So happy to see this after the last 4+ years:
White House press sec. Jen Psaki: "We don't take our advice or counsel from former Pres. Trump on immigration policy."
— ABC News (@ABC) March 5, 2021
Psaki is all of us.
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) March 4, 2021
What are your favorite Psaki moments?
Open thread
(did you miss the new duckling post from last night…they are good for some respite)
All of them, Katie
Hi, TaMara:
Did you mean “pour” or am I missing a pun again?
Thanks for the new duck pictures!
I have to admit not watching any Psaki, but she sounds like straight fire
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
She’s fantastic. It’s interesting that certain suspects in the right wing echo chamber thought she would bomb at this
I think she needs to learn how to guffaw at the appropriate spots. Audio doesn’t pick up on her smile.
In both tweets, the reporter asked the question without attributing it as coming from a GOP official, and only when pressed by Psaki, did they name names.
An important lesson for all of us. And good job, Psaki.
@Benw: I watched her first briefing, she’s smart, well informed and has a good sense of humor.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Yeah. That reporter was just repeating GOP talking points uncritically at Psaki. Is this how that journalmalism thing is done? lol
Mary G
@Benw: That’s me. I watch a few clips like these when I see them, but I don’t watch the whole press conferences. I trust that she won’t make much news, because this administration doesn’t leak like a sieve and they put out announcements when there’s something new. No drama.
So nice.
God she’s good!
Gin & Tonic
I love, love, love when she pushes back on that vague bullshit: “some people” or “some policies.” OK, who? I could watch that all day.
all of them.
patrick II
I liked:
Reporter: A lot of Americans are saying…
Psaki: Who are the Americans?
Reporter (begrudgingly): Former President Trump…
Psaki has been pretty consistent about asking “who” every time she hears “some people” or “a lot of Americans” or variations on that theme.
It’s a nice trick Psaki isn’t falling for.
Ohio Mom
Psaki’s first couple of briefings, some commentators here complained about her frequent use of “uh,” but really, she is such a straight shooter, sets such clear boundaries, and has such a wickedly dry sense of humor, who can care about a few placeholder “uh’s”?
She is a master of her craft, and a reflection of how intelligently and strategically Biden has staffed his administration.
@Baud: Yup, she pushes back on the “some say” and many Americans say/think. And I love it. so sick of reporter(Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd who have right wing politicians on and let them spout lies and do not push back.
Old School
Good thing nobody is carrying these things live anymore!
My favorite Psaki moments are when she answers “questions” from doocey (spelling?) son of doocey (spelling?)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Bingo. She asks them to name names to find the source of their bogus claims. She doesn’t just accept their framing.
Except she should have said “from the former person” – we need to erase that guy from history.
She has been very good at collapsing FOX reporter attempts to define the narrative by demanding evidence for assertions made by talking-point question phrasing. Over and over again, biased reporters are made to look foolish when she turns the tables and demands facts to support their questions.
zhena gogolia
I love that they refuses to take their “many Americans” or “some are saying” bait. It’s brilliant. They can never give an answer that doesn’t look ridiculous!
@craigie: It’s The Former Guy(TFG) per the President.
In both those clips she is like a running back stiff arming a would be tackler. No yelling, no histrionics, just factual rebuttals.
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic:
I live for everyone of those, “Who is saying?” retorts. You guys are right; Psaki doesn’t accept the framing of a question asked in bad faith. That reporter from CBS literally asked about something Trump said, and tried to pass it off as a “concern” of many Americans. Ugh.
She is fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack
Being able to do what she does in real time like that just amazes me.
@Nicole: that’s so gross
ETA: what the reporter did, that is. Don’t use us as a cover for that jackass
What’s in this thread, standing alone, makes Psaki the best WH communications person of all time.
One of the strangest disconnects during Trump’s handling of the pandemic is how his lack of leadership actually affected things. Personally, I wouldn’t have done anything differently if Clinton had been president: work from home, wear masks, socially distance, order supplies delivered or go shopping when the stores were empty, etc. The path to avoiding the virus and getting the country through the pandemic was clear to me. How was it not clear to so many others? Why would people listen to Trump over doctors and scientists? It makes no sense to me.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I love Jen Psaki. She’s polite but deadly
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I have a fanboy crush on her – she’s definitely a type in my wheelhouse.
