President Trump is looking better than ever before!! He’s getting in shape for 2024 and the liberals are freaking out!!
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 14, 2021
Fair (trigger) warning: I’ve tucked all images of The Former Guy below the fold, so DON’T BLAME ME if you click through.
Now that the miserable sumbich is safely out of power & the limelight, we (or, at least, I) can take pleasure in the suffering of his whole pack of lampreys…
Apparently, the word went out to say "he's looking great!", which might suggest that they know he's not looking all that great.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) March 14, 2021
Dispatch from DC, via the Guardian, “Trump’s Washington hotel echoes to silence of missing Maga crowd”:
Once it was like a second White House for the Maga crowd. Now it is in danger of becoming a white elephant.
Clobbered first by the coronavirus pandemic, then by its owner’s election defeat, the Trump International Hotel in Washington is reeling from a huge loss of income and prestige. For critics of the former US president, it is welcome proof of how quickly the city is moving on without him.
“It used to be the hub of Trump World but I can’t imagine who goes there now,” said Sally Quinn, a local author and journalist. “We don’t even have tourists yet in Washington. I can’t imagine most people staying there when they come. I don’t know anybody who goes there or has gone there.”…
Dismissed by Sally Quinn, like a common Clinton! You *know* that’s gotta hurt — not just the Former Guy, but also his social-skidmarking offspring.
president trump is losing weight and looking like a proctologist finger condom filled with mashed potatoes left under a 7-11 heat lamp and it’s driving the liberals insane
— kilgore trout, ted’s travel agent (@KT_So_It_Goes) March 14, 2021
i make it a point not to mock people’s appearance because staying in shape is hard but lol low key just between you and me grim reaper is coming for this mother fucker like sharpish. count the days, homie. omar comin’
— Peloton InfoSec Analyst (Incident Response) (@CalmSporting) March 14, 2021
Trump was supposed to be a political Godzilla in exile. Instead, he’s adrift. – POLITICO
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) March 14, 2021
Politico, of course, doesn’t know whether to mock or mourn:
He backed away from creating a third party and has soured on the costly prospect of launching his own TV empire or social media startup.
His vow to target disloyal Republicans with personally-recruited primary challengers has taken a backseat to conventional endorsements of senators who refused to indulge his quest to overturn the 2020 election.
And though he was supposed to build a massive political apparatus to keep his MAGA movement afloat, it’s unclear to Republicans what his PAC is actually doing, beyond entangling itself in disputes with Republican icons and the party’s fundraising arms.
“There is no apparatus, no structure and part of that is due to a lack of political understanding on Trump’s behalf,” said a person close to the former president, noting that Trump has struggled to learn the ropes of post-presidential politicking…
“For any normal politician, it would look like he’s trying to have it both ways but really he’s trying to have it his way,” said a former Trump White House official. “He only cares about maintaining his power and his stranglehold over the Republican Party and it doesn’t matter to him how any of the moves he makes affect the long-term success of institutions or individuals other than himself.”
Trump has always been an impulsive figure who demanded loyalty from those around him. But those traits have come with positions of power: whether atop a real estate empire, as a media celebrity, or — in his last iteration — as president of the United States…
Jarvanka not in evidence, you’ll notice! Just the spouse of much-mocked lesser spawn Eric, a lady who’s valiantly (desperately) grifting away at a much reduced level…
Jesus. What a headline.
The Trump family steals from kids with cancer (and paid $2m fine)
They steal from dogs in shelters.
Dog Rescue Charity Linked To Lara Trump Funneling Money Into Donald Trump’s Pocket via @Yahoo
— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) March 13, 2021
Who wants to start the rumor that Young Prince Jared is off recovering from yet another round of plastic surgery, hoping to disassociate himself from some part of the upcoming gotterdammerung?
It's like he's in stage 4 or 5 of a 10 stage process of becoming Stephen Miller. Wish him luck with his transition.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) March 13, 2021
Technically, “He looks like a warmed-over corpse” and “He’s looking better than ever” can both be truthful. Just not in this particular case.
smedley the uncertain
Goin for one.
ETA got two… Oh well
Last night, someone said T**** was still on Twitter. Does anyone know where? Twitter search is of no help.
Villago Delenda Est
Go Ceausescu on this bunch.
Around here two is better than one, though the song claims that two can be as bad as one.
