I think this got lost in all the ARP passing and signing, but worth noting:
Congratulations to our new Attorney General, Merrick Garland. Through many years of service, AG Garland has demonstrated independence and an unwavering commitment to the rule of law. @POTUS and I are confident in his ability to restore integrity in the Department of Justice. pic.twitter.com/rGHM9DAvIz
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) March 12, 2021
The applause of a relieved DOJ
Attorney General Merrick Garland arriving at work at the DOJ. Watching this is quite therapeutic.pic.twitter.com/PaOnIQ4MYJ
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) March 11, 2021
So eloquent, bringing dignity back to the DOJ
On his first day in office, Attorney General Garland delivered remarks to DOJ employees highlighting his goals and priorities. pic.twitter.com/qJB5z1fNAG
— Justice Department (@TheJusticeDept) March 11, 2021
One more time (neglected to attach video):
Reaction to Merrick Garland's arrival, a sampling –@djfm_dot_com@Dizzybutterflyy@WinningWynn1@CarleneGarriso6@renalds_angela@janemarielynch pic.twitter.com/bZyNnoF5MJ
— Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) March 12, 2021
When he last worked in the Justice Department in the 1990s, Merrick Garland supervised two high-profile domestic terrorism cases: the investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing and the Unabomber. https://t.co/mPwfCohZza
— Carli Brosseau (@carlibrosseau) March 9, 2021
Now Attorney General, Garland has wasted no time in returning to his old beat. On Thursday, his first day as AG, Garland addressed the 115,000 DOJ employees he now commands in a virtual speech. Then he set to work, with a particular focus on the January 6th storming of the U.S. Capitol. From The Wall Street Journal:
Less than an hour after his short speech Thursday, Mr. Garland went behind closed doors with Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray and other national security officials for a briefing on the riot investigation.
How has Merrick Garland spent his first day as AG, you ask?
Politico reports that aside from ceremonial stuff, he got briefed by FBI Director Wray on the Capitol riot investigations, and then began meeting with DC prosecutors who are pursuing active cases.
— Duty To Warn ? (@duty2warn) March 11, 2021
Promises kept:
“One of the very first things I will do is get a briefing on the progress of this investigation. I intend to give the career prosecutors who are working on this matter 24/7 all the resources they could possibly require to do this.”
Open thread
Old School
Happy for Merrick Garland, but he’s got a lot on his plate.
Gin & Tonic
I hope he pursues the seditionists hammer and tongs (or, if you prefer, pliers and blowtorch.)
Numerological commentary omitted.
The video of AG Garland arriving at work to applause from DOJ staff is so restorative. Feels like the Earth which had been rotating with a wobble these last, too long years is now spinning smoothly. Whew.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Are the boys at Politico and Axios upset that there isn’t some investigation into ANTIFA or the silencing of conservatives on campuses?
mali muso
Seems like quite a few of our new leaders are the right person at the right time. While it would have been wonderful to have Garland on the SC, his skill set may be just what we need at DOJ in this moment. Much like Biden is turning out to be the person needed for the time.
Will Fux et. al. completely ignore DoJ now, or crank up the “look forward not back” chorus? “Partisan prosecutions” for $800 LeVar? Gotta shape the narrative: indictments already piling up.
Fair Economist
Isn’t it nice to have so much *good* news we can’t talk about it all? Such a nice inversion of the previous four years.
James E Powell
I was hoping to read that on his first day, AG Garland accepted the resignation of FBI Director Christopher Wray.
@mali muso: I have said before that I waited a long time for a Biden Presidency. I am positive he didn’t win earlier because his time is now!
He has the right skill set for this particular moment in time. Thank FSM, enough of us saw that!
I am utterly delighted that Garland intends to go after these fuckers.
I am equally delighted that in about 2.5 hours, I’m getting my J&J covid vaccine.
Wow. Thank you for posting this, particularly the wonderful arrival video. So many good things are happening since January 20th. Such a huge relief.
I read in the comments here criticism of the media and how the reporters are trying to drum up controversies when there are essentially none right now. I do think that those criticisms are well deserved. But the games that they play now in their media outlets are nothing like what would have been happening 24/7 if TFG had his twitter and facebook accounts right now. The media focus would be on TFG 24/7 and each and every media outlet would be hanging on his every tweet and post as though he was tweeting out real issues and not his usual outrageous lies.
Yes, boring. I love it.
Villago Delenda Est
Garland made it crystal clear that he is “not the President’s lawyer”. Not that Joe would ever ask him to be. Because Joe is competent and actually “conservative” in the original sense, not in the bizarre contemporary sense where naked unchecked greed is called “conservative.”
zhena gogolia
@Villago Delenda Est:
There you are! People are looking for you in the thread below.
