Last week, Senator Cotton provided a long and detailed explanation as to why he was holding up Merrick Garland’s nomination to be Attorney General. Despite the long winded justification, the reality is that he was doing it because 1) he could and 2) he’s an asshole.
Senate Majority Leader Schumer didn’t say anything about Senator Cotton’s obstructionism. Instead he waited for his opening, moved to occupy the space once he had an opening, and completely destroyed Senator Cotton’s bad faith efforts.
Did Schumer just invoke cloture on Merrick Garland's Attorney General nomination while Republicans had left in exhaustion after their #votearama stunt?
— Janice Hough (@leftcoastbabe) March 6, 2021
Why yes, yes he did!
And it's right back to work: Majority Leader @SenSchumer has filed cloture on the nomination of Merrick Garland to be U.S. Attorney General, which means the Senate will vote next week on his confirmation.@SenateDems won't rest until we restore independence and integrity at DOJ.
— Senate Judiciary Committee (@JudiciaryDems) March 6, 2021
I know everyone likes to complain that Senator Schumer isn’t Harry Reid or that he’s not tough enough or that he’s not good at his job of Democratic leader, but the reality is he’s a strategic thinker, he picks his fights, and when he has the opportunities he takes them. Senator Van Hollen didn’t just stumble into advancing the American Recovery Act yesterday morning, he was there because Senator Schumer had a trusted agent in place to take advantage of Senator Johnson and the other Republican senators caring more about the optics of their stunt to slow down its passage than actually slowing down its passage. Schumer knew, because he knows his Republican colleagues, that as soon as they could flee the Senate floor to relieve themselves, get something to eat, or get some sleep that they would. And that would give him an opening to put the ARA back on track. His invoking cloture as soon as the ARA passed and the Republican senators filed out is the same type of tactic.
Merrick Garland’s nomination to be Attorney General will now proceed. Senator Cotton just got screwed on live television.
Enjoy your weekend.
Open thread!
I am liking how these Democrats work!
Fantastic! Looking forward to having a real AG again
And I like how these Dems are working, too. May it continue.
“Senator Cotton just got screwed on live television.”.
Should have put it on PPV.
GOP laziness may save us all in the end.
Schumer actually understands procedure and is an astute at it, unlike “master of the senate” unlike Mitch McConnell who is just a rude ass hole.
Omnes Omnibus
So there might be a reason that the Dem Senators chose Schumer as leader? Go figure.
Cheryl Rofer
LOL, they are gaming this out and are highlighting the weak points and opportunities and then taking them.
❤❤❤I LOVE IT!❤❤❤
ETA: I don’t know why the hearts are green.
TaMara (HFG)
But I was told Dems were capitulating.
Also, I missed this yesterday:
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
OT –
Richard Guhl
What’s the right festive garland for the occasion?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Just saw this tweet and was thinking about sharing
I haven’t always been the biggest Schumer fan, but I think all through the trump/McConnell years he played a tough hand about as well as anybody could expect. I’m hard pressed to imagine how Reid, or even the most apocryphal version of LBJ in all the imaginations of all the Green Lanternists of twitter, could handle today’s politics much better
ETA: when I heard about this, and saw a different tweet saying that R’s had left in exhaustion, I started thinking about which caucus has the higher average age, but then I thought at least as much as Grassley and Shelby wanted a nap, I bet Cotton, Cruz and Hawley were all bee-lining for the nearest Fox camera to denounce Sosh’lism!
Tom Cotton is the asshole who held up Cassandra Butts’ nomination until she died, all to stick it to Obama. Karma hasn’t even begun to come for him.
Also, I’m beginning to be sorry for doubting Schumer.
Omnes Omnibus
@TaMara (HFG): Well, we can’t afford it now that we gave away $1.9 trillion in tax cuts. /GOP
Chat Noir
Attorney General Garland has a nice ring to it.
Mike in NC
Good! Such a nasty piece of work.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: My recollection is that Harry Reid hand picked him as his successor over Dick Durbin who was the consensus pick of the caucus.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: They’re actually black, at least on my MacBook Pro in Safari.
