Elizabeth Warren's plan isn't just Tax the Rich.
It's also Audit the Rich.
She wants wealthiest ~100,000 to have an audit once every ~3 years, and to nearly double the budget for the IRS, she tells @kevcirilli https://t.co/1S0fXgAtc5
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) March 3, 2021
One of my senior Senator’s campaign proposals that I’m glad to see revived, because she’s proposing to spend those new taxes on educational services that really need to be implemented.
It will, doubters insist, lead to a proliferation of cryptocurrency and money-laundering schemes. On the other hand, I’m seeing a lot of stories about new & creative methods in grey-area finance already (GameStonks! Non-Fungible Tokens!), along with hand-wringing that such schemes usually indicate the end of a ‘bubble’, so…
Warren says she plans to talk to Yellen about how to implement a wealth tax; she discounts talk that it will be difficult to tally. Only assets worth more than $50,000 have to be counted and a lot of that is stock and real estate.
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) March 3, 2021
At about ~$22B a year, IRS would still be a very small % of federal spending. In ballpark of NASA.
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) March 3, 2021
To the moon, Alice!
Warren has a way to describe the difference in the wealth gap vs the income gap that's hard to describe in text alone:https://t.co/fdPa4V11Dt
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) March 3, 2021
I wonder who this is determined because it’s easy to subdivide both.
More of this, please.
Who = how.
The only thing that will freak rich Republicans out more than having E. Warren in charge is an IRS large enough to again be functional. Popcorn, Siri, lots.
I’m all for giving more money to the IRS and auditing the wealthy. It’ll easily pay for itself
Though I do think a wealth tax is a dumb idea. I think that capital gains should be taxed as regular income and there should be a tiny transaction tax on stock trades.
“Hoo” ?
I would love to be a fly on the wall when Warren talks to Yellen about this.
Betty Cracker
Have y’all ever seen that video where a guy uses rice to demonstrate the difference in scale between $100K, $1M, $1B and then the wealth of Jeff Bezos? If I were queen for a day, I’d make everyone watch it because I think our collective inability to wrap our minds around the enormity of the difference in scale results in insufficient outrage and bad policy decisions.
Not only am I wildly in favor of this, I’d also point out how criminally underfunded NASA is. So boost ’em both!
The ultra rich are not gonna put their assets in cryptocurrency or any of those new dodges, because they offer no return on principle nor are they safe.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Is she gonna talk to John Roberts about how this will survive the court challenge? Cause that’s who’s gonna decide. If it ever gets that far.
@Betty Cracker: How much of it is the market valuation of Amazon stock?
Only if you assume a lot of rich people are crooks who don’t want to contribute to society. Oh, wait.
@Betty Cracker: I never got to the video. I had to sit through a stupid ad, then i hit skip ads as soon as I could, then I had to sit through another LONG ad about a stupid podcast, then I got to a 54 minute video of Jeff Bezos, at which point i bailed.
Can you describe the video?
Isn’t it always stock with respect to the top people?
A Ghost to Most
Cryptocurrency should be banned, because of its exorbitant energy use. Mining consumes more electricity than some countries.
Patricia Kayden
Thank you President Biden!!
@A Ghost to Most:
Right. If traditional banks used that much energy, people would be apoplectic.
@Patricia Kayden:
You have to go to the beginning of the video – Betty linked to an ad at the end of it.
I have to say, it’s pretty poorly done – he needs to learn how to hold his phone horizontally, not just for aesthetics but so that we can actually see the different piles of rice all in the same frame.
@WaterGirl: Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSOVBiEotaw
A major point of the estate tax was capturing untaxed capital gains that had accrued on assets held till death. That is something else that should be brought back. Either tax it every year for a small amount like Warren’s proposal, or go for a much much higher rate at death. Every year is probably better from a planning/funding standpoint.
@Baud: There’s only so much real estate to invest in (though new super tall buildings in places like NYC and Vancouver increase the investment/money laundering opportunities while driving up existing real estate prices), so, yeah, securities are where the really wealthy are going to put the bulk of their wealth.
Patricia Kayden
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That is true for all of President Biden’s agenda. Will his policies survive SCOTUS?