John Revolta
That’s really weird. Jared looked way better the old way. Who looks at old Peter Lorre movies and says, “That’s the image I want!!”?
smedley the uncertain
TFG will never look as good as Lenin.
Apparently Jared had a WSJ oped? I saw it on Twitter but didn’t click through. If I recall the headline, it was related to Middle East foreign policy advice for Biden’s team? *siiigh*
How can i miss you when you won’t go away?
You know he’s really let himself go when he’s forgotten to orange his skin.
@smedley the uncertain: Lenin has a hundred-year head start. But it is hard to imagine even the most insane of Trump cultists dragging his body out once a year to replace any pieces that have fallen off and add another coat of varnish.
I feel sure that at least one member of that family is busily attempting to make a Dalmatian fur coat.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Attention = Oxygen.
@smedley the uncertain: As a high school student, I visited the Soviet Union a year or two before the final collapse of the Communist government. The longest line we encountered was to visit Lenin’s Tomb. The second longest line was to get in to the Moscow McDonalds, at that time the only one in the entire country.
Trying to understand why you would ever want to find his twitter stream/persona/whatever-it’s-called. As I recall, you hate him as much as anyone here does, and more than most, so …
Is it atonement for something? If so, wouldn’t 1000 Ave Marias and 1000 Pater nosters be better?
Chetan Murthy
I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers that parvenu, Sally Quinn. Hisssss!
Starboard Tack
Any bets on the Richter reading when he falls off the perch?
Cruella DrumpfVil(l)e?
@Starboard Tack:
I don’t recall anyone ever saying he has beautiful plumage.
@debbie: He’s not on twitter, but (sigh) every time he releases.. someone releases a message in his name, it immediately gets plastered all over Twitter, both by his supporters and his opponents. I’m surprised they aren’t doing it more.
OT, but while trying to negotiate out of a lumpy snowy parking lot, my transmission just went bang. Now awaiting the tender mercies of AAA.
Starboard Tack
The combover IS remarkable.
He looks like any of the less-balanced characters I see staggering around the local coffee shop.
Amir Khalid
Apparently, he’s tweeting via proxy: writing out tweet-length statements, which he then gives to friends who still have Twitter accounts. Helping him circumvent his permanent ban strikes me as an obvious violation of Twitter policy, and Twitter should ban his proxies. But Twitter hasn’t said anything.
OT: we have achieved peak Loomis!
Jim Appleton
@Villago Delenda Est: Weird. In my short life, the four world leaders I’ve met face to face are Ceauscescu, Anastasio Somosa, GHW Bush, and IDJT.
Amir Khalid
@Chetan Murthy:
Consider this: Sally Quinn still sees herself as a big wheel in DC, but The Guardian now has to explain to people who she is.
zhena gogolia
I hope you get rescued soon!
zhena gogolia
@Jim Appleton:
What did you do to deserve that?
@Jim Appleton: I have never met a world leader face-to-face, but once when I was utilizing the men’s room at a restaurant in Bangkok a former Prime Minister of Thailand (Chatchai Choonhaven) came up to the urinal next to me to relieve himself.
Mary G
He looks awful. Good. Jared looks like a character from Westworld. Ick.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
Fuck the whole lot of them. Thank God they’re irrelevant now.
Fair Economist
I blocked The Former Guy on Twitter a year ago and it was a great decision. I really don’t care what he says or does at this point. Sort of interested in which Republicans are crawling on their knees to Their Lady of Lardass but it’s becoming clear that’s going to be almost all of them so not much longer. What I’m interested in now is what us sane people can do.
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
What Jared has is no longer the face of a real human being. But it is the face he deserves.
Jim Appleton
@zhena gogolia: Honestly, prep school took care of three, a chance encounter in front of the Benson Hotel in Portland led to me induced vomiting in front of GHWB and Barb as they were getting into a limo.
Chetan Murthy
@Amir Khalid: And Hillary Clinton is still beloved of many, many millions. Just deserts.
No, it’s glee in watching him decline and disintegrate.
Ohio Mom
Ugh. Hope Triple A doesn’t make you wait too long.
About Jared’s many faces: I can’t begin to guess what he thinks when he sees himself in the mirror. Can’t he tell he started out good-looking and that every surgery has left him weirder looking?
Trump looks so ghastly, good judgment by AL to put his pix below the fold. This is a family blog.