So twice thus far the Republicans have been outmaneuvered by simple stamina. They’re going to have to draw lots soon to see who has to stay behind as “rear guard” each day. Although, being the selfish pricks they are, we all know that no one would actually bother to stick around.
Happy to see this, but the media said Cotton’s stunt would only delay the vote until next week. So what did this buy us? I’m confused.
TaMara (HFG)
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I know many love these shows, but this is my thought with all the cooking competition shows.
I’d rather you show me how to do a recipe well (Hi! Julia!) than this nonsense.
zhena gogolia
Just as with Biden, it feels as if they had earlier disappointments so that they could be available to meet this moment in history.
(Which is not to say I wouldn’t rather have him on the Court than Gorsucks.)
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
I must have missed something. What did Cotton do and how did he get screwed?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Sometimes a demonstration of your knife fighting skills is useful. And sometimes fucking over the GOP might just be a little satisfying.
Schumer’s biggest problem is that his counterpart is Nancy Pelosi. No way he can live up to that comparison.
Plus, the Senate is the difficult body to manage.
(Reposted from previous thread regarding appropriate tactics:)
Also, please note all, if ACA had been passed through reconciliation, it would have expired last year. Obama got that part right. (And, in this emergency, reconciliation is the way to go)
ETA re comment 7: Tamara, mine are red on Chromebook, Ms. Hoppie’s are black on Macbook pro. Go figure.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Don’t disagree. I’m just trying to understand the real world impact, if any. If this even moves it up a day, that’s excellent news.
TS (the original)
Just replied to Mary G on the last thread
So good to hear this – The GOP decided the Obama SCOTUS nominee should never be heard – pleased that Biden & Schumer had better ideas.
Ehhhhh. Was feeling so good…. my father-in-law texted earlier today that he finally has his Rona shot scheduled for next week. Then we FaceTimed the Spawns with my MIL and she said that no, it wasn’t really scheduled, and then my FIL started having a seizure right there while we were on FaceTime. This is why I am so worried about my FIL…. his seizures have landed him in the hospital before with injuries and he is not in good health. Rona will not be kind to him.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@TaMara (HFG):
Don’t torment nice people by setting impossible parameters on difficult tasks. Let them finish, maybe subtracting for extra time; I’d love to see the full version of a lot of these, but they’re under even more pressure than the pros are on “Chopped”.
Cotton apparently believes that tweets and futile Senate motions will form an indelible impression on the Republican base voter. I… don’t think so.
Adam L Silverman
@Kent: He was holding up the vote on Garland – see link in post – and once the Republicans left the chamber after the vote on the Recovery Act, while all the Democrats were still there, Schumer invoked cloture to move the nomination to its final simple majority vote.
patrick II
They have had 10 years since their last majority to think about it. They were not going to fall for the same stalling B.S. as they did during the first two years of the Obama administration.
Catherine D.
@TaMara (HFG): Yes! I learned to make English muffins from Julia (and adapted my own sourdough version from hers years before sourdough was cool) and also the Jacques Pepin and Julia show. So wonderful.
zhena gogolia
@TaMara (HFG):
Go Chris!!!!
@Adam L Silverman: @Cheryl Rofer: They’re black for me, too. Also a Mac, also Safari.
@Gemina13: I can wait on karma coming for Cotton so long as the FBI and AG Merrick Garland come for him.
The only way he won’t be implicated in the Jan 6 doings is if the coupsters didn’t respect him enough to include him.
zhena gogolia
Ted Cruz couldn’t even stick around in the state he represents and put up with the same inconveniences his constituents were suffering from.
Fair Economist
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:That was my thought on Nailed It!, a US baking show on Netflix. The contestants are so obviously set up to fail I don’t find their failures amusing. I didn’t realize GBBS had the same structure.
Bravissimo on the maneuver!
zhena gogolia
So they symbolize the black heart of Tom Cotton. (they’re black for me too)
@Suzanne: Wow, I hope he’s okay and that he gets his shot soon. My neighborhood dry cleaners, a married couple, and all four of their kids had Covid. Their son, maybe all of 18 years old, nearly died and faces months of rehab because of heart complications.