That might be a way to get this done. As an offset to a high estate tax. Pay less now or pay more later.
Dang, and right when favs beans are showing up at the farmer’s market.
Also, what A Ghost To Most said.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I guess we shouldn’t try then
Nope. The very rich have access to non-publicly held, difficult-to-value assets that the merely well off don’t—hedge fund and private-equity interests, professional sports teams, art, big-ass boats, commercial real estate, etc.
Sen. Warren has consistently refused to acknowledge the administrative problems inherent in her wealth-tax proposals. There’s a reason why virtually every industrialized country that once had a wealth tax gave up on it. It’s difficult enough to deal with these issues once a generation, in the context of estate or inheritance taxes. Making it an annual exercise just doesn’t work.
I mean, they could invest it in opening businesses that employ a lot of people, and in paying employees more, but what would be the point of that?
@Betty Cracker:
And isn’t Bezos worth much more than the $122 billion now that’s noted in the video?
Yeah, it’s insane. So much concentrated wealth that they decide to go into the rocketry as a hobby.
Have you seen her proposal? I’m interested in how she attempts to deal with that problem.
Cheryl Rofer
If you made a million dollars a year, it would take a thousand years to make a billion.
I suppose it’s past the time when a flat tax could be proposed or supported?
Omnes Omnibus
@Cheryl Rofer: I’d take that deal.
Omnes Omnibus
A flat tax? Are you kidding?
@Cheryl Rofer:
I don’t know what the solution is to rapid increases in stock valuation.
Regressive as hell, and our tax system already has too many regressive features (sales and use taxes, OASDI)
@burnspbesq: but all of that stuff is either insured, and therefore has a valuation, or can be assessed.
I mean, we’ve been doing it for property taxes for 200+ years. Its inconceivable that it was easier to assess property value in 1796 than to assess the value of the Golden State Warriors today.
Good point.
Something that’s always confused me about cryptocurency is the calculating/mining. What’s the point of the calculations that are being done? I understand the computing power behind protein folding for example; it has a medical and useful purpose. But all the calculations for “mining” cryptocurrency are just for the hell of it?
My understanding is that it’s to limit how quickly cryptocurrency units can increase.
@Baud: So all the number crunching has no useful real-world purpose then?
She talks right on by it.
And why does she want to talk to Yellen about it? Yellen has neither background nor experience in tax administration. If she talks to Chuck Rettig or Mike Desmond (the Commissioner and Chief Counsel of the IRS), both of whom are experienced tax litigators, she’ll get an earful about how difficult it is to resolve valuation issues.
I love Sen. Warren, but she has one huge blind spot, and this is it.
It makes the currency viable. One can debate whether that’s a useful real world purpose.
Yellen has raised administration concerns. She’s ultimately in charge of the IRS, so I’d I’ll imagine the conversation would include having experts in the room.
Ohio Mom
My favorite illustration of how wealthy the wealthy are is this:
Be forewarned, there is a lot of scrolling involved.
I like it because it compares amounts of money we recognize and think in terms of “If I had that much, I’d be set” — for example, how much money a doctor or Beyoncé has (I think I remember Queen Bey included) — and they are such small amounts compared to Bezo’s wealth, that you can miss the little boxes symbolizing those amounts as you scroll and scroll and scroll through Jeff’s fortune.
Another interesting feature are the boxes indicating how much it would cost to do things like House every homeless veteran, and again, while that is a good amount of money, it’s nothing compared to Bezo’s wealth.
Ok, I’ll play. Tell me what you think the Warriors are worth. Any competent valuation professional can come back tomorrow with a 20-page analysis explaining why you’re way off. And they can come back on Friday with another 20-page analysis explaining why you’re exactly right. And they can do that for ANY number you propose.
Can you say “inherently imprecise?”
@JaneE: Perhaps more important than taxing unrealized capital gains at time of death is insisting that those who inherit have the same “cost” (basis) as the deceased.
Dad buys $1K GM stock back in the day and never sells it. No realized gain = no tax.
Daughter inherits it at a fair market value of $1 Million and sells a year later for $1.5 million. Her tax is on $500K of gain, not $1.5 M.