Cathie from Canada
Reminds me of watching the video of Hillary arriving at the State Department when she was appointed Secretary of State in 2009 – she was applauded by a staff so weary then of the Bush years and Condi Rice
Amir Khalid
@James E Powell:
All in good time, I’m sure.
Steeplejack (phone)
OT. Got my J&J shot!
@Cathie from Canada: I was thinking the same thing, how she, too, was applauded as a serious person ready to do the work after the half-assed people who had the title before her. May Garland be as good as we need him to be.
James E Powell
Cy Vance, Jr, will not be running for re-election.
Any NYers here know who might be his successor?
Could a GQPer win that election?
TaMara (HFG)
Fauci ouchies are NEVER off-topic! Excited for you both.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’m glad to see you. Was asking about you downstairs, as have missed your comments recently. Hope you are well.
So heartening. Thanks for posting this. I’m feeling it more and more.
Pity he’s a professional. I would love to hear a statement along the lines of,
“No longer will the Justice Department be the President’s tool of petty political revenge. True, it may for a time appear to be such, but only because so many of the President’s opponents are co-conspirators in the felonies of January 6, or involved in other crimes.”
Another Scott
(via nycsouthpaw)
Slap them with their own skeletons!
Oh, and thanks for not being specific. All the fuckers, Katie!
I would love it if he called for more DC judges to handle the influx of 1/6 cases.
@MattF: Congrats. I’m getting mine in about an hour!
@MattF: very cool! Let us know if you have side effects, since most of us Pfizer or Moderna.
@Ken: ”and will have the courts kick the shit out of the traitorous fuckers! Legally speaking.”
Splitting Image
Nice to see the warm applause Garland got when he arrived at work. I guess the outgoing administration didn’t embed as many people in the DoJ as they hoped. Sucks to be them.
Is that elbow bump Garland did a couple of times the new “terrorist fist bump”?
Ohio Mom
I’d seen the photo of the DOJ staff lined up and applauding but seeing the video and HEARING the enthusiasm in those claps gave me the best kind of shivers.
Are those Secret Service agents? Is that level of security typical for the office of Attorney General? I am glad Garland has it.
Tired today — yesterday was my second shot. Thinking of finding a way to enshrine my “I got my Covid Vaccine” sticker for posterity.
Just Some Fuckhead
Now we’re going to find out if the criminals in the Republican party are going to be held accountable or if we’re going to “look forward, not backward” again.
Let the Eagle Soar ??
Cheryl Rofer
@Ohio Mom: Definitely at least four Secret Service agents, possibly two or three more. Plus drivers of two black SUVs.
I don’t know what’s standard for the Attorney General.
@laura: No. Stop it. Now I remembered that bastard.
Mike in NC
Trump spent his entire career of wrongdoing protected by an army of crooked lawyers. Joe Biden doesn’t need even one of them. Looking forward to the new AG exposing the sedition of the GQP.
Steve in the ATL
@Ohio Mom: Secret Service has plenty of budget now that they aren’t getting extorted by TFG’s hotels
@Cathie from Canada: It appears that it’s the tradition to applaud the incoming Secretary of State at the main staircase. John Kerry got a similar ovation. Blinken, being a responsible person, decided to forego the honor to maintain social distancing.
Looks like it happens at Justice, too, although this time outdoors in a smaller gathering.
Since this is an open thread I thought I would announce that middle daughter went 8 for 8 in her college applications, having just received her University of Washington acceptance email last night. That was the one she was waiting on and I think it is about 99% certain that we will have a new Husky in the house. She wants to study molecular biology and pursue graduate studies. Which is probably going to be a tough road but if anyone is up for it, she is.
Works out well for us because this was probably the cheapest option anyway as we are in-state and all the private schools and out of state options were going to cost considerably more. She is already planning to maybe room with one of her good HS friends so they are jumping ahead. Cross your fingers that colleges and universities get back to some semblance of normal next fall.
@Kent: Yay!
@Kent: Woo hoo! Good for her!
Another Scott
Good news – with any luck, there will be fresh, untainted* eyes leading the prosecution. Bad news – delays.
* – There’s lots of noise on Twitter and elsewhere over the years about Vance letting the powerful go unmolested (so to speak).
@Kent: Congratulations and thanks for sharing with us all your deliberations and giving us a contemporary glimpse into higher education admissions and financing. For what it’s worth, my nephew is a recent graduate and thoroughly enjoyed it.
If you are looking for a bit of a diversion, consider Daniel James Brown’s 2014 book, “The Boys in the Boat”, about the UW team that competed at the Berlin Olympics.
