Breaking WaPo: U.S. authorities have arrested and charged two men with assaulting U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick with bear spray during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) March 15, 2021
“Give me that bear s—,” Khater allegedly said to Tanios on video recorded at the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol at 2:14 p.m., where Sicknick and other officers were standing guard behind metal bicycle racks, arrest papers say.
Open thread
Sure, but if they did it because they love this country, that’s OK, Ron Johnson says.
That’s good news, and I hope that they continue rounding up the white supremacists.
OT how are the ducks?
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Fair trial, fine hanging. Okay, I’d accept Fair Trial, rest of life in a fed penitentiary with no chance of parole.
Glad to know that the investigation is getting results, and now it’s a question of getting the Congressional Republicans to admit they are in league with murdering radicals.
The Moar You Know
We are such a nice country, at least to right-wing terrorists. In most nations, participating in a coup against a legitimate government is a one-way trip to the gallows or firing squad. And should be.
Mai Naem mobile
So does John know this Tanios guy? I mean like everybody knows each other in WVa right?
Bobby Thomson
@Mai Naem mobile:
He’s really from New Jersey. So is the other guy.
Lock ’em up!
Ever since Gordon Kahl, Branch Davidians, and Ruby Ridge, I have been waiting for Democrats to start painting the right wing as baby-raping cop killers, or at least being supporters. Perhaps we are finally starting to become uncivil enough to paint a true picture of these “patriots”.
@Baud: Slap them with their own skeletons!
@waspuppet: My clients are only guilty of one thing, your honor. Guilty of loving this country too much!
@The Moar You Know:
No it isn’t. Most nations have abolished capital punishment.
If trying to violently overthrow a democratically elected government because my candidate lost is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Paul M Gottlieb
@Benw: Oh! and murder. So that’s two things: Loving my country too much and murder
Bobby Thomson
@justawriter: By prohibiting Sunday voting, Republicans in Georgia are objectively working against Christians.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Paul M Gottlieb: “Let’s not bicker and argue about who killed who.”
-Monty Python
Death Panel Truck
@Redshift: According to Amnesty International, although most nations have abolished capital punishment, over 60% of the world’s population live in countries where the death penalty is retained, such as China, India, the United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Japan, and Taiwan.
@Baud: @Paul M Gottlieb: furthermore, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, as you know many a jury has refused to convict a racist, killer cop; can you not do the same for these racist cop killers!?
I am no fan at all of the felony murder statutes but so many POC would have been instantaneously charged with it in circumstances where a fatality was much less foreseeable than this one. If you are fighting over an opportunity to bear spray a very outnumbered cop during a riot attended by hundreds of people in military gear who are erecting gallows and shouting their desire to execute people, and then that cop is indeed murdered by your crowd, well . . . .
Patricia Kayden
@waspuppet: They’re actually Antifa and BLM activists. No real (White Christian) patriot would engage in such reprehensible behavior. /s
@PaulWartenberg: they don’t have to admit it if investigation can prove it. If Comgressional Republicans provided support, then we put them on trial and throw them in jail or execute them for treason.
Uncle Cosmo
No no no – everybody is related to everyone else in WV.
(Central question on WV Bar Exam: If a WV man and WV woman get married and then get divorced, are they still brother and sister?)
You laugh (at least I hope you laugh) but swaretaDog, one of my very best friends married a WV girl many years back – & after their divorce, when she remarried it was to her first cousin.
(signed) Son of WV Refugees With Many Cousins Still Back In “The Sticks”
Tom Levenson
@E.: Prediction is hard, especially about the future, but I note that the second linked article says that authorities haven’t determent yet whether or not the bear spray contributed to the officer’s death.
Felony murder charges can still be filed, is what I’m saying.
Balloon Juice, where the full services we provide include occasional bouts of whiplash.
So she’d tried marrying one of those foreigners from more than 50 miles away, and when that didn’t work out (just like her parents had warned her), she went back to the traditions that had worked so well for centuries, and married a local boy?
Citizen Alan
It is a testament to how much damage living in Trump’s America has done to my soul that I have reconsidered my once total opposition to capital punishment. I make an exception for violent insurrections.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Mai Naem mobile:
Weat Virginia Greeks aren’t like city Greeks – they’ll out-wingnut your most virulent wingnut, in my experience.
Chief Oshkosh
@Citizen Alan: I hear you, and that’s my inclination. But it is all too easy to imagine how it would be applied to POC simply and non-violently exercising First Amendment rights.
@Citizen Alan:
I am ok with them walking from Washington DC to Arizona and if some tears are shed during that, whatchamacallit, trail perhaps? and some stragglers shot by the side of the road … ah well, gotta break eggs and all.
Also, how about we reuse Sheriff Arpaio’s tent camps and the first one to rat out the rest gets half a cup of water.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’ll add this – the other dude is probably a Pennsyltucky Leb/Syrian – those guys are ALSO rabid wingnuts. They just happen to go to Situ’s (grandma’s) house for kibbee, tabouleh and baklawa every couple of months.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
George Tanios, operator of Sandwich U, arrested for role in U.S. Capitol riot
And the Fat Sandwich menu!‘
Cole knows this joint even if he doesn’t go there.
