2022.
On the other hand Lauren Boebert (CO 3) won her general election by only 6%, against a decent Democratic contender. It looks like Boebert will face an even stronger challenger next year, and Colorado’s independent redistricting commission may not do Boebert any favors as they add an eighth congressional district.
And forgot to add (to this last comment): Sixty-frist!
TaMara (HFG)
@TKH: If you stop back, the video is here.