On an unrelated note, I’ve noticed that my brain is completely like swiss cheese post surgery – lots of very large holes where information used to sit, plus excessive fatigue, plus the attention span of a 7 year old on a Nerds sugar high.
It’s like the trauma of the surgery and that initial five days of painkillers (along with all the bedrest and the depression of feeling useless and homebound, unable to drive) have really done a number on me.
Anybody else experience this sort of thing?
TaMara (HFG)
@lahke: Yes and thanks to whomever fixed it (front pagers you rock). I had to take a client phone call and didn’t catch it. <3
That first question about immigration is bananas. That reporter should be (but I know won’t be) fired immediately.
Too busy not golfing?
At least they didn’t ask about Dr. Seuss.
I can relate.
Not golfing takes up all my time, too…
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Of course they did. She isn’t a man. Misogyny is one of fuels of right wing grievance.
Sure Lurkalot
I agree with all of you who pointed out how well she responds to the “some Americans think” BS and puts the onus right back on the yahoos who lazily preface their pointless questions with it. I love her straight non-blinking stare. If it were me, my eyes would’ve rolled back into my head by now.
She’s really good. In regards to the “Does Trump deserve credit for the vaccinations” she was really good. But I’d like her to say something like “I don’t believe that’s the case at all. But even if it were, remember that humans share 99% of their DNA with chimpanzees. Even a 1% change can mean the difference between 500k Americans dead and a rational response where everything was under control.”
Amir Khalid
Open thread:So this zoo in China had its last wolf die of old age. No problem: they replaced him with a Rottweiler.
Doc Sardonic
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Yes. I have had all of that to varying degrees along with after one surgery the damndest case of vertigo/motion sickness I have ever had and I never had that before that surgery. I think it has to do with the anesthesia cocktail they use and unfortunately it can take sometime for it to clear your system.
Got an appointment this morning for a J&J vaccine shot! Tried yesterday to make an appointment with the Maryland mass vaccine site, and it was a disaster— dozens of error messages, timing out, and after (finally) managing to make appointments, no confirmations.
The success came from CVS pharmacy. So, it’s one shot and the pharmacy is within walking distance from my front door. Happier now.
Yeah, I hope she gets her own show some day, I’d totally watch it. Of course, no Republican would have the balls to appear on it, but that’s not a bad thing.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Best Psaki moment:
Plane of the Day
Old School
@MattF: Congrats!
Doc Sardonic
@Ohio Mom: Back then I said that I thought the Uhh was a placeholder to give the initial reflex response of “That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard” a chance to pass before answering.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Absolutely, having had a sufficient number of surgeries over time to recognize all the signs of one’s brain struggling to become the boss again. For you there’s the trauma, the repair, and the pain meds to recover from, plus wotever gets in the way of your recognizing that time is the healer. It’ll get better.
@Geoboy: yes, my thought. repetitively on message
I’m like that and I haven’t even had surgery.
Fragile as a forgotten Jell-O salad on the backseat of a closed car on a hot summer’s day…
Ben Cisco
Her handling of these reich winger/bone lazy media types is nothing short of majestic. I could watch her all day.
“Who?” indeed.
Deserves a soundtrack.
She’s all that, surely one of the best at this job I’ve seen (and not just because we’ve recently had a continual four years of the worst of the worst). Redhead is a significant plus (just ask my kid).
“But, but, but what about Marlin Fitzwater, huh? She’s no Marlin Fitzwater.”
No, and thank heavens for that.
Is that trixie from OAN(?) who used to give those “How is it that President dreamypants Donald Trump can be so awesome [throws in awesomeness example] and yet nobody appreciates him?” softballs still in the press room? I swear she was the very rock bottom of a pool filled entirely with rocks. Trying to imagine her framing a Biden question.
I also like that she doesn’t start off every answer with “Looook” delivered in a trailer park drawl a la Sarah Hucksterbee Sanders.
I’m suddenly realizing that the no talent press secretaries of the Former Guy administration were PTSD-inducing, too.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Doc Sardonic:
I will say this – I now TOTALLY get Fentanyl. In the recovery room, the pain was coming in increasing waves like a tsunami. I was in a stone panic and expressed it – they got their order and hit me with that stuff.
It was like somebody flipped a switch on the pain.