@Adam L Silverman:
And that’s why I’ve always been willing to give Schumer the benefit of the doubt.
Reid was a brawler. Schumer’s a trickster. Either is a fine quality in a Majority Leader.
Not sure I would have coughed up $19.95 to see it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m impressed by the casual ruthlessness of these moves. Schumer is growing on me.
@Catherine D.:
The best bit of cookery television was watching Jacques and Julia bicker over white vs. black pepper.
zhena gogolia
Who was on which side?
I find the whole thing about having to use white pepper a little precious.
@Baud: Giving Sen. Cotton a giant Fuck You would be sufficient for me.
Chuck Schumer was downrated by a lot of people for disappointments when he was minority leader. He was the same in skill and work ethic then, but now he has a majority, albeit razor thin. Speaker Pelosi caught a lot of similar criticism when she was minority leader of the House.
I never saw Democrats as motivated and unified as they’ve been the last two years. And Citizens United notwithstanding, they have closed the money gap. If Democrats can maintain this level of commitment, they can give Schumer and Pelosi majorities for the rest of the decade, and really take proper care of the nation’s business.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Fair Economist:
There’s an episode from the 2020 COVID filming where they gave them a competition on multilayered ice cream cakes with tent temperatures in the mid to high 30s Celsius.
There were other Pru Leith episodes where it was blazing hot, and she was demanding puff pastry. Contestants were crying about their butter melting.
I don’t think Schumer would have lasted in New York politics for as long as he has unless he was tough and smart.
@Cheryl Rofer: The heart colors show differently in different browsers.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I get red.
Wait, what …??? ACA was passed through reconciliation. That was why some of the mistakes in drafting it could not be corrected in the conference committee. Under reconciliation, the House must approve the bill in the form passed by the Senate, or reject it altogether. Also, you can only pass one bill under reconciliation for each fiscal year, and the contents of the bill have to be described in a budget resolution. If not for this limitation, the filibuster would be moot — it wouldn’t matter, because every bill could be passed under reconciliation. And we’ve seen now that there are more than two Democrats who would vote against killing the filibuster (all the “centrist” Democrats who voted against the $15 minimum wage).
@WaterGirl: The hearts are as black as my soul on Windoze10 and MS Edge.
@zhena gogolia:
Black pepper all the way. I spent a couple of summers in Antwerp (early 2000s) and became a huge fan of Belgian beer, chocolate and just Belgian food* in general. My only quibble was they used white pepper. Gack!
*As good as French food with German portions was the saying
so Biden tried for 1.9T, and got 1.9T
see, that’s what you get when Larry Summers is not on your negotiating team
Schumer: hey tom you get that pastrami i asked for
Cotton: oh darn chuck i just forgot
Cruz: rofl
Schumer: np
Schumer: just filed cloture for garland
McConnell: wtf!
Cruz: what?
Schumer: yup final vote next week
Cotton: but you asked me to pick you up a sandwich
Schumer: yeah but i knew you’d forget
Omnes Omnibus
@Procopius: Parts of it were passed under reconciliation, but the majority of it was not. Remember having get it through during the brief window during which the Dems had 60 votes?
ETA: And your Secret History was full of scurrilous gossip.
There’s no substitute for subject matter expertise! ;)
@M31: win/truth/YES
Catherine D.
@debbie: Watching them bicker over anything was fun! I adore them both. Also learned to make an apple galette from Jacques.
Jacques Pepin’s restaurant was near where my uncle lived (1970s) and I NEVER GOT TO GO THERE. A grudge against my parents forever :)
@Adam L Silverman: red hearts on my android phone.
@prostratedragon: Schumer fleeces Cotton, with a bolled move!
Mary G
Don’t get mad, get even!
I am consumed with glee over everything today. The Former Guy has started his Mafia tactics of “nice party you got here, it’d be a shame if something happened to it, GIVE ME MONEY” act, and that great Master Legislator, Moscow Mitch, has made a rookie mistake not once, but twice on this bill.
