We know how Iowans feel about their breakfast pizza, but have you considered Froot Loops on pizza? Well, now's the time to consider it, as the Forest Ave. location in Des Moines of Fong's Pizza has added it to their menu. https://t.co/oCWfy3VhSb pic.twitter.com/PepQHm06M2
— Des Moines Register (@DMRegister) February 26, 2021
The summertime corn dogs are bad enough. You just know this atrocity would be forced on the (mostly) innocent volunteers and voters sitting through endless caucus evenings…
… The new pizza, made with Froot Loops and cheese, is one of the new breakfast pizzas Fong’s is rolling out at their Fong’s location at 3018 Forest Ave., Des Moines. (As we all know, Iowans have a thing about breakfast pizza.) Alongside cereal pizza, there are steak and eggs, bacon popper and vegetarian breakfast pizzas on the menu.
“Making pizzas that are outside the box has always been a staple of Fong’s,” owner Gwen Page said…
Out of the box and straight into the trash, if you’ve got functional taste buds. I’m no food snob, but ‘breakfast pizza’ means last night’s leftovers — straight from the frig, if it’s vegetarian.
As for ‘dessert pizza’: There’s dozens of respectable dough-based desserts, why play with ‘pretend’ mock-ups once you’re old enough to use a credit card? Get some chocolate-chip cookies, if your local delivery service doesn’t offer cannolis or baklava!
No, it’s not.
How does never work for you?
I’m trying to think of a better breakfast cereal to pair with cheese, and I’m drawing a blank. I think they chose the best possible cereal for this, even if the concept is flawed.
I guess the health-food version would be oatmeal pizza? Muesli pizza?
Do not want. Neither the sugar-bomb version nor my proposed ‘alternatives’.
oh my god
wait until the “Italians mad at food” twitter finds out about this
Mike J
Nobody goes to Fong’s unless they are already drunk. At least among campaigners. No idea about the locals.
They do a brisk business among campaigners.
@dmsilev: those sound awful. Wheatabix, maybe.
From that ‘breakfast pizza’ link,
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Auntie Anne
I am feeling very queasy, all of a sudden. No thank you.
something fabulous
Open thread? Would like to VENT: Am so dumb. Entirely own fault, was sure the LA city self employment biz tax thingie was due tomorrow, latest. So just sat down to do it online. NO CHARGE if filed timely, waived if income under some astronomical thing I never hit. This year, turns out was due… yesterday. Grrrr. Stupid stupid. Am SO not in a place to be paying needless charges. Won’t be much, because income wasn’t much, but still. Procrastination bites self in butt, yet again. Grrr.
Emma from FL
Please. It’s enough to spoil the memory of my wonderful hotpot dinner.
@dmsilev: Chicago deep dish with poached eggs. Kind of a pizza rancheros or pizza shakshuka. Might work.
This breakfast “pizza” is an abomination in the eyes of any moral human being. Shit, if there was a god, She/He/It would smite the be’jezus out of the monsters who conceived of this horror. In fact, said postulated divine beings would have these “pizza” parlor owners on Autismite! (patent pending).
I am a NYer, living in the Bay Area. I am a proud pizza snob.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
do we indeed?
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Who doesn’t love Count Chocula pizza
Mother of God. What fresh hell is this?
Old School
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Well, sure. But it’s only available in October.
These ignorant fucks. Everyone knows that “breakfast pizza” is just cold pizza. Preferably cheese, but some people go with combo and that’s just fine.
Fruit loop pizza is an abomination unto the lord. It is literally in the bible.
Comrade Colette
@something fabulous: Ugh, so sorry. I know that sinking feeling all too well. Maybe some deep breaths/snorfles of high-octane likker and be kind to yourself? It’s been a hell of a year.
ETA: I sincerely hope this is 2020 just taking its last bite out of your butt.
I’m afraid that this gastro-abomination cannot be allowed. No one can groak at this food without caustic comment.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: I prefer Lucky Charms pizza. St Patrick’s Day is coming soon!
I love Italian food. And I often like desserts. I’m quite fond of ricotta in savory foods.
But for me, personally, I have never had a cannoli that I particularly liked.
Some years ago, I was at a coal fired pizza place in Denver, and the owner remembered me from a previous visit, and I had written a nice Trip Adivsor review when his place was new. He treated me to a two-cannoli plate of dessert, and I had to sort of choke it down and smile a lot. Heh heh yum, thank you! (buuurp) – I’d just eaten a pizza for g-d’s sake, I didn’t need two tubes of sweet cheese! – But I know, he was Italian and just wanting to be kind!
Anne Laurie
Grownups, dammit!
Does everyone in Iowa go straight from middle school to senescence? (Of course, that would explain politicians like Grassley, Steve King, and Jodi Ernst…)
something fabulous
@Comrade Colette: Thank you! Glad not to feel alone in that, and yes it sure has. Am having a comforting (?) snoot of vodka as we speak, olives on the side
ETA: and LOL for you ETA! Here’s hoping!