The original owner pays no tax on gains during his lifetime, the beneficiary pays only on gains over $1 million.
Republicans muddied the water with their “death tax” BS when what they really want is the “no-tax.”
In historical terms, the Tea Party position is:
1776: “No taxation without representation!”
2021: “No taxation No Way No How.”
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: have you never heard of fine art?
Ugh-so many proles on this blog….
Nope, they are going to invest in Republican politicians. Much better return on investment.
Are you sure that’s how it works? I think the daughter pays on $1.5 million. But I’m not sure.
Steve in the ATL
@Cheryl Rofer: only if you’re an idiot!
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: elect republicans so that the market tanks with the economy?
@mrmoshpotato: Correct.
Steve in the ATL
@topclimber: stepped up basis for the win!
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: It is also difficult to divide a DB4GT Zagato.
No estate tax + carryover basis at death works arithmetically, but you may never get to tax the appreciation if the asset keeps passing from generation to generation.
I like estate and gift taxes. We just need to make them bite a little harder than they do now.
Steve in the ATL
@Kent: on a related note, I’m drinking a Quilceda Creek blend from the Columbia Valley. Is that your neck of the woods?
If the Supreme Court denies the Congress the power to tax, the government ceases to function, and Congress’s only reaction is to zero fund the Court.
@Baud: True for income tax, not estate tax.
Congress can tax. The question is whether Congress can tax wealth directly. No question we can tax income and a lot of other things.
Nope, that is how it works.
Daughter inherits father’s estate tax-free up to the estate tax limit which is $11.7 million. She gets the stepped up basis upon inheritance.
If you inherited $100 million worth of stock you’d owe estate tax on it, but would still get the stepped up basis
Put another way, the clock starts when you receive your inheritance, not when your father/grandfather/great grandfather first acquired the asset.
@Kent: ok thanks.
Keith P.
@Kent: Unless they can figure out how to make cryptocurrency options work.
Coming NotSoon.
Old School
@Ohio Mom: Good grief that’s a lot of scrolling!
Crypto is a way to hide assets so they are more difficult for the IRS to find. But they aren’t a legal tax shelter in any way, shape, or form. You still owe taxes on your cryptocurrency.
@NotMax: Cryptocurrency will be a real currency when you can buy 10 year bonds denominated in bitcoin, or take out a 30-year mortgage denominated in bitcoin. That’s what a real currency looks like.
Until then it is just a speculative investment like buying art or race horses.
Steve in the ATL
Huh. I thought it was “a pod of cryptocurrency”
@PJ: @PaulB: Thank you!
@Kent: Most cryptocurrencies are speculation or pyramid schemes at this point.
There’s been some really interesting analysis from crypto traders that makes it look like the crypto markets have basically been suborned for massive theft and money laundering purposes. Like, stealing from normal traders and so on through manipulation and asset swaps, not just ‘criminals buying crypto’
ETA: This medium article is pretty fantastic and talks about why the trader thinks bitcoin in particular is just fucked. https://crypto-anonymous-2021.medium.com/the-bit-short-inside-cryptos-doomsday-machine-f8dcf78a64d3
@Steve in the ATL:
It should be a “graveyard of cryptocurrency.”
@burnspbesq: I will take imprecise. Like getting it half-right. That’s still a lot of money.
My 1 cent’s worth. (h/t Scott).
@burnspbesq: How is that in any way different from property valuation? Black couple has their home assessed at $900K, gets white woman to act as owner and is assessed at $1.4M.
And it’s not like we need to be perfect about this. Have a variety of assessments done, and use the lowest one. Want to know the value of Brad Pitt’s possessions – my wife has it. It’s what he submitted to his insurer. Use that value.
Isn’t the whole point of Trumps tax return issue that he valued his assets at one level for the IRS and another for his insurers? For one, don’t allow this. Have one accepted valuation. Make the valuation process part of the audit.
I’m kind of curious. What is it?
@Kent: It can’t be currency if it costs $8 to complete a transaction.