@Doc Sardonic:
Obama did that also.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I was given fentanyl when I had eye surgery several years ago. Feeling happy while someone poked a scalpel into my eye gave me a definite impression that it was strong stuff. I try to be amused
The only way Jen Psaki could be better is if she responded to questions why Biden isn’t following the Former Guy’s policies with a reminder that the Former Guy was thoroughly repudiated at the polls last November. Elections have consequences and all that.
polyorchnid octopunch
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I had a series of heart attacks last summer than nearly saw me off, followed by a triple bypass and three months doing SFA. Totally.
Gin & Tonic
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Glad it worked for you. They shot me up with the big F when I was in the ER and they were trying to straighten my arm, and it didn’t seem to do much of anything
ETA: Morphine, on the other hand – I can understand why people like that stuff.
Major Major Major Major
@MattF: Congrats!!
My arm is sore from yesterday’s Moderna #1 but the fatigue only lasted a couple hours…
Dorothy A. Winsor
A box of copies of The Trickster just came! I’m ready for library fairs, assuming we ever have any again.
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’ve liked what I’ve seen of her but mostly I’ve liked that I don’t have to pay any attention.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Major Major Major Major: I think people are hearing horror stories about the side effects and are fearful. But mostly they seem minor.
@Baud: That’ll be keeping Steve in the ATL busy for months, literally.
Uncle Cosmo
@MattF: Well, lucky you. I just checked again. CVS, Giant Food, Walgreen’s, Baltimore Convention Center: Nothing, nada, rien, niente, nichts, in all of MD.
I think my chances of getting a jab before contracting COVID are somewhat lower than 50-50. And I’ve been in the eligible group for < checks watch > 39 days now.
Trump admin State Dept employee arrested for insurrection: I want them to get him for fraud by claiming he was at work during the riot. Cause you know he did.
Uncle Cosmo
I agree.
Let’s have him sleep in a place where there are bedbugs everywhere.
I shake my tiny fist at your faster fingers.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
You know, the side effects of getting covid are a 1 in 250 chance of dying. As far as I know, side effects of vaccine does not include that.
so call it 1 in 37 million chance.
Imagine how the cockroaches feel.
Major Major Major Major
@Dorothy A. Winsor: A day of side effects, no matter what they are, beats cripping viral pneumonia with potential lifelong consequences! Not that I’m not annoyed. But yeah people could be better about communicating that this is the actual tradeoff.
btw saw your tweet about getting your book, congrats!
Psaki is excellent at rooting out the “some people say” crap that precedes the inane “gotcha” questions these idiots throw at her. “Who said that?” or “Which people?” and she really put the screws to the reporter by pushing for exactly who was being referenced. The smarter folks in the room, and there are many, see it and totally get it, and typically do not play such foolish games. She has her favorites, but she does not “play favorites” – everyone gets a question, even the idiots.
That first exchange was simply marvelous to watch unfold in the context of the rest of the briefing, and expands nicely on prior house rules of not discussing whatever latest turd the former president has shit out. Whatever press the dumpster fire gets henceforth, it’s unlikely it will be coming out of one of these briefings in any form but a brief, sharp rejection or repudiation.
My favorite was when she was questioned about the Space Force. “Space Force, it’s the plane of today!” She got some shit for that, and I don’t think we’ll hear that phrase any more. Second favorite was being questioned on why “reiterate” was included in a press release, and her first comment was “Reiterate, we like that word. It’s a good word. A solid word,” with just a hint of mischief.
I would love to have her, her hubby and kiddoes over for a Saturday afternoon in the backyard.
@Uncle Cosmo: CVS refreshes its vaccination appointments early in the morning, between 5 and 6 am. When you click the link to make an appointment, you get sent to a ‘waiting room’ page, which says ‘most’ waiting times are less than 15 minutes. I waited around 2 hours before the waiting room page refreshed into a scheduling page— but it did, finally.
Would’ve been weird doing that when the virus didn’t reach pandemic levels or the US at all. ?
Sorry. Couldn’t pass that up. I constantly wonder how the past 4 years would’ve been (pandemic response including) with someone who actually wanted to run the Executive branch instead of destroy it.
@Uncle Cosmo: I don’t think we can mandate that he sleep with Bret Stephens.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve been trying to hold myself back from assuming that Kyrsten Sinema is an idiot, but this makes it harder for me to be high-minded.
And apparently Manchin is throwing yet another monkey wrench into the works? I’m about to turn on MSNBC, even though it would probably be better for my BP to stick to my taxes.