The trick is to slather a layer of orange marmalade on top of the tomato sauce, just thick enough to keep the cereal stuck on.
something fabulous
And on-topic: I am actually quite fond of a pizza ’round here that could well be breakfast-y now that I think of it, though is only offered for dinner: individual size wood-fired ya-di-ya fancy white pizza with speck, and a fried egg and fresh arugula on top. Delicioso! Maybe one day can dine indoors and have it again…
Roger Moore
I would think you’d want something unsweetened. My first choice would be shredded wheat. That said, if the best answer you can come up with is Froot Loops, you should have gone with “let’s abandon this idea” instead.
@RaflW: I once got a really good cannoli in the Rome train station. The only problem is that Termini is not exactly nearby.
Roger Moore
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Apple Jacks?
There is only one Breakfast pizza. It is a cold slice of the previous nights pizza, period.
Also, Iowa is looking for a new slogan. I have a few.
Welcome to Iowa. Hope you like Corn.
Welcome to Iowa. Nothing to see here.
Welcome to Iowa. Ninety percent white.
Welcome to Iowa. Home of pigs and Steve King.
Welcome to Iowa. Where the music died.
Welcome to Iowa. Before toilet paper, we had corn cobs.
Roger Moore
@something fabulous:
Is that from Mozza? ISTR something like that on their menu.
If you’re not living in the Midwest you may not (yet) know about the execrable, exploding franchise sensation known as Pizza Ranch.
It started in Iowa.
And that’s all you need to know to be sure to avoid that place like, well, like the plague (hence the chain doing well in MAGA-tastic smaller cities and towns…)
Notoriety-seeking aspirant chefs in Iowa (and other states caught in the staples) reallllllly have to stretch to get their fusion cuisines into the media.
You can actually make a decent breakfast pizza. But you gotta stick with the same ingredients as breakfast burritos or omelettes. So eggs, shredded cheese, and stuff like chopped green onions, tomatoes, and spinach or jalapenos. Your basic omelette ingredients but less egg and more cheese. Crisp up the crust first so you don’t overcook the egg. It’s basically an omelette on toast in the shape of a pizza.
But this cereal stuff? [shudder]
NOTE: Egg is actually a pretty common pizza topping in other parts of the world. It is super common in Chile. When we go out to eat with my in-laws, my father-in-law always orders his pizza with egg on it when we are out at pizza places in Santiago.
The Golux
Pizza itself, which I find hard to resist, is enough of a carbohydrate bomb to send my glucose levels skyrocketing. The mere thought of adding Froot Loops has added 75 points to my current level.
OTOH, nothing could make pizza less appealing than the addition of Froot Loops, so the odds of me ever taking a bite are in the negative.
I have an Amana stove in the kitchen. Does that make me an honorary Iowan?
Damn. Rick Perry deepthroating a corn dog doesn’t look that bad now. Oh, wait! It’s still horrible bullshit.
@Kent: Also France
Corn dogs glide down the gullet easier when paired with deep-fried mayonnaise.
Just sayin’.
@NotMax: That’s
goodgross to know.Jerzy Russian
@Kent: I remember steak with sunny side up eggs on top from a restaurant in La Serena many years ago. Damn, I loved the food down there.
@JCJ: Sure, down it with one of McDonald’s green milkshakes.
@Jerzy Russian
Ubiquitous in South America. Translated into English as “egg on horseback.”
There are certain foods from Chile that I have been unable to replicate or find up here. Mantecoso cheese, the spicy sausages they use to make churipan, even the salami is better.
So many evenings sitting around at my mother-in-law’s beach house eating cheese, salami, crusty bread, with red Chilean wine or pisco sours.
When we go to big family events they sometimes make paella outdoors over a fire. A big tripod with a giant paella pan hanging from it over an open fire that makes enough to feed about 60.
Restaurants are one thing. But when you have an upper class extended family with cooks and maids, then you really really eat. One of my wife’s cousins is a senator who owns lots of vineyards. Another is a big timber baron who owns hundreds of square miles of timber land reaching from Argentina to the central valley. They know how to throw some big feasts.
Jerzy Russian
@Kent: Yes, the wine was good. I never developed the taste for the pisco sours though.
Tim in SF
“Breakfast pizza” is taking last night’s pizza, scraping everything off the crust into a hot pan, then adding a few eggs as soon as it starts to melt and bubble. Fold it a few times, then plate it.
This, along with a big glass of water, is an excellent hangover cure, too.
@Roger Moore: Grape nuts?
What about those troll videos of housewives cooking stuff that.. I have no idea what they are doing.. one gal made mashed potatoes from potato chips. Lawd.. it was terrible.
James E Powell
@Tim in SF:
For me Breakfast pizza is last night’s pizza, eaten cold while I stare out the window.