You know that the FG has been stewing in his resentment of MM for his Senate speech calling him a bad person and even without Twitter will make some hay out of it helping the whackos who primary some of his safe seats
ETA Red hearts, Android Chrome.
zhena gogolia
Is this going to be the new blue dress/ black dress or whatever that was?
Chetan Murthy
@Cheryl Rofer: Red on this here Chromebook (which is only one update lagging the latest release from Google).
@Baud: It also buys us an extra week on the statute of limitations to prosecute the Other Guy. He is known for doing everything he can to run out the clock and get away with criminal activity that way.
zhena gogolia
How about those fries?
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus: Slut-shaming poor Theodora.
Omnes Omnibus
Leave that sort of thing to the professionals like NotMax.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yup, that’s my recollection as well, after Al was seated and before Teddy died.
Wishing your family all the best.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t know, I lol’ed.
@TaMara (HFG): I missed that, but now I’ll be writing Sen. Murphy a thank-you note. It’s so nice to see a sensible, intelligent, civil, succinct takedown of Rethuglican stupidity, and I like that more Democrats are doing it.
Major Major Major Major
@zhena gogolia: googling the character it’s U+2764, the old code point for “Heavy Black Heart”, usually interpreted in the emoji age as a red heart. Wonder what browser it’s green in.
@Cheryl Rofer: Red hearts on an iPhone. The different color thing is really weird.
@Major Major Major Major: So much for standards!
@Cheryl Rofer: I get red. Safari on IPhone 6.
From your pixels to the FSM’s ears.
I haven’t read the post nor any replies and I just have to say YAY OMG YAY AT LAST our Senate is working, thank god
and thank Georgia, y’all.
@Mary G: McConnell’s probably got other things on his mind….like which extradition free country to settle in and trying to rig Kentucky’s election laws to hand pick his successor.
The Pale Scot
@TaMara (HFG):
Best dur’ cooking show ever, I gaurunteee…
New Orleans Cajun, Justin Wilson – Gumbo
1/3 recipe, 1/3 story telling, 1/3 charming the audience talking Le Cajun
I have to admit, I didn’t think much of Chuck Schumer going into this session, but so far I’m happily surprised and delighted. My apologies, Senator. Go get ’em!
@Suzanne: oof sorry to hear that. Hope he gets the shot soon
James E Powell
Josh Marshall argues that Democrats – I think he means all of them, not just the president – need to promote this success & the benefits of the plan aggressively. I agree completely. Despite the haircuts in the senate, this is a great outcome. People will be helped. Democrats need to be very selfish in taking credit for it.
@Cheryl Rofer: On a Samsung Galaxy phone and I see red hearts
@Omnes Omnibus: When the cat’s away, the mice will play.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Re the ACA, the House and Senate both passed it. At that point, there were 60 Dems in the Senate. It would have then gone to reconciliation and both Houses would have to have passed the amended bill. Then Brown won the Mass Senate and it looked like the ACA was a dead duck. But Nancy realized that the way to save it was for the House to pass the bill that had already passed the Senate. That’s what they did, by two votes.
I remember all this because my son was the health care LA for one of the two Blue Dog Dems who put the bill over the top. He lost his seat in 2010. My son is the only person I know who has a copy of the ACA on his living room bookcase.
Major Major Major Major
@frosty: I’m thinking of adopting a Unicode code point. Can’t decide which.
Major Major Major Major
@Hoppie: I mentioned this downstairs too but reconciliation bills don’t actually have to evaporate after ten years. They just have to be budget neutral/positive after ten years which is why they often expire around then.
@Major Major Major Major:
It’s an older unicode, sir, but it checks out.
The Pale Scot
Watching people get old, Oye..
@James E Powell:
Agree completely. Hence the push back in the last thread over the negative messaging.
Omnes Omnibus
@Zelma: No reconciliation is a different process than a conference committee that works out the differences between bills passed by the House and Senate.
There is an Indy theater here in Maine that is showing virtual movies. They are currently showing the movie Stray about a stray dog living on the streets of Istanbul. It is a beautiful film and costs $12 to stream. I thought jackals might be interested in this one, but there are others available on their website as well. This pup looks so much like my Korra.