Omnes Omnibus
@topclimber: I hear you, but… the daughter doesn’t have the records to show what the original cost basis is; that’s why we start the clock again for when she receives the item. (We did this in the last year for my FIL’s estate)
On the other hand, if the executor doesn’t record the value at death, then the daughter owns it all. That’s the problem we have on the shares of a family farm; there was no appraisal done when shares were inherited, so the basis is zero – all gains are taxable.
What if it is denominated in Fiats?
Just fucking around with numbers, if we start with the average weight of a grain of rice (20 mg) and convert that to english units: 100k would be about the weight of a car; 1 million would be 10 cars; 1 billion would be 10,000 cars – roughly 60% of the parking capacity of Dodger stadium. Just as a rough visual comparison I think most people could mentally picture.
@Martin: this, and change the appraiser periodically to prevent collusion.
@Ohio Mom: Thanks for that link.
James E Powell
But what about all those family farms?!?!
@Baud: Not saying. Not saying what he owns either. They’re all done under aliases but celebs own such well known things that it’s pretty obvious who it is.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Are we all ready for Ultimate MAGA tomorrow when Trump will be inaugurated for his second term as the 19th president and all the deep state traitors such as Biden and Harris will be arrested?
JFK Jr will materialize at the tip of the Washington Monument and shoot eye lasers at pedophiles while Donald Trump and Jesus walk hand-in-hand to the White House as prophesied by Q! //
Stole that second paragraph from reddit lol
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: “a fraud of cryptocurrencies”
Cheryl from Maryland
@Steve in the ATL: Not to mention jewelry, coins, classic cars, etc.
A bogosity of cryptocurrencies.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
turned on the Hayes program…. I already sense I’m gonna have to turn it off
Hillary smiles in Deplorable.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Wait a minute. They’re saying trump will be sworn in tomorrow? As the 19th President?
Oh my goodness…this could be the CRAPTURE!
@Baud: I do really like Biden. I mean, this is what “telling it like it is” actually looks like.
It already is, at least for estate and gift tax purposes. But if the IRS determines a deficiency based on challenging the valuation reported on the taxpayer’s return, due process requires, and the Code provides, that the taxpayer can challenge that determination. In practice, valuation litigation becomes a battle of expert witnesses, and in most cases taxpayers have better experts. Been there, done that.
Cryptocurrency is a cheap form of money laundering. It’s not a very good form of money laundering, because the transactions are recorded where everyone can see them. But the asset can be transferred across borders and currencies very easily. Criminals can buy crypto in a jurisdiction that makes it hard to tie the tainted money to the purchase, then use the crypto buy real assets in a different jurisdiction. Beats paying some dirtballs 20% to run a chain of pizzerias and hair salons.
@Geminid: Either tomorrow or the 20th.
@James E Powell:
And closely held businesses.
‘Yeah, like Cargill and King Ranch.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I agree with the general point they are making so far when it comes to the inscrutability of the political motivation for the change.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Good response by Biden. I remember not wanting him to be the nominee during the primaries but he’s greatly impressed me
Yup! As BillinGlendale mentions below, it’s been moved to the 20th now. Just like religious doomsday prophesies, the goalposts are always being moved further into the future
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Did you know Congress will not be open tomorrow? Apparently there’s chatter about another attempt to take over the Capitol.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: right, in the lead-in it sounded like Hayes was going to go after Biden. I think he and Heather McGee– and I think they’re both very smart– are refusing to take Manchin at his word. He genuinely believes all that debt and deficit crap. Kind of surprised at Shaheen, but maybe that will come out later. I did see something earlier that she wants money redirected to broadband.
@debbie: Senate will be open.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Right. Some of this is Senators wanting to find money for their pet issues.
ETA: The problem is that this change doesn’t affect the debt or deficit, because the money will still be spent.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Already being floated in the cesspits of Qdom is sometime in May, when the military will summarily swoop down, take over and install the “rightful” president.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’m going to regret asking this, but what is the logic, so to speak, behind March 20th? March 4 I can understand; assuming you believe the nonsense about the ‘corporate America’ blah blah blah, using the original start of term date has at least a certain level of perverse sense to it, but why the 20th? ‘Beware the Fifth Day After the Ides of March’ doesn’t scan well, nor does ‘keep holy the first Saturday After Saint Patrick’s Day’.