@Ohio Mom:
That impressed me, too. None of the polite patter of obligatory applause, but hearty, sincere, sustained palm-on-palm. Loved it.
Also loved the way Garland acknowledged the applause, touching his fist to his heart.
Congratulations to both your Very Talented Kid and her parental support group. Not an easy task, getting into college, and Covid makes it impossible to follow anybody else’s experience. Uncharted territory for the class of 2021 (mine’s applications were in before lockdown last year).
Nothing wrong with being a Husky, either. One of the prettiest campuses I’ve been on and the stadium site (if she’s into sportsball at all) is the most spectacular in college football.
Outstanding! Congrats to middle Kent daughter!
Oh yes. I have that book. I’m also a UW grad. Well, I did my graduate studies there so I’m all up on UW lore. I’m very happy she picked UW even though I suspect Whitman would have been a good choice too. Will give us more excuse to drive up for football games and such. And roll out more purple and gold stuff around the house.
She is a band nerd and wants to join the Husky Marching Band so we will have plenty of options to drive up for football games in the post-Covid world. That makes me happy. Might even have to buy season tickets.
Nice. I too am reminded of the reception when Hillary arrived for her first day at State. I’m also reminded of the mandatory attendance required by TFG when he introduced his director of the CIA (I think) back in 2017. That was not typical for that agency and it was obviously meant to force the assembly to laud the narcissistic nominator in chief, not to welcome the new director. thank goodness that crap is over.
I hope rose twitter and the Village remembers that it’s not Garland’s job to go after Biden’s enemies. That the DOJ doesn’t do it’s business at rallies, through the FYNYT, or investigate people in public. And he’s going to decide on the DOJ’s priorities, not according to the court of public opinion or the media’s need for click bait.
Gin & Tonic
@Kent: Congrats on the kid, and saving some $ never hurts.
Although we are about as far from in-state as one can be, their graduate school of international relations (named for Scoop Jackson, incidentally) made my son a very generous offer a few years ago. But he declined.
@Another Scott: I dunno, Cuomo may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch. The eastern states have this weird habit of electing republican governors.
@Kent: my husband’s PhD is from UW and I finished my teaching certification there. We lived in the U District and loved it there. (Well, also Capitol Hill, Ravenna, and Ballard). Loved Seattle but when we returned to the States, Seattle looked above budget. Plus a job offer in Kansas City, so it was back to the prairies for us. I expect she will have a wonderful time.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
@Mike in NC:
I think the rat bastards getting what they deserve really depends on how much evidence they left lying around.
I’m prepared to be disappointed.
karen marie
@mali muso: I was really encouraged to hear Garland talk about the breadth of his DOJ experience. That is very useful for the lead person managing such a large and vital department.
I very much appreciate his remarks being posted here. Thanks, kids!
@gene108: Whereas I’m hoping that things haven’t changed since Watergate (“The truth is, these are not very bright guys….”). Or that the political criminals have gotten even more stupid, for which there is a certain amount of empirical evidence.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@mali muso: It’s nice to think of their obstructionism coming back to bite them. They kept Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court and now have him as lead prosecutor of their crimes. They kept Elizabeth Warren from leading her brainchild, the Consumer Finance Protection Board, but the CFPB is alive and well and Warren is a very effective and visible Senator.
(It’s fashionable to bash the CFPB, but they came through for me when I needed them in a dispute with Citibank. Even in the Trump era.)
karen marie
@Steve in the ATL: SS is still being extorted – just not as publicly. Trump has a detail as do his corrupt spawn. His spawn will lose theirs in June.
@karen marie:
Because we’re launching Dump’s shitbag kids into the Sun to celebrate beating the virus?
@Kent: Congrats! There is always room for another Huskie :)
BTW – as mentioned in a prior thread, I’m happy to be a local contact person for your daughter (though as an Old I’m not sure how much relevant assistance she’ll need or want from me).
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: They’re probably wondering when Garland will appoint an independent counsel to investigate why Biden hasn’t held a formal press conference yet. That’s obviously the biggest presidential scandal in a generation or more…
Doc Sardonic
@mrmoshpotato: No, unfortunately, though i am afraid that if we did that since everything Tangerine Tiberius and his offshoots touch turns to shit, the sun would supernova and we’d all be screwed again. Secret Service gives the adult children of the President 6 months of coverage after the President leaves office, to get things in order for their security after that they are on their own unless something is picked up as a threat, then I think protection can be requested.
Congrats. She’ll enjoy Seattle(I know you’re a fellow alum).
The Rose Bowl ain’t too shabby(I’ve been to both stadiums).