@zhena gogolia:
Julia liked white pepper. They were making an egg dish, and Julia said since it was her recipe, she would use white pepper. Jacques shot back, “Pity.”
Dick Durbin is my senator and I like him a lot. But Harry Reid made the right call in pushing Chuck Schumer for Senate Democratic leader. I don’t think Durbin would quite cut it as majority leader. Besides, after having the feckless Miss Lindsey as Judiciary chair in recent years, it’s nice to see Durbin with the gavel of this consequential committee.
@The Pale Scot: How I loved that show when it was on the air.
The Pale Scot
British food store in Belgium on the cusp of closing due to Brexit turns to the Irish, who happy to help.
The term “British gourmet food” had me in stitches
@Procopius: If ACA had passed through Senate reconciliation, it would have expired like Shrub’s tax cuts after ten years. It would be gone now. That’s what the drama over cloture and Ted Kennedy’s death was about.
Because of Kennedy’s death, the normal congressional reconciliation process of the different houses’ versions would have meant re-voting in the Senate without the needed sixty votes for cloture, which would have failed, which meant that final passage of the unmodified Senate bill by the House was the only way forward. Thus, neither version of reconciliation was used for the final ACA bill.
‘Nuff said.
@Barbara: My FIL, like, REFUSES to take his medication. He wants there to be a supplement from Whole Foods instead. It is crazy-making.
The Pale Scot
It’s on Amazon Prime, yeayyyyyy
@Catherine D.:
I love him so much!
Another great argument was when they were both making their recipes for eggs florentine. Julia boiled her spinach, while Jacques quickly sautéed his. She’s looking over his shoulder and complains that the spinach won’t be cooked, that it won’t be tender. Jacques says he’s preserving the nutrients, and Julia is appalled. “Nutrients! Who needs nutrients?”
I loved their back-and-forth bickering.
It will be up for free on PornHub tomorrow,…..
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Spinach should always be sautéed and never boiled. I’ll die on that hill.
ALSO – most vegetables, green and otherwise, are far better when roasted. I have only a couple of exceptions to this rule related to Arabic/Greek/Eastern Med dishes I know from my grandmother.
@The Pale Scot: “Hand-crafted bangers”.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Roasting is always better, but it definitely requires a vented kitchen.
Bill Arnold
Yep. Still not quite as large in inflation-adjusted dollars as the stimulus Reagan pushed through, but much better than in 2009.
Chris T.
They’re black.
(“White and gold, or black and blue?”)
Seriously, in my browser rendering (Firefox on Mac) they’re black hearts on a white background. (Text in between is red)
Ohio Mom
One thing I don’t get, how do those geezers in Congress still manage to function after staying up all night? I used to be able to do that, not any more.
Ah, that answers my question, I was concerned that his epilepsy meds were so ineffective. I can’t imagine how frustrating it is that he refuses to take any. I’d be tempted to give him a nicely gift wrapped helmet.
The Thin Black Duke
Mitch Mcconnell stepping down before the end of his term? WTF?!?
My worry is I’ll pick one, then they’ll start filling one of the unassigned planes and I’ll regret my choice.
@Major Major Major Major: Thanks for the clarification. That is a nuance I had not known.
Wishing your uncle well. If he was not admitted, or still in the ER, encourage the folks to take him for shot tomorrow anyway. He HAS to get that shot. (Just my two cents)
Ohio Mom
The Thin Black Duke @112:
What? If true, Why today just gets better and better.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Bill Arnold:
But I thought “government isn’t the solution. Government IS the problem” according to old Raygun
Ohio Mom
Thin Black Duke @112:
Sadly, I do not see anything on google confirming McConnell is stepping down. Oh well. It’s still a great day.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@The Thin Black Duke:
Wait, what? Source?
@MomSense: Stray is also available at The Music Box’s direct service if one wants to support an independent theater.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Prolly TBD is responding to reports Mitch is pushing the KY lege to take away Andy Beshear’s (good D he is) duty to name Mitch’s replacement in the event Mitch, er, leaves us prematurely. Prophylactic, you might say.