Edit: Maybe the Qnuts really hate the spring equinox?
Steve in the ATL
@beef: 20%—Seriously? I’ve been paying 30. Damn ripoff money launderers. That’s the last time I use Omnes’ guys.
Wasn’t that the old inauguration day?
@Baud: That’s March 4th, which is why the various security agencies are worried about the possibility of problems tomorrow.
@Steve in the ATL:
I’m pretty sure Omnes’ guys are just buying pet calendars and Gamestop.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: I get a rake off.
Never. Not pet calendars.
It’s the grift that keeps on giving. Harold Camping to the Qᵗʰ power.
A Ghost to Most
@mrmoshpotato: All the calculations are to verify, and extend, a blockchain (verified chain of transactions). The longer all mining goes on, the more burdensome the calculations become, and the power demand rises. This is happening all over the world.
Steve in the ATL
@beef: and forever stamps!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I hadn’t, no. Crazy.
Oh, so it’s being moved to May now. Any “logic” behind that?
Kayla Rudbek
@MisterForkbeard: not to mention that cryptocurrency is burning more electricity/fossil fuels than some countries now…
ETA as Baud and others were saying above.
Omnes Omnibus
Mother of all insurrections on Mothers’ Day.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
all this talk about rice is making me hungry
@burnspbesq: really just increase the estate tax rate on a sliding scale past 50 million. And make allowances for large charitable gifts to encourage billionaires to put the money back into society. The DeVos family has 5 yachts. It’s obscene.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Y’know what’s scary about QAnon? It reminds me of a lot of online ARGs (alternate reality games) where there’s a mystery that needs to be solved and it appears “real”. ARGs (as well as trolling) can have the potential to be very dangerous, as we’ve witnessed with QAnon
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
May 4th, so they can cosplay as Imperial Stormtroopers.
Central Planning
@Martin: I took your original comment as your wife bought a pair of Brad Pitt’s underwear or sunglasses or something, and that’s how she knew the value of his assets.
NOW I realize she must be an appraiser or in insurance. I’m going to stick with my first impression.
@dmsilev: May 1st, “Nutcases of the World Unite!”. In response to your query about the “logic” behind March 20th, I have no clue.
@Cheryl Rofer: not with compounding and investing… the velocity of money really starts to take on a force of it’s own especially if one doesn’t overspend…
Amir Khalid
I object to this characterisation. There is no evidence that Neanderthal people were generally stupid or reckless.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: Were they human?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
LOL. Hey, Zip Tie Guy did bring his mother on January 6th
They’re definitely the types who the Galactic Empire were the good guys. “They were just fighting for their Emperor and the right to oppress all non-human aliens, guys! The Rebel Alliance were race traitors!”
@trollhattan: hellz yeah!
every buck we invest in proper IRS enforcement yields 4-5 bucks back.
it’s like “trickle-down”, only it’s “soak-up”, and better yet, it actually WORKS
@Kent: win
also, true
I’m sure Rofer knows this; she’s a chemist and they’re pretty good at exponentiating. But it’s remarkable how much of a difference capital returns make . 1% returns on wealth cut that 1000 years down to ~250 years. 3% returns cut it to ~100 years. (3% is roughly the long term growth rate Piketty found, so worth keeping in mind.)
Doug R
Every three years sounds like a huge use of resources, maybe every 7 years to go with record keeping requirements.
Doug R
@Omnes Omnibus: If there’s Neanderthal DNA in current humans, obviously they were human enough.
Omnes Omnibus
@Doug R: Right, and, therefore, stupid and/or reckless is definitely on the cards.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
They were of the genus Homo; so yes, they were humans. And most Homo sapiens alive today carry some Neanderthal genes.
Kirk Spencer
Norway, Switzerland,and Spain still have net wealth taxes. Canada, France, and Italy have wealth taxes on certain assets – real estate for all three (Italy on property outside Italy), and Italy also taxes financial assets outside Italy.