We’d all be deaf from the constant shrieking and hysterical misogyny spewing like a firehose out of every GQP orifice. If either legislative body was still in GQP hands, we’d be subject to helpful legislation like “HILLARY IS A MEAN BAD PERSON WHO EATS KITTENS WHILE STOMPING ON ORPHANS” and not much else.
You didn’t like being lied to even about stupid shit (bigliest inauguration crowd ever! PERIOD!) for four years?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
What happened to change her mind?
Oh dear, that really just throws off the whole “antifa did it!” – can’t wait to hear what this revelation means!
@Gin & Tonic:
Yep…they gave me some F after hernia surgery…all it did was make me nauseous and did nothing for the pain – which strangely enough, WASN’T from the hernia, it was from the CO2 up under my diaphragm – shoulder pain from hell…I had to go home and take an ibuprofen and even that didn’t do much. Pain finally left a couple days later, I guess when the CO2 was finally absorbed…
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It will all work out. Get those taxes out of the way. If there’s any news you can read it after the fact.
I will go to my grave wondering how democracy got so badly derailed by people that are dumb as a fucking box of rocks.
ETA: This is an interesting District. I don’t think Mr Rocks-Box will make it through the primary.
TV would come on for baseball and Bob’s Burgers.
And then I could check in on the Executive branch periodically because I’d know it was being run well, instead of being wrecked by a traitorous orange pile of shit.
I’ll take it!
ETA – oh, and movies.
Donors. Big ones.
@cain: Trump trash that’s posing as that’s posing as that’s posing as…, libtard!
Absolutely, all of them Katie…..
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I believe you have to give things time to recover. You can set a bone but that doesn’t make it OK. You do brain surgery and there will be disruptions in the working order of said brain. And your brain should recover but it will take time. Also depending on the pain meds that may take longer. I have some issues and have taken a lot of meds that actually make things far worse. One got me stoned and basically shut down most outside stimulation but over a long enough period that I didn’t notice for a couple of months. It turned my entire world into black and white. Thankfully I stopped it and literally color and noise and the outside world came back. The brain is likely the most complicated organ in the body and as should be obvious, they do all not work the same. As a wise doc once told me give things time, especially the more complicated things.
I went to Twitter for Psaki and came back with this.
This is the difference between you and the cult members.
DT could have had it both ways. For the brief few days he encouraged masking, his cult turned on a dime and talked about all the MAGA masks they were going to wear. He could have told everyone how important it is to wear a mask while never putting one on himself (cuz he thought it made him look weak) because he’s a cult leader. I sure I’m glad he’s so myopic, because he’d probably still be there if he hadn’t gotten a ton of people killed for his ego.
She got elected.
Dan B
@Arclite: There are many people who struggle with logic and don’t have much ability to go from facts to conclusions. They must be told what things mean and gravitate to people who tell them what things mean and what to do. Democrats do nuance and trust people to be able to think for themselves. That works for 60% or more of Americans and bounces off 20% +/-.
Mass communication works best when it contains both nuances for those who like to come to their own conclusions and a “summary” for those who want to be told what to think.
The GOP’s close connection to big business serves their embrace of marketing. Honesty comes second to control. The ends justifies the means. With the world awash in libertarian and libertarian adjacent social and mainstream media we are swimming in marketing and fake facts.
@Uncle Cosmo: The Trump Hotel costs too much !
So exhausting!
Precisely what I planned to say. She’s amazingly good.
@TomatoQueen: remember general surgery is the fine art of taking you to the brink if death so you won’t notice the surgeon (s) slicing you open with the sharpest knife imaginable then cutting/rearranging your insides. Finally, they try to wake you up. Takes a while to recover from that.
And me. Of course, she’s smart enough to anticipate and prep, but who’d expect some of these asinine questions? I’m especially happy she doesn’t let slide the “many people say” tRumpism.
@patrick II: The art of the Socratic Method, distilled down to a single question. (A.k.a “Any amount of rope will suffice for these morons to hang themselves.”)
Kayla Rudbek
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: anesthetic does a number on your head.
@germy: I don’t think anything did.
8 Dems voted against that – which was a vote to override the parliamentarian. By this point House Dems were already working on plans for a different approach to raising minimum wage.
I’ve not heard her object to the wage increase, only the procedural mechanism to do so. She got singled out because of the manner in which she cast that vote.