Another Scott
Good for Chuck.
I’m so old that I remember that everyone liked to complain about Harry Reid because he was so bad at his job and wasn’t LBJ.
Maybe the Democratic Senators that elect him (and Reid before him) Majority Leader do so because the have good reasons to do so?? Maybe they know more about what it takes to run the Senate effectively than blowhard critics whose jobs aren’t on the line if we make a political blunder??
Keep it up Chuck!!
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I just made air fryer Brussels sprouts and I think they are better than roasted.
Uncle Cosmo
I knew there must have been a good reason that on my smartass phone “Schumer” would consistently autocorrect to schemer…
Uncle Cosmo
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Senator Tom Cottonmouth (Snake – AR), c’mon down & meet your new inseparable companion, Ben Dover!
(You may now
assumeresume The Position…)Another Scott
@The Thin Black Duke: The only thing I’ve seen recently is this (from 3/3):
I’m not surprised that he’s planning ahead to foil Democrats (he probably has similar conditions in his will), and wouldn’t be surprised that he’s thinking about leaving early (it’s no fun being demoted), but that’s all I’ve seen so far.
@debbie: Yes! “Youuuu like speckled fooood.”
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Spinach sautéed in like a minute.. never boiled yikes
Sloane Ranger
@The Pale Scot:
Actually, British food, when it uses fresh, locally sourced, meat and veg compares with the best in the world. People who slang off British food are at least a generation out of date. WWII and post war rationing created a food desert for a couple of decades after they ended but we’ve come roaring back since.
If anyone doubts, try watching any of the YouTube videos of Americans trying British food for the 1st time. Hell, they even think that Frey Bentos meat pies are better than any comparable US product. And Frey Bentos is what you eat if your housebound for some reason and its the only thing left in the cupboard!
karen marie
@Fair Economist: I’ve watched all of GBBS, and it’s never been my impression that they were set up to fail. I think it’s a lovely show.
Sloane Ranger
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: To be fair, Pru Leith and Paul Hollywood had this conversation in one episode of GBBO when they pointed out that the contestants were set the tasks weeks in advance and they have no way of knowing what the weather will be like on the day of filming. It’s the UK for God’s sake!
karen marie
@zhena gogolia: I was always of the same impression until recently when I learned what white pepper is – it’s the inside of the peppercorn and has a milder flavor.
I am also now a Maldon (flaky) salt fan. The stuff is fantastic to use when making, for instance, DIY cheezits. The flaky salt works better than kosher salt and looks really pretty.
karen marie
@Gretchen: What did you put on them going into the air fryer? I did a baked potato in mine – 40 minutes and absolutely terrific
Did I kill this thread?
@karen marie: Last?
C meself out now…
When I read that, my mind automatically inserted a different word in place of “rude.”
They both work, but there’s a reason my mind went to “ruthless.” I try to be amused
@TaMara (HFG): I figured the Dems set the price tag of the ARA at $1.9T for a reason. About time one of them mentioned the reason.
Adam, I don’t know if you realize this but you scooped EVERY news outlet on the Merrick Garland cloture vote. The only other place it has started showing up is a couple of Twitter posters.
@Another Scott: Can the governor veto or do they have a super majority?
Another Scott
@Anya: It looks like they have the votes to over-ride him easily. But he’s taking them to court on other new laws that limit the governor’s powers.
@Another Scott: I call bullshit. How does a federal politician get to pick what a state governor does? I think the courts are going to have a say in this. Is it as likely that a governor overrule McConnell to take his senate seat. We have this thing called the separation of power.
Very little gets by you, Silverman???
Dan Pfeiffer from Message Box (and Pod Save America) urges people to spread the word::
I’ve found it easier to complain about shizz but am surprisingly shy about promoting positive things. I usually post gripes and then humor. I need to fix that tendency, stat.
Libby Spencer
If you didn’t see Chuck pull off this brilliant move, I found the 90 seconds it happened on CSPAN and made a clip of it. It was a thing of beauty. My first try at using their clip function so couldn’t figure out how to embed directly but here’s the link.