I normally try to promote restorative justice, but I’m not sure that works with these folks. If they don’t get stepped on hard, they’ll assume they can get away with sedition. And they wouldn’t necessarily be wrong, since it appears that more than a few people in police or military uniforms agree with them.
@Ken: I believe that 26 States allow first cousins to marry so, WVA isn’t exactly and outlier in this regards.
@Tom Levenson: Two thousand years from now, little will be remembered of our culture, except for the quotations of our foremost philosopher, Yogi Berra.
@Uncle Cosmo:
It’s actually quite a venerable tradition among wealthy white folks. FDR, Einstein, Darwin, David Lean, HG Welles, Poe, and a gaggle of royal folks married cousins. Even Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgewick are, like, 9th cousins or some such.
patrick II
The majority of us might be 9th cousins or some such.
Where possible, it should be emphasized that the attack on the Capitol and the Capitol police was not just a political stunt or misunderstanding or prank.
@Cermet: Sorry, I didn’t mean to single out WV; more the attitudes that keep so many young people trapped in their home town with few prospects.
@Tom Levenson: With felony murder it doesn’t matter if the bear spray actually contributed to the death, only that the death occurred and was foreseeable from the commission of the felony, which is assault on a police officer.
My favorite case is the news helicopter that crashes while filming a black guy fleeing police. Bingo, felony murder. Shoulda known a news helicopter might crash when you went for your joyride.
Can’t for these men to be outed as antifa to the chagrin of their friends. That’ll probably just add indignity to the whole affair. They’re house is probably festooned with blue lives matter flags too.
@Citizen Alan: I have had the exact same thoughts about capital punishment, but I keep coming back to two things – first, whether an action is right or wrong doesn’t depend on my personal distaste or antipathy toward the person being punished, and second, our long history of killing people because they are so damned awful has not ever been effective in reducing the percentage of assholes among us.
citizen dave
You guys made me think of the great “second cousins” verse in Choctaw Bingo.
Re: Vaccine proof to fly, the U.S. industry last week asked the Biden administration to create something:
Maybe tie it to Pre-Check or something? Was wondering the other day how I proved vaccinations for Cambodia and Vietnam, and realized I sent the proof to the people getting me my visa. Seems like this is going to be a big job, verifying millions of travelers’ vaccinations.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Its got the classics for Greek guys in the hinterland – gyros and falafel.
Didn’t check for dessert – baklava is kind of a sonofabitch to make.
Juicer Jennifer Rubin channels us all again:
Another Scott
@Tom Levenson: Made me look.
Mike in NC
Patiently awaiting the arrest of the GQP folks who encouraged/assisted the mob in trashing the Capitol. Cruz, Hawley, Boebert, Greene, Gosar, etc.
The shock some people are going to get when they discover they don’t get to grade their own patriotism (or racism, or adherence to law). Nor do they get to inform God that he has forgiven them.
Well, I guess a mere mortal can dream, can’t they?
Another Scott
ObOpenThread – KrebsOnSecurity:
[womp, womp]
Uncle Cosmo
@FridayNext: “Venerable tradition” it may be, but first-cousinhood unremoved (though it might be legal) is just a tad too genetically close for most folks’ tastes.
Roger Moore
The question is not whether it is legal but how common it is. And it’s not just people from backwoods Appalachia who tend to marry their first cousins. It’s common in all kinds of tight-knit communities that are either suspicious of outsiders or forbidden from marrying outside their group, like religious minorities or European royalty.
Definitely an early contender for this year’s “Absolute truth in advertising” prize.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: a number of the city Greeks I know are pretty wingnutty. One of them shared that meme about the stutterer (Biden) beating the bully (Trump) because they thought it was a dig at Biden.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: shouldn’t be an issue for you—when is the last time you were right about anything?
@raven: Fuck this traitorous Nazi shitstain, but give me the entire menu for free.
Steve in the ATL
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
And tastes awful, unless you’re a fan of sickly sweet
Steve in the ATL
@Spanky: do we get royalties from the professional press and whatnot who rip off our ideas?
I’m still waiting for one of these indictments to include DNA evidence from somebody’s poop smear in the US Capitol.
@Albatrossity: Ah yes. “Your dumb ass got caught because you smeared your shit on the wall.”
@Steve in the ATL:
OMG! You have obviously only had terrible baklava. It should be sweet, yes. But not sickly sweet.
Starboard Tack
My favorite:
During spring training, someone asked Yogi what his hat size was.
“I don’t know. I’m not in shape yet.”
@patrick II:
You got me there. What shape jello-salad are you bringing to the reunion this summer?
@Uncle Cosmo:
Absolutely. But we only make fun of poor people who do it, not rich people or celebrities.
@geg6: It could also be a matter of taste – I would’ve loved baklava as a kid, but when I hit 30 my sweet tooth rotted out of my mouth apparently. Now even some mere fruit juices are too sweet to me.
This is very good news. Screw them to the walls!
Just Some Fuckhead
@Uncle Cosmo:
My wife’s parents married as first cousins – in Virginia because it’s illegal in WV.