@cain: Low bar for chefs? That also makes me think of all those recipes from the 50s, trying to combine as many things in cans or frozen (convenience foods!) as possible into the same (hot) dish.
Flawed as seen in the review mirror as you drive away at 100mph and it never seems to get smaller. The only reason one might think of doing this is if you hated someone more than anything else and had a warehouse of frozen bad cheese pizza and Froot Loops that you couldn’t sell, and the warehouse was located near a crappy college campus fraternity, which had a crappy beer warehouse that sold beer by the case on the other side.
Captain C
That Froot Loop pizza looks like something an over-stoned 19-year-old would come up with after a weekend-long bong bender.
Welcome to Iowa. Home of pigs and Steve King. The pigs are smarter.
Captain C
@Captain C: How soon until someone fries up that Froot Loop pizza at a fair?
I am up at this hour owing to a digestive issue I had to take a medical test for, so the idea of Froot Loops on pizza is not helping.
@Captain C:
Deep fries it. How the hell can you clog arteries if you don’t deep fry cheese?
Captain C
I’m not sure if that would be peak deep fried fair food, but it would be hard to top.
something fabulous
@Roger Moore: The place I am thinking of is All’Acqua, but now that you mention it, I have been to Mozza once and liked it very much. Add to the list– and hope it is still there– when can dine in again!
@Captain C:
Deep fried Fruit Loop pizza. I can hear the arteries hardening all the way in CA, and it’s not even fair time in Iowa yet. Sounds like icicles falling from a roof, hitting concrete.
something fabulous
@Kent: PISCO SOURS! (sigh)
@Peale: Bran flakes or Wheaties. They are actually tasty if sprinkled on top of macaroni and cheese before cooking the latter.
@Geoduck: You’ve heard of breadcrumbs, right? :)
@M31: Don’t tell them! They won’t like us anymore! They can eat that slop all they want. I wouldn’t feed that to the chickens.
@NotMax: Como? Huevos de Frut Lups? Vaquero con Cheerios?
Hay no.
Brooklyn Dodger
@NotMax: Fantastic opening. I want to read the rest of that novel.
@NotMax: Como? Huevos de Frut Lups? Vaquero con Cheerios?
Hay no.
Yeah, it’s a thing there. Basically put an omelette on pizza dough. It’s fine – basically an egg mcmuffin in a different form factor. Having grown up in NY I can appreciate any food delivered in a one-handed format.
I’ll be 74 years old this year. I just got cancelled for the last year and more to come . It hurts and I’m pissed about it. I don’t even like pineapple on pizza. What are fruit loops anyway? Cereal? JFC. And I should quit drinking? What would be the point? My jail time might be longer?
@Brooklyn Dodger: Please don’t encourage him. Next he’ll start punning at us.
Odie Hugh Manatee
That ‘pizza’ is truly shit on a shingle.
Keith P.
@Captain C: The Godfathers buffet might have it next to the taco pizza.
ICYMI, former WH doc and current Rethuglican Congresscritter (from Texas, of course) is in really deep shit. Impossible to rule out a recall to active duty for purposes of a very quick Article 34 hearing (everything needed for probable cause is in the IG report) and court-martial.
@Martin: You grew up in New York, and now you live in the Calzone.
Never go full NotMax.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I misread that to be “cannabis or baklava” and wondered what kind of delivery service we were talking about
@dmsilev: agreed! Oh my god. I wish I had waited to read this. I nearly spit my coffee. My daughter will laugh herself sick, she complained for ages about the pizza when she went to school in Syracuse but she’s spoiled. She grew up two towns over from Frank Pepe’s, Sally’s and Modern Pizza.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: totally unrelated but there is a series on maybe Netflix about a Manhattan weed delivery guy called High Maintenance…and in college towns Insomnia Cookies delivers fresh baked cookies until 3am.
@RaflW: May I suggest you try Termini Bros. bakery – http://www.termini.com – 1523 South 8th Street and other locations in Philadelphia
If you do not like their cannoli, I am sorry for you. Not being able to appreciate a transcendent human experience…
Mo Salad
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Come to Dearborn. There has to be at least five dispensaries within 3 miles of Shatila Bakery.
@something fabulous: :-(
Something similar cost me about $100 a few weeks ago. It’s maddening.
Mo Salad
RE: That pizza. Urban Dictionary. Cosby Sweater.
No One of Consequence
@Mike J: Wrong. No one goes to Big Tomato Pizza unless they are drunk, but that crowd has it’s own entertainment and appeal.
Fong’s is a neat thing. The people are great, you can get Good Beer, and the Thai Peanut pizza is awesome as well as the Crab Rangoon pizza. (I know, I know, this doesn’t register right in the brain, but it is fantastic. I have made converts from other state visitors.)
Bash Iowa all you like, and mostly it will be deserved. We’re not all idiots, though many of my fellow statespersons tend to drag down the curve. I won’t even start on our Governor.
Iowa Jackals, represent.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
My mind is unable to process the horror of this statement.