Im not an expert, but still wonder if the burden justifying the elimination was on the administration or the payees.
@beef: exactly- I guess I just wanted to point out that at a certain level of income, returns aren’t a static thing
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Indeed, but then a Homo sapiens has no business denigrating the stupidity and recklessness of Neanderthals when his own kind are no better.
(Indidentally, this Neanderthal-shaming business might make an interesting anti-Biden talking point at NewsMax or OAN. It would also be less likely to backfire than mocking his elderly dog.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: Does this mean I should quit mocking the Belgians?
They know what they did.
Uncle Cosmo
You mean, as in when all the True Believers are raised up toward Heaven – but dropped face down into the nearest open septic tank?
@Kirk Spencer:
Wealth taxes were not found to be effective. The economists who advised Warren claimed that they had a solution for this.
Also, some people have to liquidate assets in order to pay wealth taxes. This is counter-productive over time.
It’s a bit like the medieval and Renaissance period when there were window taxes. The wealthy had more windows than other people. Still did not mean that you had the extra cash to pay the tax.
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s the waffles, isn’t it?
James E Powell
@Amir Khalid:
This might explain heavy metal.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Maybe.
Amir Khalid
@?BillinGlendaleCA:It could also be the beer, the chocolates, or the pommes frites. Or even all of them.
Glad this is an open thread because I just got a text from my boss doctor saying that one of our staff wants it in writing that they need to get immunized for Covid as a condition of employment. She’s now claiming, after two months of shilly-shallying about getting the shot that she “has bad reactions”, though she never mentioned that until I told the hold outs today that they’re off the schedule in April without the vaccine. They know the doctor is conflict averse and it’s an attempt to bully her into backing down. If it were up to me I’d drop all three of them from the schedule immediately, though it’s half the staff right now. I’m livid, needless to say.
@Amir Khalid: I’m sticking with the waffles.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: they invented French fries and make great beer!
Kayla Rudbek
And in further news, I got my biopsy results from my primary care doctor today. :( on both sides. The good news is that it was caught so early that the odds are greatly in my favor. So now it’s time to get the surgical consult…
Mike in NC
@Jay: Waiting to see if the Nazi in Mar-A-Lago is going to unleash his goons tomorrow on the Capitol.
@satby: Can she document, in writing, from an actual doctor, those ‘bad reactions’?
@Omnes Omnibus:
@Kayla Rudbek: Good luck. Sucks to have to go through that, but finding out sooner is most definitely better than later.
I hope she stands strong. I wonder if your coworker has thought about the “bad reaction” she would get from COVID…
@Omnes Omnibus:
Depends on what you mean by human.
The old notion that Neanderthals were brutish and less intelligent than early modern humans was discarded decades ago.
This was old human exceptionalism.
@Mike in NC:
What platform is he on now?
@Kayla Rudbek: Best of luck with your treatment.
@Kayla Rudbek:
Jesus. Glad they caught it so early!
@Kayla Rudbek:
I’m so sorry you have to go through this. We are all rooting for you!!
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: And they put fucking mayo on the fucking fries, don’t they?
ETA: Does no one here know me at all?
Omnes Omnibus
@Kayla Rudbek:
Good thoughts winging your way.
@Kayla Rudbek: {{{{{HUG}}}}}
Sending you all the best wishes for a skilled surgeon and clear margins.
@Kayla Rudbek:
Good luck with your consult…
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: sadly, we do know you! But I know that you knew those things; my posts was for the less worldly readers who might not appreciate our Walloon speaking friends.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: I don’t really care for that Poirot fellow either.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: why kind of andouille misspells his own name? “Hercules” has an “s” at the end of it, moron!
@Kayla Rudbek: I’m sorry to see this outcome. As you say it’s in your favor that it was caught early, and I hope you get a good and kind surgeon to take care of you. And the jackaltariat will be here. Fuck cancer.
@Kayla Rudbek: {{{Kayla}}}
@Kayla Rudbek:
You are in my heart. Sending you all the virtual {{{{{hugs}}}}}
Dead thread and I’m falling asleep but my math, according to Sen. Johnson, says that the average height of a stack of $1 bills for the top 651 billionaires in the US would be 416.9 miles (4 T. total net worth/651x .0043″ per $1/12″/foot/5280 feet per mile). Average height of stack of $1 bills for bottom 165 million Americans @ total net worth of 2.1 T. = 4.56 ‘.