This is going to be kind of long, but I got to thinking about it the other day when I read comments about whether Merrick Garland would be more valuable on the Supreme Court or as attorney general. Garland was a year ahead of me in college and lived in the same dorm. Although he was only a nodding acquaintance, we had a few good friends in common, including a roommate of mine who was on the debate team with him back at Niles West in suburban Chicago. I ended up with a very favorable impression of him through them and from my own limited contact. He was a pleasant guy, but also notably intense and earnest. I would not have guessed that he was number one in his class academically. He seemed too normal for that and too involved in extracurriculars like student government. Obviously he’s plenty smart, but the vibe he gave off was more one of diligence and activity than meteoric intelligence. After he was nominated for AG, I got to talking with another old friend who knew him slightly better than I did. We started out saying too bad about the Supreme Court but DOJ must be a pretty good consolation prize. In the end, though, we decided that if a Supreme Court seat had opened suddenly on January 21, and the President had offered Garland his choice, he would have taken the attorney general job without hesitation. I realize this doesn’t mean much coming from a couple of guys who haven’t spoken to him in 40 years, but it seems to us that Garland was driven by a sense of duty and an ambition to do good, and that after all these years on the bench he would be impatient for some action. I heartily wish Garland had been confirmed five years ago, but despite his excellent record as a jurist, he would not have been uniquely valuable on the court. In fact, his age and perhaps his moderation might have made him less than optimal, but Obama no doubt viewed these as advantages under the circumstances. If anyone had a chance at confirmation, it wouldn’t be a young fire-breather. On the other hand, Garland may be uniquely qualified to rescue Justice from the politicized travesty that William Barr left behind. He spent most of his non-judicial career as a lawyer in the DOJ, and as discussed in the original post, was involved in the Oklahoma City, Unabomber, and Atlanta Olympics domestic terrorism prosecutions. I once read praise of Garland by Tim McVeigh’s defense lawyer, who said that he was not only a straight shooter when it came to prosecutorial conduct but was so thorough that he left McVeigh with no appellate issues. More than his expertise on domestic terrorism, Garland is sure to have deep support from those demoralized DOJ career lawyers who were able to stick it out under Barr, as well as the support of the veterans mentioned above. I am always struck when watching MSNBC at the clear pride guests like Chuck Rosenberg and Joyce Vance (to name just two) take in DOJ’s reputation for independence and impartiality. They often invoke what Edward Levi did to restore confidence after William Mitchell’s complicity in Watergate. My friend and I think that Garland must view the chance to do what Levi did, rather than being just another justice, as the thing he is meant to do, and he’s probably right about that.
James E Powell
CNN’s Host & Three Talking Heads discussing the need for Biden & the Democrats to aggressively sell the ARP. Not one of them mentioned that:
1) this is required in no small measure because the Republicans are going to lie about it and the press/media, including CNN, will provide a platform for them to do so and
2) the press/media, including CNN, is mostly worthless at reporting accurately what the government is doing.
@Doc Sardonic: Noted. A poop Sun would also be very stinky.
zhena gogolia
Congratulations! I think we’ll be much closer to normal in the fall.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Kent: Congratulations to both you and your daughter! You must be proud.
Disposal of anything into the Sun is not energy-efficient, even with a slingshot maneuver. If getting it off-planet is a requirement, you can repeat Elon’s stunt with the car.
That was like when Hillary walked into the state department the first time to the cheers of the staff. A grown up is in charge again.
@Kent: Congratulations!
And I will do my part, by raising money to support new incoming undergrads like your kid!
Another Scott
@PST: Thanks very much.
@Ken: Whatever happened to that Tesla?
TaMara (HFG)
@PST: That was an amazing insight. Thank you for sharing.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@PST: Once again I am impressed by the commentators on BJ. Beyond the great Front Pagers, the breadth of knowledge and experience in ordinary posters is wonderful (not that you are ordinary :-). Thanks for your insightful comments.
ETA: Of course TaMara got there first :-)
TaMara (HFG)
@mrmoshpotato: It still seems to be orbiting, but degrading over time.
This website shows where it might be at any given point in time.
Hey, congratulations!
Salty Sam
Dang it! I know at some point, video clips of “normal” won’t make me weep- but I’m not there yet. The DOJ staffers applauding the arrival of our new AG just did me in…
@Kent: Congrats!
J R in WV
Give her our most sincere congratulations. Harder to do than it sounds. Whoot!
Miss Bianca
@Kent: Late to this thread, but HEARTIEST congratulations to your girl, and delighted to hear she may be a Husky!
Miss Bianca
@PST: Thank you for that. I thoroughly needed that word portrait right now, for some reason.