I didn’t know Jared used to look like a normal person. He paid money for surgery to make him look like a generic wax museum template? These people are totally weird.
Apparently the dog charity is real and legit. Several people (who claim to be normal, that is, not Trumpsters) say that they have rescue dogs from it. i don’t know if that makes the Trumpster scam better or worse. If it were totally fake, then only the Trumpster fan base marks would be ripped off. But if Trumps are wetting their beaks in the take, then a real dog rescue group is getting cheated too. Anyone know more about that angle?
@Amir Khalid:
Okay, thanks.
Starboard Tack
So it isn’t you missing all the best words?
You know what’s weird? A couple days ago, well before these ghastly pictures came out, the thought popped into my head, “Gee, I hope they hurry up and charge Trump with some major felonies, because if he croaks before being charged, they’re going to feel duty bound to give him a big impressive state funeral.”
Do I have Foresight?
Mary G
@jl: I read somewhere that they have a very respectable Charity Navigator rating of 80. Maybe they raise a ton of money from lavish dinners. A lot of rich people’s charities do. They still need to move from Mar-a-Logo.
@Mary G:
They do. I wonder what the draw is for the members? However great the amenities, it comes with a loony-tunes owner who lives on-site, and whenever the old crackpot crashes your event, you have to pretend to be thrilled about it.
The Lodger
@Jim Appleton: Wasn’t Anastasio Somosa the vice president of India?
@JoyceH: Not if he croaks before the pandemic restrictions are lifted…
The news that still makes me go????
After finding out about it…
Mnuchin had literally stashed away ONE MUTHAPHUCKIN’ TRILLION DOLLARS???
Can you imagine being the Treasury Department underling who reported that to Secretary Yellin?!??
The look on her face when she found out???
You do understand that they fully intended to STEAL IT once Dolt45 was re-elected, right???
@dmsilev: I noticed that too. I wondered what seemed different about him and realized that he wasn’t wearing his usual makeup. I wonder why not — too humid in Florida? Thumbs-down from Melania? Bronx Colors no longer making his favorite shade? I remember reading that interview with two of his housekeepers who said that there always had to be two full containers and 1 half-full container of his liquid makeup in his room. Maybe the Mar-a-Lago staff left 1 container that was only a third full, the horror.
@Starboard Tack:
It is not.
I wonder, though, how much of Trump’s apparent aging is actual aging and how much is him just letting himself go? I remember when Paul Manafort would make court appearances and people talked about how much prison had aged him, and I replied that much of that was the result of a man who’d lived a millionaire lifestyle suddenly having to go without his colorist and his facials and the steaming and toning and primping and preening that you have done for you when you have plenty of time and money.
But the fact that Trump isn’t even trying is a sign of age or depression or something. And the pastiness seems to indicate that he’s not even golfing! For years that bronzer would have acted like a sunscreen, but without it, why isn’t he getting a natural tan if he’s actually out on the course?
It occurs to me that if you want to claim Trump is “getting in shape” then you must also admit that he was previously out of shape, despite his claims of being the most physically fit specimen ever to hold the office of the Presidency..
My comment earlier today to one of the ‘looking great’ bits was that Tr–p looks like any number of bored, listless retired men wandering down to the Embassy Suites breakfast buffet, hoping to snarf some bacon before his wife catches him
@RaflW: We will not truly be back to normal until we are once again able to be haunted by such a sight first-hand.
Amir Khalid
@The Lodger:
I think he was the chef who invented a famous Indian dish.
COVID long hauling.
@JoyceH: Story says Lara Trump is in charge of the fundraiser, so the Trumps have both front hooves in the trough. I don’t think much of the money has much chance of reaching the actual charity, no matter where they hold the fundraiser.
West of the Rockies
So you two had a little head to head?
I just wonder why Melanoma has not filed for divorce.
He’s never actually golfed. That requires a modicum of skill and at least a laughable adherence to the rules. What shitforbrains does every time he goes out is cheat at golf. Now the lying part, that is pretty much normal for amateur golfing in my experience, unless you are so bad that no one would ever believe you. He’s that bad.
@Ohio Mom:
If you think Jared looks awful, imagine what the portrait he’s hidden in the attic looks like.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@John Revolta: I had never seen pictures of the “old” Jared and he was actually kind of cute. Now he looks grim and haunted. Some plastic surgery results are weird (especially since people pay to get the weird results).