@dmsilev: @debbie: somehow those bad reactions haven’t come up in the multiple conversations about it, including when she was all excited about getting an incentive payment for getting the vaccine when I first posted that notice. Just got off the phone with the doctor; we have an interview with another candidate next week. If he’s hired and trained by the end of the month, I have enough staff to stick with the no vaccine, no hours on the schedule plan. They aren’t going to get fired, they’ll be reclassified from part time to casual employees.
They’ve forgotten that I’m descended from a tribe of people who kept a war going for a thousand years on an island about the size of Indiana. And now they’ve really pissed me off.
“Neanderthal thinking.” — President Joseph Biden
Joe Biden must be impeached, tried, convicted, and removed from office. The 2-3% of my DNA that is Neanderthal DNA is outraged. OUTRAGED!
When referring to stupid¹ Republican governors like Abbott and Reeves, it might be appropriate to specify “Australopithecine” thinking, although even that seems unfair. Shame on you, Joe. You can forget the Neanderthal vote.
¹ The word “stupid” is probably redundant when referring to Republicans.
zhena gogolia
@Kayla Rudbek:
Oh, all best wishes for a good process.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Whelp…. here’s a case for the hearings, and a couple of witnesses
Amir Khalid
@Kayla Rudbek:
It’s good news that they caught it early, and the odds are with you. we’re all sending the good thoughts, and hoping you get through this.
LOL. Good on ya!
I’m just catching up on some of the news of the day. I find it wild how the GOP gets on message no matter what. So, a mob said they wanted to murder former VP Pence, but he is now down with the voter fraud lies.
So, he writes an op-ed piece attacking HR-1. He attacks Democrats, of course.
Stone Cold Death Cult.
Bad reaction to what? I always have a “bad reaction” to a tetanus shot, but a 100°-101° F temperature and every muscle in my body aching for two or three days always seemed better than getting tetanus. And my bad reaction to tetanus shots was irrelevant when I got my first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. It’s as though people are looking for excuses to be really stupid.
My neighbor thanked me today for getting vaccinated and making her a little safer. However, she doesn’t plan to make me any safer since she has no plans to get vaccinated herself. She’s 83 years old.
We need to be super focused on getting this voting rights bill passed into law – we need to make sure we hold on to power. We have a lot of work to do in the next 18 months to make sure that we have majorities in the House and Senate so that we can continue to build a bulwark against fascism and racism.
@Kayla Rudbek:
Early is good. Treatment has come a long way as I can attest. Good luck and thinking of you.
I’m going to tell a little story here that most will probably not believe.
One of my neighbors in the seniors complex I live in is 95 or 96 yrs old, lives by herself. 3 or so weeks ago she fell in her apt and had to be taken to the hospital. They tested her and found out she had Covid. Treated – oxygen, she got better and is back home and is apparently just as ornery as ever. Which is to say not much.
@Kayla Rudbek:
Early is always better. Always.
Good luck with treatment, it’s not all fun and laughter but it is doable and well worth it. As someone who knows first hand…..
The Fat White Duchess
@satby: So sorry that you have to deal with glassbowls.
Kayla Rudbek
Thanks to everyone for all the kind thoughts and encouragement! Now to wait for the new patient scheduler (or to call them back if I don’t hear by lunchtime….)
unique uid
@Betty Cracker:
I hadn’t seen it. FYI, your link has a t=122s at the end, apparently that jumps 122 seconds into the video. That skips the rice and moves into an ad. So start it playing at the beginning to see the rice. (neat visual)
The Golux
Too late to this thread, but that’s not how it worked for me, at all. When my mother died, the investments that her father put in trust came to me and my sisters, A good chunk was General Electric stock bought in the Forties or Fifties. The value on that had increased upwards of 90%, and I guarantee I paid capital gains taxes on every penny of that increase when our financial advisor rebalanced our portfolio.