Have you seen Cat on a Hot Tin Roof? Big Daddy looks great!!
Amir Khalid
Why would anyone need 2 1/2 bottles of liquid makeup?
Looks like the Kremlin’s orange shitstain wouldn’t have the stamina for sucking Putin’s asshole for four more years. Glad enough of us in enough states punched him in his fat, orange, fascist face with our votes!
@Amir Khalid:
Two bottles aren’t enough when covering your fascist face with a brick layer’s trowel?
@different-church-lady: It’s been 372 days* since I had a pour-your-own hotel waffle. Of course that’s a pretty infinitesimal thing to even note, but it’s still gonna be a while before things snap back. Self-serve breakfast may be one of the later – they always felt a little marginal in sanitation, IMO.
*I remember it, because Covid was very much on our minds, but I decided to keep my travel plans with friends for a quick driving weekend March 7-8, 2020 to ski the north shore of MN. And I remember even with the rising Covid worries, not a damn person at the AmericInn besides me was even using hand sanitizer at breakfast. Oh, how naive even I was then!
Me, personally, I say: Fuck standard time, but in effect it’s the same complaint. (Morning people will disagree with me on that, I suspect).
I have an annual conference all next week. Normally held in some convention center or another, this year it’ll be several dozen parallel Zoom sessions. Which will start at 6 AM Pacific. Yeah, I think not. Guess I’m going to be signing in for the second session each day, starting at a more civilized 9 AM.
The real irony, of course, being that Joe Biden is now the landlord of Dolt 45’s D.C. hotel. The executive branch holds the power of potential foreclosure.
@Amir Khalid: Might very well be a display of dominance, making the peons fulfill stupid requests just because he can.
Speaking of flailing, failing Republicans, Friday night the Virginia Republican State Central Commitee came up with another plan to choose nominees for Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General, to run in this November’s election: an “unassembled convention.” Delegates will meet May 8 in 37 locations accross the state, and cast ranked choice votes, picking a first and a second choice. The method of selecting delegates will be left up to the District (Congressional) and Unit (city or county) Commitees. A cumbersome and non-democratic outcome from a divided State Committee.
The state of Virginia is always willing to conduct a primary election for free. But Republican leaders are terrified that pistol-packing State Senator Amanda Chase would win with a plurality composed of bible-thumpers and gun nuts, and then lead a Republican wipeout in November.
Also, IIRC, 1 full and 1 half full container of Tic Tacs in his bedroom.
(Not snark; from the same article some time back.)
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Typically Presidents do their aging while in office, leave to Trump to get even that wrong. Some were in Mar-a-Largo there is a boot filled with urine that no has figured out how to empty.
And Kushner chose to look like he was perpetually 10 year old boy some kind of indescribably awful personality disorder? Good gawd.
Amir Khalid
I’m wondering about the Presidents Club. Did Trump refuse to join, or did Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama decide not to invite him?
@Geminid: Watching the VA GOP has been very entertaining. You can root for injuries between the factions, but they barely seen to need the encouragement.
@Redshift: Yes, they’re all being recorded. So, that’s what I’m going to do if there’s anything in the early sessions that I want to see.
@Ohio Mom
His goal apparently is to end up looking like the most generic replica of a ventriloquist’s dummy as possible.
Amir Khalid
Good point.
@Amir Khalid: For the vaccine video? I’m sure they asked him. They’re too polite not to, and it wasn’t up to the real presidents anyway. And of he could actually manage to say a genuine appeal, it could have helped, since his people are the least likely to say they’re getting vaccinated.
He either wanted to be paid, or he didn’t want to do vaccine promotion for the same reason he did his jab in secret – he cares about being worshipped by his followers, not about what’s good for them, and wouldn’t risk they might not follow if he contradicted the lies he’s told them.
@Amir Khalid:
Hard to say at this point, but when I read that Biden had rehung the portraits of Clinton and Bush2 and then stated that he’d invite the twit for his portrait hanging….well, I just don’t know. My guess is that he refused and he’ll likely refuse to the hanging of his portrait. I base that on the fact that he never invited Obama for the hanging of his portrait.
@Mary G:
Jared looks like Tom Riddle from the HP movies. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if he ends up looking like Voldemort.
No worries, so did I. Today has been odd, however.
You’re kidding, right? Donald is her soul mate.
T* looks as animated as a department store manikin.
But Jared actually looks like a department store manikin. I didn’t realize he used to be handsome (never having paid attention to the parasitic twerp before T* was elected). Maybe he was aging badly – how old are those “Before” photos? – and the choice was either look like Dorian Gray’s portrait or botox his whole face.
I want them all to die in prison.
Captain C
@JCJ: In college I got shit-faced several times with a guy who went on to become the Georgian Ambassador to Russia.
Starboard Tack
Jared’s face matches his soul now. Further deterioration isn’t possible.
……..count the days, homie. omar comin’,
Good Lord, that’s some funny shit right there–I almost fell off the couch laughing.
Dumbest shit I’ve read all week.
Most likely, next week, too.
Starboard Tack
TFG could use a Manssiere.
Sloane Ranger
It looks like Jared was conventionally handsome at one time, then he chose to have surgery to make him look like Central castings stereotype of a supercilious upper class Englishman. Presumably he wanted his outer appearance to match his personality?
At least Stalin’s sycophants knew their lives were on the line. These people* are just concerned tRump will say something mean about them!
*Not including those in on the grifts; we know why they fluff the loser.
Amir Khalid
@Sloane Ranger:
Now that you mention it, Jared does look like a contender for Upper Class Twit of the Year.
Jared obviously wanted a face that would match his voice.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
In those photos Dump isn’t wearing his fake spray on tan and let his hair go grey.
In must be killing him to see Biden getting so much love in commentary and in the polls, as no one is talking about him, not even Fox, who have moved on to Mr Potato Head.
Abnormal Hiker
@Jim Appleton: I worked for two years at the Crossroads of the World (TM), but the most famous person i saw there was Colonel Sanders. Some of my coworkers saw Fidel Castro. One claims to have cursed Leonid Brezhnev in Ukrainian.
@Amir Khalid:
@Jim Appleton:
Can’t be all that short, since Ceaucescu’s been dead since Christmas 1989.
Can’t claim to have met any world leaders face to face, but I met notorious spook James Jesus Angleton once.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Just think: only two months ago, we were still worried that TFG would do something on his way out the door that would horribly mess up the country and/or the world, and now he’s playing third (or lower) fiddle on Fox to Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head.
The world is a much better place now.
Translation: too many federal agencies are watching for him to use another business set up to go bankrupt as a money laundering front.
@Abnormal Hiker:
Did he bear a striking resemblance to Gin & Tonic?
@Jim Appleton: I’ve shaken Obama’s hand and got his autograph in my 2008 Presidential Primary Debate Book. The benefits to going to school in Iowa, I guess
ETA Backstory – my campus hosted a debate, and students could register for tickets through a lottery. I won a ticket (Yay!) and after the debate i stopped by the near campus Obama Campaign watch party site, and the candidate stopped by. ?
Though now that you mention it, these new pictures of Former Guy somewhat resemble Mr. Potato. And Jared has a bit of a freshly-varnished Woody vibe.
Uncle Cosmo
@dmsilev: I was in the first MickeyDee’s behind the Iron Curtain (Budapest, Váci út 1-3) the last summer there was any semblance of an Iron Curtain. Next summer I was having a burger with new friends in arguably the fanciest McD’s on the planet – in Budapest’s Nyugati pályaudvar (Western Train Station).
The 2 best things about Eastern Bloc Golden Arches were, first, lavatory facilities that were clean and free; second, you could learn the local word(s) for “thank you” by reading the door flaps on the trash bins.
In ’92 I went with my Significant-Ex to the first McDonald’s in Prague (Vodickova, Nove Mesto) and as we left she noted that, after a couple of days in town, the young man who took our order was the first service person in the city who actually smiled at us. I replied, I’ll bet they had to pound that into him at Mickey Dee Training School. (In those days the Czechs weren’t known for their friendliness to customers. It’s better now…)
Pretty much anywhere I’ve traveled in Europe I’ve gotten a modest chuckle visiting the local McD’s just to see what’s different.
Uncle Cosmo
@Amir Khalid:
Uncle Cosmo
@Jim Appleton: And the first three are dirtnapping. Dast we hope – ???
Chris T.
No doubt, yes. But however bad their motives, the effect is actually a good one. Treasury interest rates are so low right now that the government should be selling as much of them as they can.
@trnc: Also:: NO MONEY…and investors/suckers with sufficient bucks are pretty thin on the ground